Byzantine Generals Problem (2024)

L. Lamport, R. Shostak and M. Pease. ACM Transactions onProgramming Languages and Systems, 4(3):382-401, July 1982

Notes by Indranil Gupta, March 08, 1999.

Adapted from

  • original notes by Xun Wilson Huang.
  • original notes by Lawrence Kesteloot.

Thanks to: Xun Wilson Huang, Lawrence Kesteloot.

Problem Statement: Byzantine GeneralsProblem(BGP)

The setting: There are n generals, one of them thecommanding general. Generals can send (and receive) messages fromother generals.

The problem: Develop a communication protocol for thecommanding general to send an order to the n-1 lieutenantgenerals so that

  1. All loyal lieutenants obey the same order
  2. If the commanding general is loyal, every loyal lieutenant obeys the order he sends.

Adversary: Any of the generals could be traitorsi.e., could send inconsistent messages regarding the order toother generals.

Impossibility Results

  • For n = 3 generals and 1 traitor, there is no solution (protocol). This is because a loyal lieutenant cannot distinguish who is the traitor when he gets conflicting information from the commander and the other lieutenant. Let's call this the 3-Generals Problem.
  • BGP for n < 3m+1 generals and m traitors can be reduced to the 3 - generals problem, with each of the Byzantine generals simulating at most m lieutenants and taking the same decision as the loyal lieutenants they simulate. Thus BGP for n < 3m+1 and m traitors is not solvable.
  • Reaching approximation is as hard as reaching agreement.

I. A solution with oral messages for n > 3m

A solution for BGP with n > 3m and upto m traitors, isgiven.

Oral message system properties:

  • A1. Every message that is sent is delivered correctly. -> No message loss.
  • A2. The receiver of a message knows who sent it. -> Completely connected network with reliable links(due to A1).
  • A3. The absence of a message can be detected. -> Synchronous system only.

Every general can send a message to every other general.

Solution in brief:

  • uses a function majority which takes in a set of values and returns the value that is the majority among them (a possible implementation - median of the values).
  • uses 'rounds' in each of which a general broadcasts the value he has received in the earler round to all the other generals through whom the value has not passed before he received it.
  • when returning from the round, for each j, any two loyal lieutenants receive the same vector of values {v1, ... v(n-1)}. As the majority of the loyal lieutenants' values in these is ensured, applying the majority function on {v1, ... v(n-1)} to obtain vn preserves the above fact (that any two loyal lieutenants receive the same vector of values {v1, ... vn}). This ensures that BGP is solved.

Note: If the commanderis not a traitor, we can be done in 2 rounds. If the commander isa traitor, you may need upto m+1 rounds.

II. A solution with (unforgable) signed messages

The difficulty of BGP is in the ability of a traitorlieutenant to lie about the commander's order. If we can restrictthis ability by making the following assumptions, BGP is solvablewith any number of traitors as long as their maximum numberis known.

Signed messages:

  • A4. In addition to the 3 assumptions made in the solution with oral messages, we add the following assumption.
    1. A loyal general's signature cannot be forged, any alteration can be detected. -> can drop a message, but can't change it
    2. Any one can verify the authenticity of a signature. -> no one can fool a general

Again, assume a fully connected message graph among thegenerals.

Solution in brief:

Uses a majority-like function called choice.

The solution:

  • the commander sends a signed order to lieutenants
  • if a lieutenant receives an order from some one (either from commander directly, or from other lieutenants), he verifies it and then puts it in a set V if it's not already there. Relay the order if there are less than m distinct signatures on the order.
  • Everyone halts at round m+2, and use choice(V) as the desired action

The algorithm is to make all loyal lieutenants keep the sameset of V, thus choice(V) is the same. If the commander is loyal,the algorithm works because all loyal lieutenants have thecorrect order by round 1 and by unforgablity no more orders canbe produced. If the commander is not loyal, by running thealgorithm to round m+1, at least one loyal lieutenant will getthe order before round m( because there are only m traitors). Andthat loyal lieutenant will send it to all others. In short, ifone loyal lieutenant gets an order, all loyal lieutenants willget it in the next round.

III. IV. Relaxing the assumption on full-connectivity of thegenerals graph - extending above solutions

The previous 2 solutions can be extended to relax theassumption that the message graph among the generals is fullyconnected.

  • Oral messages: Solution with oral messages is extended to solve BGP with upto m traitors in a p-regular graph with m>0 and p>3m-1.
  • Unforgable messages: Earlier solution with signed messages solves BGP with upto m traitors in (m+d-1) rounds, where d is the diameter of the subgraph of loyal generals. Assumption here: subgraph of loyal generals is connected (this can be relaxed by relaxing the problem statement of BGP)

Practical use of BGP in building real life systems

The best way to provide faul-tolerant decision-making inredundant systems is by majority voting. A faulty input devicesmay generate meaningless inputs, but majority voting would ensurethat the same meaningless values are used.

For majority voting to yield a reliable system, the following2 conditions must be satisified

  1. All non-faulty processors must use the same input value
  2. If input unit is non-faulty, then all non-faulty processes use the value it provides

But these are just the requirements of the BGP !

So we can apply the above solutions to the BGP in real-life.Now what about the practicality of the assumptions made by thosesolutions ?

About A1: In real life, link failures occur. However, link failures are indistinguishable with failures of processors, therefore we can count the link failures as one of the m. Signed message is insensitive to link failures because no message can be forged even if links fail.

About A2: What is actually required is that no traitor can forge a non-faulty process' message. A2 not needed in the solution with signed messages.

About A3: In an asynchronous system, this condition cannot be satisfied. It is usually implemented via time-outs.

About A4: Signing message has 2 aspects:

  • If processor is non-faulty, then no faulty processor can generate S(M). This can never be solved in real-life - only its probability of failure reduced.
  • Given M and X, any one can verify if X == S(M). This is doable in real world.

Further Observations

  • Optimizations for the BGP solution.
    • combine messages to reduce the total number of messages.
    • reduce the amount of information transferred.
  • BGP required in the most general undecidable case of process failure.
  • Solution presented is optimal because Fischer and Lynch have proved that any solution to the BGP necessarily has each lieutenant wait for a message that has passed through the hands of at least m generals after the commander.
  • Solutions to clock synchronization (needed for the implementation of above BGP solutions) - very similar to the solutions for BGP.
  • Further impossibility results
    • BGP with messages transmitted arbitrarily quickly with upper bound on message transmission delay.
    • Consensus with restricting traitors to fail-crash only.
  • BGP works but is inherently expensive, especially in terms of number of messages O(m !). So it's a trade-off between performance and reliability. If you want more reliability in the most general failure conditions, you have to settle for a (costly) BGP solution. If, however, you can relax the failure conditions in your systems (ex. assume only fail-crash processes in a synchronous system and leave it to God to ensure that), you can go for cheaper solutions.

Critique and Questions

  • Graph connectivity. Are p-regular topologies that frequent ? Can we extend the BGP solutions to any network topology ? Has it been extended to any other topologies ?
  • Value of m: How would one obtain a reasonable value for maximum m in a practical system (note that this maximum number is required even in the solution with signed messages).
  • Synchronous/asynchronous systems: How many synchronous system do we really use (SMP machines, and?) How about asynchronous systems ?
  • Further work after this paper:
    • What other solutions to BGP have been proposed after this paper ?
    • Has any attempt been made to extend the BGP solutions to asynchronous systems to ensure 'some degree/probability' of reliability ?
    • Answers in next section ;-)
  • Bounds on best possible BGP solution (in terms of messages) ?

Further readings

Impossibility/necessity results

  1. Fischer, M. J., Lynch, N. A., and Paterson, M. S. ``Impossibility of Distributed Consensus with One Faulty Process,'' J. ACM 32, 2 (April 1985), 374--382.
  2. Dolev, D., Dwork, C., and Stockmeyer, L. ``On the Minimal Synchronism Needed for Distributed Consensus,'' J. ACM 34, 1 (January 1987), 77--97.

Approximate agreement

  1. Bracha, G. ``An O(log n) Expected Rounds Randomized Byzantine Generals Protocol,'' J. ACM 34, 4 (October 1987), 910--920.
  2. Bracha, G. and Toueg, S. ``Asynchronous Consensus and Broadcast Protocols,'' J. ACM 32, 4 (October 1985), 824--840.
  3. Ben-Or, M. ``Another Advantage of Free Choice: Completely Asynchronous Agreement Protocols,'' ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 1983, 27--30.
  4. Dolev, D., Lynch, N. A., Pinter, S. S., Stark, E. W., and Weihl, W. E. ``Reaching Approximate Agreement in the Presence of Faults,'' J. ACM 33, 3 (July 1986), 499--516.
  5. Dolev, D., Ruediger, R., and Strong, H. R. ``Early Stopping in Byzantine Agreement,'' J. ACM 37, 4 (October 1990), 720--741.
  6. Hadzilacos, V. and Halpern, J. Y. ``Message-Optimal Protocols for Byzantine Agreement,'' ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 1991, 309--323.
  7. Halpern, J. Y., Moses, Y., and Waarts, O. ``A Characterization of Eventual Byzantine Agreement,'' ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 1990, 333--346.

Failure detectors

  1. Chandra, T. D., Hadzilacos, V., and Toueg, S. ``The Weakest Failure Detector for Solving Consensus,'' ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 1992, 147--158.
  2. Chandra, T. D. and Toueg, S. ``Unreliable Failure Detectors for Asynchronous Systems,'' ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing, 1991, 325--340.
Byzantine Generals Problem (2024)


What is the Byzantine Generals Problem answer? ›

The Byzantine Generals Problem is a game theory problem, which describes the difficulty decentralized parties have in arriving at consensus without relying on a trusted central party. In a network where no member can verify the identity of other members, how can members collectively agree on a certain truth?

Is there a solution to the two generals problem? ›

The Two Generals' Problem is a classic unsolvable problem in distributed systems that concerns reaching consensus over a lossy network.

What was the solution to the Byzantine problem? ›

One of the earliest solutions proposed to the Byzantine generals problem is the Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) algorithm, which is based on the concept of a consensus protocol. BFT is a mechanism that allows a group of parties to reach a consensus despite faulty actors.

Did Bitcoin solve the Byzantine Generals Problem? ›

Bitcoin, created by Satoshi Nakamoto, is the first time a decentralized currency has successfully solved the Byzantine Generals' Problem. Satoshi does this using the proof-of-work consensus method. In addition, Bitcoin is the first decentralized system to achieve BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance).

What is the Byzantine Generals problem for dummies? ›

The Byzantine generals are based on a game theory analogy. The problem is that multiple generals besiege Byzantium. They've encircled the city, but they must decide when to assault as a group. They will win if all generals assault simultaneously; however, they will lose if they attack.

Why is it called Byzantine Generals Problem? ›

The problem derives its name from the ancient city Byzantium, which had complex communication and defense systems. The problem is set during an attack on an enemy city, when the generals have to coordinate a joint attack.

How does PoW solve the Byzantine Generals Problem? ›

In blockchain systems, the Byzantine Generals Problem is addressed in consensus protocols like proof of work (PoW) to reach an agreement among multiple nodes in a trustless environment. Byzantine fault tolerance represents an essential characteristic of decentralized blockchain networks.

What is the Byzantine Generals Problem game theory? ›

The Byzantine Generals' Problem is a game theory problem used to describe the challenges of reaching consensus in distributed networks. Theoretical generals are trying to attack a city but need a way to communicate securely to coordinate a successful attack.

What is the Byzantine Generals Problem and how is it relevant to blockchain? ›

The Byzantine Generals problem is a theoretical challenge for describing the difficulty of achieving consensus in decentralized systems. This problem was first solved by Bitcoin through its Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus mechanism, which sets the standard for consensus in decentralized systems.

What is proof of stake in Byzantine generals problem? ›

Proof of Stake (PoS) is an alternative consensus algorithm to Proof of Work (PoW). Unlike PoW where new transactions are confirmed through mining on powerful computers, PoS sees users pledge (or 'stake') their existing assets to validate new transactions.

Why does the US government not like Bitcoin? ›

In its current form, Bitcoin presents three challenges to government authority: it cannot be regulated, criminals use it, and it can help citizens circumvent capital controls.

Who was the man that stole Bitcoin? ›

James "Jimmy" Zhong is an American man who was convicted in 2022 for stealing over 51,680 bitcoin (then worth about $620,000; value as of 2023 approximately $3.4 billion) from the online black market Silk Road between 2012 and 2014.

What is the Byzantine commander problem? ›

The Byzantine Generals' Problem is a game theory problem used to describe the challenges of reaching consensus in distributed networks. Theoretical generals are trying to attack a city but need a way to communicate securely to coordinate a successful attack.

What is the Byzantine Generals problem game theory? ›

The Byzantine Generals Problem is a game theory problem that reveals the challenges of achieving consensus among a group of mutually suspicious entities using unreliable communication channels. Game theory refers to the best strategy adopted by independent and competing actors in decision-making.

What is the Byzantine agreement problem? ›

In the Byzantine agreement problem, a single value, which is to be agreed on, is initialized by an arbitrary processor and all nonfaulty processors have to agree on that value. In the consensus problem, every processor has its own initial value and all nonfaulty processors must agree on a single common value.

What is the Byzantine failure problem? ›

A Byzantine failure is the loss of a system service due to a Byzantine fault in systems that require consensus among distributed nodes. If all generals attack in coordination, the battle is won (left). If two generals falsely declare that they intend to attack, but instead retreat, the battle is lost (right).

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