B2B Customer Service: What It Is and How To Do It Well - Help Scout (2024)

Customer experience is a critical competitive advantage for 81% of modern businesses.

Your product makes up much of that experience: how it works, whether it's buggy, if it does what the customer expects. But your customer-facing experience makes up the rest — namely, your sales process and customer service team.

Along with companies identifying these aspects of their businesses as keys to growth, customers have begun recognizing them as necessary, too. In a Microsoft Dynamics study, 95% of consumers indicated that good B2B customer service is vital for them to feel loyal to a company.

It's evident that it's essential to customers and companies, but what is B2B customer service, exactly?

What is B2B customer service?

B2B is short for "business-to-business," meaning that you are a business and the product or tools that you sell are also designed for companies to use, rather than consumers. Customer service is the act of providing timely and empathetic responses to your customers when they are in need.

Some examples of B2B products are:

  • Dropbox

  • WeWork

  • Mailchimp

  • Help Scout

B2B customer service teams have extra pressure on response time and first contact resolution because B2B customers often rely on a company's product for their business's health.

For instance, if Mailchimp goes down, a company's marketing team couldn't send marketing emails to their customers. If people aren't able to get into WeWork's offices, they wouldn't be able to work for the day.

Beyond that, there's additional complexity in teams that use B2B customer service: Rather than a single point of contact as you might have in other industries, there are typically multiple individuals on different cross-functional teams using B2B products together.

That makes context and customer knowledge extremely important in the context of B2B customer service. There are also generally more people involved in the buying — and thus the customer service — process.

B2B vs. B2C customer service

Whereas B2B is business-to-business, B2C is business-to-consumer. Some examples of B2C businesses are:

  • Amazon

  • Netflix

  • Zappos

  • Spotify

The price points for B2C products tend to be lower than those of B2B. Given that, the customer service processes on the B2C side can lean more heavily on automation and self-service. Things like a slower response time derail them less.

For B2C companies, a single person purchases and uses the product, but with B2B, multiple cross-functional teams use it. Creating context within those moments, especially because response time is so valuable, is extremely important.

Context is less key in a B2C environment, as most of the issues will be one-off or with the same person each time.

6 B2B customer service best practices

Customer service is one of the critical differentiators for most businesses, so it's essential to knock it out of the park. In the B2B environment, stellar customer service is even more critical:

  • More people need to be impressed.

  • The stakes are higher.

  • Each contract is usually quite valuable.

Here are six tips for creating better context and experience within your B2B customer service strategy.

1. Focus on getting the right answer rather than a fast one

With B2B customers, there are so many moving parts, including multiple points of contact, many areas of interest, and often different technical knowledge levels.

Given that, B2B customer service can also be prone to a ton of back-and-forth. It's essential to cut out as much of that back-and-forth as you can. Each message that delays your customer from getting their answer erodes their trust.

According to Statista, one-third of all consumers consider it most essential to get their problem solved in one interaction, regardless of the amount of time spent.

So as lovely as it can feel to get an almost-immediate response, it's significantly less meaningful if the answer doesn't have a resolution. One million quick responses still add up to a lot of time wasted without a solution. Focus your energy on getting the answer right rather than getting the answer right now.

2. Keep it human where you can

Unlike B2C, where automation and self-service reign, in B2B customer service, the people you're speaking with really want a human connection. Seventy-five percent of consumers still choose to interact with a real person, even if the option to get an answer more quickly via automation exists.

The reason is that human beings have empathy and understanding and are capable of surprising and delighting the people around them. Robots, while efficient, aren’t usually delightful.

So while considering ticket deflection methods and saved replies, try to keep every interaction grounded in humanity:

  • Use phrasing that feels human in your autoresponders.

  • Keep your phone functionalities, if you have them, well-staffed to avoid long, automated phone trees.

  • Find opportunities to use automation that don't interrupt the natural flow of human communication.

For instance, use AI to surface and suggest useful documentation on specific pages of your site. Automation doesn't have to be entirely made up of creepy live chatbots.

3. Invest in excellent phone support

Some consumers prefer the traditional medium of phone calls to reach customer support representatives, but many companies choose their phone functionality as the place where they use the least amount of humans and the most automation.

How many times have you heard a story of someone getting stuck in an awful phone tree waiting to contact customer service? How many times have you personally gotten stuck in a horrible phone tree?

Use this expectation as a way to flip the script. If you're going to offer phone support, staff caring, human people on your phone lines, and try to do away with as much of the horrible automation as you can.

If you do use automation, keep it simple and give your customers a way to quickly reach your support representatives if they need to.

4. Make customer service meaningful internally

The most common complaint of any customer-facing team that I've worked on is that the rest of the company doesn't appreciate or understand its work.

Your B2B customer service team has a better perspective on your customers and their needs than almost anyone else at the business. Beyond that, they work tirelessly every day to ensure that your customers continue to feel cared about.

Give your team the credit it deserves by recognizing meaningful work at a company-wide level. Beyond that, ask your team questions about what customers care about, and listen carefully to their responses.

Companies that have worked to engage employees outperform their competition by 147%. Allow your team to make real impacts on company initiatives, and you'll see their output transform into something much more meaningful and expansive.

There are other financial benefits to this empowerment, too. Companies that provide an emotional connection with customers outperform the sales growth of their competitors by 85%.

It feels good for your customer service team to know they are making meaningful impacts on these initiatives and to feel more connected with your customers.

Recommended Reading
Support Teams Should Have a Seat at the ‘Adult' Table

5. Listen to and implement customer feedback

When a customer offers you constructive insights from an NPS or CSAT survey, how do you respond? Some companies might roll their eyes at the comments that customers leave for them or deem them "ridiculous" or "so out of scope." But even the comments that seem out of this world are worthy of attention.

It's worth noticing: 77% of consumers feel more favorable if a company actively considers and acts on their feedback.

Instead of rolling your eyes at customer insights, try to understand where they are coming from — even the wildest requests have roots in reality. For instance, if someone asks for something far out of the scope of your current product, take time to ask them what they are looking to do with the feature rather than just dismissing it as unrealistic.

Taking the time to dig into and understand these requests has multiple benefits:

  • Your customers feel heard and understood when you try to dive deeper into their insights. Even if you don't build what they are asking for, they get the sense you are trying to understand it.

  • You move forward with the product building process much more intentionally. By understanding the underlying motivations behind the requests, you're able to create a more feature-rich product that meets various needs.

Involving customers in the process is especially important in a B2B customer service structure where most of your customers want to feel like partners.

Recommended Reading
A Founder’s Guide to Collecting and Utilizing User Feedback

6. Use your data

Data helps you make more informed decisions. Use information about how your customers are using your product, where they are satisfied or dissatisfied, and what they want more of. This information gives you a more holistic awareness of what you need to improve.

There are tons of ways to use data to inform your customer experience, but perhaps the best way to get started is by creating a customer journey map.

A customer journey map helps your B2B customer service team identify and resolve issues proactively, sometimes before your customer even needs to reach out. You identify bottlenecks in processes, problems with your product, and even internal strategies that your team could modify to make things better.

Customer journey maps aren't silver bullets, though. In B2B, the different personas within a buying team can have very different experiences and paths, so you need to consider multiple customer journeys. One size won't fit all there.

Use your data and maps to personalize the customer experience for each of your different user personas. For instance, some users may need information about account management, while it will be extraneous and unnecessary for others.

Things like automated education around new product features or onboarding checklists within your product can help customers feel more connected.

Take care of your customers

While B2B and B2C customers are similar in that they both pay you for your services, the customer service structure between the two is very different. B2B customers need more of your attention and are less inclined to be served through automation or self-service.

When you receive an inquiry, focus on answering correctly rather than immediately. Customers are much more willing to wait a little bit longer for the correct response rather than go back-and-forth for hours over a customer service channel.

Keep it as human as you can — use human language, and avoid crumby automation like poorly designed phone trees.

Internally, focus on empowering your B2B customer service team to make a real impact at a company-wide level. Encourage your team to read through customers' feedback and reach out for clarity wherever possible. Having meaningful conversations with customers will never hurt your strategy.

Take care of your customers, and they'll take care of you. They'll reward you with loyalty, honesty, and continued trust throughout their entire lifecycle — all you have to do is show up for them.

B2B Customer Service: What It Is and How To Do It Well - Help Scout (2024)


What is B2B customer service? ›

A B2B (or business-to-business) company sells products or services to other companies. So B2B customer service is the assistance or advice that a B2B provides to another business that's using its product or services.

How do you handle B2B customers? ›

Dealing with difficult customers: 6 tips
  1. Establish professional complaint management. ...
  2. Remain friendly and professional. ...
  3. Apologise and admit mistakes. ...
  4. Communicate proactively. ...
  5. Communicate via phone, document via email. ...
  6. Win time.

What is the meaning of B2B service? ›

B2B is short for "business-to-business," meaning that you are a business and the product or tools that you sell are also designed for companies to use, rather than consumers.

What is an example of a B2B customer? ›

An example of B2B would be as between a wholesaler and a retailer or as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler. Unlike Business-to-Consumer (B2C) transactions, B2B deals often involve larger order quantities and more complex negotiations.

What do B2B customers care about? ›

Customers prefer human connections over speed.

The desire for human connections showed up in our study in a number of other ways. For example, we asked respondents to rate effective and ineffective service providers they deal with at work on a variety of attributes, including whether the vendor knows them personally.

What are the four main types of B2B customers? ›

To help you get a better idea of the different types of business customers in B2B markets, we've put them into four basic categories: producers, resellers, governments, and institutions.

How can I be good at B2B? ›

Top 10 successful B2B sales techniques
  1. Research and know your prospect. ...
  2. Collaborate with other teams to get a single view of the customer. ...
  3. Make use of AI and machine learning. ...
  4. Use automation and self-service options. ...
  5. Quickly respond to queries. ...
  6. Become a trusted advisor, not just a sales rep. ...
  7. Build relationships. ...
  8. Earn trust.
Jan 7, 2022

How do B2B customers communicate? ›

When B2C communication often involves public campaigns via mass media and resellers, B2B instead involves more direct communication as a close customer relationship. A personal contact and relationship is important because the understanding of the customer's business and needs is crucial.

How do I talk to a B2B client? ›

8 Hacks on How to Prepare Your B2B Calls Effectively
  1. Define Your Target Audience as Precisely as Possible.
  2. Collect References from Existing Customers.
  3. Recognize Your Customers' Problems and Pains and Offer them Real Solutions.
  4. Accept Your Own Limits.
  5. Use Best Practices from Real Cases.
  6. Talk to the Right Person.
Nov 6, 2020

How do I offer B2B services? ›

How to Create a B2B Sales Process
  1. Conduct market research.
  2. Determine your ideal buyer persona.
  3. Map out the buyer's journey.
  4. Qualify leads.
  5. Meet face-to-face.
  6. Close the deal.
  7. Track your results and improve.
Feb 6, 2024

What is customer service standards B2B? ›

B2B customer service involves more stakeholders

Instead of communicating with a single person, B2B companies must build and manage relationships with entire teams. And within those teams, turnover is inevitable, so B2Bs can't rely on a strong relationship with only one person in each business unit.

Why is service important in B2B? ›

By helping your customers navigate your B2B products and services with excellent customer service, your likelihood of customer churn reduces. In our research, we've found customers are at least 2.9 times as likely to trust a brand after a good experience than a bad one.

What is B2B real life example? ›

Product-based B2B companies are the ones that deal with products. They can be any product from machinery to food items. Some examples of product based B2B companies include steel manufacturers, chemical companies, cement companies, auto components manufacturing companies, and so on.

How to improve B2B customer experience? ›

Collect feedback

A successful B2B CX strategy focuses on quality, not quantity. Feedback needs to be collected and analysed correctly to build a full picture of how your customers want to experience your brand. Key steps to focus on include: Contacting customers for feedback with a bespoke approach.

What are B2B relationships examples? ›

Examples of B2B customer relationships are:
  • Automobile part manufacturers and car companies.
  • Management software companies and businesses.
  • Cybersecurity firms and businesses.
  • Technology component manufacturers and cell phone companies.
Jun 24, 2022

What is B2B or B2C customer service? ›

B2B organizations provide offerings for other businesses and their employees, whereas B2C organizations provide products and services to individual consumers. Some organizations also operate in both areas, serving other businesses and individual consumers simultaneously.

What is the meaning of B2B in call? ›

Business to business (B2B) telemarketing is a cost-effective method whereby one business cold calls another business. Their reasons for calling can be anything from generating leads, qualifying prospects, following up on direct mail or conducting market research, to name a few.

What does a B2B agent do? ›

B2B sales reps are responsible for building and nurturing connections with corporate decision-makers to sell various products and services. They do so through channels like sales calls, video conferencing and emails.

Is Amazon a B2B service? ›

Amazon Business (B2B) is a marketplace to serve the needs of Business Customers. For sellers, Amazon Business provides one of India's largest opportunities to reach businesses across the country.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.