Benefits of REIT Investing and How to Invest in REITs (2024)

Benefits of REIT Investing and How to Invest in REITs (5)

By Robb Engen

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Benefits of REIT Investing and How to Invest in REITs (6)




Benefits Of REIT Investing

Vitalii Vodolazskyi / Shutterstock

Benefits of REIT Investing and How to Invest in REITs (7)

By Robb Engen

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We adhere to strict standards of editorial integrity to help you make decisions with confidence. Please be aware this post may contain links to products from our partners. We may receive a commission for products or services you sign up for through partner links.

REIT investing spreads out your risk over multiple properties and across many regions. Learn about REIT stock, best REITs to invest in, and why are REITs a good investment.

With the real estate market going crazy in many parts of the country, many millennials and GenZers just can’t break into home buying. But there are other ways to invest in real estate — like with REIT stock.

It’s a Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a real estate company that owns and/or operates income-producing properties such as malls, hotels, apartments, and office buildings. REITs distribute most, if not all, of the net income they receive to their unitholders.

That makes REITs an attractive investment for yield-hungry investors, especially in a low-interest-rate environment where high-interest savings accounts, GICs, and bond yields pay next to nothing. It’s a great way of growing your portfolio without taking big risks.

Keep reading for a deep dive into REIT investing, including whether REITs are a good investment, the pros and cons, and how to make a REIT investment in Canada.

Why invest in REIT ETFs

Broadening your real estate exposure is why investing in REIT ETFs makes more sense than holding individual REITs. It’s more efficient and diversified for investors to hold one ETF representing the entire real estate market. Consider the management fee your cost for that diversification and simplicity.

REIT investors can also use ETFs to get exposure to foreign real estate. For instance, Vanguard’s VNQ and iShares’ IYR trade on US stock exchanges and hold specialized, commercial and residential real estate in the U.S.

VNQ holds 174 individual stocks and REITs and comes with a management fee of just 0.12%. IYR has 82 holdings and comes with a management fee of 0.42%.

If you’re going to choose a REIT ETF, then go big and broad. Keep your costs low and diversify beyond Canada’s borders.

Investors can purchase REIT ETFs for free usingWealthsimple Trade or Questrade.

READ MORE:How to buy stock in Canada

Pros of REIT investment

Low cost:Homeownership in Canada is becoming increasingly unaffordable. It can take years tosave for a down payment, and even then, the rise in real estate prices may move at a faster pace than savings.

On the other hand, investors can purchase a single unit of a REIT for as little as $10.

Low maintenance:Owning a rental property comes with headaches, like negotiating with tenants, managing and maintaining the property.

Owning units in a REIT or REIT ETF gives you all the benefits of being a landlord (income and capital appreciation) without any of the hassles.

Easy to sell:The single biggest problem with owning an individual property is the lack of liquidity.Selling a homecan be expensive and time-consuming.

Selling a REIT, however, is as simple as clicking the sell button on your trading platform. Since REITs trade on public stock exchanges, they avoid the lack of liquidity that plagues the private real estate market.

Diversification:Individual REITs hold multiple properties across the country, never relying solely on one city or region.

REIT ETFs hold multiple REITs, diversifying further across different real estate sectors like commercial and residential. Owning a home is a concentrated bet on real estate in one particular city and even on one particular street.

Cons of REIT investment

Taxes (potentially):Holding REITs inside your registered accounts (RRSP or TFSA) works out just fine because the distributions are sheltered from tax.

But holding REITs inside a non-registered account can be problematic because the distributions are taxed at your full marginal rate. That’s right: unlike dividends from Canadian companies, distributions from REITs don’t enjoy favourable tax treatment. That’s because the REIT flowed the income directly to you without paying tax.

Lack of leverage:The use of leverage is a big draw for real estate investors because you only have to put down 20% of the purchase price when you buy a rental property (and just 5% if it’s your primary residence).

REIT investors don’t have the same advantage because most online brokers will only allow you to use 2:1 leverage to buy securities. Leverage cuts both ways if prices rise or fall, but in general, its use has allowed real estate investors to enjoy generous gains.

Investing in REITs in Canada

The easiest way for investors to add REITs to their investment portfolio is to purchase a REIT ETF through theirdiscount brokerage account.

The top REIT ETFs in Canada are BMO’s ZRE, Vanguard’s VRE, and iShares’ XRE.


# of Holdings

Yield %


BMO Equal Weight REITs Index ETF (ZRE)




Vanguard FTSE Canadian Capped REIT Index ETF (VRE)




iShares S&P/TSX Capped REIT Index ETF (XRE)




As of June 2021

A savvy DIY investor may choose to invest directly in a handful of individual REITs rather than pay the ETF management fee. A good way to do this is by “skimming” the top 10 holdings of these REIT ETFs and then purchasing the individual REIT holdings through a discount brokerage account likeQuestrade.

Or useWealthsimple Trade— Canada’s only zero-commission discount brokerage. Plus, Wealthsimple Trade will reimburse an outgoing administrative transfer fee of up to $150 on investment account transfers valued at more than $5,000.

If you decide to select your own individual REITs, diversify your holdings to include REITs that invest in malls, apartments, seniors’ residences, hotels and other infrastructure to broaden your real estate exposure.

Start investing with Questrade

So, are REITs a good investment?

Yes! Looking at the 25-year period ending May 31, 2017, REITs outperformed stocks, bonds, and commodities as an investment. Here are reasons why REITs are a good investment:

  • REITs offer diversification.REITs tend to own a wide variety of properties across the country, whereas most homeowners have their real estate exposure concentrated in a single property in one market.
  • REITs also tend to pay healthy distributions.They offer a way for investors to juice their fixed-income returns, particularly in a low-interest-rate environment.
  • Keeps up with inflation.While Canadian residential real estate soars in value, REITs have quietly kept pace as an investment over the past year. Canada’s largest REITs, led by BMO’s ZRE, Vanguard’s VRE, and iShares’ XRE, returned between 29% and 35% in the one-year period since May 2020. However, you should temper your expectations, as this year has been atypical. The performance is less exciting over a five-year period, with the top-performing REIT (ZRE) returning 4.83% per year between 2016-2021.
  • Favourable during periods of higher inflation and rising interest rates.That’s because a strong economy can lead to higher occupancy rates and higher rent payments for real estate owners.


  • Are REITs a good long-term investment?


    REITs have an incredibly strong long-term track record as an investment, even outperforming the S&P 500 over long periods of time. They’ve done well in higher inflation, higher interest rate periods (like what we may be heading into soon). That’s because the strong economy allows REITs to charge higher rents and drive up occupancy rates.

    While investors do get some real estate exposure by investing passively in a total stock market index, adding REITs to the mix can increase returns thanks to high distributions and the potential for capital appreciation.

  • Which REIT should you invest in?


    Consider BMO’s ZRE ETF for exposure to Canadian real estate, and Vanguard’s VNQ for cheap exposure to US real estate.

    For individual stock pickers, look at Canadian Apartment Properties REIT (CAR.UN). It’s Canada’s largest REIT, owning 57,000 townhomes and manufactured housing sites across the country. CAR.UN has returned a healthy 13.5% per year over the past 5 years.

  • Are REITs a good investment in 2021?


    Yes. REITs have been a strong investment for the past year and should make a good investment in 2021 and beyond as life returns to normal.

    Investors are concerned about inflation and higher interest rates as we emerge from the pandemic. Real estate offers a hedge against traditional stock and bond markets, as real estate investors can benefit from price appreciation and higher rents, while commercial real estate stands to gain from increased occupancy as the economy improves.

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The bottom line: REIT Investing vs. direct investment in real estate

Canadians have a love affair with homeownership. Those who have experienced or witnessed outsized housing price gains in Vancouver or Toronto may feel that directly owning real estate is far superior to investing in REITs or even stocks in general.

But outside of a few major markets in Canada, investing directly in real estate has not been as profitable as owning REITs. Owning one home, on one street, in one city, and in one country is a highly concentrated position and can lead to a wide dispersion of returns (both positive and negative).

Real estate returns are also driven by two components: net rental income, and the increase or decrease in property value. If you live in your home, then you’re foregoing half of your potential return.

It’s safe to say that investing directly in real estate means making a leveraged bet on an individual property. REITs allow you to diversify that investment across multiple properties and even multiple types of real estate.

READ MORE:ETF investing

About our author

Benefits of REIT Investing and How to Invest in REITs (8)

Robb Engen, Author

More from this author

Robb Engen is a leading expert in the personal finance realm of Canada and is also the co-founder of Boomer & Echo, an award-winning personal finance blog. You can find his monthly column in the Toronto Star’s Smart Money section or see him featured in well-known financial publications, like the Globe & Mail, Financial Post, MoneySense, CBC, and Global News. He is a fee-only advisor who helps Canadians at all different stages get their finances on track and prepare for retirement. Robb lives with his wife and two daughters, who keep his life and hands full, in Lethbridge, Alberta.

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I am a seasoned financial expert with a wealth of knowledge in real estate investment, particularly in the realm of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). My expertise is demonstrated by a deep understanding of the concepts and strategies associated with REIT investing. As someone well-versed in the subject matter, I can provide valuable insights into the benefits, risks, and considerations associated with REITs.

In the article by Robb Engen, the focus is on the advantages of REIT investing, and it covers various aspects related to this form of real estate investment. Here's an analysis of the key concepts discussed:

  1. Definition of REITs: The article defines REITs as real estate companies that own and/or operate income-producing properties such as malls, hotels, apartments, and office buildings. It emphasizes that REITs distribute most, if not all, of their net income to unitholders.

  2. Benefits of REIT Investing:

    • Risk Diversification: REITs spread out risk over multiple properties and regions, reducing the concentration of risk in a specific market.
    • Yield Attraction: REITs are attractive to yield-hungry investors, especially in a low-interest-rate environment, as they distribute significant income to investors.
    • Portfolio Growth: Investing in REITs is presented as a way to grow a portfolio without taking substantial risks compared to other investment options.
  3. REIT ETFs: The article suggests that investing in REIT Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) can be a more efficient and diversified approach than holding individual REITs. It recommends considering management fees as the cost of diversification.

  4. Pros and Cons of REIT Investment:

    • Pros:

      • Low Cost: REITs are presented as a more affordable alternative to homeownership in Canada.
      • Low Maintenance: Unlike owning individual properties, REIT investors can enjoy the benefits of being a landlord without the associated hassles.
      • Easy to Sell: Selling REITs is portrayed as a straightforward process due to their trading on public stock exchanges.
      • Diversification: Both individual REITs and REIT ETFs offer diversification across different properties and real estate sectors.
    • Cons:

      • Tax Considerations: Holding REITs in non-registered accounts may have tax implications, and distributions are taxed at the investor's full marginal rate.
      • Lack of Leverage: Unlike direct real estate investment, REIT investors do not have the same advantage of leveraging their investments.
  5. How to Invest in REITs in Canada: The article provides practical advice on investing in REITs in Canada, highlighting popular REIT ETFs such as BMO’s ZRE, Vanguard’s VRE, and iShares’ XRE. It also suggests DIY investors may opt for individual REITs, emphasizing the importance of diversification.

  6. Performance and Historical Data: The article supports the idea that REITs have been a good investment over the long term, outperforming stocks, bonds, and commodities. Historical performance data is cited, and it mentions specific REIT ETFs and their returns.

  7. FAQs and Expert Recommendations:

    • Long-Term Viability: The article suggests that REITs have a strong long-term track record, outperforming the S&P 500 over extended periods.
    • REIT Recommendations: Specific REIT ETFs (BMO’s ZRE, Vanguard’s VNQ) and individual REITs (Canadian Apartment Properties REIT) are recommended.
    • Outlook for 2021: The article affirms that REITs have been a strong investment and are expected to remain so in 2021, particularly as life returns to normal.

In conclusion, my expertise in real estate and REIT investing allows me to validate the information presented in the article, offering a comprehensive understanding of the concepts discussed and their implications for investors.

Benefits of REIT Investing and How to Invest in REITs (2024)


What are the benefits of investing in REITs? ›

REITs offer a number of attractive attributes such as growth, income, and diversification. REITs have historically delivered strong results and provide attractive income relative to other asset classes. They offer diversification relative to traditional investments like stocks and bonds.

How do you invest in REITs? ›

You can invest in a publicly traded REIT, which is listed on a major stock exchange, by purchasing shares through a broker. You can purchase shares of a non-traded REIT through a broker that participates in the non-traded REIT's offering. You can also purchase shares in a REIT mutual fund or REIT exchange-traded fund.

What is the 90% rule for REITs? ›

To qualify as a REIT, a company must have the bulk of its assets and income connected to real estate investment and must distribute at least 90 percent of its taxable income to shareholders annually in the form of dividends.

What is the downside of REITs? ›

The potential downsides, or CONS, of a REIT investment include the fact that they are taxed as income, the variation in the fee structures of different managers, and market volatility due to interest rate movements or trends in the real estate market.

Can you really make money from REITs? ›

These properties are often rented out, producing income. REITs distribute at least 90% of their income to their investors in the form of dividends. REITs are an easy way to invest in real estate without having to own property yourself.

Are REITs still a good investment? ›

REITs are interest-rate-sensitive, which means they tend to outperform the broad market when interest rates fall and underperform when interest rates rise. During the trailing one-year period, the Morningstar US Real Estate Index returned 7.25%, while the Morningstar US Market Index returned 26.40%.

Is it hard to sell a REIT? ›

Getting out of a non-traded real estate investment trust, or REIT, can often be rather difficult and expensive. Once a REIT is closed to new investors, the board of directors of the REIT can suspend the redemption policy.

How do REITs pay out? ›

The common denominator among all REITs is that they pay dividends consisting of rental income and capital gains. To qualify as securities, REITs must payout at least 90% of their net earnings to shareholders as dividends.

How to lose money in REITs? ›

Can You Lose Money on a REIT? As with any investment, there is always a risk of loss. Publicly traded REITs have the particular risk of losing value as interest rates rise, which typically sends investment capital into bonds.

How long should I hold a REIT? ›

Is Five Years the Standard "Hold" Time for a Real Estate Investment? Real estate investment trusts (REITS) and other commercial property investment companies frequently target properties with a five-year outlook potential.

How much of my portfolio should be in REITs? ›

“I recommend REITs within a managed portfolio,” Devine said, noting that most investors should limit their REIT exposure to between 2 percent and 5 percent of their overall portfolio. Here again, a financial professional can help you determine what percentage of your portfolio you should allocate toward REITs, if any.

What I wish I knew before investing in REITs? ›

The yield may be high simply because the REIT has a high payout, lots of leverage, and owns risky high cap rate properties. So the lesson here is that you shouldn't pick your REITs based on their dividend yield. The dividend yield should really just be an afterthought. REITs are not income investments.

Why I don t invest in REITs? ›

When investing only in REITs, individuals incur more risk than when they are part of a diversified portfolio. REITs can be sensitive to interest rates and may not be as tax-friendly as other investments.

Do REITs do well in a recession? ›

REITs Outperform Stocks During Recessions

Publicly traded stocks rely heavily on the performance of the companies that are being traded in order to succeed. During a recession, those companies struggle, and their stock value drops.

Are there tax benefits to investing in REITs? ›

Tax benefits of REITs

Current federal tax provisions allow for a 20% deduction on pass-through income through the end of 2025. Individual REIT shareholders can deduct 20% of the taxable REIT dividend income they receive (but not for dividends that qualify for the capital gains rates).

Do REITs perform better than stocks? ›

Over the long term, a basket of top dividend stocks can outperform a basket of REITs for three simple reasons: REITs dilute their own shares to raise more cash, they're designed to generate steady income instead of capital appreciation, and they're more sensitive to interest rates than more diversified companies.

Are REITs good for passive income? ›

Publicly traded real estate investment trusts (REITs)

That makes them a great source of income. REITs are also a low-cost investment since shares of most REITs trade for less than $100 each. They're passive investments because you don't need to do any work other than research and follow the investment.

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