Can Nurses Become Millionaires? | 7 Ways to Become Rich - Nurse Money Talk (2024)

You’ll never hear the words “nurse” and “get rich quick” in the same sentence.

As a nurse, you know how physically and emotionally challenging the nursing profession can be.

But it’s also very rewarding, isn’t it?

Nurses enjoy more emotional and spiritual rewards than just about any other occupation.

And your financial compensation for all that hard work is favorable, which is as it should be considering all the demands placed on you.

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Can Nurses Become Millionaires?

Yes, many nurses can become millionaires by following some simple steps. For starters, nurses should strive to increase their income, manage their expenses, and save and invest some of their money. It’s not easy (otherwise, everybody would be millionaires), but it’s doable.

  • Find a financial planner to help you with your investments.

The Nursing Profession Makes Good Money

The median salary of registered nurses ranks in the top 36 highest paying professions at around $75,300 per year.

Nurse practitioners and nurse-midwives in the top 12, at about $90,000. Nurse anesthetists rank #5 making around $140,000.

These are good wages to work with if you want to be financially independent someday.

But can nurses become millionaires?

I think if you play it smart, you most definitely can!

Two of the most valuable life lessons you learn as a nurse are how to plan and how to discipline yourself.

You just can’t be a nurse without these traits.

And this is precisely why nurses—probably more than most other professions—can become millionaires. It’s because you know how to have self-control, which is vital in personal financial planning.

Additionally, you know how to come up with a workable plan and stick to it.

If you’re a nurse who’s looking toward becoming a millionaire someday, you don’t have to throw away money on lottery tickets.

The following are six steps you can take to fulfilling your own personal millionaire dream.

Ways Nurses Can Become Millionaires

1) Start early—and if you did not start early, start now

Can Nurses Become Millionaires? | 7 Ways to Become Rich - Nurse Money Talk (1)

Notice I did not use the words “as soon as possible.” This is because “as soon as possible” is a someday concept.

You must not start someday. You need to start now.

The following steps are not foolproof, but you will have a much greater chance of fulfilling your dream of financial independence if you follow them.

But, again, you must follow them—diligently, systematically, routinely.

  • Find a financial planner to help you with your investments.

2) Develop a plan—and put it in writing

Nurses who have written financial plans are far more likely to follow them and achieve their millionaire dreams.

According to a recent article in Forbes Magazine, writing down your goals is strongly associated with goal success.

Seeing your goals right in front of you every day, crossing them off your list, rearranging, rethinking, and re-strategizing will make it far easier for you to progress forward.

It also has a way of making you focus both on what you’re doing today as well as where you’re headed.

Writing down your goals to achieve millionaire status means putting your financial situation on paper. Figure out how much money you make vs. how much money you need to spend.

Notice I said “need to” spend—not want to spend or want to buy, etc. Nurses make good money, but like everyone, they also have a lot of expenses.

Figure all those necessary expenses compared to how much you earn, and then figure your ‘disposable income.’

At this point, you’ll need to decide what things to do with that disposable income and what’s most important to you.

Is being a millionaire at a point in the future more important than watching all your favorite channels or buying the next designer handbag?

What you do with your disposable income will make or break your millionaire dreams.

Make an honest budget for yourself and follow it.

A Plan is Important
Sit down and develop a plan; create a budget and stick to it; get more education if you can; abandon the idea of using credit cards; and save and invest from every paycheck.

And, by all means, make sure your plan is a realistic one. It can have a little sting to it.

After all, you likely will not be able to spend as much on fun and frivolity as you would prefer.

However, your plan should not be so outrageously ambitious that you know you will not follow it in your heart of hearts.

3) Budget—that’s right—budget

Can Nurses Become Millionaires? | 7 Ways to Become Rich - Nurse Money Talk (2)

Code blue! There’s that word-budget! Okay, it’s a word no one likes, but everyone should do it.

As I’ve already established, nurses are disciplined. They’re perhaps the most disciplined of all occupations.

After all, nurses have 16 hours’ worth of work to do in a 12-hour day; discipline must be every nurse’s middle name!

In her book, All Your Worth, Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts promoted the 50/30/20 budgeting rule.

Can Nurses Become Millionaires? | 7 Ways to Become Rich - Nurse Money Talk (3)

All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan

  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Warren, Elizabeth (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)

The 50/30/20 rule means to allocate 50% of your income to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings.

But even better, nurses–if you’re planning on becoming a millionaire someday, consider taking that 20% figure a bit further—to, say, 25%? And since nurses are so disciplined, you won’t have any trouble making this happen!

To create a budget, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the income of all your jobs.

Because nurses often work in multiple hospitals, practices, or businesses at one point in time, it’s incumbent upon them to compute the total of all those incomes before creating a budget.

After all, you need to know exactly how much you have to work with before you continue.

2. Determine your monthly expenses.

At this stage of getting your plan on paper, consider the pay yourself first method.

Have a designated amount automatically sent to your savings, 401K, etc., and then add up all your needs, such as mortgage/rent, car payment, etc.

If you have that amount automatically taken out of your paycheck and redirected to your savings, you will eventually get used to living without it.

3. Set a realistic goal for paying off all debt.

You must pay off debts in order to have more disposable income with which to save and invest for the future.

4. Keep detailed records of each and every financial transaction.

Consider your financial plan as your own business.

No business would pay bills without keeping detailed records, and no business would purchase an item in a store without saving a receipt and logging it into a ledger.

Having it in a ledger will show you what you’re doing right and what needs improvement.

5. Be honest with yourself and be realistic.

4) Further Your Education

All nurses may be created equal, but not all nursing professions are paid equally. RNs make more than LPNs.

As stated above, nurse practitioners and nurse midwives make more than RNs.

Psychiatric nurse practitioners tend to make more than general nurse practitioners. And nurse anesthetists are among the highest-paid professionals in the country.

The point here is clear—advance your education. If you’re an LPN, go for your RN. If you’re an RN, get your master’s in nursing.

If you have an MSN under your belt, consider one of the nursing specialties that will move you up the ladder and get you a higher salary.

5) Mange Your Credit and Debt

Don’t get into debt. If you’re already in debt, get out out of debt.

Getting out of debt is so vital to financial planning that self-made billionaire Mark Cuban flat-out says he doesn’t believe in getting into debt, not even to start your own business.

And the reason is simple. Cuban states, “If you take a loan, you’re no longer the boss.”

Financial expert and personality Dave Ramsey has said numerous times in his shows that your biggest wealth-building tool is your income. It’s hard to build wealth when you give all your income to banks to repay debt.

So, nurses, whether or not you’re a charge nurse, you must take charge of your money! Get out of debt and stay out!

6) Save and Invest

Paying yourself first isn’t just about routinely putting a portion of your paycheck into a savings account; it’s also about investing.

Investing may sound risky, but the truth is that it’s the most sound means of growing wealth.

And, nurses, if you want to be millionaires, you’ll have to start making your money work for you.

However, investing can be daunting. Do you start an IRA or a 401K, and what’s the difference anyway?

If you’re intimidated by the concept of investing, consider reaching out for help at work.

Nurses often work for companies with perks such as free employee assistance programs.

The programs allow you to talk to professionals who can help you navigate the investment world and decide which investments would work best for your situation.

If you don’t want to invest in learning, you need to invest money in professionals who can help you work towards your goal.

Ask your HR rep for more information. If you don’t work for a company that has this perk, consider visiting a financial planner or spend some time researching on the internet.

Everything you do that will advance you toward your goal of being a millionaire will be time well spent.

  • Find a financial planner to help you with your investments.

7. Start a Business

I think it’s important to note that one of the most successful ways people have built a lot of wealth for themselves is by starting a business or a side-hustle.

Popular business options for nurses tend to be staffing agencies or coming up with an invention, but I have met other nurses who have done things I’ve never heard of before.

For example, I met a nurse who was doing well opening up popcorn shops.

Helpful Financial Resources for Nurses

Learning is important to financial success. To help you out I’ve put together some of the books I’ve read and have found helpful in my financial journey.

The Millionaire Next Door


Can Nurses Become Millionaires? | 7 Ways to Become Rich - Nurse Money Talk (4)

The Millionaire Next Door

  • The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy
  • Gift item
  • This product will be an excellent pick for you

For starters, let’s begin with The Millionaire Next Door by William D. Danko and Thomas J. Stanley.

This book details how the average American millionaire isn’t walking around in the nicest car in the world or dressed in the most expensive clothes.

No. Instead they could be the “average” looking person wearing blue jeans standing in line behind you at the grocery store.

This book is nice because in a way it resets expectations on what a millionaire should be. And it also changes this notion that millionaire status is unattainable.

The Total Money Makeover

Can Nurses Become Millionaires? | 7 Ways to Become Rich - Nurse Money Talk (6)

The Total Money Makeover

  • Classic Edition
  • Way to whip your finances into shape
  • This product will be an excellent pick for you

If The Millionaire Next Door tells you it’s possible to be a millionaire then Dave Ramsey’s The Total Money Makeover is going to show you the steps you need to take to get there.

Key Takeaways

Can Nurses Become Millionaires? | 7 Ways to Become Rich - Nurse Money Talk (7)

These might seem daunting, but they’re doable. Let’s recap a bit of what I talked about.

  • Figure out what you need to do to make more money.
  • Figure out what your household income is.
  • Make a budget.
  • Automate as much as you can. Automate your savings, so 5, 10, 15% or whatever you decide is put into savings or investments without you having to think about it.
  • Keep learning.

Have You Read These Yet?

  • Can a Nurse Afford a House?
  • Do Nurses Have Pensions?
  • Are Nurses in the Middle Class?
  • Do Nurses Make Good Money?

Frequently Asked Questions

The two best ways nurses can make millions of dollars is to either become an advanced practice nurse like a CRNA or to become a nurse entrepreneur and start their own business.

Yes, nurses can become rich. The richest nurses tend to be either nurses with advanced degrees or nurses who have started their own business.

Can Nurses Become Millionaires? | 7 Ways to Become Rich - Nurse Money Talk (2024)


Can you become a millionaire from being a nurse? ›

A nurse can get rich by becoming a nurse entrepreneur. There are many opportunities for nurses to start their businesses and become wealthy. Nurses can create their products or services or provide consulting services to other professionals in their field.

How can a nurse make 100000 a year? ›

How to Make Six Figures as a Nurse?
  1. Become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) ...
  2. Become a Nurse Practitioner (NP) ...
  3. Become a Nurse Midwife. ...
  4. Advance in Nurse Leadership. ...
  5. Begin travel nursing assignment. ...
  6. Change Nursing specialties. ...
  7. Relocate to a higher paying state. ...
  8. Make sacrifices.

How can a nurse make a lot of money fast? ›

You have opportunities to increase your nurse salary, from advancing your nursing degree to changing jobs to finding a nursing side hustle.
  1. Optimize Your Shift Schedule. ...
  2. Become a Charge Nurse. ...
  3. Work in Acute Care. ...
  4. Earn an Advanced Degree. ...
  5. Become Certified. ...
  6. Work PRN. ...
  7. Start Freelance Nurse Writing. ...
  8. Tutor Nursing Students.

What makes the most money as a nurse? ›

The salary of nurse anesthetists is the highest of all nursing professions. According to the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA), certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) are anesthesia professionals who safely administer over 50 million anesthetics to patients in the United States annually.

Can nurses make $500,000? ›

Reeves said new nurses can make up to $500,000 by the age of 27, if they follow her step-by-step guide to success. “Want your life to look like mine? Then listen up,” she said on TikTok. “I don't think my life's that cool, but I am proud of what I've done to get where I'm at, so listen.

What is the richest nursing job? ›

Highest-Paying Nursing Jobs In 2024
  • Nurse Salaries / Nursing Jobs.
  • Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) earn a nationwide average of $205,770 per year according to the BLS; this makes CRNAs the highest-paying type nursing job by a significant margin. ...
  • Learn more about CRNA salaries.
Nov 27, 2022

What is the highest paid RN? ›

The Highest Paid Nurses in 2024
  • Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) - $212,650 Per Year.
  • Certified Nurse Midwife - $129,650 Per Year.
  • Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Nurse - $128,211 Per Year.
  • General Nurse Practitioner - $126,260 Per Year.
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist - $124,374 Per Year.
May 7, 2024

What is the most salary for nurses? ›

Highest paying cities near India for Registered Nurses
  • Delhi, Delhi. ₹23,204 per month. 97 salaries reported.
  • Noida, Uttar Pradesh. ₹22,656 per month. 44 salaries reported.
  • Gurgaon, Haryana. ₹22,309 per month. ...
  • Bengaluru, Karnataka. ₹19,877 per month. ...
  • Hyderabad, Telangana. ₹18,960 per month. ...
  • Show more nearby cities.
Apr 22, 2024

Can nurses make a good living? ›

According to the BLS, the median salary for an RN was $81,220 in May 2022, which is the most recent month of available data. Salaries vary depending on state, but each state's median annual RN salary is still at least 28% above that state's average cost of living.

What is the easiest nursing job that pays well? ›

10 Of the easiest nursing jobs available
  • Nurse Educator. Average Annual Salary: $62,000. ...
  • Nurse Blogger. Average Annual Salary: N/A. ...
  • Clinic Nurse. Average Annual Salary: $65,000. ...
  • Traveling Nurse. Average Annual Salary: $70,000. ...
  • School Nurse. Average Annual Salary: $50,000. ...
  • Summer Camp Nurse. ...
  • Nurse Administrator. ...
  • Public Health Nurse.
Jun 22, 2023

Where do nurses make the least amount of money? ›

The Lowest-Paying States for RNs
  • South Dakota ($60,540)
  • Alabama ($61,920)
  • Mississippi ($63,130)
  • Iowa ($64,990)
  • Arkansas ($65,810)

What state pays the best for nurses? ›

The states that pay nurses the most are California, Hawaii, and Oregon, with California paying the most with an average of $133,340 wage per year. When looking at this list, it's also helpful to know that all three are in the top 10 for the highest cost of living as well.

What type of nurse is most in demand? ›

Nursing Jobs and Specialties in Demand
  • Behavioral and Mental Health Nursing.
  • Skilled Nursing.
  • Long-Term Care Nursing.
  • Correctional Health Nursing.
  • Nurse Midwives.
  • Travel Nursing.
  • Medical-Surgical Nursing.
Dec 28, 2023

What is the lowest paid RN specialty? ›

Licensed vocational nurses (LVN) and licensed practical nurses (LPN) are some of the lowest-paid nursing roles, but that is due to the fact that the educational requirements are less than most other types of nurses.

Can you live comfortably as an RN? ›

Nurses, on average, tend to make enough money each year to live a "comfortable" life. A BestCollege analysis of national salary data and the cost of living in each state found that median salaries for registered nurses (RNs) are well above what it would take to make a comfortable living in the United States.

Who is the richest nurse in the USA? ›

TOP 10 Richest Nurses
1Robyn Moore Gibson Net Worth: $400M
7Jo Brand Net Worth: $12M
8Rachel Robinson Net Worth: $10M
9Nina Hartley Net Worth: $6M
10Kathryn Joosten Net Worth: $1.5M
5 more rows

Is nursing a good career financially? ›

Nurses Are Paid Well

If you are a registered nurse, you can expect to earn a comfortable living. Studies show that the average registered nurse in America makes $68,450 per year. This means that if you pursue a career in nursing, you can afford to live a secure, financially stable life.

How to make 200K as a NP? ›

If making top dollar as an NP is your career goal, your best chance at reaching the 200K mark is to choose a career in cardiology, psychiatry, or neonatology. Your specialty should be a jump-off point for your projected income. That does not mean that you are stuck at a particular pay.

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.