Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates | Bulletin – April 2024 (2024)

Benjamin Ung[*]

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banking, cash rate, interest rates, monetary policy, housing

Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates | Bulletin – April 2024 (1)


The interest rate paid by outstanding mortgage borrowers increased by around 320basis pointsbetween May 2022 and December 2023, around 105basis points less than the cumulative increase in thecash rate over this period. This pass-through from cash rate increases to the average outstandingmortgage rate has been slower than in recent tightening episodes due to a high share of outstandingfixed-rate loans and the effects of heightened mortgage lending competition. The average outstandingmortgage rate will increase further as the remaining share of low-rate fixed-rate loans expire andreprice at higher interest rates. By the end of 2024, overall pass-through is expected to be comparableto earlier tightening episodes.


Monetary policy transmission occurs through several different channels. One of the most well-known is theeffect on household cash flows arising from the cost of debt servicing.[1] This cash flow channel isparticularly evident through its impact on mortgage borrowers due to the high share of mortgage debt inAustralia, and especially because most mortgagors have variable-rate loans that are responsive to changesin policy rates (Kent 2023). Assessing the strength of this channel is therefore important forunderstanding how monetary policy is transmitting to the broader economy. At the same time, however,there are positive cash flow benefits to those with savings when interest rates rise, and higher interestrates provide an incentive for both borrowers and savers to save more than they otherwise would.

The RBA raised the cash rate target by 425basis points between May 2022 and December 2023.[2] Overthis period, the average outstanding mortgage rate increased by around 320basis points. This wasaround 105basis points less than the cumulative increase in the cash rate. Hence, around75percent of the increase in the cash rate had passed through to the average outstandingmortgage rate, compared with nearly 90percent over the course of earlier tightening episodesin 2006 and 2009 (Table1; Graph1).

Table1: Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates
Tightening episodesIncrease in cash rate
Increase in outstanding mortgage rates
Proportion of pass-through
May 2006 – Mar 200817515387
Oct 2009 – Nov 201017515387
May 2022 – Dec 2023(a)42532176

(a) Latest available data as of December 2023.

Sources: APRA; Perpetual; RBA.

Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates | Bulletin – April 2024 (2)

This article explores two developments that have slowed the pass-through of cash rate increases to theaverage outstanding mortgage rate between May 2022 and December 2023:

  1. A high share of outstanding fixed-rate loans has contributed to slower pass-through compared withearlier tightening episodes in 2006 and 2009.
  2. Outstanding variable rates have increased by less than the cash rate, alongside heightenedcompetition between mortgage lenders.

The average outstanding mortgage rate is projected to increase further as the remaining loans on lowfixed rates expire and reprice at much higher interest rates. As this plays out, cash ratepass-through to the outstanding mortgage rate is expected to reach a similar proportion to that seenin previous tightening episodes.

The effect of fixed-rate borrowing on pass-through

Many borrowers took advantage of the low fixed rates on offer during the COVID-19 pandemic to lock in their mortgage repayments for a period. The verylow fixed rates on offer reflected lenders’ access to options to fund such products at low ratesgiven the monetary policy settings at the time. Of particular note, unconventional policies implementedby the RBA, such as the Term Funding Facility and the yield target on the three-year AustralianGovernment bond, supported lenders in obtaining low-cost term funding (RBA 2023a). These factors enabledlenders to price their fixed rates below the variable rates that were advertised to new borrowers (RBA2023b). As a result, the share of fixed-rate housing loans increased substantially, from around20percent of outstanding housing credit in early 2020 to a peak of almost40percent in early 2022 (Graph2). This share has since declined to around17percent as of December 2023, reflecting the expiry of a significant proportion offixed-rate loans and the very low share of new loans on fixed-rates.

Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates | Bulletin – April 2024 (3)

A little more than half of loans taken out at low fixed rates during the pandemic expired in 2023.[3] The paceof fixed-rate expiries was particularly elevated over the second half of 2023; fixed-rate loan expiriesover the September and December quarters of 2023 each accounted for around 15percent offixed-rate loans outstanding as of December 2022. The bulk of borrowers who have rolled off fixed rateshave managed the transition to higher interest rates well (RBA 2023c). Most of these borrowers took outloans at low fixed rates of around 2–2½percent during thepandemic. These fixed-rate loans have, on average, rolled-off onto interest rates close to theoutstanding variable rate (Lovicu et al 2023). Based on prevailing mortgage rates as ofDecember 2023, expiring fixed-rate loans have repriced to an average mortgage rate of around6½percent.

While the pace of fixed-rate loan expiries has slowed, there remains a substantial share of low-ratefixed-rate loans – around 35percent of the stock of fixed-rate loans that wasoutstanding in December 2022 – that will expire over 2024. This will contribute to a furtherincrease in the average outstanding mortgage rate as these fixed-rate borrowers transition to much higherprevailing interest rates than they are currently paying. Under the assumption that these fixed-rateloans reprice to the current outstanding variable rate, the average outstanding mortgage rate isprojected to increase by an additional 35basis points between December 2023 and December 2024(Graph3). Slightly more of this increase would occur over the first half of 2024 as the pace offixed-rate loan expiries remains more elevated over this period compared with the second half of theyear. Such an outcome would ultimately result in a similar degree of overall pass-through to outstandingmortgage rates as observed in the previous two tightening episodes in 2006 and 2009, albeit over a longerperiod beyond the tightening phase.

Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates | Bulletin – April 2024 (4)

By contrast with the most recent episode, fixed-rate loan expiries over the 2009 tightening episodelimited the pass-through to outstanding mortgage rates. This is because most borrowers thattook out fixed-rate loans prior to the 2009 tightening episode had fixed rates that were higher than theprevailing interest rates at the time when these fixed-rate loans expired.[4] Thesefixed-rate borrowers transitioned from higher fixed rates to lower prevailing rates, which meant thatthese expiries contributed to a lower, rather than a higher, average outstanding mortgage rate.

Another factor affecting pass-through is the share of new fixed-rate lending that takes place during the tightening phase. While few borrowers have taken out fixed rates over the current tighteningepisode, fixed-rate loans accounted for a material share of new lending over the 2006 tightening episode.The outstanding share of fixed-rate loans increased from around 20percent in May 2006 toaround 30percent by the middle of 2008 (Graph4). Fixed rates also tracked variablerates more closely over the course of the 2006 tightening phase relative to other episodes. Borrowersthat took out fixed-rate loans during the tightening phase therefore experienced a smaller increase intheir mortgage rates, as they did not incur the full increase in mortgage rates over the tighteningperiod. This, in turn, limited the extent of pass-through to the total outstanding mortgage rate over the2006 tightening episode.

Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates | Bulletin – April 2024 (5)

The effect of funding conditions and mortgage lending competition on pass-through

The recent period of heightened mortgage lending competition – particularly over the second half of2022 and early 2023 – has contributed to the average mortgage rate paid on outstandingvariable-rate loans increasing by around 75basis points less than the cash rate between May 2022and December 2023 (Graph5). Since the start of cash rate tightening, many borrowers have sought outlower mortgage rates by negotiating with their existing lender or by refinancing with another lender. Atthe same time, lenders have been more willing to accommodate requests to lower existing mortgage rates,particularly to retain good quality borrowers. The average rate on new variable rate loansincreased by around 40basis points less than the cash rate between May 2022 and December 2023, aslenders offered mortgage rates at lower spreads to the cash rate to attract new borrowers.

Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates | Bulletin – April 2024 (6)

Lending competition for variable-rate mortgages increased over the second half of 2022 as a sustainedwillingness by banks to compete for mortgage loans at the time coincided with a slowing in housing creditgrowth. At the same time, banks had access to cheap and abundant funding, including deposits. Depositfunding from households and businesses grew strongly during the pandemic, which contributed to a moresubdued increase in banks’ overall funding costs than would have otherwise been the case (ACCC2023). The interest rate paid on at-call deposits, which makes up around 65percent of alldeposits, increased by around 160basis points less than the cash rate from May 2022 to December2023 (Graph6). These lower funding costs allowed banks to offer more competitive pricing,especially at the start of the current tightening episode. This was particularly the case when comparedwith non-bank lenders with no access to deposit funding.

Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates | Bulletin – April 2024 (7)

Heightened lending competition was evident in lenders offering cashback deals of between $2,000and$5,000to attract both new and refinancing borrowers. Lenders also increased the discounts offeredon their advertised variable lending rates (relative to benchmark standard variable rates). The averageincrease in discounts on these advertised rates peaked at around 35basis points around the start of2023 (Graph7). These measures provided an incentive for many existing borrowers to seek out a lowermortgage rate by negotiating with their existing lender or by refinancing externally.

Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates | Bulletin – April 2024 (8)

Signs of easing competition have emerged since the start of 2023. Most lenders withdrew their cashbackoffers in the first half of 2023 and reduced the discounts offered on their advertised variable lendingrates. While the average variable rate on new loans increased by slightly more than the cash rate oversome periods, the cumulative increase in the average new variable rate over the current tightening phasewas still around 40basis points less than the cash rate as at December 2023 (RBA 2023b). Despitesome signs of easing competition, many lenders have generally remained willing to negotiate discounts toretain existing borrowers. External refinancing activity has also remained at elevated levels afterincreasing sharply over the second half of 2022 (Graph8).

Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates | Bulletin – April 2024 (9)

Over the most recent tightening episode, banks’ average funding costs have increased by a little lessthan the cash rate (De Zoysa, Dunphy and Schwartz 2024; Carse, Faferko and Fitzpatrick 2023). Bycomparison, tighter funding conditions emerged during the 2006 and 2009 tightening phases due toincreased volatility in financial markets and a structural shift in demand by the banks for more stablefunding sources such as deposits and long-term wholesale funding.[5] Higher funding costs weresubsequently passed through to existing borrowers and resulted in the average mortgage rate onoutstanding variable-rate loans increasing by more than the cash rate during these earlier tighteningepisodes (Graph9). Lenders passed through these costs to their variable-rate borrowers in additionto passing through the increases in the cash rate. As a result, variable rates increased by more than thecash rate in the latter stages of the tightening phases in 2006 and 2009, leading to more pass-through tothe overall outstanding mortgage rate.

Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates | Bulletin – April 2024 (10)

Pass-through from mortgage rates to total scheduled mortgage payments

Despite slower pass-through to outstanding mortgage rates over the current tightening episode, the flowthrough of a higher cash rate to housing mortgage rates has still been an effective transmission channelfor monetary policy in Australia. The relatively high share of variable-rate mortgages in Australia hasmeant that the average outstanding mortgage rate had increased by more than in other developed peereconomies such as the United States, New Zealand and Canada as of December 2023, despite a smallerincrease in policy rates in Australia (Graph10; Kent 2023).[6] Housing mortgage payments haveincreased considerably as a share of household disposable income, even though slower pass-through tomortgage rates than previous cycles has meant that the aggregate repayment burden faced by mortgagors has– so far – increased by less than otherwise.[7]

Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates | Bulletin – April 2024 (11)

Total scheduled household mortgage payments (comprising both interest and scheduled principal payments)have increased to around 10percent of household disposable income as of December 2023,exceeding the estimated previous historical peak in 2008 (Graph11). These scheduled mortgagepayments are expected to increase further to reach around 10½percent of household disposableincome by end-2024 as more fixed-rate loans expire and reprice at higher interest rates. While thissuggests a significant increase in household mortgage payments over the current tightening phase, thisarticle does not consider other forms of household debt such as personal or small business loans. Theseforms of household debt also affect households’ cash flows, although they account for a much lowershare of household income compared with a decade prior (Kohler 2020).[8]

Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates | Bulletin – April 2024 (12)


The increase in the average outstanding mortgage rate relative to the cash rate has been slower over thecurrent tightening episode than in some previous tightening phases. This has been due to the high shareof loans at very low fixed rates taken out during the pandemic and the effect of elevated mortgagelending competition on variable-rate mortgages. The average outstanding mortgage rate relative to thecash rate is expected to increase further as more fixed-rate loans expire. As a result, the extent ofpass-through by the end of 2024 is anticipated to be similar to previous tightening episodes.


The author is from Domestic Markets Department. Aversion of this article was prepared for the Melbourne Money and Finance Conference in February2024. The author would like to thank Peter Wallis for his help with this article. [*]

Higher interest rates have loweredhouseholds’ net interest income as aggregate household debt is much larger than householdsector holdings of interest-earning assets (Kent 2023); the cash flow channel for households isbest thought of as the net effect of changes on debt servicing costs for indebted households andinterest income for lender households. [1]

Data figures referenced in this article are up toDecember 2023. [2]

As a share of fixed-rate loans outstanding as ofDecember 2022. [3]

Most fixed-rate loans were taken out in early2008, with the fixed-rate share peaking around 30percent in the March quarter. Thefixed rates taken out during this period were significantly higher than the new lending ratesthat prevailed over the course of the 2009 tightening episode, consistent with the higherinterest rate environment prior to the global financial crisis. [4]

The shift in funding sources was partly motivatedby changes to regulatory requirements that incentivised banks to secure more stable and longerterm funding (Senate Economics References Committee 2012). [5]

A higher share of variable-rate mortgagessuggests that the cash flow channel is stronger in Australia, although other channels of monetarypolicy transmission are likely to be stronger in peer economies. [6]

Higher mortgage rates have also affected economicconditions through other channels, including by influencing the decisions of new prospectiveborrowers around whether and how much to borrow: see Kent (2023). [7]

Interest payments on overall household debt– including both mortgage debt and consumer credit products – remain below theirestimated historical peak as a share of total household disposable income, largely owing to asignificant decline in the use of consumer credit since 2008: see RBA (2024). [8]


ACCC (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) (2023), ‘Retail Deposits Inquiry’,Final Report, December.

Carse V, A Faferko and R Fitzpatrick (2023), ‘Developmentsin Banks’ Funding Costs and Lending Rates’, RBA Bulletin, March.

De Zoysa V, J Dunphy and C Schwartz (2024), ‘Bank Funding and the RecentTightening of Monetary Policy’, RBA Bulletin, April.

Kent C (2023), ‘Channels ofTransmission’, Address to Bloomberg, Sydney, 11October.

Kohler M (2020), ‘New Financial Statistics:The Value of Sound Data in Troubled Times’, Address to the Australian FinancialMarkets Association, Online, 17September.

Lovicu G, J Lim, A Faferko, A Gao, A Suthakar and D Twohig (2023), ‘Fixed-rateHousing Loans: Monetary Policy Transmission and Financial Stability Risks’, RBABulletin, March.

RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) (2023a), ‘Review of the Yield Target’.

RBA (2023b), ‘Chapter3: Domestic Financial Conditions’, Statement on Monetary Policy,August.

RBA (2023c), ‘Chapter 2:Resilience of Australian Households and Businesses’, Financial StabilityReview, October.

RBA (2024), ‘Chapter 1:Financial Conditions’, Statement on Monetary Policy, February.

Senate Economics References Committee (2012), ‘The Post-GFC Banking Sector’, Report,November.

Cash Rate Pass-through to Outstanding Mortgage Rates | Bulletin – April 2024 (2024)


What will mortgage rates be by end of 2024? ›

Indeed, Wells Fargo estimates the 30-year fixed mortgage rate will average 6.5% by the end of 2024 and 5.9% by the end of 2025. If you bought a home in 2022 or 2023, the prospect of refinancing your mortgage might seem appealing as rates fall.

Will mortgage rates ever be 3% again? ›

Lawrence Yun, chief economist at the National Association of Realtors, even told CNBC last year that he doesn't think mortgage rates will reach the 3% range again in his lifetime.

How does the Fed funds rate affect mortgage rates? ›

The Fed doesn't directly set mortgage rates, but they generally follow the same trajectory. In the meantime, they'll continue to fluctuate on a week-to-week basis based on bond market gyrations and inflation data, which follows recent trends.

What is the interest rate pass through? ›

What Is a Pass-Through Rate? The pass-through rate is the interest rate on a securitized asset, such as a mortgage-backed security (MBS), that is paid to investors once management fees, servicing fees, and guarantee fees have been deducted by the issuer of the securitized asset.

What will the mortgage rate be in the next 5 years? ›

The August Housing Forecast from Fannie Mae puts the average 30-year fixed rate at 6.4% by year-end, a slight decline from 6.6% in the third quarter. All told, the mortgage giant predicts mortgage rates will average 6.7% in 2024 and 6% in 2025.

What is the mortgage industry outlook for 2024? ›

Lower mortgage rates in 2024 — NAR is predicting the average will be 6.3% by the fourth quarter, down from 7.8% in 2023's final three months — will entice more owners to give up the super-low rates they got during the pandemic and put their homes on the market, Yun said.

Where will mortgage rates be in 2025? ›

In January 2025, I predict the average 30-year mortgage rate will be about 6%, not too far below where it is right now. By December 2025, I predict the average 30-year mortgage rate will fall to approximately 5.1%, which would make a big difference in the cost of homeownership.

What will interest rates be in 2026? ›

While 2026 is expected to be on a par with 2025, at 1.0%. The interest rate peaked at 5.25% in 2023 and is expected to be cut to 4.75% by the end of 2024. It is expected to be cut to 4.35% by the end of 2025 and then to 3.95% at the end of 2026. This is still well above the average for the previous decade.

What will mortgage rates be in 2026? ›

Leading forecasts suggest that by 2026, the average mortgage rate could drop to around 5.0% according to various sources, including the predictions shared by financial analysts on platforms such as Morningstar. They suggest a gradual decline will continue, culminating in rates around 4.5% to 4.25% by 2027.

Will the Fed cut rates in 2024? ›

The Federal Reserve will lower interest rates by 25 basis points at each of the U.S. central bank's three remaining policy meetings in 2024, according to a majority of economists in a Reuters poll that found only nine of 101 expected a half-percentage-point cut next week.

What happens to the housing market when the Fed raises interest rates? ›

There's also a noticeable link between the Fed's first rate hike in March 2022 and declining home sales. As rates rose that year and into 2023, the annual rate of existing-home sales dropped, from an average 5.33 million in the second quarter of 2022 to an average 3.88 million in the fourth quarter of 2023.

What are the Fed rates today? ›

Fed Funds Rate
This WeekMonth Ago
Fed Funds Rate (Current target rate 5.25-5.50)5.55.5
Sep 10, 2024

What is the pass through rate on a mortgage? ›

Pass-through rate: A mortgage pass-through security's coupon rate is called the pass-through rate. For example, if the mortgage rate for a pool of mortgages is 8%, the annualized servicing fee is 0.6%, then the investors receive an average return of around 7.4%.

How does a mortgage pass through work? ›

In a pass-through MBS, the issuer collects monthly payments from a pool of mortgages and then passes on a proportionate share of the collected principal and interest to bondholders. A pass-through MBS generate cash flow through three sources: Scheduled principal (usually fixed) Scheduled interest (usually fixed)

Why are banks not passing on interest rates? ›

The recent spike in bank profits comes after a decade of ultra-low interest rates that squeezed their margins. Banks are under no obligation to pass on higher rates to savers and have been able to keep rates low because customers are reluctant to shop around for better deals.

What is the interest rate in August 2024? ›

Monetary Policy Summary, August 2024

At its meeting ending on 31 July 2024, the MPC voted by a majority of 5–4 to reduce Bank Rate by 0.25 percentage points, to 5%. Four members preferred to maintain Bank Rate at 5.25%.

Will HELOC rates go down in 2024? ›

There's a good possibility that HELOC rates will drop again in 2024. The Federal Reserve has hinted at reducing interest rates, which could influence the rates for Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOC) as well. As inflation cools, borrowing costs may decrease.

Will auto interest rates go down in 2024? ›

The auto loan rate forecast for 2024 suggests a cautiously optimistic outlook. While rates are not expected to plummet, there is potential for a modest decline as the year progresses, particularly if inflation continues to subside and the economy remains stable.

Why are mortgage rates so high? ›

When inflation is running high, the Fed raises those short-term rates to slow the economy and reduce pressure on prices. But higher interest rates make it more expensive for banks to borrow, so they raise their rates on consumer loans, including mortgages, to compensate.

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