CFA for Investment Banking: Worth It? (2024)

I’ve now been writing about finance careers for almost 20 years, and the topic of the CFA for investment banking never seems to die.

I first criticized the CFA in a 2009 article, which generated a lot of angry comments.

Not much has changed since then.

People online still argue about the merits of the CFA, whether they “need it” to win various roles, and its usefulness compared with an MBA, high grades, additional internships, or becoming a Twitch gaming superstar.

I got so tired of these debates that I never planned to cover this topic again.

But earlier in 2023, the CFA Institute announced the biggest changes to the program since it started.

The website 300 Hours has a detailed analysis, but here’s my quick summary:

  • Expanded Eligibility: You can now register if you have 2 years remaining in university (rather than 1 year previously).
  • Financial Modeling or Python / Data Science / AI: Starting in 2024, you must complete a “Practical Skill Module” on one of these topics for Levels I and II of the exam.
  • Reduced Study Volume: They’re reducing the amount of material, so you “only” study for 300 hours per level. And they’re moving to shorter online Learning Modules with spreadsheets and videos rather than lengthy readings.
  • Specialized Pathways: For the Level III exam, you can focus on portfolio management, private wealth, or private markets.

On the surface, these changes address some big problems with the CFA:

  1. The lack of relevance to many finance careers and the limited practical skills tested.
  2. The huge time commitment required to pass the exams.
  3. The timing – The CFA is not very helpful in your last year of university due to the IB recruiting timeline.

So, should you make the CFA part of your recruiting strategy?

The TL;DR About the CFA for Investment Banking

I’ll go into “consultant mode” so I can sum up the traditional problem with the CFA via a 2×2 matrix:

CFA for Investment Banking: Worth It? (1)

The additions of financial modeling, Python, or data science/AI and the reduction in study materials shift it in a more positive direction:

CFA for Investment Banking: Worth It? (2)

But it’s an incremental shift because you’re still looking at 300 hours just for Level I.

Your time is still better spent on everything else in the “High Potential Benefit” column.

A total study time of 300-400 hours is approximately 10-15 hours per week for 6 months.

In that same time, you could:

  1. Contact 100 bankers and conduct informational interviews with at least 10-15 of them.
  2. Complete an Excel or financial modeling course or the most relevant parts of one (see our 10- and 20-hour study plans). Don’t spend 100+ hours on this, but 10-20 is fine, especially since you’ll learn technical questions simultaneously.
  3. Significantly improve your resume through several drafts.
  4. Complete a part-time internship at a local private equity firm, venture capital firm, or search fund.

Even with the announced changes, the CFA is still not more useful than everything above.

See Also
Hedge Fund

These points go back to the flawed concept of “investment banking certifications.”

In this field, certifications barely matter vs. work experience, academics, interview preparation, and networking.

Certifications exist mostly because they’re easy to sell, and the benefits take a long time to measure – so they often go unmeasured.

The CFA for Investment Banking: Counterarguments

Whenever I point out these issues, people who just studied for hundreds of hours tend to respond violently.

I’ll address here the most common objections and acknowledge the ones that have some validity:

“But I’m a career changer! I can’t do another degree or an MBA, so I need the CFA to get in.”

Please read the articles on lateral hiring and MBA-level recruiting.

If you’re unwilling to do an MBA, you do not have many paths into investment banking past a certain age.

The key problem is that unlike an MBA or even a Master’s degree, the CFA does not give you direct access to recruiters and on-campus recruiting.

In this case, you should focus on finding related jobs in adjacent, less competitive industries (see the lateral hiring article).

“I’m a liberal arts major, so I need the CFA to demonstrate my interest in finance.”

No. You need early finance internships in university to put yourself in the running for an internship at a large bank later, as the recruiting timeline starts ridiculously early.

If you’re starting early, it would be far more useful to take an accounting or finance class, do some self-study, and leverage these skills to win internships.

We even have a finance internship resume template if you have no real work experience.

“The CFA goes far beyond the skills required in investment banking.”

I agree. The CFA covers plenty of material that goes beyond the job of an IB Analyst or Associate… which is exactly why you don’t need it.

For example, they won’t ask about quantitative methods, derivatives, or portfolio management in a standard investment banking interview.

You need to know a wide range of technical and “fit” topics for IB interviews, so don’t bother with material that will not come up.

“But the CFA is useful in my country or region, and many bankers have it.”

This is a fair point.

Especially in many emerging markets, certifications like the CFA or CA (Chartered Accountant) can be more valuable.

In countries like India and South Africa, the CA can even be a pathway into IB roles (but note that this is the “CA,” not the “CFA”).

So, if you’re in a country where the CFA is highly valued, and many bankers have it, passing Level I at some point may make sense.

“I need the CFA to exit the back office.”

Nice idea, but this plan is unlikely to work. See our article on the front vs. middle vs. back office.

In this case, it’s best to use lateral hiring to move into more relevant jobs over time; you could also focus on or markets-facing jobs for a higher chance of making the change.

And if you can afford it, a top MBA or Master’s in Finance would help you more than the CFA.

“I have a low GPA or attend a non-target school. The CFA will help me stand out.”

The CFA might provide a boost, but not enough to erase a 2.5 GPA (for example).

If you’re at a non-target school, the most important point is to start very early – and the CFA won’t help you overcome a late start.

Even with the new eligibility rules, you still can’t complete Level I until you have two years of undergrad left.

But IB recruiting for Year 3 internships takes place in Year 2 (at least at many banks in the U.S.), so this point is irrelevant for students.

If you really want to cite the CFA, you can always write that you’re “studying for it” and plan to take it on a certain date (and if you don’t pass, remove it).

“But I’ve already networked a lot, have good work experience, and am well-prepared for interviews. I don’t want to spend those 300 hours networking, so the CFA is a better option.”

If you’ve already done everything required to win IB interviews and job offers, I agree there are diminishing returns to networking and interview prep past a certain point.

But do you need the CFA if you’re in this position?

You’d be better off learning a new skill, joining a new activity, or doing anything more interesting than studying for another exam.

When is the CFA Useful?

I am trying to be fair and balanced, so here are the best use cases for the CFA:

1) Roles in Portfolio Management (and Some Equity Research and Hedge Fund Jobs)

There’s no question that it matters in many industries outside of IB, such as portfolio management.

If you go into this field, you’ll probably complete several levels of the CFA at some point.

Some equity research teams and hedge funds will also be impressed if you’ve passed it while working long hours.

But I still wouldn’t recommend it as your #1 priority for winning these roles – the quality of your stock pitches and your ability to discuss investment ideas matter much more.

2) Emerging Markets or Regions That Greatly Value It

It can be difficult to judge work experience in emerging markets, and the CFA offers a standardized way to assess skills, which is useful.

But this one depends heavily on where you’ll work and its importance there.

Also, in many smaller/emerging markets, having good work experience in a financial center like London or New York can be enough to get you a job.

3) You Want to Make a Big Career Change Without an MBA

There are some situations where the CFA, or at least studying for the CFA, might make sense.

For example, if you’ve worked in corporate law for several years and cannot quit to complete an MBA, the CFA could be a helpful signaling tool.

But I don’t think this strategy would work in most fields; it must be something related to IB but lacking technical skills.

4) You’ve Already Done Everything Else, You Have a Good Job, and Your Firm is Paying for It

Finally, if you’re already in the finance industry, you’re not changing careers, and you’re at a firm that pays for the exam prep and gives you time to study, sure, go ahead.

Passing the CFA will never hurt you.

It’s just that it might not help you all that much for the time and effort invested in it.

The Bottom Line on the CFA for Investment Banking and Other Finance Roles

The 2023 changes from the CFA Institute do make the exam more appealing and relevant for many roles.

Studying for it is easier, the “Learning Modules” are much better than long readings, and the expanded eligibility and specialized paths are nice.

However, these changes don’t solve the fundamental problem: If your goal is getting into investment banking, you could spend these 300+ hours on more useful tasks.

This applies to students and professionals at all levels, but the Return on Time Invested (ROTI) is particularly bad for university students.

If you missed IB internship recruiting, please do not think studying for the CFA will save you.

You need to get work experience ASAP, and if you’re too late for IB roles, you should focus on areas like corporate banking, corporate finance, Big 4 firms, and business valuation firms.

In fields outside IB/PE, the CFA ranges from “potentially useful” to “near requirement,” so it’s impossible to make a universal statement about its relevancy.

If you’re interested in a career where it’s important, sure, go ahead.

Within deal-based roles, the CFA has its uses for certain candidates and in certain regions – but it still wouldn’t make my “Top 5 Things to Do to Get into Investment Banking” list.

CFA for Investment Banking: Worth It? (2024)


CFA for Investment Banking: Worth It? ›

yes it is very useful.. you will learn valuation of different financial instruments, wealth management and many other things which are useful for a career in I.B. But you need to be clear with why you are taking up CFA because its a tough journey. Also, you can get into investment banking by doing MBA in finance.

Is CFA still worth it in 2024? ›

The CFA exam is still considered to be a valuable credential in the finance industry. The Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) program covers a wide range of topics in finance, including ethics, investment tools, and portfolio management, and is widely recognized as a rigorous and comprehensive program.

Is CFA worth it anymore? ›

If you're aiming to work in roles such as financial analysts, portfolio managers, or investment bankers, the CFA designation can be a valuable asset. However, if you want to pursue careers in other areas of finance, an alternative certification or qualification may be more relevant.

Does CFA make you a better investor? ›

Most people outside the profession really mean, “Does the CFA mean you will earn higher returns?” Of course the answer to this one is no.

Is CFA useful for venture capital? ›

rephrasing your question - you want to know: "Does studying the CFA help you as a venture capitalist?" Here's my summary opinion: it doesn't hurt. Yes and no, the knowledge you will get from the CFA curriculum pertains only to portfolio and investment management.

Is CFA still respected? ›

The CFA designation is one of the most prestigious credentials a finance professional can earn. It can lead to better career prospects, increased credibility, and a higher salary.

Do hedge funds like CFAS? ›

There's no question that it matters in many industries outside of IB, such as portfolio management. If you go into this field, you'll probably complete several levels of the CFA at some point. Some equity research teams and hedge funds will also be impressed if you've passed it while working long hours.

Is the CFA losing its luster? ›

The CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) charter has long been viewed as the gold standard credential for investment professionals worldwide. However, recent years have seen a decline in the number of candidates sitting for the grueling three-level exam series.

What percentage of people finish the CFA? ›

Level 1 pass rates have hovered around 37% Level 2 pass rates have been around 45% Level 3 pass rates have been better around 52% COVID had an impact on the CFA exam pass rates.

Is a CFA or MBA better? ›

If you're looking for a qualification to enhance your career in finance or establish your finance credentials, the CFA Program is the way to go. If you're looking for a qualification to boost your career outside of finance, or looking to move across industries, an MBA might be a better bet.

Do investment banks like CFA? ›

Key skills for investment banking include financial knowledge, networking abilities, analytical skills, communication proficiency, and the capacity to work under pressure. A CFA qualification can equip you with these skills.

How prestigious is CFA? ›

The CFA charter is one of the most respected designations in finance and is widely considered to be the gold standard in the field of investment analysis.

Is CFA level 1 a big deal? ›

Completing the entire CFA program typically takes about 2 years. Each level needs 6-9 months of prep, and you'll need 4000 hours of work experience to become a CFA charterholder. Passing CFA Level 1 could lead to job opportunities because companies worldwide value this qualification.

Will a CFA help me get into private equity? ›

A lot of limited partner private equity firms will hire undergraduates and then put them through the CFA. It's rare for direct investment firms to do the same. However, we also see a lot of junior investment bankers with CFA level one, as it shows both technical knowledge and evidence of commitment.”

Will CFA make me a better trader? ›

Having a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) designation can improve a trader's knowledge and understanding of the stock market, but it does not guarantee success in trading. A CFA provides a deep understanding of financial analysis, portfolio management, and ethics, which can help a trader make informed decisions.

Is CFA useful outside of finance? ›

There are also careers outside of finance that may be helpful to have a CFA. Here are some roles that can benefit from a CFA certification: Portfolio manager. Risk manager.

What are the changes to the CFA program beginning in 2024? ›

The upcoming changes in 2024 will include a greater emphasis on topics such as fintech, artificial intelligence, and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues. These are all areas that are rapidly evolving and require a deeper understanding of complex concepts and techniques.

When can I register for CFA 2024? ›

Standard registration period applies from 24 January 2024 through 14 May 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET and is available for Level I, Level II, and Level III. Early registration period applies from 8 February 2024 through 16 April 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET and is available for Level I and Level II.

What is the career outlook for a CFA? ›

Job Outlook

Overall employment of financial analysts is projected to grow 9 percent from 2023 to 2033, much faster than the average for all occupations. About 30,700 openings for financial analysts are projected each year, on average, over the decade.

Are CFAs in demand? ›

The value of the CFA is increasing in areas where membership is growing. Although CFA Institute membership is increasing in the United States, it is growing faster in other countries that are realizing the benefit that comes with hiring CFAs.

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.