Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site  [Support] (2024)


  • Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 and FlexVPN Site-to-Site
  • Finding Feature Information
  • Prerequisites for Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2
  • Restrictions for Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2
  • Information About Internet Key Exchange Version 2
  • IKEv2 Supported Standards
  • Benefits of IKEv2
  • Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs
  • IKEv2 Proposal
  • IKEv2 Policy
  • IKEv2 Profile
  • IKEv2 Key Ring
  • IKEv2 Smart Defaults
  • IKEv2 Suite-B Support
  • How to Configure Internet Key Exchange Version 2
  • Configuring Basic Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs
  • Configuring the IKEv2 Key Ring
  • What to Do Next
  • Configuring an IKEv2 Profile (Basic)
  • Configuring Advanced Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs
  • Configuring Global IKEv2 Options
  • Configuring IKEv2 Fragmentation
  • Configuring IKEv2 Proposal
  • What to Do Next
  • Configuring IKEv2 Policies
  • Configuration Examples for Internet Key Exchange Version 2
  • Configuration Examples for Basic Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs
  • Example: Configuring the IKEv2 Key Ring
  • Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with Multiple Peer Subblocks
  • Example: IKEv2 Keyring with Symmetric Preshared Keys Based on an IP Address
  • Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with Asymmetric Preshared Keys Based on an IP Address
  • Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with Asymmetric Preshared Keys Based on a Hostname
  • Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with Symmetric Preshared Keys Based on an Identity
  • Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with a Wildcard Key
  • Example: Matching a Key Ring
  • Example: Configuring the Profile
  • Example: IKEv2 Profile Matched on Remote Identity
  • Example: IKEv2 Profile Supporting Two Peers
  • Example: Configuring FlexVPN Site-to-Site with Dynamic Routing Using Certificates and IKEv2 Smart Defaults
  • Configuration Examples for Advanced Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs
  • Example: Configuring the Proposal
  • Example: IKEv2 Proposal with One Transform for Each Transform Type
  • Example: IKEv2 Proposal with Multiple Transforms for Each Transform Type
  • Example: IKEv2 Proposals on the Initiator and Responder
  • Example: Configuring the Policy
  • Example: IKEv2 Policy Matched on a VRF and Local Address
  • Example: IKEv2 Policy with Multiple Proposals That Match All Peers in a Global VRF
  • Example: IKEv2 Policy That Matches All Peers in Any VRF
  • Example: Matching a Policy
  • Where to Go Next
  • Additional References
  • Feature Information for Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site

Last Updated: September 26, 2012

This module contains information about and instructions for configuring basic and advanced Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN site-to-site. The tasks and configuration examples for IKEv2 in this module are divided as follows:

  • Basic IKEv2--Provides information about basic IKEv2 commands, IKEv2 smart defaults, basic IKEv2 profile, and IKEv2 key ring.
  • Advanced IKEv2--Provides information about global IKEv2 commands and how to override IKEv2 smart defaults.
Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site  [Support] (2)

Security threats, as well as the cryptographic technologies to help protect against them, are constantly changing. For more information about the latest Cisco cryptographic recommendations, see the Next Generation Encryption (NGE) white paper.
  • Finding Feature Information
  • Prerequisites for Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2
  • Restrictions for Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2
  • Information About Internet Key Exchange Version 2
  • How to Configure Internet Key Exchange Version 2
  • Configuration Examples for Internet Key Exchange Version 2
  • Where to Go Next
  • Additional References
  • Feature Information for Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table at the end of this module.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Prerequisites for Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2

You should be familiar with the concepts and tasks described in the "Configuring Security for VPNs with IPsec" module.

Restrictions for Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2

You cannot configure an option that is not supported on a specific platform. For example, in a security protocol, the capability of the hardware-crypto engine is important, and you cannot specify the Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) or the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) type of encryption transform in a nonexportable image, or specify an encryption algorithm that a crypto engine does not support.

Information About Internet Key Exchange Version 2

  • IKEv2 Supported Standards
  • Benefits of IKEv2
  • Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs
  • IKEv2 Smart Defaults
  • IKEv2 Suite-B Support

IKEv2 Supported Standards

Cisco implements the IP Security (IPsec) Protocol standard for use in Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2).

Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site  [Support] (3)

Cisco no longer recommends using DES or MD5 (including HMAC variant); instead, you should use AES and SHA-256. For more information about the latest Cisco cryptographic recommendations, see the Next Generation Encryption (NGE) white paper.

The component technologies implemented in IKEv2 are as follows:

  • AES-CBC--Advanced Encryption Standard-Cipher Block Chaining
  • SHA (HMAC variant)--Secure Hash Algorithm
  • Diffie-Hellman--A public-key cryptography protocol
  • DES--Data Encryption Standard (No longer recommended)
  • MD5 (HMAC [Hash-based Message Authentication Code] variant)--Message digest algorithm 5 (No longer recommended)

For more information about supported standards and component technologies, see the "Supported Standards for Use with IKE" section in the "Configuring Internet Key Exchange for IPsec VPNs" module in the Internet Key Exchange for IPsec VPNs Configuration Guide.

Benefits of IKEv2

Dead Peer Detection and Network Address Translation-Traversal

Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) provides built-in support for Dead Peer Detection (DPD) and Network Address Translation-Traversal (NAT-T).

Certificate URLs

Certificates can be referenced through a URL and hash, instead of being sent within IKEv2 packets, to avoid fragmentation.

Denial of Service Attack Resilience

IKEv2 does not process a request until it determines the requester, which addresses to some extent the Denial of Service (DoS) problems in IKEv1, which can be spoofed into performing substantial cryptographic (expensive) processing from false locations.

EAP Support

IKEv2 allows the use of Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) for authentication.

Multiple Crypto Engines

If your network has both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic and you have multiple crypto engines, choose one of the following configuration options:

  • One engine handles IPv4 traffic and the other engine handles IPv6 traffic.
  • One engine handles both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic.

Reliability and State Management (Windowing)

IKEv2 uses sequence numbers and acknowledgments to provide reliability, and mandates some error-processing logistics and shared state management.

Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs

  • IKEv2 Proposal
  • IKEv2 Policy
  • IKEv2 Profile
  • IKEv2 Key Ring

IKEv2 Proposal

An Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) proposal is a collection of transforms used in the negotiation of Internet Key Exchange (IKE) security associations (SAs) as part of the IKE_SA_INIT exchange. The transform types used in the negotiation are as follows:

  • Encryption algorithm
  • Integrity algorithm
  • Pseudo-Random Function (PRF) algorithm
  • Diffie-Hellman (DH) group

See the "IKEv2 Smart Defaults" section for information about the default IKEv2 proposal. See the "Configuring Advanced IKEv2 CLI Constructs" section for information about how to override the default IKEv2 proposal and to define new proposals.

IKEv2 Policy

An IKEv2 policy contains proposals that are used to negotiate the encryption, integrity, PRF algorithms, and DH group in the IKE_SA_INIT exchange. It can have match statements, which are used as selection criteria to select a policy during negotiation.

See the "IKEv2 Smart Defaults" section for information about the default IKEv2 policy. See the "Configuring Advanced IKEv2 CLI Constructs" section for information about how to override the default IKEv2 policy and to define new policies.

IKEv2 Profile

An IKEv2 profile is a repository of nonnegotiable parameters of the IKE SA, such as local or remote identities and authentication methods and services that are available to authenticated peers that match the profile. An IKEv2 profile must be attached to either a crypto map or an IPSec profile on the initiator. An IKEv2 profile is not mandatory on the responder.

IKEv2 Key Ring

An IKEv2 key ring is a repository of symmetric and asymmetric preshared keys and is independent of the IKEv1 key ring. The IKEv2 key ring is associated with an IKEv2 profile and hence supports a set of peers that match the IKEv2 profile. The IKEv2 key ring gets its VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) context from the associated IKEv2 profile.

IKEv2 Smart Defaults

The IKEv2 Smart Defaults feature minimizes the FlexVPN configuration by covering most of the use cases. IKEv2 smart defaults can be customized for specific use cases, though this is not recommended.

See the "Configuring Advanced IKEv2 CLI Constructs" section for information about how to modify the default IKEv2 constructs.

The following rules apply to the IKEv2 Smart Defaults feature:

  1. A default configuration is displayed in the corresponding show command with default as a keyword and with no argument. For example, the show crypto ikev2 proposal default command displays the default IKEv2 proposal and the show crypto ikev2 proposal command displays the default IKEv2 proposal, along with any user-configured proposals.
  2. A default configuration is displayed in the show running-config all command; it is not displayed in the show running-config command.
  3. You can modify the default configuration, which is displayed in the show running-config all command.
  4. A default configuration can be disabled using the no form of the command; for example, no crypto ikev2 proposal default. A disabled default configuration is not used in negotiation but the configuration is displayed in the show running-config command. A disabled default configuration loses any user modification and restores system-configured values.
  5. A default configuration can be reenabled using the default form of the command, which restores system-configured values; for example, default crypto ikev2 proposal.
  6. The default mode for the default transform set is transport; the default mode for all other transform sets is tunnel.
Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site  [Support] (4)

Cisco no longer recommends using MD5 (including HMAC variant) and Diffie-Hellman (DH) groups 1, 2 and 5; instead, you should use SHA-256 and DH Groups 14 or higher. For more information about the latest Cisco cryptographic recommendations, see the Next Generation Encryption (NGE) white paper.

The following table lists the commands that are enabled with the IKEv2 Smart Defaults feature, along with the default values.

Table 1IKEv2 Command Defaults

Command Name

Default Values

crypto ikev2 authorization policy

Device# show crypto ikev2 authorization policy defaultIKEv2 Authorization policy: defaultroute set interfaceroute accept any tag: 1 distance: 2

crypto ikev2 proposal

Device# show crypto ikev2 proposal default IKEv2 proposal: default Encryption: AES-CBC-256 AES-CBC-192 AES-CBC-128Integrity: SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA96 MD596PRF: SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA1 MD5DH Group: DH_GROUP_1536_MODP/Group 5 DH_GROUP_1024_MODP/Group 2.

crypto ikev2 policy

Device# show crypto ikev2 policy defaultIKEv2 policy: defaultMatch fvrf: anyMatch address local: any Proposal: default

crypto ipsec profile

Device# show crypto ipsec profile defaultIPSEC profile defaultSecurity association lifetime: 4608000 kilobytes/3600 secondsResponder-Only (Y/N): NPFS (Y/N): NTransform sets={default: { esp-aes esp-sha-hmac },}

crypto ipsec transform-set

Device# show crypto ipsec transform-set defaultTransform set default: { esp-aes esp-sha-hmac }will negotiate = { Tunnel, },
Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site  [Support] (5)

Before you can use the default IPsec profile, explicitly specify the crypto ipsec profile command on a tunnel interface using the tunnel protection ipsec profile default command.

IKEv2 Suite-B Support

Suite-B is a set of cryptographic algorithms promulgated by the National Security Agency as part of its Cryptographic Modernization Program. Suite-B for Internet Key Exchange (IKE) and IPsec is defined in RFC 4869. The Suite-B components are as follows:

  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 128- and 256-bit keys configured in the IKEv2 proposal. For data traffic, AES should be used in Galois Counter Mode (GCM) that is configured in the IPsec transform set.
  • Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) configured in the IKEv2 profile.
  • Secure Hashing Algorithm 2 (SHA-256 and SHA-384) configured in the IKEv2 proposal and IPsec transform set.

Suite-B requirements comprise four user-interface suites of cryptographic algorithms for use with IKE and IPsec. Each suite consists of an encryption algorithm, a digital-signature algorithm, a key-agreement algorithm, and a hash- or message-digest algorithm. See the "Configuring Security for VPNs with IPsec" feature module for detailed information about Cisco Suite-B support.

How to Configure Internet Key Exchange Version 2

  • Configuring Basic Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs
  • Configuring Advanced Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs

Configuring Basic Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs

To enable IKEv2 on a crypto interface, attach an Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) profile to the crypto map or IPsec profile applied to the interface. This step is optional on the IKEv2 responder.

Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site  [Support] (6)

The difference between IKEv1 and IKEv2 is that you need not enable IKEv1 on individual interfaces because IKEv1 is enabled globally on all interfaces on a device.

Perform the following tasks to manually configure basic IKEv2 constructs:

  • Configuring the IKEv2 Key Ring
  • Configuring an IKEv2 Profile (Basic)

Configuring the IKEv2 Key Ring

Perform this task to configure the IKEv2 key ring if the local or remote authentication method is a preshared key.

IKEv2 key ring keys must be configured in the peer configuration submode that defines a peer subblock. An IKEv2 key ring can have multiple peer subblocks. A peer subblock contains a single symmetric or asymmetric key pair for a peer or peer group identified by any combination of the hostname, identity, and IP address.

IKEv2 key rings are independent of IKEv1 key rings. The key differences are as follows:

  • IKEv2 key rings support symmetric and asymmetric preshared keys.
  • IKEv2 key rings do not support Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) public keys.
  • IKEv2 key rings are specified in the IKEv2 profile and are not looked up, unlike IKEv1, where keys are looked up on receipt of MM1 to negotiate the preshared key authentication method. The authentication method is not negotiated in IKEv2.
  • IKEv2 key rings are not associated with VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) during configuration. The VRF of an IKEv2 key ring is the VRF of the IKEv2 profile that refers to the key ring.
  • A single key ring can be specified in an IKEv2 profile, unlike an IKEv1 profile, which can specify multiple key rings.
  • A single key ring can be specified in more than one IKEv2 profile, if the same keys are shared across peers matching different profiles.
  • An IKEv2 key ring is structured as one or more peer subblocks.

On an IKEv2 initiator, the IKEv2 key ring key lookup is performed using the peer's hostname or the address, in that order. On an IKEv2 responder, the key lookup is performed using the peer's IKEv2 identity or the address, in that order.

Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site  [Support] (7)

You cannot configure the same identity in more than one peer.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. crypto ikev2 keyring keyring-name

4. peer name

5. description line-of-description

6. hostname name

7. address {ipv4-address [mask] | ipv6-address prefix}

8. identity {address {ipv4-address | ipv6-address} | fqdn name | email email-id | key-id key-id}

9. pre-shared-key {local | remote} [0 | 6] line hex hexadecimal-string

10. end


Command or ActionPurpose




Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.


configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.


crypto ikev2 keyring keyring-name


Device(config)# crypto ikev2 keyring kyr1

Defines an IKEv2 key ring and enters IKEv2 key ring configuration mode.


peer name


Device(config-ikev2-keyring)# peer peer1

Defines the peer or peer group and enters IKEv2 key ring peer configuration mode.


description line-of-description


Device(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)# description this is the first peer

(Optional) Describes the peer or peer group.


hostname name


Device(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)# hostname host1

Specifies the peer using a hostname.


address {ipv4-address [mask] | ipv6-address prefix}


Device(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)# address

Specifies an IPv4 or IPv6 address or range for the peer.

NoteThis IP address is the IKE endpoint address and is independent of the identity address.


identity {address {ipv4-address | ipv6-address} | fqdn name | email email-id | key-id key-id}


Device(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)# identity address

Identifies the IKEv2 peer through the following identities:

  • E-mail
  • Fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
  • IPv4 or IPv6 address
  • Key ID
NoteThe identity is available for key lookup on the IKEv2 responder only.


pre-shared-key {local | remote} [0 | 6] line hex hexadecimal-string


Device(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)# pre-shared-key local key1

Specifies the preshared key for the peer.




Device(config-ikev2-keyring-peer)# end

Exits IKEv2 key ring peer configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

  • What to Do Next
What to Do Next

After configuring the IKEv2 key ring, configure the IKEv2 profile. For more information, see the "Configuring IKEv2 Profile (Basic)" section.

Configuring an IKEv2 Profile (Basic)

Perform this task to configure the mandatory commands for an IKEv2 profile.

An IKEv2 profile is a repository of nonnegotiable parameters of the IKE security association (SA) (such as local or remote identities and authentication methods) and services available to authenticated peers that match the profile. An IKEv2 profile must be configured and associated with either a crypto map or an IPsec profile on the IKEv2 initiator. Use the set ikev2-profile profile-name command to associate a profile with a crypto map or an IPsec profile. To disassociate the profile, use the no form of the command.

The following rules apply to match statements:

  • An IKEv2 profile must contain a match identity or a match certificate statement; otherwise, the profile is considered incomplete and is not used. An IKEv2 profile can have more than one match identity or match certificate statements.
  • An IKEv2 profile must have a single match Front Door VPN routing and forwarding (FVRF) statement.
  • When a profile is selected, multiple match statements of the same type are logically ORed, and multiple match statements of different types are logically ANDed.
  • The match identity and match certificate statements are considered to be the same type of statements and are ORed.
  • Configuration of overlapping profiles is considered a misconfiguration. In the case of multiple profile matches, no profile is selected.

Use the show crypto ikev2 profile profile-name command to display the IKEv2 profile.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. crypto ikev2 profile profile-name

4. description line-of-description

5. aaa accounting {psk | cert | eap} list-name

6. authentication {local {rsa-sig | pre-share | ecdsa-sig | eap} | remote {eap [query-identity | timeout seconds] | rsa-sig | pre-share | ecdsa-sig}}

7. dpd interval retry-interval {on-demand | periodic}

8. identity local {address {ipv4-address | ipv6-address} | dn | email email-string | fqdn fqdn-string | key-id opaque-string}

9.initial-contact [force]

10. ivrf name

11. keyring {local keyring-name | aaa list-name name-mangler mangler-name}

12. lifetime seconds

13. match {address local {ipv4-address | ipv6-address | interface name} | certificate certificate-map | fvrf {fvrf-name | any} | identity remote {address {ipv4-address [mask] | ipv6-address prefix} | {email | fqdn} [domain] string | key-id opaque-string}}

14. nat keepalive seconds

15. pki trustpoint trustpoint-label [sign | verify]

16. redirect gateway auth

17. virtual-template number

18. end


Command or ActionPurpose




Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.


configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.


crypto ikev2 profile profile-name


Device(config)# crypto ikev2 profile profile1

Defines an IKEv2 profile and enters IKEv2 profile configuration mode.


description line-of-description


Device(config-ikev2-profile)# description This is an IKEv2 profile

(Optional) Describes the profile.


aaa accounting {psk | cert | eap} list-name


Device(config-ikev2-profile)# aaa accounting eap list1

(Optional) Enables authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) accounting method lists for IPsec sessions.

NoteIf the psk, cert, or eap keyword is not specified, the AAA accounting method list is used irrespective of the peer authentication method.


authentication {local {rsa-sig | pre-share | ecdsa-sig | eap} | remote {eap [query-identity | timeout seconds] | rsa-sig | pre-share | ecdsa-sig}}


Device(config-ikev2-profile)# authentication local ecdsa-sig

Specifies the local or remote authentication method.

NoteYou can specify only one local authentication method but multiple remote authentication methods.


dpd interval retry-interval {on-demand | periodic}


Device(config-ikev2-profile)# dpd 1000 250 periodic

(Optional) Configures Dead Peer Detection (DPD) globally for peers matching the profile.

NoteDPD is disabled by default.


identity local {address {ipv4-address | ipv6-address} | dn | email email-string | fqdn fqdn-string | key-id opaque-string}


Device(config-ikev2-profile)# identity local email [email protected]

(Optional) Specifies the local IKEv2 identity type.

NoteIf the local authentication method is a preshared key, the default local identity is the IP address. If the local authentication method is a Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman (RSA) signature, the default local identity is a Distinguished Name.


initial-contact [force]


Device(config-ikev2-profile)# initial-contact force

Enforces initial contact processing if the initial contact notification is not received in the IKE_AUTH exchange.


ivrf name


Device(config-ikev2-profile)# ivrf vrf1

(Optional) Specifies a user-defined VPN routing and forwarding (VRF) or global VRF if the IKEv2 profile is attached to a crypto map.

  • If the IKEv2 profile is used for tunnel protection, the Inside VRF (IVRF) for the tunnel interface should be configured on the tunnel interface.
NoteIVRF specifies the VRF for cleartext packets. The default value for IVRF is FVRF.


keyring {local keyring-name | aaa list-name name-mangler mangler-name}


Device(config-ikev2-profile)# keyring aaa keyring1 name-mangler mangler1

Specifies the local or AAA-based key ring that must be used with the local and remote preshared key authentication method.

NoteYou can specify only one key ring. Local AAA is not supported for AAA-based preshared keys.
NoteDepending on your release, the local keyword and the name-mangler mangler-name keyword-argument pair should be used.


lifetime seconds


Device(config-ikev2-profile)# lifetime 1000

Specifies the lifetime, in seconds, for the IKEv2 SA.


match {address local {ipv4-address | ipv6-address | interface name} | certificate certificate-map | fvrf {fvrf-name | any} | identity remote {address {ipv4-address [mask] | ipv6-address prefix} | {email | fqdn} [domain] string | key-id opaque-string}}


Device(config-ikev2-profile)# match address local interface Ethernet 2/0

Uses match statements to select an IKEv2 profile for a peer.


nat keepalive seconds


Device(config-ikev2-profile)# nat keepalive 500

(Optional) Enables NAT keepalive and specifies the duration in seconds.

  • NAT is disabled by default.


pki trustpoint trustpoint-label [sign | verify]


Device(config-ikev2-profile)# pki trustpoint tsp1 sign

Specifies Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) trustpoints for use with the RSA signature authentication method.

NoteIf the sign or verify keyword is not specified, the trustpoint is used for signing and verification.
NoteIn contrast to IKEv1, a trustpoint must be configured in an IKEv2 profile for certificate-based authentication to succeed. There is no fallback for globally configured trustpoints if this command is not present in the configuration. The trustpoint configuration applies to the IKEv2 initiator and responder.


redirect gateway auth


Device(config-ikev2-profile)# redirect gateway auth

Enables the redirect mechanism on the gateway on SA authentication.

NoteThe redirect mechanism is specific to the IKEv2 profiles.


virtual-template number


Device(config-ikev2-profile)# virtual-template 125

(Optional) Specifies the virtual template for cloning a virtual access interface (VAI).

NoteFor the IPsec Dynamic Virtual Tunnel Interface (DVTI), a virtual template must be specified in an IKEv2 profile, without which an IKEv2 session is not initiated.




Device(config-ikev2-profile)# end

Exits IKEv2 profile configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring Advanced Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs

This section describes the global IKEv2 CLI constructs and how to override the IKEv2 default CLI constructs. IKEv2 smart defaults support most use cases and hence, we recommend that you override the defaults only if they are required for specific use cases not covered by the defaults.

Perform the following tasks to configure advanced IKEv2 CLI constructs:

  • Configuring Global IKEv2 Options
  • Configuring IKEv2 Fragmentation
  • Configuring IKEv2 Proposal
  • Configuring IKEv2 Policies

Configuring Global IKEv2 Options

Perform this task to configure global IKEv2 options that are independent of peers.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. crypto ikev2 certificate-cache number-of-certificates

4. crypto ikev2 cookie-challenge number

5. crypto ikev2 diagnose error number

6. crypto ikev2 dpd interval retry-interval {on-demand | periodic}

7. crypto ikev2 http-url cert

8. crypto ikev2 limit {max-in-negotiation-sa limit | max-sa limit}

9. crypto ikev2 nat keepalive interval

10. crypto ikev2 window size

11. crypto logging ikev2

12. end


Command or ActionPurpose




Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.


configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.


crypto ikev2 certificate-cache number-of-certificates


Device(config)# crypto ikev2 certificate-cache 750

Defines the cache size for storing certificates fetched from HTTP URLs.


crypto ikev2 cookie-challenge number


Device(config)# crypto ikev2 cookie-challenge 450

Enables an IKEv2 cookie challenge only when the number of half-open security associations (SAs) exceeds the configured number.

  • Cookie challenge is disabled by default.


crypto ikev2 diagnose error number


Device(config)# crypto ikev2 diagnose error 500

Enables IKEv2 error diagnostics and defines the number of entries in the exit path database.

  • IKEv2 error diagnostics is disabled by default.


crypto ikev2 dpd interval retry-interval {on-demand | periodic}


Device(config)# crypto ikev2 dpd 500 50 on-demand

Allows live checks for peers as follows:

  • Dead Peer Detection (DPD) is disabled by default.


crypto ikev2 http-url cert


Device(config)# crypto ikev2 http-url cert

Enables the HTTP CERT support.

  • HTTP CERT is disabled by default.


crypto ikev2 limit {max-in-negotiation-sa limit | max-sa limit}


Device(config)# crypto ikev2 limit max-in-negotiation-sa 5000

Enables connection admission control (CAC).

  • Connection admission control is disabled by default.


crypto ikev2 nat keepalive interval


Device(config)# crypto ikev2 nat keepalive 500

Enables the Network Address Translation (NAT) keepalive that prevents the deletion of NAT entries in the absence of any traffic when there is NAT between Internet Key Exchange (IKE) peers.

  • NAT keepalive is disabled by default.


crypto ikev2 window size


Device(config)# crypto ikev2 window 15

Allows multiple IKEv2 request-response pairs in transit.

  • The default window size is 5.


crypto logging ikev2


Device(config)# crypto logging ikev2

Enables IKEv2 syslog messages.

  • IKEv2 syslog messages are disabled by default.




Device(config)# end

Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring IKEv2 Fragmentation

Perform this task to enable automatic fragmentation of large IKEv2 packets.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. crypto ikev2 fragmentation [mtu mtu-size]

4. end


Command or ActionPurpose




Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.


configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.


crypto ikev2 fragmentation [mtu mtu-size]


Device(config)# crypto ikev2 fragmentation mtu 100

Configures IKEv2 fragmentation.

NoteThe MTU size refers to the IP or UDP encapsulated IKEv2 packets.




Device(config)# end

Exits global configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.

Configuring IKEv2 Proposal

Refer to the "IKEv2 Smart Defaults" section for information on the default IKEv2 proposal.

Perform this task to override the default IKEv2 proposal or to manually configure the proposals if you do not want to use the default proposal.

An IKEv2 proposal is a set of transforms used in the negotiation of IKEv2 SA as part of the IKE_SA_INIT exchange. An IKEv2 proposal is regarded as complete only when it has at least an encryption algorithm, an integrity algorithm, and a Diffie-Hellman (DH) group configured. If no proposal is configured and attached to an IKEv2 policy, the default proposal in the default IKEv2 policy is used in negotiation.

Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site  [Support] (8)

Security threats, as well as the cryptographic technologies to help protect against them, are constantly changing. For more information about the latest Cisco cryptographic recommendations, see the Next Generation Encryption (NGE) white paper.

Although the IKEv2 proposal is similar to the crypto isakmp policy command, the IKEv2 proposal differs as follows:

  • An IKEv2 proposal allows configuring one or more transforms for each transform type.
  • An IKEv2 proposal does not have any associated priority.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. crypto ikev2 proposal name

4. encryption {3des} {aes-cbc-128} {aes-cbc-192} {aes-cbc-256}

5. integrity {md5} {sha1} {sha256} {sha384} {sha512}

6. group {1} {14} {15} {16} {19} {2} {20} {24} {5}

7. end

8. show crypto ikev2 proposal [name | default]


Command or ActionPurpose




Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.


configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.


crypto ikev2 proposal name


Device(config)# crypto ikev2 proposal proposal1

Overrides the default IKEv2 proposal, defines an IKEv2 proposal name, and enters IKEv2 proposal configuration mode.


encryption {3des} {aes-cbc-128} {aes-cbc-192} {aes-cbc-256}


Device(config-ikev2-proposal)# encryption aes-cbc-128 aes-cbc-192

Specifies one or more transforms of the encryption type, which are as follows:

  • 3des (No longer recommended)
  • aes-cbc-128
  • aes-cbc-192
  • aes-cbc-256


integrity {md5} {sha1} {sha256} {sha384} {sha512}


Device(config-ikev2-proposal)# integrity sha1

Specifies one or more transforms of the integrity algorithm type, which are as follows:

  • The md5 keyword specifies MD5 (HMAC variant) as the hash algorithm. (No longer recommended)
  • The sha1 keyword specifies SHA-1 (HMAC variant) as the hash algorithm.
  • The sha256 keyword specifies SHA-2 family 256-bit (HMAC variant) as the hash algorithm.
  • The sha384 keyword specifies SHA-2 family 384-bit (HMAC variant) as the hash algorithm.
  • The sha512 keyword specifies SHA-2 family 512-bit (HMAC variant) as the hash algorithm.


group {1} {14} {15} {16} {19} {2} {20} {24} {5}


Device(config-ikev2-proposal)# group 14

Specifies the Diffie-Hellman (DH) group identifier.

  • The default DH group identifiers are group 2 and 5 in the IKEv2 proposal.
    • 1--768-bit DH (No longer recommended).
    • 2--1024-bit DH (No longer recommended).
    • 5--1536-bit DH (No longer recommended).
    • 14--Specifies the 2048-bit DH group.
    • 15--Specifies the 3072-bit DH group.
    • 16--Specifies the 4096-bit DH group.
    • 19--Specifies the 256-bit elliptic curve DH (ECDH) group.
    • 20--Specifies the 384-bit ECDH group.
    • 24--Specifies the 2048-bit DH group.

The group chosen must be strong enough (have enough bits) to protect the IPsec keys during negotiation. A generally accepted guideline recommends the use of a 2048-bit group after 2013 (until 2030). Either group 14 or group 24 can be selected to meet this guideline. Even if a longer-lived security method is needed, the use of Elliptic Curve Cryptography is recommended, but group 15 and group 16 can also be considered.




Device(config-ikev2-proposal)# end

Exits IKEv2 proposal configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.


show crypto ikev2 proposal [name | default]


Device# show crypto ikev2 proposal default

(Optional) Displays the IKEv2 proposal.

  • What to Do Next
What to Do Next

After you create the IKEv2 proposal, attach it to a policy so that the proposal is picked for negotiation. For information about completing this task, see the "Configuring IKEv2 Policy" section.

Configuring IKEv2 Policies

See the "IKEv2 Smart Defaults" section for information about the default IKEv2 policy.

Perform this task to override the default IKEv2 policy or to manually configure the policies if you do not want to use the default policy.

An IKEv2 policy must contain at least one proposal to be considered as complete and can have match statements, which are used as selection criteria to select a policy for negotiation. During the initial exchange, the local address (IPv4 or IPv6) and the Front Door VRF (FVRF) of the negotiating SA are matched with the policy and the proposal is selected.

The following rules apply to the match statements:

  • An IKEv2 policy without any match statements will match all peers in the global FVRF.
  • An IKEv2 policy can have only one match FVRF statement.
  • An IKEv2 policy can have one or more match address local statements.
  • When a policy is selected, multiple match statements of the same type are logically ORed and match statements of different types are logically ANDed.
  • There is no precedence between match statements of different types.
  • Configuration of overlapping policies is considered a misconfiguration. In the case of multiple, possible policy matches, the first policy is selected.


1. enable

2. configure terminal

3. crypto ikev2 policy name

4. proposal name

5. match fvrf {fvrf-name | any}

6. match address local {ipv4-address | ipv6-address}

7. end

8. show crypto ikev2 policy [policy-name | default]


Command or ActionPurpose




Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

  • Enter your password if prompted.


configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.


crypto ikev2 policy name


Device(config)# crypto ikev2 policy policy1

Overrides the default IKEv2 policy, defines an IKEv2 policy name, and enters IKEv2 policy configuration mode.


proposal name


Device(config-ikev2-policy)# proposal proposal1

Specifies the proposals that must be used with the policy.

  • The proposals are prioritized in the order of listing.
NoteYou must specify at least one proposal. You can specify additional proposals with each proposal in a separate statement.


match fvrf {fvrf-name | any}


Device(config-ikev2-policy)# match fvrf any

(Optional) Matches the policy based on a user-configured FVRF or any FVRF.

  • The default is global FVRF.
NoteThe match fvrf any command must be explicitly configured in order to match any VRF. The FVRF specifies the VRF in which the IKEv2 packets are negotiated.


match address local {ipv4-address | ipv6-address}


Device(config-ikev2-policy)# match address local

(Optional) Matches the policy based on the local IPv4 or IPv6 address.

  • The default matches all the addresses in the configured FVRF.




Device(config-ikev2-policy)# end

Exits IKEv2 policy configuration mode and returns to privileged EXEC mode.


show crypto ikev2 policy [policy-name | default]


Device# show crypto ikev2 policy policy1

(Optional) Displays the IKEv2 policy.

Configuration Examples for Internet Key Exchange Version 2

  • Configuration Examples for Basic Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs
  • Configuration Examples for Advanced Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs

Configuration Examples for Basic Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs

  • Example: Configuring the IKEv2 Key Ring
  • Example: Configuring the Profile
  • Example: Configuring FlexVPN Site-to-Site with Dynamic Routing Using Certificates and IKEv2 Smart Defaults

Example: Configuring the IKEv2 Key Ring

  • Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with Multiple Peer Subblocks
  • Example: IKEv2 Keyring with Symmetric Preshared Keys Based on an IP Address
  • Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with Asymmetric Preshared Keys Based on an IP Address
  • Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with Asymmetric Preshared Keys Based on a Hostname
  • Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with Symmetric Preshared Keys Based on an Identity
  • Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with a Wildcard Key
  • Example: Matching a Key Ring
Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with Multiple Peer Subblocks

The following example shows how to configure an Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) key ring with multiple peer subblocks:

crypto ikev2 keyring keyring-1 peer peer1 description peer1 address pre-shared-key key-1 peer peer2 description peer2 hostname pre-shared-key key-2 peer peer3 description peer3 hostname identity key-id abc address pre-shared-key key-3
Example: IKEv2 Keyring with Symmetric Preshared Keys Based on an IP Address

The following example shows how to configure an IKEv2 key ring with symmetric preshared keys based on an IP address. The following is the initiator's key ring:

crypto ikev2 keyring keyring-1 peer peer1 description peer1 address pre-shared-key key1

The following is the responder's key ring:

crypto ikev2 keyring keyring-1 peer peer2 description peer2 address pre-shared-key key1
Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with Asymmetric Preshared Keys Based on an IP Address

The following example shows how to configure an IKEv2 key ring with asymmetric preshared keys based on an IP address. The following is the initiator's key ring:

crypto ikev2 keyring keyring-1 peer peer1 description peer1 with asymmetric keys address pre-shared-key local key1 pre-shared-key remote key2

The following is the responder's key ring:

crypto ikev2 keyring keyring-1 peer peer2 description peer2 with asymmetric keys address pre-shared-key local key2 pre-shared-key remote key1
Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with Asymmetric Preshared Keys Based on a Hostname

The following example shows how to configure an IKEv2 key ring with asymmetric preshared keys based on the hostname. The following is the initiator's key ring:

crypto ikev2 keyring keyring-1 peer host1 description host1 in example domain hostname pre-shared-key local key1 pre-shared-key remote key2

The following is the responder's keyring:

crypto ikev2 keyring keyring-1 peer host2 description host2 in abc domain hostname pre-shared-key local key2 pre-shared-key remote key1
Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with Symmetric Preshared Keys Based on an Identity

The following example shows how to configure an IKEv2 key ring with symmetric preshared keys based on an identity:

crypto ikev2 keyring keyring-4 peer abc description example domain identity fqdn pre-shared-key abc-key-1 peer user1 description user1 in example domain identity email [email protected] pre-shared-key abc-key-2 peer user1-remote description user1 example remote users identity key-id example pre-shared-key example-key-3
Example: IKEv2 Key Ring with a Wildcard Key

The following example shows how to configure an IKEv2 key ring with a wildcard key:

crypto ikev2 keyring keyring-1 peer cisco description example domain address pre-shared-key example-key
Example: Matching a Key Ring

The following example shows how a key ring is matched:

crypto ikev2 keyring keyring-1 peer cisco description address pre-shared-key xyz-key peer peer1 description address pre-shared-key abc-key peer host1 description [email protected] address pre-shared-key host1-example-key

In the example shown, the key lookup for peer first matches the wildcard key example-key, then the prefix key example-key, and finally the host key host1-example-key. The best match host1-example-key is used.

crypto ikev2 keyring keyring-2 peer host1 description host1 in sub-domain address pre-shared-key host1-example-key peer host2 description example domain address pre-shared-key example-key

In the example shown, the key lookup for peer would first match the host key host1-abc-key. Because this is a specific match, no further lookup is performed.

Example: Configuring the Profile

  • Example: IKEv2 Profile Matched on Remote Identity
  • Example: IKEv2 Profile Supporting Two Peers
Example: IKEv2 Profile Matched on Remote Identity

The following profile supports peers that identify themselves using fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and authenticate with the RSA signature using trustpoint-remote. The local node authenticates itself with a preshared key using keyring-1.

crypto ikev2 profile profile2 match identity remote fqdn identity local email [email protected] authentication local pre-share authentication remote rsa-sig keyring keyring-1 pki trustpoint trustpoint-remote verify lifetime 300 dpd 5 10 on-demand virtual-template 1
Example: IKEv2 Profile Supporting Two Peers

The following example shows how to configure an IKEv2 profile supporting two peers that use different authentication methods:

crypto ikev2 profile profile2 match identity remote email [email protected] match identity remote email [email protected] identity local email [email protected] authentication local rsa-sig authentication remote pre-share authentication remote rsa-sig keyring keyring-1 pki trustpoint trustpoint-local sign pki trustpoint trustpoint-remote verify lifetime 300 dpd 5 10 on-demand virtual-template 1

Example: Configuring FlexVPN Site-to-Site with Dynamic Routing Using Certificates and IKEv2 Smart Defaults

The following examples show a site-to-site connection between a branch device (initiator, using a static virtual tunnel interface [sVTI]) and a central device (responder, using a dynamic virtual tunnel interface [dVTI]) with dynamic routing over the tunnel. The example uses IKEv2 smart defaults, and the authentication is performed using certificates (RSA signatures).

Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site  [Support] (9)

A RSA modulus size of 2048 is recommended.

The peers use the FQDN as their IKEv2 identity, and the IKEv2 profile on the responder matches the domain in the identity FQDN.

The configuration on the initiator (branch device) is as follows:

hostname branchip domain name!crypto ikev2 profile branch-to-central match identity remote fqdn identity local fqdn authentication local rsa-sig authentication remote rsa-sig pki trustpoint CA!crypto ipsec profile svti set ikev2-profile branch-to-central!interface Tunnel0 ip address tunnel source Ethernet0/0 tunnel mode ipsec ipv4 tunnel destination tunnel protection ipsec profile svti!interface Ethernet0/0 ip address!interface Ethernet1/0 ip address!router rip version 2 passive-interface Ethernet1/0 network network no auto-summary

The configuration on the responder (central router) is as follows:

hostname centralip domain name!crypto ikev2 profile central-to-branch match identity remote fqdn domain identity local fqdn authentication local rsa-sig authentication remote rsa-sig pki trustpoint CA virtual-template 1!interface Loopback0 ip address!interface Ethernet0/0 ip address!interface Ethernet1/0 ip address!interface Virtual-Template1 type tunnel ip unnumbered Loopback0 tunnel source Ethernet0/0 tunnel mode ipsec ipv4 tunnel protection ipsec profile default!router rip version 2 passive-interface Ethernet1/0 network network no auto-summary

Configuration Examples for Advanced Internet Key Exchange Version 2 CLI Constructs

  • Example: Configuring the Proposal
  • Example: Configuring the Policy

Example: Configuring the Proposal

  • Example: IKEv2 Proposal with One Transform for Each Transform Type
  • Example: IKEv2 Proposal with Multiple Transforms for Each Transform Type
  • Example: IKEv2 Proposals on the Initiator and Responder
Example: IKEv2 Proposal with One Transform for Each Transform Type

This example shows how to configure an IKEv2 proposal with one transform for each transform type:

crypto ikev2 proposal proposal-1 encryption aes-cbc-128 integrity sha1 group 14
Example: IKEv2 Proposal with Multiple Transforms for Each Transform Type

This example shows how to configure an IKEv2 proposal with multiple transforms for each transform type:

crypto ikev2 proposal proposal-2 encryption aes-cbc-128 aes-cbc-192 integrity sha1 group 14
Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site  [Support] (10)

Cisco no longer recommends using 3DES, MD5 (including HMAC variant), and Diffie-Hellman(DH) groups 1, 2 and 5; instead, you should use AES, SHA-256 and DH Groups 14 or higher. For more information about the latest Cisco cryptographic recommendations, see the Next Generation Encryption (NGE) white paper.

The IKEv2 proposal proposal-2 shown translates to the following prioritized list of transform combinations:

  • aes-cbc-128, sha1, 14
  • aes-cbc-192, sha1, 14
Example: IKEv2 Proposals on the Initiator and Responder

The following example shows how to configure IKEv2 proposals on the initiator and the responder. The proposal on the initiator is as follows:

crypto ikev2 proposal proposal-1 encryption aes-cbc-192 aes-cbc-128 integrity sha-256 sha1 group 14 24

The proposal on the responder is as follows:

crypto ikev2 proposal proposal-2 encryption aes-cbc-128 aes-cbc-192 peer integrity sha1 sha-256 group 24 14

The selected proposal will be as follows:

encryption aes-cbc-128integrity sha1 group 14

In the proposals shown for the initiator and responder, the initiator and responder have conflicting preferences. In this case, the initiator is preferred over the responder.

Example: Configuring the Policy

  • Example: IKEv2 Policy Matched on a VRF and Local Address
  • Example: IKEv2 Policy with Multiple Proposals That Match All Peers in a Global VRF
  • Example: IKEv2 Policy That Matches All Peers in Any VRF
  • Example: Matching a Policy
Example: IKEv2 Policy Matched on a VRF and Local Address

The following example shows how an IKEv2 policy is matched based on a VRF and local address:

crypto ikev2 policy policy2 match vrf vrf1 match local address proposal proposal-1
Example: IKEv2 Policy with Multiple Proposals That Match All Peers in a Global VRF

The following example shows how an IKEv2 policy with multiple proposals matches the peers in a global VRF:

crypto ikev2 policy policy2 proposal proposal-A proposal proposal-B proposal proposal-B
Example: IKEv2 Policy That Matches All Peers in Any VRF

The following example shows how an IKEv2 policy matches the peers in any VRF:

crypto ikev2 policy policy2 match vrf any proposal proposal-1
Example: Matching a Policy

Do not configure overlapping policies. If there are multiple possible policy matches, the best match is used, as shown in the following example:

crypto ikev2 policy policy1 match fvrf fvrf1crypto ikev2 policy policy2 match fvrf fvff1 match local address

The proposal with FVRF as fvrf1 and the local peer as matches policy1 and policy2, but policy2 is selected because it is the best match.

Where to Go Next

After configuring IKEv2, proceed to configure IPsec VPNs. For more information, see the "Configuring Security for VPNs with IPsec" module.

Additional References

Related Documents

Related Topic

Document Title

Cisco IOS commands

Cisco IOS Master Command List, All Releases

Security commands

IPsec configuration

Configuring Security for VPNs with IPsec

Suite-B ESP transforms

Configuring Security for VPNs with IPsec

Suite-B SHA-2 family (HMAC variant) and elliptic curve (EC) key pair configuration

Configuring Internet Key Exchange for IPsec VPNs

Suite-B elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) support for IPsec SA negotiation

Configuring Internet Key Exchange for IPsec VPNs

Suite-B support for certificate enrollment for a PKI

Configuring Certificate Enrollment for a PKI

Supported standards for use with IKE

Internet Key Exchange for IPsec VPNs Configuration Guide

Recommended cryptographic algorithms

Next Generation Encryption




RFC 4306

Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) Protocol

RFC 4869

Suite B Cryptographic Suites for IPsec

RFC 5685

Redirect Mechanism for the Internet Key Exchange Protocol Version 2 (IKEv2)

Technical Assistance



The Cisco Support and Documentation website provides online resources to download documentation, software, and tools. Use these resources to install and configure the software and to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues with Cisco products and technologies. Access to most tools on the Cisco Support and Documentation website requires a user ID and password.

Feature Information for Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to An account on is not required.

Table 2Feature Information for Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site

Feature Name


Feature Information

IKEv2 Site to Site



IKEv2 is a component of IP Security (IPsec) and is used for performing mutual authentication and establishing and maintaining security associations (SAs).

The following commands were introduced or modified: aaa accounting (IKEv2 profile), address (IKEv2 keyring), authentication (IKEv2 profile), crypto ikev2 keyring, crypto ikev2 policy, crypto ikev2 profile, crypto ikev2 proposal, description (IKEv2 keyring), dpd, hostname (IKEv2 keyring), identity (IKEv2 keyring), identity local, ivrf, keyring, lifetime (IKEv2 profile), match (IKEv2 profile), nat, peer, pki trustpoint, pre-shared-key (IKEv2 keyring), proposal, virtual-template (IKEv2 profile), clear crypto ikev2 sa, clear crypto ikev2 stat, clear crypto session, clear crypto ikev2 sa, debug crypto ikev2, show crypto ikev2 diagnose error, show crypto ikev2 policy, show crypto ikev2 profile, show crypto ikev2 proposal, show crypto ikev2 sa, show crypto ikev2 session, show crypto ikev2 stats, show crypto session, show crypto socket.

IPv6 support for IPSec and IKEv2


This feature allows IPv6 addresses to be added to IPSec and IKEv2 protocols.

The following commands were introduced or modified: address (IKEv2 keyring), identity (IKEv2 keyring), identity local, match (IKEv2 policy), and match (IKEv2 profile), show crypto ikev2 session, show crypto ikev2 sa, show crypto ikev2 profile, show crypto ikev2 policy, debug crypto condition, clear crypto ikev2 sa.

Suite-B support in IOS SW crypto


Suite-B adds support for the SHA-2 family (HMAC variant) hash algorithm used to authenticate packet data and verify the integrity verification mechanisms for the IKEv2 proposal configuration. HMAC is a variant that provides an additional level of hashing.

Suite-B also allows the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) signature (ECDSA-sig), as defined in RFC 4754, to be the authentication method for IKEv2.

Suite-B requirements comprise of four user interface suites of cryptographic algorithms for use with IKE and IPSec that are described in RFC 4869. Each suite is consists of an encryption algorithm, a digital signature algorithm, a key agreement algorithm, and a hash or message digest algorithm. See the Configuring Security for VPNs with IPsec module for more information about Cisco IOS Suite-B support.

The following commands were introduced or modified: authentication, group, identity (IKEv2 profile), integrity, match (IKEv2 profile).

Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (1110R)

Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and phone numbers used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses and phone numbers. Any examples, command display output, network topology diagrams, and other figures included in the document are shown for illustrative purposes only. Any use of actual IP addresses or phone numbers in illustrative content is unintentional and coincidental.

© 2012 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Configuring Internet Key Exchange Version 2 (IKEv2) and FlexVPN Site-to-Site  [Support] (2024)
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