Best tips to match the insurance policy with your needs (2024)

Insurance is an integral part of managing risks. You can’t avoid unexpected events from happening, but you can limit their (financial) impact. Having insurance can massively improve a potentially disastrous situation or add insult to injury (so to speak) – if your insurer doesn’t pay or doesn’t pay enough. Picking the right insurance based on your needs is therefore incredibly important.

How to find an insurance policy that suits your needs?

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(Why/When) Is it worth taking out insurance?

Whether to take out insurance (or not) will depend on a variety of factors, including:

  • the likelihood of an event occurring (especially after taking precautionary measures)
  • the (financial) impact it has if it did occur, and
  • your life circ*mstances and financial means/resources.

Best tips to match the insurance policy with your needs (2)

Insurance is like an umbrella - You need a good one to weather a storm

Let’s look at a popular insurance offered by financial institutions: mortgage insurance. Think about the events that could lead to you defaulting on your mortgage, the likelihood of these events occurring individually (and jointly), the impact that could have and any alternatives (to taking out mortgage insurance):

I lose my job or I am too sick to work (for a period of time)LowLow - We could still afford repayment on one salaryTop up emergency funds
My partner loses their job or is too sick to work (for a period of time)LowMedium - We could still afford repayment on one salaryTop up emergency funds
We both lose our jobs (at the same time)UnlikelyMedium - We could afford paying for all our expenses (including loan repayments) for 6 monthsTop up emergency funds, Rent out spare room for rental income
The sickness of one (for example, due to an accident) requires full-time care by the otherMediumHigh - We could afford paying for all our expenses (including loan repayments and additional medical expenses) for 3 months but would require financial support thereafterTop up emergency funds, Rent out spare room for rental income, Government support in situations where full-time care is required, Total Permanent Disability (TPD)/ Trauma insurance

I’m sure there are other considerations but you get the gist… Insurance is not always the best option to manage your risk… or it’s a different cover that better suits your needs.

Do you require insurance? Cool. Let’s walk through the process step by step.

Step 1: Work out your needs/risk exposure

To determine whether and what insurance is right for you, you first need clarity around your insurance needs / risk exposure. Ask yourself some key questions to determine the events you may encounter, the likelihood of them occurring, the potential costs attached and your ability to afford making good if an event does occur:

Home and Contents Insurance

  • Where do you live?
  • What is the likelihood of break-ins/home invasions in your neighbourhood?
  • Do you live in an area prone to natural disasters (earthquakes, violent storms, bushfires, floods, etc)?
  • How much would it cost to rebuild your home?
  • How long would it take to rebuild, and what would you do in the meantime?
  • Do you keep an inventory of your furniture, appliances and personal belongings?
  • How much would it cost to replace all your furniture, appliances and personal belongings?
  • How much would it cost to replace your most valuable belongings?
  • Could you afford to pay for it – out of your emergency funds for example – or would it require you to get (further) into debt?

Private Health Care/Medical Insurance

  • How old are you?
  • Do you have any health issues?
  • What is your lifestyle? Does your lifestyle make you more susceptible to certain injuries or illnesses?
  • Are any health issues running in your (immediate) family?
  • How likely is it for any (serious) health issues to arise in the near future (based on your lifestyle choices or family history)?
  • What would it cost to diagnose and treat these health issues?
  • Could you afford to pay for it – out of your emergency funds for example – or would it require you to get (further) into debt?

What do we do regarding Private Health Care/Medical Insurance?

There is a higher likelihood for Sandra to get cancer due to her family history. Cancer treatments were, therefore, a greater focus for us (including the amount of benefit paid and access to new forms of treatment).

Given that he runs (almost) every day, there is a higher likelihood for Paul to have running-related injuries. Specialists and diagnostic imaging (such as MRI scans) were therefore also quite important when we looked at insurance options (including the amount of benefit paid and conditions of payment – for example, some may only pay for scans if you are hospitalised).

As we travel for a large part of the year (where travel insurance would be a better option), suspending the policy for some time (and the conditions for suspension such as minimum and maximum terms) were also important elements for us.

While we regularly get dental and optical check-ups, getting extras coverage was out of the question given the cost and waiting periods.

Travel Insurance

  • How old are you?
  • Do you have any health issues?
  • Where do you plan to travel?
  • What is your travel style?
  • What could go wrong during your travels?
  • How likely is it for one of these events to happen – given your destination/s, travel style and/or health issues?
  • Could you afford to pay for it – out of your emergency funds for example – or would it require you to get (further) into debt?

Best tips to match the insurance policy with your needs (5)

What could go wrong when you travel?

Document your answers (for example, in a table similar to our mortgage insurance example above). Identify which events and risks you are most concerned about. These indicate whether you should take out insurance and would be your MUST HAVEs for your insurance policy.

Step 2: Shortlist insurance providers/policy options

Ask friends and family who they use and what their experience has been. But also do your own research. Just because they have XYZ’s policy doesn’t make it the right choice for you. Shortlist providers/policies that might fit your needs. If not available online contact the providers on your shortlist to be sent the wording of the policy/policies that might fit your needs.

Best tips to match the insurance policy with your needs (6)

Shortlist the insurance policies that best meet your needs

Insurance Brokers

I know an insurance broker. Can’t I just go through them? You can. Though do keep in mind the following pros and cons and make decisions with your eyes wide open.


  • They ‘live and breathe’ insurance and will do a lot of the legwork for you.
  • They work with a panel of insurers that have been pre-screened.
  • They can provide insights into soft factors such as how easy the insurer is to deal with when you do need to make a claim.
  • They can be beneficial and speed things up in the event you need to claim.


  • Given they work with a (limited) selection of insurers, they may miss providers/ policies that could fit your needs.
  • They earn a commission and may thus not (solely) act in your interest.
  • The insurance broker may not be independent but may be aligned with an insurance provider.
  • A lazy insurance broker can be more hindrance than a help when you do need to claim.

Best tips to match the insurance policy with your needs (8)

Beware the pros and cons of using an insurance broker

Ask your insurance broker about their qualifications, any conflicts of interest and for references. Most of them would be very forthcoming on these aspects, the good ones anyway.

Other important considerations when dealing with an insurance broker:

  • Be very clear about your needs and challenge them if it seems they are trying to sell you something that doesn’t fit your needs. Stay away from pushy salespeople.
  • Ask a lot of questions. Cut through the insurance jargon. If they can’t explain it in laymen’s terms it’s a sign to find a better insurance broker.
  • Understand the claims process: How would the broker help you if you need to claim? Do you need to go through them or can you deal with the insurance provider directly?

What do we do in regard to travel insurance?

  • Given the costs of medical treatment in almost every country we explore, the terms of the medical cover (including dental and evacuation in an emergency) were a huge factor when we decide on our travel insurance.
  • As we travel and work on the road, the benefit paid for valuable items such as laptops and phones was also important, as was the total benefit paid if all our luggage was lost or stolen.
  • Many insurers specifically exclude volunteering activities. Others charge a loading/higher premium for certain activities (including zip-lining, cave tubing, marathon running, ice skating, tobogganing… all activities we have done travelling). So we also always look for a policy that doesn’t.
  • While we travel away from Australia or New Zealand, we use and recommend Allianz Travel Insurnance as our preferred travel insurance provider.

Step 3: Review the Policy Wording: The Devil really is in the detail

The last thing you’d want is to pay for insurance (a year in, a year out), and when the worst does happen, find out that you are not covered, and your insurer won’t pay a dime. While it may seem arduous, reading the policy wording is crucial to ensuring you’ve got the right deal for your needs.

The DIY approach

  1. Start with the first insurance provider/policy option on your shortlist. Create a table with a new row for each key element of the policy. Note down what they do/don’t pay for, and how much the maximum benefit/pay-out is. Likewise, document any waiting periods and exclusions.

Examples of exclusions are:

  • Private Health Care/Medical Insurance: pre-existing conditions, certain types of treatments (such as reconstructive surgery).
  • Home and Contents Insurance: mould, rot, corrosion or gradual damage, damage caused by rodents, inherent building defects.
  • Travel Insurance: certain activities such as volunteering or any sports activities the insurer may deem a higher risk.

Best tips to match the insurance policy with your needs (11)

Don't assume your travel insurance policy covers all your activities

  1. Move on to the next provider/policy option. Identify the same key elements and note down the details. If one insurer pays for something another doesn’t then capture it – It may (or may not) make a difference come decision time.

Two words of wisdom as you go through each policy wording document:

  • Every insurance provider will have structured their policy wording differently, so you may have to go back between policies to clarify.
  • Pay attention to how something is worded as this can make all the difference at claim time! Copy and paste if need be rather than put it into your own words.

Best tips to match the insurance policy with your needs (12)

Read the fine print to reduce the risk of your claim being denied

  1. Once you have gone through all policy options, highlight those elements that are absolutely critical considering your needs. If anything is unclear contact the relevant insurance provider and get clarification (ideally in writing).
  2. Do some research on soft factors such as customer service:
  • Is their hotline staffed 24/7? For travel insurance: Can you reverse charge calls from overseas?
  • Check out reviews from customers online
  • Ask friends and family for their experience.
  1. Identify the policy option/s that best meet/s your needs and request (a) quote/s.

If you have a pre-existing condition that is not normally covered but you are otherwise happy with the policy, contact the insurer and ask for a quote that would include your condition. Most insurers are happy to insure a pre-existing condition but will charge a loading on their usual premium.

What do we do in regard to home and contents insurance?

  • Home and Contents insurance policies are quite similar in what they cover but there are differences: for example, some insurances don’t cover damage caused by floods. Others don’t cover damage caused by motor burnout.
  • With a stormwater drain right outside our house (and reasonably new appliances) we chose the one with flood cover over the one with motor burnout, especially considering the policy included a voluntary top-up if our sum insured turned out to be insufficient, the insurance premium was lower, and the insurance provier had a good reputation regarding its customer service.

If you go through an insurance broker

Before you sign the dotted line: Read the policy wording and get clarification on any remaining questions from your broker (ideally in writing). Don’t assume any suggestions from them meet your needs (refer to the Cons above).

Step 4: Determine which policy best matches your needs

If you’ve got several contenders, compare the policy options, taking into consideration

  • how well do the policies meet your needs
  • the premium (be aware some insurers charge more if you pay monthly or quarterly instead of annually); and
  • any soft factors such as customer service.

Only once comfortable with your decision, complete the application and sign on the dotted line.

Step 5: Be prepared for the worst case

Should the worst happen, especially a more disastrous event, imagine your world to be in chaos (at least initially). Apart from notifying your loved ones, calling your insurer would be high on your list at that point. It, therefore, helps to have all your insurance details readily available at all times:

  • Save your policy details in your password manager.
  • Save the insurance certificate, policy wording and any other useful documentation (such as inventories) in the cloud.

It also pays to (re)familiarize yourself with the claims procedure occasionally (including when to call your insurer, and the documentation required to make a claim – such as police reports, receipts, etc), for example before you head off on your next overseas trip.

Best tips to match the insurance policy with your needs (13)

Make sure your insurance details are easily accessible in case the worst does happen

Step 6: What to do upon renewal

A year has gone by and you receive a letter from your insurance provider that your policy is due for renewal – almost always with an increase in premium.

Don’t just roll over. Check the (new) policy wording for any changes since you signed up, keeping in mind any changes in your life circ*mstances. If another insurance option came close last year, get a quote and compare the two (again). If the other one is cheaper but you’d like to stay with your insurer you may be able to negotiate your renewal premium down. A broader comparison of your options may only be sensible every five or so years (unless your life circ*mstances change significantly).

If you went through an insurance broker, and they offer you a better deal as your renewal date approaches, be aware that they may just want to churn (that is, earn a new upfront commission). Go through the same steps as mentioned above. Come to your own conclusion whether it’s a better deal than your current insurance coverage or not. And don’t let them push you into anything.

What do you consider when selecting your insurance?

What insurance do you have? How did you determine which policy to choose? Is there anything important we forgot? Please send us an email.

Tell us

Best tips to match the insurance policy with your needs (2024)


How do you answer insurance questions? ›

Think deeply about the exact question the agent asked, and only provide that specific information. Never admit to fault. Never admit to even being partially at fault. Never admit that you are uninjured.

What are the 3 most important things you want from insurance providers? ›

When it comes to choosing a home insurance policy, there are three main things you should keep in mind: coverage, price, and customer service.

What 3 questions should one ask when deciding on life insurance? ›

Once you have an insurance agent or company who you feel confident doing business with: Decide how much coverage you need, for how long, and what you can afford to pay. Learn what kinds of policies will provide what you need and pick the one that is best for you. Visit our Choosing Life Insurance page for more details.

What are 3 factors that insurance companies look at to determine how much your insurance is going to cost? ›

Common rating factors include age, location, driving history, credit score, and more. Put simply, the less risky your rating factors are, the cheaper your car insurance policy will be. Some auto insurance rating factors — such as driving record or vehicle type — have relatively sizeable impacts on car insurance costs.

What are the five principles of insurance answer? ›

In the insurance world there are six basic principles that must be met, ie insurable interest, Utmost good faith, proximate cause, indemnity, subrogation and contribution. The right to insure arising out of a financial relationship, between the insured to the insured and legally recognized.

What is insurance best answer? ›

Insurance is a contract, represented by a policy, in which a policyholder receives financial protection or reimbursem*nt against losses from an insurance company.

What are the three C's of insurance? ›

Lyon separated health care into sections that he denotes as the “three Cs” of health care: cost, care, and coverage. The first “C” of health care, cost, refers to the price that consumers pay for health care and health insurance.

What is the most important part of an insurance policy? ›

The first and single most important part of an insurance policy is to ensure the Insured name is correct. And that Insured name MUST be a full legal entity.

What are the 3 typical requirements in an insurance policy? ›

The Conditions

Common conditions in a policy include the requirement to file a proof of loss with the company, to protect property after a loss, and to cooperate during the company's investigation or defense of a liability lawsuit.

What is the leading question in insurance? ›

For example, if you wanted clients to sign up for an insurance plan, you could craft a leading question like: “When would you like to sign up for our insurance plan?” The aforementioned question subtly prompts the client to decide on the insurance plan, which would most likely be in your favor.

When choosing an insurance agent what are some important questions to ask? ›

What to Ask Your Agent?
  • Do I have enough insurance to rebuild my home if it is destroyed?
  • Do I need flood and earthquake insurance? What would be the cost?
  • Does this policy cover water damage, including damage from sewer, drain or sump pump backup?

What is the simplest way to understand life insurance? ›

What Is Life Insurance? Life insurance is a contract between you and an insurance company. In exchange for your premium payments, the life insurance company will pay a lump sum known as a death benefit to your beneficiaries after your death, as long as your policy is in force.

What type of driver generally pay more? ›

Your age – In general, mature drivers have fewer accidents than less experienced drivers, particularly teenagers. Insurers generally charge more if teenagers or young people below age 25 drive your car.

How do you determine insurance to value? ›

Insurance to Value is calculated by dividing the amount of insurance purchased by the replacement cost of the home. A ratio of 80% or higher is generally considered adequate, but a ratio of 100% ensures full coverage.

What factor affects insurance premiums the most? ›

Your credit history is an important factor insurers use when calculating premiums in most states, considering that drivers with a poor credit score pay an average of 71% more than drivers with good credit.

What is the simplest way to explain insurance? ›

Insurance is a contract between you (or a business) and an insurance company to help protect you and your loved ones from financial loss due to an unexpected event, like an accident, illness, natural disaster, or other unexpected circ*mstances.

What should you say in an insurance statement? ›

Stick to what you know for sure and be clear and concise in your answers. If you do not know the answer to a question, say so, rather than guessing or making assumptions. “I can't be sure, but I'll bet the other driver was on the phone” is classic speculation that is best left out of a statement.

What should I say in an insurance interview? ›

Sample Answer: I've always been interested in helping people and making sure that they are protected. Insurance is a great way to do that. I want to help people understand how insurance works and why it's important to have it.

What is insurance in one word answer? ›

An insurance is a legal agreement between an insurer (insurance company) and an insured (individual), in which an insured receives financial protection from an insurer for the losses he may suffer under specific circ*mstances.

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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.