Benefits and Limitations of Web3 (2024)

Collin ConnorsDepartment of Computer Science
University of Miami
Coral Gable, FL - 33124
[email protected]
  Dilip SarkarDepartment of Computer Science
University of Miami
Coral Gable, FL - 33124
[email protected]


Web3 provides users and service providers several benefits not found in Web2. However, despite the benefits provided, Web3 faces several obstacles that prevent the paradigm from gaining widespread adoption. Developers should understand the benefits and limitations of the technology in order to create more accessible Web3 smart applications.

Index Terms:

Web3, Blockchain, Privacy, Security, Semantic Web

I Introduction

Web3 combines older notions of a semantic web (Web3.0) with blockchain technology to allow for a more dynamic distributed web architecture. Using the Web3 architecture, end-users and service providers could see substantial benefits to data security, privacy, and overall user experience.

Our motivation for this work is to highlight for developers the benefits of Web3 while also emphasizing challenges the developers may face when implementing and utilizing a Web3 architecture in hopes of guiding developers in creating more accessible Web3 smart applications. We first discuss how a blockchain-based Web3 can vastly benefit all parties involved in creating and maintaining the World Wide Web. We then describe some obstacles that Web3 architectures currently face so that developers are aware of the limitations of the technology. We hope developers can use this knowledge to design their Web3 architectures and smart applications to be more accessible so that more end-users can reap the benefits of Web3.

In the following sections, we will briefly discuss the history of the World Wide Web and how it has evolved since its inception [11] [7]. We then discuss the semantic web (Web3.0), a precursor to the present Web3. We analyze the limitations of semantic web models and how blockchain has been proposed to address these challenges, leading to the current iteration of Web3. We highlight the benefits the Web3 paradigm can bring to both users and service providers. We then give an overview of the challenges Web3 architecture faces. Lastly, we conclude by providing guidance on overcoming the current limitations of the technology.

II Background

Since Web3 builds off previous generations of the World Wide Web, to best understand the advantages of Web3 it is critical to briefly review the history of the World Wide Web. Figure 1 provides a timeline of important events in Web technologies and blockchain technologies as they relate to Web3 [1].

Benefits and Limitations of Web3 (1)

II-A Web1

In 1989, Tim Burners-Lee sent a proposal to management at CERN where he pointed out that the hierarchical system of keeping records that was in use made it difficult and time-consuming to search for related documents [3]. To solve this problem, Burners-Lee suggested a new paradigm based on hypertext, which links records to each other through hyperlinks. Later, Burners-Lee combined hypertext with the internet to create the first version of the World Wide Web.

This first version of the World Wide Web later became known as Web1. Features first introduced in Web1 have become ubiquitous with the modern web. The defining technology behind Web1 was Hypertext. Developers used HyperText Markup Language (HTML) to create content for web pages; web servers would then host the content created and allow end-users to find the content using Universal Record Locators (URLs); the end-users (will also be referred to as users) could utilize web browsers to access the web pages using the HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP). While these technologies have been augmented and improved, they remain core to the modern World Wide Web.

In Web1, web pages were static pages that utilized Hyperlinks to connect to other websites. These early web pages did not have the capability for end-users to generate new content. Instead, the early WWW acted as a directory where end-users could find HTML files from worldwide web servers.

This model of a Read-Only web provided end-users with an easy way to traverse the internet. Figure 2 shows a high-level view of Web1. In this paradigm, end-users can read data from web pages that are hyperlinked to each other. Various service providers host these web pages. Because there is no user interactivity, this era of the web was focused on companies providing content to end-users.

Benefits and Limitations of Web3 (2)

While the new technology developed to support Web1 was revolutionary, users quickly realized the limitations of a Read-Only web. This model requires content creators to host their web pages, leading to only those with specialized knowledge being able to create content for the World Wide Web. This meant that creating content for Web1, where businesses created most content, was highly inaccessible. Furthermore, the lack of communication between a content creator and the end-users consuming the content made it difficult for the end-users to engage with the content meaningfully. To address these limitations, Web2 was introduced to make the web more dynamic and interactive.

II-B Web2

Web2 differentiates itself from Web1 by allowing for dynamic user-generated content. By introducing new technologies such as databases, Web2 allows for developing more complex web applications compared to the static web pages from Web1 [10]. These dynamic applications allowed users to interact with content on the web in new ways.

Benefits and Limitations of Web3 (3)

Figure 3 gives a high-level view of the Web2 model. This model builds on Web1, keeping ideas such as hypertext; however, it now allows users to store data in databases controlled by the web applications, allowing users to create their content and interact with the web on a deeper level.

Because Web2 allows for interactivity, this paradigm is called the Read-Write web, where users can read the data just like in Web1 but can also write their data for web applications, a bidirectional data flow; users can send and receive data from applications. To handle the bidirectional data flow, more complex forms of storing data, such as XML and RSS, were created to support Web2. Web2 changes the focus of the web away from companies or site publishers and onto communities. With the rise of Web2, we begin to see new types of applications such as blogs, wikis, and social media.

While Web2 improved the user experience over Web1 [11] [7] [10], it came with new security challenges. Web applications were now storing users’ data, putting these applications at risk of cyberattacks. This also decreased privacy as users now shared personal data with Web2 applications. Users also quickly noticed that the siloed nature of Web2 applications meant that data was often replicated across multiple applications, increasing a user’s attack surface and making updating information across platforms inefficient. While many of these problems were identified in the early days of Web2, they still exist in modern Web2 applications. Researchers began exploring new models to make the web even more versatile and mitigate the limitations presented in the Web2 paradigm.

III Web3

III-A What is Web3

As early as 2006, researchers noticed the limitations of Web2. To solve these problems, they began to propose a new paradigm of a semantic web[2] [9]. The semantic web expands on Tim Burners-Lee’s original ideas of linking documents to each other through hyperlinks, but rather than linking documents, individual pieces of data are linked to each other.

To highlight the benefits of a semantic web, take an end-user of multiple Web2 social media applications. In each of these applications, the user has a short bio describing their interests. If the user finds a new interest, they must log in to each social media application and update each bio. This is time-consuming and inefficient since users must update the same data across multiple sites. The semantic web allows the user to update the data once and have that change reflected across all platforms on the web.

This new paradigm reduced the data replication in Web2 and gave users more control over their data. However, Web2 applications are currently centralized and siloed off from one another, making it difficult to share data across platforms. Thus, implementing a large-scale semantic web requires decentralization.

As cryptocurrency gained popularity and evolved, its underlying blockchain technology evolved in such a way that blockchain could provide a decentralized backbone for a large-scale semantic web [13] [8]. Cryptocurrency, through the use of blockchain, allows for a trustless, decentralized exchange of data. The same principle required by semantic web, making blockchain a viable candidate to support the semantic web.

Like the web, blockchain has evolved, adding more dynamic features [6]. Early blockchain projects such as Bitcoin were only focused on allowing users to transact cryptocurrencies. The next generation of blockchain, such as Ethereum, allowed users to create smart contracts, code that could be executed on a distributed state machine. With the dawn of generation 2 blockchains, developers began to combine semantic web ideas with decentralized smart contracts. Gavin Wood, one of the co-founders of Ethereum, first referred to this new paradigm as Web3 in 2014.

In Web 2, users relied on various third-party service providers to store and maintain their data. For example, each platform must keep a copy of the user’s bio in the social media use case. With Web3, users can store their bio on a public blockchain, such as Ethereum, via a smart contract, allowing each social media application to access this data. Thus, the user only needs to update their bio on the blockchain once and have that change reflected across all the social media platforms. In this Read-Write-Own model, the user controls their data and stores it on a blockchain, unlike Web2, where the platforms own the user’s data and are responsible for storage. Figure 4 highlights the Read-Write-Own model.

Benefits and Limitations of Web3 (4)

Table I provides a summary comparison of the various generations of the web; more detailed comparisons can be found in [11] [7] [4].

Data ModelReadRead WriteRead Write Own
Key TechnologiesURL, HTTP, Web Server, Web BrowserDatabasesSemantic Web, Blockchain
ContentStatic Web PagesWeb ApplicationsSmart Applications
Core FocusCompanyCommunityIndividual
Information FlowNoneUser-Application (Bidirectional)Multi-directional
Data OwnerSite PublisherWeb Application PlatformUsers

III-B Benefits of Web3

One of the immediate benefits of Web3’s Read-Write-Own paradigm is that users are in control of their data. Thus, users can restrict who has access to their data and when access is granted. This is in contrast to Web2, where once users give their data to a platform, the platform is free to use that data in any manner, including selling the user’s data to data brokers.

Likewise, in Web2, if a user shares their data with an application, there is no guarantee that the user will be able to remove their data from the application. Users must trust that third-party application providers securely handle their data and will remove it when requested. In contrast, in Web3, the user controls the data and can grant or revoke an application’s access to their data anytime. Furthermore, users can utilize blockchain to record which applications have access to their data and what data these applications have access to, allowing them to understand their attack surface and risk better.

In Web3, users no longer need to trust third-party applications to keep their data secure. In Web2, a security-conscious user may review SOC audits or other security reports to ensure that an application is taking steps to keep data secure. However, in Web3, since the user owns their data, they can implement their controls to ensure that the data is secured. While this may be daunting for individual users, security-conscious businesses can greatly benefit from this paradigm.

Another advantage of the Web3 paradigm is that users no longer need to replicate data across multiple applications. In Web2, a user may need to enter the same data into multiple applications, for example, updating their bio in multiple social media applications. With Web3, the user only needs to update this data one time. This makes interacting with multiple platforms on the web more streamlined, as data no longer needs to be replicated. For enterprises that need to manage complex relationships between applications, simplifying how data is entered can reduce costs and increase efficiencies.

Likewise, since users no longer need to replicate their data in multiple places, this reduces a user’s attack surface. In Web2, attackers targeting a user must find one weak application where a user has stored sensitive information to successfully steal that user’s data. In Web3, the user only needs to worry about securing one data source.

Since applications no longer store data, the user and the provider’s security risk is reduced. In Web2, an application accumulates data from many users, centralizing this data into one storage system, such as a SQL database. Since this storage system contains the data for many users of a centralized application, it makes it a high-value target for attackers. They only need to breach the storage system once to get the data for many users. In contrast, in Web3, the data is decentralized; thus, attackers no longer have a single point of attack, making it more difficult to breach all of the users’ data. Application providers can reduce threat levels and liability by switching to Web3 and decentralizing users’ data. It is critical to note that Web3 must be implemented correctly and securely for applications to experience a risk reduction; if implemented incorrectly, applications may expose themselves to higher levels of risk.

Likewise, in a Web3 model, service providers no longer need to store users’ data, which allows applications to spend less on storage. This cost reduction allows developers to focus their resources elsewhere to improve the application. In addition, since the storage is passed off to users, Web3 smart applications no longer need to worry about data storage when scaling the application.

Overall, if implemented properly, Web3 can provide several benefits to both users and applications. These benefits include:

  • Giving users control of their data

  • increasing users’ privacy and security,

  • reducing data replication,

  • reducing the risk of cyberattacks on platforms,

  • and improving the developer experience.

While Web3 offers many benefits, it has struggled to become mainstream due to several drawbacks of implementing the technology.

IV Limitations of Web3

Just as Web2’s improvements to Web1 came with a new set of challenges, Web3 presents its own unique set of issues, including scalability, technological barriers, a desire for centralization, and an unwillingness to adopt the paradigm by large applications.

A consistent challenge with blockchain technology has been the inability to scale effectively. Even more modern generation 3 blockchains fail to scale to the size necessary to support a global Web3 fully. However, for smaller enterprises, the web’s modern blockchains can handle a more limited number of transactions, making Web3 valuable for businesses with local intranets. Web3 designers need to work to implement blockchain in a scalable manner to accommodate the entire web. Similarly, Web3 developers must know the scale limitations and design their applications to account for this.

In addition to limited transaction throughput, blockchains often add cost per transaction. This additional cost adds an extra layer of decision-making to application developers. In some applications, the cost per transaction may offset or even eclipse the savings the developer experienced by reducing storage costs. Developers should carefully decide how to manage this cost to make more accessible Web3 applications, and developers should avoid passing this cost to users when possible.

Web3 also proves difficult for non-technical users to utilize securely. In Web2, users trust that the application securely stores and maintains data. However, Web3 moves this burden to the users. Web2 development teams have security specialists who understand the risk to the user’s data and have the resources to implement controls to mitigate risk. In Web3, the average user does not understand security to the depth necessary to secure sensitive data. This lack of knowledge may put users’ data at risk, whereas a Web2 application would have provided some protection to the user. Since businesses have the resources to hire security experts, this challenge of Web3 can be overcome in an enterprise environment. Web3 developers should be aware of the security maturity of their users and design safeguards to guide users in utilizing smart applications securely.

While technologists often hailed decentralization as a revolutionary idea, users can drift towards a centralized model in practice. In 2019, Raman et al. [12] examined the decentralized application Mastodon. Mastodon is a social media app like Twitter that relies on decentralized instances to host content. In this study, the researchers found that users, the infrastructure, and the content drove the application towards a more centralized model where only a few instances hosted most of the data—the pressure for applications to become centralized challenges developers trying to create a fully decentralized Web3. It is important to remember that currently most web users are only familiar with the centralization of Web2. Developers should understand this tendency of users to gravitate towards centralization and design systems to guide users towards a decentralized model.

A final challenge to Web3 is the unwillingness of large applications to adopt a decentralized web. Tech giants such as Google or Amazon enjoy many benefits by being a large, centralized data source. They can aggregate and sell users’ data and perform analytics to understand their user base better. It is unlikely that these companies will want to switch to Web3 since they will lose control of the data. For Web3 to become viable, users must pressure these companies into switching to a decentralized model. Because aggregating user data can drive profits, these centralized applications would only give up control of the user’s data with extreme pressure from their user base.

While Web3 offers benefits over Web2, this model comes with its challenges.

  • Since it relies on a blockchain, Web3 is difficult to scale and can be cost-inefficient.

  • Web3 can be challenging for non-technical users to implement and utilize securely.

  • Internal pressures from Web3 applications and their users can lead toward centralization.

  • The unwillingness of existing centralized applications to decentralize makes achieving a fully distributed Web3 challenging.

While many of these limitations can be overcome in a business environment with proper resources, developers must work to make Web3 available to all users.

V Conclusion

Since the dawn of the World Wide Web, developers have changed the architecture to improve the user experience. Developers continue to innovate, starting with simple web pages in Web1 and evolving to dynamic web applications in Web2 and then to smart applications in Web3. Each new generation of the web incrementally improves on the previous generation. However, as the web evolves, new challenges arise in each generation. While many of the challenges of Web2 have yet to be overcome, the benefits of Web2 greatly outweigh the limitations that have allowed Web2 to flourish. Currently, the impediments to Web3 have prevented it from gaining widespread adoption.

In future work, we plan to expand on our existing blockchain system [5] to address the limitations that Web3 presents. If implemented carefully, Web3 can offer users substantial privacy benefits while reducing the burden of storing and maintaining users’ data on service providers.

With this work, we want to clarify Web3 by highlighting its history and evolution. This work outlines the benefits Web3 systems can provide users while showing the challenges developers face when implementing such a system. Web3’s Read-Write-Own data paradigm is the next step in the evolution of the web, and while this model comes with its obstacles, developers can work to mitigate the risks and make Web3 more accessible.


  • [1]Google trends.
  • [2]C.Bizer.The emerging web of linked data.IEEE Intelligent Systems, 24(5):87–92, 2009.
  • [3]Tim Burners-Lee.Information management: A proposal.
  • [4]Bin Cao, Zheng Yan, and XuXia.Web3.IEEE Communications Magazine, 61(8):18–19, 2023.
  • [5]Collin Connors and Dilip Sarkar.Pbl: System for creating and maintaining personal blockchain ledgers.Arxiv, 5 2023.
  • [6]Collin Connors and Dilip Sarkar.Survey of prominent blockchain development platforms.Journal of Network and Computer Applications, page 103650,2023.
  • [7]S.Filipcic.Web3 and daos: An overview of the development and possibilities forthe implementation in research and education.2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information,Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 2022.
  • [8]Shaoyong Guo, Fan Zhang, Song Guo, Siya Xu, and Feng Qi.Blockchain-assisted privacy-preserving data computing architecturefor web3.IEEE Communications Magazine, 61(8):28–34, 2023.
  • [9]James Hendler.Web 3.0: The dawn of semantic search.Computer, 43(1):77–80, 2010.
  • [10]S.Murugesan.Understanding web 2.0.IT Professional, 9(4):34–41, 2007.
  • [11]Keshab Nath, Sourish Dhar, and Subhash Basishtha.Web 1.0 to web 3.0 - evolution of the web and its various challenges.2014 International Conference on Reliability Optimization andInformation Technology (ICROIT), 2014.
  • [12]Aravindh Raman, Sagar Joglekar, EmilianoDe Cristofaro, Nishanth Sastry, andGareth Tyson.Challenges in the decentralised web.Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference, 2019.
  • [13]Javad Zarrin, Hao WenPhang, Lakshmi BabuSaheer, and Bahram Zarrin.Blockchain for decentralization of internet: Prospects, trends, andchallenges.Cluster Computing, 24(4):2841–2866, 2021.
Benefits and Limitations of Web3 (5)Collin Connors received B.Sc. degrees in computer science and mathematics from the University of Miami, FL, in 2020. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree with the Computer Science Department. His research interests include blockchain technologies, cybersecurity, and machine learning.
Benefits and Limitations of Web3 (6)Dilip Sarkar (SM’96) received the B.Tech.(Hons.) degree in electronics and electrical communication engineering from the Indian Institute ofTechnology at Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India, in 1983, the M.S. degree in computer science from the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India, in 1984, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Central Florida, Orlando, in 1988. He is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, USA. His research interests include concurrent transport protocols, parallel and distributed processing, neural networks, wireless sensor networks and their applications, and the security of virtual machines. In these areas, he has guided several theses and has authored numerous papers. He served as a Guest Editor of a Special Issue on Computer Communications on Concurrent Multipath Transport. For many years, he has served on ICC, Globecom, ICME, ICCCN, and INFOCOM program committees.
Benefits and Limitations of Web3 (2024)


What are the limitations of Web3? ›

However, it also brings notable disadvantages, such as increased complexity in technology and user interfaces, potential data security concerns in decentralized networks, and a digital divide exacerbated by varying access to cutting-edge technology.

What are the benefits of Web3? ›

Web3 combines older notions of a semantic web (Web3. 0) with blockchain technology to allow for a more dynamic distributed web architecture. Using the Web3 architecture, end-users and service providers could see substantial benefits to data security, privacy, and overall user experience.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of web technology? ›

Advantages: Web apps are accessible from any device with a web browser, easy to maintain and update, and do not require installation on the user's device. Disadvantages: They require an internet connection to function, can have performance limitations compared to native apps, and may face security vulnerabilities.

What are the primary benefits of decentralized in the Web3 platform? ›

In Web3, decentralization means that your data is stored on a distributed network, with you in control. You decide what to share and who can access it, minimizing the risks associated with data breaches and misuse.

Why did Web3 fail? ›

Web3 failed to deliver anything but more similar ensh*ttification in the form of cryptocurrencies, NFTs and ultimately a market-fuelled distraction cobbled together on top of blockchains which is hardly the new internet that venture capitalists are determined to push as the correct rhetoric — one that is self-serving ...

Why is Web3 risky? ›

Web3 makes it difficult to issue fixes for security issues once they are identified. Because Web3 is built on decentralized network consensus, any changes have to be approved by the network at large. This is perhaps the biggest security challenge for Web3.

What is the main goal of Web3? ›

With Web 3.0, users will be able to sell their own data through decentralized data networks, ensuring that they maintain ownership control. This data will be produced by various powerful computing resources, such as mobile phones, desktop computers, appliances, automobiles, and sensors.

How does Web3 have a positive impact? ›

Empowered consumers

With Web3, end-users will regain the complete ownership and control of their data and enjoy the security of encryption. This means that they will be able to choose if and when information about them can be shared and/or used with or by advertisers, marketers, researchers etc.

How can Web3 help the world? ›

Web3 technologies can empower individuals by giving them more control over their data and assets, and by enabling them to participate in decentralized networks and platforms. This can lead to greater economic and social empowerment.

What are the pros and cons of the Web? ›

The debate regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the internet is age-old. Its advantages include e-commerce, global connections, and easy access to info, and its disadvantages include loss of personal info, spread of fake info, etc.

What are 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of the internet? ›

Explore free virtual reality courses
Advantages of InternetDisadvantages of Internet
Provides knowledge and surplus information about servicesLeads to the insecurity of information and data loss
Allows online payments and digital marketingBigger Workload and Complex Designing
6 more rows
Jun 17, 2024

What are the limitations of websites? ›

Online Security Risks: Websites can be vulnerable to security breaches, such as hacking attempts, data breaches, or malware attacks. Adequate security measures need to be implemented to protect customer data and maintain the integrity of the website.

Why is Web3 important? ›

Web3 allows for more secure, private, and open transactions on the internet without the need for an intermediary (like a bank or social media platform).

What are the practical uses of Web3? ›

Web3 encompasses various use cases, including Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), Blockchain-based Identity, IoT integration, Supply Chain Management, Decentralized Storage, and more.

What are the core pillars of Web3? ›

What Is Web 3? Here Are 5 Core Values
  • Ownership. People will truly own their digital assets and data, not centralized institutions and companies. ...
  • Security. ...
  • Decentralization. ...
  • Transparency. ...
  • Verifiability.

What are the challenges of Web3 market? ›

What are the design challenges in Web3? The numerous design challenges in blockchain are connected with three pain points: the complexity of technology and terms, unknown user behavior patterns, and unfamiliar ways to manage assets.

What can Web3 do that Web2 Cannot? ›

Many Web3 solutions also implement complex access services to improve security. These include private keys and decentralized identifiers (DIDs) which are unique web addresses used to confirm the person's identity. Thanks to these measures, most Web3 platforms are much more secure compared to Web2 software.

What huge problem is Web3 movement all about? ›

Scalability. Scalability is a major issue facing Web3. The decentralized nature of Web3, which relies on a network of nodes to validate transactions and maintain the system's integrity, can make it difficult to scale to the same level as centralized web systems.

Why is Web3 controversial? ›

Critics of web3 see it as a breeding ground for unregulated crime and get-rich-quick Ponzi schemes that can harm vulnerable consumers. Still, others fervently hope that if they just ignore it — or worse yet, ban it — web3 will just go away. The truth about web3 lies somewhere in between these viewpoints.

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