B3-6-05, Monthly Debt Obligations (05/04/2022) (2024)

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This topic describes obligations that should be considered in underwriting the loan, including:

  • Alimony, Child Support, and Separate Maintenance Payments
  • Bridge / Swing Loans
  • Business Debt in Borrower’s Name
  • Court-Ordered Assignment of Debt
  • Debts Paid by Others
  • Non-Applicant Accounts
  • Deferred Installment Debt
  • Federal Income Tax Installment Agreements
  • Garnishments
  • Home Equity Lines of Credit
  • Installment Debt
  • Lease Payments
  • Rental Housing Payment
  • Loans Secured by Financial Assets
  • Open 30–Day Charge Accounts
  • Other Real Estate Owned—Qualifying Impact
  • Revolving Charge/Lines of Credit
  • Student Loans

Alimony, Child Support, and Separate Maintenance Payments

When the borrower is required to pay alimony, child support, or separate maintenance payments under a divorce decree, separation agreement, or any other written legal agreement—and those payments must continue to be made for more than ten months—the payments must be considered as part of the borrower’s recurring monthly debt obligations. However, voluntary payments do not need to be taken into consideration and an exception is allowed for alimony. A copy of the divorce decree, separation agreement, court order, or equivalent documentation confirming the amount of the obligation must be obtained and retained in the loan file.

For alimony and separate maintenance obligations, the lender has the option to reduce the qualifying income by the amount of the obligation in lieu of including it as a monthly payment in the calculation of the DTI ratio.

Note: For loan casefiles underwritten through DU, when using the option of reducing the borrower’s monthly qualifying income by the alimony or separate maintenance payment, the lender must enter the amount of the monthly obligation as a negative alimony or separate maintenance income amount. (If the borrower also receives alimony or separate maintenance income, the amounts should be combined and entered as a net amount.)

Bridge / Swing Loans

When a borrower obtains a bridge (or swing) loan, the funds from that loan can be used for closing on a new principal residence before the current residence is sold. This creates a contingent liability that must be considered part of the borrower’s recurring monthly debt obligations and included in the DTI ratio calculation.

Fannie Mae will waive this requirement and not require the debt to be included in the DTI ratio if the following documentation is provided:

  • a fully executed sales contract for the current residence, and

  • confirmation that any financing contingencies have been cleared.

Business Debt in Borrower’s Name

When a self-employed borrower claims that a monthly obligation that appears on their personal credit report (such as a Small Business Administration loan) is being paid by the borrower’s business, the lender must confirm that it verified that the obligation was actually paid out of company funds and that this was considered in its cash flow analysis of the borrower’s business.

The account payment does not need to be considered as part of the borrower’s DTI ratio if:

  • the account in question does not have a history of delinquency,

  • the business provides acceptable evidence that the obligation was paid out of company funds (such as 12 months of canceled company checks), and

  • the lender’s cash flow analysis of the business took payment of the obligation into consideration.

The account payment must be considered as part of the borrower’s DTI ratio in any of the following situations:

  • If the business does not provide sufficient evidence that the obligation was paid out of company funds.

  • If the business provides acceptable evidence of its payment of the obligation, but the lender’s cash flow analysis of the business does not reflect any business expense related to the obligation (such as an interest expense—and taxes and insurance, if applicable—equal to or greater than the amount of interest that one would reasonably expect to see given the amount of financing shown on the credit report and the age of the loan). It is reasonable to assume that the obligation has not been accounted for in the cash flow analysis.

  • If the account in question has a history of delinquency. To ensure that the obligation is counted only once, the lender should adjust the net income of the business by the amount of interest, taxes, or insurance expense, if any, that relates to the account in question.

Court-Ordered Assignment of Debt

When a borrower has outstanding debt that was assigned to another party by court order (such as under a divorce decree or separation agreement) and the creditor does not release the borrower from liability, the borrower has a contingent liability. The lender is not required to count this contingent liability as part of the borrower’s recurring monthly debt obligations.

The lender is not required to evaluate the payment history for the assigned debt after the effective date of the assignment. The lender cannot disregard the borrower’s payment history for the debt before its assignment.

Debts Paid by Others

Certain debts can be excluded from the borrower’s recurring monthly obligations and the DTI ratio:

  • When a borrower is obligated on a non-mortgage debt - but is not the party who is actually repaying the debt - the lender may exclude the monthly payment from the borrower's recurring monthly obligations. This policy applies whether or not the other party is obligated on the debt, but is not applicable if the other party is an interested party to the subject transaction (such as the seller or real estate agent). Non-mortgage debts include installment loans, student loans, revolving accounts, lease payments, alimony, child support, and separate maintenance. See below for treatment of payments due under a federal income tax installment agreement.

  • When a borrower is obligated on a mortgage debt - but is not the party who is actually repaying the debt - the lender may exclude the full monthly housing expense (PITIA) from the borrower’s recurring monthly obligations if

    • the party making the payments is obligated on the mortgage debt,

    • there are no delinquencies in the most recent 12 months, and

    • the borrower is not using rental income from the applicable property to qualify.

In order to exclude non-mortgage or mortgage debts from the borrower’s DTI ratio, the lender must obtain the most recent 12 months' canceled checks (or bank statements) from the other party making the payments that document a 12-month payment history with no delinquent payments.

When a borrower is obligated on a mortgage debt, regardless of whether or not the other party is making the monthly mortgage payments, the referenced property must be included in the count of financed properties (if applicable perB2-2-03, Multiple Financed Properties for the Same BorrowerB2-2-03, Multiple Financed Properties for the Same Borrower.

Non-Applicant Accounts

Credit reports may include accounts identified as possible non-applicant accounts (or with other similar notation). Non-applicant accounts may belong to the borrower, or they may truly belong to another individual.

Typical causes of non-applicant accounts include:

  • applicants who are Juniors or Seniors,

  • individuals who move frequently,

  • unrelated individuals who have identical names, and

  • debts the borrower applied for under a different Social Security number or under a different address. These may be indicative of potential fraud.

If the debts do not belong to the borrower, the lender may provide supporting documentation to validate this, and may exclude the non-applicant debts for the borrower’s DTI ratio. If the debts do belong to the borrower, they must be included as part of the borrower’s recurring monthly debt obligations.

Deferred Installment Debt

Deferred installment debts must be included as part of the borrower’s recurring monthly debt obligations. For deferred installment debts other than student loans, if the borrower’s credit report does not indicate the monthly amount that will be payable at the end of the deferment period, the lender must obtain copies of the borrower’s payment letters or forbearance agreements so that a monthly payment amount can be determined and used in calculating the borrower’s total monthly obligations.

For information about deferred student loans, see Student Loans below.

Federal Income Tax Installment Agreements

When a borrower has entered into an installment agreement with the IRS to repay delinquent federal income taxes, the lender may include the monthly payment amount as part of the borrower’s monthly debt obligations (in lieu of requiring payment in full) if:

  • There is no indication that a Notice of Federal Tax Lien has been filed against the borrower in the county in which the subject property is located.

  • The lender obtains the following documentation:

    • an approved IRS installment agreement with the terms of repayment, including the monthly payment amount and total amount due; and

    • evidence the borrower is current on the payments associated with the tax installment plan. Acceptable evidence includes the most recent payment reminder from the IRS, reflecting the last payment amount and date and the next payment amount owed and due date. At least one payment must have been made prior to closing.

As a reminder, lenders remain responsible under the life-of-loan representations and warranties for clear title and first-lien enforceability in accordance withA2-2-07, Life-of-Loan Representations and WarrantiesA2-2-07, Life-of-Loan Representations and Warranties.

The payments on a federal income tax installment agreement can be excluded from the borrower’s DTI ratio if the agreement meets the terms in Debts Paid by Others or Installment Debt described above. If any of the above conditions are not met, the borrower must pay off the outstanding balance due under the installment agreement with the IRS in accordance withB3-6-07, Debts Paid Off At or Prior to ClosingB3-6-07, Debts Paid Off At or Prior to Closing


All garnishments with more than ten months remaining must be included in the borrower’s recurring monthly debt obligations for qualifying purposes.

Home Equity Lines of Credit

When the mortgage that will be delivered to Fannie Mae also has a home equity line of credit (HELOC) that provides for a monthly payment of principal and interest or interest only, the payment on the HELOC must be considered as part of the borrower’s recurring monthly debt obligations. If the HELOC does not require a payment, there is no recurring monthly debt obligation so the lender does not need to develop an equivalent payment amount.

Installment Debt

All installment debt that is not secured by a financial asset—including student loans, automobile loans, personal loans, and timeshares—must be considered part of the borrower’s recurring monthly debt obligations if there are more than ten monthly payments remaining. However, an installment debt with fewer monthly payments remaining also should be considered as a recurring monthly debt obligation if it significantly affects the borrower’s ability to meet their credit obligations. See below for treatment of payments due under a federal income tax installment agreement.

Note: A timeshare account should be treated as an installment debt regardless of how it is reported on the credit report or other documentation (that is, even if reported as a mortgage loan).

Lease Payments

Lease payments must be considered as recurring monthly debt obligations regardless of the number of months remaining on the lease. This is because the expiration of a lease agreement for rental housing or an automobile typically leads to either a new lease agreement, the buyout of the existing lease, or the purchase of a new vehicle or house.

Rental Housing Payment

The housing payment for each borrower’s principal residence must be considered when underwriting the loan. For the following scenarios, the borrower’s monthly rental housing payment must be evaluated (if the borrower does not otherwise have a mortgage payment or no housing expense):

  • for non-occupant borrowers, and

  • for second homes or investment properties.

The following list provides examples of acceptable documentation to verify the rental payment:

  • six months canceled checks or equivalent payment source;

  • six months bank statements reflecting a clear and consistent payment to an organization or individual;

  • direct verification of rent from a management company or individual landlord; or

  • a copy of a current, fully executed lease agreement and two months canceled checks (or equivalent payment source) supporting the rental payment amount.

Note: Refer toB3-5.4-03, Documentation and Assessment of a Nontraditional Credit HistoryB3-5.4-03, Documentation and Assessment of a Nontraditional Credit Historyfor rental payment history requirements when using non-traditional credit.

Loans Secured by Financial Assets

When a borrower uses their financial assets—life insurance policies, 401(k) accounts, individual retirement accounts, certificates of deposit, stocks, bonds, etc.—as security for a loan, the borrower has a contingent liability.

The lender is not required to include this contingent liability as part of the borrower’s recurring monthly debt obligations provided the lender obtains a copy of the applicable loan instrument that shows the borrower’s financial asset as collateral for the loan. If the borrower intends to use the same asset to satisfy financial reserve requirements, the lender must reduce the value of the asset (the account balance, in most cases) by the proceeds from the secured loan and any related fees to determine whether the borrower has sufficient reserves.

Note: Payment on any debt secured by virtual currency is an exception to the above policy and must be included when calculating the debt-to-income ratio.

Open 30–Day Charge Accounts

Open 30–day charge accounts require the balance to be paid in full every month. Fannie Mae does not require open 30–day charge accounts to be included in the debt-to-income ratio.

SeeB3-6-07, Debts Paid Off At or Prior to ClosingB3-6-07, Debts Paid Off At or Prior to Closing, for additional information on open 30–day charge accounts.

Other Real Estate Owned—Qualifying Impact

For details regarding the qualifying impact of other real estate owned, seeB3-6-06, Qualifying Impact of Other Real Estate OwnedB3-6-06, Qualifying Impact of Other Real Estate Owned.

Revolving Charge/Lines of Credit

Revolving charge accounts and unsecured lines of credit are open-ended and should be treated as long-term debts and must be considered part of the borrower's recurring monthly debt obligations. These tradelines include credit cards, department store charge cards, and personal lines of credit. Equity lines of credit secured by real estate should be included in the housing expense.

If the credit report does not show a required minimum payment amount and there is no supplemental documentation to support a payment of less than 5%, the lender must use 5% of the outstanding balance as the borrower's recurring monthly debt obligation.

For DU loan casefiles, if a revolving debt is provided on the loan application without a monthly payment amount, DU will use the greater of $10 or 5% of the outstanding balance as the monthly payment when calculating the total debt-to-income ratio.

Student Loans

If a monthly student loan payment is provided on the credit report, the lender may use that amount for qualifying purposes. If the credit report does not reflect the correct monthly payment, the lender may use the monthly payment that is on the student loan documentation (the most recent student loan statement) to qualify the borrower.

If the credit report does not provide a monthly payment for the student loan, or if the credit report shows $0 as the monthly payment, the lender must determine the qualifying monthly payment using one of the options below.

  • If the borrower is on an income-driven payment plan, the lender may obtain student loan documentation to verify the actual monthly payment is $0. The lender may then qualify the borrower with a $0 payment.

  • For deferred loans or loans in forbearance, the lender may calculate

    • a payment equal to 1% of the outstanding student loan balance (even if this amount is lower than the actual fully amortizing payment), or

    • a fully amortizing payment using the documented loan repayment terms.

Recent Related Announcements

The table below provides references to recently issued Announcements that are related to this topic.

Announcements and Release NotesIssue Date
Announcement SEL-2022-04May 04, 2022
Announcement SEL-2020-07December 16, 2020
Announcement SEL-2020-01February 05, 2020
Announcement SEL-2019-09December 04, 2019
Announcement SEL-2019-08October 02, 2019

B3-6-05, Monthly Debt Obligations (05/04/2022) (1)

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B3-6-05, Monthly Debt Obligations (05/04/2022) (2024)
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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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