Celadon City - Gym Leader Erika - Team Rocket Hideout - Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu! Guide - IGN (2024)


Clayton Petras,Professor_oak,Samuel Claiborn,+109 more


Not only is there tons of stuff to discover and battles to be won, but Celadon City actually features a Pokémon Super-Store as well. Here, you can pretty much buy anything you can imagine. Well, okay. Maybe not everything. But it's still a great place to shop in the whole game. This Celadon City page is part of the Walkthrough. If at any time you need an overview of the whole game and its chapters, head back to the Main Walkthrough Page.

East: Route 7 - West: Route 16

Jump to a Section:
Celadon City Gym
Team Rocket Hideout



Pokémon Center

Besides the standard Pokémon healing you’d expect in the Pokémon Center, you can also find a Channeler in the top left corner who will read your future for 10,000.

If you agree, she will ask you a series of questions about flowers and let you know what kind of encounters you will have today.

This effectively lets you choose what kind of natures you want in the Pokémon you are about to catch.

On the right side of the room, sitting in a char is a Camper who will trade you an Alolan Vulpix for a Kantonian Vulpix, so make sure to snag that while you’re here as well.

Finally, in the top right corner of the Center, you’ll find a Ring Leader who will teach your starter some more Special Moves. In the case of Eevee, you’ll be able to now learn the Psychic move Glitzy Glow, which attacks the opponent and puts up a wall of light to weaken their special moves. The Dark move Baddy Bad can also be taught, which does the same thing to Glitzy Glow only with a Dark typing and weakening the opponent's physical moves instead. Pikachu can learn the Flying move Floaty Fall, which attacks the opponent and can make them flinch.

He can now teach the following moves to your Eevee


Move What it Does
Bouncy Bubble Attacks opponent. Heals Eevee for half the damage dealtto the opponent.
Buzzy Buzz Attacks opponent. Paralyzes opponent if it lands.
Sizzly Slide Attacks opponents. If hit, opponents will be left with the burned status condition.
Baddy Bad attacks the opponent and puts up a wall of shadow to weaken their physical moves
Glitzy Glow attacks the opponent and puts up a wall of light to weaken their special moves

He can teach the following moves to your Pikachu

Move What it Does
Zappy Zap Attacks opponent. Always goes first and results in a critical hit
Floaty Fall Attacks opponent and has a chance to make them flinch

A Familiar Face

As you approach the Celadon Condominiums, you’ll run into Brock. He says he’s on his way back from the Celadon City Gym, and that all the girls there denied him entry. He gives you the gift he had brought for them, some Pewter Crunchies, as well as the coveted Tea you’ll need to give the guard in the guardhouse to allow you to pass.

Celadon Condominiums

Inside the Celadon Condominiums, you’ll find many people going about their daily lives and business. Each floor offers a little bit of dialogue, and on the third floor, you’ll get a chance to meet some of the team who designed Pokémon Let’s Go! (Digitally at least…) The game director says to come back once you’ve filled your Pokédex and talk to him. Reaching the top floor, you’ll find 3 Health Candies.

That’s it if you head in through the front door, but if you pass around the right side of the Pokémon Center and go in through the back door, and head all the way to the top floor, you’ll find a man who gives you some information on Link Battles and Trading, along with TM44 - Play Rough.

After you head out the back door, head left to find a Rare Candy


then head all the way to the right to find a Nugget.\

Celadon Department Store

If you've got a lot of cash to burn, this is definitely the place to be. The sheer amount of stuff you can buy in this giga-sized Pokémon Mart... And it's not just the usual power-ups.

Here are a few things you should definitely do while in the store:

  • Don't forget to talk to the clerk on the 3rd floor. He will give you TM03 - Helping Hand -- for free!
  • Buy a some evolution stones on the 4th floor for any Pokémon you wish to evolve.
  • Go to the roof level and buy one beverage from each vending machine. Give them to the thirsty little girl standing next to it to receive TM06 - Light Screen, TM09 - Reflect and TM07-Protect.
  • Stock up on Lemonade. It heals 80 HP and costs only 350. It's definitely the most economic healing potion in the game.
  • If you've got cash to burn, buy some of the TM’s on the first floor. Hyper Beam is especially powerful, though the most expensive.

Celadon City Dept. Store, 2F: Trainers’ Market

Item Price
PokéBall 100
Great Ball 300
Ultra Ball (After Defeating Erika) 500
Potion 200
Super Potion 700
Hyper Potion (After Defeating Erika) 1500
Antidote 200
Burn Heal 300
Ice Heal 100
Awakening 100
Paralyze Heal 300
Full Heal 400
Revive 2000
Escape Rope 300
Repel 400
Super Repel 700
Lure 400
Super Lure (After Defeating Erika) 700
X Attack 550
X Defense 500
X Sp. Atk 350
X Sp. Def 350
X Speed 350
X Accuracy 950
Dire Hit 650
Guard Spec. 700
TM17 - Dragon Tail 1000
TM18 - U-turn 1000
TM19 - Iron Tail 2000
TM25 - Waterfall 2000
TM28 - Tri Attack 2000
TM30 - Bulk Up 3000
TM43 - Shadow Ball 3000
TM48 - Hyper Beam 3000


Celadon City, 4F: Wiseman Gifts

Item Price
Fire Stone 5000
Thunder Stone 5000
Water Stone 5000
Leaf Stone 5000
Ice Stone 5000

Celadon City, 5F: Accessory Market

Item Price
Straw Hat 10000
Sweet Hat 20000
Elegant Hat 20000
Diglett Cap 50
Little Red Bow 1000
Little Green Bow 1000
Little Blue Bow 1000
Little Black Bow 1000
Little Plaid Bow 1000
Little Formal Bow 1000
Little Polka-Dot Bow 1000
Little Bow 1000
Fancy Red Bow 2000
Fancy Green Bow 2000
Fancy Blue Bow 2000
Fancy Black Bow 2000
Fancy Plaid Bow 2000
Fancy Polka-Dot Bow 2000
Fancy Cute Bow 2000
Fancy Frilly Bow 2000
Sailor Bandanna 3000
Safari Bandanna 3000
Polka-Dot Bandanna 3000
Ruby Bandanna 3000
Sapphire Bandanna 3000
Emerald Bandanna 3000
Black Bandanna 3000
White Bandanna 3000
Red Flowers 5000
Pink Flowers 5000
Blue Flowers 5000
White Flowers 5000
Orange Flowers 5000
Purple Flowers 5000
Pale Blue Flowers 5000
Green Flowers 5000
Black Framed Glasses 8000
Red Framed Glasses 8000
Green Framed Glasses 8000
Brown Framed Glasses 12000
Thick Framed Glasses 5000
Blue Sky Sunglasses 10000
Dawn Sunglasses 10000
Dusk Sunglasses 10000
Midnight Sunglasses 10000

Later: Get TM 26 - Poison Jab

The Poison Jab ability is hidden right in the middle of Celadon City. However, you can't get it unless you're starter Pokémon knows Sea Skim. Once you do have it, simply cross the little pond and talk to the guy on the other side.

Celadon City Gym

This city's gym is ready for your challenge at any time. Led by Grass Pokémon enthusiast Erika, you should be able to breeze through this gym in no time if you've got some good Fire or Psychic Pokémon in your party. Simply Chop Down the tree across from the restaurant to the south of town to access it.

Inside, a Lass will check to make sure you have a “cute” Pokémon in your party before letting you continue. We chose a Kabadra for this so we’re not sure how much this matters. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder?


Celadon City Gym consists of a hedge maze with trees you can Chop Down to give access to other paths. Heading straight and rounding the corner right, you’ll be able to battle the lass who checked you for Cute Pokémon just a moment ago:

Lass Kay

Level 28 Moves
Type Grass/Poison
  • Mega Drain
  • Toxic

Continue to follow the path until you come to a point where you can Chop Down two trees. Chop down the one to the north and head that way. Head right to find Beauty Mai waiting to battle:

Beauty Mai

Level 29 Moves
Type Grass/Psychic
  • Barrage
  • Psybeam

Head north after beating Beauty Mai and then follow the path until you come to a battle with Picnicker Tina:

Picnicker Tina


Level 29 Moves
Type Grass/Poison
  • Razor Leaf
  • Stun Spore
  • Mega Drain

After beating Picnicker Tina, just around the corner to the south you’ll find Beauty Tamia:

Beauty Tamia

Level 29 Moves
Type Grass/Posion
  • Razor Leaf
Level 29 Moves
Type Grass/Posion
  • Razor Leaf

After defeating Beauty Tamia, follow the path north and you’ll come to another set of trees you can Chop Down. Do so to the one on your left and head west where you’ll find Beauty Lori:

Beauty Lori

Level 29 Moves
Type Grass/Posion
  • Acid

After Beauty Lori, follow the path south to find Ace Trainer Mary:


Ace Trainer Mary

Level 31 Moves
Type Grass/Posion
  • Acid
  • Stun Spore
Level 32 Moves
Type Grass
  • Mega Drain

After beating Ace Trainer Mary, round the corner and you’ll find Lass Lina:

Lass Lina

Level 28 Moves
Type Grass/Posion
  • Stun Spore
  • Razor Leaf
  • Poison Jab
Level 28 Moves
Type Grass/Posion
  • Razor Leaf
Level 28 Moves
Type Grass/Posion
  • Poison Powder
  • Razor Leaf

Below Lass Lina, you’ll find two trees, Chop Down the easternmost one and follow the path until you come to two more trees, where this time you’ll cut the westernmost one. Continue to follow the path until you finally reach the Gym Leader of Celadon City Gym, Erika.

Gym Leader Erika


Gym Leader Erika focuses in grass type Pokémon. Using a well developed Charmeleon (or if it's evolved, Charizard) and its fire attacks will make quick work of all of her Pokémon. For the duel type poison Pokémon she uses in Vileplume and Weepinbell, you can also get super effective attacks using Psychic type attacks from the likes of someone like Hypno or Kadabra

Level 33 Moves
Type Grass
  • Sleep Powder
  • Mega Drain
  • Bind
Level 34 Moves
Type Grass/Poison
  • Moon Blast
  • Mega Drain
Level 33 Moves
Type Grass/Poison
  • Poison Jab

Once you beat Erika, you get your hands on the Rainbow Badge, allowing Pokémon up to level 50 to listen to you. She also gives to you TM53 - Mega Drain.

After defeating the Celadon City Gym, head on over to the Game Corner again and take on Team Rocket’s Hideout if you haven’t already!

Game Corner

As you enter into the Game Corner, you’ll spot Jessie and James playing one of the games. You overhear them talking about how the Switch to the Secret Team Rocket Hideout lies behind a Poster with a Vehicle on it.

This refers to the Poster in the back of the room with a Rocket on it. As you approach the poster, you’ll see a Team Rocket Grunt. Talk to him and he’ll tell you to scram, challenging you to a battle:

Team Rocket Grunt


Level 29 Moves
Type Normal
  • Bite
  • Hyper Fang
  • Crunch

After you beat the Grunt, he’ll get freaked out and run away to tell the boss the jig is up, leaving the poster free to be examined.

Team Rocket Hideout

When you examine the poster in the Game Corner. You will find a secret switch and a way in.

This place can get a little confusing so let’s just take it one floor at a time. Your end goal is a key to the elevator to get to the boss. You’ll find it in the northwestern corner of the fourth basem*nt level, but let’s hold off on grabbing that until we’ve explored everything else:


Heading down into Team Rocket’s Hideout, you’ll immediately see a Grunt to the Southwest of the first set of stairs:

Team Rocket Grunt

Level 29 Moves
Type Poison/Flying
  • Haze
  • Confuse Ray
  • Bite

Head around the corner west after you beat the first grunt to grab 5 Ultra Balls.


Then double back and take the eastern path to find another Rocket Grunt:

Team Rocket Grunt

Level 29 Moves
Type Poison
  • Self-Destruct
Level 29 Moves
Type Normal
  • Hyper Fang
Level 29 Moves
Type Normal
  • Double Edge
  • Crunch

After defeating the second Rocket Grunt, head south of him to find 3 Mighty Candies hidden under the office table.

You’ll notice a large door blocking the path to another grunt and the elevator. Keep this in mind for later. Double back and take the path in between the two Grunts you fought and talk to what appears to be another Grunt.

However, in talking to her, she tells you she’s a spy on an undercover mission and gives you the Team Rocket Set of clothing for your character. It won’t fool any of the actual members of Team Rocket, but if you always wanted to look the part, now you have the outfit to do so.


That’s it for B1 for now, head down to B2.


As you enter in to B2, you’ll immediately run into a Grunt ready to take you on:

Team Rocket Grunt

Level 29 Moves
Type Psychic
  • Headbutt
  • Psybeam
  • Hypnosis

After defeating the Grunt, as you head west you’ll see some conveyer belts. These will move in your character in whatever direction the arrows point. Just experiment with different paths and you should be able to find all the items and enemies on B2.

In the Maze of Conveyer belts you should find a Nugget to the north:

TM - 05 Rest near the center:

An Awakening to the western side:


Finally, a PP Up near the Southwestern corner:

If you work your way through the maze you’ll also find a separate set of stairs up to B1 and the elevator to the south.

Briefly Back to B1

Heading up the stairs next to the elevator on the south side of B2 will bring you into a room back on the B1 level with two Rocket Grunts to face, as well as a Hyper Potion in the Northwest corner

of the room and 5 Great Balls on the eastern wall:

Team Rocket Grunt

Level 29 Moves
Type Poison
  • Haze


Level 29 Moves
Type Poison
  • Bite
  • Poison Jab
  • Haze
  • Glare

Team Rocket Grunt

Level 29 Moves
Type Electric
  • Sonic Boom
  • Swift
  • Thunder Shock

Head back down to B2 and go back to the front to take the stairs down to B3


Heading down to B3, head immediately south to run into a Rocket Grunt:

Team Rocket Grunt

Level 29 Moves
Type Poison/Flying
  • Haze
  • Bite

Just past this Rocket Grunt you’ll find TM20 - Dark Pulse.


Grab it then once you’re near the stairs to B2, head straight west to grab a Revive.

The room to the south of this is another conveyer belt room. Like with the first, just play with the directional pads and you should eventually get to anywhere you need to.

On the western wall you can find an X Speed,

and on the eastern side there’s a Rare Candy.

Once you reach the opposite side of the maze, head around the corner to find yet another Grunt waiting:

Team Rocket Grunt

Level 29 Moves
Type Normal
  • Super Fang
  • Crunch
Level 29 Moves
Type Electric
  • Screech
  • Thunder Shock


After you’ve defeated the second Grunt on B3, head northeast and take the stairs down to B4.


Directly in front of you after you come down will be a small room with two items in it; a PP Up and a Hyper Potion.

Snag these then head into the room to the north where there will be a Grunt standing in front of an item that he reveals Is the Lift Key.

Team Rocket Grunt

Level 29 Moves
Type Poison
  • Disable
  • Sludge
  • Harden

After defeating the Grunt, he takes the lift key and throws it out of your reach as a last desperate attempt to keep it away from you. You may not be able to reach it by yourself, but your partner Pokémon is more nimble than you. On the northeast wall is a vent your partner can go in, but you’ll need a stool to reach it. Run over to the nearby rolling chair and engage it to move it over in front of the vent. You’ll let your partner into the vent once the chair is in place, and be able to control them, guiding them over to the Lift Key.

As your partner grabs the Lift Key, nearby Jessie and James hear their cry, though they dismiss it as nothing. Jumping down off the ledge, your Pokémon will give you the newly acquired Lift Key!

Now that you have the Lift Key, head back to B2 and head through the conveyer belt maze to get to the elevator on the other side. First, take the elevator up to B1 and battle the Rocket Grunt there:


Team Rocket Grunt

Level 29 Moves
Type Poison/Flying
  • Leech Life
  • Haze
  • Confuse Ray
Level 29 Moves
Type Ghost/Poison
  • Shadow Ball

The Heads of the Ekans

After defeating the Grunt on B1, head on down to B4. Before heading north, head all the way west and grab the Elixir there:

Then double back where you’ll run into Jessie, James and Meowth, where they challenge you to a battle.

Team Rocket Jessie and James


te: Jessie and James will fight you as a duo, so you’ll be fighting with two Pokémon instead of the usual one.


Level is 32 Moves
Type Poison
  • Poison Jab
  • Glare
Level is 32 Moves
Type Poison
  • Sludge

After defeating Jessie and James, they try to act tough in the face of defeat, but your partner Pokémon easily scares them away. Now that you’ve taken out every Rocket Grunt in your path, you get to finally face the head of the snake. As you enter the room, two men speak to each other about a Silph Scope while the stolen Cubone stands nearby. You overhear that Team Rocket plans to overtake Silph Co. with a man named Archer at the helm of the operation. As Archer goes to leave the room, he doesn’t take kindly to you listening in on their conversation and challenges you.

Team Rocket Admin Archer

Level is 33 Moves
Type Poison
  • Sludge Bomb
  • Flamethrower
  • Dark Pulse
Level is 33 Moves
Type Poison
  • Crunch

After defeating Archer, he asks the leader Giovanni for forgiveness for his blunder. As Giovanni walks around to the other side of his desk. At this point you can approach Giovanni and engage him. He tells you he is the leader of Team Rocket, as the Cuban cowers in fear next to him. Giovanni is shocked you would barge into the hideout strictly to release Cubone, and promises to punish you for you brashness.

Team Rocket Boss Giovanni

Level is 35 Moves
Type Normal
  • Slash
Level is 35 Moves
Type Ground/Rock


After defeating Giovanni, he tells you to do whatever you wish with the Cubone, and as an apology for mocking you as a child, gives you the Silph Scope.

He then steps aside, saying that he hopes you will one day meet and battle again. After he leaves, Cubone rushes away back to Lavender Town.

Get Sky Dash

After defeating Team Rocket in their hideout, head outside and make sure to talk to the man standing outside the Game Corner with the strange balloon device next to him. This man will teach the NECESSARY Secret Technique Sky Dash to your starter, allowing you to travel to any Pokémon Center that you've previously visited.

You now have the Silph Scope, so head east to Lavender Town and enter the Pokémon Tower. You can now take Route 7 to get there more quickly or use your new Secret Technique. If you take Route 7 through Saffron City, simply hand the Tea you got from Brock in Celadon City to the annoying guard blocking your way. Voila! Now all guard houses are open. Now let's go take on the rest of Pokemon Tower

Up Next: Pokemon Tower - Get the Poke Flute

PreviousRoute 7NextPokemon Tower - Get the Poke Flute

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In This Guide

Celadon City - Gym Leader Erika - Team Rocket Hideout - Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu! Guide - IGN (1)

Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu!

Game Freak

ESRB: Everyone
Nintendo Switch

Related Guides

OverviewHow to Get Moltres in Pokemon Let's GoWalkthrough

Celadon City - Gym Leader Erika - Team Rocket Hideout - Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu! Guide - IGN (2024)


How to beat Gym Leader Erika? ›

Pokémon Let's Go: Celadon City Gym and Erika Gym Battle

Your partner Pikachu or Eevee will do! Once you're inside, Fire-, Flying-, and Bug-Type Pokémon are your best bet, whilst Psychic will also help with the part-Poison-type Pokémon as well.

Who is the 4th Gym Leader in Let's Go Pikachu? ›

Celadon City - Gym Leader Erika - Team Rocket Hideout - Pokemon: Let's Go, Pikachu! Guide - IGN.

What is the best Pokémon to beat the Celadon gym? ›

I beated the gym using these Pokemon:
  • Arcanine: Fire Blast.
  • Arbok: Acid Spray.
  • Blastoise: Flash Cannon (Just for backup)
  • Butterfree: Bug Buzz and Quiver Dance.
  • Pidgeot: Giga Impact.

Was Erika supposed to be a ghost type Gym Leader? ›

This evidence suggests that Lavender Town could have had a Ghost-type Gym at one point during development and that Erika was the Ghost-type using Gym Leader.

How long to beat Erika? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Erica is about 2 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 11 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Who is Gym Leader Mewtwo? ›

Mewtwo (Japanese: ミュウツー / Mewtwo) is a Psychic-type Legendary Pokémon, and is one of the official Pokémon featured in Pokémon Vega. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon. In Pokémon Vega, Mewtwo is also the Gym Leader of the New Island Gym at New Island.

How to get Mewtwo in Let's Go Pikachu? ›

Catch Mewtwo

The lone Legendary Pokémon that you can't encounter until after entering the Hall of Fame is, perhaps not surprisingly, the infamous Mewtwo. This Psychic-type Pokémon can be found in Cerulean Cave—you can find its entrance on the west side of Cerulean City.

What to do after beating Erika? ›

Gym Leader Erika

Once you beat Erika, you get your hands on the Rainbow Badge as well as TM19 (Giga Drain). Trainers who own the Rainbow Badge can command Pokémon up to level 50. You have the fourth badge. Next, you can either go for the Soul Badge or the Marsh Badge.

What Pokémon can beat the ice gym? ›

Ice-type Pokémon are weak to Fire, Fighting, Rock and Steel. This means you'll easily defeat Grusha if you picked Fuecoco or Quaxly as your starter Pokémon, as Fuecoco is dual Ghost and Fire-type, and Quaxy is a dual Water and Fighting-type.

What Pokémon should I use to beat Erika? ›

Good Pokemon to Use

Further, you could have picked Charmander (which really puts in work, especially if you splurge for Flamethrower) or evolved your Eevee into Flareon (which can be a powerhouse immediately thanks to the Game Corner). Any of these Pokemon is more than enough to sweep through Erika.

What is Erika's weakness in Pokémon Let's go? ›

Pokemon Let's Go Celadon City Gym Leader Guide
Vileplume (Lv34) Grass PoisonMega Drain Moonblast
Weak ToFlying2x Fire2x Ice2x Psychic2x
Resistant ToWater1/2 Electric1/2 Fighting1/2 Fairy1/2 Grass1/4

How do you beat the Gym Leader in Vermilion City? ›

Return to the City itself after clearing out S.S. Anne and you can finally chop down that tree to tackle Lt. Surge's Gym. He's an Electric-type master, so Ground-type Pokémon like Geodude, Onix, or Diglett (from the nearby Diglett's Cave) will work brilliantly.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Job: District Real-Estate Architect

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.