Cape of Accomplishment (2024)

"Skillcape" redirects here. For the emote, see Skill Cape (emote).

Cape of Accomplishment (1)Cape of Accomplishment (2)Cape of Accomplishment (3)Cape of Accomplishment (4)Cape of Accomplishment (5)Cape of Accomplishment (6)
Cape of Accomplishment (7)Cape of Accomplishment (8)Cape of Accomplishment (9)Cape of Accomplishment (10)Cape of Accomplishment (11)Cape of Accomplishment (12)
Cape of Accomplishment (13)Cape of Accomplishment (14)Cape of Accomplishment (15)Cape of Accomplishment (16)Cape of Accomplishment (17)Cape of Accomplishment (18)
Cape of Accomplishment (19)Cape of Accomplishment (20)Cape of Accomplishment (21)Cape of Accomplishment (22)Cape of Accomplishment (23)Cape of Accomplishment (24)
A selection of Capes of Accomplishment
Cape of Accomplishment (25)
The music that plays when you purchase a Cape of Accomplishment

A Cape of Accomplishment (also called a skillcape) is a cape that symbolises achieving the highest possible level in a particular skill (level 99), the completion of every quest (313 QP), every Achievement Diary, or unlocking all the in-game music. Capes of Accomplishment are members' only items.

Capes of Accomplishment cost 99,000 coins (same price for the trimmed capes once you have trained two or more skills to 99). Each are obtainable from specific NPC masters, who can be seen proudly displaying the cape. A temporary skill boost that raises a skill level to 99 will not allow the player to obtain the corresponding cape. The NPC is located in a place related to their skill. Capes also come with matching hoods, although the hoods do not offer any bonuses.

When a player achieves a second level 99 skill, their earlier cape of accomplishment receives a graphical enhancement in the form of a "trim" of a different colour. This trim is irreversible. These so called "trimmed skillcapes" can be used to show that someone has more than one skillcape. The Achievement diary cape will allow you to trim both the Quest point cape and the Music cape, although the achievement diary cape can only be trimmed after obtaining the quest point cape. Unlike other Capes of Accomplishment, the aforementioned three capes can be manually trimmed and untrimmed by use of the right click menu.

If a player holding a skillcape dies to another player, and it is not protected on death, 11,880 coins will appear on the floor for the killer.


  • 1 Most and least popular capes
  • 2 Equipment bonuses
  • 3 Emote
  • 4 Skill boost
  • 5 Cape of Accomplishment perks
    • 5.1 List of Cape of Accomplishment perks
  • 6 Keeping the first Skillcape untrimmed
  • 7 Joke Skillcapes
  • 8 Changes
  • 9 Trivia
  • 10 References

Most and least popular capes[edit | edit source]

As of 1 September 2024, Runecraft is the least common skillcape with 85,238 players having 99 Runecraft.

As of 1 September 2024, Strength is the most common skillcape with 571,478 players having 99 Strength.

As of 1 September 2024, the top five least common skillcapes are Runecraft, Agility, Hunter, Construction and Smithing respectively, while the five most common skillcapes are Strength, Hitpoints, Ranged, Magic and Cooking respectively. This is a general reflection of the difficulty it takes to train the pertaining skill.

As of 26 February 2020, the Music cape is the least common cape of accomplishment with 11,543 players achieving the cape.[1]

An updated table showing the number of players with a 99 in each respective skill can be seen in the table below.

SkillPlayers with 99
Cape of Accomplishment (26)375,224
Cape of Accomplishment (27)551,153
Cape of Accomplishment (28)123,320
Cape of Accomplishment (29)571,478
Cape of Accomplishment (30)86,429
Cape of Accomplishment (31)111,573
Cape of Accomplishment (32)325,797
Cape of Accomplishment (33)115,619
Cape of Accomplishment (34)148,962
Cape of Accomplishment (35)513,907
Cape of Accomplishment (36)149,013
Cape of Accomplishment (37)384,392
Cape of Accomplishment (38)164,015
Cape of Accomplishment (39)190,456
Cape of Accomplishment (40)325,967
Cape of Accomplishment (41)416,046
Cape of Accomplishment (42)243,108
Cape of Accomplishment (43)189,808
Cape of Accomplishment (44)85,238
Cape of Accomplishment (45)166,964
Cape of Accomplishment (46)267,538
Cape of Accomplishment (47)109,124
Cape of Accomplishment (48)102,603
All skills: 52,449
As of 1 September 2024

Equipment bonuses[edit | edit source]

All of the different Capes of Accomplishment provide the same bonuses, with the exception of untrimmed and trimmed skillcapes, where the trimmed versions and the Max cape provide a +4 prayer bonus. Untrimmed Capes of Accomplishment have identical stats to that of an Obsidian cape.

ItemAttack bonusesDefence bonusesOther
Cape of Accomplishment (49)Cape of Accomplishment (50)Cape of Accomplishment (51)Cape of Accomplishment (52)Cape of Accomplishment (53)Cape of Accomplishment (54)Cape of Accomplishment (55)Cape of Accomplishment (56)Cape of Accomplishment (57)Cape of Accomplishment (58)Cape of Accomplishment (59)Cape of Accomplishment (60)Cape of Accomplishment (61)Cape of Accomplishment (62)
Cape of Accomplishment (63)Untrimmed00000+9+9+9+9+9000%0
Cape of Accomplishment (64)Trimmed00000+9+9+9+9+9000%+4
Cape of Accomplishment (65)Max00000+9+9+9+9+9000%+4

Emote[edit | edit source]

Main article: Skill Cape (emote)

Each cape comes with a special emote that can only be performed while wearing the skillcape, however the music cape emote can be performed without wearing its respective cape. The emotes are meant to represent the cape's respective skills.

Skill boost[edit | edit source]

Selecting the "Boost" option in the equipment menu or equipping a cape of accomplishment temporarily boosts the player's effective level in the cape's skill by 1, up to 100. The Hitpoints and Prayer capes have a 1 minute cool-down period between uses of this effect. Every cape's boost cannot be reactivated until its skill has dropped back to 99. This boost follows the same rules as any other skill boost, lasting up to 60 seconds.

Visible boosts over 99 for skilling actions that use the skilling success rate do not affect those actions.

Cape of Accomplishment perks[edit | edit source]

Each cape has certain benefits. For example, the Firemaking cape will act as a light source either when equipped or in inventory, and as warm clothing for Wintertodt, and wearing the Cooking cape will prevent any food from being burned. These perks only work on members worlds.

A max cape will provide all the perks of all skillcapes. However, a max cape may be combined with certain best-in-slot cape slot items, such as the Guthix cape, creating a Guthix max cape. Doing so will cause the max cape to assume the stats of the item it was combined with, forfeiting the max cape perks, making it merely a cosmetic enhancement to the original item. A list of all possible max cape combinations can be found here.

If a player displays a certain set of skillcapes on the cape hanger in a player-owned house Achievement Gallery, the perks that they have will become available only to the house owner. The perks of the following skillcapes can be used while displayed on the cape hanger:

List of Cape of Accomplishment perks[edit | edit source]

SkillSkillcapeHoodNo. of Players
(as of 1 September 2024)
Cape of Accomplishment (66)Cape of Accomplishment (67) Cape of Accomplishment (68)
Agility cape
Cape of Accomplishment (69)
Agility hood
86,429Cap'n Izzy No-BeardBrimhaven Agility Arena
  • When worn, acts as a substitute for a graceful cape.
  • Once per day, can be used to restore 100% run energy and provide the effect of a stamina potion for one minute.
Cape of Accomplishment (70)Cape of Accomplishment (71) Cape of Accomplishment (72)
Attack cape
Cape of Accomplishment (73)
Attack hood
375,224AjjatWarriors' Guild
Cape of Accomplishment (74)Cape of Accomplishment (75) Cape of Accomplishment (76)
Construct. cape
Cape of Accomplishment (77)
Construct. hood
109,124Any Estate agent or AlwynVarrock, Seers' Village, Falador, Ardougne, Hosidius, Prifddinas
Cape of Accomplishment (78)Cape of Accomplishment (79) Cape of Accomplishment (80)
Cooking cape
Cape of Accomplishment (81)
Cooking hood
384,392Head chefCooks' Guild
  • When worn, food will never be burned while cooking.
  • When worn, acts as a substitute for a chef's hat to enter the Cooks' Guild.
Cape of Accomplishment (82)Cape of Accomplishment (83) Cape of Accomplishment (84)
Crafting cape
Cape of Accomplishment (85)
Crafting hood
190,456Master CrafterCrafting Guild
Cape of Accomplishment (86)Cape of Accomplishment (87) Cape of Accomplishment (88)
Defence cape
Cape of Accomplishment (89)
Defence hood
325,797Melee combat tutorLumbridge
  • When worn, acts as a ring of life; can be toggled on or off.
Cape of Accomplishment (90)Cape of Accomplishment (91) Cape of Accomplishment (92)
Farming cape
Cape of Accomplishment (93)
Farming hood
267,538Martin the Master GardenerDraynor Village
  • Unlimited teleports to the Farming Guild.
  • When worn, herb patches harvested will have a 5% increase in yield (stacks with the magic secateurs).
Cape of Accomplishment (94)Cape of Accomplishment (95) Cape of Accomplishment (96)
Firemaking cape
Cape of Accomplishment (97)
Firemaking hood
325,967Ignatius VulcanSouth of Seers' Village
Cape of Accomplishment (98)Cape of Accomplishment (99) Cape of Accomplishment (100)
Fishing cape
Cape of Accomplishment (101)
Fishing hood
148,962Master FisherFishing Guild
Cape of Accomplishment (102)Cape of Accomplishment (103) Cape of Accomplishment (104)
Fletching cape
Cape of Accomplishment (105)
Fletching hood
Cape of Accomplishment (106)Cape of Accomplishment (107) Cape of Accomplishment (108)
Herblore cape
Cape of Accomplishment (109)
Herblore hood
Cape of Accomplishment (110)Cape of Accomplishment (111) Cape of Accomplishment (112)
Hitpoints cape
Cape of Accomplishment (113)
Hitpoints hood
551,153Surgeon General TafaniEmir's Arena hospital
Cape of Accomplishment (114)Cape of Accomplishment (115) Cape of Accomplishment (116)
Hunter cape
Cape of Accomplishment (117)
Hunter hood
102,603Hunting expertFeldip Hills
Cape of Accomplishment (118)Cape of Accomplishment (119) Cape of Accomplishment (120)
Magic cape
Cape of Accomplishment (121)
Magic hood
416,046Wizard SininaWizards' Guild
  • Five times per day, can be used to permanently change spellbook.
Cape of Accomplishment (122)Cape of Accomplishment (123) Cape of Accomplishment (124)
Mining cape
Cape of Accomplishment (125)
Mining hood
123,320GadrinMining Guild
Cape of Accomplishment (126)Cape of Accomplishment (127) Cape of Accomplishment (128)
Prayer cape
Cape of Accomplishment (129)
Prayer hood
164,015Brother JeredEdgeville Monastery
Cape of Accomplishment (130)Cape of Accomplishment (131) Cape of Accomplishment (132)
Ranging cape
Cape of Accomplishment (133)
Ranging hood
513,907Armour salesmanRanging Guild
Cape of Accomplishment (134)Cape of Accomplishment (135) Cape of Accomplishment (136)
Runecraft cape
Cape of Accomplishment (137)
Runecraft hood
85,238AuburySouth-east Varrock
  • When worn, allows access to any runic altar without the use of talismans or tiaras.
  • When worn, prevents essence pouches from degrading when filling them.
Cape of Accomplishment (138)Cape of Accomplishment (139) Cape of Accomplishment (140)
Slayer cape
Cape of Accomplishment (141)
Slayer hood
166,964Duradel/Kuradal[2]Shilo Village
  • When worn or in the inventory, provides a 10% chance of being given the option to pick the previous task when getting a new task from a Slayer Master.
  • When worn, allows players to bypass combat level requirements upon receiving new tasks.
Cape of Accomplishment (142)Cape of Accomplishment (143) Cape of Accomplishment (144)
Smithing cape
Cape of Accomplishment (145)
Smithing hood
111,573ThurgoNear Mudskipper Point
Cape of Accomplishment (146)Cape of Accomplishment (147) Cape of Accomplishment (148)
Strength cape
Cape of Accomplishment (149)
Strength hood
571,478Sloane/Yadech Strongarm[2]Warriors' Guild
Cape of Accomplishment (150)Cape of Accomplishment (151) Cape of Accomplishment (152)
Thieving cape
Cape of Accomplishment (153)
Thieving hood
149,013Martin ThwaitRogues' Den
Cape of Accomplishment (154)Cape of Accomplishment (155) Cape of Accomplishment (156)
Woodcutting cape
Cape of Accomplishment (157)
Woodcutting hood
  • When worn, additional 10% chance of a bird nest falling while chopping trees.
Cape of Accomplishment (158)Cape of Accomplishment (159) Cape of Accomplishment (160)
Quest point cape
Cape of Accomplishment (161)
Quest point hood
N/AWise Old ManDraynor Village
Cape of Accomplishment (162)Cape of Accomplishment (163) Cape of Accomplishment (164)
Achievement diary cape
Cape of Accomplishment (165)
Achievement diary hood
N/ATwiggy O'KornDraynor Village
  • Unlimited teleports to all Diary Masters, including Twiggy O'Korn.
Cape of Accomplishment (166)Cape of Accomplishment (167) Cape of Accomplishment (168)
Music cape
Cape of Accomplishment (169)
Music hood
N/AOlaf the BardRellekka
Cape of Accomplishment (170)Cape of Accomplishment (171)
Max cape
Cape of Accomplishment (172)
Max hood
52,449MacWest of the Warriors' Guild
  • Inherits all skillcape perks, but not those of the quest point, achievement diary, or music capes.
  1. ^ Old School RuneScape. "OSRS Data Stream 2020 - Old School RuneScape's 7th Birthday!"] (in 31m43s). YouTube video. 26 February 2020.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 After While Guthix Sleeps

Keeping the first Skillcape untrimmed[edit | edit source]

When players get their first Skillcape, it will be untrimmed. The moment the player reaches 99 in another skill, all untrimmed capes currently in possession of the player, banked or stored in their house, or regularly picked up at any time will become permanently trimmed, unless some precaution is taken. Players may wish to keep their first Skillcape untrimmed, because they like the look of it or another reason. Owning multiple untrimmed capes may be helpful to avoid losing every untrimmed version.Some methods to keep the untrimmed Skillcapes from trimming are as follows:
Note: These methods need to be repeated every time a new 99 is about to be achieved, or if the untrimmed cape is dropped for any reason, including while not a member.

  1. Drop the Skillcape on the ground.
  2. Reach 99 in another skill.
  3. Telegrab the untrimmed Skillcape. It will remain untrimmed.
    • If picked up without telegrab, it will become trimmed upon pickup.
  • Having the untrimmed cape in a death storage:
  1. Dying to some instanced NPCs transports your items into a death storage, excluding your protected items. Check the death page for more info on protected items.
    • Normal death: Upon dying to an NPC your items will be transported to your grave, excluding your protected items. If the untrimmed cape is moved into Death's Office, it will be safe there forever.
    • Hespori: Arno will hold your items. Requires 65 Farming to plant a Hespori seed. He requires 25,000 coins to reclaim the items.
      • These are methods available to Skill pures, as they cannot use Magic to telegrab the cape.
    • Zulrah: Priestess Zul-Gwenwynig will hold your items. Requires access to Zul-Andra.[1] She requires 100,000 coins to reclaim your items after you have killed Zulrah 50 times.
    • Chambers of Xeric: Store your cape in during the raid and leave it there. This is the best temporary method as you can die multiple times outside of the raid and the items in the chest will never disappear unlike the Zulrah or Theatre of Blood chest.[2]
    • Theatre of Blood: The chest outside will hold your items. Requires 100,000 coins to reclaim the items.
    • The following death storages have not been tested, but are assumed to work similarly:
  2. Reach 99 in another skill.
  3. Take the Skillcape out of the death storage.

Joke Skillcapes[edit | edit source]

While these capes resemble a skillcape and possess a skillcape emote, they are considered a joke and do not qualify as a real Cape of Accomplishment (e.g. for purposes of the Falador Diary).

Cape of Accomplishment (173)Cape of Accomplishment (174)
Cabbage cape
NoneKupus Varza

(Diango after the
2016 April Fools event)

Falador farm

(Draynor Village after the
2016 April Fools event)

Cape of Accomplishment (175)Cape of Accomplishment (176)
Banana cape
NoneDuke Horacio

(Diango after the
2021 Birthday event)

Lumbridge Castle

(Draynor Village after the
2021 Birthday event)


Changes[edit | edit source]


You can no longer perform skillcape emotes aboard the Fishing Trawler.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • If a player somehow possesses a cape of accomplishment for a skill that they later have the base level reduced, they will be unable to wear it until they achieve 99 again.
  • The max cape does not have an operate function, and thus cannot boost any skill.
  • As every cape costs 99,000 coins each, buying all Capes of Accomplishment (Skill Capes, Quest Point Cape, Achievement Diary Cape, and Music Cape) will require 2,574,000 coins, excluding the max cape. With the Max cape included, it would cost 4,851,000 coins for every Cape of Accomplishment.
  • Including the 23 skillcapes, the Max cape, the Quest point cape, the Achievement diary cape and the Music cape, there are a total of 27 capes of accomplishment.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Jagex. Mod Ash's Twitter account. 18 April 2020. Archived from the original on 28 May 2020. Mod Ash: "That'd be Zul-Gwenwynig :P Yeah, if it's in there, it should be left alone as you gain another level."
  2. ^ Jagex. Mod Ash's Twitter account. 21 June 2020. Archived from the original on 17 May 2021.


Cape sellers


One handed
Two handed
God books


Regular capes
Combat capes
Capes of Accomplishment
Fremennik cloaks
Chambers of Xeric: Challenge Mode
Theatre of Blood
Tombs of Amascut
Cape of Accomplishment (2024)
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