Best 2024 Training Needs Analysis Templates, TNA Toolkit & Dashboards – OCM Solution (2024)

How to Conduct Employee Training Needs Assessment

Everything You Need to Know – Best Techniques of Training Need Assessments

Best 2024 Training Needs Analysis Templates, TNA Toolkit & Dashboards – OCM Solution (1)A Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is your compass to crafting effective and impactful training programs. In this article, we’ll delve into the ins and outs of how to conduct an assessment of staff training needs and using a TNA analysis template.

Conducting a training needs assessment is a critical initial step before developing a training plan, serving as a foundational process necessary to identify training needs.

Training needs analysis tools and templates guide you in creating training initiatives that truly hit the mark. Read on, as we cover the step-by-step process, from understanding the organization’s goals to identifying skill gaps and tailoring training solutions. Understanding the art of training needs and analysis isn’t just about filling gaps; it’s about empowering individuals and organizations to thrive!

Read a quick summary on TNA assessment below. Then, keep reading if you’d like to dive into a more detailed look at techniques of training need assessment.

Quick Summary

Learning Needs Analysis Template Intro

Before embarking on any training program, a crucial step is to conduct a training needs assessment, also known as the training needs analysis (TNA). This assessment aims to identify training gaps within an organization and develop a targeted training plan to address them.

For instance, when a company introduces a new software tool like Slack, a training analysis report template is used to determine employees’ familiarity with the tool, identifying those who require training. Similarly, if performance concerns arise, a training gaps analysis helps pinpoint deficiencies in employee skills compared to the required knowledge, enabling the implementation of specific training interventions.

What is a Training Assessment?

A training needs assessment is a process that identifies the skills and knowledge requirements for a project or organization, determining the necessary training to meet these requirements. This comprehensive definition applies to various training needs, encompassing efforts to enhance performance KPIs and prepare for upcoming projects and corporate transitions.

It is essential to recognize what individuals need to learn to fulfill specific requirements, such as change adoption or performance needs.

When utilizing a training needs analysis report template, key elements such as required skills or knowledge levels are identified for trainees or training groups during the employee training needs analysis process.

The training needs assessment checklist process can be likened to a search and discovery exercise. It aims to uncover skill and knowledge gaps in individuals requiring training in comparison to the organization’s or a specific project’s skill/knowledge requirements and objectives.

What’s the Purpose of TNA Template?

A training needs analysis template facilitates the training needs assessment. It is utilized to drive decision-making by providing metrics in training needs assessment report samples, guiding improvements in operational effectiveness.

A TNA analysis template can come in many forms. Including a:

  • Cloud-based learning needs analysis template
  • Training needs analysis example pdf
  • Word training needs analysis template
  • Training needs assessment PPT export
  • Excel training needs analysis template

By using a training needs assessment matrix, organizations can identify specific areas, especially those affecting key performance indicators (KPIs), where targeted training can address issues effectively. Overall, the training needs assessment process ensures alignment with performance and efficiency goals, aiding organizations in directing their training resources efficiently and ensuring successful change adoption.

OCMS Portal with Comprehensive Training Needs Analysis Template

Best 2024 Training Needs Analysis Templates, TNA Toolkit & Dashboards – OCM Solution (2)

Are you ready to ditch complicated training needs assessment template Excels? OCMS Portal is an all-in-one change management experience with a comprehensive Training Assessment & Management Tool. Sign up for a free, no-risk trial today.

Training Need Assessment Model | Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Determine the Performance Goals:
    • Identify organizational or project goals as benchmarks for the training needs assessment.
  2. Identify the Skills/Knowledge Needed to Meet Goals:
    • Translate these goals into specific knowledge and skills requirements for employees.
  3. Conduct a Training Needs Analysis:
    • Use surveys, feedback, and observation to assess current skills and knowledge against organizational or project goals.
    • Identify gaps in employees’ skills and knowledge.
  4. Determine Recommended Training Courses:
    • Develop a detailed training plan to address identified knowledge gaps.
    • Include specific courses and the individuals that need to take those courses bead on the outputs of your training needs analysis tool.
  5. Establish Goal-Oriented Tracking Metrics:
    • Implement metrics and surveys to assess training effectiveness.
    • Gather trainees’ feedback and analyze it to identify ongoing training needs.
    • Utilize tools like the OCMS Portal’s Training Management Tool for comprehensive analysis and reporting.
  6. Develop & Present Training Recommendations:
    • Compile and present your training recommendations for approval.

Do you have any questions about the training and development definition in HRM or training needs analysis final report templates? Please reach out and let us know.

Surveys to Assess Training Needs of Employees

Analyzing training needs through surveys is a highly effective method for identifying gaps in knowledge and skills that could hinder an organization’s progress or impede the success of a project rollout. Questions in the survey may cover topics such as identifying required skills or knowledge, assessing the level of training needed for specific projects, and gauging employees’ receptiveness to training.

The flexibility of using surveys allows organizations to tailor questions to their unique learning and development needs. It’s also a time-efficient way to populate TNA template and reporting analytics.

Best 2024 Training Needs Analysis Templates, TNA Toolkit & Dashboards – OCM Solution (4)

Sample training needs analysis template survey from the OCMS Portal’s Training Management Tool.

Why Should You Conduct a Training Assessment for Training Needs?

Integrating training needs assessments into your training workflow is imperative for training professionals and change management practitioners.Without such assessment, there’s a risk of missing the mark, potentially leading to incomplete training that leaves gaps in employees’ abilities. Staff training needs analysis serves as a roadmap, guiding the creation of focused and effective training programs tailored to help organizations and projects achieve success.

Conclusion | How to Assess Training Needs of Employees

In wrapping up our exploration of training needs analysis, it’s clear that this process is the cornerstone of successful learning and development initiatives. By taking the time to understand the unique needs of individuals and organizations, we pave the way for targeted, efficient, and impactful training programs. Remember, it’s not just about ticking off boxes; it’s about fostering growth, boosting confidence, and enhancing productivity. Armed with the insights from this journey, you’re now equipped to transform training challenges into opportunities for continuous improvement. So go ahead, embrace the power of training needs analysis, and watch as your team and organization flourish, armed with the knowledge and skills they need to conquer any challenge that comes their way!

Detailed Deep Dive

Top Guide for Training Needs Analysis & TNA Templates – Everything You Need

Before you can begin any type of training program, you first have to complete an important assessment. This is the assessment of training needs, also known as the training needs analysis (TNA).

A training need assessment is designed to identify training gaps and how to address them with an effective training plan.

In this TNA article, we’ll provide a step-by-step review on how to conduct the best training needs analysis. We’ll answer, “What is a training needs assessment?” and provide a comprehensive training needs analysis matrix that you can follow to facilitate your training projects.

We will also reference a training needs assessment template, TNA report template, and training management tools that you can use for your needs.

Best 2024 Training Needs Analysis Templates, TNA Toolkit & Dashboards – OCM Solution (7)

An example of a training needs assessment is when a company is adopting a new software tool, such as Slack. A learning needs analysis would need to be performed to see if employees were familiar with the tool already and how many were completely unfamiliar and needed training on the tool.

Another training needs analysis example is one done to address company performance concerns. For instance, if the customer support department begins receiving complaints about how questions are handled, a training gaps analysis can be done to identify where there are gaps in employee skills versus what they need to know.

OCMS Portal’s Organizational Training Needs Analysis Template

Best 2024 Training Needs Analysis Templates, TNA Toolkit & Dashboards – OCM Solution (8)

Individual training needs analysis template in the OCMS Portal.

Table of Contents: TNA Training Needs Analysis

Keep on scrolling down this page to read each section or click any link below to go directly to that section.

1. Training Needs Analysis Definition
2. What Is Training Needs Analysis?
a. Types of Training Needs Analysis
3. What Is a Training Needs Assessment Used For?
4. What Are the Three Levels of Training Needs Analysis?
a. Organizational Level TNA Analysis
b. Group/Job Role Level TNA Analysis
c. Individual Level TNA Analysis
5. Methods of Training Needs Assessment
6. Training Need Assessment Step-by-Step Guide
a. TNA Process Step 1: Determine the Organization’s Performance Goals
b. TNA Process Step 2: Identify the Skills/Knowledge Needed to Meet Goals
c. TNA Process Step 3: Conduct a Skills/Knowledge Gap Assessment
d. TNA Process Step 4: Determine Recommended Training Solutions
e. TNA Process Step 5: Establish Goal-Oriented Tracking Metrics
7. How to Analyze Training Needs with Surveys

11. FAQ | Learning Needs Analysis Template

Are you looking for a good training needs analysis template? Do you have questions about how to do needs assessment or how to identify employee training needs? Please reach out and let us know.

Training Needs Analysis Definition

What is a training needs assessment? At OCM Solution, we define training needs analysis as “a process that determines the skills and knowledge requirements for a project or an organization, and the training that needs to be done to ensure those requirements are met.”

This training and development definition in HRM can be used for all types of training requirements that an organization may need. This includes training to improve performance KPIs and training that is associated with an upcoming project and corporate transition.

Here is another definition of training needs assessment. This is from Wikipedia: “Training Analysis is the process of identifying the gap in employee training and related training needs.”

The training needs analysis definition from the U.S. Office of Personnel Management describes training needs assessments as a process “to identify performance requirements and the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed by an agency’s workforce to achieve the requirements.”

No matter which definition of training needs assessment you’re using, they all include the same main idea. This is to identify operational needs as they relate to people’s skills and the gaps between what people know and what they need to know.

What Is Training Needs Analysis?

As we noted in the training needs assessment definition above, a training or learning needs assessment identifies what people need to know to meet a certain requirement.

When using a training needs assessment template, you’ll typically see columns such as the skills or knowledge a trainee or training group needs and the level of training they need. This information is gathered during the employee training needs analysis process.

Another way to think of the training needs analysis steps is a search and discover exercise. You need to discover the gaps in skills and knowledge of those that need training as compared to the skills/knowledge requirements and goals of an organization or a specific project within an organization.

We’ll go through in detail in the sections below how to conduct a training needs assessment. But what you should remember now is that conducting a training needs analysis is a critical first step before you can begin to put together a training plan.

Determining training needs for employees can be done for many different reasons. There is a need for training and development for things like ongoing leadership training, new employee onboarding, specific projects and company changes, and more. Following, are just a few different types of training needs analysis.

Types of Training Needs Analysis

Training needs analysis methods are used for some of the following reasons:

  • Training need identification process for new hires
  • Training analysis report for leadership development
  • Employee needs assessment for a project
  • Training and development needs analysis for productivity
  • Training gaps analysis for a merger or acquisition
  • Training and development needs assessment for remote teams
  • Competency based training and assessment
  • Identifying training and development needs for data security awareness
  • Development needs analysis for managers and supervisors

Next, we’ll look at the answer to, “What is a learning needs analysis used for?” and list the 3 levels of training needs assessment that you should be familiar with.

Do you have any questions about training needs assessment template Word exports, training needs analysis template Excel exports, or free training needs analysis templates? Please reach out and let us know. We’d love to hear from you!

Training Needs Assessment Report Sample from the OCMS Portal’s Training Needs Analysis Tool

Training Assessment Template Report from the OCMS Portal that can be exported as a training needs analysis example PDF.

What Is a Training Needs Assessment Used For?

Needs assessment training and development are used in several ways in organizations. Training needs assessment report metrics drive decision-making on what’s needed to improve operational effectiveness.

The training need assessment process is also used as a standard part of change management support for a project. In this case, a training gaps analysis can be used to identify whether or not training is needed for an internal change, and if so, how much training is needed for each impacted group.

If certain company key performance indicators (KPIs) are lower than desired, using a training need analysis model can help identify specific areas in the company where training can address the issue.

Ultimately, the training needs assessment process helps an organization stay on track with performance and efficiency goals. It will also help to ensure an organization is directing its training resources most effectively.

Are you looking for a better solution than a training needs assessment template Excel? Want to generate a training needs analysis example pdf report for executives or key stakeholders?

The OCMS Portal with Training Management and Training Needs Assessment Tool has all that and more!

Best 2024 Training Needs Analysis Templates, TNA Toolkit & Dashboards – OCM Solution (12)

Try out this comprehensive training needs assessment tool and training management software for yourself. It’s part of the OCMS Portal all-in-one change management platform. Start your free trial today!

What Are the Three Levels of Training Needs Analysis?

When reviewing training needs assessment models and a training needs analysis template for employees, you’ll often run across 3 levels of training needs assessment.

These different levels used to conduct a training needs analysis are somewhat based on your organizational levels and the needs for knowledge and skills for goals at each level.

So, what are the three levels of training needs analysis? We’ll go through them below.

Organizational Level TNA Analysis

The organization is at the top level of the 3 levels of training needs assessment. This type of strategic training needs analysis looks at the organization’s performance and needs on an ongoing basis. This isn’t specific to just one particular project.

The organizational level training needs assessment steps include looking at short-term performance as well as long-range goals. It’s designed to identify training needs for things like performance KPIs, new employee knowledge at the organizational level, and ongoing training that is needed to keep productivity and performance at levels that meet corporate goals.

Group/Job Role Level TNA Analysis

The next level learning needs analysis example is the group, team, or job role level. When learning how to use a learning needs analysis template for a project, this will typically be the level that you’re using.

The steps of training need assessment at this group/job role level are to determine specific training needed to provide skills that a particular business unit, team, or role is lacking and need to be trained for.

When conducting an organizational readiness assessment to determine the level of training needed for an upcoming change, you’ll often be using that at this group/role level to inform your needs assessment organizational analysis for training needed for that particular group.

Individual Level TNA Analysis

The first two levels in how to perform a training needs analysis are about conducting an organizational training needs analysis. This third level is about doing an individual training needs analysis.

What are the employee training needs for a specific person? At this level, your assessment of training needs is for particular people on your team, rather than entire roles or groups.

Training needs assessments at the individual level can be done in conjunction with a project and impending change, if that change is impacting different individuals in a group differently, or if individuals have different training needs.

This training needs analysis template can also be used for ongoing personal staff development to help ensure that staff is being nurtured so they may grow in their position and responsibilities.

One thing to remember is that there may be projects or corporate needs that require you to analyze training needs at all three levels. For an organization to continue growing and improving, using these three levels for training needs assessments is a best practice.

Have you been looking for a cloud-based training needs assessment tool? One that can replace a training needs analysis template pdf, training needs analysis template NHS, training needs analysis template Word export or training needs assessment ppt export? Then you’ll want to check out the OCMS Portal with training management and training needs analysis tools. Start a trial today (no credit card needed!).

Methods of Training Needs Assessment

The obvious question when looking at a training needs analysis template or corporate learning needs analysis requirement is, “What are the different training needs analysis methods?” In other words, how do you assess people for their skills or knowledge level so you can compare that against corporate benchmarks?

Knowing what information is needed from an assessment for training and actually understanding HOW to gather that information are two different things.

Referencing a training needs analysis template or learning needs analysis template can help you understand the information you need to capture using different training needs assessment methods. For example, you will be looking for:

  • Employees’ current skills level
  • Employees’ current knowledge level
  • Skills/knowledge needed based on goals and requirements
  • Level of training needed (high, mid, low)

There are many training needs analysis template methods for gathering this information from trainees or managers of trainees while conducting an assessment of training needs for employees.

Popular training needs analysis methods:

  • Surveys to Managers: This training analysis template example can be used when doing a group/job role level assessment. Managers will often be the best ones to identify skills and knowledge that their teams have or don’t have.
  • Employee Feedback Surveys: Sending a survey to employees is helpful to get specific details on the need for training and development from the individual’s perspective.
  • Business Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): A good training needs analysis report template example that will help you assess whether employees have the necessary skills would be looking at KPIs. (For example, call handling volume per department or the number of successfully closed support tickets per day.)
  • Observation: When using a training needs assessment template for an organizational level assessment, observation is a good way to identify gaps in knowledge and skills that appear in the daily workflow of various teams.
  • Skills Audit: Using corporate goals as a guide you can conduct a skills audit, which would be a test given to generate a training needs assessment report.
  • Customer Feedback: An informal employee training needs assessment process would be to monitor customer feedback and reviews. If you see certain complaints coming up from more than one person, that’s a potential indicator of a training need.

Below is an example of how to conduct a training needs analysis using the surveys in the OCMS Portal’s Training Needs Analysis Tool.

Jump to the section in this article on: How to Analyze Training Needs with Surveys

If you have any questions about this article on training needs analysis report examples, training needs analysis final report templates, and sample training needs analysis templates, please reach out and let us know.

Training Need Assessment Step-by-Step Guide

Next, we will detail a training needs assessment process, which involves six steps. This training needs assessment model can be used for any type of training need identification process and for any level of how to identify employee training needs (organizational, group/job role, and individual).

If you would like to make it easy for you to refer to this sample training needs analysis step-by-step in the future, you could use your browser to print to PDF and print the pertinent training needs analysis steps below. Then save that to a folder on your device as a training needs analysis template PDF reference.

Best 2024 Training Needs Analysis Templates, TNA Toolkit & Dashboards – OCM Solution (16)

We’ll give an overview of the 6 steps in our training needs analysis models below and then go into detail on each one in the following sections.

What Are the 6 Steps in the Needs Analysis Process?

  1. Determine the Organization’s Performance Goals
  2. Identify the Skills/Knowledge Needed to Meet Goals
  3. Conduct a Skills/Knowledge Gap Assessment
  4. Determine Recommended Training Solutions
  5. Establish Goal-Oriented Tracking Metrics
  6. Develop & Present Training Recommendations

Need a training needs analysis template to follow? Check out the OCMS Portal with Training Needs Assessment Tool, which comes with several free training assessment and management guides, tools, and templates.

Best 2024 Training Needs Analysis Templates, TNA Toolkit & Dashboards – OCM Solution (17)

Training needs assessment steps, as well as steps for training planning, delivery, and evaluation are all laid out for you! Sign up for a free trial for access to these guides and our training needs template.

TNA Process Step 1: Determine the Organization’s Performance Goals

When considering how to conduct a training needs assessment, the first question to ask yourself is, “What benchmark should I be using to assess the training needs of an organization, individual, or group?”

This benchmark will be the goals of the organization or a specific project. For example, the organization may have learning and development needs examples as what it feels are needed for an effective and evolving team.

These goals may be based on historic skills needs, future-looking goals, or operational requirements. Your training needs analysis report should identify these operational goals so that these can be translated into the knowledge and skills that employees and groups need to have for the company to achieve those goals.

Another example of conducting a training needs analysis to identify the benchmark training goals is in relation to a project. If a project is impacting the way people do things, such as employees needing to adopt new tools or policies, then you will need to know what key performance indicators signal success for the project.

In this case of how to conduct a needs analysis, you will need to look at project documentation and meet with the project team to ensure you fully understand what people are required to learn in order for the project solution to be adopted successfully.

If you have any questions about these steps of training need assessment, how to assess training needs of employees, or where to find a free training needs analysis template, please reach out and let us know. Our team of experts will be happy to help!

TNA Process Step 2: Identify the Skills/Knowledge Needed to Meet Goals

Once you’ve determined the goals of the project or organization, you need to translate those goals into the skills and knowledge that the organization’s employees need to have.

When conducting training needs analysis, it is skills and knowledge that will be taught to employees, so this matching of that training content to measurable company metrics is vital.

One training needs analysis report example of this would be if the company had a goal of improving its shipping time to customers. In this case, the employee needs assessment may identify that time management, shipping software knowledge, and package handling best practices were all things that the shipping department would need training for to reach that corporate goal.

Another training needs analysis example is one related to a project. If there is a project with a goal to help the sales team use Microsoft Dynamics more effectively, then that would translate into training for those teams on topics like how to create reports, how to import data from Salesforce, etc.

OCMS Portal’s Training Assessment Template to conduct a training needs analysis and manage training.

The OCMS Portal gives you a place to input training courses and trainees, and has a training needs and analysis survey you can use to save considerable time on your training assessment.

Learn More: .

TNA Process Step 3: Conduct a Skills/Knowledge Gap Assessment

Now, you’ll be identifying training and development needs for your organization by conducting a skills and knowledge gap analysis. This involves using the training and knowledge needed to meet organization or project goals as benchmarks. Then using a development needs analysis to see where gaps are in employees’ current skills and knowledge.

This strategic training needs analysis is done using the methods of training needs assessment that we discussed above, such as surveys to managers, employee feedback surveys, observation, etc.

TNA Process Step 4: Determine Recommended Training Solutions

Your training analysis report template results should correspond to action items, which are the training courses and skills that you will recommend employees learn to fill those knowledge gaps identified in the previous step.

When you submit your training analysis report and recommendation, you should include an outline of those topics that you feel would address the organization’s or project’s training needs and thus help it meet the stated goals.

A strategic training needs analysis to solve a problem with customer support, for example, may recommend a training solution such as the following.

Training program: Customer Support Best Practices

  • Topic 1: How to represent the brand voice
  • Topic 2: Chat & email software skills training
  • Topic 3: Response and follow-up requirements

Rather than simply stating that employees should learn certain skills, or stop at identifying the knowledge gaps, the best training needs analysis template summaries include an outline of the training plan needed to address those gaps.

Do you have any questions about how to replace outdated training needs assessment template Word exports, Word training needs analysis templates, training needs analysis template excel exports, or training needs analysis example pdfs? Please let us know!

TNA Process Step 5: Establish Goal-Oriented Tracking Metrics

Knowing how to perform a training needs analysis isn’t complete without also realizing the importance of training delivery metrics. You need to identify certain metrics or scoring that are going to help you ensure that a training course has met its goals.

An example of a training needs assessment to gauge the effectiveness of the training would be a survey provided to trainees immediately after the training asking if they thought the training was well presented and taught them useful skills and knowledge or if they feel more training is still needed.

Here are some screenshots below from the OCMS Portal’s Training Management Tool that show how this training needs analysis template for employees helps you with this step.

The surveys provided in the tool help you analyze training needs by getting trainees’ feedback on how training was received.

The survey data is then imported into the OCMS Portal’s training assessment template so you can analyze training needs that still may exist.

Best 2024 Training Needs Analysis Templates, TNA Toolkit & Dashboards – OCM Solution (21)

Next, you can leverage insightful training needs analysis reports on the reporting dashboard.

Without having these types of tracking metrics in place, it’s difficult to show the results of the training delivery and address any training shortfalls.

Best 2024 Training Needs Analysis Templates, TNA Toolkit & Dashboards – OCM Solution (23)

Have you been looking for a good training needs analysis template? Maybe you are looking for a tool with an example of a training needs assessment? Or need software that will make an assessment for training needs easier? If this is the case, you may want to take a look at the OCMS Portal with training needs analysis template.

TNA Process Step 6: Develop & Present Training Recommendations

The final step in the training need assessment process is to put all the data collected and determined in the previous 5 steps into an assessment for training report.

Here is a training needs analysis example of the types of things that your training needs identification report should contain:

  • Identified goals that need to be met by the organization or a project
  • Skills and knowledge needed to meet those goals
  • The learning needs assessment and gap analysis results and the individuals/groups targeted
  • Outline of training programs and topics needed to address the skills and knowledge gap
  • A description of metrics that can be used to ensure the training is fulfilling the identified employee training needs.
  • The final recommendations based on this training need analysis process (such as timing for training)

If you still have questions about training needs assessment matrix, training needs analysis tools and templates, or TNA report templates, please let us know!

How to Analyze Training Needs with Surveys

Using a training needs assessment template survey is an effective way to identify gaps in knowledge and skills that may be holding an organization back or that could get in the way of rolling out a successful project.

Often, it’s the people that are in their various roles in an organization or their managers that are the best to identify the need for training and development. Someone removed from the day-to-day workflow of a team, such as an executive, may not have the same level of knowledge in this area.

There are typically two ways that you could approach a survey to assess training needs of employees. One is to send the survey to the pertinent employees, surveying all the individuals. You would need to do this if you are tracking training progress and sending your training needs analysis report at the individual level.

The other way for conducting a training needs analysis matrix is to send it to the manager of a group of trainees. The manager can then answer on behalf of their team. You may use this training need assessment process if it’s not feasible to send surveys to each individual trainee for the TNA assessment.

Within your learning needs analysis template, you will want to create or leverage an available survey that you can use. This article includes images of the training needs analysis sample survey that is provided in the OCMS Portal software’s training needs assessment tool. This provides an example of some of the questions you may want to ask in general.

Our TNA template asks questions such as:

  • What skills or knowledge do you feel you need?
  • Choose your estimated level of training needed for (name of project)
  • What is your preferred training format?

When going through your training needs assessment process, you may also want to ask more specific questions that have to do with the details of your learning and development needs examples. For example, you might ask, “How well do you know our CRM platform?”

How to do needs assessment with surveys is open to the specifics of the assessment information you need to collect. But using surveys, is a great way to get the most accurate training analysis report metrics.

Do you have any questions about this article answering, “What is a training needs assessment?” Have questions about software to replace outdated training needs analysis template Word exports, Excel training needs analysis templates, or training needs assessment template Excel sheets? We’d love to hear from you!

Why Should Training Needs Assessments Be Part of Your Training & OCM Workflow?

Whether you present a training needs analysis example PDF, slide deck, or document-style report, every training professional and change management practitioner should know how to conduct a training needs assessment. As well as include these or similar training needs analysis steps in their OCM or training workflow.

Unless you analyze training needs before jumping into a full training program, you can easily miss the mark and leave trainees without the full skills and knowledge needed to achieve the goals of the training program.

Without an assessment of training needs, you may also do unnecessary training. All groups may not need the same training, and if you don’t do a learning needs analysis before planning and scheduling training, you might just group everyone into the same training needs, in which case teams may feel that time was wasted.

Training need identification and a training needs analysis template provide a roadmap for creating an effective training program that is goal-focused to help an organization and/or specific project achieve success.

Do you have a great example of a training needs assessment template that you’d like to share? Can you help other professionals with the question, “What is training needs analysis?” If you have a helpful training needs assessment example you’d like us to include, please reach out.

OCMS Portals with Training Needs Analysis Template & Training Management Tool

The OCMS Portal change management platform’s training assessment & management toolgives you one place to handle everything from learning needs assessment to training deployment and post-delivery evaluation.

This is a powerful, yet easy-to-use cloud application that includes a comprehensive training analysis template and training needs analysis reports dashboard. In addition to being able to assess, track, and manage training coursed easily, you also get access to many other free training needs analysis template helpful downloads.

Start a free trial of OCMS Portal and get access to both paid and free training assessment and management resources.

The OCMS Portal software includes the following TNA assessment tools:

  • Training Course view
  • Trainee view
  • Training needs analysis template
  • Surveys for employee training needs assessment & feedback
  • Training needs assessment checklist
  • Training needs assessment report dashboard
  • Free training management & needs analysis tools and templates
  • Video tutorials, guides, and more

Click below to sign up for a free trial of this comprehensive online tool to analyze training needs, plan, manage, and deploy training. You’ll have instant access that will allow you to get started right away.

Conclusion – TNA Training Needs Analysis Basics & Process

Training needs assessments are a vital part of any training program, and they provide you with a strategic process to analyze training needs of an organization. Assessment for training and development speaks directly to an organization’s operational goals and bottom-line requirements.

Using training needs assessment templates and training needs template surveys can help improve the speed and effectiveness of the learning needs analysis process. So, if you’re new to the assessment of training needs, you may want to seek out a training needs analysis example template that includes helpful steps and guidance.

The more you work with training analysis templates, you’ll find that you develop your own workflow and strategies to get the most out of your reporting on the need for training and development for projects and organizations.

FAQ | Learning Needs Analysis Template

What is a training needs assessment used for?

A TNA training needs analysis is used in several ways in organizations. Training needs assessment steps and report metrics drive decision-making on what’s needed to improve operational effectiveness.

Competency based training and assessment are used for:
• Assessment for training new hires
• Training analysis report for leadership development
• Training need identification for a project
• Training and development needs analysis for productivity
• Training gaps analysis for a merger or acquisition
• Training and development needs assessment for remote teams
• Competency based training and assessment
• Identifying training and development needs for data security awareness
• Development needs analysis for managers and supervisors

What are the 6 steps in the training need analysis process?

When learning how to conduct a needs analysis, it’s helpful to follow a 6-step training needs analysis process flow. These steps in our training needs assessment example are as follows:
1. Determine the Organization’s Performance Goals
2. Identify the Skills/Knowledge Needed to Meet Goals
3. Conduct a Skills/Knowledge Gap Assessment
4. Determine Recommended Training Solutions
5. Establish Goal-Oriented Tracking Metrics
6. Develop & Present Training Recommendations

How do you do assessment for training?

Training needs assessments can be done in a variety of ways. One training needs assessment example is to survey employees in the organization on training needs.
Another example of a training needs assessment would be through group observation or discussions with managers of groups.

How do you analyze training performance with a training needs analysis template?

What is training needs analysis without knowing if the training ultimately reaches its goals? You can analyze the performance of training by surveying trainees immediately after the training to see how effective they found it and whether they feel all their training needs on the topic have been met.

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Best 2024 Training Needs Analysis Templates, TNA Toolkit & Dashboards – OCM Solution (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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