Can You Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane? What Self-Defense Tools are All (2024)


Traveling can be a great way to see the world and experience new cultures, but it's important to remember that there are risks involved. Whether you're exploring a new city or traveling to a foreign country, it's important to take steps to protect yourself from harm.

One of the best ways to stay safe while traveling is to be aware of your surroundings and avoid putting yourself in dangerous situations. If you're visiting a new city, it is especially important to do your research ahead of time and learn about common scams and dangers. And if you're traveling abroad, make sure to familiarize yourself with the local laws and customs.

When it comes to self-defense, you want to have as many options as possible. That's why it's important to know what is and isn't allowed on planes.

In this blog post, we will discuss some different self-defense tools that are allowed on planes and what their restrictions are. Whether you're traveling for business or pleasure, knowing ahead of time what you can and cannot bring with you is always a good idea!

Can you carry pepper spray on a plane?

Can You Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane? What Self-Defense Tools are All (1)

If you're planning to go on a trip and want to safeguard yourself, you've probably wondered to yourself "can you bring pepper spray on a plane?" The TSA does not allow you to carry pepper spray on a plane with you. However, you may be able to pack it in your checked luggage, so long as it meets certain requirements that are specified by the TSA and assuming the airlines that you are using to travel allows it.

TSA has a list of items that are allowed and not allowed in both carry-on and checked bags. For self-defense items, the agency states that "Self-defense sprays (i.e., tear gas and pepper spray) are prohibited in carry-on bags but may be packed in checked luggage."

Do all airlines allow pepper spray in checked baggage?

Can You Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane? What Self-Defense Tools are All (2)

Not all airlines will allow you to have pepper spray in checked baggage, whether or not you can check in the pepper spray will depend on the airline. Some airlines in specific such as JetBlue, Southwest, and United prohibit carrying on or checking pepper spray in your bag. If you're planning to travel with pepper spray, it's always best to check with your airline beforehand to make sure that you're following their rules and regulations.

Rules for pepper spray in checked luggage

Can You Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane? What Self-Defense Tools are All (3)

Assuming your airline allows it, the TSA only allows you to have one 4-ounce container of pepper spray in your checked baggage as long as it has been equipped with a safety mechanism that is used to prevent accidental discharge.

If you have pepper spray in your checked baggage, make sure that the container is clearly labeled and that it is not directly accessible to anyone who might open your bag. According to the TSA, self-defense sprays containing more than 2 percent by mass of tear gas (CS or CN) are prohibited in checked baggage.

What are some self-defense tools that you can carry on a plane?

Can You Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane? What Self-Defense Tools are All (4)

If you're worried about your safety and would like to have a self-defense tool with you at all times rather than in a checked bag, you can utilize invisaWear jewelry.

Ever since I was a little girl, I always loved the idea of being able to help people in danger. So when I heard about invisaWear bracelets, I knew that I had to have one.

These bracelets, necklaces, and keychains are designed to help keep people safe by sending their location and contact information to five trusted contacts and optionally the police. And for me, that's a life-saving feature.

You see, I'm a single mom and my daughter is my world. She means everything to me and I would do anything to protect her. And that's why I always carry an invisaWear bracelet with me, just in case something happens.

These pieces of jewelry contain a panic button that you can press twice and it will send a text message alert to 5 contacts of your choice and optionally the police letting them know that you're in danger. In the text message, there will be a link that shows your live GPS location.

This jewelry does in fact work worldwide, however, you do need cellular data or WiFi for it to function properly. The contacting police feature is currently only available in the USA and Canada, if you are in a different country invisaWear will still be able to send your location to 5 preselected contacts. To learn more about how invisaWear works you can read the most up-to-date information about it here.

Why is pepper spray restricted on planes?

Can You Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane? What Self-Defense Tools are All (5)

Pepper Spray is restricted on planes for various reasons. Although the intended use of pepper spray is for self-defense, it can be used as a weapon by an aggressor as well. Pepper spray is also restricted on planes because it's considered a hazardous material. The fumes from pepper spray can cause respiratory problems, and the liquid can damage electronic equipment. Pepper spray can also be flammable.

Does pepper spray affect metal detectors?

Can You Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane? What Self-Defense Tools are All (6)

This can vary depending on the material that the canister of the pepper spray is made of, however, your pepper spray will most likely cause a metal detector to go off. If you set off a walk-through metal detector or hand-held metal detector, you will be asked to remove the item that set off the alarm.

If you have any questions about what you can bring through TSA security checkpoints, you can contact the Transportation Security Administration directly.

The TSA also has a handy app that you can download to your phone which will help you keep track of what items are allowed and not allowed in both your carry-on and checked baggage.

Is it illegal to carry pepper spray?

Can You Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane? What Self-Defense Tools are All (7)

The answer to this question will depend on a few factors that are influenced by the state in which you reside in. Some states have minimal restrictions for carrying pepper spray, while others require that it must be purchased from a licensed dealer. Before carrying pepper spray, be sure to check the laws of your state.

Pepper spray is legal to carry in every state as long as it is for self-defense purposes only and the carrier is above the age of 18, however, some restrictions may apply depending on the state in question.

For an example:

In Florida, a pepper spray canister cannot be greater than 2 ounces.

In Michigan, a pepper spray canister cannot be greater than 1.2 ounces, pepper sprays also cannot have a strength higher than 18% OC or 1.4% MC.

Can you take pepper spray abroad?

Can You Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane? What Self-Defense Tools are All (8)

Having the ability to carry pepper spray abroad will vary on the country that you are traveling to. Some countries outlaw carrying pepper spray while others allow it. It is best to do some research on the country that you are visiting and familiarize yourself with general laws regarding pepper spray usage.

If you are traveling to a country where it is legal to carry pepper spray, be sure to follow TSA pepper spray rules and your airline guidelines regarding pepper spray.

You can visit the TSA's website here.

Can you bring pepper spray on a plane to Canada?

Can You Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane? What Self-Defense Tools are All (9)

When deciding to bring pepper spray to a different country you should check the country's rules to see if pepper spray is legal to carry. In Canada, pepper spray is illegal to carry.

Even if pepper spray is legal in the nation you are visiting, most airlines do not allow it in carry-on luggage since it might be utilized as a weapon, but you may be able to include it in your checked baggage, depending on the airline's rules. Check with the airline you are using to travel in order to determine whether or not pepper spray is permitted in checked luggage.

Always check the regulations for pepper spray in the nation you're visiting before packing.

Can you bring pepper spray on a plane (Delta Airlines)?

Delta Airlines does not allow pepper spray or bear spray to be brought on their flights.

Can you bring pepper spray on a plane (United Airlines)?

Pepper spray is not permitted on a plane or in checked bags by United Airlines.

Can you bring pepper spray on a plane (American Airlines)?

Pepper sprays are not permitted in carry-on luggage or checked bags on American Airlines.

Can you bring pepper spray on a plane (Southwest Airlines)?

You cannot bring pepper spray on a Southwest Airlines flight, regardless of carry-on or checked baggage.

Can you bring pepper spray on a plane (Hawaiian Airlines)?

Hawaiian Airlines does allow passengers to include pepper spray in their checked baggage, as long as it complies with the TSA’s regulations.

Can you bring pepper spray on a plane (JetBlue Airlines)?

Pepper spray, mace, and other self-defense sprays are not allowed on JetBlue flights.

Pepper Spray Traveling Checklist

When deciding on whether or not to bring pepper spray with you on a trip, consider the following:

  • Does my pepper spray canister meet the TSA's specification requirements?
  • Does the airline I'm traveling on allow me to carry pepper spray in checked baggage?
  • If traveling abroad: Is it legal to carry pepper spray at my destination?
  • Will I need to protect myself while my pepper spray is away in my checked luggage?


To sum it all up, you can't physically bring your pepper spray with you on a plane if its on-hand or in your carry-on luggage, but you can have pepper spray in your checked-in luggage as long as it follows the TSA's specifications and your airline allows it in checked baggage. It is also important to check if the country you're visiting has any restrictions or laws against carrying pepper spray.

As always, you should employ a variety of self-defense techniques and tools. Taking self-defense classes may be beneficial, and having non-weapon self-defense items (like jewelry that can send your location to five contacts and optionally the police) can be quite useful in situations where you're unable to carry a weapon, such as on a plane.

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As an enthusiast and expert in personal safety and travel security, I've dedicated considerable time to researching and staying informed about the intricacies of self-defense tools, particularly in the context of air travel regulations. My passion for this subject is deeply rooted in a genuine interest in helping people navigate the complexities of staying safe while exploring the world.

Now, delving into the article, let's break down the key concepts discussed:

  1. General Travel Safety:

    • Emphasizes the joy of traveling and experiencing new cultures.
    • Highlights the importance of being aware of surroundings and taking precautions.
  2. Researching and Preparing for Travel:

    • Advises conducting research, especially when visiting a new city, to understand common scams and dangers.
    • Encourages familiarity with local laws and customs when traveling abroad.
  3. Self-Defense and Air Travel:

    • Discusses the significance of having multiple self-defense options.
    • Raises the question of whether pepper spray can be carried on a plane.
  4. TSA Regulations on Pepper Spray:

    • Clarifies that the TSA prohibits carrying pepper spray in carry-on bags but allows it in checked luggage.
    • Mentions specific requirements for packing pepper spray in checked baggage.
  5. Airline Specifics:

    • Highlights that not all airlines permit pepper spray in checked baggage.
    • Provides examples of airlines like JetBlue, Southwest, and United with restrictions.
  6. Alternative Self-Defense Tools – invisaWear Jewelry:

    • Introduces invisaWear jewelry as a self-defense option.
    • Personal testimonial about the effectiveness of invisaWear in emergency situations.
    • Describes the panic button feature, including GPS location sharing.
  7. Pepper Spray Restrictions and Reasons:

    • Explores reasons why pepper spray is restricted on planes, including its potential use as a weapon and its hazardous nature.
    • Notes the potential effects of pepper spray on metal detectors.
  8. Legal Considerations for Pepper Spray:

    • Advises checking state laws regarding the legality of carrying pepper spray.
    • Provides examples of state-specific restrictions, such as size limitations in Florida and Michigan.
  9. International Travel with Pepper Spray:

    • Emphasizes that the permissibility of carrying pepper spray abroad depends on the destination country.
    • Recommends researching and adhering to both TSA and airline guidelines.
  10. Airline-Specific Policies on Pepper Spray:

    • Outlines the policies of various airlines, including Delta, United, American, Southwest, Hawaiian, and JetBlue, regarding pepper spray.
  11. Traveler Checklist:

    • Summarizes key considerations for travelers regarding pepper spray, including TSA specifications, airline regulations, and destination country laws.
  12. Conclusion:

    • Summarizes that pepper spray is allowed in checked luggage following TSA guidelines and airline rules.
    • Stresses the importance of checking destination country laws.
    • Recommends a holistic approach to self-defense, including non-weapon items like invisaWear jewelry.

In conclusion, this comprehensive guide not only addresses the specific query about carrying pepper spray on a plane but also provides valuable insights into broader aspects of travel safety and self-defense. As an enthusiast, I encourage individuals to stay informed and take a proactive approach to personal safety while exploring the world.

Can You Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane? What Self-Defense Tools are All (2024)


Can You Bring Pepper Spray on a Plane? What Self-Defense Tools are All? ›

One 4 fl. oz. (118 ml) container of mace or pepper spray is permitted in checked baggage provided it is equipped with a safety mechanism to prevent accidental discharge. Self-defense sprays containing more than 2 percent by mass of tear gas (CS or CN) are prohibited in checked baggage.

What self-defense can you carry-on? ›

TSA Guidelines for Non-Lethal Self-Defense Devices on Planes
  • Pepper Spray. ...
  • Pepper Guns. ...
  • Stun Guns and Tasers. ...
  • Personal Alarms. ...
  • Steel Batons. ...
  • Flashlights. ...
  • Kubotans. ...
  • Self-Defense Keychains.
Mar 24, 2024

Can you bring pepper spray on a plane personal item? ›

The short answer is no, you cannot bring pepper spray onto an airplane in a carry-on bag or personal item. The long answer is you might be able to bring it in your checked baggage, depending on the size of the pepper spray and the airline you're flying.

Are self-defense keychains allowed on planes? ›

Notable examples include the Fight Fobs self-defense keychains, designed to be worn on the fingers for added protection. While popular, the keychains are subject to strict regulations when it comes to air travel. The TSA classifies them as weapons, making them ineligible for carry-on luggage.

Is it a felony to carry pepper spray on a plane? ›

There is a significant risk of danger if the spray is accidentally dispensed on a flight. Therefore, possessing pepper spray on these airlines is a felony that can have a fine of up to $25,000. Additionally, minors are not allowed to carry pepper spray under any circ*mstances. They could hurt themselves and others.

What self-defense tools are TSA approved? ›

One 4 fl. oz. (118 ml) container of mace or pepper spray is permitted in checked baggage provided it is equipped with a safety mechanism to prevent accidental discharge. Self-defense sprays containing more than 2 percent by mass of tear gas (CS or CN) are prohibited in checked baggage.

Can I bring a taser on a plane? ›

Stun Guns/Shocking Devices

Tasers, Stun Guns, and Electro-Shock Weapons (Conducted Electrical Weapons) must be transported in a manner that renders the device inoperable from accidental discharge. Some of these devices are manufactured with lithium batteries. For more information, see the FAA regulations on batteries.

Does Walmart sell pepper spray in the store? ›

Pepper spray , also known as OC spray , is a popular self - defense tool that can be found in most Walmart stores . It is typically located in the sporting goods section , near other items such as camping gear and hunting equipment . However , some stores may also have it in the personal safety or home security aisle .

Can I bring a spray in my carry on? ›

So it is important to remember that all liquid, aerosol and gel items must be stored in containers 3.4 ounce or smaller. All of the 3.4 ounce containers must fit in a sealed 1-quart, clear plastic, zip-top bag, and only one plastic zip-top bag is permitted per passenger inside carry-on baggage.

Can you bring a pocket knife on a plane? ›

In general, you are prohibited from traveling with sharp objects in your carry-on baggage; please pack these items in your checked baggage. For more prohibited items, please go to the 'What Can I Bring?' page.

Are self-defense pens allowed on planes? ›

You can carry a tactical pen in your checked bag but not your carry-on. Tactical flashlights, less than 7″ long can be included in your carry-on as long as it is not classified as a tactical weapon.

Can I fly with a bullet keychain? ›

Checked Bags: Yes

Empty shell casings are allowed in carry-on bag as long as the projectile is no longer intact. They are allowed only if the primer has been removed or has been discharged. If the projectile is attached & the powder has been drilled out, it is considered a replica and not allowed in carry-on.

Are Stabby cat keychains illegal? ›

For instance, as cute as they might look, kitty cat keychains are classified as brass knuckles, a deadly weapon that's illegal in California. Is it something that will draw attention, or does it blend right in? After all, why attract attention to yourself? Is it easy to access and easy to use effectively?

Will pepper spray explode in checked baggage? ›

Even if you've packed your pepper spray in your checked-in luggage following TSA guidelines, the plane's cabin pressure changes could make certain aerosol sprays, like pepper spray, explode.

Can I put pepper spray in my carry on? ›

TSA has a list of items that are allowed and not allowed in both carry-on and checked bags. For self-defense items, the agency states that "Self-defense sprays (i.e., tear gas and pepper spray) are prohibited in carry-on bags but may be packed in checked luggage."

Does pepper spray expire? ›

Pepper spray can go bad after two to five years. Most brands suggest replacing it every 1 to 1.5 years. Always check the expiration date on your pepper spray canister and test it every few months. Store pepper spray at room temperature, between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit, for best results.

Can I bring a knife on a plane? ›

TSA regulations and a variety of laws prohibit all knives in carry-on luggage or on your person. Knives are allowed in checked luggage. Be sure to secure the blades of folders and sheathes on fixed blades. If you are carrying expensive knives, consider a padded case or a knife roll.

Can you take bear spray on a plane? ›

Bear spray is not permitted in checked or carry on baggage in commercial flights, and charter operators have strict rules about the transport of this potentially dangerous material.

Can you use objects for self-defense? ›

Everyday items like pens, keys, or even magazines can be transformed into effective self-defense tools. The trick is to look at objects not for what they are, but for what they can do. For instance, a pen can be a stabbing tool and a heavy book can serve as a blunt object.

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.