Complete Risk of Rain 2 Long Road Guide (2022) (2024)

When it comes to blending loot systems with the game’s core mechanics, such as survivability, exploration, and discovering interactable items, there is no parallel to Risk of Rain 2. The game is a masterpiece that incentives the replay value by offering alternate map rotations, 11 playable characters, and dropping epic loot. As daunting and hard each run gets, the game tucks away even a tougher challenge involving completing 20 stages in a single run. Risk of Rain 2 Long Road challenge is not for the faint-hearted souls as it throws pressure at every corner while doing the run and demands patience, persistence and perseverance.

Before embarking on this suicidal journey, I recommend having played the entire game at least a couple of times. Doing so offers valuable insight into how the loot system, stage rotations, and its completion works. Secondly, you must have unlocked Artificer or Mercenary survivors because both playable classes make the Long Road challenge a breeze. Third, bring a companion if you can; it never hurts to have cannon fodder on your side.

Risk of Rain 2 The Long Road Challenge Strategy

I mentioned the prerequisites that you need to do before you hop on the bandwagon of the Long Road challenge. Other than that, to remain alive, you will need to strategize the encounters with bosses and minions to stay alive until you finish the 20 stages in a single go. Here are few more things that you should know before you begin you start this challenge.

Drizzle (Easy Mode)

Completing 20 stages in a single go sounds scary. It does not have to be. That is why I recommend going for the Risk of Rain 2 Drizzle difficulty, aka easy mode. Why? Because you need the health bar of enemies as much low as possible, and it is toned down only in the easy mode.

Complete Risk of Rain 2 Long Road Guide (2022) (1)

Secondly, the bosses and other in-game unique enemies like twisted scavengers and many others become ridiculously painless to defeat in the Drizzle setting. You need to quickly kill the bosses and minions and keep the progression of Risk of Rain 2 long road challenge rolling. Otherwise, passing more time on a stage at Petrichor V planet only increases the difficulty for you. More on that later here.

Difficulty Scaling

In Risk of Rain 2, the in-game difficulty scales as time progresses. From the moment your survivor emerges out of the escape pod to the moment you die, escape or obliterate, time keeps running. The longer you spend in-game time, the higher the difficulty will be. Even for Drizzle mode, if you wander off too long at a single stage in search of valuable items or Lunar coins, chances are you are adding more tension to your run as time slips by.

That is why I recommend giving five to seven minutes per stage while doing the Risk of Rain 2 long road challenge. All you need to do is collect items as long as they are in your line of sight or from Rusty boxes. Then, it would be best if you kept moving to find the Teleporter device. Loader is an excellent pick when it comes to high vertical and horizontal mobility and Rex, by far, is the worst at mobility. Once you have found it, use your friend as bait to lure maximum crowd’s attention while you sit back and shoot from a distance – that is, if you’ve come with a friend. Otherwise, try and stack the items we mentioned below to melt the boss and its minions within a minute and move onto the next stage.

Stage Progression

Now that you know why you should not take much longer at a stage, you’d realize that stage rushing is the next vital step to do while completing Risk of Rain 2 long road. From stage one to ten, you should collect as many items and equipment you can. It is because the difficulty is relatively inclined more on the easier side in the first ten stages. The in-game difficulty increases at later stages and favors enemies killing you more than otherwise. So, make a habit of stage rushing.

From stage eleven to twenty, you must be patient while encountering teleporter bosses. Minions will not be the problem in Drizzle difficulty throughout the game, but bosses are a different story. That is why I recommend remaining at a distance from the bosses. All you need to do is land a couple of hits and keep your distance from the boss. Rinse and repeat this process to safely execute Teleporter encounters and defeat bosses for a perfect stage progression.

I am emphasizing stage progression strategy because while playing with Artificer, I wasted three runs just because I misspent in-game time in the first ten stages. It made the game difficult for me, and I had no exceptional items on me whatsoever. Everything turned out great when I employed the strategy mentioned above next time in the run. Not only I finished the Risk of Rain 2 long road challenge, but I also did it in spree – I just got a little over-enthusiastic at the efficiency of my plan. Anyway, moving on to the items.

Essential Items

The items you get will define how much better or worse your Risk of Rain 2 long road progression will go in the following stages. I have mentioned the top three items that I looked for while doing this challenge, which helped me enormously. On a side note, if you do not have an idea of the best and worst items, our Risk of Rain 2 items tier list will surely be of excellent service to you.

A quick reminder: you should stop looking for legendary items. They are rare, and finding them wastes more time and puts your survivor at risk. It is why I never strayed away from the path of completing this challenge for legendary items such as Alien Head, Soulbound Crystal, and more.

Shaped Glass: Arguably the best lunar item, other than Transcendence, you can get in Risk of Rain 2, which grants a 100% increase in base damage. The catch here is that the item also halves the maximum health by 50%. Low health is concerning while doing runs in Risk of Rain 2, but here it should not bother you much as you will need to do the long road challenge on Drizzle mode. Moreover, other than Shaped Glass, you also will need great healing items that keep granting you health on the fly.

Complete Risk of Rain 2 Long Road Guide (2022) (2)

Harvester’s Scythe: Probably the only healing item that grants eight health points on critical strikes. I stacked five of Harvester’s Scythe while doing my Risk of Rain 2 long road run. Why? Because each stack offers +4 health, and the higher this number, the more health you recover with critical hits. Since it is a unique item, like Ukulele, getting frequent drops should never be an issue.

Complete Risk of Rain 2 Long Road Guide (2022) (3)

Tougher Times: Assuming you did not or could not bring a friend to accompany you on this expedition involving rinsing and repeating exploration and killing enemies for 20 linear stages, should you be worried? No! All you need is the Tougher Times item which can soak in all the incoming damage and completely block the attacks.

Complete Risk of Rain 2 Long Road Guide (2022) (4)

Newt Altar – Blue Portals

Traveling through the blue portal and reaching Bazaar Between Time requires you to find and interact with a Newt Portal. There are 36 Newt Portals in Risk of Rain 2, and finding one should not be a problem. If it is, then our Newt Altar locations guide is here to pinpoint the exact position for you to find a Newt Altar.

So, why did I bring up this topic? In the early version of Risk of Rain 2, traveling through the blue portal, spawned by a Newt Altar, used to count for as a stage progression. Since you want to do 20 levels in a single run to complete the Risk of Rain 2 long road challenge, many players exploited this trick before. They repeatedly interacted with a Newt Altar that spawned at every game environment and moved through the blue portal. However, that trickery is not possible anymore as the developers patched it a long time ago.

Complete Risk of Rain 2 Long Road Guide (2022) (5)

Shrine of Order

Do not, at any cost, interact with a Shrine of Order while doing the long road challenge. Why? Because the shrine can either take your overpowered items and give you weaker ones, or it can do the opposite of it. In any case, gambling your survivor’s items and hoping to get a favorable outcome is too risky for a run that requires you to sit and complete 20-stages in a single go.

Complete Risk of Rain 2 Long Road Guide (2022) (6)

Survivor Preferences

As mentioned earlier, you can complete this challenge with any survivor in Risk of Rain 2. All of the playable classes equally benefit in certain situations and take a hit in others. However, melting enemies as soon as possible and moving forward faster are the two critical elements you will need to keep in mind while doing the challenge. Naturally, if you start seeing this process through this lens, you will filter out the survivors best fit for this discourse.

I already mentioned my preferences. You can take my word and start using the survivors, which I selected while embarking on the Risk of Rain 2 long road journey. Or, say you are extremely good with Captain, MUL-T, or Engineer, by all means, use them in the run. You can ignore my preference for Artificer, Mercenary, or Loader and pick any class you have already mastered its abilities and playstyle.

Summary for The Long Road Challenge

Here is a rundown of everything I mentioned above.

  1. Go for Drizzle mode and do not waste your in-game time.
  2. The difficulty scales higher the longer your in-game time goes up.
  3. Always prioritize stage rushing and be patient with boss encounters.
  4. Go for the items I mentioned and save yourself from the misery of dying and retrying this challenge.
  5. Newt Portals is not an option anymore to trick that game that you completed a stage by accessing the blue portal. Stop doing this.
  6. Go solo or with teammates with my favorites: Artificer, Mercenary, and Loader.
  7. Complete the challenge and unlock ‘57 Leaf Clover’ legendary item.

That is pretty much everything you should know about Risk of Rain 2 long road. Now that I’ve broken down all the nitty-gritty details, the dos and don’ts regarding the challenge, are you willing to go for it with my suggestions? Or, do you have a better way to complete this journey? Let your thoughts flow into the comments box below.

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Risk of Rain 2

Complete Risk of Rain 2 Long Road Guide (2022) (2024)


How long does it take to 100% Risk of Rain 2? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Risk of Rain 2 is about 10½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 130 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What is the hardest achievement in Risk of Rain 2? ›

Risk Of Rain 2: The 10 Hardest Challenges (& How To Beat Them)
  • 8/10 [REDACTED]
  • 7/10 Blockade Breaker.
  • 6/10 Blackout.
  • 5/10 The Long Road.
  • 4/10 Commando: Incorruptible.
  • 3/10 Mastery Challenges.
  • 2/10 Huntress: Piercing Wind.
  • 1/10 Mercenary: Etheral.
Jul 23, 2020

What is the easiest character to get in Risk of Rain 2? ›

MUL-T is arguably the easiest character to unlock. All you need to do is clear the first stage five times. You'll naturally unlock MUL-T just by playing, and you also can speed up the process by farming the first stage.

Is Risk of Rain 2 endless? ›

The new mode coming to Risk of Rain 2 will be an endless wave-based mode, and takes place inside a computer simulation. The lore of the game states that the simulation is so that players can assess the threat of some of the game's locations.

Can you get 100% block chance RoR 2? ›

Reaching a 100 percent block chance is simply not possible, though players can get around 75 percent if they manage to stack 20 teddy bears in a single run. Make no mistake: The teddy bear in Risk of Rain 2 can absolutely save your skin.

Does Risk of Rain 2 get harder after Hahaha? ›

The HAHAHAHA sub-difficulty has a maximum of level 99. In addition to the increase over time, every time an environment is completed (aside the Bazaar Between Time), the difficulty will jump forward, which will cause a spike in difficulty, and the bar will also increase faster.

How many stages does it take to complete Risk of Rain 2? ›

The challenge is not affected by the difficulty you choose, so playing on Drizzle will increase your chances of getting through all 20 stages.

How many levels does Risk of Rain 2 have? ›

There is a grand total of nine different Environments and levels to talk about with Risk of Rain 2 (including the three hidden realms), which means we've a fair amount to get through in this levels and stages guide.

How do I get the quest long road ahead? ›

Long Road Ahead
  1. This is MacCready's companion side quest, which is obtained after getting enough affinity with him. ...
  2. For the first phase of the quest, MacCready will give you a map marker Mass Pike Interchange, and ask you to meet him there.
  3. Head to Mass Pike Interchange.
Nov 10, 2015

How do you skip Mithrix? ›

In order to exit Mithrix's arena, the surviving players must jump into one of the floating portals in order to teleport out.

How do I bypass Mithrix? ›

Find a Newt Altar somewhere in Sky Meadow and interact with it to make a blue orb appear, which will allow you to enter the Lunar Shop via blue portal after the teleporter event. You get to skip Mithrix, loop, and go shopping if you go this route!

Is Simulacrum endless ror2? ›

The Simulacrum is a wave-based arena mode set within a Void simulation and can be played both single and multiplayer. It is an endless mode that can conclude only in your simulated demise.

Who does the most damage in ror2? ›

Artificer is one of the highest damage characters in Risk of Rain 2 and a personal favorite to play. Her flamethrower has the ability to do 4400% damage and she can execute enemies at 30% health with either of her freeze abilities.

Is Loader a girl ror2? ›

The Loader in Risk of Rain 2 is female, while the Loader in Risk of Rain 1 is male.

Who is the best survivor in Risk of Rain 2? ›

1/14 Void Fiend

The Void Fiend will likely be the last survivor unlocked in the game since it requires beating the game with the Railgunner (who can only be unlocked with purchased DLC). But the best has truly been saved for last as the Void Fiend, while tough to master, has the highest ceiling.

Are there secret characters in Risk of Rain 2? ›

Kur-skan, the Heretic is a secret playable character in Risk of Rain 2. The Heretic cannot be selected from the character selection screen at the start of a run. Instead, she must be transformed into by holding all 4 Heresy items at once.

Is Mithrix the last boss? ›

Mithrix is the final boss of Risk of Rain 2, and he'll definitely put your skills to the test. Here's how to take him on. The King of Nothing is one of the strongest and most unforgiving bosses of Risk of Rain 2, but with the right strategy and a bit of skill, he will fall like any other.

Is Endless Space 2 Easy? ›

It's also surprisingly easy to get into, at least when compared to other Paradox games – Endless Space 2 is still more accessible, especially for newcomers to the whole 4X thing.

Can you get one shot in ROR2? ›

If the target is a player and amount is greater than 90% of the character's combined health, reduce the amount to 90% of the target's combined health instead. This is commonly known as One-Shot Protection or OSP for short.

Does purity affect Tougher Times? ›

Tougher Times is unaffected by Purity, due to it being unaffected by the luck stat in general. The cooldown reduction can only reduce skills' cooldowns to a minimum 0.5s.

Is Tougher Times affected by luck? ›

Unaffected by luck. Tougher Times is an item in Risk of Rain 2. The item grants a 15% (+15% per stack) chance of negating incoming damage. If the roll is successful, the damage will be negated and a "Blocked!" message will appear instead of damage numbers.

How many Tougher Times should I stack? ›

So at one stack, there is around a 13% chance to block damage. At ten, there is exactly a 60% chance. In order to reduce chances of getting hit to exactly 10%, a whopping stack of 60 is needed. The chances of getting hit drop to 0% at about 133,333,470,325 items.

What is the best legendary item for the loader Risk of Rain 2? ›

Kjaro's Band: This (along with its counterpart, Runald's Band) may be the best item for Loader. Upon dealing over 400% damage, enemies are hit with a flame tornado, dealing a total of 300% damage over time. Loader can easily deal more than 400%, so this item is very useful.

What is the best boss item in Risk of Rain 2? ›

1/13 57 Leaf Clover

No other item in Risk of Rain 2 comes remotely close to the 57 Leaf Clover's power. If you obtain this Rare item, you are in for a fantastic run. This item will reroll any random effect an additional time and use the favorable outcome.

Why is it called Risk of Rain? ›

Risk of Rain was developed using the GameMaker: Studio tool. The title Risk of Rain was selected not only to allow the game to be easily searchable via the Internet, but came to allude to the concept of a single protagonist in the large game world always worried about "a risk of failure or bad things happening".

What stage is Mithrix? ›

Mithrix's stage is the Moon, and to reach it, you'll need to use a special teleporter on the fifth stage, Sky Meadow.

Does Risk of Rain 2 get harder with more players? ›

Multiplayer. The rules for scaling difficulty do not change in multiplayer, however, two numerical changes are applied: The initial difficulty is higher, although this is not reflected on the bar. This is why the spawn rate is higher and chests are more expensive.

How long should I spend on each stage Risk of Rain 2? ›

Average time varies from game to game and from map to map. Aim for somewhere between 4 to 8 minutes for the first 4 maps. If you spend a while on one map, try to make up some time on the next one or two. If you do go long, make sure it's worth your while.

How much is the Void DLC Risk of Rain 2? ›

Risk of Rain 2: Survivors of the Void is available for $14.99. The Gateway to The Void has opened! The corrupting power it contained has engulfed Petrichor V and plunged the planet into darkness. For millennia, The Void Creatures have grown dominant by taking artifacts from our realm to theirs.

Is Risk of Rain 2 roguelike or roguelite? ›

Masterpiece in the roguelike genre

Risk of Rain 2 is a masterpiece. It's by far one of the best games I've ever played. But in case you weren't sure if it was suitable for your child, read this. First of all, this game is EXTREMELY HARD.

When should I obliterate Risk of Rain 2? ›

To obliterate yourself at the obelisk, you'll need to reach the area called A Moment, Fractured. You can get there by entering a Celestial Portal. Approach the obelisk, then choose to obliterate yourself to end the game.

Can you date MacCready? ›

Romancing Maccready is especially beneficial as it allows access to his extraordinary Killshot ability.

How do you get MacCready to like you fast? ›

The easiest way to increase MacCready's affinity levels in Fallout 4 is by picking locks. As a morally gray person, MacCready is attracted to actions that point to looking out for oneself while also not being nice or mean others, possibly due to his distrust of other people.

How long do I have to travel with MacCready? ›

However, it will take a while for the second part of the quest to continue, as the Sole Survivor has to continue traveling with MacCready as a companion until his affinity for the player reaches 750. MacCready reveals he had a wife named Lucy (who he alludes to being dead), and they had a son named Duncan.

Is Providence Mithrix brother? ›

As mentioned already, Mithrix is the brother of Providence, and whilst his sibling was the creator of things, Mithrix is the designer and his imagination knew no bounds. He was the one who provided the planet with teleporters and other technological marvels.

Does Mithrix ignore one shot protection? ›

Yes, his overhead hammer slam ignores OSP, and there might be one other attack that does also. He's generally slow-ish and super telegraphed to make up for it though.

How do you cheat in Risk of Rain 2? ›

By pressing Ctrl + Alt + ` together, players will bring up the developer console. From here they'll be able to access a number of different commands and adjust several different game parameters.

Why is Mithrix on the moon? ›

Providence, who cares for the beings on Petrichor V but knows his brother does not, allows Mithrix to go to the moon. Once Mithrix is there, Providence locks the way back and traps Mithrix on the moon. We refer to this point as the Point of Betrayal.

Can a Simulacrum have kids? ›

The Simulacrum appears to be human, but RAW explicitly states that the Simulacrum is a construct. As such, any human mating with a Simulacrum would not be the same species, thus rendering true reproduction impossible.

Can you Simulacrum yourself? ›

Can I Make a Simulacrum of Myself? You sure can! And that's where things can get especially weird since as a wizard able to cast the simulacrum spell, your simulacrum will also be a wizard able to cast the simulacrum spell. We'll go into this more in a bit, but you can absolutely make a simulacrum of yourself.

What happens when Simulacrum dies? ›

A simulacrum has no ability to become more powerful. It cannot increase its level or abilities. If reduced to 0 hit points or otherwise destroyed, it reverts to snow and melts instantly into nothingness.

How do you not go to Mithrix in Risk of Rain 2? ›

In order to exit Mithrix's arena, the surviving players must jump into one of the floating portals in order to teleport out.

What level should I be to beat Risk of Rain 2? ›

The proper way to beat Risk of Rain 2 is to defeat Mithrix, the King of Nothing. Mithrix was added following update version 1.0, and defeating him is the only way to unlock the game's proper ending. In order to reach Mithrix, you need to find a Primordial Teleporter. The first one will appear in Sky Meadow on Stage 5.

How do you beat the last stage of Mithrix? ›

This final phase of the fight is more about delivering a cool, dramatic moment than challenging combat. Just keep pummeling Mithrix with attacks and avoid the energy orbs and bullets he emits. As you fire, you'll get your items back, and soon you'll return the King of Nothing to Moon dust.

Do armor piercing rounds work on Mithrix? ›

If their healthbar is red, AP rounds will work. You can tell when they do because your damage numbers turn red. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. If their healthbar is red, AP rounds will work.

Is Risk of Rain 2 not endless? ›

Is there no endless mode? The game is endless by default. At stage 5, it says something about the teleporter "shifting to the moon", all you need to do is interact with the stones on the teleporter and not the teleporter itself.

Is purity worth it Risk of Rain 2? ›

is Purity good? Purity CAN be good, when paired with a 57 Clover. It's only worth and good on Artificer.

Why did Providence betray Mithrix? ›

He does this because he wants to find more of their own species and leave behind Petrichor V, which has doomed species on it. Providence, who cares for the beings on Petrichor V but knows his brother does not, allows Mithrix to go to the moon.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.