Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (2024)

  • In this post, we will revisit most popular blue-chip stock portfolios using Python fintech libraries.
  • Our objective is to optimize currently available quant trading and investing solutions for private DIY self-traders. Our trading approach consists of the following 4 steps:
  • Step 1: Examine the AAPL trading signals and support/resistance regression lines.
  • Step 2: Compare AAPL vs MSFT in terms of returns, volatility, covariance, and correlations.
  • Step 3: Compare MA 10-20-30, daily returns, pair plots, correlations, Monte Carlo simulations, and Sharpe ratios of AAPL, AMZN, MSFT, and TSLA stocks.
  • Step 4: Perform the SPY stock price analysis and FB Prophet forecast.

Let’s dive into the details below.

Table of Contents

  1. AAPL Trading Signals Verified
  2. AAPL/MSFT Risk vs ROI Analysis
  3. Popular 4-Stock Portfolio
  4. Monte-Carlo Predictions
  5. SPY Return/Volatility
  6. SPY Prophet Forecast
  7. Summary
  8. References
  9. Explore More

AAPL Trading Signals Verified

Let’s set the working directory YOURPATH

import osos.chdir('YOURPATH') # Set working directoryos. getcwd()

Let’s import the key libraries and define the following functions

import numpy as npimport pandas as pdfrom math import sqrtimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport pandas_datareader as webfrom scipy.signal import savgol_filterfrom sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegressionfrom pandas_datareader import data as pdrimport yfinance as yfinyfin.pdr_override()def pythag(pt1, pt2): a_sq = (pt2[0] - pt1[0]) ** 2 b_sq = (pt2[1] - pt1[1]) ** 2 return sqrt(a_sq + b_sq)def regression_ceof(pts): X = np.array([pt[0] for pt in pts]).reshape(-1, 1) y = np.array([pt[1] for pt in pts]) model = LinearRegression(), y) return model.coef_[0], model.intercept_def local_min_max(pts): local_min = [] local_max = [] prev_pts = [(0, pts[0]), (1, pts[1])] for i in range(1, len(pts) - 1): append_to = '' if pts[i-1] > pts[i] < pts[i+1]: append_to = 'min' elif pts[i-1] < pts[i] > pts[i+1]: append_to = 'max' if append_to: if local_min or local_max: prev_distance = pythag(prev_pts[0], prev_pts[1]) * 0.5 curr_distance = pythag(prev_pts[1], (i, pts[i])) if curr_distance >= prev_distance: prev_pts[0] = prev_pts[1] prev_pts[1] = (i, pts[i]) if append_to == 'min': local_min.append((i, pts[i])) else: local_max.append((i, pts[i])) else: prev_pts[0] = prev_pts[1] prev_pts[1] = (i, pts[i]) if append_to == 'min': local_min.append((i, pts[i])) else: local_max.append((i, pts[i])) return local_min, local_max
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (1)

Let’s look at the smoothed version if the above plot

month_diff = series.shape[0] // 30if month_diff == 0: month_diff = 1month_diff


smooth = int(2 * month_diff + 3)smooth


pts = savgol_filter(series, smooth, 3)plt.title(symbol)plt.xlabel('Days')plt.ylabel('Prices')plt.plot(pts, label=f'Smooth {symbol}')plt.legend()
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (2)

Let’s combine these two curves into the single joint plot

plt.title(symbol)plt.xlabel('Days')plt.ylabel('Prices')plt.plot(series, label=symbol)plt.plot(pts, label=f'Smooth {symbol}')plt.legend()
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (3)

Let’s generate the trading signals using the smoothed price curve

local_min, local_max = local_min_max(pts)plt.title(symbol)plt.xlabel('Days')plt.ylabel('Prices')plt.plot(pts, label=f'Smooth {symbol}')for pt in local_min: plt.scatter(pt[0], pt[1], c='r')for pt in local_max: plt.scatter(pt[0], pt[1], c='g')plt.legend()
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (4)

Let’s calculate the local support and resistance lines using the regression_ceof function

local_min_slope, local_min_int = regression_ceof(local_min)local_max_slope, local_max_int = regression_ceof(local_max)support = (local_min_slope * np.array(series.index)) + local_min_intresistance = (local_max_slope * np.array(series.index)) + local_max_int
plt.title(symbol)plt.xlabel('Days')plt.ylabel('Prices')plt.plot(pts, label=f'Smooth {symbol}')plt.plot(support, label='Support', c='r')plt.plot(resistance, label='Resistance', c='g')plt.legend()
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (5)
plt.title(symbol)plt.xlabel('Days')plt.ylabel('Prices')plt.plot(series, label=symbol)plt.plot(support, label='Support', c='r')plt.plot(resistance, label='Resistance', c='g')plt.legend()
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (6)

Let’s plot the AAPL Simple Moving Average (SMA) to verify the 5-year MA crossover strategy

# import modulesfrom datetime import datetimeimport yfinance as yfimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt # initialize parametersstart_date = datetime(2017, 1, 1)end_date = datetime(2023, 9, 26) # get the datadf ='AAPL', start = start_date, end = end_date) 
import matplotlibfrom pylab import rcParamsmatplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 15, 6simple_ma = df["Close"].rolling(window=100).mean()plt.figure(figsize=(14,8))simple_ma.plot(label="Simple Moving Average")df["Close"].plot(label="Closing Price")plt.xticks(rotation=0)plt.title("Moving Average of Closing Price", size=22)plt.legend()
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (7)

AAPL/MSFT Risk vs ROI Analysis

Following the quant trading diversification approach, we will show how a trader can reduce the volatility of the portfolio’s returns by choosing just 2 tech stocks such as AAPL and MSFT.

# Import librariesimport pandas as pdimport numpy as npimport yfinance as yfimport statsmodels.api as smfrom statsmodels.regression.rolling import RollingOLSimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport as pximport plotly.graph_objects as gofrom IPython.display import clear_output
#Download datastartdate='2023-01-01'enddate='2023-09-26'tickers = ['AAPL', 'MSFT']price =, startdate, enddate)['Close']price.tail()
[*********************100%***********************] 2 of 2 completed
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (8)

We can plot these two stocks as follows

# AAPL plotplt.figure(figsize=(10,6))plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) plt.plot(price.AAPL, color='b')plt.ylabel('Price')plt.title('AAPL Daily Close Price USD')# MSFT plotplt.subplot(2, 1, 2)plt.plot(price.MSFT, color='g')plt.ylabel('Price')plt.title('MSFT Daily Close Price USD')# Use plt.tight_layout() to improve the spacing between subplotsplt.tight_layout()
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (9)

We can calculate their daily returns

returns = price.pct_change().dropna()print(returns.tail())
 AAPL MSFTDate 2023-09-19 0.006181 -0.0012462023-09-20 -0.019992 -0.0239772023-09-21 -0.008889 -0.0038662023-09-22 0.004945 -0.0078872023-09-25 0.007380 0.001672

We can plot histograms or probabilities of their daily returns

import seaborn as snsfig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))# AAPL plotplt.subplot(2, 1, 1) sns.distplot(returns.AAPL, color='b');plt.xlabel('Return')plt.ylabel('Probability')plt.title('AAPL Returns')# MSFT plotplt.subplot(2, 1, 2) sns.distplot(returns.MSFT, color='g')plt.xlabel('Return')plt.ylabel('Probability')plt.title('MSFT Returns')
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (10)

It is very interesting to compare Maximum Drawdown of these 2 stocks

wealth_index = (1+returns['AAPL']).cumprod()previous_peaks_MSFT = wealth_index.cummax()drawdowns_MSFT = (wealth_index - previous_peaks_MSFT)/previous_peaks_MSFTdrawdowns_MSFT.plot.line()plt.ylabel('Drawdown')plt.title('AAPL Maximum Drawdown')drawdowns_MSFT.min(), drawdowns_MSFT.idxmin()
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (11)
wealth_index = (1+returns['MSFT']).cumprod()previous_peaks_MSFT = wealth_index.cummax()drawdowns_MSFT = (wealth_index - previous_peaks_MSFT)/previous_peaks_MSFTdrawdowns_MSFT.plot.line()plt.ylabel('Drawdown')plt.title('MSFT Maximum Drawdown')drawdowns_MSFT.min(), drawdowns_MSFT.idxmin()
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (12)

It is worthwhile to look at correlations of their returns

corr = returns[['AAPL', 'MSFT']].corr()print(corr)sns.scatterplot(x="AAPL", y="MSFT", data=returns)sns.regplot(x="AAPL", y="MSFT", data=returns)
 AAPL MSFTAAPL 1.000000 0.532946MSFT 0.532946 1.000000
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (13)

Then we can calculate their compounded growth and covariance

n_days = returns.shape[0]compounded_growth = (1+returns).prod()n_periods = returns.shape[0]ann_returns = compounded_growth**(252/n_days)-1ann_returns
AAPL 0.605810MSFT 0.477083dtype: float64
cov = returns.cov()cov

Let’s turn our attention to the efficient frontier of our 2 assets. In doing so, we need to calculate the portfolio return-volatility

# Calculate the portfolio returndef portfolio_return(w, r): return w.T @ r# Calculate the portfolio volatility returndef portfolio_vol(w, covmat): return (w.T @ covmat @ w)**0.5

We are now ready to plot the efficient frontier curve

#Plot the efficient frontier of two assetsax=plt.figure(figsize=(14,6))n_points = 15weights = [np.array([w, 1-w]) for w in np.linspace(0, 1, n_points)]def plot_ef2(n_points, returns, cov): weights = [np.array([w, 1-w]) for w in np.linspace(0, 1, n_points)] rets = [portfolio_return(w, ann_returns) for w in weights] vols = [portfolio_vol(w, cov) for w in weights] ef = pd.DataFrame({ "Returns": rets, "Volatility": vols }) return ef.plot.line(x="Volatility", y="Returns", style="o-")ax = plot_ef2(n_points, ann_returns, cov)ax.plot([0.013394], [0.605810], 'o',markersize=14)ax.annotate('AAPL', xy=(0.013394, 0.605810), xytext=(0.0137, 0.60), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05))ax.plot([0.016852], [0.477083], 'o',markersize=14)ax.annotate('MSFT', xy=(0.016852, 0.477083), xytext=(0.016, 0.5), arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.05))
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (14)

Popular 4-Stock Portfolio

Our current objectives are as follows:

  • Build moving average of selected stocks
  • Determine correlations between stock returns
  • Create and validate an optimal stock portfolio
  • Predict the future behavior of selected stocks
#Importimport numpy as np import pandas as pdimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport seaborn as snsfrom pandas_datareader import datafrom datetime import datetime# Setting the begining and endingtoday = = datetime(today.year-1, today.month,
# Four company for data extractioncompany_list = ['AAPL', 'TSLA', 'MSFT', 'AMZN']

Reading input stock data:

for company in company_list: globals()[company] = pdr.get_data_yahoo(company, year_ago, today)
[*********************100%***********************] 1 of 1 completed[*********************100%***********************] 1 of 1 completed[*********************100%***********************] 1 of 1 completed[*********************100%***********************] 1 of 1 completed
price =, startdate, enddate)['Close']price.tail()
[*********************100%***********************] 4 of 4 completed
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (15)

Let’s calculate MA 10-20-30

MA_days = [10, 20, 30]for ma in MA_days: ma_str = "MA AAPL {}".format(ma) price[ma_str] = price.AAPL.rolling(ma).mean() ma_str = "MA AMZN {}".format(ma) price[ma_str] = price.AMZN.rolling(ma).mean() ma_str = "MA MSFT {}".format(ma) price[ma_str] = price.MSFT.rolling(ma).mean() ma_str = "MA TSLA {}".format(ma) price[ma_str] = price.TSLA.rolling(ma).mean()price.tail() 
 AAPLAMZN MSFT TSLAMA AAPL 10 MA AMZN 10MA MSFT 10 MA TSLA 10MA AAPL 20MA AMZN 20MA MSFT 20MA TSLA 20MA AAPL 30MA AMZN 30MA MSFT 30MA TSLA 30Date2023-09-19179.070007137.630005328.649994266.500000177.631001140.334001332.945999264.648001180.4320137.736501329.637001254.881998179.340000137.489334326.883334248.0609992023-09-20175.490005135.289993320.769989262.589996176.889001140.327000331.734998265.715001180.3450137.788500329.552501256.351998179.196334137.334334326.707334248.4906662023-09-21173.929993129.330002319.529999255.699997176.526001139.475000330.696997266.136000179.9855137.479000329.179001257.293998179.054333137.050334326.617334248.9409992023-09-22174.789993129.119995317.010010244.880005176.187001138.564000328.970999265.774001179.9060137.343000329.031001258.035999178.948333136.735667326.420001248.9256662023-09-25176.080002131.270004317.540009246.990005175.859001137.381000326.931000263.115002179.7795137.243501328.759001258.455999178.891334136.497667326.304335249.070333
  • AAPL MA 10-20-30:
import matplotlibplt.figure(figsize=(15, 6))matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})plt.plot(price['AAPL'])plt.plot(price['MA AAPL 10'])plt.plot(price['MA AAPL 20'])plt.plot(price['MA AAPL 30']) plt.title('AAPL')plt.xlabel('Date')plt.ylabel('Price')plt.legend(('Close','MA: 10', 'MA: 20', 'MA:30'))plt.grid()
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (16)
  • AMZN MA 10-20-30:
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6))matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})plt.plot(price['AMZN'])plt.plot(price['MA AMZN 10'])plt.plot(price['MA AMZN 20'])plt.plot(price['MA AMZN 30']) plt.title('AMZN')plt.xlabel('Date')plt.ylabel('Price')plt.legend(('Close','MA: 10', 'MA: 20', 'MA:30'))plt.grid()
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (17)
  • MSFT MA 10-20-30:
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6))matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})plt.plot(price['MSFT'])plt.plot(price['MA MSFT 10'])plt.plot(price['MA MSFT 20'])plt.plot(price['MA MSFT 30']) plt.title('MSFT')plt.xlabel('Date')plt.ylabel('Price')plt.legend(('Close','MA: 10', 'MA: 20', 'MA:30'))plt.grid()
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (18)
  • TSLA MA 10-20-30:
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6))matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 18})plt.plot(price['TSLA'])plt.plot(price['MA TSLA 10'])plt.plot(price['MA TSLA 20'])plt.plot(price['MA TSLA 30']) plt.title('TSLA')plt.xlabel('Date')plt.ylabel('Price')plt.legend(('Close','MA: 10', 'MA: 20', 'MA:30'))plt.grid()
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (19)

Let’s calculate and plot Daily Returns of our 4 stocks

price['Daily Returns AAPL'] = price['AAPL'].pct_change()price['Daily Returns AMZN'] = price['AMZN'].pct_change()price['Daily Returns MSFT'] = price['MSFT'].pct_change()price['Daily Returns TSLA'] = price['TSLA'].pct_change()
  • Daily Returns AAPL
sns.displot(price['Daily Returns AAPL'].dropna(), bins=50, color='blue', kde=True)plt.title("AAPL")
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (20)
  • Daily Returns AMZN
sns.displot(price['Daily Returns AMZN'].dropna(), bins=50, color='blue', kde=True)plt.title("AMZN")
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (21)
  • Daily Returns MSFT
sns.displot(price['Daily Returns MSFT'].dropna(), bins=50, color='blue', kde=True)plt.title("MSFT")
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (22)
  • Daily Returns TSLA
sns.displot(price['Daily Returns TSLA'].dropna(), bins=50, color='blue', kde=True)plt.title("TSLA")
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (23)

Let’s prepare the above returns for the stock correlation analysis

stock_returns = pd.DataFrame()stock_returns['AAPL']=price['Daily Returns AAPL'].dropna() stock_returns['AMZN']=price['Daily Returns AMZN'].dropna()stock_returns['MSFT']=price['Daily Returns MSFT'].dropna()stock_returns['TSLA']=price['Daily Returns TSLA'].dropna()stock_returns.tail()
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (24)
  • Pair plot
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (25)
  • Correlation matrix
# Build correlation matrixcorr = stock_returns.corr()mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(corr, dtype=bool))plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))sns.heatmap(corr, mask=mask, square=True, linewidths=.5, annot=True)'corrmatrix_tech.png')
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (26)
  • Joint plot
def draw_jointplot(data): grid = sns.PairGrid(data.dropna()) grid.map_diag(sns.histplot, bins=40, kde=True) grid.map_lower(sns.regplot) grid.map_upper(sns.kdeplot)
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (27)

Here, Row 1: AAPL, Row 2: AMZN, Row 3: MSFT, Row 4: TSLA.

Let’s calculate the mean returns and covariance of our stocks

mean_income = stock_returns.mean() # Mean income for each stockcov_returns = stock_returns.cov() # Covariation count = len(stock_returns.columns)print(mean_income, cov_returns, sep='\n')
AAPL 0.001970AMZN 0.002569MSFT 0.001689TSLA 0.005150dtype: float64
 AAPL AMZN MSFT TSLAAAPL 0.000179 0.000115 0.000120 0.000215AMZN 0.000115 0.000467 0.000218 0.000301MSFT 0.000120 0.000218 0.000284 0.000207TSLA 0.000215 0.000301 0.000207 0.001217

Let’s find the maximum Sharpe ratio of our portfolio by generating random shares while plotting the efficient frontier curve as an envelope

# Function, that generate random sharesdef randomPortfolio(): share = np.exp(np.random.randn(count)) share = share / share.sum() return sharedef IncomePortfolio(Rand): return np.matmul(mean_income.values, Rand)def RiskPortfolio(Rand): return np.sqrt(np.matmul(np.matmul(Rand, cov_returns.values), Rand))
combinations = 4000risk = np.zeros(combinations)income = np.zeros(combinations)portfolio = np.zeros((combinations, count))# Function, which create new combinations of sharesfor i in range(combinations): rand = randomPortfolio() portfolio[i, :] = rand risk[i] = RiskPortfolio(rand) income[i] = IncomePortfolio(rand)
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))plt.scatter(risk * 100, income * 100, c="b", marker="o",s=20)plt.xlabel("Risk")plt.ylabel("Income")plt.title("Portfolios")MaxSharpRatio = np.argmax(income / risk)plt.scatter([risk[MaxSharpRatio] * 100], [income[MaxSharpRatio] * 100], s=140,c="r", marker="o", label="Max Sharp ratio")plt.legend()'efficiencycurve_portfolios.png')
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (28)

Finally, we can compare the maximum Sharpe ratios of our stocks

best_port = portfolio[MaxSharpRatio]for i in range(len(company_list)): print("{} : {}".format(company_list[i], best_port[i]))
AAPL : 0.5737824378783145TSLA : 0.1887338094255849MSFT : 0.033839219286878226AMZN : 0.2036445334092224

Monte-Carlo Predictions

We will consider the 1Y forecast with the mean and STD values

days = 365dt = 1 / daysstock_returns.dropna(inplace=True)mu = stock_returns.mean()sigma = stock_returns.std()

We need the following function

def monte_carlo(start_price, days, mu, sigma): price = np.zeros(days) price[0] = start_price shock = np.zeros(days) drift = np.zeros(days) for x in range(1, days): shock[x] = np.random.normal(loc=mu * dt, scale=sigma*np.sqrt(dt)) drift[x] = mu * dt price[x] = price[x-1] + (price[x-1] * (drift[x] + shock[x])) return price
  • AAPL
count 183.000000mean 168.418634std 17.755754min 125.01999725% 153.84000450% 172.69000275% 180.955002max 196.449997Name: AAPL, dtype: float64
start_price = 168.418634sim = np.zeros(1000)plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))for i in range(1000): result = monte_carlo(start_price, days, mu['AAPL'], sigma['AAPL']) sim[i] = result[days - 1] plt.plot(result) plt.xlabel('Days')plt.ylabel('Price')plt.title('Monte Carlo Analysis for AAPL')plt.savefig('monte_aapl.png')
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (29)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))plt.hist(sim, bins=100)plt.figtext(0.6, 0.7, "Mean: {} \nStd: {} \nStart Price: {}".format(sim.mean(), sim.std(), start_price))'montehist_aapl.png')
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (30)
  • MSFT
count 183.000000mean 299.507268std 36.373372min 222.30999825% 267.14500450% 311.73999075% 330.964996max 359.489990Name: MSFT, dtype: float64
start_price = 299.507268sim = np.zeros(1000)plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))for i in range(1000): result = monte_carlo(start_price, days, mu['MSFT'], sigma['MSFT']) sim[i] = result[days - 1] plt.plot(result) plt.xlabel('Days')plt.ylabel('Price')plt.title('Monte Carlo Analysis for MSFT')plt.savefig('monte_msft.png')
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (31)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))plt.hist(sim, bins=100)plt.figtext(0.6, 0.7, "Mean: {} \nStd: {} \nStart Price: {}".format(sim.mean(), sim.std(), start_price))'montehist_msft.png')
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (32)
  • AMZN
count 183.000000mean 114.791913std 17.026834min 83.12000325% 99.38000150% 112.91000475% 130.184998max 144.850006Name: AMZN, dtype: float64
start_price = 114.791913sim = np.zeros(1000)plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))for i in range(1000): result = monte_carlo(start_price, days, mu['AMZN'], sigma['AMZN']) sim[i] = result[days - 1] plt.plot(result) plt.xlabel('Days')plt.ylabel('Price')plt.title('Monte Carlo Analysis for AMZN')plt.savefig('monte_amzn.png')
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (33)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))plt.hist(sim, bins=100)plt.figtext(0.6, 0.7, "Mean: {} \nStd: {} \nStart Price: {}".format(sim.mean(), sim.std(), start_price))'montehist_amzn.png')
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (34)
  • TSLA
count 183.000000mean 209.919180std 45.605744min 108.09999825% 180.29499850% 201.28999375% 254.904999max 293.339996Name: TSLA, dtype: float64
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (35)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7))plt.hist(sim, bins=100)plt.figtext(0.6, 0.7, "Mean: {} \nStd: {} \nStart Price: {}".format(sim.mean(), sim.std(), start_price))'montehist_tsla.png')
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SPY Return/Volatility

Let’s look at the SPY index in 2023

# import modulesfrom datetime import datetimeimport yfinance as yfimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt # initialize parametersstart_date = datetime(2023, 1, 1)end_date = datetime(2023, 9, 25) # get the datadata ='SPY', start = start_date, end = end_date) # displayplt.figure(figsize = (20,10))plt.title('Opening Prices from {} to {}'.format(start_date, end_date))plt.plot(data['Open'],lw=4)plt.grid(color='k', linestyle='--', linewidth=1)
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Let’s calculate the average annual SPY return and volatility

nifty=data.copy()nifty_returns=(nifty['Close']/nifty['Open'])-1volatility= np.std(nifty_returns)trading_days=len(nifty_returns)mean=nifty_returns.mean()print('Annual Average SPY return',mean)print('Annual volatility',volatility*np.sqrt(trading_days))print('Number of trading days',trading_days)
Annual Average SPY return 0.0006876400629725226Annual volatility 0.09887050147370505Number of trading days 182

The SPY daily returns are given by

daily_returns=np.random.normal(mean/trading_days,volatility,trading_days)+1index_returns=[10980] for x in daily_returns: index_returns.append(index_returns[-1]*x)plt.plot(daily_returns)
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (38)

The corresponding 1000 random simulations of daily returns are

for i in range(1000): daily_returns=np.random.normal(mean/trading_days,volatility,trading_days)+1 index_returns=[10980] for x in daily_returns: index_returns.append(index_returns[-1]*x) plt.plot(daily_returns)
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (39)

SPY Prophet Forecast

Let’s prepare the SPY stock data for the FB Prophet forecast

nifty.reset_index(inplace=True)nifty['Date']= pd.to_datetime(nifty['Date'])nifty.rename(columns={'Date':'ds','Open':'y'},inplace=True)

The forecast model is expressed as

from prophet import Prophetmodel=Prophet()

Let’s plot the forecast and its components

fig1=model.plot(forecast)plt.xticks(fontsize = 15)
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (40)
Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (41)


  • In this post, we have shown how to compute stock volatility in Python and the different measures of risk-adjusted returns based on it.
  • While we continue to rank SPY as a long-term hold position, we focused our discussion on rather short-term trading strategies to see how topblue-chip stocks have now again gained positive momentum.
  • The AAPL example has explained how quant traders can use various SMA and MA crossovers to identify buy and sell signals. These signals have been verified using regression support and resistance lines.
  • The AAPL-MSFT example has illustrated the value of an efficient frontier graph, maximum drawdown curves, correlations of returns, covariance metrics, and the compounded growth.
  • The 4-stock portfolio example has demonstrated the importance of comparing and integrating popular trading indicators, correlation plots, and Monte Carlo simulations.
  • Finally, we have analyzed the SPY index in terms of volatility and average returns using both historical data and the Prophet forecast model.
  • Results produced by this software have been verified by comparison to a number of well known 3rd party trading platforms such as Macroaxis, TradingView, Barchart, etc.


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Blue-Chip Stock Portfolios for Quant Traders (2024)


What is the most undervalued blue-chip stock? ›

Nike is the most undervalued company on our list of the best blue-chip stocks to buy. The largest athletic footwear brand in all major categories and all major markets, Nike dominates categories like running and basketball with popular shoe styles.

Can you make money day trading blue-chip stocks? ›

This comes from the solid nature of blue-chips, which makes the ideal for day trading. The share price does not swing as much for blue-chips. But large gains can accrue over time from stocks that don't move much in price compared to a GameStop. Also, many blue-chips offer the payment of dividends.

Should you only invest in blue-chip stocks? ›

Owning blue chip stocks is a smart move for most investors. Because they are backed by dependable, high-quality businesses, stocks in the category are often appealing as long-term investment candidates.

What is the average rate of return on blue-chip stocks? ›

In general, the average rate of return on blue-chip stocks is around 10%, which is similar to the indices that they are featured on. A good indicator of blue-chip status is if the company is listed on a renowned stock index.

What is the most undervalued chip stock? ›

4 Undervalued Semiconductor Stocks
  • Infineon Technologies AG ADR. (IFNNY)
  • STMicroelectronics NV ADR. (STM)
  • Skyworks Solutions Inc. (SWKS)
Apr 18, 2024

What is the best performing blue-chip stocks? ›

7 best blue-chip stocks
TickerCompanyPerformance (Year)
JPMJPMorgan Chase & Co.28.41%
WMTWalmart Inc28.34%
ASMLASML Holding NV24.33%
MSFTMicrosoft Corporation21.91%
3 more rows
4 days ago

How much money do day traders with $10,000 accounts make per day on average? ›

How much money do day traders with $10000 accounts make per day on average? On average, day traders with $10,000 accounts can make $200-$600 per day, with skilled traders aiming for 2%-5% returns daily. So, it is possible to achieve a daily profit of $200 to $600 with a $10,000 account.

What stocks do day traders like? ›

7 Best Day-Trading Stocks and ETFs
Day-Trading Stock or FundAverage trading volume
Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ)39.2 million shares
Nvidia Corp. (NVDA)460.7 million shares
ProShares UltraPro Short (SQQQ)131.1 million shares
Tesla Inc. (TSLA)90.3 million shares
3 more rows
Jun 14, 2024

Does anyone get rich day trading? ›

Day traders' earnings vary widely based on experience, skill level, trading strategy, and market conditions. Some may earn a substantial income, while others may not be as successful. It's important to note that day trading involves significant risk and is not suitable for everyone.

Which blue chip stock has fallen the most? ›

Blue Chip* Top Losers of Indian Stocks
NameSymbol% Loss
Bajaj FinanceBAJFINANCE-10.37
Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd.ZEEL-8.51
Bajaj Finserv Ltd.BAJAJFINSV-6.82
Godrej Consumer Products Ltd.GODREJCP-6.41
43 more rows

What blue-chip stocks pay the highest dividends? ›

The top 7 dividend aristocrats list
TickerCompanyDividend Yield
TROWT. Rowe Price Group Inc.4.73%
CVXChevron Corp.4.52%
FRTFederal Realty Investment Trust.3.89%
KVUEKenvue Inc3.73%
3 more rows

What are the disadvantages of blue-chip stocks? ›

Disadvantages. Lower returns: Returns can be reliable but well-established, mature companies such as blue chips offer more modest returns than smaller startups that have room for greater and more rapid growth.

Are blue-chip stocks good for retirement? ›

Ideally, having a presence in a wide range of blue chip and other types of companies — via exchange-traded funds (ETFs), a portfolio of individual stocks or both — makes the most sense for long-term, retirement-focused investors.

Is Tesla a blue chip stock? ›

The problem is that despite being included in blue chip ETF indexes, companies like Nvidia and Tesla aren't truly blue chip stocks, George Pearkes, an analyst at Bespoke, told CNN. They're much more volatile.

Is Coca-Cola a blue chip stock? ›

For example, Coca-Cola is a blue chip company that might not suffer from a recession because many choose to drink its products, regardless of economic conditions. Blue chip companies have generally demonstrated stable growth rates throughout their history.

What is the most undervalued stocks right now? ›

Undervalued Growth Stocks
SymbolNamePrice (Intraday)
TIGRUP Fintech Holding Limited3.6300
MGMMGM Resorts International37.13
SYFSynchrony Financial46.57
DOLEDole plc14.55
21 more rows

What is the most undervalued big tech stock? ›

The stocks of these technology companies with Morningstar Economic Moat Ratings are the most undervalued according to our fair value estimates as of July 9, 2024.
  • Paycom PAYC.
  • Sensata Technologies ST.
  • Dayforce DAY.
  • Sabre SABR.
  • Zoom Video Communications ZM.
  • Paylocity PCTY.
  • STMicroelectronics STM.
Jul 1, 2024

What is the most overvalued stock? ›

Most overvalued US stocks
SymbolRSI (14)Price
FSUN D87.5142.00 USD
GTHX D87.137.09 USD
K D86.7674.35 USD
FSFG D85.9522.80 USD
29 more rows

Which blue-chip stocks to buy today? ›

Low Price Blue Chips stocks
  • HDFC Bank. 1617.60. 18.05. 1230689.93. 1.19. 17188.05. 33.18. 81546.20. 59.37. 7.67. 1363.45.
  • Bajaj Finance. 6605.00. 27.44. 408847.12. 0.55. 3911.98. 13.82. 16098.67. 28.81. 11.93. 6187.80.
  • Kotak Mah. Bank. 1774.55. 18.97. 352771.92. 0.11. 7448.16. 10.35. 15836.79. 23.06. 7.86. 1543.85.

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