Can Cryptocurrency Go Negative? | SoFi (2024)

By Caroline Banton ·February 11, 2022 · 11 minute read

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Can Cryptocurrency Go Negative? | SoFi (1)

Cryptocurrency may be a virtual currency, but its value can never go negative. In short: The value of a cryptocurrency cannot be worth less than $0.

That said, the crypto market is volatile and it’s possible for investors themselves to lose considerable amounts of money, especially if they use higher-risk strategies such as short selling and margin trading, as these can potentially result in significant losses as well as gains.

So, can cryptocurrency go negative? Not in the technical sense, but an investor’s account could end up in the red if they don’t fully understand the risks of this fast-moving market. Keep reading to learn more.

Can Cryptocurrencies Go Negative? An Investigation

Cryptocurrency trading is one of the more volatile investment strategies, which is part of the attraction for high-risk traders. The largely unregulated crypto market can manifest huge profits for some, but cause severe losses for others.

As an example: In 2021 alone, bitcoin (BTC) saw a low of about $29,000 in July, and reached a record high of about $67,000 in November. By January of 2022, however, BTC had plunged to about $35,000 — off nearly 50% from the peak in November 2021. While that’s just one example of how volatile a single cryptocurrency can be, this type of fluctuation is common among most forms of crypto.

💡 Recommended: Bitcoin Price History from 2009 to 2022

Is it possible then that crypto can go negative? The short answer is no, though your investment account can.

The Short Answer

As mentioned earlier, no asset, virtual or not, can ever be worth less than zero. That includes property, security, or currency. So the lowest price crypto can ever reach is $0.

However, that doesn’t guarantee a bitcoin investor will not see losses from investing in cryptocurrency.

The Long Answer

The long answer is more complex. It is possible for an investor’s crypto account to fall into negative territory, especially if they open a short position or trade using a margin account — two strategies that involve leverage, i.e. debt.

Using leverage means an investor opens a margin account and borrows funds from their broker-dealer to buy securities in the hope that the price will go up (or down, in the case of short selling), and they will make a profit.

By using margin funds, loaned to them at a certain interest rate, investors can typically purchase greater amounts of a security than they could using only cash. Thus, if the security appreciates beyond the purchase price (and the amount of interest charged in the margin account), the investor could see a substantial gain, pay back what they owe, and pocket the rest.

Here’s the rub, though: If the price of the asset drops below the purchase price, the investor would be on the hook for all the money they lost plus the interest owed on the money they borrowed. (More on margin trading below.)

Can You Lose Cryptocurrency Investments?

Unfortunately yes, you can lose cryptocurrency — but not because a coin’s value can sink so low that it’s underwater. Rather, cryptocurrencies themselves are vulnerable to being hacked, and sometimes crypto literally gets lost, thanks to human error.

There are two factors to understand here: how the blockchain works, and how crypto wallets work.

What Happens When the Blockchain Is Hacked?

Blockchain technology, which emerged with the launch of Bitcoin in 2009, is a decentralized web of computers that essentially allows for the creation and trading of various types of crypto. Typically, each form of crypto (e.g. bitcoin, ether, dogecoin, ada, polka dot) exists on its own blockchain.

Because most cryptocurrencies are decentralized, they don’t require a third party like a bank or government agency to verify buying, selling, crypto payments, and other transactions. Also, most forms of cryptocurrency are not regulated by the government or a body like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), although that may change.

In effect, it’s the people who own the crypto who monitor the platforms and each other.

That kind of self-policing works well, until it doesn’t — and there have been some well-known instances where a blockchain or crypto exchange was penetrated by hackers who stole millions of coins. In some cases, the hackers managed to fraudulently “mint” additional coins (sort of like digital counterfeit).

Unfortunately, individual traders can’t do much about these vulnerabilities, but crypto platforms continue to evolve new ways to keep investor’s crypto secure.

You Can Lose Crypto When You Lose Your Keys

Then there’s the unfortunate impact of human error.

When you buy crypto you become the sole owner of the cryptographic string of numbers and letters that comprise the private key that gives you, and only you, access to your cryptocurrency. You cannot buy, sell, or trade your crypto without the private keys.

Unfortunately, some people have simply lost the private keys to their own crypto — effectively losing all their coins. A study done in January 2021, for example, found that about 20% of the existing 18.5 million bitcoin has been lost or is inaccessible.

So, while the unregulated nature of crypto platforms and exchanges may allow for some independence and anonymity, the downside is that there are fewer legal guardrails to protect ordinary investors. The cash in your traditional checking or savings account is insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) up to $250,000, but that’s not always the case with crypto exchanges.

Some crypto exchanges may store your crypto offline to keep it secure. Others may offer FDIC protection for the cash in your custodial account, up to $250,000, but terms vary from exchange to exchange. Often it falls to investors to suss out how secure their crypto is — and decide how much risk they’re comfortable with. According to, exchanges lose $2.7 million every day on average.

Some exchanges are more secure than others. The better ones use valid HTTPS certificates; secure passwords with two-factor authentication (2FA); cold storage where crypto is secured offline rather than held in a hot wallet accessible on a computer or mobile device; and whitelisted IP and withdrawal addresses so that funds can only be withdrawn by approved addresses.

The best line of defense against hackers is to use a private crypto wallet and to back it up.

Can You Lose More Than You Put In?

We’ve established that the value of crypto can never fall below zero. But investors can lose money on crypto investments and see a negative balance depending on their investing strategy. How? By over-leveraging. Two situations where this can occur are short selling and buying on margin.

Margin and Leverage Risks and Possible Benefits

To margin trade crypto, a user will put down a certain percentage of the margin position they want to open, and borrow money from an exchange to cover the rest. (Depending on the crypto exchange, margin trading may or may not be allowed, and margin terms may vary.)

If the price of the security rises, the trader makes money. However, if the price drops, and the exchange requires a certain borrowing ratio or margin balance, the buyer will have to deposit more money. In some cases, the exchange may automatically sell the investor’s assets to cover the difference — this is known as a margin call.

The United States is cracking down on margin trading so that only qualified investors with plenty of capital can access these accounts. Investors also have the option of limiting their losses with crypto futures contracts. Futures contracts can protect short and long positions because speculators can also buy the opposite option contract.

Pros and Cons of Buying on Margin

Profitable opening positions compared to other asset vehiclesHigher risk of losses if prices drop
Profits are possible in a bear market if you sell short on marginLosses could theoretically exceed committed assets
Investors have more buying power, which means they can purchase additional securities and diversify their portfolios.Interest is charged on borrowed amounts

Short Selling Crypto: Risks and Possible Benefits

To short sell, investors borrow crypto at current market price, sell it, and then hope to buy it back at a lower price, making a profit. Of course, if the price of the asset being sold short continues to rise, the potential loss is unlimited. The higher the price goes, the more the investor will lose. As with any high-risk strategy, there are also benefits to shorting crypto.

Opening positions could be more profitableHigh risk
Profits are possible in a bear marketLosses could theoretically exceed committed assets
Because positions are short term, there is limited riskIt requires a margin account, which comes with fees and interest charges
Short positions can reduce a portfolio’s volatilityRapid price spikes, or short squeezes, can add risk
Borrowing crypto could be difficult

Tips on Preventing Crypto Losses

The crypto market is volatile without a doubt. So, the wise crypto investor does what they can to reduce exposure and minimize losses. Three ways to do this are:

• Realize losses to offset gains. (Note that the wash sale rule does not apply to crypto, which makes this strategy easier.)

• Set up a trading strategy with entry and exit points and stick to it. Some investors use stop losses as a fundamental risk mitigator.

• Lastly, crypto futures trading allows traders to use leverage to hedge the market.

Losses and Taxes

Crypto gains are taxable, but the taxes that apply depend on whether the gains are treated as investment gains, income, or profit from the sale of a property.

But there are some rules that can help with losses. Losses and gains in the crypto market can be substantial. But there is an upside to the downside — as of early February 2022, the wash sale rule doesn’t apply to crypto (although there is a movement to change that, so be sure to check if you think wash sale terms may apply to you).

According to the SEC, a wash sale occurs when a trader sells or trades a security at a loss and buys a “substantially identical” stock or security, or acquires a contract or option to do so, within 30 days.

The loophole is that crypto is not technically considered a “security,” it’s considered property. Crypto investors can sell crypto for a loss, use that loss to reduce or eliminate capital gains tax on winning investments, and also buy back the crypto they sold and avoid missing out on a subsequent rebound in price.

Let’s say a bitcoin investor incurs a $20,000 loss in one year but then sells another crypto and realizes a $20,000 gain. The bitcoin loss would cancel the capital gain, and the investor could also buy up bitcoin at its low price. A stock investor who incurred a loss could not buy back stock they had sold in the same way because of the wash sale rule.

Stop Losses

Many traders use stop loss orders to reduce their exposure. A stop loss order allows the investor to automatically buy or sell once the price of an asset, like bitcoin, touches a specified price, i.e. the stop price. This limits losses or locks in profits on a long or short position.

For example, setting a stop-loss order for 15% below the buy price would limit losses to 15%. The advantage of stop-loss orders is that they can prevent investors from making decisions based on emotion. The best traders choose entry and exit points and stick to their plan.


Crypto futures trading is another way to limit losses in cryptocurrency trading. Similar to commodity futures trading, the trader does not need to own the crypto assets. Rather, the trader only takes risks on the price changes.

For example, let’s say a trader enters a bitcoin futures position at $50,000 each. They take a long position. When the futures contract expires, if the bitcoin futures price settles at $55,000 for each contract, the trader receives a profit of $5,000 from the exchange.

Crypto traders also use leverage in crypto futures trading, which is capital efficient. For example, one bitcoin might cost $50,000. A futures contract would allow a trader to open a position with only a fraction of that cost, perhaps $5,000 worth of bitcoin.

Alternatives to Crypto Investing

Crypto is probably the most volatile asset there is, and few alternatives have the same level of risk. Thus finding ways to diversify your holdings may help manage risk.

The obvious alternatives to crypto investing are stocks, bonds, and precious metals. ETFs and mutual funds may also offer some options for diversification. Fine art, jewelry, and other collectibles are an example of alternative investments for those with a talent for selecting those kinds of valuables.


While cryptocurrency can never go negative in the true sense, it is possible that traders can lose money, particularly if they use strategies like margin trading or futures contracts.

Wise investors can choose risk mitigation strategies like stop losses and hedging.

Lastly, bear in mind that cryptocurrency is largely an unregulated asset class, and the ways to make money using crypto are still evolving. Still, fake crypto schemes are rife. According to the Federal Trade Commission, from October 2020 to May 2021, some 7,000 people reported combined losses of more than $80 million total, with an average loss of $1,900. So, buyer beware applies here. Investors can protect themselves by signing up with a reputable trading platform and explore potentially profitable ways to invest in crypto.

Photo credit: iStock/Dilok Klaisatap*rn

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SoFi Invest refers to the two investment and trading platforms operated by Social Finance, Inc. and its affiliates (described below). Individual customer accounts may be subject to the terms applicable to one or more of the platforms below.
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I am an expert in the field of cryptocurrency and financial markets, with a deep understanding of the concepts discussed in the article by Caroline Banton on February 11, 2022. My expertise is grounded in a comprehensive knowledge of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency trading strategies, and the risks associated with investing in the crypto market. I have hands-on experience in analyzing market trends, evaluating investment risks, and providing insights into the dynamic and often volatile nature of the cryptocurrency space.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts covered in the article:

  1. Cryptocurrency Value and Volatility:

    • The article emphasizes that the value of cryptocurrency cannot go negative in the technical sense. Cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, cannot be worth less than $0.
    • However, the crypto market is highly volatile, with examples cited such as Bitcoin's fluctuation from a low of $29,000 to a high of $67,000 in 2021.
  2. Cryptocurrency and Negative Balances:

    • The short answer is that cryptocurrencies cannot go negative, but an investor's account could end up in the red due to market fluctuations and risky trading strategies.
  3. Leverage and Margin Trading:

    • The article explains the concept of leverage, where investors use margin accounts to borrow funds to buy securities, potentially amplifying both gains and losses.
    • Margin trading can lead to negative territory for an investor's crypto account if the price of the asset drops below the purchase price, resulting in significant losses.
  4. Losses in Cryptocurrency Investments:

    • Cryptocurrency investments can incur losses not because of the coin's value going negative but due to external factors, such as hacking and human error.
    • The blockchain's vulnerability to hacking and the risk of losing private keys are highlighted as potential sources of loss.
  5. Security Measures for Crypto Exchanges:

    • The article discusses the security measures employed by crypto exchanges, including HTTPS certificates, two-factor authentication, cold storage, and whitelisted IP addresses, to protect investors' assets.
  6. Over-leveraging and Risks:

    • Over-leveraging, especially through strategies like margin trading and short selling, can lead to losses exceeding the committed assets. The risks and benefits of buying on margin and short selling are outlined.
  7. Strategies to Prevent Crypto Losses:

    • Risk mitigation strategies such as setting up a trading plan with entry and exit points, using stop-loss orders, and exploring crypto futures trading are recommended to minimize exposure and losses.
  8. Tax Implications and Losses:

    • The article touches on the tax implications of crypto gains and losses, including the absence of the wash sale rule for crypto. Strategies like realizing losses to offset gains are mentioned.
  9. Alternative Investments:

    • The article briefly discusses alternative investments to diversify holdings, including stocks, bonds, precious metals, ETFs, mutual funds, and other tangible assets like fine art and jewelry.
  10. Regulatory Environment and Risks:

    • The article notes that cryptocurrency is largely an unregulated asset class, and investors need to be cautious about potential scams and fraudulent schemes.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the complexities and risks associated with cryptocurrency investments, covering both market dynamics and strategies to navigate this rapidly evolving financial landscape.

Can Cryptocurrency Go Negative? | SoFi (2024)


Can Cryptocurrency Go Negative? | SoFi? ›

While answering the question of whether can crypto go negative, it cannot. But there are plenty of ways to lose money in the crypto field. Hence, keeping a close eye on your crypto investments and only investing after thorough research to identify a good cryptocurrency project is essential.

What happens if a cryptocurrency goes to zero? ›

Security vulnerabilities Regulatory issues or the asset is not popular with investors If the price of cryptocurrency reaches zero Cryptocurrency holders lose their investment and cannot sell their tokens or coins for any price.

Can crypto coins go negative? ›

In the world of finance, there's a common misconception that cryptocurrency, like stocks or bonds, can go negative. This means that the value of your crypto holdings could drop below zero, leaving you with a debt. But is this actually possible? The Short Answer: No, cryptocurrency cannot go negative.

What happens if you lose money in crypto? ›

If you held the asset for less than a year, it is considered short-term, and you will pay ordinary income tax rates. If you sell your crypto for a loss, the IRS allows you to offset losses against other income on your tax return. These so-called “realized losses” can be used to offset other taxable investment profits.

Can crypto drop below 0? ›

If the value of Bitcoin decreases to zero, it will not be possible to recover the invested money for millions of investors around the world. The good news is that this is unlikely to happen.

Can a crypto lose all its value? ›

Cryptocurrencies are subject to high fluctuations in value. A decline in value or a complete loss are possible at any time. The loss of access to data and passwords can also lead to a complete loss.

Can you lose more money than you put in crypto? ›

It's crucial to understand that you can potentially lose more than what you initially invested in cryptocurrency investments.

Can you ever owe money on crypto? ›

Margin trading involves borrowing funds from a broker or exchange to leverage your cryptocurrency investments. If the value of your investments declines, you may be required to repay the borrowed funds, potentially leading to a negative balance or debt.

What happens if you buy crypto and it goes negative? ›

Cryptocurrency may be a virtual currency, but its value can never go negative. In short: The value of a cryptocurrency cannot be worth less than $0.

Should I cash out my crypto? ›

Take your profits in low-income years

The lower your income for the year, the lower the tax rate you'll pay on your cryptocurrency income. To minimize your tax bill, consider cashing out your crypto in years when your income is low.

Can I get money back I lost in crypto? ›

If you are a victim of a crypto scam, joining a class action lawsuit can help you recover some or all of your funds. A class action lawsuit pools together many victims who have suffered similar crypto losses. This makes it easier to hold the perpetrators accountable and seek justice.

How many people have lost money in crypto? ›

Key findings. A higher percentage of cryptocurrency investors have lost money than made it. 38% of Americans who've held a form of the currency say they've sold it for less than when they bought it, versus 28% who say they made a profit. Only 13% say they broke even.

What will $100 of bitcoin be worth in 2030? ›

If this pattern continues into 2030, the price could peak around 2029 or 2030, potentially aligning with Wood's price prediction. If Wood is correct and Bitcoin reaches $3.8 million, a $100 investment in Bitcoin today would be worth $5,510 in 2030. This translates to a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 95%.

Can you go below zero on crypto? ›

According to how cryptocurrency is traded, it is virtually impossible for its price to be below zero. For instance, if the cryptocurrency's value is negative, the seller has to pay the buyer to sell it.

What happens if crypto crashes? ›

It is quite likely that a bitcoin price crash will result in a correction in their prices as well. It is also certain that the vast majority of cryptocurrencies that populate the current listings will disappear.

What happens if a cryptocurrency fails? ›

If you have crypto or funds at an exchange that declares bankruptcy, you'll need to file a claim and wait for the process to complete. Claims filed at a bankrupt exchange are paid out in order of creditor priority. Cryptocurrency holdings are not protected by government-backed insurance.

What happens if Bitcoin crashes to zero? ›

If Bitcoin lost all of its value and utility at once, the potential impact would be immense and most definitely lead to massive financial losses among individual investors, various companies and on the global cryptocurrency market.

Can a cryptocurrency go below zero? ›

Can crypto coins go below zero? No, crypto coins cannot go below zero.

What happens to crypto if the stock market crashes? ›

Nolan Bauerle, research director at CoinDesk, says 90% of cryptocurrencies today will not survive a crash in the markets. Those that survive will dominate the game and boost returns for early investors.

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