Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (2024)

To obfuscate a code means making it difficult to understand for the reader. It is a common practice in programming used to protect intellectual property, such as the source code. The main goal of code obfuscation is to make reverse engineering as difficult as possible for the opposing side. Any insight into the application logic by an unauthorized party poses a security threat.

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What is obfuscation?
How does code obfuscation work?
Code obfuscation techniques
Measuring the quality of code obfuscation
Benefits of implementing code obfuscation
Impact on code performance
Code obfuscation FAQ
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What is obfuscation?

Security threats include a variety of harmful actions ranging from code tampering and vulnerability exploitation to extracted data which are common elements of a reverse engineering attack. Reverse engineering enables hackers to mimic the look and feel of the application, repackage them, and place them on third-party app stores, which, if downloaded, endangers the unsuspecting end users.

Code obfuscation is the process of altering the initial code in a way that can't be interpreted by a hacker while the code remains fully functional. For a layered approach and enhanced security, use several different code obfuscation techniques on top of each other.

Unfortunately, hackers also use code obfuscation to bypass antivirus protection and gain unauthorized access. Just as an honest mobile application developer would use code obfuscation to heighten the security levels of their app, hackers use it to protect their malware and evade detection.

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How does code obfuscation work?

Partial or complete encryption of a code is considered an obfuscation method. Removing metadata from code that provides additional context and explains the application logic is also used as one of the obfuscation approaches. Changing class and variable names into random labels and stuffing the application script with a piece of meaningless code is another way of obfuscating code. Applying any sort of technique that makes the code difficult to read is considered code obfuscation.

By applying multiple code obfuscation techniques, you're heightening the security levels of the application and preventing reverse engineering attacks.

Using redundant logic and meaningless pieces of code; that doesn't bring any functionality to the application; distracts the reader and makes it difficult to determine which parts of the code are vital to their cause – a reverse engineering attack.

Rename code obfuscation example

To get more sense of what code obfuscation techniques look like in practice, below is an example that showcases how a few simple lines of code can be tricky to understand if code obfuscation is present. The obfuscated code is extremely hard, if not impossible, to follow with the human eye.

Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (2)

Code obfuscation techniques


Rename code obfuscation

The rename code obfuscation involves altering the methods and names of the variables within the code. The characters used are usually notations and numbers, the names are confusing in order to distract the reader, and in some cases, characters can be invisible or unprintable. Although altered, the code performs the same functions as if there is no obfuscation applied. The rename obfuscation technique is mostly present in .NET, Java, iOS, and Android obfuscators.



The packing method compresses the entire application to make the obfuscated code unreadable to the uninvited guest.

Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (3)


Instruction pattern/flow transformation

The instruction pattern/flow transformation technique alters common instructions made by the compiler into less common, more complex instructions that perform the same functions.


Dummy code insertion obfuscation

The dummy code's role is to prevent reverse engineering attacks by filling up the script with unnecessary code that does not affect the execution of the application. This approach is effective at distracting both the human eye and compilers used to gain insight into the application logic.


Metadata and unused code removal

This code obfuscation technique aims to remove any additional context that provides more information about the application logic. Elements such as debug information and metadata can be of extreme value to an attacker. Removing them is a common practice in heightening application security.


Opaque predicate insertion obfuscation

Opaque predicate insertion involves including a piece of code that is potentially incorrect but won't execute any functions. The role of an opaque predicate is to puzzle the reader with additional statements, usually or/if-then conditional branches, that lure the attacker in the wrong direction when trying to figure out the application logic.


Arithmetic code obfuscation

Arithmetic obfuscation takes simple arithmetic and logical pieces of code and replaces them with more complex equivalents.

Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (4)



Debuggers are tools used for code analysis, line by line, helping developers find issues within the code. Hackers, on the other hand, use debuggers for reverse engineering. Anti-debug tools are helpful in detecting the use of debuggers and preventing potential attacks. Essentially, what happens in case an app runs on a debugger is the following;

sensitive data is obfuscated in order to prevent theft,

the application randomly crashes, disturbing the hacker's attack flow,

a notification warning the application server about a potential security threat is sent,

any custom action aimed at preventing the attack is triggered.


Anti-tamper obfuscation

An anti-tamper tool is basically a form of application self-protection mechanism injected into the apps' code. In case of tampering detection, the application should react in any of the following actions:

the application terminates immediately,

the functionality of the application is limited to functions that cannot further affect application security,

the application randomly crashes, disturbing the hacker's attack flow,

triggering any custom action which aims to prevent a potential hacker attack.


Code obfuscation through string encryption

The string encryption code obfuscation technique hides the strings in a managed executable. Without the use of obfuscation, the strings are readable. However, in the case of string encryption, the original value of the strings displays only when necessary – at runtime.


Code obfuscation through custom encoding

As the name states, this code obfuscation technique encodes strings with a custom algorithm that enables a decoder function to retrieve the original code.


Code transposition obfuscation

This code obfuscation technique randomly shuffles routines and branches within the code without affecting code execution. It is popular among malware writers in order to avoid antivirus detection.


Code virtualization obfuscation

Code virtualization, or virtualization obfuscation, is a code obfuscation method protecting software from malicious code analysis. It replaces the code in a binary with a bytecode that is semantically equivalent. The bytecode can be interpreted exclusively by a virtual machine. This makes the revealing of the final code a tiring job for the attacker.


Control flow code obfuscation

Control flow is one of the code obfuscation techniques that pay off the most. To protect your code, you introduce arbitrary statements and dead code, which in the end, won't execute. The decompiled code would take on the look of spaghetti logic, making the code extremely difficult to understand for the malicious party. However, it is important to note that implementing code flow obfuscation often results in affecting the runtime performance of the method to which it applies.

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Measuring the quality of code obfuscation

To determine the quality and success of code obfuscation, take into consideration the following criteria:

Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (6)



This factor reveals how much the original differs from the obfuscated version of the code. The differentiation index is usually determined by observing how many predicates are inserted in the obfuscated code or by examining the depth of the inheritance tree. The higher the DIT, the better.



The best way to determine the strength of implemented obfuscation efforts is to apply automated deobfuscation techniques. The more resources, time, and effort it takes to reverse the code back into its original state, the stronger the obfuscation.

Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (7)

Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (8)



To determine the cost of your obfuscation efforts, you'd compare the time and resources used to execute the obfuscated code with the one used to execute the original version of the code. The best obfuscation results are usually not the most expensive ones but the ones that require a rational amount of resources for an adequate amount of protection.



Reflecting back on the variety of code obfuscation methods mentioned in the previous sections, it makes a lot of sense to combine a couple of them. This layered approach heightens the complexity and quality of implemented obfuscation efforts.

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Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (10)



The best-obfuscated code is the one that looks as if there is no obfuscation at all. However, the obfuscated version should be indistinguishable from the original. The attacker faces methods and logic that are hard to follow, hindering their reverse engineering progress.

Benefits of implementing code obfuscation

Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (11)

The functionality of the code remains intact

Although the content of the code is different, all of the functions included in the mobile application's original source code remain the same. The look and feel of the application are intact, backed up by heightened security measures.

Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (12)

Integrated application self-protection

The main goal of code obfuscation is to prevent attacks such as reverse engineering. Obfuscation application makes the code unreadable, demotivates hackers from advancing in their malicious attempts, and protects the mobile application from the inside by alerting the app's stakeholders about a potential security threat.

Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (13)

Imitation apps prevention

One of the most common reasons behind reverse engineering is copying the stolen code and packing it into a mimic app in order to publish it on third-party app stores. The unsuspecting end users download those imitation apps and place their personal and financial information in the wrong hands. Code obfuscation is a successful tool for preventing such attempts.

Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (14)

Code optimization

Some code obfuscation techniques are based on decluttering metadata that is not useful or code that doesn't perform any functions. This can result in a lighter application and quicker code execution.

Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (15)

Protection of intellectual property

Organizations and application stakeholders who want to safeguard their code from attackers and competitors should consider code obfuscation as a means of intellectual property protection. The attackers are no strangers to blackmailing industry giants in order to keep information regarding security loopholes a secret.

Impact on code performance

Depending on the techniques used, changes in code performance will vary from 0 to 80%. If we examine the effect of rename obfuscation in terms of the final performance, the change is hardly noticeable. That is the case because only the names of methods, variables, and classes are altered. However, control flow obfuscation can prove to have a significant impact on code performance. The addition of meaningless code, performing zero functions, adds weight and slows down the execution.

Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (16)

As discussed in the section concerning the quality of obfuscation, it is important to weigh the effort and output of code obfuscation. Not all techniques work well with different code. The goal is to find the best tradeoff between the added security layers and the potential impact on code performance.

Code obfuscation FAQ

1. What is code obfuscation?

To obfuscate a code means making it difficult to understand for the reader. Code obfuscation is the process of altering the initial code in a way that can't be interpreted by a hacker while the code remains fully functional. For a layered approach and enhanced security, use several different code obfuscation techniques on top of each other.

2. How does code obfuscation work?

Different code obfuscation techniques use different mechanisms to achieve either partial or complete obfuscation of code. Regardless of the method used, the goal of obfuscation is to make the attacker unable to comprehend the code logic. This is achieved by replacing variable names, deleting unused metadata, and other techniques that make it difficult for the hacker to tamper with your code.

3. How to measure the quality of implemented code obfuscation?

There are five factors to keep an eye on in order to draw up conclusions about the success of code obfuscation implementation. Namely, those are differentiation, strength, cost, complexity, and invisibility.

4. How does code obfuscation impact code performance?

Depending on the techniques used, changes in code performance will vary from 0 to 80%. If we examine the effect of rename obfuscation in terms of the final performance, the change is hardly noticeable. That is the case because only the names of methods, variables, and classes are altered. However, control flow obfuscation can prove to have a significant impact on code performance. The addition of meaningless code, performing no functions, adds weight and slows down the execution. As discussed in the section concerning the quality of obfuscation, it is important to weigh the effort and output of code obfuscation.

5. What are key obfuscation techniques?

The key code obfuscation techniques are the following:

  • Rename code obfuscation
  • Packing
  • Instruction pattern/flow transformation
  • Dummy code insertion
  • Metadata and unused code removal
  • Opaque predicate insertion
  • Anti-debug obfuscation
  • Anti-tamper obfuscation
  • Code obfuscation through string encryption
  • Control flow code obfuscation
  • Code transposition obfuscation
  • Code virtualization
  • Arithmetic obfuscation
  • Custom encoding

6. What are the main business benefits of implementing code obfuscation?

  • The functionality of the code remains intact
  • Integrated application self-protection
  • Imitation apps/reverse engineering prevention
  • Code optimization
  • Protection of intellectual property

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Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE (2024)


Code obfuscation - Cybersecurity ASEE? ›

Code obfuscation is effective at making the code hard to interpret for the malicious actor. This makes it harder for the attacker to understand code logic and repackage your mobile app through reverse engineering.

What is code obfuscation in cyber security? ›

Code obfuscation is the process of altering the initial code in a way that can't be interpreted by a hacker while the code remains fully functional. For a layered approach and enhanced security, use several different code obfuscation techniques on top of each other.

Is using code obfuscation a safe method to guard against cyber attacks? ›

Security. Obfuscation is a built-in security method, sometimes referred to as application self-protection. Instead of using an external security method, it works within what's being protected. It is well-suited for protecting applications that run in an untrusted environment and that contain sensitive information.

Is code obfuscation needed for iOS? ›

In the world of iOS development, safeguarding our apps against malicious attacks is not just a best practice; it's a necessity. Today, we're delving into an essential technique that every iOS developer should have in their arsenal: code obfuscation.

What are cyber obfuscation techniques? ›

Three of the most common techniques used to obfuscate data are encryption, tokenization, and data masking. Encryption, tokenization, and data masking work in different ways. Encryption and tokenization are reversible in that the original values can be derived from the obfuscated data.

What is the tool for code obfuscation? ›

3 What are the best code obfuscation tools

Some of the best include ProGuard for Java and Android, Dotfuscator for . NET, LLVM Obfuscator for C and C++, PyArmor for Python, and Jscrambler for JavaScript.

Is obfuscation better than encryption? ›

Regarding security levels, encryption is generally considered stronger than obfuscation. Encryption uses cryptographic solid algorithms and keys, making it highly resistant to brute-force attacks and unauthorized access.

What is an example of a code obfuscator? ›

An example of obfuscation is when a software developer intentionally makes the code difficult to understand by using techniques such as renaming variables, removing whitespace, and using complex control structures. This is done to protect intellectual property and prevent reverse engineering of the program.

Can obfuscated code be decompiled? ›

The results show that it is possible to reverse engineer obfuscated code but some parts. Obfuscation does protect the code, as all the variable names are changed and every unused method are removed, as well as some methods changed to non-con- ventional ways to program.

What is an example of security through obfuscation? ›

Deploying decoy cars around the asset you are trying to protect, with only key players knowing which car the asset is contained within. Using a closed source system that only specific people have knowledge on how it works. Writing your password on a piece of paper and hiding it underneath your computer keyboard.

Should I obfuscate my code? ›

Benefits of Obfuscation

Obfuscation adds an extra layer of security making it more difficult for hackers and malicious individuals to reverse engineer the software and find vulnerabilities (a security flaw, glitch, or weakness found in software code that could be exploited by an attacker).

Does obfuscation slow down code? ›

Some estimate that obfuscation can impact program performance between 10% and 80%. This criticism is reasonable because it's true: adding obfuscation tactics results in extra layers of complexity and affects performance.

Should I obfuscate my app? ›

But even with good security practices, your code can still be vulnerable to attack if it's not adequately protected. Code obfuscation is a critical technique that helps to defend against reverse engineering, tampering, and other malicious activities that can compromise your applications.

What is the fallacy of obfuscation? ›

It allows you to say "you're wrong" but leaves the other person thinking you said "you're right". Deliberately clouding the message to help press home a point or to avoid answering a difficult question means you are committing the Obfuscation Fallacy.

How do attackers use obfuscation? ›

Compression, encryption, and encoding are some of the most common obfuscation methods used by threat actors. Multiple methods are often used in tandem to evade a wider variety of cybersecurity tools at the initial point of intrusion.

How to make your code unreadable? ›

Single Letter Variable Names

If you call your variables a, b, c, then it will be impossible to search for instances of them using a simple text editor. Further, nobody will be able to guess what they are for.

What is an example of obfuscate? ›

to make something less clear and harder to understand, especially intentionally: She was criticized for using arguments that obfuscated the main issue. Companies deliberately obfuscate figures in complicated annual reports.

What is an example of obfuscation in real life? ›

A notable example of obfuscation of written communication is a message sent by September 11 attacks ringleader Mohamed Atta to other conspirators prior to the attacks occurring: The semester begins in three more weeks.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.