Check Out the Rules and Contribution Limits for an RRSP (2024)


At RBC, we make it easy for you to open a RegisteredRetirement Savings Plan (RRSP) and help it grow. On top of being a savings tool forretirement, it also may help you lower your tax bill today, by allowing you to deductcontributions (up to your personal deduction limit) from your taxable income.

Below, we’ve rounded up the rules, contribution limits and otherinformation you should know in one handy spot.*

RRSP Basics

How it works, who can open one andthe investments you can hold.

RRSPs are designed to help yousave for retirement:

  • The money you invest in your RRSP is tax-deductible(up to your personal deduction limit), and yourinvestment earnings grow on a tax-deferred basis.
  • You can technically withdraw funds at any time.However, withdrawals are taxed as regular income inthe year they are made, (except when made under theHomebuyer’s Plan or Lifelong Learning Planprograms).
  • When you retire, or no later than the end of theyear in which you turn 71, you can start drawingyour savings and supplement your retirement incomeby converting your RRSP to a Registered RetirementIncome Fund (RRIF) or other income option. And sinceyou will likely be in a lower tax bracket when youretire, you’ll likely pay less tax on thewithdrawals than you would today.

Most Canadians are eligible to open anRRSP. To qualify, you must:

  • Be a Canadian resident with a Social InsuranceNumber (SIN)
  • Have earned income and file a tax return in Canada
  • Open and contribute to your plan no later thanDecember 31 of the year you turn 71.

Like Tax Free Saving Accounts (TFSA)and other types of registered accounts, an RRSP can holdmany types of investments2. Forexample, when you open an RRSP at RBC, you can investin:

  • GuaranteedInvestment Certificates (GICs)
  • Mutualfunds, including RBC PortfolioSolutions
  • Savings deposits
  • Stocks and bonds (through RBCDirect Investing)
  • Exchange-Traded Funds(ETFs) (through RBC Direct Investing and RBCInvestEase)

RRSPs and TFSAs differ a few ways—justkeep in mind you can have both1Legal:

  • RRSP contributions are tax-deductible (up to yourpersonal deduction limit) the year you make them,and your investments grow on a tax-deferred basis.Taxes are paid when you withdraw from your RRSP.While TFSA contributions are not tax-deductible,your investment earnings are never taxed, and youcan withdraw from your plan at any time (dependingon what you invested in) without ever paying tax.
  • You have to have earned income to be eligible for anRRSP; TFSA eligibility is based on your age (youneed to be at least 18 or the age of majority inyour province) and residency.
  • You can contribute to an RRSP until December 31 ofthe year you turn 71; in a TFSA, you can contributeas long as you want.

See how they stack up.

Types of RRSPs

Plan types and your options atRBC.

In general, there are three differenttypes of RRSPs:

  • Individual RRSP: Themoney and tax advantages belong to the person whoopens it.
  • Spousal RRSP: Onespouse or common-law partner (usually the higherearner) contributes to the other spouse’s plan. Thecontributing spouse will have the tax advantage butthe funds in the RRSP (no matter who contributes)belong to the receiving spouse.
  • Group RRSP (GRSP): Acollection of individual RRSPs administered by anorganization for its employees, who contributedirectly from their payroll using pre-tax dollars.

You can open an individual or spousalRRSP with RBC. In addition, you can enjoy:

  • An RRSPwith access to advice from an RBC advisor
  • A self-directedRRSP you can trade in at RBC DirectInvesting
  • An RRSP where the pros manage your investments foryou at RBCInvestEase

We also offer Group RRSPs for businesses.

RRSP Contributions and Withdrawals

Deduction limit, carry-forwardsand early withdrawals.

The best way to know how much you cancontribute for the current year (also known as your RRSPdeduction limit) is to check your most recent Notice ofAssessment from the CRA .

As a guideline, however, you cancontribute (for the current year) the lower of:

  • 18% of your earned income from the previous year
  • $29,210, which is the maximum you can contribute in2022
  • The remaining limit after any company-sponsoredpension plan contributions

Check Out the Rules and Contribution Limits for an RRSP (1)

To be eligiblefor an RRSP deduction in a specific taxyear, you must make contributions duringthat calendar year, or up to 60 days intothe following year.

You can contribute to your RRSP upuntil December 31 of the year you turn 71. At thatpoint, you have to convert your plan to a RegisteredRetirement Income Fund (RRIF), use the funds to buy anannuity or cash out your RRSP (not recommended).

Fortunately, RRSP contribution room iscumulative, which means any unused room from previousyears is added to your current contribution room—alsoknown as your carry-forward amount. The amount is shownon your Notice of Assessment.

If you plan to max out your RRSP, keepa close eye on your contribution room. When you gobeyond the maximum, it is considered anover-contribution.

  • You can go up to $2,000 over the contribution limitwithout penalty. However, you have to withdraw thesecontributions before any new contributions can beapplied.
  • The CRA will charge a 1% tax per month on excesscontributions that exceed your RRSP deduction limitby more than $2,000.

If you have a company-sponsoredregistered pension plan (RPP) or deferred profit-sharingplan (DPSP), your RRSP contribution limit will bereduced by the total value of the pension credits youearned for the year. This amount is referred to as apension adjustment (PA) and is reported on the T4 slipthat you receive from your employer.

Taking money out of your RRSP may notbe a good idea because of the taxes you’ll have to pay(see below). However, there are two exceptions:

  • With a written agreement to buy or build your first home as a resident of Canada, the Home Buyers’ Plan lets you withdraw up to $60,000. You have 15 years to pay back the amount you took out, the repayment period begins as of the second year after the first withdrawal was made. For withdrawals between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2025, the repayment period begins as of the fifth year after the withdrawal was made.
  • With the Lifelong LearningPlan, you can borrow up to $10,000 a yearfrom your RRSP ($20,000 maximum over four years) togo back to school full-time. Again, there are rulesabout eligibility, and how and when you’ll need topay back this money.

RRSP Taxes and Fees

How RRSPs are taxed, plus detailson transfers and fees.

RRSPs offer tax advantages that canhelp you stretch your retirement savings. Here’s a quicklook at how each of the following is taxed:

  • Contributions: Youcan deduct RRSP contributions on your tax return (upto your deduction limit), which lowers your taxableincome in the year you make the contribution.
  • Investment growth:Investment income and capital gains within an RRSPare not taxed until you take the money out, givingyour savings the chance to grow faster.
  • Withdrawals: They’reconsidered taxable income and withholding taxes mayapply (we’ll share more about that below), unlessyou’re borrowing under the Home Buyers’ Plan orLifelong Learning Plan.

If you withdraw money from your RRSPearly, you will have to pay withholding taxes on thewithdrawal—as much as 30%:

  • The financial institution where you hold your RRSPmust deduct the withholding tax and send it to thegovernment on your behalf.
  • You’ll also have to include the withdrawal as incomeon your tax return at the end of the year, whichcould raise your tax bill.
  • You will not be able to re-contribute the amount youwithdrew in the future.

Check Out the Rules and Contribution Limits for an RRSP (2)

We recommend talkingto an advisor before taking moneyfrom your RRSP early.

You can transfer RRSPs betweenfinancial institutions at any time without paying taxeson them. You can also move some or all of your moneybetween eligible investments within your RRSP.

Check Out the Rules and Contribution Limits for an RRSP (3)

There’s no limiton how many RRSPs you can have—but the totalcontribution room of all your accounts isthe same as if you only had one.

At RBC, we don’t charge anyaccount-related fees for RRSPs, with oneexception—there’s a service fee if you transfer yourRRSP outside of RBC. The fee is $150 at RBC Royal Bank,$135 at RBC InvestEase and $150 at RBC Direct Investing.The fee could change, but we’ll let you know at least 30days before the changes go into effect.

Invest in an RRSP Today

Choose from the following options to open or contribute to anexisting account:

Things our lawyers want you toknowThings our lawyers want you to know

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Financial planning and investment advice are provided by RMFI. RMFI, RBC GlobalAsset Management Inc., Royal Bank of Canada, Royal Trust Corporation of Canadaand The Royal Trust Company are separate corporate entities which areaffiliated. RMFI is licensed as a financial services firm in the province ofQuebec.

RBC Direct Investing Inc. and Royal Bank of Canada are separate corporateentities which are affiliated. RBC Direct Investing Inc. is a wholly ownedsubsidiary of Royal Bank of Canada and is a Member of the Investment IndustryRegulatory Organization of Canada and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.Royal Bank of Canada and certain of its issuers are related to RBC DirectInvesting Inc. RBC Direct Investing Inc. does not provide investment advice orrecommendations regarding the purchase or sale of any securities. Investors areresponsible for their own investment decisions. RBC Direct Investing is abusiness name used by RBC Direct Investing Inc.

RBC InvestEase is a restricted portfolio manager providing access to modelportfolios consisting of RBC iShares ETFs with each model portfolio holding upto 100% of RBC iShares ETFs. RBC iShares ETFs are comprised of RBC ETFs managedby RBC Global Asset Management Inc. (RBC GAM) and iShares ETFs managed byBlackRock Canada Limited (BlackRock Canada). RBC GAM and BlackRock Canada haveentered into a strategic alliance to bring together their respective ETFproducts under the RBC iShares brand, and to offer a unified distributionsupport and service model for RBC iShares ETFs.

Other products andservices may be offered by one or more separate corporate entities that areaffiliated to RBC InvestEase Inc., including without limitation: Royal Bank ofCanada, RBC Direct Investing Inc., RBC Dominion Securities Inc., RBC GlobalAsset Management Inc., Royal Trust Corporation of Canada and The Royal TrustCompany. RBC InvestEase Inc. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Royal Bank ofCanada and uses the business name RBC InvestEase.

The servicesprovided by RBC InvestEase are only available in Canada.

Information about the RRSP is based on what is currently available from theCanadian government and can be subject to change.


Subject to meeting the eligibility requirements of both accounts.


Assets in an RRSP must be Qualified Investments under the Income Tax Act. If theRRSP holds non-Qualified Investments, it could be subject to tax.


Real-time streaming quotes are available automatically to all clients forexchange listed equities, ETFs and most over-the-counter (OTC) securities.Real-time streaming quotes for options and grey market OTC securities areavailable to Active Traders and Royal Circle clients upon accepting the termsand conditions of all exchange agreements on the RBC Direct Investing onlineinvesting site.

Check Out the Rules and Contribution Limits for an RRSP (2024)


How do I find out my RRSP contribution limit? ›

There are a number of ways to see how much RRSP contribution room you have. You can refer to the RRSP Deduction Limit Statement on your latest notice of assessment or reassessment. You can call the CRA Tax Information Phone Service or log into CRA My Account.

Is the RRSP contribution limit based on gross or net income? ›

The amount of new contribution room you get each year is equal to 18% of your earned income (meaning money that you work for, not investment income or government benefits you receive), up to a cap (called the allowable limit) that changes annually.

What is RRSP over-contribution limit? ›

What is an RRSP over-contribution? According to Canadian tax law, anything in excess of your deduction limit plus $2,000 is considered an RRSP over-contribution. While you get a $2,000 buffer, the amount is not tax-deductible.

Who can contribute to an RRSP? ›

To qualify, you must: Be a Canadian resident with a Social Insurance Number (SIN) Have earned income and file a tax return in Canada. Open and contribute to your plan no later than December 31 of the year you turn 71.

How do I max out my RRSP contribution? ›

Maximizing your RRSP contributions
  1. Know your contribution limit. If you are not a pension plan member, your limit is 18% of your previous year's earned income to a maximum of $31,560 in 2024. ...
  2. Carry forward. ...
  3. The $2,000 over-contribution. ...
  4. RRSP loans. ...
  5. Contributing “in-kind” ...
  6. Contribute early. ...
  7. Contribute often.
Jan 10, 2024

How do I find out my contribution limit? ›

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) tracks your contribution room. You can see your TFSA balance as of January 1 of the current year by logging in to your online "My Account" on the CRA website. Or you can get your balance by phoning CRA's Tax Information Phone Service: 1-800-267-6999.

How to calculate how much RRSP to contribute? ›

Your RRSP contribution limit for the current year is the lower of: 18% of your pre-tax income from the previous year or up to a maximum annual contribution limit for the taxation year.

Can I contribute to RRSP without earned income? ›

Yes. Many people forget they can contribute even without current earned income (for example, after retiring). If you have unused RRSP contribution room from past years and funds available, contributing to your own or your spouse's RRSP is allowed up until the end of the year the planholder turns age 71.

Can I withdraw my RRSP deduction limit? ›

You can make a withdrawal from your RRSP any time1 as long as your funds are not in a locked-in plan. The withdrawal, however, is subject to withholding tax and the amount also needs to be included as income when filing your taxes. There are situations in which tax-deferred withdrawals can be made from your RRSP.

How do I get rid of excess RRSP contributions? ›

If you meet all of the previous conditions and have not already withdrawn the unused RRSP contributions, you can withdraw them without having tax withheld. To do this, fill out Form T3012A, Tax Deduction Waiver on the Refund of Your Unused RRSP, PRPP, or SPP Contributions from your RRSP, PRPP or SPP.

What happens if I put too much in my RRSP? ›

Generally, you have to pay a tax of 1% per month on your unused contributions that exceed your RRSP deduction limit by more than $2,000.

What is the penalty for withdrawing from RRSP? ›

RRSP / RRIF (in excess of the minimum amount) withholding tax
  • For withdrawals up to $5,000: 10% (19% in Quebec)
  • For withdrawals between $5,000 up to $15,000: 20% (24% in Quebec)
  • For withdrawals over $15,000: 30% (29% in Quebec)
Apr 30, 2024

How do I check my RRSP contribution limit? ›

Where can you find your RRSP deduction limit
  1. My Account.
  2. MyCRA mobile app.
  3. Tax information Phone Service (TIPS)
  4. The RRSP Deduction Limit Statement, on your latest notice of assessment or notice of reassessment.
Jan 15, 2024

What is the disadvantage of a RRSP? ›

There is less freedom in how you can withdraw from an RRSP, compared to a TFSA. Withdrawals are classed as taxable income (unlike TFSA withdrawals). Low-income earners pay a low rate of income tax, so RRSPs don't make financial sense for this kind of investor (a TFSA would probably be a better option).

Is RRSP only for Canadian citizens? ›

Summary of Key Points: An RRSP is a great retirement savings vehicle for dual citizens, expats and Canadians. One should not transfer an IRA to an RRSP. It's important to avoid investing in Canadian mutual funds and seek out a portfolio manager who can offer individual investments.

How do I find out how much I contributed to my unused RRSP? ›

You can find the amount of your unused RRSP, PRPP, ou SPP contributions from previous years by going to one of the following: the RRSP Deduction Limit Statement, on your latest notice of assessment or notice of reassessment.

Does everyone have the same RRSP contribution limit? ›

While RRSP rules apply to every Canadian, each of us have our own RRSP contribution limit. There are three factors that determine your individual contribution limit: The RRSP contribution limit set by the Canadian government. This limit changes annually.

How much can I contribute to RRSP if I never contributed? ›

Your RRSP contribution limit for 2024 is 18% of earned income you reported on your tax return in the previous year, up to a maximum of $31,560.

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