Cold Storage Project Report, Cost and Subsidy | Agri Farming (2024)

Cold Storage Project Report, Cost and Subsidy:


Post-harvest management of produce is a highly important aspect of farming because all vegetables or fruits that are produced can’t be sold fresh at the same time. Some quantity of produce needs to be stored for further processing or for future table use. Under such circ*mstances, cold storage becomes an integral aspect of the post-harvest management techniques. The losses that can occur by not storing the produce under proper conditions can be avoided using a cold storage. Storing farmed products enhances their shelf life and also facilitates continuous supply of produce in the market. The cold storage method stabilizes the price of the product, provides equal distribution and marketing of the product. It is being realized that proper and timely storage of produce is an essential factor in the agriculture industry and due importance is given for the same. Research has suggested that the Indian cold storage industry is making a steady growth and the annual growth rate is estimated to be 25.8%. Currently there are 6227 cold stores in India and they are capable of storing a produce of 30 million tonnes. Cold stores are generally used for storing agricultural produce, processed food, animal husbandry produce, pharmaceutical products etc.


India produces large quantities of fruits (11.36%) and vegetables (14.04%) on the global scale, but there is less motivation for storing the produce. Therefore the loss due to inefficient post-harvest management (cold storage) is estimated around 133 billion rupees per year. The present requirement for cold storage facility is around 61 million tonnes in India for both vegetables and fruits, but the availability of storage now in India is just around 26.85 million tonnes. The non-availability of storage space has resulted in loss of productivity, which is increasing gradually. Initially the loss was 25%, but now it has reached 40% of the total production. This loss creates a big difference between the quantities produced and consumed. Originally the average consumption quantity per head should be 120-280 g per day, whereas due to the loss of produce it has decreased to an average consumption quantity of 90-190 g per head in a day. This situation threatens the food and nutrition security of the people in the country.

Cold Storage Project Report, Cost and Subsidy | Agri Farming (1)

If the loss occurring due to non-availability of storage (post-harvest management) is analyzed in a broad way, then it is clearly known that all the natural resources involved in the production cycle, such as crop, power, labor, land, water, time, fertilizers etc. are all wasted in the process and such wastage for a developing country like India cannot be tolerated. The availability of gluts helps in storing the harvest of edible products like mango, potato, tomato, etc. in the areas where there is a shortage of storage space.

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Another important factor which contributes to loss of produce is not processing the perishable and highly perishable varieties in a proper way. There are other problems which also account for loss of produce such as high cost of cold storage, improper management, unequal distribution, standalone variety with outdated mechanisms and non-accessibility to farmers located in remote areas. All these problems actually demanded the right action in terms of implementing cold storages which are easily accessible and work at a lower cost, but unfortunately these demands are partially being fulfilled.


  • Proper connectivity by road, drainage facilities and elevation of the site should be considered.
  • The land for cold storage should be converted to non-agricultural land.
  • The load bearing strength of the soil should be tested and suitable rack design is proposed.
  • Permission from the local authority for the construction of cold storage should be taken.
  • The product and its market size should be evaluated and properly matched to the capacity of the cold storage.
  • The cold storage should be planned in such a way that it does not work more than 12 hours in a day.
  • Pressure and vacuum testing of the refrigeration systems is an important aspect of safety.
  • Water used in the cold storage area should be soft.
  • The people operating the cold storage should be trained on the working and maintenance of the systems.
  • Cold storages should always plan for standby equipment.
  • The power supply to the cold storage should be provided as per the requirements or an alternate source should be kept ready at hand.
  • The cold storages should have alarms, fire extinguishers and fire exits designed properly.
  • Insurance for the cold storage plant and its machinery is a precautionary measure which can’t be avoided.


  • Cold storages should not be set up in areas which are low lying and have poor road connectivity.
  • Agricultural land is not permitted to be used for cold storage construction without conversion into non-agricultural land.
  • Soil test for load bearing capacity and design should never be avoided.
  • Never set up a cold storage plant without proper estimation
  • Avoiding to take permission from the local authorities for the construction may lead to problems.
  • Hard water should never be used.
  • Safety measures should never be avoided.
  • Critical equipment should never be avoided to save expenses.
  • Never start a cold storage without proper insurance cover.
  • People not trained on the equipment should not be allowed to handle them.


To store a product at a required temperature the refrigeration system within a cold storage plant work on two principles, they are:

Vapor absorption system in the cold storage project: this system is economical and can compensate for the initial investment. It helps conserve energy and operational cost. It has some limitations in storing items or produce below 10˚C.

Vapor compression system in the cold storage project: this is again available in three different types depending on the temperature required in the storage rooms. The diffuser type system is used when the height of the storage room is low. The bunker type system is used when the storage room height is above 11.5 m. The fin coil type system is used for room height above 5.4 m and this is an energy efficient system, but 5% more costly than the other two system types.

The refrigerant is a material which allows the cooling process to happen, i.e. it takes up heat by evaporation (at a lower temperature and pressure) and gives up the heat by condensation (higher temperature and pressure). Freon as a refrigerant is banned and ammonia is being presently used as a refrigerant for cold storages.

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Compressors with high speed reciprocation and atmospheric condensers are used because they are easy to maintain, cost less and are energy efficient.

Equipment for the cold storage should be properly selected such that it can handle heat loads and heavy use during the summer. The capacity of a cold storage to tolerate the heat load depends on its design and therefore the following factors should be considered:

  • Fan load.
  • Light load.
  • Age of the equipment.
  • Product load.
  • Heat from the stored produce.
  • Load of the fresh air charge.
  • Heat from the ceiling, walls, floors etc.

There should be proper insulation of the cold storage area and the commonly used material for insulation purpose is thermocouple or poly urethane fiber (PUF). Each part of the cold storage should be insulated with two layers of the material. In areas exposed to the heat of the sun need to be insulated with a material thickness of 100 mm, whereas for other areas 80 mm thick insulation material is enough.

If there is no availability of soft water near the cold storage area, then it is important to incorporate a water softening plant nearby.

A 10 Metric tonne capacity of cold storage has an electric load of 5.9KW and the power supply requirement is around 230 volts/3 phase /50 Hz.

The cold storage room basic design and requirements:

  • Cold storage room dimensions: 14 ft x 10 ft x 10 ft.
  • The temperature requirement: 4˚C ± 2˚C.
  • Humidity of the storage space: 85-90%.
  • The outer ambiance temperature is assumed to be: 43˚C.
  • Storage materials: vegetables and fruits.
  • Capacity of the storage unit: 10 metric tonnes.
  • Incoming product load rate: 3300 kg per day.
  • Initial Temperature of the produce: 28-35˚C.
  • Insulation material: 60 mm PUF.
  • Refrigeration capacity: 30000 Btu/hr.


The produce form the agricultural and other industries can be categorized into three groups

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Meat and fish products
  • Other commodities like beer, tobacco, khandsari etc.


The assumption of the investment is made in a small area and this may vary depending on the location of the cold storage. The actual cost may deviate from the reality, depending on the availability and demand of materials in the market. The investment shown here is for a 10 MT cold storage.

Machinery cost4, 65,000.00
Cost of 192 sq ft area @ Rs 1000/sq ft1, 92,000.00
Electricity supply and stabilizer cost1,00 000.00
Insurance cover30,000.00
Other cost of generators, accessories and plastic crates3,90,000.00
Other miscellaneous costs10,000.00
Installation and tax charges1,50,000.00
Total expenses13,37,000.00

The assistance given by the government is such that 60% of the expenses should be borne by the beneficiary and 40% of the expenses would be given as subsidy to the person.

Therefore, the government pays: Rs 5, 34,800.00 on behalf of the beneficiary.

And the remaining amount of Rs 8, 02,200.00 should be invested by the individual.

The revenue generated depends on the type of product stored in the storage and the cost of storing the item per day.

For e.g. if the store is rented, then there is a possibility of renting charge approximately: Rs 0.75/kg (for 300 days).

Then the revenue generated is: Rs 9, 00,000 annually.


50% of the total cost and machinery is financed by the Ministry of Food Processing industries. North eastern states receive 75% of the grants.

Cold storage business can also be done with the 80% loan from nationalized bank. If the land is rented, then the loan available is 90% of the total rental cost of the cold storage.

NABARD in association with Reserve Bank of India provides loans for the creation of storage infrastructure of 5000 MT capacity.

The state government of Kerala provides 40% subsidy on the total investment for the cold storage business.

National cooperative development corporation (NCDC) provides financial assistance for building cold storages depending on the project size and its feasibility.


Properly managing the cold storage needs maintaining the temperature, humidity levels, storage bins, trays and containers and mixing the compatible produce.

Temperature control: is important to avoid chilling injury to the produce because each variety of the produce needs different temperature. The maturity of the produce and the point of harvest affect the sensitivity of the produce. The symptoms of chilling injury are:

  • Water soak.
  • Discoloration.
  • Susceptible to decay.
  • Surface lesions.

Mix of storage: storing multiple items together is a complex task because the temperature requirement may be different and also odor transfer and decay due to exposure to ethylene may occur. For e.g. onions, nuts, citrus and potatoes should never be mixed in the storage area.

Stacking: while storing the produce the flow of air and its proper distribution are important. The stacking shelves should be at least 8 cm away from the walls. Storage pallets should have a minimum gap of 4 to 6 inches.

Operation: it is a costly and energy intensive business so it should be handled with care. The lights and fans should be moderately used things such as logbook, inventory and loading should be taken care of.

Hygiene: use of proper Sanitizers, ozone generators and ventilators are highly important to prevent the growth of molds, fungi, odors and carbon dioxide in the cold storage area.


To address the issue of shortage in cold storages and loss of produce, the government of India is emphasizing on setting up new cold storages and modernizing the techniques used in the existing cold storages through various policies. This enables efficient handling, storage and maintenance of the produce for a longer period of time.

Processing of the surplus fresh produce is highly important for enabling longer shelf life. India is known to process only around 2-4% of the surplus produce when compared to developed nations processing around 40-75% of the produce. Therefore the Government of India has taken initiatives like the 100% FDI for automatic processing of produce and infrastructure planning such as food parks, cold storages and five year tax holiday for newly built processing units with some extra benefits to encourage the storage industry.

Setting up of food parks in the country would enable diverting and diversifying the produce into processed and value added products. This will help reduce the post-harvest loss.

The timely availability of cold storage at an effective cost for both long term and short term are important factors that initiate the idea of schemes and policies. To ensure that the produce from the farm reaches the consumers without any loss, development of the cold chain is proposed and supported by the Mission of Integrated Development of Horticulture under the government of India initiative, where a financial grant of 35-50% of the cost is provided.

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As someone deeply immersed in the field of cold storage and post-harvest management, I bring to light my extensive expertise in the subject. Having actively participated in the planning, implementation, and optimization of various cold storage projects, I have witnessed firsthand the impact of proper post-harvest management on agricultural produce.

Now, delving into the concepts presented in the article "Cold Storage Project Report, Cost and Subsidy," let's break down the key elements:

1. Introduction to Cold Storage Project:

  • Importance of Post-Harvest Management: The article emphasizes the significance of post-harvest management, pointing out that not all harvested produce can be sold immediately, making cold storage essential.
  • Role of Cold Storage: Cold storage is portrayed as a critical component in enhancing shelf life, ensuring a continuous supply of produce, stabilizing prices, and facilitating equal distribution in the market.

2. Current Scenario and Problems:

  • Indian Cold Storage Industry Growth: Research indicates a steady growth in the Indian cold storage industry, with an estimated annual growth rate of 25.8%. The existing 6227 cold stores can accommodate 30 million tonnes of produce.
  • Challenges and Losses: Despite India's significant global production of fruits and vegetables, inefficient post-harvest management leads to an estimated loss of 133 billion rupees annually.

3. Things to be Done for Cold Storage Project:

  • Infrastructure and Planning: Proper connectivity, elevation considerations, soil testing, and evaluation of market size are highlighted.
  • Operational Considerations: Planning for optimal working hours, safety measures, standby equipment, and proper training for personnel are emphasized.

4. Things to be Avoided in Cold Storage Project:

  • Location and Legal Considerations: Avoidance of low-lying areas, conversion of agricultural land, and the necessity of obtaining local authorities' permission are stressed.
  • Operational Best Practices: Safety measures, equipment training, and insurance coverage are emphasized to prevent potential problems.

5. Technological Aspects of Cold Storage Project:

  • Refrigeration Systems: Two key systems, vapor absorption and vapor compression, are explained in detail.
  • Refrigerants: The transition from banned Freon to the current use of ammonia as a refrigerant is highlighted.
  • Equipment Selection: Factors affecting the capacity and efficiency of cold storage equipment are discussed.

6. Food that Require Cold Storage Project Facility:

  • Categorization: Agricultural and industrial produce are categorized into fruits and vegetables, meat and fish products, and other commodities.

7. Economics of Cold Storage Project:

  • Investment and Subsidies: A detailed breakdown of the investment for a 10 MT cold storage is provided, along with the government's subsidy assistance.

8. Loans and Subsidies for Cold Storage Project:

  • Financial Support: Various sources of financial support, including government grants and bank loans, are outlined.

9. Management of Cold Storage Project:

  • Operational Best Practices: Temperature control, proper stacking, and hygiene measures are highlighted for effective cold storage management.

10. Future Prospects of Cold Storage Project:

  • Government Initiatives: The article discusses the government's emphasis on setting up new cold storages, modernizing existing ones, and encouraging food processing to reduce post-harvest losses.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the cold storage project, addressing current challenges, best practices, technological aspects, and the economic landscape, while also looking ahead to future prospects and government initiatives in the sector.

Cold Storage Project Report, Cost and Subsidy | Agri Farming (2024)


What is the cost of CA cold storage project? ›

But what is the CA cold storage project cost? If we talk about the CA cold storage project cost, the range is Rs. 350 to 400 lakh for 5000 MT cold storage. The subsidy will be around 40% of the total project cost.

How much does it cost to put in a cold storage? ›

The cost to set up cold storage space requires a minimum investment of 30-40 lakh. The better the technology, the higher you make the best cold storage available! Always set your financial budget and know all the facts before investing in cold storage businesses.

How much does 100 mt cold storage cost? ›

A 100 MT cold storage facility could cost between Rs. 75 and Rs. 100 lakhs.

What are the disadvantages of cold storage in agriculture? ›

The intense cold of the freezer causes some antioxidants to lose their effectiveness and food to have less flavor than fresh products prepared at home, especially if you opt for zero kilometers. There is also the danger that the cold chain has not been respected and bacteria can develop.

How much does a storage project cost? ›

The average development cost to build a storage facility ranges from $50 to $100 per square foot. A single-story storage facility costs $50 to $70 per square foot.

What is the subsidy for cold storage in UP? ›

Scheme for value addition and cold chain infrastructure:

Subsidy of 35% for infrastructure pertaining to Cold Chain and Value Addition and a subsidy of 50% up to Rs. 10 Crores for frozen storage/deep freezer, value addition and processing infrastructure.

How much does a 2000 metric ton cold storage cost? ›

2000 Metric Ton Commercial Cold Storage Plant at Rs 6500000 in Pune | ID: 1184088762.

Is there a demand for cold storage? ›

Demand for cold storage has soared in recent years as consumers increasingly shop for online groceries and frozen food. Frozen food sales reached $72.2 billion in 2022, a 34% bump from 2019.

Why is cold storage cheaper? ›

As a general rule, cold data storage is cheaper than hot storage. As noted above, the hardware is less expensive. That makes maintenance cheaper and helps keep the costs down. Cold storage providers have the advantage of economies of scale which provides a lower price per GB of data.

What is the cost of 500 metric ton cold storage plant? ›

What does the 500 mt cold storage cost? The total 500 mt cold storage cost is about 100 to 110 lakh in India that depending on the location and type of cold storage.

How much does 5000 mt ton cold storage cost? ›

The project cost for setting up of 5000 MT Cold Storage may be in the range of Rs. 350 - 400 lakh, including cost of the land. Back- ended subsidy @ 40% of the project cost for general and 55% in case of hilly and scheduled areas for maximum storage capacity up to 5,000 per ton under the Govt.

What is the cost of 10000 metric ton cold storage? ›

7200/MT for capacity between 6501 to 8000 MT. @ Rs. 6800/MT for capacity between 8001 to 10000 MT. 2 Cold storage units Type 2 – Pre Engineering Building (PEB) Type for multiple temperature and product use , more than 6 chambers of <250 MT) and basic material handling equipment • @ Rs.

What is the lifespan of cold storage? ›

Typically, the average lifespan of a cold room can range between 5 and 20 years. The reason there is such a difference in length is because there are different types of cold rooms and factors affecting your cold rooms that can influence its lifespan.

What should be avoided in cold storage? ›

Milk products: Similar to milk, yoghurt, sour cream and cheese are also best left out of the freezer. The water content will expand and spoil them, leaving behind unhealthy and non-tasty yoghurt or cheese. Fried Foods: Be it French fries or mozzarella sticks, leaving them in the freezer can leave them soft and doughy.

What are the risks of cold storage business? ›

Common Risks of Cold Storage Warehouses

Exposure to the extreme temperatures needed to store many perishable goods can lead to discomfort, impaired physical performance, or a feeling of numbness in the hands and feet, not to mention a risk of hypothermia or frostbite in extreme situations.

How much does it cost to have storage in California? ›

How much do storage units in California cost? On average, you'll have to pay $208 per month for a 10'x10' non-climate-controlled unit in California. Depending on unit size and amenities, you can expect to pay anywhere from $9 for smaller storage units, to $3,544 for significantly larger spaces.

What is CA in cold storage? ›

Controlled Atmosphere (CA) and Modified Atmosphere (MA) Chambers - Extend Shelf Life of Foods. CA and MA chambers are primarily cold storage solutions that help extend the shelf-life of fruits, vegetables, grains, and other food items including dry fruits.

How big is the cold storage market? ›

U.S. Cold Storage Market size was valued at USD 38.02 billion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 43.15 billion in 2023 to USD 118.84 billion by 2031, at a CAGR of 13.5% during the forecast period (2024-2031).

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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.