B2C Sales: A Comparison With B2B and How to Do Them Right (2024)

B2C sales isn’t easy to understand, because B2C salespeople are all around you doing a lot of different things. They might be your favorite tech at the Apple store, your mom’s favorite travel agent, or the person who helped you get into college.

B2C Sales: A Comparison With B2B and How to Do Them Right (1)

Whether you’re trying to figure out which sales job is right for you or understand how the sales industry works, this post can help you out.

In this article, I’ll explain B2C sales, cover the difference between B2B and B2C sales, and offer some tips to help make your B2C sales processes more effective.

What is B2C Sales?

B2B vs. B2C Sales

B2C Engagement

B2C Sales Tips

What is B2C Sales?

B2C stands for business to consumer. B2C sales is the sale of products or services to individual consumers, through a third-party website, in-person, or online.

What is a consumer?

A consumer is an individual customer purchasing a good or service for private use.

Consumers like you buy a range of things for personal use, like:

  • Automobiles
  • Clothing
  • Meals
  • Gym memberships
  • Video games
  • Streaming subscriptions

Defining B2C

There are many different ways that businesses sell to consumers. B2C businesses include:

B2C Sales: A Comparison With B2B and How to Do Them Right (3)

Direct Sellers

These include retailers like Nike who sell their branded products directly to customers. It also includes stores like Target that sell their own products as well as products from other brands.

Online Intermediaries

Sites like Amazon and Etsy are B2C businesses that sell products from a range of brands to consumers.


Hotels, colleges, and gyms use B2C salespeople to encourage users to buy and continue using their services.

Subscription Services

Sites like Adobe, Microsoft, and Spotify sell subscriptions to individual consumers.

In B2C sales you might be selling a single product or many products within a single category. Or you might work with a brand like Amazon that sells many different kinds of products.

B2C sales roles sell for direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands. They also help B2C sellers who work with other businesses before they connect with their customers.

B2C ecommerce is another popular sales spot. Per Statista, the estimated value of retail ecommerce will be over $1.3 trillion by 2025.

B2C Sales: A Comparison With B2B and How to Do Them Right (4)

B2C sales includes:

  • Retail employees at your favorite shop
  • Service professionals like those in the health and beauty industries
  • Real estate agents
  • Sales professionals at local hotels, colleges, and restaurants

But because marketing plays such a big role in B2C, sales in B2C are often overlooked. Instead, B2C sales is often defined in comparison to B2B sales.

B2B vs. B2C Sales

B2B (business to business) salespeople sell products and services to other businesses. In B2C sales, you sell products and services to individual consumers. B2C sales solve a problem in a consumer’s life with a product. B2B sales solve a business problem or help an employee excel at their job.

Picture two different salespeople, Ryan and Reana.

Ryan works on the sales floor of a novelty electronics store and sells eerily lifelike sleeping puppy dolls that breathe (They exist and are terrifying – look them up.)

Reanna works at a wholesaler that distributes those dolls to retailers like the store Ryan works for.

Ryan and Reanna are essentially selling the same product, but Ryan is in B2C sales, while Reana is a B2B salesperson. How are their roles similar, and how are they different?

There are many overlaps in B2B and B2C sales. In fact, many businesses have both B2B and B2C sales teams within the same organization.

For example, a hotel will have a B2C sales team who works with individual or small groups of travelers to book travel and events.

At the same time, their B2B sales team will work with corporate groups to negotiate rates. This team may also develop wholesale relationships with booking agents and travel agencies.

There are also similarities between B2B and B2B sales. To be effective in sales you must:

  • Develop a strong relationship and clear communication with your marketing team
  • Have a clear understanding of your business’s sales process and strategy
  • Know how to analyze and use consumer data
  • Encourage consumers to promote products after purchase
  • Understand and develop customer service skills
  • Offer multi-channel service and engage with consumers where it’s most convenient for them

Though there are many ways these two approaches to sales are alike, let’s talk about some key differences.

The Difference Between B2B and B2C Sales

B2C Sales: A Comparison With B2B and How to Do Them Right (5)

Value per Customer and Purchase Risk

B2C products and services often have lower prices than B2B products. This is because many B2C products involve one-time quick purchases and it doesn't always take a salesperson to close a deal.

B2B products are often expensive, so ongoing relationships that build trust are important. B2B consumers usually want to know the return on investment (ROI) and lifetime value (LTV) before deciding to limit their risk.

Number of Stakeholders

A B2C customer will usually navigate the buyer’s journey on their own. For expensive purchases like a car or home, they may consult with partners, friends, or family.

But B2B sales will work with a larger number of stakeholders. During the sales process, B2B sales may need to sell their products and services to many people in an organization.

This might include:

  • Decision-makers
  • Gatekeepers
  • Department leaders
  • Subject matter experts
  • Policy experts

Sales Cycle

B2C consumers may rely on reviews but they often make quick purchases, especially in retail. A B2C buyer journey may also include a lot of marketing before they show up on a lead list.

Social channels, affiliates, or ads can impact their decision before they have a conversation with B2C sales.

But B2B sales have a longer path to purchase. A typical sales cycle might include lunches, pitches, product demos, and more.

That said, both B2C and B2B sales may need to do a post-purchase follow-up. And with the increase in SaaS, ecommerce, and subscriptions, a flywheel model for sales may be the best option for both sales models.

Decision-Making Differences

A B2C buyer is often resolving an urgent need. Because of this, B2C sales are often emotional or on impulse. So B2C sales reps often need to compete with word-of-mouth, habits, cravings, and advertising to get a consumer to switch brands.

B2B purchases present more risk to the business. They often have the potential to disrupt systems and processes that the business relies on. To convince a range of stakeholders, facts are usually the most effective strategy.

For expensive or long-term purchases, like choosing a college or planning a wedding, B2C consumers may approach the buying process more like B2B buyers.

Product Usage

Most B2B buyers are purchasing on behalf of their business. This means that a committee makes most decisions, not the people who use the product.

Because of this, a B2B salesperson may need several different strategies for selling a single product.

B2C buyers are buying for themselves. This means that sales strategies will target the individual and the needs that they share in the moment.

Number of Leads per Salesperson

B2C sales may have a base of millions of potential customers. Sales and lead volumes are high, but the leads aren't always the right fit.

It's often a B2C sales job to identify the right leads, and time management is key. The more time you spend on a lead that won't close, the less likely you are to meet your sales goals.

In B2B, there is usually a smaller number of potential business leads, and salespeople spend more time with each lead. This is great because they know how to focus their sales efforts.

But it‘s a challenge because the long cycle and defined lead pool give competitors more chances to break in before you close a sale.

Influence of Discounts

Because most B2B buyers are purchasing on behalf of their company, they have a budget to work with and usually an internal approval process. This might mean a slow timeline, but less interest in discounts.

But a B2C consumer is usually buying with their own money, so they tend to be more invested in discounts. This is especially true in industries where discounts are the norm, like travel and hospitality.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Most of the customer acquisition cost in B2C goes toward marketing. That said, B2C sales in industries like travel and education may have a higher CAC.

But in B2B sales, the high price point and low number of quality leads usually demands a higher cost of acquisition.

Check out this post on the differences between B2B and B2C marketing if you want to learn more.

Sales Experience

B2C sales is usually less complex than B2B. This is because B2B salespeople are working with experts in their industries and selling complex products and services.

While B2C sales is also complex and can require years to learn, there is less risk in most B2C purchases. This creates less need for a high level of sales experience. Check out this article if you want to learn more about rocking the B2B sales process.

How different are B2B and B2C sales really?

The creator economy, startup boom, and rise of B2B ecommerce have blurred some of the lines between B2B and B2C sales in the last several years.

Consumers today have more direct access to products and services than ever before. Some B2B businesses have struggled with the shift to online sales and having less control of the sales process.

At the same time, many startups operate on the emotions of a smaller group of individual leaders. These businesses may make quicker and more emotional investments than businesses of the past.

These shifts mean that both B2C and B2B salespeople need to be flexible and ready for change.

B2C Engagement

Whether your sales reps are selling cars, houses, and gym memberships, B2C engagement depends on what is being sold and who is selling it.

But there are a few common challenges in the B2C sales process that you can tackle to improve engagement.

Prevent lead leakage.

Because B2C salespeople get leads from a variety of sources, they run the risk of losing leads quicker than they can contact them.

For example, an online lead may be easy to convert, but a drop-in or offline lead may get lost in the shuffle of everyday tasks. Check out this resource to make the most of your sales pipeline.

Nurture leads at every stage of the buyer's journey.

The high volume of incoming B2C leads makes it difficult to keep nurturing leads who are further down the pipeline. Time management and prioritizing is essential. These skills can help you keep quality leads engaged and assess whether incoming leads can return value.

Stay organized.

Keeping your notes in a single system like the HubSpot CRM platform makes it easier to create and review notes, then quickly return customer calls.

Adding a CRM can also help your business collect more reliable data to update your outreach strategies.

Know your product.

Many sales reps stop learning after their initial training. But continuous training is important for salespeople to set expectations for consumers. Product knowledge is more than closing a deal, it's about delighting your customers.

Let’s talk about how to excel at B2C sales.

B2C Sales Tips

1. Understand who you’re selling to

Have a solid picture of your target demographic when devising your B2C marketing and sales strategies. You’ll waste a lot of time, effort, and money trying to indiscriminately appeal to anyone and everyone. Do some research, understand your customer base, and develop detailed buyer personas.

As per HubSpot’s definition, a buyer persona is "a semi-fictional representation of your ideal customer based on market research and real data about your existing customers."B2C Sales: A Comparison With B2B and How to Do Them Right (6)

For instance, say you knit and sell kitten sweaters. You may notice that 50-to-70-year-old cat lovers from rural areas make up a significant part of your business. Use that information to develop a buyer persona specific to those qualities.

That base is probably going to gravitate toward a different brand of sales than young professionals in their twenties. Make sure you understand who you’re appealing to and tailor your messaging and sales pitches accordingly. For more perspective on buyer personas, check out this article.

Pro tip: Use the Make My Persona tool to create custom buyer personas for your target products and services.

This tool helps you create your own unique buyer personas. A persona can help you remember important details while you’re working with customers.

2. Establish rapport if you’re selling face-to-face

If you’re going to be personally interfacing with your customers, you’re going to need to put them at ease and earn their trust throughout the sales process. You’ll have to understand their needs and sell on that basis.

B2C selling is personal. You’re convincing a single consumer to spend their own money to accommodate their individual needs. That means you have to make them have a personal stake in your pitch and messaging. The best way to do that is to let them know you’re invested in their best interests.

Offer thoughtful insights and direct your conversations without dominating them. Be authentic. And do what you can to make your customers understand that you have both the know-how and genuine desire to solve their problems with your product or service.

Pro tip: For a more in-depth look at needs-based selling, check out this article.

3. Bolster your ecommerce presence if your business is online

If you think most of your business will happen online, you should be aware of the figure known as your ecommerce conversion rate. It’s the ratio of the total number of people who make a purchase on your site against the total number of site visitors you have.

That figure is the most crucial metric in determining the health of your online business and the efficacy of your online messaging. Having a great product or service is one thing, making it readily accessible and attractive for purchase is another.

To improve your B2C sales online, you should look into taking steps like:

  • Adding explainer videos to your product pages
  • Giving visitors a clear and attractive set of product images
  • Adding web chat features that allow customers to ask product questions online

It can only help to take these kinds of strides. Giving your prospective customers a smooth, accessible user experience on your site is a great way to improve your online B2C sales.

For more advice on how to improve your eCommerce conversion rate, check out this article.

Pro tip: Business analytics can help you add urgency to your favorite selling points. This quick free analytics course can help you use your consumer data for more effective selling.

4. Follow up with and delight both new and existing customers

When you land a new customer, send an email to let them know you appreciate their business. Assure them you’ll be there for them from then on out and make a point of addressing any issues they may have with their purchase.

In that same vein, pay special attention to your existing customers. Let them know you’re still thinking of them well after you’ve earned their business. Consistently contact them without badgering them. Carefully scheduled emails and promotions to your previous customers can pay off in spades.B2C Sales: A Comparison With B2B and How to Do Them Right (7)

Turning one-time buyers into repeat customers leads to excellent ROI, and turning repeat customers into brand evangelists is even better. They’ll tell their friends and family about how awesome your product or service is. That means free promotion.

Pro tip: This article offers tips on how to delight your customers, with a ton of examples to inspire your consumer outreach.

B2C Sales Is More Than Numbers

It’s about bolstering your service infrastructure and outreach strategies to fulfill your company’s potential.

B2C sales can be tough to identify and even tougher to learn. That said, there are some helpful sales tips and tricks you can use to make sure that you get the most out of your B2C business.

Keep these tips in mind, keep learning, and try to forget about the creepy sleeping puppy dolls.

This post was originally published in January 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Topics: Buyer's Journey in Sales

B2C Sales: A Comparison With B2B and How to Do Them Right (2024)


B2C Sales: A Comparison With B2B and How to Do Them Right? ›

B2B And B2C Sales Cycles

What do you compare B2C and B2B regarding? ›

In B2B vs B2C, B2B stands for business-to-business, and B2C stands for business-to-consumer. The primary difference between B2B and B2C is that in B2B, the business transaction occurs between businesses or companies. In contrast, a B2C transaction occurs between a business and an individual consumer.

What is B2C selling in comparing B2B with B2C selling? ›

B2B (business to business) salespeople sell products and services to other businesses. In B2C sales, you sell products and services to individual consumers. B2C sales solve a problem in a consumer's life with a product. B2B sales solve a business problem or help an employee excel at their job.

What's the difference between B2B and B2C and how does each impact how you approach prospects? ›

B2B marketing is often more focused on building relationships, while B2C marketing is often more focused on building brand awareness. B2B marketing strategies often involve a longer sales cycle, while B2C marketing strategies often involve a shorter one.

Why B2B sales is better than B2C sales? ›

B2B clients will be more logical and more likely to make informed business decisions. B2B customers have more complex needs. While consumers often buy “off the shelf,” businesses need customized and configured products that meet their needs.

What is the difference between B2B and B2C with example? ›

B2B ecommerce utilises online platforms to sell products or services to other businesses. B2C e-commerce targets personal consumers. A company that sells office furniture, software, or paper to other businesses would be an example of a B2B company.

What is one of the most common differences in a B2B vs B2C selling model? ›

While B2B sales relies more on personal relationships between sellers and B2B buyers, B2C sales usually sees individual customers going through a checkout process on their own.

What is the biggest difference between B2B and B2C marketing? ›

B2B marketers sell to other businesses, and their marketing efforts are aimed at a small group of professionals who make a purchase decision on behalf of their organizations. Conversely, B2C marketers market directly to the consumer. It is harder, takes longer, and more expensive to convert a B2B customer.

What are B2C sales examples? ›

The definition of business-to-consumer sales refers to a sales model in which business target individual consumers. Examples of B2C sales reps would be sales reps selling cars, gym memberships, or stereo systems. While some B2C goods are at a high price point (real estate, cars, boats, etc.)

Why is B2C better than B2B? ›

In the B2C business model, the focus is more on customer acquisition. The market is bigger and you want to reach a higher volume of people. Especially if your product is something that people need to buy only once. You need to generate new customers constantly.

How do B2B and B2C customers differ in the benefits and values sought? ›

B2B: Targets businesses or organizations, characterized by rational decision-making processes involving multiple stakeholders with varying needs and priorities. B2C: Targets individual consumers, driven by emotions, personal needs, and impulse purchases.

Why do you want to switch from B2B to B2C? ›

Moving from B2B to B2C means that instead of selling large orders to a small number of customers, you will be selling smaller orders to a larger number of customers. Your prices will need to reflect the differences in cost that accompany this kind of switch.

What are three key ways that B2B segmentation differs from B2C segmentation? ›

The main difference is that B2B segmentation tends to focus more on organizational factors, such as industry, size, location, decision-making process, and budget. B2C segmentation, on the other hand, tends to focus more on personal factors, such as demographics, psychographics, lifestyle, and preferences.

How to improve B2C sales? ›

How to Improve B2C Sales
  1. Personalize customer experience.
  2. React on customer feedback.
  3. Provide B2C sales training to sales reps.
  4. Be accessible through channels.
  5. Work with objections.
  6. Be fast.
  7. Focus on quality of customer service.
  8. Use cross-sales and up-sales opportunities.
Apr 8, 2024

Is it more difficult to sell to B2B or B2C customers? ›

Sales Process

B2B purchases often involve multiple decision-makers and require more negotiation. In contrast, B2C sales tend to be more straightforward and often involve a single decision-maker. B2C purchases are often made on impulse or based on emotional appeals.

Why B2C is better? ›

B2C: Simplify the process

Once the consumer has identified a need, they already have a clear understanding of what kind of product they are looking to purchase. Unlike B2B businesses, consumers are much more flexible when looking at a specific product to buy.

What do B2B and B2C have in common? ›

Similarities between B2B and B2C

Both need excellent customer service and enhanced customer experience. Both require a customer-centric sales process. In both, you have to focus on solving clients' problems. Both groups require authenticity and credibility to be engaged.

What are the key differences between B2C and B2B marketing strategies? ›

Most of the time, B2B (also known as business-to-business) marketing focuses on logical process-driven purchasing decisions, while B2C (also known as business-to-consumer) marketing focuses on emotion-driven purchasing decisions.

What is the difference between a B2B customer and a B2C customer? ›

B2B organizations provide offerings for other businesses and their employees, whereas B2C organizations provide products and services to individual consumers. Some organizations also operate in both areas, serving other businesses and individual consumers simultaneously.

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.