Commencement (2024)

Commencement (1)
Moon of Petrichor V
Soundtrack...con lentitud poderosa
Lunar Seer Quote
You dream of glass and dirt.
Large domain located above the shattered breach of Commencement (2) Petrichor V's moon. It is made up of the shattered remains of four individual sections, emblematic of Commencement (3) MithrixCommencement (4)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
and Providence's tools of creation.

Commencement is the final stage Environment added in the 1.0 Update, and revised in the Anniversary Update. It is located on the moon of Commencement (5) Petrichor V.

The Commencement (6)Artifact of Kin will allow its selected monster to spawn, but not prevent the Commencement (7) Lunar Chimera (Exploder)Commencement (8)Lunar Chimera (Exploder)
Zenith DesignsHP: 180 (+54 per level)
Damage: 11 (+2.2 per level)
Class: Ranged / Self-Destruct
Speed: 8 m/s
Armor: 0
, Commencement (9) Lunar Chimera (Golem)Commencement (10)Lunar Chimera (Golem)
Zenith DesignsHP: 1615 (+485 per level)
Damage: 35 (+7 per level)
Class: Ranged
Speed: 8 m/s
Armor: 0
, or Commencement (11) Lunar Chimera (Wisp)Commencement (12)Lunar Chimera (Wisp)
Zenith DesignsHP: 850 (+255 per level)
Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
Class: Ranged
Speed: 18 m/s
Armor: 0
from spawning.


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Interactables
  • 3 Monsters
  • 4 Overview
  • 5 Releasing the Rescue Ship
  • 7 Shrine of Order
  • 8 Glass Frog
  • 9 Logbook Entry
  • 10 Lore
  • 11 Version History
  • 12 Trivia


Commencement is a large domain located above the shattered breach of Petrichor V's moon. It is ostensibly the desolated seat of Commencement (13) Mithrix'sCommencement (14)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20

It is made up of the shattered remains of four individual sections, emblematic of Mithrix and Providence's tools of creation:

  • The area where Pillars of Design are found appears to be a workshop of sorts, with the unfinished remains of a Lunar Chimera Golem. The upper half of one remains suspended by large chains as if abandoned in the midst of construction.
  • The Pillars of Blood are found within a large circular arena, encircled by tall pillars with raised platforms resembling seating.

Raised high above the rest of the grounds by what appears to be a titanic arm is a massive circular area, where Mithrix himself remains.

The player spawns in an underground area, facing the Rescue Ship and Mithrix's Arena. Outside the Rescue Ship are 5 dead Commandos.



  • Commencement (15) Lunar Chimera (Exploder)Commencement (16)Lunar Chimera (Exploder)
    Zenith DesignsHP: 180 (+54 per level)
    Damage: 11 (+2.2 per level)
    Class: Ranged / Self-Destruct
    Speed: 8 m/s
    Armor: 0
  • Commencement (17) Lunar Chimera (Golem)Commencement (18)Lunar Chimera (Golem)
    Zenith DesignsHP: 1615 (+485 per level)
    Damage: 35 (+7 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 8 m/s
    Armor: 0
  • Commencement (19) Lunar Chimera (Wisp)Commencement (20)Lunar Chimera (Wisp)
    Zenith DesignsHP: 850 (+255 per level)
    Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
    Class: Ranged
    Speed: 18 m/s
    Armor: 0
  • Commencement (21) MithrixCommencement (22)Mithrix
    King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
    Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
    Class: Melee / Ranged
    Speed: 15 m/s
    Armor: 20
  • Commencement (23) Void ReaverCommencement (24)Void Reaver
    HP: 1900 (+570 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Class: Ranged / Self-Destruct
    Speed: 6 m/s
    Armor: 0


  • Commencement (25)

    Layout of the stage

Releasing the Rescue Ship[]

Upon entering the main area of the stage, the player will discover a Rescue Ship protected by an unbreakable force field. Their new objective will be to find a way to release the Rescue Ship in order to escape the planet.

Different pillars are scattered around the stage, with a total of 4-7 pillars spawning. The player's objective is to activate and charge (i.e. complete the holdout event) 4 of them in order to activate jump pads that will lead to Commencement (26) MithrixCommencement (27)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
, the final boss. There are 4 different pillar areas, each having the potential of spawning up to 4 pillars with a radius of 20m and their unique way of charging:

  • Pillars of Mass take 60 seconds to charge, and have no special properties.
  • Pillars of Design take 30 seconds to charge and release shock waves during the process. These deal no damage, but they push the player away and inflict the Commencement (28) CrippleCommencement (29)Cripple (Debuff)
    Reduces armor by 20. Reduces movement speed by 50%.
    status, reducing their armor by 20 and movement speed by 50%. The shock waves can be avoided by repeatedly jumping.
  • Pillars of Soul take 30 seconds to charge, but their charging radius will shrink the more they charge. The pillar's charge also rapidly decreases if all players leave the charging zone by 10% per second.
  • Pillars of Blood take 10 seconds to charge, but they absorb the health of the player in the process. The pillar will drain 10% health per second (2.5% per tick, so it can be affected by the Eclipse 8 modifier), for a total of 100% over the charging duration.
    • For Eclipse 8, having any form of damage reduction (such as a single Commencement (30) Repulsion Armor PlateCommencement (31)Commencement (32)Repulsion Armor Plate
      Receive flat damage reduction from all attacks.

      Reduce all incoming damage by 5 (+5 per stack). Cannot be reduced below 1.
      , or via armor from items like Commencement (33) Rose BucklerCommencement (34)Commencement (35)Rose Buckler
      Reduce incoming damage while sprinting.

      Increase armor by 30 (+30 per stack) while sprinting.
      or playing a character with innate armor such as Commencement (36) LoaderCommencement (37)LoaderThe Loader is a slow but powerful bruiser that can use her grappling hook to uniquely navigate the environment.
      Class: Melee
      HP: 160 (+48 per level)
      Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
      Armor: 20
      Umbra: Bionic Powerhouse
      ) will make the damage taken from the pillar not add curse.

It is not necessary to activate any of the pillars if the player has enough movement items (e.g. Commencement (42) Milky ChrysalisCommencement (43)Commencement (44)60sMilky Chrysalis
Gain temporary flight.

Sprout wings and fly for 15 seconds. Gain +20% movement speed for the duration.
, Commencement (45) Hopoo FeatherCommencement (46)Commencement (47)Hopoo Feather
Gain an extra jump.

Gain +1 (+1 per stack) maximum jump count.
) or movement abilities to make it to the boss arena and trigger the fight.

Once Mithrix is defeated, the moon will begin a detonation sequence with an on-screen countdown. The players have 3 minutes to get to the Rescue Ship and complete its holdout event in order to escape. The event requires them to 'protect' the ship by staying within the surrounding zone for 1 minute. Walls of blue flames will appear, similar to those created by some of Mithrix's attacks. Commencement (48) Void ReaversCommencement (49)Void Reaver
HP: 1900 (+570 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Class: Ranged / Self-Destruct
Speed: 6 m/s
Armor: 0
and Chimeras will spawn and attack the player, very occasionally entering the protection zone of the rescue ship.

The holdout zone has a radius of 40m and it is not affected by the Commencement (50) Focused ConvergenceCommencement (51)Commencement (52)Focused Convergence
Increase the speed of Teleporter charging... BUT reduce the size of the zone.

Teleporters charge 30% (+30% per stack) faster, but the size of the Teleporter zone is 50% (-50% per stack) smaller.
. Notably, its shape is cylindrical and extends all the way up to the sky. This makes it possible to fly high up to avoid any enemy attack for the duration of the event by utilising, e.g., character movement abilities, the Commencement (53) H3AD-5T v2Commencement (54)Commencement (55)H3AD-5T v2
Increase jump height. Hold 'Interact' to slam down to the ground.

Increase jump height. Creates a 5m-100m radius kinetic explosion on hitting the ground, dealing 1000%-10000% base damage that scales up with fall distance. Recharges in 10 (-50% per stack) seconds.
by jumping on the slope of the ceiling of the rescue ship, the Commencement (56) Milky ChrysalisCommencement (57)Commencement (58)60sMilky Chrysalis
Gain temporary flight.

Sprout wings and fly for 15 seconds. Gain +20% movement speed for the duration.
, or theCommencement (59) Volcanic EggCommencement (60)Commencement (61)30sVolcanic Egg
Transform into a speeding draconic fireball, dealing damage as you pass through enemies.

Turn into a draconic fireball for 5 seconds. Deal 500% damage on impact. Detonates at the end for 800% damage.
. However, although the Rescue Ship can charge at any height, the ship itself will not leave and save the player until they are close enough. In other words, players too far above the ship cannot leave even at 100% charge.

  • Commencement (62)

    Defend the rescue ship during the detonation sequence

After completing this event, the game is over. An ending cinematic is played during which the ship can be seen flying away from the moon. Shortly thereafter, a purple void sphere grows from the center of the moon before vanishing in a flash of light, taking the moon with it.

There is a loophole to have the character present during the end game report after the ending credits. When the escape zone is charged to 99%, the game will slowly fade to white before showing the ending cutscene. Before transitioning to the cutscene, the game despawns the stage and all objects. If the player has a Commencement (63) Dio's Best FriendCommencement (64)Commencement (65)Dio's Best Friend
Cheat death. Consumed on use.

Upon death, this item will be consumed and you will return to life with 3 seconds of invulnerability.
, or a Commencement (66)Commencement (67)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Pluripotent Larva is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Commencement (68) Pluripotent LarvaCommencement (69)Commencement (70)Commencement (71)Commencement (72)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Pluripotent Larva
Get a corrupted extra life. Consumed on use. Corrupts all Dio's Best Friends.

Upon death, this item will be consumed and you will return to life with 3 seconds of invulnerability, and all of your items that can be corrupted will be. Corrupts all Dio's Best Friends.
and dies while the screen is fading to white, the player will be revived after the game has despawned everything and therefore will evade this process. During the end game report screen the character will now be present, but as there is no ground they will be eternally falling into nothingness. This is most easily achieved by charging the escape zone to 98%, killing a Void Reaver, dipping in the zone to charge it to 99%, and then dying to the Void Reaver's implosion. If the player dies after charging the zone, but they don't have an item to revive themselves, the game will still count it as a win, which means the result is marked the moment the zone is fully charged and not when the screen has completely faded to white. Any deaths occuring during the fade-to-white will also not count towards the final report.

Cauldrons & Lunar Pods[]

On the left end side of the stage, near where the Pillars of Design spawn, there will be 5 Cauldrons, randomly selected from 12 Uncommon and 10 Legendary Cauldrons. 0-2 Common Cauldrons will also spawn, which are unique to Commencement and will exchange one red item into three of the displayed item. (This area is colloquially referred to by the community as "Soup Island").

On the right side of the stage, near where the Pillars of Soul spawn, there will be 0-7 Lunar Pods that can be attached to walls and in other unusual places. Internally, the game selects 7 objects from a list of 17 Lunar Pods and 32 other irrelevant objects, so the chance to find any number of Lunar Pods is not uniform. To calculate how many Lunar Pods are likely to spawn, one can use combinatorics:

Commencement (73)

where k is the number of Lunar Pods that will spawn. A similar formula can be used to estimate the chance of getting (5, 0), (4, 1), etc, Cauldron pairs.

Shrine of Order[]

A Shrine of Order will always spawn on a floating rock behind the area where Pillars of Mass spawn (left of the map when starting from the Rescue Ship, see the Overview section).

  • Commencement (74)

    Guaranteed Shrine of Order location.

Glass Frog[]

A glass frog can be found during the escape sequence. It can be found by returning to the Teleporter ring at the start of the level after defeating Commencement (75) MithrixCommencement (76)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
. Interacting with the frog costs Commencement (77) 1. If the Survivors of the Void DLC is enabled, petting the frog 10 times (thus using Commencement (78) 10) will spawn a Commencement (79)Commencement (80)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
The Planetarium is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Deep Void portalCommencement (81)Commencement (82)Commencement (83)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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The Planetarium (Final)
Cell V
The Planetarium is an area somewhere within the Void, housing a collection of planets detained by the Void's denizens. It is inhabited primarily by the Voidling, the guard of the Planetarium or potentially the controller of the Void itself.

This Easter egg was requested on the official Discord. The Commencement (84) PurityCommencement (85)Commencement (86)Purity
Reduce your skill cooldowns by 2 seconds. You are unlucky.

All skill cooldowns are reduced by 2 (+1 per stack) seconds. All random effects are rolled +1 (+1 per stack) times for an unfavorable outcome.
log refers to "glass frogs", implying that the frog could be more than an Easter egg.

  • Commencement (87)

    Glass Frog

Logbook Entry[]

Like the Hidden Realms, Commencement's Logbook Entry is obtained through picking up an Environment Log. Said Environment Log is located within the central hole underneath the boss's arena. It will disappear 5 minutes after entering the level.

  • Commencement (88)

    Environment Log location, underneath the Boss' Arena.

  • Commencement (89)

    Environment Log location, inside the crater.


Have you forgotten – that those gates are my design?You would not know, because you do not look up. You bend knees only for ants and vermin. But I have been working on a grander design. A greater gate – to travel greater seas.What if I met you, on one of these extinct planets? What if I caused the calamities you strive to avoid? What if I reaped destruction? What would you do then?I know the planet you trail – of water and dirt. You fear their stability. That they will consume themselves. Maybe I will go there first.

Version History[]

PC Patch v1.1.1.4
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed some of Commencement’s navigation/spawn nodes being placed underground, potentially causing a softlock loop
PC Patch v1.1.1.2
  • Quality of Life
    • Update the rescue ship’s charging zone to be infinitely tall, i.e you can charge it while floating above
    • Update escape portals from the final boss arena to be more portal-looking
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed stray nodes causing lockboxes to spawn midair on the final stage
Anniversary Update
  • Gameplay Changes
    • Final Stage
      • 🌧 The final stage has been redone entirely, with unique objectives and a new, large arena to play in. We won’t spoil it. Please let us know how you feel!
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed the ending sequence explosions missing an authority check, causing it to fire additional projectiles for every client in the game
PC Patch v1.0.1.1 (Build ID No.5440050)
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fix the fog on the last stage being entirely opaque if soft particles are disabled
    • Fix missing out-of-bound floor under the starting room for the final stage
    • Fix a gap in the final boss arena causing you to get stuck
    • Fix the ceiling in the final boss arena not being solid for projectiles and Commencement (90) Lunar Chimera (Wisp)Commencement (91)Lunar Chimera (Wisp)
      Zenith DesignsHP: 850 (+255 per level)
      Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
      Class: Ranged
      Speed: 18 m/s
      Armor: 0
Early Access Content Update 5
  • Major Content
    • Added New Final Stage:???
    • Added New Stage Lore Entry:???


  • The implosion of the Moon in the ending cinematic is reminiscent of the death implosion of a Commencement (92) Void ReaverCommencement (93)Void Reaver
    HP: 1900 (+570 per level)
    Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
    Class: Ranged / Self-Destruct
    Speed: 6 m/s
    Armor: 0
    , albeit on a planetary-sized scale. It could be assumed that the Moon was not actually destroyed, but rather 'detained' in the same way that something caught within the Void Reaver's implosion is described as.
    • The Simulacrum version of Commencement is located in its boss arena, possibly suggesting the events of Simulacrum take place after the Moon's detainment.
  • The Pillars in this stage are all based on the 4 elements of the universe Mithrix found. What they are, how they function, and how they look are all taken from the Bulwark's Ambry log.
    • "...Round, with no features. No orientation. It is mass. Almost everything here is mass. Mass is boring, but required." The Pillar of Mass is the blandest in design, and has no effects. Featureless and boring.
    • "...Features, angles, and intent. Look at the planarity of the surfaces. This is design. I love design." The Pillar of Design has a clear design unlike most of the other pillars, and has a distinct feature - its twisted design.
    • "...a volatile one - a lifeline. Blood. Sharp, yet radiant. Blood is heat. This is my blood, but there is plenty of blood in this universe." The Pillar of Blood is literally a pillar made of blood. Perhaps made of Mithrix's blood given the log, and how desolate the moon seems to be.
      • Prior to the map's redesign, a Pillar of Blood could be found near the Cauldrons as decoration.
    • "Now be gentle. Look closely here. Do you see it? Almost invisible, a thin film. Frail. It’s not in this reality, but an adjacent one. I’ve heard you discuss this - something you innately understood. What you describe as soul. Don’t you love soul?" The Pillar of Soul is nearly invisible, and it being the frailest of the elements, it requires the most amount of attention when charging.
  • Where the Pillars of Soul are located, a stone carving resembling Providence's head can be found in a secluded corner.
    • In the files, there is a full model of a statue of Providence.
  • The Pillars as holdout zones are unique in that their charging time isn't affected by the number of players in the zone. This means in multiplayer it is more efficient to split and charge multiple Pillars at the same time, albeit at the risk of fighting stronger enemies individually.
  • The Simulacrum version of Commencement contains various silhouettes and constellations in the void surrounding the arena. These figures are rarely seen during normal gameplay due to their distance from the arena and the fog of the Simulacrum. Some of the figures depicted include...
    • Large constellations of Commencement (94) MithrixCommencement (95)Mithrix
      King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
      Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
      Class: Melee / Ranged
      Speed: 15 m/s
      Armor: 20
      and Providence
    • Commencement (96) GrandparentCommencement (97)Grandparent
      Aberrant CaretakerHP: 3625 (+1088 per level)
      Damage: 26 (+5.2 per level)
      Class: Ranged
      Speed: 0 m/s
      Armor: 20
    • Commencement (98) Lunar Chimera (Wisp)Commencement (99)Lunar Chimera (Wisp)
      Zenith DesignsHP: 850 (+255 per level)
      Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
      Class: Ranged
      Speed: 18 m/s
      Armor: 0
      and Commencement (100) Lunar Chimera (Golem)Commencement (101)Lunar Chimera (Golem)
      Zenith DesignsHP: 1615 (+485 per level)
      Damage: 35 (+7 per level)
      Class: Ranged
      Speed: 8 m/s
      Armor: 0
    • Commencement (102) ScavengerCommencement (103)Scavenger
      Item HoarderHP: 3800 (+1140 per level)
      Damage: 4 (+0.8 per level)
      Class: Ranged
      Speed: 3 m/s
      Armor: 20
    • Commencement (104) Stone TitanCommencement (105)Stone Titan
      Crisis VanguardHP: 2100 (+630 per level)
      Damage: 40 (+8 per level)
      Class: Ranged / Melee
      Speed: 5 m/s
      Armor: 20
    • Commencement (106) Wandering VagrantCommencement (107)Wandering Vagrant
      Gentle ProtectorHP: 2100 (+630 per level)
      Damage: 6.5 (+1.3 per level)
      Class: Ranged
      Speed: 6 m/s
      Armor: 15
    • Commencement (108) Elder LemurianCommencement (109)Elder Lemurian
      HP: 900 (+270 per level)
      Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
      Class: Ranged
      Speed: 13 m/s
      Armor: 0
    • Commencement (110) Hermit CrabCommencement (111)Hermit Crab
      HP: 100 (+30 per level)
      Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
      Class: Ranged
      Speed: 10 m/s
      Armor: 0
    • 2D Sketches similar to the ones found in the game's credits, depicting...
      • Providence's Head
      • Commencement (112) AcridCommencement (113)AcridAcrid is a melee-range hybrid who uses powerful poisons to melt tanky enemies.
        Class: Melee / Ranged
        HP: 160 (+48 per level)
        Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
        Armor: 20
        Umbra: Test Subject
      • Scavenger
      • The line “I know the planet you trail – of water and dirt. You fear their stability. That they will consume themselves.” In the Logbook could be a reference to Earth, as it is of “Water and Dirt”, and the planet is unstable (climate change). Providence may have been worried that humans would end up killing themselves and the planet and planned to transport them to Petrichor V
  • Commencement (114)

    The literal Glass Frog

Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
ArtifactsChallengesChestsDifficultyDronesEquipmentInteractablesItemsItem StackingLoreMechanicsMonstersNewt AltarsPrismatic TrialShrinesStatus Effects
Commencement (115) AcridCommencement (116)AcridAcrid is a melee-range hybrid who uses powerful poisons to melt tanky enemies.
Class: Melee / Ranged
HP: 160 (+48 per level)
Damage: 15 (+3 per level)
Armor: 20
Umbra: Test Subject
Commencement (117) ArtificerCommencement (118)ArtificerThe Artificer is a high burst damage survivor who excels in fighting large groups and bosses alike.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Herald of the House Beyond
Commencement (119) BanditCommencement (120)BanditThe Bandit is a high-skill combo character that can dish out devastating backstabs while weaving in and out of stealth.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Desperate Outlaw
Commencement (121) CaptainCommencement (122)CaptainThe Captain is a unique survivor that can control the battlefield with utility and damage - with help from the UES Safe Travels.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Tired Veteran
Commencement (123)Commencement (124)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Chef is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Commencement (125) ChefCommencement (126)Commencement (127)Commencement (128)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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ChefA survivor of high class, Chef specializes in only the most exquisite meals and combos. As a culinary master, Chef uses a variety of practiced skills in tandem for additional benefits.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Culinarian Adept
Commencement (129) CommandoCommencement (130)CommandoThe Commando is a jack-of-all-trades character that is reliable in all situations of the game.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Cornered Gunslinger
Commencement (131) EngineerCommencement (132)EngineerThe Engineer is a unique class that requires planning and positioning to be successful.
Class: Ranged
HP: 130 (+39 per level)
Damage: 14 (+2.8 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Fortification Expert
Commencement (133)Commencement (134)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
False Son is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Commencement (135) False SonCommencement (136)Commencement (137)Commencement (138)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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False SonThe False Son is a slow but stalwart close-range warrior. With extreme health and defense, False Son can weather any storm. Use False Son's durability to stay in the fray and capitalize on his slow but deadly skills.
Class: Melee
HP: 180 (+54 per level)
Damage: 13 (+2 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: The False Son
Commencement (139) HereticCommencement (140)HereticThe Heretic is a powerful character who can only be accessed through extraordinary means.
Class: Ranged
HP: 440 (+132 per level)
Damage: 18 (+3.6 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Unorthodoxy Risen
Commencement (141) HuntressCommencement (142)HuntressThe Huntress is an extremely mobile but fragile survivor with a high damage output.
Class: Ranged
HP: 90 (+27 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Judge, Jury, Executioner
Commencement (143) LoaderCommencement (144)LoaderThe Loader is a slow but powerful bruiser that can use her grappling hook to uniquely navigate the environment.
Class: Melee
HP: 160 (+48 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 20
Umbra: Bionic Powerhouse
Commencement (145) MercenaryCommencement (146)MercenaryThe Mercenary is a high skill melee survivor that uses his many dodges to weave in and out of combat.
Class: Melee
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 20
Umbra: Hired Blade
Commencement (147) MUL-TCommencement (148)MUL-TMUL-T is an aggressive survivor who has the tools necessary for any job!
Class: Melee / Ranged
HP: 200 (+60 per level)
Damage: 11 (+2.2 per level)
Armor: 12
Umbra: Right Tool for the Wrong Job
Commencement (149)Commencement (150)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Railgunner is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Commencement (151) RailgunnerCommencement (152)Commencement (153)Commencement (154)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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RailgunnerThe Railgunner is a long-range, single target survivor that can instantly kill any high priority target - and from any range.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Forgotten Nomad
Commencement (155) REXCommencement (156)REXREX is a half robot / half plant that uses HP to cast devastating skills from a distance. The plant nor the robot could survive this planet alone – but thankfully they have each other.
Class: Ranged
HP: 130 (+39 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 20
Umbra: Symbiotes
Commencement (157)Commencement (158)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Seeker is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Commencement (159) SeekerCommencement (160)Commencement (161)Commencement (162)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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SeekerAs a meditative mid-range brawler, Seeker utilizes powerful healing to sustain herself and her team.
Class: Ranged
HP: 115 (+34 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Diviner of House Beyond
Commencement (163)Commencement (164)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Void Fiend is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Commencement (165) Void FiendCommencement (166)Commencement (167)Commencement (168)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Void FiendThe Void Fiend is a corrupted survivor that fluctuates between a controlled and corrupted form, each with different strengths and weaknesses. Managing this curse has become its fate.
Class: Ranged
HP: 110 (+33 per level)
Damage: 12 (+2.4 per level)
Armor: 0
Umbra: Corrupted Amnesiac
Abandoned AqueductCommencement (169)Abandoned Aqueduct (Stage 2)
Origin of Tar
You dream of sand beneath your feet.

Massive skeletons and pools of tar are littered around, and a towering aqueduct pouring down tar dominates the area.

Abyssal DepthsCommencement (170)Abyssal Depths (Stage 4)
Tectonic Relics
You dream of fire.

A hellfire-forged zone of blazing heat, the Abyssal Depths are believed to be a continuation and adaptation of the Magma Barracks from Risk of Rain.

Commencement (171)Commencement (172)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Aphelian Sanctuary is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Aphelian SanctuaryCommencement (173)Commencement (174)Commencement (175)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Aphelian Sanctuary (Stage 2)
Cleansing Center
You dream of clarity.
CommencementCommencement (176)Commencement (Final)
Moon of Petrichor V
You dream of glass and dirt.

Large domain located above the shattered breach of Commencement (177) Petrichor V's moon. It is made up of the shattered remains of four individual sections, emblematic of Commencement (178) MithrixCommencement (179)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
and Providence's tools of creation.

Distant RoostCommencement (180)Distant Roost (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of waves, crashing on cliffsides.

Spires of earth jut through the fog and unknown avian creatures circle far peaks guarding their broods.

Commencement (181)Commencement (182)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Disturbed Impact is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Disturbed ImpactCommencement (183)Commencement (184)Commencement (185)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Disturbed Impact (Stage 1)
Meter of the Restless
You dream of stabbing shards.
Commencement (186)Commencement (187)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Golden Dieback is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Golden DiebackCommencement (188)Commencement (189)Commencement (190)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Golden Dieback (Stage 3)
March of the Fallen
You dream of golden leaves.
Commencement (191)Commencement (192)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Helminth Hatchery is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Helminth HatcheryCommencement (193)Commencement (194)Commencement (195)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Helminth Hatchery (Stage 5)
Shadow of the Savior
You dream of wurms.
Commencement (196)Commencement (197)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Prime Meridian is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Prime MeridianCommencement (198)Commencement (199)Commencement (200)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Prime Meridian (Stage 4)
Relic of the False Son


Rallypoint DeltaCommencement (201)Rallypoint Delta (Stage 3)
'Contact Light' Survivor Camp
You dream of quiet snowfall.

Rallypoint Delta is the remains of a makeshift camp constructed by a group of scattered crew members from the UES Contact Light, somewhere in the frigid tundra of Petrichor V.

Commencement (202)Commencement (203)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Reformed Altar is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Reformed AltarCommencement (204)Commencement (205)Commencement (206)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Reformed Altar (Stage 2)
Shadow of the Savior
You dream of refuge.
Scorched AcresCommencement (207)Scorched Acres (Stage 3)
Wisp Installation
You dream of wind, blowing through trees.

Large, circular platforms make up the majority of the stage, and embers float through the air.

Commencement (208)Commencement (209)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Siphoned Forest is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Siphoned ForestCommencement (210)Commencement (211)Commencement (212)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Siphoned Forest (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of fire and ice.

The map is blanketed in a layer of snow, with large trees surrounded by platforms spanning multiple levels.

Siren's CallCommencement (213)Siren's Call (Stage 4)
Ship Graveyard
You dream of wind.
Sky MeadowCommencement (214)Sky Meadow (Stage 5)
Sprite Fields
You dream of serenity.
Commencement (215)Commencement (216)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Shattered Adobes is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Shattered AdobesCommencement (217)Commencement (218)Commencement (219)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Shattered Adobes (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of lost poetry.
Commencement (220)Commencement (221)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Sulfur Pools is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Sulfur PoolsCommencement (222)Commencement (223)Commencement (224)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Sulfur Pools (Stage 3)
Pungent Spring
You dream of brimstone.

Tiered lakes of shallow sulfur pools. Arcing bridges and underground caves connect the map together.

Sundered GroveCommencement (225)Sundered Grove (Stage 4)
Dormant Locus
You dream of violent growth.

Ancient flora has risen up to reclaim this once sacred refuge. Mazes of roots and overgrown fungus have twisted the landscape, leaving only ruins.

Titanic PlainsCommencement (226)Titanic Plains (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of rolling hills.

Gigantic stone arches bracket the skyline, while the main play-field overlooks a vast fractured tectonic lowland.

Commencement (227)Commencement (228)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
Treeborn Colony is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Treeborn ColonyCommencement (229)Commencement (230)Commencement (231)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Treeborn Colony (Stage 3)
Path of the Protector
You dream of vines, cutting through the sky.
Verdant FallsCommencement (232)Verdant Falls (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of sweet fruits, and bitter promises.

Gigantic plants with vines and roots. Water running down their massive leaves fills the ground with pools of water.

Viscous FallsCommencement (233)Viscous Falls (Stage 1)
Ground Zero
You dream of falls, erupting from the flora.

Gigantic plants with vines and roots. Water running down their massive leaves fills the ground with pools of water.

Wetland AspectCommencement (234)Wetland Aspect (Stage 2)
Rehabilitation Zone
You dream of twisting roots.

Full of ruined stone structures and swampy areas filled with water.

Hidden Realms
A Moment, FracturedCommencement (235)A Moment, Fractured (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: A Moment, Fractured
Multiple floating islands in a void, with sharp blue crystals embedded in them. The Obelisk can be found on top of the last island.
A Moment, WholeCommencement (236)A Moment, Whole (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: A Moment, Whole
A bleak and desolate realm. The refuge of the Commencement (237) Twisted Scavengers, safe from Commencement (238) Mithrix'sCommencement (239)Mithrix
King of NothingHP: 1000 (+300 per level)
Damage: 16 (+3.2 per level)
Class: Melee / Ranged
Speed: 15 m/s
Armor: 20
vengeance and destruction.
Bazaar Between TimeCommencement (240)Bazaar Between Time (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: Bazaar Between Time
This stage serves as the shop in Risk of Rain 2. Players can purchase various Items with Lunar Coins or exchange items for higher-rarity ones in two crucibles.
Bulwark's AmbryCommencement (241)Bulwark's Ambry (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: Bulwark's Ambry
The area consists of block-shaped platforms, with the Artifact Reliquary in the center.
Gilded CoastCommencement (242)Gilded Coast (Hidden Realm)
Hidden Realm: Gilded Coast
You dream of wealth.

This area is where the player fights the boss Aurelionite, the Titanic Goldweaver.

Commencement (243)Commencement (244)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
The Planetarium is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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The PlanetariumCommencement (245)Commencement (246)Commencement (247)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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The Planetarium (Final)
Cell V
The Planetarium is an area somewhere within the Void, housing a collection of planets detained by the Void's denizens. It is inhabited primarily by the Voidling, the guard of the Planetarium or potentially the controller of the Void itself.
Void FieldsCommencement (248)Void Fields (Hidden Realm)
Cosmic Prison
Hidden Realm accessible only through the Bazaar Between Time. Until the cell is stabilized, the Void Fields will constantly "suffocate" the player for a small percentage of their current health.
Commencement (249)Commencement (250)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
Void Locus is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Void LocusCommencement (251)Commencement (252)Commencement (253)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Void Locus (Hidden Realm)
You dream of potential.

The Void Locus contains many Void Potentials and Cradles in place of chests, and is inhabited by Void monsters.

Commencement (254)Commencement (255)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Survivors of the VoidCommencement (256)Commencement (257)Seekers of the Storm - DLC Content
This content is part of the Seekers of the Storm DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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Seekers of the Storm
Alternate Game Modes
EclipsePrismatic TrialsCommencement (258)Commencement (259)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
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ArmorDamageDirectorsEnemy AIFamily EventsGoldHealthItem StackingLunar CoinsMovement SpeedProc CoefficientCommencement (260)Commencement (261)Survivors of the Void - DLC Content
This content is part of the Survivors of the Void DLC. It is only available if the DLC is enabled when starting a run.
Click for more info.
Void Fog
Developer ConsoleDevelopment TeamLanguagesModdingSoundtrackUnreleased ItemsVersion History
Commencement (2024)


What is commencement vs graduation? ›

Participation in the commencement ceremony does not imply that you have officially graduated. Graduation is the completion of all degree requirements as recorded on the official transcript. Commencement is the ceremony that celebrates the completion of a degree.

What is the term of commencement? ›

A commencement is the act of starting out, or blazing a new trail. The suffix -ment makes the word commencement a noun — a thing, an activity, a start. The word can be used for the beginning of anything, from a business meeting to a vacation trip to a marriage. Anything that begins has a moment of commencement.

What is the meaning of commencement date? ›

Definition: The date of commencement is the date specified in the policy schedule on which the risk cover on the insured's life commences. Description: In simple terms, the Date of Commencement is when the policy comes into effect.

What is the meaning of class commencement date? ›

Commencement of Semester/Session means the day of start of classes for the semester/session as prescribed in the Academic Calendar of the University published from time to time.

Why is it called commencement and not graduation? ›

Commencement refers to the start of something, and in an academic context, this ceremony signifies you're starting your career and the next phase of your life. Students may be allowed to participate in commencement prior to completing all of their graduation requirements.

Is it proper to say graduation commencement? ›

Meanwhile, "commencement" is the official term for the graduation ceremony, where students, family, and faculty celebrate their accomplishments. The largest commencement usually takes place at the close of the spring term, but it may happen during other terms as well.

What does commencement date mean graduation? ›

Simply put, Commencement is a ceremony held once a year that honors students who just have or will soon graduate, which means completing all requirements of their degree program. Participating in Commencement does not automatically mean that a student has graduated.

What is the period of commencement? ›

Commencement period means the period of days' from the date of signing of Contract.

What is the difference between commencement and start date? ›

The commencement date and start date are often the same, but not always. 'Start date' may refer to when actual work or service begins, whereas 'commencement date' often refers to when contractual terms take effect. This distinction should be clarified within the contract itself.

What do you mean by commencement? ›

the act or time of commencing; beginning; start. 2. the ceremonies at which degrees or diplomas are conferred at a school or college. 3. the day when this takes place.

What is an example of a commencement date? ›

For example, let's say you sign a lease for an apartment on May 1st. The lease has a commencement date of June 1st. This means that the terms of the lease (such as rent amount and length of tenancy) will not be binding until June 1st.

What is the first commencement date? ›

Related Definitions

First Commencement Date means the date of the final prospectus for the Company's initial public offering. First Commencement Date means the first day of the month in which the First Admission Date occurs.

What is commencement in simple terms? ›

an act or instance of commencing; beginning: the commencement of hostilities. the ceremony of conferring degrees or granting diplomas at the end of the academic year. the day on which this ceremony takes place.

What is point of commencement? ›

The legal description will describe a point of commencement and a point of beginning. The commencement point is meant to direct the surveyor to the point of beginning, which is where the property actually begins.

Is it worth going to commencement? ›

Besides showing you how proud they are of all of your hard work, the graduation ceremony also gives you a chance to be a role model for your friends and children in real-time. They can see the results of all your hard work... in person! Meet your instructors and support staff!

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.