Blood Stripes (2024)

Sep 9, 2022

U.S. Marines assigned to Marine Corps Air Station Yuma Headquarters & Headquarters Squadron receive their blood stripes during a Blood Stripe Ceremony at MCAS Yuma Ariz., June 4, 2019. The blood stripe honors the blood that was shed by Marine officers and noncommissioned officers during the Battle of Chapultepec in 1847 and is worn on the trousers of the NCOs, Staff NCOs, and officers in remembrance of those who courageously fought in the battle.


Canon EOS-1D X


EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM








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This photograph is considered public domain and has been cleared for release. If you would like to republish please give the photographer appropriate credit. Further, any commercial or non-commercial use of this photograph or any other DoD image must be made in compliance with guidance found at, which pertains to intellectual property restrictions (e.g., copyright and trademark, including the use of official emblems, insignia, names and slogans), warnings regarding use of images of identifiable personnel, appearance of endorsem*nt, and related matters.


Canon EOS-1D X


EF24-70mm f/2.8L II USM







'; this.parent.appendChild(this.screen); }, show: function () {, { duration: 0.3, opacity: 1, ease: 'Power4.easeOut' }); }, exists: function () { return this.screen ? true : false; }, close: function () { if (this.screen) { this.parent.removeChild(this.screen); this.screen = null; } }, init: function (element) { if (!element) return; if (!this.exists()) { this.parent = element; this.append(element);; } } }; /* GallerySlider - Programmed specifically for the Marines Gallery of Hero images managed by thumbs carousel, all values are set */ var GallerySlider = GallerySlider || function () { var element = document.getElementById('gallery-of-hero-photos'); if (!element) return; var debug = false; var view = document.getElementById('hero-slider'); var views = view.getElementsByClassName('item'); var prevHero = document.getElementById('gallery-control-prev'); var nextHero = document.getElementById('gallery-control-next'); if (!view || !views || views.length === 0) return; var carousel = document.getElementById('carousel-of-thumbs'); 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} var batch = Object.values(galleryJSON471).slice( window.galleryStore.heros, window.galleryStore.heros + 20 ); loadBatch(batch, 'next'); } }); document.addEventListener('gallery-load-next-page-error', function (e) { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); gallerySlider = new GallerySlider(); LoadingScreen.close(); isLoading = false; }); } init(); } window.addEventListener('load', function (e) { GalleryPage(); AOS.init(); }); // ie 11 fix dispatchCrossBrowserDomEvent defined in /Templates/All/PrevNextDetailsGalleryJS.html var apiUrl = "/DesktopModules/ImageGallery/Components/IGAPI.ashx?igmode=JSON"; var totalpages471 = 1; var galleryJSON471 = ""; var galleryCurrentPage471 = 1; //this can change as people scroll through and next/previous page gets loaded var galleryStartPage471 = 1; var galleryEndPage471 = 1; var debug = false; var apiUrlRelated = "/DesktopModules/ImageGallery/Components/IGAPI.ashx?igmode=RelatedArticlesJSON"; var chosenImgRelatedJson471 = ""; var chosenImgRelatedItemsCount471 = 0; 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galleryCurrentPage471++; // asynchronous handling dispatchCrossBrowserDomEvent('gallery-load-next-page'); event.preventDefault(); } }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { if (debug) { console.log('GalleryLoadNextPage() > error'); } event.preventDefault(); // asynchronous handling dispatchCrossBrowserDomEvent('gallery-load-next-page-error'); console.log(error); } }); } function GalleryLoadPrevPage() { $.ajax({ url: apiUrl, data: BuildPayloadPrev(), dataType: "json", success: function (r) { if (r.HadError) { if (debug) { console.log('GalleryLoadPrevPage() < success + error'); } event.preventDefault(); } else { if (debug) { console.log('GalleryLoadPrevPage() < success + append'); } //to take the json and prepend to the galleryJSON471 galleryJSON471 = r.items.concat(galleryJSON471); galleryCurrentPage471++; // asynchronous handling dispatchCrossBrowserDomEvent('gallery-load-prev-page'); event.preventDefault(); } }, error: function (xhr, status, error) { if (debug) { console.log('GalleryLoadPrevPage() < error'); } event.preventDefault(); // asynchronous handling dispatchCrossBrowserDomEvent('gallery-load-prev-page-error'); console.log(error); } }); } //note, this fetches a page worth of data (template/branch driven) and adds it to the embedded json. function dispatchCrossBrowserDomEvent(name) { if(typeof name !== 'string') return; var e; if(typeof (Event) === 'function') { e = new Event(name); } else { e = document.createEvent('Event'); e.initEvent(name, true, true); } document.dispatchEvent(e); }

Blood Stripes (2024)


What does the blood stripe represent? ›


Traditionally, Officers, Staff Noncommissioned Officers, and Noncommissioned Officers of the Marine Corps have worn this scarlet red stripe on their dress blue trousers to commemorate the courage and tenacious fighting of the men who fought in the Battle of Chapultepec in September of 1847.

How do Marines earn their blood stripe? ›

Marines can only wear the traditional red stripe on their trousers when they reach the rank of corporal, signifying their status as a noncommissioned officer.

Is blood stripe hazing? ›

Some rituals that were once seen as time honored traditions such as "blood striping," "pinning," or "blood wings" also fall into the category of hazing and therefore will not be tolerated.

What is bloodstriping? ›

The blood stripe honors the blood that was shed by Marine officers and noncommissioned officers during the Battle of Chapultepec in 1847 and is worn on the trousers of the NCOs, Staff NCOs, and officers in remembrance of those who courageously fought in the battle.

Why are Marines called jarheads? ›

The phrase “jarheads” is also a slang phrase used by sailors when referring to Marines. The term first appeared as early as World War II and referred to Marines' appearance wearing their dress blue uniforms. The high collar on the uniform and the Marines' head popping out of the top resembled a Mason Jar.

What does the red stripes mean? ›

The flag's 13 red and white stripes represent the 13 original colonies. Its 50 white stars on a blue background represent the 50 states. Each of the colors on the flag has a meaning: Red: valor and bravery. White: purity and innocence.

How to recover from blood striping? ›

Your doctor may recommend that you rest in bed or limit your activity for at least a few days after surgery. This can help reduce bruising. Resume activity as your doctor tells you. Take short walks several times a day.

How many years is each stripe in the Marines? ›

For the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard, service stripes are given to service members for every four years of service.

What military branch pays the most? ›

Is it the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard or Space Force? At a basic pay level, the answer is simple. The military pays the same regardless of branch, according to your pay grade and years of service. Your rank determines your pay grade.

What is a dark green Marine? ›

Dark Green/Light Green – Common reference to a Marine's skin color. A common saying in the Corps is that Marines are not black or white, only different shades of green.

Does blood pinning hurt? ›

This usually causes pain and bleeding, but no serious injury.

What is the Marine Corps motto? ›

Latin for “Always Faithful,” Semper Fidelis is the motto of every Marine—an eternal and collective commitment to the success of our battles, the progress of our Nation, and the steadfast loyalty to the fellow Marines we fight alongside.

What does the stripe pattern symbolize? ›

One of the reasons why stripes became a symbol of these outcasts and reprobates was because of a bible scripture that says: ”You will not wear upon yourself a garment that is made of two”. At this time its meaning was interpreted into not wearing anything with two contrasting colors.

What does red stripe indicate? ›

The flag with a red line is essentially used by civilians and fellow firefighters as a sign of respect and a gratitude. This red stripe is also borrowed from 'the red line of courage', the red line on an all-black background. Despite their difference in meaning, some still use the flags interchangeably.

What does stripe mean in the Bible? ›

The stripes mentioned by Isaiah were the awful lashings upon Jesus' back by the Roman whips. Thirty-nine stripes were the traditional punishment for a condemned prisoner. According to the scripture, these stripes upon Christ were on behalf of our healing (1 Peter 2:2).

What does the blood Symbolise? ›

Throughout time, blood has been associated with opposites, including life/death, death/redemption, - eternal life - innocence/massacre, sickness/therapy, nobility/malediction (haemophilia in the “Blue Blood” descendants of Queen Victoria), generosity/transmission of infections, and attraction/repulsion.

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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.