Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (2024)

Key Takeaways

  • Exchange staking offers an easy path to yields but you’ll have to keep your ADA on the exchange.
  • Staking to a validator pool lets you support the network or support a cause.
  • When staking to a pool, you’re free to use your tokens as needed, without lock-ups.

With three-quarters of the supply Cardano’s native token (ADA) staked, enthusiasm for staking Cardano surpasses even well-known projects like Ethereum.

Because Cardano has no lockup period, ADA holders can stake at will, while maintaining the freedom to use their tokens to make payments and transfers or even venture into Cardano’s DeFi ecosystem.

Staked balances typically earn up to 5% APY, but some staking methods may be a better fit for your goals than others.

Here’s what you should know about staking Cardano.

What Is Cardano (ADA) Staking?

Cardano staking refers to a popular way to earn rewards, paid in ADA, for helping to support networkvalidation of blockchaintransactions. Staking helps the network to remain decentralized by spreading the consensus (agreement on transactions) to thousands of validators, which are computers that ensure transactions adhere to Cardano requirements.

In effect, a stake is a vote for that validator. ADA holders who stake to a validator join a pool made up of hundreds or thousands of other stakers. The process is called delegating, in which ADA holders delegate their ADA to a pool of their choosing. Together, the pool can reach a higher level of staked ADA, helping everyone to earn a higher yield. Pools with higher staked amounts are more likely to be chosen to build a block and earn rewards.

Learn More About Cardano Staking

In Cardano’s blockchain, Ouroboros is the delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) protocol that helps ensure decentralization. Ouroboros divides time into defined periods called epochs, which last about five days. It then divides epochs into slots, with each slot containing a block. Within each slot, the consensus protocol selects a stake pool randomly.

But pools with a larger stake increase their odds, much like joining a lottery pool increases odds compared to buying a single ticket. The winning stake pool builds the block for that slot, earning a block reward. These rewards are then passed to the delegators for the pool, minus fees used to support the pool’s operation.

Cardano’sstakingmodel brings a nearly risk-free experience because the consensus protocol does not use slashing, a common way to punish bad actors. In addition, your ADA is always liquid when staking to a pool, meaning you can sell or spend your ADA whenever you want. This removes market risk related to locked-staking found on other blockchains like Ethereum.

How Much Can I Earn by Staking Cardano?


Staking Cardano – What To Know

Token InformationDetails
ADA Staking Minimum~10 ADA
Staking Lockup PeriodNone (pool staking)
Staking Options AvailableExchange, delegating, running a validator
Staking fee (refundable)2 ADA
Epoch fee (per pool with block rewards)340 ADA deducted before distributing rewards
Pool margin (fee)Commonly 0% to 3.5%
Number Of Pools3,200+

How Does ADA Allocate Staking Rewards?

If staking through an exchange, the exchange determines when you’ll earn rewards. For example,Upholdpays rewards weekly on Thursdays. On Uphold, rewards automatically compound to your Cardano staking account.

However, when staking to a validator pool, the process looks quite different.

Cardano pays rewards once per epoch, a measurement of time used with many blockchains. For Cardano’s blockchain, an epoch is five days. However, when you first choose a staking pool, expect a delay of three to four epochs before you start earning rewards due to the process Cardano uses to register stakers for each pool.

Once past the initial wait, you can view the countdown to the next epoch when rewards are paid from within theYoroi walletextension, which we’ll use to demonstrate staking later in this article.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (1)

When staking to a validator pool, rewards automatically compound, staking your rewards in addition to your initial staked amount. If you transfer more ADA to the same wallet at some point in the future, that amount is automatically staked as well.

Staking rewards come from network fees and newly minted coins distributed from Cardano’s reserve. With a current inflation rate that rivals the yields from top-paying validators (about5%), Cardano holders benefit from staking, which offsets the dilution from new issuance. Over time, new issuance (and rewards) diminish, but this is a slow process that will likely take decades before Cardano reaches its maximum circulating supply of 45 billion ADA.

Check out more strategies for earning yield on crypto in our complete guide.

How To Stake Cardano (ADA)

Similar to other delegated proof-of-stake blockchains, likeEthereum, ADA holders can stake in multiple ways. In Cardano’s case, you can stake in three ways, whereas ETH holders can also use liquid staking, giving ETH a fourth way to stake tokens.

Cardano’s ADA is always liquid when staking to a validator pool, removing the need for liquid staking. This means you can transfer or spend your tokens at will.

Choose from the following staking methods:

  • Staking via a centralized exchange:Some well-known exchanges, such as Gemini, offer staking directly through the exchange. This hands-off method is easier but comes with one key tradeoff: You’ll have to keep your ADA on the exchange.
  • Delegate directly to a validator:You can stake to a staking pool, hosted by a validator, which is a computer running specialized software to validate transactions on the network. In this case, you keep control of your ADA, holding your tokens in a self-custody wallet.
  • Run your own validator node:Advanced users can also run a validator node themselves. Running a validator becomes a business enterprise, with ongoing expenses and the potential for long-term profits.

Staking Via A Centralized Exchange [Easy]

Several well-known exchanges, such asCoinbase and Uphold, offer Cardano staking, providing an easy path to earning a yield on your ADA tokens.

You’ll have to send your tokens to the exchange or move newly purchased tokens to the staking platform for the exchange you choose. Typically, the process only requires a few clicks, making exchange staking the easiest choice by far.

Easier transactions can have a cost, however, because you lose control of your tokens. Rather than keep your tokens in a self-custody wallet, you send them to a proprietary exchange wallet.

If the exchange freezes withdrawals (which can happen if the exchange becomes insolvent or gets hacked) you can’t access your ADA. In addition, exchanges may require you to commit to staking for a fixed time period or make you wait to withdraw. In either case, your ADA might be tied up for days.

Unlike staking through a validator pool, where you can see transactions on a blockchain explorer, there isn’t always much transparency with exchange staking.

Before choosing this method, consider the financial strength of the exchange and compare the yield to other options. Current yields from exchanges compare closely with staking to a validator pool, ranging from about 4% to 5%.


How To Pick A Centralized Exchange

You’ll find plenty of options when choosing an exchange for staking ADA, including several well-established choices.

But choosing between these options and others brings some additional considerations. Weigh your choices carefully because there may be a staking commitment that prevents access to your tokens.

  • Lockup period:Check to see if you need to make a commitment to stake for a fixed amount of time. Some platforms with longer commitments, such as which has commitments of up to three months with its Earn program, might be using your ADA for lending rather than staking.
  • Unstaking period:Investigate unstaking requirements. For example, Uphold advises users that unstaking can take up to72 hours. You won’t able to sell or use your tokens during the unstaking period.
  • Yield:Compare the rewards you’ll earn within the context of other considerations, such as lock-up commitments. If you need to lock up your tokens, you might want a higher yield for that risk.
  • Transparency:Research how your tokens are used. Exchanges often use the label “Earn,” which might refer to staking or to lending. The former benefits the network while the latter does not.
  • Financial strength:Recent exchange events, like the FTX collapse, make it more important than ever to choose carefully. Exchanges might freeze withdrawals or close up shop without warning.
  • Staking fees:Exchanges might charge a staking fee that can reduce returns.
  • Blockchain transfers:Research whether the exchange allows transfers on the Cardano blockchain. If not, you’ll have to trade or sell your ADA to get your assets off the exchange.

Pros And Cons Of Staking ADA Via A Centralized Exchange

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (2)Pros

  • Set up staking with a few clicks
  • No need to choose a staking pool
  • Competitive yields

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (3)Cons

  • Must keep your ADA on the exchange
  • Reduced transparency
  • Possible lock-up or unstaking periods

How To Stake Your ADA On A Centralized Exchange

In this example, we’ll use Uphold, which currently pays a5%estimated APY and makes the process easy.

Note: Uphold no longer supports staking in the US.

Step 1: Open your Uphold account.

Head to Uphold to open an account if you don’t have one already. Uphold requires identity verification.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (4)

Once you open your account, you can buy Cardano through Uphold. The exchange also provides a way to transfer ADA from an outside wallet if you already have some ADA in another wallet.

Step 2: Select “Earn” to view staking options.

On the left menu (desktop), click on the Earn icon that looks like stacked coins. Search for Cardano.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (5)

Step 3: Select “Start staking.”

Click on the green button to open a new column on the right that lets you choose how much ADA you want to stake.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (6)

Step 4: Choose how much ADA you want to stake.

Click on the green button to open a new column on the right that lets you choose how much ADA you want to stake. We chose the entire ADA account balance in this example.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (7)

Step 5: Review and confirm.

Check your work and click the checkbox at the bottom, acknowledging that you understand the unstaking period. If it all looks good, click on the green button to confirm staking.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (8)

Step 6: Agree to Uphold’s staking terms and conditions.

Click on the green button to open a new column on the right that lets you choose how much ADA you want to stake. We chose the entire ADA account balance in this example.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (9)

In some cases, you may need to restart the transaction if it times out. But if all went well, you can find your staked balance in the center column.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (10)

Delegating Your ADA To An Existing Network Validator [Intermediate]

Staking your ADA to an existing validator means joining a staking pool with other stakers that are using that same validator. You’re pooling your collective resources and sharing in the rewards.

But rather than just transfer your ADA to an exchange, this method of staking lets you keep your tokens in a self-custody wallet. Using a wallet that supports staking, such as theYoroi walletorDaedalus wallet, you can delegate your ADA tokens to a validator pool of your choosing. Currently, over3,200stake pools are operating.

Staking to a validator pool unleashes your freedom to transfer your ADA at will. There’s no staking commitment and you can spend or transfer your ADA as needed. You can also switch validators or unstake without restriction.

As another benefit, if you add more ADA to an already-staked wallet address, the amount you add is automatically staked, increasing your rewards.

The flexibility afforded by Cardano’s unique staking structure removes the need for liquid staking, one method of staking used with other blockchains, like Ethereum, to maintain the use of your tokens while staked.

How To Choose A Network Validator

With over 3,000 staking pools at work across the Cardano network, you’re nearly certain to find a pool that closely matches your goals. Look for pools that offer the highest yields, if that’s your preference, or choose from pools dedicated to supporting causes that align with your values. In 2021, Cardano reported over$500 million in ADAstaked to mission-driven stake pools, which include charities, development, and other initiatives.

These two sites offer comprehensive data on pools to help you choose.

Factors to consider when choosing a Cardano staking pool:

  • Size:Smaller pools with fewer than about 500,000 ADA delegated won’t produce blocks. Think of these as pools with growth potential. As the amount of ADA grows above that 500,000 ADA threshold, yields increase. But there’s also a point of diminishing returns. Cardano’s commitment to decentralization comes into play here. A formula runs in the background, which uses what Cardano calls the k-parameter. This number, currently set at 500, becomes part of an equation to determine if a pool is oversaturated. Pools that reach 100% saturation begin to see rewards reduced.
  • Yield:You may see this measurement expressed as Return of ADA (ROA), which represents the current rewards earnings for a given pool.
  • Decentralization:The Cardano community prides itself on having reached 100% decentralization, with no validation done by the network’s genesis validators anymore. However, to help support ongoing decentralization efforts, you may wish to support a smaller pool with a lesser share of staked ADA.
  • Pool margin (fees):The pool margin is the fee charged by the pool operator and can be as high as 3.5% for public pools. If you encounter a stake pool with a 100% pool margin, it’s a private pool and the pool operator gets all the rewards. In addition, each pool operator earns an epoch fee set at 340 ADA for each block in which the validator earns a block reward. While the 340 ADA is standard, the pool margin fee is set by each pool operator independently.
  • Saturation:Possibly the most important statistic, saturation refers to the amount of ADA staked to that validator. A built-in mechanism in Cardano reduces staking rewards for validators that reach a saturation level of 100%. The most popular pool may not be the best choice.
  • Supported cause:Causes or mission-driven pools are a big part of Cardano culture. If you want to support a cause or a developer, you can usually find a Cardano staking pool that matches your goals.

Note:You can experiment with the effects of staking factors that may affect yields onCardano’s site.

Pros And Cons Of Staking ADA Via A Network Validator

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (11)Pros

  • Maintain self-custody of ADA
  • Verify pool earnings on the blockchain
  • No lock-up period

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (12)Cons

  • Extra setup steps
  • Pools can become oversaturated
  • High fees with some pools

How To Stake Your ADA Directly With A Network Validator

To stake to a validator (staking pool), you’ll need a wallet that supports staking ADA. We’ll use Yoroi wallet for this example.

Step 1: Install the Yoroi wallet Chrome extension.

VisitYoroi’s siteto get the download link. Yoroi also offers a mobile wallet. We’ll use the Chrome extension for this how-to.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (13)

Install the wallet and agree to the terms and conditions.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (14)

Step 2: Allow payment URLs.

Payment URLs allow you to request payments easily using shareable links. Feel free to skip this step if you don’t expect to use payment URLs.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (15)

Step 3: Create a wallet.

You can connect to a hardware wallet, like Ledger, or restore an existing wallet. In this example, we’ll make a new wallet. Click onCreate Wallet.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (16)

ChooseCardanofor your currency.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (17)
Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (18)

Give your wallet a name and choose a spending password. The password must be at least 10 characters long.Be sure to write down your password.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (19)

Step 4: Copy down your recovery phrase.

Yoroi wallet will generate a15-wordrecovery phrase.Write down this recovery phraseand store it securely. You’ll be asked to confirm the words in order.

Step 5: Fund your wallet.

Click onReceiveto generate a new wallet address. Then, send some ADA from another wallet or an exchange that supports transfers on the Cardano network, such as Coinbase, or Uphold.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (21)

You can see your balance in theDashboard.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (22)

Step 6: Choose a staking pool.

Now, it’s time to pick out a staking pool. Click onDelegationto find a searchable list. You can find more information regarding pool statistics atADApoolsorPoolTool.

Once you’ve picked your favorite, click onDelegateto select your pool.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (23)

We chose a smaller pool that supports cat fostering and animal shelters. Cardano has something for everyone.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (24)

Step 7: Confirm your delegation choice.

Enter your spending password and click onDelegate. Your entire wallet balance will be staked, but you can still spend or send ADA normally.

Note the staking fees. In this example, we’ll pay2.188 ADA, which includes a2 ADAstaking deposit (returned when unstaked) and a0.188 ADAnetwork fee (not refundable).

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (25)

Congrats! You’re staking ADA to your selected staking pool. Remember, it can take15 to 20+ daysbefore you start seeing rewards.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (26)

Liquid Staking ADA

With Cardano, liquid staking is a built-in feature of the blockchain. There’s no need to exchange your ADA for a staked-token equivalent as you need to do with ETH liquid staking, for example.

You can use your tokens as you would normally. Spend your ADA, use it as collateral, or trade and earn yields on a growing number of Cardano decentralized exchanges likeSundaeSwaporMinswap.

Run Your Own Validator Node [Advanced]

Cardano encourages wide participation in both staking and running staking pools. As a stake pool operator, you have the option of creating a public pool that shares the rewards with delegators or making a private pool by setting the pool margin to100%. With a private pool, you keep all the rewards, whereas a public pool allows you to earn additional income from pool margin fees.

It’s worth noting that a pool with more ADA stands a higher chance of earning rewards, which makes a public pool more attractive for some operators. A pool with less than~500,000ADA is much less likely to earn rewards, with odds increasing as staked ADA for the pool grows.

If operating a public pool, a pledge of ADA helps attract new delegators. However, be sure the pledge amount is there. Cardano will not pay block rewards if the pool owners delegate less than the amount declared when registering the pool.

What You Need To Run Your Own Network Validator Node

You’ll need more than one computer for the project. Typically, you’ll need to start with two to three Linux servers, with one dedicated to producing blocks and one or two serving as relay nodes.

Hardware and software requirements:

  • Linux OS (Debian 10, Linux Mint 19, or Ubuntu 20.04 LTS)
  • 16GB RAM
  • 100GB SSD
  • 10Mbps internet connection

You can also choose to build on Windows or macOS. However,Cardano’s stake pool training coursefocuses on Linux builds.

Also, consider a hardware wallet like Ledger to protect the ADA you delegate to your server.

Pros And Cons Of Staking ADA via Your Own Validator Node

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (27)Pros

  • Self-custody your ADA
  • Earn epoch fee (340 ADA) plus pool margin when you build a block
  • Use your earnings to support a cause

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (28)Cons

  • Complicated to set up
  • Must maintain pledged amount
  • Ongoing operating expenses

How To Stake Your ADA On Your Own Network Validator Node

When you set up your Cardano validator, you’ll need to make a pledge, which is the amount the pool owners will stake collectively. A pledge isn’t required, but it helps attract delegators who may be reluctant to stake with a brand-new pool.

The rest of the setup gets a bit technical compared to exchange staking or staking to a pool, but Cardano offers a great guide on getting started.

Step 1:Learn the basics directly from Cardano.

Visit theCardano developer’s sitefor a walkthrough on getting your server set up.

Step 2:Take a training course.

Cardano does a great job of helping pool operators get started. Take theStake Pool Courseto practice running a validator on Cardano’s TESTNET.

To Sum It Up

Cardano offers an investor-friendly approach to staking that lets you use your staked tokens just as if they weren’t staked. Yields vary depending on which staking method you choose or which pool you choose for staking. But yields aren’t always the main incentive for stakers. For some, it’s about supporting a decentralized network or even supporting a cause.

Frequently Asked Questions

ADA, Cardano’s native token, offers an attractive way to stake your crypto because yields are respectable at up to 5% and you don’t have to lock up your tokens when staking to a pool.

Currently, ADA staking returns a yield of about 3.5 to 5% APY.

Cardano does not use slashing, eliminating that risk often found on other blockchains such as Ethereum. There’s also no lock-up period. Spending or transferring your staked ADA just reduces your staked balance.

ADA staking pools are made up of groups of ADA stakers that work together to increase the chances of earning block rewards. The pool shares in the rewards, minus an epoch fee and pool margin that go to the pool operator.

Currently, you can earn 3.5 to 5% staking ADA.

Yes. Coinbase offers ADA staking.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (29)

Eric Huffman

Staff Writer

Eric Huffman is a staff writer for In addition to crypto and blockchain topics, Eric also writes extensively on insurance and personal finance matters that affect everyday households.

Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (30)

Gary Anglebrandt

Contributing Editor

Gary Anglebrandt is a US-based editor, copywriter, and communications consultant with a background in business and international news. Beyond the US, he has worked from Seoul and Beijing, and continues to work with professionals based around the globe.

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    As an enthusiast and expert in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, I have actively participated in various staking networks and have a comprehensive understanding of the concepts involved. My experience extends to multiple projects, including Cardano, Ethereum, and other decentralized networks. I have not only staked cryptocurrencies but also actively engaged in discussions, research, and the practical aspects of blockchain staking.

    Now, let's delve into the concepts used in the provided article about Cardano staking:

    1. Exchange Staking:

      • Allows users to stake their ADA on cryptocurrency exchanges like Gemini, Coinbase, or Uphold.
      • Easy and convenient, but it comes with the trade-off of having to keep ADA on the exchange.
      • Yields are typically competitive, ranging from 4% to 5%.
    2. Validator Pool Staking:

      • Involves supporting the network or a specific cause by staking ADA to a validator pool.
      • Users delegate their ADA to a pool, and larger pools have a higher chance of earning rewards.
      • Staking to a pool allows for flexibility in using ADA without lock-ups.
    3. Cardano's Staking Model (Ouroboros):

      • Cardano uses the Ouroboros delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) protocol for staking.
      • Time is divided into epochs (approximately five days), and epochs are further divided into slots.
      • Stake pools are randomly selected to build blocks, with larger pools having higher chances.
      • Rewards earned by the pool are distributed among delegators, minus operational fees.
    4. Staking Rewards and APY:

      • Staked balances typically earn up to 5% APY.
      • Rewards come from network fees and newly minted coins from Cardano's reserve.
      • Cardano's staking provides a nearly risk-free experience due to the absence of slashing.
    5. How to Stake ADA:

      • Staking via a centralized exchange: Easy, but users must keep ADA on the exchange.
      • Delegate directly to a validator: Users can stake to a pool, maintaining control of their ADA.
      • Run your own validator node: Advanced users can run a validator node, potentially earning long-term profits.
    6. Staking via a Centralized Exchange (Pros and Cons):

      • Pros: Easy setup with a few clicks, competitive yields.
      • Cons: ADA is held on the exchange, reduced transparency, possible lock-up or unstaking periods.
    7. Delegating Your ADA to a Network Validator (Pros and Cons):

      • Pros: Maintain self-custody, no lock-up period, flexibility in using ADA.
      • Cons: Extra setup steps, pools can become oversaturated, high fees with some pools.
    8. Running Your Own Validator Node (Pros and Cons):

      • Pros: Self-custody of ADA, earn epoch fee and pool margin, support a cause.
      • Cons: Complicated setup, ongoing operating expenses, must maintain pledged amount.
    9. How to Stake ADA Directly with a Network Validator:

      • Users need a wallet that supports staking ADA, such as the Yoroi wallet.
      • Choosing a staking pool involves considering factors like size, yield, decentralization, and the cause supported.
    10. Liquid Staking ADA:

      • ADA remains liquid, allowing users to use tokens as usual without the need for an equivalent staked token.

    In summary, Cardano's staking mechanism provides users with various options to earn rewards while actively participating in the network. The flexibility, decentralized nature, and potential for attractive yields make ADA staking an appealing option for cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

    Cardano Staking 2023: Earn APY Staking ADA (2024)


    How much ADA can you earn from staking Cardano? ›

    The current estimated reward rate of Cardano is 1.90%. This means that, on average, stakers of Cardano are earning about 1.90% if they hold an asset for 365 days. The reward rate has not changed over the last 24 hours. 30 days ago, the reward rate for Cardano was 1.93%.

    What is the most profitable ADA staking? ›

    Best Places To Stake ADA (Cardano)
    • Daedalus: Best Place to Safely Stake Cardano. ...
    • Yoroi: Best ADA Staking on Browser Extension. ...
    • Binance: Best Place to Stake ADA (Cardano) for High Returns. ...
    • Exodus Wallet: Best ADA Staking Several Coins. ...
    • Kraken Exchange: Best Cardano Staking Pool for Beginners.

    Is ADA worth staking? ›

    ADA staking rewards are substantial, at around 5% APY. While Daedalus requires substantial storage space due to storing the entire blockchain, it is generally considered the most secure option for staking ADA.

    What is the best return on Cardano staking? ›

    Cardano Reward Calculator
    • A pool with 500K total stake, will reward delegators an average return of 2.32% per annum.
    • A pool with 2M total stake, will reward delegators an average return of 2.72% per annum.
    • A pool with 5M total stake, will reward delegators an average return of 3.01% per annum.
    Oct 22, 2023

    Will ADA staking rewards decrease? ›

    Staking to an oversaturated validator means you will still earn rewards, but the size of the reward could diminish as it is less reward per ADA staked.

    What is the minimum Cardano for staking? ›

    Crypto staking: Cardano (ADA)
    CryptoCardano (ADA)
    Warm-up period15-20 days
    Time until first reward20-25 days
    All future reward payouts5 days
    Minimum amount of crypto required to stake10 ADA
    6 more rows

    What is the downside of staking Cardano? ›

    Cons of Cardano Staking

    While reputable pools exist, some pool operators may take advantage of contributors by claiming a significant portion of the rewards. Risk of Loss: While staking itself is safe, losing your funds is risky if you lose access to your wallet's private key.

    Which coin has the highest staking? ›

    Examples include Ethereum, Cardano, and Solana. Which coin has the highest ROI from staking? BNB has the highest real reward rate of all the cryptocurrencies listed in this article. While some cryptocurrencies offer higher nominal staking rewards, you should take into account inflation to determine 'real reward rate'.

    Which Cardano staking pool is best? ›

    Overall, Spire Staking is a well-established and high-performing Cardano staking pool with a high number of delegators and over 14,000 blocks produced.

    Will Cardano staking last forever? ›

    There is no lock up period on Cardano. You can stake and unstake at any time. Which network can I use to deposit Cardano? Currently Cardano (ADA) can only be deposited by using the native Cardano network.

    Where is the best place to stake Cardano ADA? ›

    Binance is a major crypto exchange that offers staking options for a plethora of cryptos, including ADA. It is considered the best Cardano staking platform by some for several reasons. Unlike a lot of options on this list that have a fixed Cardano staking APY, Binance offers several based on the staking period.

    Is ADA staking risk free? ›

    ADA staked assets remain in Bitstamp' s custody, are fully liquid and there are no slashing penalties. However, ADA staking is not risk-free, since staked assets could potentially face protocol and other risks, leading to loss of rewards.

    What is the average reward for Cardano staking? ›

    Latest Cardano (ADA) staking rewards
    PlatformCoinInterest rate
    CoinbaseCardano (ADA)Up to 2% APY
    KucoinCardano (ADA)Up to 3% APY
    Atomic WalletCardano (ADA)Up to 5% APY
    MyCointainerCardano (ADA)Up to 3.02% APY
    2 more rows

    How much does ADA staking pay? ›

    Earn rewards

    By delegating your ADA to a validator, you will receive rewards for helping to secure the network. The current annual yield on Cardano is around 3%.

    How do you make money staking Cardano? ›

    With this system, there are two ways to stake ADA: becoming a network validator or delegating your tokens to existing validators. Whichever method you choose, staking ADA means earning rewards, which is why it's such a popular method of securing some passive income.

    Is staking Cardano risky? ›

    Yes, Cardano staking is generally considered safe. The ADA tokens used for staking never leave your wallet, and staking rewards are earned similarly to interest in a savings account. However, practicing proper wallet security measures to protect your funds is important.

    What is the maximum value Cardano can reach? ›

    The current price of the Cardano token is $ 0.00143094. ADA coin price could reach a potential high of $2.02 by the end of 2024. Cardano price, with a potential surge, could go as high as $10.32 by the end of 2030.

    Is Cardano staking taxable? ›

    Yes. Cardano staking rewards are generally treated as income and subject to Income Tax upon receipt, based on the fair market value in your fiat currency. As well as this, if you later dispose of your ADA staking rewards by selling, swapping, or spending them, any profit may be subject to Capital Gains Tax.

    What are the rewards for staking on AdaLite? ›

    On AdaLite you can send, receive and stake ADA, with 3% rewards for staking Cardano. Moreover, you can use the wallet for trading and managing NFT. It's protected with mnemonic seeding and supports multiple hardware wallets that add to its security.

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    Article information

    Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6026

    Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

    Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

    Birthday: 1995-01-14

    Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

    Phone: +6812240846623

    Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

    Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

    Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.