Bactericidal and virucidal activity of ethanol and povidone‐iodine (2024)

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Bactericidal and virucidal activity of ethanol and povidone‐iodine (1)

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Microbiologyopen. 2020 Sep; 9(9): e1097.

Published online 2020 Jun 22. doi:10.1002/mbo3.1097

PMCID: PMC7520996

PMID: 32567807

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Ethanol and povidone‐iodine (PVP‐I) are important microbicides that inactivate bacteria and viruses. The present study provides a review of literature data on the concentration‐dependent bactericidal and virucidal activity of ethanol and PVP‐I in vitro. A systematic search was performed using the meta‐database for biomedicine PubMed. Eventually, 74 studies with original data on the reduction of bacterial and viral infectivity using in vitro tests were analyzed. A safe bactericidal effect of ethanol can be expected at concentrations between 60% and 85%, and the exposure times vary between ≤0.5 and ≥5min. Within an exposure of up to 5min, 80%–90% ethanol also exerts virucidal/low‐level activity, which includes its action against enveloped viruses plus adeno‐, noro‐, and rotaviruses. For PVP‐I, the best bactericidal and virucidal/high‐level effect is present at a concentration range of approx. 0.08%–0.9% depending on the free iodine concentration. The maximum exposure times are 5min for bacteria and 60min for viruses. The available data may help optimize the significant inactivation of bacteria and viruses in various areas. However, as the conditions in application practice can vary, concrete recommendations for the application can only be derived to a limited extent.

Keywords: bactericidal/virucidal activity, ethanol, exposure time, literature data, PVP‐I, quantitative suspension test

The present study provides an overview of the bactericidal and virucidal activity of ethanol and povidone‐iodine based on a systematic literature search. Both ethanol and povidone‐iodine have an inactivating effect on bacteria and viruses depending on the concentrations used. The data may help to improve the microbicidal application of ethanol and povidone‐iodine in practice.

Bactericidal and virucidal activity of ethanol and povidone‐iodine (3)


Ethanol and povidone‐iodine (PVP‐I) are important active components of disinfectants or antiseptic agents, particularly used in the field of medicine and in the public health sector to prevent the spread of infectious agents. Ethanol is widely used as a hand disinfectant, mainly in gels, hand rubs, and foams (Goroncy‐Bermes, Koburger, & Meyer, 2010; Kampf, Marschall, Eggerstedt, & Ostermeyer, 2010; Kramer, Rudolph, Kampf, & Pittet, 2002). The target pathogens of these antiseptic agents include bacteria, yeast, and enveloped viruses (Kampf & Kramer, 2004). The World Health Organization, the US Food and Drug Administration, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention consider the use of ethanol at concentrations between 60% and 95% as effective and safe and, therefore, as essential for hand rubbing (Boyce & Pittet, 2002; U.S. Food & Drug Administration, 2019; World Health Organization, 2009). In a limited number of experimental studies, ethanol has thus far been tested for its bactericidal efficacy. It has been shown that 85% ethanol, in particular, demonstrated a comprehensive bactericidal effect within a short time of 15s (Kampf & Hollingsworth, 2008). In comparison, several studies have tested virucidal efficacy including limited virucidal activity (active against enveloped viruses), a low‐level of virucidal activity (active against enveloped viruses plus adeno‐, noro‐, and rotaviruses), and a high‐level of virucidal activity (active against enveloped and non‐enveloped viruses). In most studies, only a limited virucidal activity was detected for higher ethanol concentrations.

The iodophor PVP‐I, consisting of elementary iodine bound to the carrier poly(1‐vinyl‐2‐pyrrolidone), is regarded as a microbicide that exerts broad‐spectrum activity against bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses (Görtz, Reimer, & Neef, 1996). Due to its excellent antiseptic properties, it is used particularly for wound, skin, and throat disinfection. The number of experimental studies testing different concentrations of PVP‐I from <0.001% to 10% for inactivating efficacy against gram‐positive and gram‐negative bacteria is extensive. Significantly, the inactivating effect is dependent on the concentration of free iodine, which decreases with the increasing concentration of PVP‐I especially within the range of 5%–10% (Atemnkeng, Plaizier‐Vercammen, & Schuermans, 2006). Similarly, an increasing number of studies in the literature are testing the spectrum of virucidal efficacy from limited virucidal activity to a high‐level of virucidal activity.

The objective of the present study was to describe the bactericidal and virucidal activity of ethanol and PVP‐I without the addition of interfering substances (organic load) based on the data available in the literature. Particular attention should be given to an exposure temperature of 22±3°C and an exposure time of up to 60min.


First, a search and analysis of the existing literature were carried out from January to March 2019 using PubMed (the English‐language text‐based meta‐database for biomedicine) with the keywords “bactericidal activity/efficacy of ethanol”, “virucidal activity/efficacy of ethanol”, “bactericidal activity/efficacy of povidone‐iodine”, “virucidal activity/efficacy of povidone‐iodine”. About 600 entries were found under these keywords. All studies with original data on the reduction of bacterial and viral infectivity using in vitro tests were selected. After the analysis of the respective abstracts, 148 publications were shortlisted, and their full text had to be evaluated. In the cited literature of these articles, another 50 relevant papers were found; the full text of these papers was also analyzed. From these 198 papers, 74 publications resulted, which were of essential importance in defining the bactericidal and virucidal activity of ethanol and PVP‐I. To be able to make a statement about the concentration‐dependent antimicrobial effect of ethanol and PVP‐I, their respective concentrations analyzed in the literature were evaluated with respect to their bactericidal and virucidal effect. Only studies that tested the bactericidal or virucidal efficacy of ethanol or PVP‐I in liquids were included. Studies that analyzed disinfectants based on ethanol or PVP‐I, but with additives that may influence the microbicidal effect, were excluded from the present review.

Methodologically, only those studies were considered that had examined the listed results in in vitro tests. A compilation of these methods and the corresponding references are given in Table 1 for the determination of bactericidal efficacy and in Table Table22 for the determination of virucidal efficacy. The most frequently used method for determining the bactericidal and virucidal effect of ethanol and PVP‐I was the quantitative suspension test, which was often carried out in the standardized form following European standards or national guidelines. In a few cases, carrier tests of practical relevance using glass or metal carriers or ex vivo skin tests with pigskin were also used.


Methods for evaluation of bactericidal efficacy of ethanol and PVP‐I

Quantitative suspension testAdams, Quayum, Worthington, Lambert, and Elliott (2005); Anagnostopoulos et al. (2018); Atemnkeng et al. (2006); Berkelman et al. (1982); Ghogawala and Furtado (1990); Haley, Marling‐Cason, Smith, Luby, and Mackowiak (1985); Heiner et al. (2010); Kasuga, Ikenova, and Okuda (1997); McLure and Gordon (1992); Musumeki et al. (2018),; Nakagawa et al. (2006); Reybrouck (1985); Sanchez et al. (1988); Shiraishi and Nakagawa (2002); Suzuki et al. (2012); Tavichakorntrakool et al. (2014); Wichelhaus et al. (1998); Wutzler et al. (2000)
Quantitative suspension test, 32°CHill and Casewell (2000)
Quantitative suspension test, prEN12054, ethanol w/wKampf, Rudolf, Labadie, and Barrett (2002)
Quantitative suspension test, ethanol w/wKampf and Hollingsworth (2008)
Quantitative suspension test, ethanol v/vKida (2009); Koshiro and Oie (1984)
Quantitative suspension test, EN1276Messager, Goddard, Dettmar, and Maillard (2001)
Quantitative suspension test, EN1276, with BSA or serumMøretrø et al. (2009); Rikimaru, Kondo, Kondo, and Oizumi (2000), Rikimaru et al. (2002)
Quantitative suspension test, DGHM 1991Reimer et al. (2000, 2002)
Quantitative suspension test, EN 13727 with BSA and erythrocytesSalvatico et al. (2015); Eggers et al. (2018)
Quantitative suspension test, EN1040, EN1275Smock, Demertzi, Abdolrasouli, Azadian, and Williams (2018)
Microdilution assayAnderson, Horn, Lin, Parks, and Peterson (2010)
Glass‐carrier testMessager et al. (2001)
European surface test, EN13697 with BSA, ethanol n.d.Møretrø et al. (2009)
Carrier test, EN 14561Schedler et al. (2017)
Colony‐counting methodShimizu et al. (2002)
Fluorescence microscopyWutzler et al. (2000)
Ex vivo skin testMessager et al. (2001); Nishioka et al. (2018)

Abbreviations: BSA, bovine serum albumin; DGHM, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie; EN, European Norm; n.d., no data; v/v, volume per volume, vol%; w/w, weight per weight, weight%.


Methods for evaluation of virucidal efficacy of ethanol and PVP‐I

Quantitative suspension testBoudouma, Enjalbert, and Didier (1984); Ito et al. (2006); Iwasawa, Niwano, Kohno, and Ayaki (2012); Kampf et al. (2002); Kawana et al. (1997); Matsuhira et al. (2012); Noda et al. (1981); Pfaender et al. (2015); Wada et al. (2016); Wutzler et al. (2000)
Quantitative suspension test, ethanol n.d.Belliot, Lavaux, Souihel, Agnello, and Pothier (2008); Wolff, Schmitt, Rahaus, and König (2001)
Quantitative suspension test, ethanol v/vDuizer et al. (2004); Doultree, Druce, Birch, Bowden, and Marshall (1999); Paulmann et al. (2011)
Quantitative suspension test, 33°CYates et al. (2019)
Quantitative suspension test EN 14476, ethanol v/vSauerbrei, Eschrich, Brandstädt, and Wutzler (2009); Steinmann, Paulmann, Becker, Bischoff, and Steinmann (2012)
Quantitative suspension test EN 14476, ethanol n.d.Ciesek et al. (2010)
Quantitative suspension test EN14476 with BSA and erythrocytesEggers, Eickmann, Kowalski, Zorn, and Reimer (2015), Eggers, Eickmann, and Zorn (2015)
Quantitative suspension test, testing of ECHO‐11 with serum, ethanol n.d.Kurtz, Lee, and Parson (1980)
Quantitative suspension test, German DVV/RKI guideline, 1990, ethanol v/vGehrke et al. (2004); Sauerbrei et al. (2004); Wutzler, Sauerbrei, Klöcking, Brögmann, and Reimer (2002)
Quantitative suspension test, German DVV/RKI guideline, 2005Sauerbrei, Schacke, Glück, Egerer, and Wutzler (2006)
Quantitative suspension test, German DVV/RKI guideline, 2008, ethanol v/vSauerbrei et al. (2009)
Quantitative suspension test, German DVV/RKI guideline, 2009, ethanol v/vRabenau et al. (2010); Sauerbrei et al. (2012); Sauerbrei and Wutzler (2010)
Carrier test, Ethanol n.d.Doerrbecker et al. (2011); Malik, Meherchandani, and Goyal (2006); Saknimit et al. (1988); Whitehaed and McCue (2010)
Carrier test, Ethanol v/vTyler and Ayliffe (1987); Tyler, Ayliffe, and Bradley (1990)
Carrier test with BSA and erythrocytes, ethanol v/vEterpi, McDonnell, and Thomas (2009); Magulski et al. (2009)
UltrafiltrationBoudouma et al. (1984)
Analysis of NoV‐VLPs by transmission electron microscopy, ethanol n.d.Sato et al. (2016)

Abbreviations: BSA, bovine serum albumin; DVV, Deutsche Vereinigung zur Bekämpfung der Viruskrankheiten; EN, European Norm; n.d., no data; NoV‐VLP, Human Norovirus‐like particles; RKI, Robert Koch‐Institute; v/v, volume per volume, vol%.

In the evaluation of the data obtained, primarily results were considered that were obtained without interfering additives to aggravate the disinfection effect. If such findings were not available, the obtained results were analyzed with the addition of interfering substances (organic load, e.g., bovine serum albumin or erythrocytes), as shown in Tables Tables11 and and2.2. The exposure temperature in the studies considered was 22±3°C in most of the cases. In some studies, only the term “room temperature” was used; alternatively, no precise information on the exposure temperature was given, in which case room temperature was assumed. Deviations from the specified temperature range are also noted in Tables Tables11 and and22.

For the analysis of the microbicidal activity of ethanol and PVP‐I in the listed studies, various initial compounds in the form of commercial disinfectants or antiseptics were used, as noted in the tabular lists of the results on antimicrobial activity using footnotes. Where no note is given, either ethanol or PVP‐I were used as chemical reagents. The concentration of ethanol was given by most investigators in volume percent (vol%, v/v—volume per volume), and, in very rare cases, in weight percent (weight%, w/w—weight per weight). In numerous studies, however, the tested concentrations of ethanol were not specified in greater detail (see Tables Tables11 and and2,2, n.d.—no data). The stated concentrations of PVP‐I generally refer to w/v (weight per volume).

The range of activity of disinfectants against enveloped/lipophilic viruses is called “limited virucidal,” and the range of activity against enveloped/lipophilic, as well as non‐enveloped/hydrophilic, viruses is called “virucidal” (Rabenau et al., 2014). As per current German guidelines or recommendations (Rabenau, Schwebke, Steinmann, Eggers, & Rapp, 2012), the “virucidal” range is further subdivided into “virucidal/low‐level” or “limited virucidal plus” (enveloped viruses in addition to adeno‐, noro‐, and rotaviruses, but excluding entero‐ and parvoviruses) and “virucidal/high‐level” (all viruses mentioned as virucidal/low‐level plus entero‐ and parvoviruses). As per the European terminology, there are also three different claims on virucidal activity: “active against enveloped viruses”; “limited spectrum of virucidal activity” including against enveloped viruses plus adeno‐, noro‐, and rotaviruses”; and “virucidal activity,” which includes action against all relevant human viruses (EN, 14476, 2019).


Table Table33 provides a summary overview of the concentration‐dependent inactivating effect of ethanol on bacteria and viruses. Detailed results of the studies analyzed from the literature are shown in Tables TablesA1A1 and andA2.A2. European and American guidelines (Eggers, Koburger‐Janssen, Eickmann, & Zorn, 2018; Heiner, Hile, Demons, & Wedmore, 2010; McLure & Gordon, 1992; Reimer et al., 2000; Salvatico, Feuillolay, Mas, Verrière, & Roques, 2015) generally assume a safe bactericidal effect if the tested substance causes a reduction in the bacterial count by 4–5 powers of ten (4–5log10) corresponding to 99.99%–99.999% (see Tables TablesA1A1 and andA3).A3). In several cases, a reduction in the bacterial count by 3 powers of ten (3 log10) corresponding to 99.9% (Anagnostopoulos et al., 2018; Rikimaru et al., 2002) or complete germ inactivation (100%) (Berkelman, Holland, & Anderson, 1982; Kampf & Hollingsworth, 2008; Koshiro & Oie, 1984; Tavichakorntrakool et al., 2014) is also given in the literature. According to the current guidelines, a virucidal effect is defined as a reduction of the virus titer by at least 4 decimal powers (≥4log10) resulting in virus titer reduction of ≥99.99% (Eggers et al., 2018; Kawana et al., 1997; Noda, Watanabe, Yamada, & Fujimoto, 1981; Rabenau, Rapp, & Steinmann, 2010; Sauerbrei et al., 2012; Yates, Shanks, Kowalski, & Romanowski, 2019) (see Tables TablesA2A2 and andA4).A4). Only one study describes a complete (100%) virus inactivation by the electron microscopic analysis of human norovirus‐like particles (Sato et al., 2016). When analyzing the results in relation to the concentrations of the active substance, it must be taken into account that when using the quantitative suspension test to determine the virucidal effect, the final concentration of the formulation tested is usually 80% (EN, 14476, 2019; Rabenau et al., 2014).


Summary of bactericidal and virucidal efficacy of ethanol as a function of substance concentration

Concentration (%)Spectrum of activityYes/no
30BactericidalNot safe even with long exposure time of ≥30min (limited data)
40–50BactericidalProbably yes, but longer exposure time of >5min (few data)
Virucidal (limited virucidal)Yes: enveloped/lipophilic viruses exposure time ≤5min
No: non‐enveloped/hydrophilic viruses
60–70BactericidalYes, longer exposure time of ≥5min necessary
Virucidal (limited virucidal)Yes: enveloped/lipophilic viruses exposure time ≤1min
No: non‐enveloped/hydrophilic viruses
80–85/90BactericidalYes, optimal concentration, exposure time ≤0.5min
Virucidal (virucidal/low‐level or limited virucidal plus)Yes, optimal concentration, exposure time up to 5min (partly insufficient for enteroviruses and other non‐enveloped viruses)

It is demonstrated in Table Table33 that a safe bactericidal effect of ethanol, including inactivation of vegetative forms of spores, is given in concentrations of 60%–85%, with the optimal effective concentration being 80%–85%. In the latter concentration range, exposure times are a maximum of 30s, and for 60%–70% ethanol, a longer exposure of ≥5min is necessary. Concentrations of 30%–50% ethanol have a significantly lower bactericidal activity, whereas the tested exposure times of 5–30min are partly insufficient for a significant bactericidal effect. A concentration of 80%–90% ethanol also exerts virucidal/low‐level activity, which includes action against enveloped viruses plus adeno‐, noro‐, and rotaviruses. For a titer reduction of 4 log10, a time interval of up to 5min is required, depending on the virus structure, whereby a safe virucidal effect against enteroviruses could not be demonstrated. In comparison, lower concentrations of 60%–70% ethanol exert an inactivating effect on enveloped (lipophilic) viruses, whereas non‐enveloped (hydrophilic) viruses are not sufficiently inactivated in this concentration range or are partially inactivated only during long exposure times. Ethanol at 40%–50% inactivates most enveloped viruses within 5‐min exposure. For the inactivating effect of >90% ethanol, there exist inadequate, or no meaningful, data. Concentrations of 100% ethanol do not have any safe bactericidal and virucidal effects.

A summary overview of the concentration‐dependent inactivating effect of PVP‐I at concentrations of ≤0.001%–10% on both bacteria and viruses is provided in Table Table4.4. Detailed results of the studies analyzed from the literature are presented in Tables TablesA3A3 and andA4.A4. For bacteria, as for viruses, a similar concentration‐dependent effect exists. The best bactericidal and virucidal effect of PVP‐I is manifested at a concentration range of approx. 0.08%–0.9%. The maximum exposure times are 5min for bacteria and 60min for viruses (poliovirus type 1, adenoviruses), depending on the virus structure. However, for this concentration range, gram‐positive cocci have also been described in the literature, which were not inactivated within 1min (see Table TableA3),A3), and exposure times beyond this were not tested. Although lower concentrations of 0.009%–0.05% PVP‐I have a moderate inactivating effect on bacteria and reduced action on viruses, only a few studies are available, which, on average, usually describe longer exposure times as well as ineffectiveness within short exposure times. Concentrations of 1%–5% PVP‐I also exert optimum bactericidal and virucidal activity, although the activity decreases slightly with increasing PVP‐I concentration; additionally, longer exposure times (bacteria up to 30min, viruses up to 60min) are necessary. PVP‐I at concentrations of 6%–10% shows moderate microbicidal activity; however, especially at a concentration of 9%–10% PVP‐I, the significant inactivation of gram‐positive cocci and poliovirus type 1 is uncertain. Since various initial compounds were used in the studies considered from the literature for testing PVP‐I, individual concentrations may show slight deviations to their antimicrobial effect. PVP‐I at concentrations of ≤0.001has no inactivating effect against bacteria and viruses. Concentrations in this range have rarely been tested (data not listed).


Summary of bactericidal and virucidal efficacy of PVP‐I as a function of substance concentration

Concentration (%)Spectrum of activityYes/no
Virucidal (virucidal/high‐level)No
0.08–0.9BactericidalYes ↑↑, maximal exposure time 5min
Virucidal (virucidal/high‐level)Yes ↑↑, maximal exposure times 60min
1.0–5.0BactericidalYes ↑, maximal exposure times 30min
Virucidal (virucidal/high‐level)Yes ↑, maximal exposure times 60min
Virucidal (virucidal/high‐level)Yes


→ moderate activity (partially ineffectiveness), ↑ good activity, ↑↑ very good activity.


The present article aimed to describe the bactericidal and virucidal activity of ethanol and PVP‐I as a function of substance concentration without the addition of organic load at an exposure temperature of 22±3°C in in vitro tests. A safe bactericidal effect of ethanol can be expected at concentrations between 60% and 85%. For 60%–70% ethanol, exposure times of ≥5min are necessary, while for concentrations of 80%–85% ethanol, a ≤0.5min exposure is effective. Hence, the latter range can be regarded as the optimal concentration for the bactericidal activity of ethanol. Bactericidal activity of 40%–50% ethanol is probable within exposure times longer than 5min. However, data on the bactericidal effect at these concentrations are only available from two studies in the literature in which maximum exposure times of 5min in the quantitative suspension test under protein load were used (Koshiro & Oie, 1984; Møretrø et al., 2009). The reason for the small number of studies is that ethanol is mainly used for hand and skin disinfection with short application times, and, therefore, testing of longer exposure times is usually not necessary. A contact time of 30s is recommended for hygienic hand disinfection (EN 1500, 2013) and 90s for surgical hand disinfection (EN12791:2016+A1:2017, 2017). The testing of concentrations <80% ethanol has little practical relevance, as ethanol as a single component is only effective within short exposure times at higher concentrations (Kampf & Hollingsworth, 2008); alternatively, it is effective as low‐concentration ethanol only in combination products, for instance in combination with propanol (Marchetti, Kampf, Finzi, & Salvtorelli, 2003). However, 100% of ethanol has no safe microbicidal effect, as the denaturation of proteins is difficult to achieve in the absence of water (Gold & Avva, 2020). Nevertheless, a study published by Koshiro and Oie (1984) reported the complete inactivation of gram‐negative and gram‐positive bacteria except for Staphylococcus aureus by 99.5% ethanol in quantitative suspension tests.

A complete virucidal/high‐level efficacy cannot be achieved with certainty by ethanol at any concentration. The best effect has been reported at concentrations of 80%–90% ethanol. This comprises action against enveloped viruses plus adeno‐, noro‐, and rotaviruses within 5‐min exposure defined as virucidal/low‐level or limited virucidal plus. However, for several non‐enveloped viruses such as enteroviruses, the concentration range is not effective or longer exposure is necessary. The feline calicivirus often used as a surrogate for human noroviruses seems to be inactivated significantly using 80% ethanol (Gehrke, Steinmann, & Goroncy‐Bermes, 2004). For ethanol concentrations >90%, the current data situation is very limited. This is mainly since these concentrations cannot be tested in the quantitative suspension test under current guidelines. This has not been considered in a recent publication on the efficacy of ethanol against viruses in hand disinfection (Kampf, 2018). Lower ethanol concentrations of 60%–70% with ≤5 (10) min exposure exert limited virucidal activity comprising of action against only enveloped, but medically relevant, viruses such as the herpes simplex, influenza A, and hepatitis C viruses (Doerrbecker et al., 2011; Noda et al., 1981). However, literature data are only available for short exposure times of maximum 10min in suspension and carrier tests with, and without, protein load. Interestingly, 70% ethanol decreases the infectivity of enveloped coronaviruses such as the canine coronavirus and the mouse hepatitis virus by 3–4 log10 within 10‐min exposure (Saknimit, Inatsuki, Sugiyama, & Yagami, 1988). This is of immense current significance considering the role of hand hygiene in preventing the transmission of the coronavirus disease COVID‐19 (World Health Organization, 2020). Ethanol at 40%–50% inactivates most, but not all, significant enveloped viruses within 5‐min exposure (Ciesek et al., 2010).

The available studies on the bactericidal and virucidal activity of PVP‐I demonstrate that the most favorable effect occurs at concentrations of approx. 0.08%–0.9%, with a maximum exposure of 5min for bacteria and 60min for the most stable viruses. The efficacy against viruses corresponds to the claim “virucidal activity/high‐level.” For PVP‐I, the carrier polyvinylpyrrolidone increases the solubility and provides a reservoir of active iodine in the aqueous medium. A chemical equilibrium develops with only about one‐thousandth part of the iodine being released and available as free molecular iodine, which is responsible for the germicidal activity (Sauerbrei & Wutzler, 2010). The most active PVP‐I concentrations with available iodine are equivalent to the free iodine concentrations in aqueous solution (Musumeki, Bandello, Martinelli, Calaresu, & Cocuzza, 2018). Lower concentrations of 0.009%–0.05% PVP‐I exert moderate bactericidal, but no virucidal/high‐level, activity. Following the decreasing free iodine concentration, the germicidal activity of PVP‐I decreases slightly, but continuously, with increasing PVP‐I concentration from 1% to 10%, resulting primarily in longer exposure times, and, especially at concentrations of 9%–10%, in partial inactivity against very stable gram‐positive cocci and poliovirus type 1 (Nishioka, Nagahama, Inoue, & Hagi, 2018; Wada et al., 2016). It is of current importance to mention that the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronaviruses are significantly inactivated by 0.23% PVP‐I within 15s (Eggers et al., 2018), and different PVP‐I antiseptic products such as 4% PVP‐I skin cleanser, 7.5% PVP‐I surgical scrub, and 1% PVP‐I gargle/mouthwash are highly effective (Eggers, Eickmann, & Zorn, 2015).

In conclusion, the available literature data provide an overview of the bactericidal and virucidal activity of ethanol and PVP‐I in vitro determined mainly using suspension tests, and partly employing carrier tests. They can help optimize the significant inactivation of bacteria and viruses in various disciplines of medicine. However, it is a limitation of this overview that only results of in vitro tests, mainly without organic load, were included. As the conditions in application practice may differ, concrete recommendations for use can only be derived to a limited extent.


None declared.


Andreas Sauerbrei: Conceptualization (lead); data curation (lead); formal analysis (lead); validation (lead); writing – original draft (lead); writing – review & editing (lead).


None required.


The article was funded by corelife oHG, Hannover, Germany.

Appendix A. 


Bactericidal efficacy of ethanol at concentrations of 30%–99.5%

Conc. (%)BacteriumMinimum time (min) for inactivation by (%)Reference (PubMed ID)
30Ps. aeruginosa306727697
Ps. cepacia30
Ps. fluorescens1
Ps. maltophilia5
Ps. putida40s
Ps. stutzeri20s
Fl. lutesiens1
Fl. meningosepticumn.e. (30min)
Acr. parvulus2
Acr. xerosis2
Acr. xylosoxidans5
Ac. calcoaceticus30
A. faecalis2
St. aureus5
St. epidermidis30
E. coli30
K. pneumoniae5
Prot. mirabilis5
Prot. morganii5
Prot. vulgaris5
En. aerogenes5
En. cloacae5
C. freundii5
S. marcescens5
401Sal. Senftenbergn.e. (5min)19191969
40Ps. aeruginosa20s6727697
Ps. cepacia20s
Ps. fluorescens20s
Ps. maltophilia20s
Ps. putida20s
Ps. stutzeri20s
Fl. lutesiens20s
Fl. meningosepticum1
Acr. parvulus20s
Acr. xerosis20s
Acr. xylosoxidans20s
Ac. calcoaceticus20s
A. faecalis20s
St. aureus20s
St. epidermidis1
E. coli20s
K. pneumoniae20s
Prot. mirabilis20s
Prot. morganii20s
Prot. vulgaris20s
En. aerogenes20s
En. cloacae20s
C. freundii20s
S. marcescens20s
501Sal. Senftenberg519191969
56St. epidermidis524851564
St. aureus5
E. coli5
Ps. aeruginosa5
K. pneumoniae5
601Sal. Senftenberg519191969
60Ps. aeruginosa20s6727697
Ps. cepacia20s
Ps. fluorescens20s
Ps. maltophilia20s
Ps. putida20s
Ps. stutzeri20s
Fl. lutesiens20s
Fl. meningosepticum20s
Acr. parvulus20s
Acr. xerosis20s
Acr. xylosoxidans20s
Ac. calcoaceticus20s
A. faecalis20s
St. aureus20s
St. epidermidis20s
E. coli20s
K. pneumoniae20s
Prot. mirabilis20s
Prot. morganii20s
Prot. vulgaris20s
En. aerogenes20s
En. cloacae20s
C. freundii20s
S. marcescens20s
701Sal. Senftenberg519191969
702Sal. spp.5
76.9–81.4Sal. spp.0.519785284
Sh. sonnei0.5
Ps. aeruginosa0.5
Pl. shigelloides0.5
V. cholerae0.5
Bac. subtilis0.5
80Ps. aeruginosa20s6727697
Ps. cepacia20s
Ps. fluorescens20s
Ps. maltophilia20s
Ps. putida20s
Ps. stutzeri20s
Fl. lutesiens20s
Fl. meningosepticum20s
Acr. parvulus20s
Acr. xerosis20s
Acr. xylosoxidans20s
Ac. calcoaceticus20s
A. faecalis20s
St. aureus20s
St. epidermidis20s
E. coli20s
K. pneumoniae20s
Prot. mirabilis20s
Prot. morganii20s
Prot. vulgaris20s
En. aerogenes20s
En. cloacae20s
C. freundii20s
S. marcescens20s
853St. aureus0.512392906
En. hirae0.5
Ps. aeruginosa0.5
E. coli0.5
853Ent. faecalis0.2518211682
Ent. faecium0.25
L. monocytogenes0.25
M. luteus0.25
St. aureus0.25
St. epidermidis0.25
St haemolyticus0.25
St. hominis0.25
St. saprophyticus0.25
Str. pneumoniae0.25
Str. pyogenes0.25
Ac. baumannii0.25
Ac. lwoffi0.25
B. fragilis0.25
Bur. cepacia0.25
En. aerogenes0.25
En. cloacae0.25
E. coli0.25
H. influenzae0.25
K. pneumoniae0.25
K. oxytoca0.25
Prot. mirabilis0.25
Ps. aeruginosa0.25
Sal. enteritidis0.25
Sal. typhimurium0.25
S. marcescens0.25
Sh. sonnei0.25
Clost. difficile0.25
99.5Ps. aeruginosa20s6727697
Ps. cepacia20s
Ps. fluorescens20s
Ps. maltophilia20s
Ps. putida20s
Ps. stutzeri20s
Fl. lutesiens20s
Fl. meningosepticum20s
Acr. parvulus20s
Acr. xerosis20s
Acr. xylosoxidans20s
Ac. calcoaceticus20s
A. faecalis20s
St. aureus30
St. epidermidis20s
E. coli20s
K. pneumoniae20s
Prot. mirabilis20s
Prot. morganii20s
Prot. vulgaris20s
En. aerogenes20s
En. cloacae20s
C. freundii20s
S. marcescens20s


No data (‐).

Abbreviations: A., Alcaligenes; Ac., Acinetobacter; Acr., Achromobacter; B., Bacteroides; Bac., Bacillus; Bur., Burkholderia; C., Citrobacter; E., Escherichia; En., Enterobacter; Fl., Flavobacterium; H., Haemophilus; K., Klebsiella; L., Listeria; M., Micrococcus; n.e., not effective; Pl., Plesiomonas; Prot., Proteus; Ps., Pseudomonas; s, seconds; S., Serratia; Sal., Salmonella; Sh., Shigella; spp., species; St., Staphylococcus; Str., Streptococcus; V., Vibrio.

1European surface test with bovine serum albumin.

2Quantitative suspension test with bovine serum albumin.

3Basic product: Sterillium Comfort Gel (85% ethanol, Bode Chemie GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, Germany).


Virucidal efficacy of ethanol at concentrations of 30%–100%

Conc. (%)VirusMinimum time (min) for inactivation by (%)Reference (PubMed ID)
FCVn.e. (10min)16443090
MNVn.e. (3min)18378650
VVn.e. (1min)20573218
MVAn.e. (1min)
HCVn.e. (5min)22013220
VVn.e. (2min)
NDV10 sb
HSV10 sb
MNVcn.e. (5min)19583832
VV10 sb
IVA10 sb
NDV10 sb
HSV10 sb
60ECHO‐11n.e. (1min)6182233
VV10 sb
IVA10 sb
NDV10 sb
HSV10 sb
PolyV SV‐4015
VV10 sb
IVA10 sb
NDV10 sb
HSV10 sb
PPVn.e. (10min)19646784
MVMn.e. (10min)
PV‐1n.e. (30min)19482374
>72FCVn.e. (0.5min)23009803
EV‐7010 sb
VV10 sb
IVA10 sb
NDV10 sb
HSV10 sb
PV‐110 sb
CV‐B510 sb
EV‐7010 sb
VV10 sb
IVA10 sb
NDV10 sb
HSV10 sb


No data (‐).

Abbreviations: ASV, astrovirus; AV‐3, adenovirus type 3; AV‐5, adenovirus type 5; BVDV, bovine viral diarrhea virus; BRV, bovine rotavirus; CCV, canine calicivirus; CCoV, canine coronavirus; CPV, canine parvovirus; CV‐A16, coxsackievirus A16; CV‐B5, coxsackievirus B5; DHBV, duck hepatitis B virus; ECHO‐1, ECHO virus type 1; ECHO‐7, ECHO virus type 7; ECHO‐11, ECHO virus type 11; EV‐70, enterovirus 70; EV‐71, enterovirus 71; FCV, feline calicivirus; HAV, hepatitis A virus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HSV‐1/2, herpes simplex virus type 1/2; IAV, influenza A virus; KRV, Kilham rat virus; MHV, mouse hepatitis virus; MNV, murine norovirus; MVA, modified vaccinia virus Ankara; MVM, minute virus of mice; NDV, Newcastle disease virus; n.e., not effective; NoV‐VLP, norovirus‐like particles; OPV, orthopoxvirus; PAPV, papovavirus; PolyV, polyomavirus; PPV, porcine parvovirus; PV‐1, poliovirus type 1; ROV, rotavirus; s, seconds; VV, vaccinia virus.

aNo perfect inactivation.

bPerfect inactivation.

cExposure time 5min.

dCarrier test.

1Basic product: Sterillium Gel (Bode Chemie GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg, Germany).


Bactericidal efficacy of PVP‐I at concentrations of 0.009%–10%

Conc. (%)BacteriumMinimum time (min) for inactivation by (%)Reference (PubMed ID)
E. coli51521168786
0.012MRSA spp.0.559531717
Ent. faecium0.51
Ent. faecium0.51
0.0112Cl. trachomatis510754445
0.02Myc. avium0.510864189
Myc. kansasii1
Myc. tuberculosis0.5
0.0232Cl. trachomatis0.510754445
0.0363Str. mutans0.59566143
Por. gingivalis10s
Prev. intermedia10s
Str. pyogenes10s
Hel. pylorin.e. (0.5min)
0.0452Cl. trachomatis0.510754445
0.054MRSA spp.110896798
MSSA spp.1
0.055MRSA spp.0.51355784
0.056, 7Bord. pertussis0.2521968967
0.078K. pneumoniae0.529633177
Str. pneumoniae0.25
0.072Sal. spp.0.519785284
Sh. sonnei0.5
Ps. aeruginosa0.5
Pl. shigelloides0.5
V. cholerae0.5
Bac. subtilis0.5
0.092Cl. trachomatis0.510754445
0.0910E. coli5521168786
0.091MRSA spp.0.254008627
MSSA spp.0.25
0.0910St. aureus0.257040461
Myc. chelonei0.5
K. pneumoniae0.25
Ps. cepacia0.25
Str. mitis0.25
0.111Ps. aeruginosa125779009
E. coli1
St. aureusn.e. (1min)
Ent. hiraen.e. (1min)
0.15MRSA spp.0.51355784
0.1Myc. avium0.510864189
Myc. kansasii0.5
Myc. tuberculosis0.5
Myc. tuberculosis spp.112234131
0.12MRSA spp.0.59531717
Ent. faecium0.5
Ent. faecium0.5
0.16St. aureus0.512011519
Ps. aeruginosa spp.0.5
K. pneumoniae spp.0.5
0.182Cl. trachomatis0.510754445
0.1810St. aureus0.257040461
Myc. chelonei0.51
K. pneumoniae0.25
Ps. cepacia0.25
Str. mitis0.25
0.25MRSA spp.0.51355784
0.29S. marcescens0.512011516
Ps. aeruginosa0.5
K. pneumonia0.5
A. faecalis0.5
A. xylosoxydans0.5
0.2Myc. tuberculosis spp.212234131
0.26, 7Bord. pertussis0.2521968967
0.216St. aureus0.512011519
Ps. aeruginosa spp.0.5
K. pneumoniae spp.0.5
0.238K. pneumoniae0.2529633177
Str. pneumoniae0.25
0.236Por. gingivalis spp.0.2516490986
Act. actinomycetem‐comitans spp.0.25
F. nucleatum0.25
T. forsythensis0.25
Prev. intermedia0.25
Str. anginosus0.25
0.426St. aureus0.512011519
Ps. aeruginosa spp.0.5
K. pneumoniae spp.0.5
0.476Por. gingivalis spp.0.2516490986
Act. actinomycetem‐comitans spp.0.25
F. nucleatum0.25
T. forsythensis0.25
Prev. intermedia0.25
Str. anginosus0.25
0.54MRSA spp.110896798
MSSA spp.1
0.56, 7Bord. pertussis0.2521968967
Ps. aeruginosa2
E. coli2
Ac. baumannii120
Ps. aeruginosa120
E. coli120
0.78K. pneumoniae0.2529633177
Str. pneumoniae0.25
0.79Sal. spp.0.519785284
Sh. sonnei0.5
Ps. aeruginosa0.5
Pl. shigelloides0.5
V. cholerae0.5
Bac. subtilis0.5
0.9St. aureus spp.22368748
0.91MRSA spp.0.250.54008627
MSSA spp.0.25
0,910St. aureus0.257040461
Myc. chelonei12
K. pneumoniae0.25
Ps. cepacia0.25
Str. mitis0.25
1.013St. aureus303238890
1.011Ps. aeruginosa125779009
E. coli1
St. aureus1
Ent. hiraen.e. (1min)
1.02MRSA spp.0.59531717
Ent. faecium0.51
Ent. faecium0.51
1.8Ps. aeruginosa111232776
Ent. faecium1
St. epidermidis1
St. aureus1
E. coli1
Ent. faecalis1
2.014Ps. aeruginosa111232776
Ent. faecium1
St. epidermidis1
St. aureus1
E. coli1
Ent. faecalis1
2.015Ps. aeruginosan.e. (1min)11232776
Ent. faeciumn.e. (1min)
St. epidermidisn.e. (1min)
St. aureusn.e. (1min)
MRSAn.e. (1min)
E. colin.e. (1min)
Ent. faecalisn.e. (1min)
2.310St. aureus0.250.57040461
Myc. chelonei24
K. pneumoniae0.25
Ps. cepacia0.25
Str. mitis0.25
2.516St. aureus1511096195
Cory. species0.25
Pr. acnes0.25
Ps. aeruginosa0.25
Str. pyogenes0.25
St. capitis1
St. xylosus2
4.610St. aureus0.250.517040461
Myc. chelonei4
K. pneumoniae0.25
Ps. cepacia0.25
Str. mitis0.25
Ps. aeruginosa6
E. coli4
5.016St. aureus151511096195
5.011Ps. aeruginosa125779009
E. coli1
St. aureus1
Ent. hiraen.e. (1min)
5.013St. aureus303238890
6.919St. aureus0.2516650702
Ps. aeruginosa0.25
7.416St. aureus5153011096195
9.013St. aureus spp.42368748
9.11MRSA spp.0.250.5124008627
MSSA spp.0.250.5
9.110St. aureus0.51247040461
Myc. chelonei48
K. pneumoniae0.25
Ps. cepacia0.25
Str. mitis0.25
9.711Ps. aeruginosa125779009
E. coli1
St. aureusn.e. (1min)
Ent. hiraen.e. (1min)
9.92MRSA spp.0.59531717
Ent. faecium0.515
Ent. faecium0.515
9.920St. aureus0.250.5116650702
Ps. aeruginosa0.25
9.921St. aureus0.54022760
Ps. aeruginosa0.5
9.9St. epidermidis0.516221509
St. aureus529897541
Str. pyogenes1
Ent. faecalis5
E. coli1
Ps. aeruginosa1
K. pneumoniae1
Bac. cereus60
Ac. baumannii1
9.916St. aureus3011096195
10.015, 22MRSA0.5330403371
St. epidermidis0.53
Ent. faecalisn.e. (3min)
Ac. baumannii0.5
Cory. minutissimum0.53
Cu. acnes0.5
10.0St. aureus528193164
Ent. faecium30
Ps. aeruginosa5


No data (‐).

Abbreviations: A., Alcaligenes; Ac., Acinetobacter; Act., Actinobacillus; Bac., Bacillus; Bord., Bordetella; Cl., Chlamydia; Cory., Corynebacterium; Cu., Cutibacterium; E., Escherichia; Ent., Enterococcus; F., Fusobacterium; Hel., Helicobacter; K., Klebsiella; Myc., Mycobacterium; MRSA, Methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus; MRSE, Methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis; MSSA, Methicillin‐susceptible Staphylococcus aureus; MSSE, Methicillin‐susceptible Staphylococcus epidermidis; n.e., not effective; Pl., Plesiomonas; Por., Porphyromonas; Pr., Propionibacterium; Prev., Prevotella; Ps., Pseudomonas; s, seconds; S., Serratia; Sal., Salmonella; Sh., Shigella; spp., species; St., Staphylococcus; Str., Streptococcus; T., Tannerella; V., Vibrio.

1Basic product: Betadine (10% PVP‐I, Purdue Frederick Co., Stamford, CT, USA).

2Basic product: Betaisodona® (10% PVP‐I, Mundipharma, Limburg, Germany).

3Basic product: Isodine® (2% PVP‐I, Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).

4Basic product: Betadine Cream (5% PVP‐I, Seton Healthcare Ltd., Oldham, UK).

5Basic product: Betadine Antiseptic Solution (10% PVP‐I, Napp Laboratories, Cambridge, UK).

6Basic product: Isodine® Gargle (7% Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).

7Basic product: Isodine® solution (10% PVP‐I, Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).

8Basic product: Isodine® (7% PVP‐I, f*ckuchi Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd., Hinocho Gamou‐Gun, Japan).

9Basic product: Isodine® (7% PVP‐I, Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).

10Basic product: Povidine (10% PVP‐I, National Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Co, Washington, DC, USA).

11Basic product: Dermal Betadine® (10% PVP‐I), Purdue Frederick Co., Stamford, CT, USA).

12Basic product: IODIM® (0.6% PVP‐I, Medivis Srl, Catania, Italy).

13Basic product: Betadine® (10% PVP‐I, Purdue Frederick Co., Stamford, CT, USA).

14Glas carrier test.

15Ex‐vivo skin test.

16Basic product: PVP‐I‐Salbe (10% PVP‐I, Mundipharma, Limburg, Germany).

17Basic product: Betadine (5% PVP‐I, Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Fort Worth, TX, USA).

18Basic product: Oftasteril® (5% PVP‐I, Alfa Intes Srl, Casoria, Italy).

19Basic product: Braunol® (7.5% PVP‐I, B. Braun Medical, Melsungen, Germany).

20Basic product: Betadine® (10% PVP‐I, Mundipharma, Basel, Switzerland).

21Basic product: iso‐Betadine dermicum® (10% PVP‐I, Belgana, Brussels, Belgium).

22Basic product: Isodine® solution 10% (10% PVP‐I, Mundipharma KK, Tokyo, Japan).


Virucidal efficacy of PVP‐I at concentrations of 0.008%–10%

Conc. (%)VirusMinimum time (min) for inactivation by (%)Reference (PubMed ID)
0.008PV‐1n.e. (5min)9403252
0.051DHBVn.e. (15min)17011665
IVAn.e. (10min)
ROVn.e. (10min)


No data (‐).

Abbreviations: AV‐3, adenovirus type 3; AV‐4, adenovirus type 4; AV‐5, adenovirus type 5; AV‐7, adenovirus type 7; AV‐7a, adenovirus type 7a; AV‐8, adenovirus type 8; AV‐19/64, adenovirus type 19/64; AV‐26, adenovirus type 26; AV‐37, adenovirus type 37; AV‐44, adenovirus type 44; BVDV, bovine viral diarrhea virus; CV‐A7, coxsackievirus A7; CV‐A9, coxsackievirus A9; CV‐B3, coxsackievirus B3; DHBV, duck hepatitis B virus; EBOV, ebolavirus; ECHO‐1, ECHO virus type 1; FCV, feline calicivirus; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; HRV‐14, human rhinovirus type 14; HSV‐1, herpes simplex virus type 1; IAV, influenza A virus; MAV, measles virus; MERS‐CoV, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus; MNV, murine norovirus; MV, mumps virus; MVA, modified vaccinia virus Ankara; n.e., not effective; PolyV, polyomavirus; PV‐1, poliovirus type 1; PV‐3, poliovirus type 3; ROV, rotavirus; RV, rubella virus; s, seconds; SARS‐CoV, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus; VV, vaccinia virus.

1Basic product: Betaisodona® (10% PVP‐I, Mundipharma, Limburg, Germany).

2Basic product: Isodine® (7% PVP‐I, f*ckuchi Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd., Hinocho Gamou‐Gun, Japan).

3Basic product: liposomal PVP‐I (4.25% PVP‐I, Mundipharma, Limburg, Germany).

4Basic product: Betadine (10% PVP‐I, Mundipharma, Limburg, Germany).

5Basic product: Isodine® solution (10% PVP‐I, Meiji Seika Pharma, Tokyo, Japan).

6Basic product: Sanichick (1.6% PVP‐I, Scott and Holiday, Sydney, Australia).

7Basic product: Betadine dermique (10% PVP‐I, Viatris, Merignac, France).

8Basic product: Betadine (7.5% PVP‐I, Mundipharma, Limburg, Germany).

9Basic product: Isodine Palm (5% PVP‐I, Meiji Seika Pharma, Tokyo, Japan).

10Basic product: Betadine (5% PVP‐I, Sarget, Saint‐Julien, France).


Sauerbrei A. Bactericidal and virucidal activity of ethanol and povidone‐iodine. MicrobiologyOpen. 2020;9:e1097 10.1002/mbo3.1097 [PMC free article] [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]


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Bactericidal and virucidal activity of ethanol and povidone‐iodine (2024)
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