Bond Market Crash | Discover The Resilience of Alternatives (2024)

The bond market holds significant value in the financial industry since it serves as a primary source of funding for governments, corporations, and municipalities.

  • In a Nutshell
    • Brief Overview
    • Understanding Bond Market Crash
    • Symptoms of an Impending Bond Market Crash
      • 1. Financial Metrics
      • 2. Market Behavior
      • 3. Stress in the Credit Market
      • 4. Government policies
    • Historical Examples of Bond Market Crashes
    • Effects of Covid 19 Pandemic on Bond Markets
    • Consequences of a Bond Market Crash
    • How to Prepare for a Bond Market Crash
    • Importance of Financial Advice
    • Case Studies of Handling Bond Market Crashes
    • Wrap Up
    • FAQs
    • Article sources

In a nutshell, the bond market is the place where debt securities, or bonds, are purchased and sold. Bonds are fixed income investments where investors lend money to issuers for a predetermined amount of time in exchange for regular interest payments. In contrast to stocks, which signify a company’s ownership, bonds are classified as debt instruments.

In a Nutshell

  • A bond market crash refers to a sudden and significant drop in the value of bonds.
  • Bond prices and interest rates have an inverse relationship, meaning that when interest rates rise, bond prices fall.
  • A recession in the economy, worries about inflation, or modifications to monetary policy are just a few causes of bond market crashes.
  • Bond investors may experience losses during a bond market crash, especially if they need to sell their bonds before maturity.
  • A bond market crash can have ripple effects on other financial markets and the broader economy.
  • Diversification and prudent bond investing can help mitigate the impact of a bond market crash.
  • Bond market crashes offer opportunities for investors with a long term perspective to buy bonds at reduced prices.

Let us now consider a scenario where there is a crash in the bond market. When bond prices decline quickly, a bond market meltdown takes place. Numerous things, such as an abrupt rise in interest rates, a recession in the economy, or high default rates, could be to blame for this. Bond prices sharply decline as a result of a glut of sellers flooding the market when investors panic and begin selling their bonds in large quantities.

A bond market crash can have far reaching effects on the economy as a whole. Interest rates rise in tandem with falling bond values, making lending to issuers more costly. Consequently, this may impede fresh investment and decelerate economic expansion.

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Warren Buffett

Furthermore, bond holders, including individuals and organizations, may suffer significant declines in the value of their investments. Investors and financial experts alike must comprehend the workings of the bond market and the likelihood of a downturn. Stakeholders can manage uncertainties and reduce risks by keeping a careful eye on market movements and economic indicators.

We will examine the ins and outs of the bond market in this book, as well as the reasons behind and effects of a bond market meltdown. So buckle up and get ready for a thorough exploration of the realm of bond market collapses.

Brief Overview

The bond market crash is a noteworthy development with broad financial ramifications. To make wise selections as an investor or someone with an interest in finance, it is imperative that you comprehend the significance of this crucial term.

The bond market refers to the market in which debt securities, known as bonds, are bought and sold. When there is a bond market crash, the value of bonds experiences an abrupt and dramatic decrease. Numerous things, like an economic downturn, an increase in interest rates, or investor anxiety, can set this off.

Understanding the significance of a bond market crash helps investors assess the potential risks and opportunities. During a crash, bond prices can plummet, causing substantial losses for bondholders. To safeguard their investments, investors must thus keep an eye out for warning indications and adopt the appropriate safety measures.

A collapse in the bond market might also have a significant effect on other financial markets. It may cause investor confidence to drop, which would have a knock on effect on several other industries. For example, a bond market crash can negatively affect stock markets, currency markets, and even the economy as a whole. Being aware of these interconnections can help individuals navigate the broader financial landscape.

In summary, the term “bond market crash” refers to a big and abrupt decline in the value of bonds. Understanding its meaning allows investors to assess risk, protect investments, and understand the interconnectedness of financial markets. People who keep up to date on the bond market crash are better equipped to handle the intricate world of finance and make more educated decisions.


Bond Market Crash | Discover The Resilience of Alternatives (1)

Understanding Bond Market Crash

An essential part of the financial system that enables governments, businesses, and municipalities to borrow money from investors in the form of bonds is the bond market. In essence, bonds are loans that investors make to these organizations with the guarantee of regular interest payments and a principal return upon maturity. Bond investments can be a desirable choice for anyone looking for steady income streams with returns that are generally predictable.

Interest rates are a major element influencing the bond market. Bond prices often decline when interest rates rise because newer bonds have higher yields. Conversely, as interest rates decline, the value of existing bonds increases, driving up their price. As a result, interest rate fluctuations have a significant impact on the state of the bond market.

There are numerous potential causes of a decline in the bond market. An increase in default rates is one of them. Bond prices decline when issuing businesses are unable to pay back the principal amount and interest. This undermines investor confidence. An aggressive increase in interest rates by central banks or other regulatory organizations is another factor. Unexpected and significant increases in interest rates have the potential to devalue bonds that are already on the market.


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Furthermore, a high rate of inflation may also have an impact on a bond market collapse. Inflation lessens the purchasing power of principal returns and future interest payments, which lessens the appeal of current bonds. Consequently, investors might decide to sell their bonds, which would lower their price.

In summary, variables including increased default rates, interest rate hikes, and high inflation rates can all lead to a bond market crash. Investors looking to manage and reduce risks in the bond market must comprehend these variables.

Symptoms of an Impending Bond Market Crash

It is imperative that investors are informed of any potential indicators of an imminent bond market crash. You can safeguard your money by keeping a careful eye on market trends and economic indicators. Here are a few indicators to be aware of:

1. Financial Metrics

Keep an eye on key economic statistics, including GDP growth, unemployment, and inflation rates. The bond market may be in danger if these indicators exhibit signs of fragility or instability. Warning signals include rising inflation, increasing unemployment, or a contracting economy.

2. Market Behavior

Pay careful attention to bond yields and prices. A bond market collapse may be indicated if bond prices start to decline quickly and yields start to climb. Don’t forget to observe the yield curve. When short term interest rates are higher than long term rates, the yield curve flattens or inverts, which may signal investor anxiety about the state of the economy and could trigger a market meltdown.

3. Stress in the Credit Market

Pay attention to the credit markets. Indicators of mounting stress and possible instability in the bond market include rising defaults, tightening credit conditions, and widening gaps between Treasury bonds and riskier corporate bonds.

4. Government policies

Keep up with any changes to the government that may have an impact on the bond market. Modifications to central bank monetary policy, such as reductions in bond purchase programs or interest rate modifications, have the ability to affect market sentiment and could set off a downturn in the bond market.

It is possible to manage the bond market and safeguard your investments from potential threats by being proactive and aware of these indications. Make well informed decisions that align with your investing goals by staying educated, consulting with financial experts, and depending on trustworthy sources.

Historical Examples of Bond Market Crashes

The 1994 bond market meltdown shook the financial world. It was a turning point that demonstrated the bond market’s fragility and the interdependence of the world’s economies. A number of reasons contributed to the disaster, including unexpected shifts in market expectations and rising interest rates.

The Federal Reserve increased interest rates in 1994 to try and stop inflation. This change surprised many investors because they had grown accustomed to a protracted period of low interest rates. Bond prices fell and yields shot up in the fixed income market as a result of the abrupt rate increase. Investors experienced large losses as a result, and financial institutions had serious liquidity issues.

The 1994 bond market crash had extensive repercussions. The incident acted as a warning to both investors and regulators about the inherent hazards associated with the bond market. Numerous market players were compelled to reconsider their approaches to investing and risk control. The crash’s spillover effects, which also affected other financial markets, had an impact on the global economy.

During the notorious 2008 financial crisis, there was yet another significant bond market crash. Typically seen as secure investments, bonds were at the heart of this catastrophe. In the bond market, complex structured financial instruments backed by mortgage backed securities caused a lack of trust and reduced liquidity.

Mortgage backed securities saw a sharp decline in value when the housing market crashed, sparking widespread fear and a run for safety. Bond prices dropped precipitously as investors scrambled to liquidate their holdings. Due to this vicious cycle, banks and other financial institutions experienced enormous losses, which made the financial crisis worse.


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In both the financial crises of 1994 and 2008, the bond market was crucial in revealing the weaknesses within the banking system. These incidents serve as a reminder that, in certain market circ*mstances, even investments that appear to be secure can experience significant volatility. Investors and policymakers must grasp the causes and consequences of bond market crashes in order to effectively manage the complex global financial system.

Effects of Covid 19 Pandemic on Bond Markets

The COVID 19 pandemic related bond market crash has had a significant effect on world economies. The outbreak’s abrupt disruption resulted in a steep decline in bond prices and an increase in rates. Investors became anxious as a result of the financial markets’ trembling instability and hurried to safeguard their holdings.

It’s crucial to remember, too, that the fixed income market has previously proven to be remarkably resilient and capable of recovering from similar crises. The global central banks and governments took extraordinary steps to stabilize the economy, and the fixed income market started to steadily rebound.

The central banks’ vigorous monetary policy initiatives were one of the main drivers of this recovery. To bring liquidity to the market, large bond buying programs and interest rate reductions were implemented. Bond prices gradually increased as a result of these actions, which increased investor confidence and gave investors a sense of stability.

As economies gradually recover and the world adjusts to the new normal, a rise in demand for safe haven assets has also benefited the bond market. Government bonds have become more popular among investors seeking security in an uncertain environment, pushing prices higher and yields lower.

It should be highlighted that risks and uncertainties still exist even though the fixed income market has experienced a notable comeback. The pace and nature of the economic recovery, as well as the success of governmental initiatives, will have a significant impact on the bond market’s future course.

In summary, the COVID 19 pandemic related collapse of the bond market has had a significant effect on world economies. But because of strong monetary policy actions and rising demand for safe haven assets, the market has proven resilient and has started to rebound. The bond market’s resilience highlights its significance as a fundamental tenet of the global financial system, notwithstanding the threats that still exist.

Consequences of a Bond Market Crash

A collapse in the bond market can have broad ramifications that include financial institutions, investors, and the economy. Let’s examine some of the main implications that this occurrence may have in more detail.

A collapse in the bond market might be concerning for investors. Their bond portfolio tends to lose value, which could result in losses. Bond holders who want to sell their bonds lose capital when rates rise in tandem with declining bond prices. Choosing whether to reduce their losses or hang onto their bonds might put investors in a difficult situation.

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Investors typically employ different techniques during a bond market crisis. While some could decide to play it safe and wait for prices to go up, others might decide to be more aggressive and move their investments to safer assets like cash or government bonds. To get through this unpredictable time, investors must create a strong risk management strategy that aligns with their financial goals.

The consequences of a fixed income market crash go beyond investors. There may be a significant effect on the economy. A slowdown in economic growth could result from businesses finding it more difficult to grow or invest in projects when corporate borrowing costs rise. Furthermore, a crash may result in increased interest rates, which might reduce customers’ purchasing power and deter them from borrowing money to purchase expensive goods like homes and cars.

A collapse in the bond market also affects financial institutions. As debtors struggle to make their loan repayments, banks and other lenders may run into problems. Furthermore, these institutions’ balance sheets might be adversely impacted if they own sizable amounts of bonds, which might have an impact on the whole financial system.

In conclusion, a collapse in the bond market may have a significant impact on investors, the economy, and financial institutions. It is important for individuals and institutions to be prepared and make thoughtful decisions during periods of market volatility to successfully navigate the potential consequences.

How to Prepare for a Bond Market Crash

Bond market crashes can have serious financial consequences, so investors need to be ready. Portfolio diversification is a crucial idea to comprehend if you want to protect your finances. Spreading your investments throughout a range of assets, such as stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments, is known as diversifying your portfolio. You lessen your chance of suffering a great deal from a fixed income market meltdown by doing this.

It is impossible to overstate the value of diversification. Even though bonds are typically thought of as safer investments than stocks, market volatility can nevertheless affect them. By ensuring that you have a variety of assets in your portfolio that may respond differently under various market conditions, diversifying your portfolio helps you lessen the impact of a bond market crash.

There are various worthwhile diversification tactics to take into account. Investing in bonds from several issuers and maturities is one strategy. By distributing the risk among many asset classes—such as corporate or government bonds—this lessens the impact in the event that a single industry is severely impacted.

Being aware of bond ratings is also essential to being ready for a downturn in the bond market. Bond ratings, which show a bond issuer’s creditworthiness, can affect your preparation tactics. Higher rated bonds typically have lower yields but more security. Conversely, lower rated bonds have a higher potential return but come with a higher risk.

If you want to protect your bond assets from a slump in the bond market, think about diversifying them by holding bonds with varying ratings. While aiming for higher rated bonds is necessary to reduce risk, spreading your bond portfolio among various ratings can offer a more sensible strategy.

To put it briefly, being ready for a slump in the bond market is essential. Important elements of this preparedness include using diversification techniques, comprehending bond ratings, and diversifying your portfolio. You may safeguard your portfolio and lessen the effects of a bond market slump by diversifying your bond investments and being aware of bond ratings.


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Importance of Financial Advice

In order to successfully navigate the complexity of the financial world, financial counselors are essential. Getting expert guidance is even more important when it comes to investments, particularly during uncertain times like a bond market crash.

A collapse in the bond market can have significant effects on both personal portfolios and the economy. However, risks can be substantially reduced if you have an expert financial counselor on your side. Due to their in depth knowledge of market dynamics, these experts can offer insightful advice and useful investment protection techniques.

Working with a financial advisor has many benefits, chief among them being the creation of a personalized investment plan. They carefully consider your time horizon, risk tolerance, and financial goals to create a plan that is customized for your particular situation. Even in the event of a collapse in the fixed income market, you can protect your savings with the aid of this tailored strategy.

Financial advisors also stay up to date on the most recent news and developments and continuously track market movements. This enables them to swiftly react to shifts in the bond market and modify their investment plan as necessary. You can safeguard yourself from potential hazards during a market slump or seize possible chances by utilizing their experience.


Bond Market Crash | Discover The Resilience of Alternatives (6)

Emotional regulation is another area where financial advisors are valuable. Strong emotions sparked by market volatility can result in snap judgments that are harmful to your financial security. A qualified advisor serves as a logical voice, giving you objective guidance and making sure you base your decisions on your long term financial objectives.

In conclusion, it is impossible to exaggerate the value of financial counsel during a bond market crash. Financial advisors may effectively navigate unpredictable times and limit risks for investors with their knowledge, experience, and specialized approach. Having reliable counsel to help you navigate the storm during the bond market fall makes it less scary.

Case Studies of Handling Bond Market Crashes

The bond market saw a significant collapse during the 2008 financial crisis, which alarmed small investors. Numerous inexperienced investors were taken aback and incurred significant losses. Some, nevertheless, took proactive measures to reduce their losses.

Investing in a variety of bond issuers and bond types allowed retail investors to diversify their portfolios in anticipation of a potential bond market crash.

Their exposure to a certain bond or sector was lowered as a result. In order to recognize any hazards and make wise investment selections, they also kept a careful eye on market trends, interest rates, and economic indicators. Compared to their colleagues, these investors weathered the bond market crisis with relatively little loss because they were proactive and kept informed.

For retail investors, the lessons from this experience were invaluable. They came to understand how crucial it was to diversify their financial portfolios and control risk. They realized that being up to date with market and economic developments was essential to making wise investment choices.

On the other hand, institutional investors encountered particular difficulties during the 1994 bond market collapse. Big financial institutions used a variety of strategies to lessen the crash’s effects. They engaged in active bond trading, taking advantage of short term price swings with their wealth of knowledge and resources. To guard against future losses, some also used derivatives to hedge their assets. During the bond market crash, these tactics helped institutional investors lessen their overall losses.

While the effects of these tactics differed throughout institutions, overall outcomes were inconclusive. While some institutions survived the crash with comparatively little damage, others encountered serious difficulties. Institutional investors realized the value of risk management and the necessity of adapting to shifting market conditions.


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In summary, during the fixed income market crashes, investors, both individual and institutional, faced distinct obstacles. Retail investors minimized losses by using proactive tactics, including risk management and diversification. To mitigate the effects of the crash, institutional investors used trading and hedging tactics and relied on their experience. The insights gained from these case studies emphasize how crucial it is to handle downturns in the fixed income market by being informed, controlling risk, and adjusting as needed.

Wrap Up

The future outlook for bond market declines raises concerns among investors and financial experts. As the global economy continues to evolve, it is essential to stay informed about potential bond market risks.

Bond market crashes refer to a significant drop in the value of bonds, resulting in financial losses for investors. These declines can be due to factors such as changes in interest rates, economic instability, or unexpected events.

A key factor influencing the future outlook for bond market declines is the current low interest rate environment. Central banks around the world have pursued accommodative policies to stimulate economic growth, leading to historically low bond yields. If interest rates rise sharply, it could trigger a bond market crash as the value of existing bonds declines.

In addition, economic events, such as recessions or financial crises, pose a risk to bond market stability. These events can lead to a decline in investor confidence, increasing the likelihood of bond market crashes. The current COVID 19 pandemic is a good example of how unexpected events can disrupt financial markets and potentially trigger a bond market crash.

To mitigate the risks associated with bond market crashes, investors can diversify their bond portfolios. By spreading investments across different types of bonds and maturities, investors can minimize the potential impact of a bond market crash.

In conclusion, the future outlook for bond market declines remains uncertain. Factors such as interest rates, economic events, and unexpected shocks can influence bond market stability. Staying informed and diversifying investment portfolios are crucial strategies for navigating the risks associated with bond market declines.


What is a Bond Market Crash?

Bond Market Crash | Discover The Resilience of Alternatives (8)

A bond market crash refers to a sudden and significant drop in bond prices, resulting in a decline in the value of existing bonds and a possible disruption of bond market activity.

What causes a Bond Market Crash?

Economic slowdowns, rising interest rates, bond defaults, geopolitical events, or a general loss of confidence in market stability are just a few causes of bond market crashes.

How does a Bond Market Downturn affect Investors?

During a bond market downturn, the value of existing bonds often declines, leading to potential losses for bondholders who sell before maturity. In addition, it becomes more difficult for issuers to sell new bonds, which can limit investment opportunities for those looking to buy bonds.

What are some of the Indicators or Signs that a Bond Market Crash is Coming?

Some indicators that could precede a bond market crash include a flattening or inversion of the yield curve, increased bond market volatility, increased selling in the bond market, or growing concerns about economic stability.

How can Investors Protect Themselves during a Bond Market Downturn?

To protect themselves during a bond market downturn, investors can diversify their bond holdings among different types of bonds, maturities, and issuers. They can also consider investing in other asset classes, such as stocks or commodities, as a hedge against potential bond market losses. Finally, staying informed about macroeconomic trends and working with a financial advisor can help investors navigate difficult market conditions.

Article sources

At Capital Maniacs, we are committed to providing accurate and reliable information on a wide range of financial topics. In order to achieve this, we rely on the use of primary sources and corroborated secondary sources to support the content of our articles.

Primary sources, such as financial statements and government reports, provide firsthand evidence of financial events and trends. By using primary sources, we are able to directly reference information provided by the organizations and individuals involved in these events.

Secondary sources, such as financial analysis and commentary, interpret and analyze primary sources. While these sources can be useful for providing context and background information, it is important to use corroborated sources in order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information we present.

We take pride in properly citing all of our sources, both primary and secondary, in order to give credit to the original authors and to allow our readers to verify the information for themselves. We appreciate your trust in our website and are committed to upholding the highest standards of financial journalism.

  1. Schwab – Q3 Bond Market Meltdown: Why and What’s Next?
  2. Bloomberg – Law of Unintended Consequences Caused the Great Bond Rout
  3. Yahoo Finance – The bond market meltdown is going to get worse before it gets better
  4. Reuters – In the Market: US bond market signals the end of an era
  5. – The collapse in Treasury bonds now ranks among the worst market crashes in history
  6. Businessinsider – Are US Treasurys still a safe-haven asset? An epic bond-market crash and rising default fears are sowing doubts.
  7. Morningstar – 3 Warning Signs From the Bond Market
Bond Market Crash | Discover The Resilience of Alternatives (2024)


Why is the bond market crashing? ›

When the Federal Reserve raises the federal funds rate, it can cause the bond market to crash. This happens because new bonds offer higher interest rates than previously issued bonds, and that pushes the prices of older bonds down in the secondary market. For bondholders, this is known as interest rate risk.

Will bonds recover in 2024? ›

As inflation finally seems to be coming under control, and growth is slowing as the global economy feels the full impact of higher interest rates, 2024 could be a compelling year for bonds.

Are bonds bad right now? ›

The rise in rates hurt bond prices throughout 2022, with the Bloomberg U.S. Aggregate Bond Index falling 13 percent for the year, the worst bond performance in decades. Bond prices and yields move in opposite directions, meaning prices fall as yields rise, and vice versa.

How safe is the bond market? ›

Although they may not necessarily provide the biggest returns, bonds are considered a reliable investment tool. That's because they are known to provide regular income. But they are also considered to be a stable and sound way to invest your money. That doesn't mean they don't come with their own risks.

Why am I losing money in the bond market? ›

Bonds are often touted as less risky than stocks—and for the most part, they are—but that does not mean you cannot lose money owning bonds. Bond prices decline when interest rates rise, when the issuer experiences a negative credit event, or as market liquidity dries up.

Should I sell bonds when interest rates rise? ›

If you sell your bonds as soon as someone hints at the word "hike," you may be jumping the gun. When the market consensus is that a rate increase is right around the corner, it's time to sell and reinvest the proceeds in higher-paying bonds. One caveat applies to short-term holdings or those that are near maturity.

Is now a good time to buy bond funds? ›

If an investor is looking for reliable income, now can be a good time to consider investment-grade bonds. If an investor is looking to diversify their portfolio, they should consider a medium-term investment-grade bond fund which could benefit if and when the Fed pivots from raising interest rates.

Can you lose money on bonds if held to maturity? ›

If you're holding the bond to maturity, the fluctuations won't matter—your interest payments and face value won't change.

What is the best treasury bond to buy right now? ›

7 Best Treasury ETFs to Buy Now
ETFExpense RatioYield to Maturity
Vanguard Intermediate-Term Treasury ETF (ticker: VGIT)0.04%4.7%
Vanguard Short-Term Treasury ETF (VGSH)0.04%5.1%
Vanguard Long-Term Treasury ETF (VGLT)0.04%4.9%
iShares U.S. Treasury Bond ETF (GOVT)0.05%4.7%
3 more rows
Jun 11, 2024

Why bonds are no longer a good investment? ›

Longer-term bonds typically offer higher yields than short-term bonds. But high inflation and a slowing economy have turned the tables, and short-term cash equivalents currently yield more than 10-year Treasury bonds. The bad news is that if interest rates fall, those hefty cash yields could dissipate.

Do bonds ever become worthless? ›

If bond yields rise, existing bonds lose value. The change in bond values only relates to a bond's price on the open market, meaning if the bond is sold before maturity, the seller will obtain a higher or lower price for the bond compared to its face value, depending on current interest rates.

Are bonds safer than stocks? ›

Given the numerous reasons a company's business can decline, stocks are typically riskier than bonds. However, with that higher risk can come higher returns. The market's average annual return is about 10%, not accounting for inflation.

What bonds have a 10 percent return? ›

Junk Bonds

Junk bonds are high-yield corporate bonds issued by companies with lower credit ratings. Because of their higher risk of default, they offer higher interest rates, potentially providing returns over 10%. During economic growth periods, the risk of default decreases, making junk bonds particularly attractive.

Should you buy bonds in a recession? ›

The short answer is bonds tend to be less volatile than stocks and often perform better during recessions than other financial assets.

What is the riskiest bond to invest in? ›

Credit risk: This is the risk that your bond issuer will be unable to make its payments on time -- or at all -- and it depends on the type of bond you own and the borrower's financial health. U.S. Treasuries are considered to have virtually no credit risk, junk bonds the highest.

Why bond prices are falling? ›

When market interest rates rise, prices of fixed-rate bonds fall. this phenomenon is known as interest rate risk. A seesaw, such as the one pictured below, can help you visualize the relationship between market interest rates and bond prices.

Why are bonds down so much this year? ›

Rising interest rates directly caused stock and bond prices to fall in 2022. Interest rates affect a company's capital and earnings in many ways, says Damian Pardo, a certified financial planner and city commissioner in Miami, Florida.

Is this the worst bond market ever? ›

2022′s Worst Bond Market Ever

Dan Lefkovitz: 2022 was termed by some as the worst bond market ever. We had double-digit losses for core bond indexes, and some advisors and investors concluded that the best way to own bonds is to skip bond funds and purchase individual credits and hold them to maturity instead.

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