Coffee, co*cktails, and 5 More Drinks That Are More Dehydrating Than You Might Think (2024)

Hydration looks different for everyone. Some carry around a massive tumbler of water, others keep it on a daily subconscious to-do list, and then some people will go about their business only to realize upon returning home from work that they haven’t had a sip of water all day. No matter where you fall on that spectrum, hydration is always important—and it becomes an even higher priority as the hot months of summer approach.

While we all know water is the ultimate hydrator, are there any drinks that actually contribute to dehydration? Here are some of the most popular beverages that can have a negative impact on hydration, plus how to help offset their dehydrating effects—especially in the heat of summer.

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Avoiding Dehydration Is Very Important

Proper hydration positively supports our bodies in myriad ways, especially given that we’re composed mostly of water (at least 60%). These hydration benefits range from optimal brain, joint, immune system, kidney, liver, and gut health to aiding the body in detoxification, metabolism, and nutrient absorption. Plus, proper hydration helps to protect the skin, spine, eyes, nose, and mouth from irritants and stressors.

While we always want to avoid dehydration as best we can, it’s especially paramount as the temperature rises, leaving us more susceptible to dehydration. A few of the main, everyday ways we can lose moisture and become dehydrated (if we’re not replenishing that moisture) include breathing (who knew?), going to the bathroom, and sweating. These are our body’s natural excretory systems. In the summer months, many of us sweat far more than other times of the year, predisposing us to the irritating symptoms of dehydration.

For most of us, dehydration can present as lightheadedness, headache, decreased cognition, insomnia, fatigue, unusual mood swings, gas, bloating, constipation, dark-colored urine, and less frequent urination.

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When dehydration becomes super severe, it can have much more serious medical consequences including cardiac events, seizures, and organ failure. This level of dehydration typically only occurs as a result of extreme circ*mstances like severe illness or prolonged, strenuous exercise without proper fluid replacement. However, the intense heat of summer can cause some of us to lose enough fluids to go into heat exhaustion potentially leading to some of these symptoms if not properly attended to.

Avoiding dehydration is simple in concept: drink (and eat) more fluids than your body is losing throughout the day. However, in practice, it is much more difficult, as many of us know. When we feel thirsty we’re actually already behind on hydration, and many Americans live with chronic low levels of dehydration. But the key to success here is to make small attainable goals towards a larger one – which would be aiming for at least eight to 12 cups of water (64 to 96 fluid ounces) or other hydrating beverages per day. (Remember, too, that many foods, including fresh fruits and veggies, help contribute to hydration levels throughout the day.)

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What Makes a Beverage Dehydrating?

Not all drinks are as hydrating as they may seem. You might think that because something is a fluid that it’s inherently hydrating, but this is not always the case. In fact, many of the bevs we love in this country are actually pretty dehydrating, at least to some degree. When speaking of dehydrating drink components, the diuretic effect is a concept at play with each one. Diuretics are agents that cause the body to produce and pass more urine than it otherwise would, having the potential to dehydrate us.

A few dietary components, each of which has diuretic effects, can contribute to dehydration, including the following:

Added Sugars

Added sugar causes the kidneys to excrete more fluid. Plus, when we consume large amounts of added sugars, there will be a build up of sugar in the bloodstream after the cells take what they need to function. When substances like salt and sugar are more concentrated in the blood than in the cells, the body will pull water from the cells into the blood to try and create an equilibrium between the two structures in terms of water and solute (i.e. salt or sugar) concentration. No matter, when water is pulled from our cells to dilute the sugar concentration in our blood, that will result in dehydrating effects throughout the body.

Excessive Amounts of Caffeine (More Than 500 Milligrams)

This stimulant is also a classic diuretic that many people are already aware of. However, the amount you consume here is key. One 2017 study published in Frontiers in Nutrition found that only caffeine consumption over 500 milligrams (mg) was associated with diuretic effects. Given that an 8-ounce cup of coffee can contain anywhere from 80 to 100 mg of caffeine, according to the FDA, many coffee drinkers may not approach this threshold. However, other options like energy drinks can have double or more of that amount, increasing the risk of diuresis and dehydration associated with a lot of caffeine.

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Alcoholic Drinks

On the other side of the coin we have the most frequently consumed depressant: alcohol. Alcohol acts as a diuretic in a few different ways, and is well-known for being very dehydrating—one of the biggest reasons it leaves most of us with hangover symptoms.

Alcohol is processed by the liver, which produces acetaldehyde and other byproducts when metabolizing co*cktails. While many of these will be removed from the body through carbon dioxide and water release from the lungs (i.e. this is how breathalyzers work) some will be metabolized and excreted through the kidneys. Alcohol also suppresses the antidiuretic hormone vasopressin, exacerbating this beverage's diuretic effect and dehydration capacity.

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Certain Artificial Sweeteners

While not all artificial sweeteners are equally offensive to hydration levels, some can really contribute to dehydration, mainly through their impact on digestion. Added sugar alcohols like sorbitol, xylitol, erythritol, and mannitol are especially notorious for producing a laxative effect resulting in diarrhea, which can cause dehydration. This is likely due to their capacity to alter gut bacteria in the microbiome.

Very High Amounts of Protein

Though harder to come by in drinks when compared to food, high protein intake (a health trend in and of itself these days) can also result in dehydration. This macronutrient breaks down into nitrogen during digestion, which requires more water to metabolize, pulling from our body’s stores. Plus, the kidneys are charged with excreting this excess nitrogen, resulting in diuresis and, of course, the potential to dehydrate.

Common Drinks That Can Dehydrate You

So, with our science lesson for the day out of the way, let’s get into some of the most dehydrating beverages available so that you can make the best choices for your overall hydration this summer.

While you don’t necessarily need to avoid dehydrating drinks—they’re a delicious part of life and hard to pass up—it’s good to know which are the worst culprits so you can make the most informed decisions for good hydration. This can help you to stay healthy and energized during the hottest summer months, when dehydration is a real concern.

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It’s no surprise that coffee tops this list as one of the most dehydrating drinks due to its caffeine content—but don’t worry, one or two cups of joe won’t tip you over into total dehydration.

Again, given the data we have on caffeine’s diuretic effects, you would need to drink nearly five cups per day to experience its more serious impact on hydration. To be on the safe side, if you’re someone who drinks more than two cups of coffee per day, it’s a good idea to match each mug with a glass of water to prevent any potential dehydrating effects.

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Caffeinated Tea and Certain Herbal Teas

While tea does generally contain less caffeine than coffee—black tea only offers about 50 mg per eight ounces—it does still have the capacity to dehydrate you if you’re really crushing the Venti-size cups all day, every day. Certain herbal teas may also be a surprising dehydrating agent, particularly those aimed at addressing constipation. Oftentimes, these teas contain senna leaves known to produce a laxative effect and result in a serious amount of water loss in the body. Something to note next time you’re perusing the herbal tea aisle!

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Regular and Diet Sodas

Soft drinks typically offer high amounts of added sugar and caffeine, and their diet versions aren’t much better thanks to their artificial sweetener content. While one study found enjoying chilled carbonated beverages increased consumer perception of hydration, these refreshers unfortunately do just the opposite through their diuretic effects associated with sugar and caffeine. Plus, if you spring for a diet soda, the digestive symptoms you may face as a result can also land you in a less than ideal position when it comes to hydration.

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Beer, Wine, and co*cktails

Whether you spring for a craft co*cktail, glass of wine, or a casual can of beer, their alcohol content will sadly act as a dehydrator on multiple fronts. This effect may very well be the primary reason we have a pounding headache, dry mouth, and low energy (at the very least!) the morning after heavy drinking. That's right, most of why hangovers feel so terrible is intense dehydration.

To avoid crazy dehydration when enjoying alcoholic drinks, make sure you're hydrating with plain-old water before, during, and after every serving.

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Certain Juices

Depending on the juice variety in question and how it’s made, fruit (and some vegetable) juices can be a super healthy, hydrating choice. But certain juices may be actually quite dehydrating, especially those that don’t contain 100-percent fruit juice and include added refined sugar. Plus, certain juice ingredients may contain nutrients that are also diuretics. Popular juice ingredient celery, for example, is high in the amino acid asparagine, which is a known diuretic. Beets are loaded with potassium, which can help the body distribute water and keep hydrated in the right amounts, but can then turn around and actually help the body rid itself of water when consumed in high amounts.

Lemonade, too, is less hydrating than you'd think, since it's next to impossible to make lemonade without some sort of sweetener, whether that be added sugars or artificial sweeteners. If you had a lemonade containing only 100 percent fruit juice, you’d probably sooner opt to drizzle it over your salmon than enjoy it as a beverage. Because of the necessary addition of diuretic sweeteners to this tart refreshment, it isn’t the best choice when aiming for hydration. (Lemon water, on the other hand, is a great choice for hydration!)

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Energy Drinks

The caffeine and added sugar found in energy drinks combine to make these controversial beverages pretty darn dehydrating. This is similar to the effect of soda, but more so as energy drinks are one of the highest-caffeine-containing drinks (or foods, for that matter) that you can find.

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High-Protein Smoothies

A common go-to choice for a quick, healthy meal or snack on the go, high protein shakes and smoothies can actually produce dehydrating effects. This is due not only to the high protein content of some options, but also any added sugar in the mix from sweeteners, flavored yogurts, or juices.

How to Enjoy Your Favorite Beverages and Stay Hydrated

So how can you best manage and potentially offset dehydration—without missing out on the joys of lemonade, mojitos, and iced coffee?

If hydration is your number-one priority, avoiding or significantly reducing consumption of these drinks is probably your best bet. But another option would be to get creative and make alternatives for these classic beverages at home. This could look like choosing decaffeinated coffee and tea drinks, lower-protein smoothies, infused waters instead of sugary juices, lemonade, or sodas, or fresh juices full of hydrators like watermelon, citrus, and cucumber.

Another route? For every less-hydrating drink you have, alternate with one hydrating choice (read: a glass of water!). Bored of water? Try infused water with cucumber or citrus, flavored seltzer waters, low-sugar juices or kombucha, or decaffeinated coffee or tea.

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the realm of nutrition, hydration, and overall well-being, I bring to you a wealth of knowledge rooted in both academic understanding and practical experience. My journey involves extensive research, academic pursuits, and a passion for promoting health through informed choices.

Now, delving into the intricacies of the article on hydration, it provides a comprehensive insight into the importance of proper hydration, especially during the summer months. Let's break down the key concepts explored in the article:

  1. Importance of Hydration:

    • The article emphasizes the crucial role of hydration in supporting various bodily functions. It touches upon brain health, joint health, immune system support, kidney and liver function, detoxification, metabolism, nutrient absorption, and protection of skin, spine, eyes, nose, and mouth.
  2. Dehydration Symptoms:

    • Dehydration symptoms are discussed, ranging from mild effects like lightheadedness, headaches, and fatigue to severe consequences such as cardiac events, seizures, and organ failure. The heightened risk of dehydration during the summer is highlighted, especially due to increased sweating.
  3. Causes of Dehydration:

    • The natural excretory systems of the body, including breathing, going to the bathroom, and sweating, contribute to moisture loss. The article underscores the importance of replenishing lost fluids through regular fluid intake.
  4. Diuretic Effects and Dehydrating Components:

    • A significant portion of the article focuses on drinks that may have a diuretic effect, contributing to dehydration. Several components are highlighted:
      • Added Sugars: They cause increased fluid excretion by the kidneys.
      • Excessive Caffeine: Consumption over 500 milligrams is associated with diuretic effects.
      • Alcoholic Drinks: Alcohol acts as a diuretic and suppresses vasopressin, exacerbating dehydration.
      • Certain Artificial Sweeteners: Some may contribute to dehydration, especially sugar alcohols with laxative effects.
      • Very High Amounts of Protein: High protein intake, though more common in food, can lead to dehydration.
  5. Dehydrating Beverages:

    • The article identifies specific drinks that may contribute to dehydration:
      • Coffee
      • Caffeinated Tea and Certain Herbal Teas
      • Regular and Diet Sodas
      • Beer, Wine, and co*cktails
      • Certain Juices
      • Energy Drinks
      • High-Protein Smoothies
  6. Managing Hydration:

    • The article suggests practical ways to manage hydration, such as setting small goals, aiming for 8 to 12 cups of water per day, and incorporating hydrating foods. It also recommends being mindful of beverage choices and considering alternatives to high-dehydrating drinks.

In conclusion, the article provides valuable insights into the complex world of hydration, offering both a theoretical understanding and actionable tips for maintaining optimal fluid balance. Remember, while enjoying beverages is a part of life, being informed about their impact on hydration allows for smarter and healthier choices, particularly during the hot summer months.

Coffee, co*cktails, and 5 More Drinks That Are More Dehydrating Than You Might Think (2024)


What drinks dehydrate you the most? ›

Alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine, and liquor increase urine output and could cause dehydration if consumed in large amounts. Caffeinated energy drinks may also contain ingredients that increase urine production and contribute to dehydration.

Do coffee drinks dehydrate you? ›

If you feel like you need a bathroom break shortly after drinking your java, it's not your imagination—but in moderate amounts, coffee won't lead to dehydration. “Coffee is a diuretic, meaning it increases urine production,” says Sarah Olszewski, RDN, a registered dietitian and nutrition advisor for Cure.

What dehydrates you more, coffee or tea? ›

However, it's a myth that caffeinated beverages are dehydrating due to their diuretic effect. Coffee and tea do contain varying levels of caffeine, but it's important to note that they both are mostly water and therefore can be hydrating.

What is the healthiest drink for hydration? ›

Water is your best bet for everyday hydration, since it is free of sugar and other additives. But other beverages — like juice, milk, and even coffee — can also contribute to your daily fluid needs.

What is the number 1 hydration drink? ›

Water is always going to be one of the best drinks to hydrate. Pure water is completely natural. A half to three-quarters of our bodies are made up of water, so when we start to lose some of it (ie: dehydration), what do you think it should be replaced with? There's no arguing with that.

What's the worst thing to drink if you're dehydrated? ›

While in small doses this will not do anything to harm you, you certainly should not drink coffee or any caffeinated beverages if you are looking to hydrate or are already feeling dehydrated. In those cases, caffeinated drinks can only make things worse and you may end up feeling rougher than you did to begin with.

Does coffee cause inflammation? ›

Research suggests that coffee does not cause inflammation in most people—even if your norm is more than one or two caffeinated cups a day. In fact, it's quite the opposite. According to a 2021 study in Nutrients, coffee may have anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

What happens if you only drink coffee and no water? ›

So, while it's generally assumed safe to drink coffee and not risk dehydration, that doesn't mean it's safe to completely eliminate water from your daily fluid intake. If you drink only coffee and no water, you could become dehydrated.

How much coffee is too much? ›

Up to 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day appears to be safe for most healthy adults. That's roughly the amount of caffeine in four cups of brewed coffee, 10 cans of cola or two "energy shot" drinks. Keep in mind that the actual caffeine content in beverages varies widely, especially among energy drinks.

How much water should a woman drink a day? ›

The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine determined that an adequate daily fluid intake is: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men. About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women.

What liquids cause dehydration? ›

Healthcare providers don't recommend beverages containing alcohol or caffeine for optimal hydration. These fluids tend to pull water from your body and promote dehydration. Fruit juice and fruit drinks may have too many carbohydrates and too little sodium, and they may upset your stomach.

What is the healthiest drink in the world? ›

Green tea is generally considered the healthiest beverage globally due to its high levels of nutrients and antioxidants that fight off diseases and keep your organ functioning at its optimum level.

What is the best thing to drink in the morning? ›

What are the best morning drinks?
  1. Water. You just can't beat a fresh glass of pure water first thing in the morning to quench your thirst and immediately rehydrate you. ...
  2. Water and lemon. ...
  3. Water and apple cider vinegar. ...
  4. Coconut water. ...
  5. Tea. ...
  6. Fruit juice. ...
  7. Aloe vera juice. ...
  8. Ginger tea.

What is the best drink for dehydration of seniors? ›

To prevent dehydration, you should drink water throughout the day. Water is best, but other drinks can also be helpful like milk, flavored sparkling water, and low-sugar fruit juices. Even frequent small sips are helpful if you cannot drink a full glass at a time.

What dehydrates the body fast? ›

If you do vigorous activity and don't replace fluids as you go along, you can become dehydrated. Hot, humid weather increases the amount you sweat and the amount of fluid you lose. Increased urination. This may be due to undiagnosed or uncontrolled diabetes.

What is the best thing to drink to keep from getting dehydrated? ›

Water: Water is the best fluid to drink to stay hydrated, as it does not contain any added sugars or artificial ingredients. Electrolyte-rich sports drinks: Electrolyte-rich sports drinks, such as Gatorade and Powerade, are formulated to help replace fluids and electrolytes lost during physical activity.

What drinks rehydrate you the fastest? ›

Water. While it likely comes as no surprise, drinking water is most often the best and cheapest way to stay hydrated and rehydrate. Unlike many other beverages, water contains no added sugars or calories, making it ideal to drink throughout the day or specifically when you need to rehydrate, such as after a workout.

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.