BBVA Basel Pillar 3 - Own Funds and Requirements (2024)

BBVA Group’s regulatory capital tiers

Article 92 of the CRR establishes that credit institutions must maintain the following own funds requirements at all times:

  • a) Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio of 4.5%, calculated as Common Equity Tier 1 capital expressed as a percentage on the total amount of risk-weighted assets.
  • b) Tier 1 capital ratio of 6%, calculated as the level of tier capital 1 expressed as a percentage of the total amount of risk-weighted assets.
  • c) Total capital ratio of 8%, calculated as the total own funds expressed as a percentage of the total amount of risk-weighted assets.

Notwithstanding the application of the Pillar 1 requirement, CRD IV allows competent authorities to require credit institutions to maintain a level of own funds higher than the requirements of Pillar 1 to cover types of risk other than those already covered by the Pillar 1 requirement (this power of the competent authority is commonly referred to as "Pillar 2").

Furthermore, from 2016 and in accordance with CRD IV, credit institutions must comply with the following combined requirement of capital buffers at all times: (i) the capital conservation buffer, (ii) the buffer for global systemically important banks (the "G-SIB" buffer), (iii) the entity-specific countercyclical capital buffer, (iv) the buffer for other systemically important banks ("D-SIB" buffer) and (v) the systemic risk capital buffer. The “combined capital buffer requirement” must be met with Common Equity Tier 1 capital (“CET1”) to cover both minimum capital required by “Pillar 1” and “Pillar 2".

Both the capital conservation buffer and the G-SIB buffer (where appropriate) will apply to credit institutions as it establishes a percentage greater than 0%.

The buffer for global systemically important banks applies to those institutions on the list of global systemically important banks, which is updated annually by the Financial Stability Board (“FSB”). Considering the fact that BBVA does not appear on that list, as at the report date, the G-SIB buffer does not apply to BBVA. Detailed information on each of the quantitative indicators that form part of the evaluation process is available on the BBVA Group's website.

The Bank of Spain has extensive discretionary powers as regards the countercyclical capital buffer specific to each bank, the buffer for other systemically important financial institutions (which are those institutions considered to be systemically important domestic financial institutions “D-SIB”) and the buffer against systemic risk (to prevent or avoid systemic or macroprudential risk). The European Central Bank (ECB) has the powers to issue recommendations in this respect following the entry into force on November 4, 2014 of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM).

With regard to minimum capital requirements, following the latest decision of the SREP (Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process), which comes into force as of January 1, 2023, the ECB has notified the Group of maintaining the Pillar 2 requirement at 1.71 Therefore, BBVA must maintain a CET1 capital ratio of 8.75% and a total capital ratio of 13.00% at a consolidated level.

Thus, the consolidated overall capital requirement includes: i) the minimum capital requirement of Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) of Pillar 1 (4.5%); ii) the capital requirement of Additional Tier 1 (AT1) of Pillar 1 (1.5%); iii) the capital requirement of Tier 2 of Pillar 1 (2%); iv) the CET1 requirement of Pillar 2 (0.96%), v) the capital requirement of Additional Tier 1 (AT1) of Pillar 2 (0.32%); vi) the capital requirement of Tier 2 of Pillar 2 (0.43%); vii) the capital conservation buffer (2.5% of CET1); viii) the capital buffer for Other Systemically Important Institutions (O-SIIs) (0.75% of CET1); and ix) the countercyclical buffer (CCyB) (0.04% of CET1).

The BBVA Group has set the objective of maintaining a fully-loaded CET1 ratio at a consolidated level between 11.5% and 12.0%. At the end of the financial year 2022, the fully-loaded CET1 ratio was above this target management range.

CET1 phased-in ratio reach 12.68% which represents +405 basis points over the minimum requirement of 8.63%.

Capital requirements and capital ratios (Phased-in)

BBVA Basel Pillar 3 - Own Funds and Requirements (1)

(1) The AT1 requirement is 1.78%, and Tier2, 2.38%.

(2) The countercyclical capital buffer as of December 31, 2022 amounts to 0.04%.

The following table shows the CET1 ratio that would trigger restrictions on capital distribution capacity and the capital ratios as of December 2022:

Capital distribution constraints

CET1 capital ratio that would trigger capital distribution constraints (%) Current CET1 capital ratio (%)
CET1 Pillar 1 4.50%
CET1 Pillar 2 (P2R) 0.84%
Capital conservation buffer 2.50%
D-SIB buffer 0.75%
Countercyclical buffer 0.04%
CET1 phased-in minimum plus Basel III buffers (excluding capital used to meet other minimum regulatory capital) 8.63% 12.68%
CET1 phased-in minimum plus Basel III buffers (including capital used to meet other minimum regulatory capital) 9.49% 12.68%

Eligible Own Funds

For the purposes of calculating minimum capital requirements, according to Regulation (EU) 575/2013 and subsequent amendments, which are applicable as of the report date, the elements and instruments of Tier 1 capital are defined as the sum of Common Equity Tier 1 capital (CET1) and additional Tier 1 capital (AT1), as defined in Part Two, Title I, Chapters I to III of the CRR, as well as their corresponding deductions, in accordance with Articles 36 and 56, respectively.

Also considered are the elements of Tier 2 capital defined in Part Two, Title I of Chapter IV, Section I of the CRR. The deductions defined as such in Section II of the same Chapter are also considered.

The amount of total eligible capital, net of deductions, for the different items making up the capital base as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively, is below, in accordance with the requirements for the disclosure of information related to regulatory own funds established by the Implementing Technical Standards (EBA/ ITS/2020/04) (Implementing Regulation 2021/637 of March 15, 2021):

Amount of capital (EU CC1) (Million euros)

Reference to template EU CC2(1) 12-31-2021 06-30-2021 12-31-2020
a) Capital and share premium 23,810 25,463 26,866
b) Retained earnings 31,436 31,214 30,745
c) Other accumulated earnings and other reserves (13,952) (13,295) (17,200)
d) Minority interests eligible as CET1 1,853 1,988 2,800
e) Net profit of the year attributed to the Group (2) 3,814 1,478 2,573
Common Equity Tier 1 Capital before other regulatory adjustments 46,962 46,847 45,784
f) Additional value adjustments (356) (350) (260)
g) Intangible assets (1,395) (1,416) (1,484)
h) Deferred tax assets (1,057) (1,048) (1,009)
i) Fair value reserves related to gains o losses on cash flow hedges 425 662 483
j) Expected losses in equity (16)
k) Profit or losses on liabilities measured at fair value (72) (97) (2)
l) Direct, indirect and synthetic holdings of own instruments (356) (1,749) (2,800)
m) Securitisations tranches at 1250% (1) (24) (22)
n) Other CET1 regulatory adjustments(2) (1,396) (1,262) (741)
Total Common Equity Tier 1 regulatory adjustments (4,223) (5,284) (5,835)
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) 42,738 41,563 39,949
o) Equity instruments and AT1 share premium 4,875 4,925 5,265
p) Qualifying Tier 1 capital included in consolidated AT1 capital issued by subsidiaries and held by third parties 318 339 472
Additional Tier 1 before regulatory adjustments 5,193 5,264 5,737
Total regulatory adjustments of Additional Tier 1
Additional Tier 1 (AT1) 5,193 5,264 5,737
Tier 1 (Common Equity Tier 1+Additional Tier 1) 47,931 46,828 45,686
q) Equity instruments and Tier 2 share premiums 3,510 3,737 4,324
r) Eligible own funds instruments included in consolidated Tier 2 issued by subsidiaries and held by third parties 2,310 2,333 2,516
s) Credit risk adjustments 213 758 722
Tier 2 before regulatory adjustments 6,033 6,828 7,562
t) Tier 2 regulatory adjustments (103) (9) (179)
Tier 2 5,930 6,819 7,383
Total Capital (Total capital = Tier 1 + Tier 2) 53,861 53,647 53,069
Total RWAs 337,066 330,871 307,795
CET1 (phased-in) 12.68% 12.56% 12.98%
CET1 (fully loaded) 12.61% 12.45% 12.75%
TIER 1 (phased-in) 14.22% 14.15% 14.84
TIER 1 (fully loaded) 14.15% 14.05% 14.62%
Total Capital (phased-in) 15.98% 16.21% 17.24%
Total Capital (fully loaded) 15.94% 16.11% 16.99%
  • (*) As of 31 December 2022, the difference between the phased-in and fully loaded ratios arises from the transitional treatment of certain elements of capital, mainly the impact of IFRS 9, to which the BBVA Group has voluntarily adhered (in accordance with article 473a of the CRR). See table 11 for more information on the transitional impact of IFRS 9.
    In addition, noted that the Group to date is not applying the transitional treatment of unrealised gains and losses valued at fair value through Other comprehensive Income (hereinafter, unrealised P&L measured at fair value through OCI) as defined in Article 1.6 of that Regulation amending Article 468 of the CRR. Therefore, the Group’s own funds, capital and leverage ratios to date reflect the full impact of the above-mentioned unrealised P&L measured at fair value through OCI.
  • (1) References to regulatory balance sheet (EU CC2) where these items are included.
  • (2) As of December 31, 2022, the total shareholder remuneration for 2022 is deducted from CET1, so that "Net profit of the year attributable to the Group" includes the amount of cash remuneration (€2,593 million) and "Other CET1 regulatory adjustments" includes the deduction of €422 million corresponding to the execution of a program to repurchase BBVA shares, approved by the Board of Directors on January 31, 2023 and subject to obtaining the corresponding regulatory authorizations.

The CET1 fully-loaded ratio of the BBVA Group (hereinafter, the Group) stood at 12.61% at the end of December 2022, which allows maintaining a large management buffer over the Group's CET1 requirement (8.63%) and over the Group's target management range established between 11.5-12% of CET1. The phased-in CET1 ratio was 12.68%, the difference between the two ratios is explained by the effect of the transitional adjustments of the IFRS9 impacts on solvency indicators.

These ratios incorporate the effects of the corporate transactions carried out during the year, with a combined impact of -38 basis points on the Group's CET1. These transactions are the agreement reached with Neon Payments Limited in the first quarter of 2022, the voluntary takeover bid for Garanti BBVA and the acquisition from Merlin of 100% of Tree Inversiones Inmobiliarias Socimi, S.A. in the second quarter of 2022. Excluding these elements, the CET1 fully loaded ratio has increased by 24 basis points, mainly explained by: the generation of earnings in the year (+214 basis points) which, net of shareholder remuneration and payment of CoCos coupons (Contingent Convertible ) has generated a positive contribution of +106 basis points. On the other hand, the growth of risk-weighted assets (RWAs) in constant has subtracted -101 basis points, reflecting the organic growth of the activity. Finally, the other elements that make up CET1 had a positive contribution of +19 basis points; these include market effects, minority interests, regulatory impacts and the compensation in equity of the negative effect on results due to the loss in value of the net monetary position in hyperinflationary economies.

Additional Tier 1 (AT1) fully-loaded capital stood at 1.54% at the end of December 2022 (1.54% phased-in), 34 basis points lower than in 2021, which includes the €500 million reduction effect from the early redemption of a CoCos issue dating back to 2017.

The Tier 2 fully-loaded ratio stood at 1.79% (1.76% phased-in) which represents a reduction of -58 basis points compared to 2021, mainly explained by the effect of increased RWAs during the year and the lower computability of internal credit model provisions.

As a consequence of the foregoing, the fully-loaded total capital ratio stands at 15.94 % as of December 2022, while the total phased-in ratio is 15.98 % as of the same date.

Following the latest SREP (Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process) decision, the ECB has informed the Group that with effect from January 1, 2023, it must maintain at consolidated level a total capital ratio of 13.00% and a CET1 capital ratio of 8.75%, which include a Pillar 2 requirement at consolidated level of 1.71% (a minimum of 0.96% must be satisfied with CET1). Regarding this total capital requirement, 0.21% (0.12% to be met by CET1) corresponds to the ECB's prudential provisioning expectations. Prudential provisions, as of January 1, 2023, will no longer be treated as a deduction in CET1 with a positive effect of 19 basis points on the December 2022 close, which would be equivalent to a pro-forma ratio of 12.80%.

The evolution of fully loaded CET1 ratio during the year 2022 is below:

Annual evolution of the CET1 fully loaded ratio

BBVA Basel Pillar 3 - Own Funds and Requirements (2)

(1) Includes, among others, minority interests, market related impacts, regulatory impacts and the credit in OCIs that offsets the debit in P&L due to the hyperinflation accounting.

(2) Includes the reversal of the NPL backstop deduction (+19 bps) in January 2023. From that time the SREP Requirement is 8.72% for BBVA Group.

The process of reconciliation between accounting own funds and regulatory own funds is shown below. Based on the shareholders’ equity reported in the Consolidated Financial Statements of BBVA Group and applying the deductions and adjustments shown in the table below, reaching to the regulatory capital figure eligible for solvency purposes:

Article 468 of the CRR. Therefore, the Group's own funds, and its capital adequacy and leverage ratios, reflect to date the full impact of the aforementioned unrealised gains and losses measured at FVTOCI.

Reconciliation of the Public Balance Sheet from the accounting perimeter to the regulatory perimeter (Million Euros)

Eligible capital own funds 12-31-2022 12-31-2021
Capital 2,955 3,267
Share premium 20,856 23,599
Retained earnings, revaluation reserves and other reserves 34,881 29,984
Other equity 63 60
Less: Treasury shares (29) (647)
Attributable to the parent company 6,420 4,653
Attributable dividend (722) (532)
Total equity 64,422 60,384
Accumulated other comprehensive income (Loss) (17,432) (16,477)
Non-controlling interest 3,624 4,853
Shareholders`equity 50,615 48,760
Goodwill and other intangible assets (1,395) (1,484)
Deductions (1,722) (1,484)
Differences from solvency and accounting level (123) (130)
Equity not eligible at solvency level (123) (130)
Other adjustments and deductions (2) (6,032) (7,197)
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) 42,738 39,949
Additional Tier 1 before Regulatory Adjustments 5,193 5,737
Total regulatory adjustments of additional Tier 1
Tier 1 47,931 45,686
Tier 2 5,930 7,383
Total Capital (Tier 1 + Tier 2) 53,861 53,069
Total Minimum capital required (1) 43,111 39,275
  • (1) Calculated over minimum total capital applicable for each period.
  • (2) Other adjustments and deductions include, among others, the adjustment related to the amount of minority interest not eligible as capital, the amount of the treasury shares repurchase up to the maximum limit authorised by the ECB to BBVA Group and the amount of dividends not yet distributed.

The table below shows a comparison of institutions' own funds and capital and leverage ratios with and without the application of the transitional treatment of IFRS9 impact, and with and without the application of the transitional treatment in accordance with Article 468 of the CRR, according to the standard format set by EBA guidelines (EBA/GL/2018/01).

Since 2018 BBVA Group has applied the transitional treatment of IFRS9 impact. Therefore, phased-in capital ratios and leverage ratio are calculated taking into account the transitional provisions as defined by article 473a of the CRR and its subsequent amendments made by Regulation 2020/873 of the Parliament and Council of 24 June 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemia. The Group also applies paragraph 7a of the aforementioned article in calculating the impact of the transitional treatment on phased in risk-weighted assets.

In addition, as of the end of December 2022, the Group is not applying the transitional treatment of unrealised gains and losses measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (hereinafter, unrealised gains and losses measured at FVTOCI) outlined in Article 1, Paragraph 6 of the aforementioned regulation amending.

IFRS 9-FL - Comparison of institutions’ own funds and capital and leverage ratios with and without the application of transitional arrangements for IFRS 9 or analogous ECLs and with and without the application of the temporary treatment of gains and losses measured at Fair Value through OCI (Million euros)

Available capital (million euros) 12-31-2022 09-30-2022 06-30-2022 03-31-2022 12-31-2021
Common Equity Tier 1 Capital (CET1) 42,738 42,876 41,563 40,537 39,949
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) if the transitional provisions of IFRS 9 or similar ECL had not been applied 42,484 42,494 41,181 40,155 39,184
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) if the transitional treatment of unrealized gains and losses measured at fair value through OCI (other comprehensive income) had not been applied
Tier 1 capital (T1) 47,931 48,281 46,828 46,364 45,686
Tier 1 capital (T1) if the transitional provisions of IFRS 9 or similar ECL had not been applied 47,677 47,899 46,446 45,982 44,922
Tier 1 (T1) capital if the transitional treatment of unrealized gains and losses measured at fair value through OCI (other comprehensive income) had not been applied
Total capital 53,861 54,895 53,647 53,203 53,069
Total capital if the transitional provisions of IFRS 9 or similar ECL had not been applied 53,699 54,512 53,264 52,820 52,473
Total capital if the transitional treatment of unrealized gains and losses measured at fair value with changes in OCI had not been applied (other comprehensive income)
Risk-weighted assets (million euros)
Total risk-weighted assets 337,066 341,678 330,871 316,361 307,795
Total risk-weighted assets had the transitional provisions of IFRS 9 or similar ECL not been applied 336,884 341,448 330,642 316,131 307,335
Total risk-weighted assets if the transitional treatment of unrealised gains and losses measured at fair value through OCI had not been applied (other comprehensive income)
Capital ratios
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (as a percentage of the risk exposure amount) 12.68% 12.55% 12.56% 12.81% 12.98%
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (as a percentage of the risk exposure amount) if the transitional provisions of IFRS 9 or similar ECL had not been applied 12.61% 12.45% 12.45% 12.70% 12.75%
Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) (as a percentage of the risk exposure amount) if the transitional treatment of unrealized gains and losses measured at fair value through OCI (other comprehensive income) had not been applied
Tier 1 capital (T1) (as a percentage of the amount of the exposure) 14.22% 14.13% 14.15% 14.66% 14.84%
Tier 1 capital (T1) (as a percentage of the exposure amount) if the transitional provisions of IFRS 9 or similar ECL had not been applied 14.15% 14.03% 14.05% 14.55% 14.61%
Tier 1 (T1) capital (as a percentage of the exposure amount) if the transitional treatment of unrealized gains and losses measured at fair value through OCI (other comprehensive income) had not been applied
Total capital (as a percentage of the amount of the exposure) 15.98% 16.07% 16.21% 16.82% 17.24%
Total capital (as a percentage of the amount of the exposure) if the transitional provisions of IFRS 9 or similar ECL had not been applied 15.94% 15.96% 16.11% 16.71% 17.07%
Total capital (as a percentage of the amount of the risk exposure) if the transitional treatment of unrealized gains and losses measured at fair value through OCI (other comprehensive income) had not been applied
Leverage ratio
Measurement of total exposure corresponding to the leverage ratio (million euros) 737,990 765,452 752,016 687,992 671,789
Leverage ratio 6.49% 6.31% 6.23% 6.74% 6.80%
Leverage ratio if the transitional provisions of IFRS 9 or similar ECL had not been applied 6.46% 6.26% 6.18% 6.69% 6.69%
Leverage ratio if the transitional treatment of unrealized gains and losses measured at fair value through OCI (other comprehensive income) had not been applied

Own Funds requirements by risk type

The BBVA Group has a general risk management and control model (hereinafter, the “Model”) that is appropriate for its business model, its organisation, the countries where it operates and its corporate governance system. This model allows the Group to carry out its activity within the risk management and control strategy and policy defined by the corporate bodies of BBVA and to adapt itself to a changing economic and regulatory environment, facing this management at a global level and aligned to the circ*mstances at all times. The Model establishes a suitable risk management system related to the risk profile and strategy of the entity.

Total risk-weighted assets are shown below, broken down by type of risk (where credit risk includes counterparty risk) as of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021:


BBVA Basel Pillar 3 - Own Funds and Requirements (3)

(1) Credit Risk includes Risk for CVA adjustment and the prudential advance for the impacts of the TRIM and other regulatory/supervisory impacts.

The following table shows the total capital requirements broken down by risk type as of quarter-end from December 31, 2021 to December 31, 2022:


RWEAs (1) Minimum Capital Requirements (2)(3)
12-31-2022 09-30-2022 06-30-2022 03-31-2022 12-31-2021 12-31-2022
Credit risk (excluding CCR)(4)(5) 285,362 278,942 270,369 257,856 247,299 22,829
Of which the standardised approach (6) 143,612 150,696 144,373 135,061 129,741 11,489
Of which the Foundation IRB (F-IRB) approach
Of which: slotting approach 5,177 5,541 4,928 4,718 4,498 414
Of which equity IRB under the simple risk-weighted approach (7) 2,570 2,600 2,307 2,418 2,442 206
Of which the Advanced IRB (A-IRB) approach (8) 102,547 104,095 102,013 100,760 97,614 8,204
Counterparty credit risk - CCR 11,232 13,436 11,646 11,115 13,870 899
Of which the standardised approach (8) 6,725 8,908 8,023 7,791 9,661 538
Of which internal model method (IMM)
Of which exposures to a CCP (9) 702 551 223 154 156 56
Of which credit valuation adjustment - CVA 1,741 2,461 2,072 1,932 2,518 139
Of which other CCR 2,063 1,516 1,328 1,238 1,535 165
Settlement risk
Securitisation exposures in the non-trading book (after the cap)(10) 455 326 364 296 325 36
Of which internal assessment approach (SEC-IRBA) 438 271 345 274 300 35
Of which external assessment approach (SEC-ERBA) 17 17 20 22 25 1
Of which standardised approach (SEC-SA) 37
Of which 1250%/ deduction (10)
Market Risk 12,969 15,568 15,751 14,867 14,712 1,037
Of which the standardised approach (SA) 4,716 5,439 5,884 5,580 4,445 377
Of which IMA 8,252 10,129 9,866 9,287 10,267 660
Large exposures
Operational risk 27,049 33,407 32,742 32,227 31,589 2,164
Of which basic indicator approach 946 690 699 719 748 76
Of which standardised approach 26,103 32,717 32,043 31,508 30,841 2,088
Of which advanced measurement approach
Amounts below the thresholds for deduction (subject to 250% risk weight) (11) 16,268 16,319 15,827 15,442 15,112 1,301
Total 337,066 341,678 330,871 316,361 307,795 26,965
  • (1) Risk-weighted assets according to the phased-in period.
  • (2) Considering the minimum total capital requirement of 8% (Article 92 of the CRR).
  • (3) Under the total capital requirement ratio after the supervisory review process (SREP), the total capital requirement ratio amounts to 12.79% (€43,111 million as of the reporting date).
  • (4) Including amounts below the deduction thresholds subject to 250% weighting (DTAs rise to €8,472 million and significant investments in financial sector entities and insurance companies amounting to €7,796 million).
  • (5) Excluding deferred tax assets arising from temporary differences subject to 250% risk weighting in accordance with Article 48.4 CRR. This amount is €8,472 million as of december 31, 2022.
  • (6) It only includes equity exposures under the simple method of IRB approach.
  • (7) It only includes credit risk exposures under the advanced internal ratings-based approach (AIRB).
  • (8) It only includes SA-CCR for derivatives.
  • (9) This row includes the total RWAs corresponding to exposures with central counterparties (CCPs), both qualified and non-qualified, among which are also the initial margins.
  • (10) The BBVA Group deducts from capital those securitisations meeting the deduction requirements, so it does not apply a weight of 1,250% to these exposures. In this row, the value of €11 million that would result from applying this weight to the exposures deducted is not included.
  • (11) The information in this row is disclosed for information purposes only, as the amount included here is also included in row 1, where institutions are requested to disclose information on credit risk. As a consequence, this row should not be taken into account when calculating the total indicated at the bottom of the table.

During 2022, risk-weighted assets grew by approximately €30 billion euros, mainly due to the dynamism of lending activity throughout the Group. Of particular note were Turkey and South America, where the Group applies standardised approach. The above growth is partly reduced by the evolution of counterparty credit risk, as well as market risk, in line with the lower volatility observed. Finally, the Group recorded a net impact of supervisory effects and model updates in the calculation of operational risk of approximately €8.2 billion, which had an impact on the Group's CET1 ratio of approximately -30 basis points.

The evolution of RWAs by type of risk is explained in more detail in the respective sections of the report.

The following table is a breakdown of risk-weighted assets and capital requirements broken down by risk type and exposure categories as of December 31, 2022, September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021:

Capital requirements by risk type and exposure class (Million Euros)

Capital requirements(2) RWA's(1)
Exposure Class and risk type 12-31-2022 9-30-2022 12-31-2021 12-31-2022 9-30-2022 12-31-2021
Credit Risk 11,779 12,366 10,853 147,240 154,576 135,660
Central governments or central banks 2,500 2,556 2,521 31,254 31,948 31,511
Regional governments or local authorities 107 96 95 1,335 1,194 1,189
Public sector entities 80 73 70 1,002 917 876
Multilateral development banks 6 6 6
International organisations
Institutions 393 544 566 4,916 6,805 7,073
Corporates 3,660 3,935 3,177 45,746 49,185 39,710
Retail 2,910 2,901 2,282 36,379 36,262 28,520
Secured by mortgages on immovable property 790 827 691 9,871 10,332 8,637
Exposures in default 215 233 280 2,691 2,913 3,495
Exposures associated with particularly high risk 225 241 292 2,809 3,007 3,654
Covered bonds
Claims on institutions and corporates with a short-term credit assessment 2 24
Collective investments undertakings 1 1 1
Equity exposures
Other exposures 898 959 879 11,230 11,982 10,987
Total credit risk by standardised approach 11,779 12,366 10,853 147,240 154,576 135,660
Credit Risk 9,075 9,316 8,599 113,432 116,453 107,492
Central governments or central banks 88 101 79 1,105 1,266 983
Institutions 587 662 578 7,336 8,278 7,228
Corporates 6,441 6,631 6,044 80,508 82,892 75,554
Of which: SMEs 1,032 1,058 1,202 12,896 13,224 15,023
Of which: Specialised lending 424 454 414 5,306 5,677 5,173
Of which: Others 4,985 5,119 4,429 62,307 63,991 55,359
Retail 1,959 1,921 1,898 24,483 24,017 23,727
Of which: Secured by mortgages on immovable property (SME) 86 87 108 1,078 1,091 1,346
Of which: Secured by mortgages on immovable property (non SME) 713 711 774 8,916 8,888 9,681
Of which: Qualifying revolving 709 696 523 8,868 8,699 6,541
Of which: Other SMEs 93 90 122 1,158 1,120 1,520
Of which: Other Non-SMEs 357 337 371 4,463 4,218 4,639
Equity 1,048 1,053 1,059 13,097 13,160 13,235
Simple risk weight approach 206 208 195 2,570 2,600 2,442
Exposures in sufficiently diversified portfolios (RW 190%) 120 117 108 1,500 1,465 1,351
Exchange traded exposures (RW 290%) 44 49 56 551 612 702
Others (RW 370%) 42 42 31 519 523 389
PD/LGD approach 180 180 205 2,250 2,248 2,559
Internal models approach 38 23 35 481 289 433
Exposures subject to a 250% risk weight 624 642 624 7,796 8,022 7,800
Total credit risk by IRB approach 10,122 10,369 9,658 126,529 129,612 120,727
Total contributions to the default fund of a CCP 12 22 4 154 279 54
Securitisation exposures 36 26 26 455 326 325
Total credit risk 21,950 22,783 20,541 274,378 284,793 256,766
Settlement risk
Standardised approach: 377 435 191 4,716 5,439 4,445
Of which: Fixed income price risk 167 189 113 2,088 2,358 1,971
Of which: Equity market risk 1 2 1 16 21 11
Of which: Price risk in CIUs 18 21 44 230 261 341
Of which: Foreign exchange 191 218 28 2,383 2,731 2,059
Of which: Commodities risk 5 5 68 63
IMA: Market Risk 660 810 821 8,252 10,129 10,267
Total trading book risk 1,037 1,245 1,012 12,969 15,568 14,712
CVA risk 139 197 201 1,741 2,461 2,518
Operational risk 2,164 2,673 2,527 27,049 33,407 31,589
Others (3) 1,674 436 177 20,929 5,450 2,211
Capital requirements 26,965 27,334 24,624 337,066 341,678 307,795

(1) Risk-weighted assets for the transitional period (phased-in).

(2) Calculated on the minimum total capital requirements of 8% (Article 92 of the CRR).

(3) This line includes capital consumptions that the Group incorporates to reflect a more conservative treatment of certain elements in accordance with article 3 CRR.

For more details, see section 3 of the report.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.