Average Credit Card Debt Increases 10% to $6,501 in 2023 - Experian (2024)

In this article:

  • Overall Credit Card Debt Increases to Nearly $1.07 Trillion in 2023
  • Average Credit Card Balance up 10%
  • Average Credit Card Balances by State Increase From 7% to 13%
  • Average Credit Utilization Inches Up
  • Millennials Have Fastest-Growing Average Credit Card Balances; Gen X the Highest Average Balances
  • Higher Monthly Bills May Be Impacting Credit Card Balances

Credit cards are an integral part of the 21st century economy. There are well over half a billion credit card accounts, according to Experian data. Through these accounts, U.S. consumers drive more than $4.5 trillion in purchases of goods and services annually, according to a recurring study from the Federal Reserve.

That spending is great for economic growth: Consumer spending is responsible for about 70% of the nation's gross domestic product. But the flip side of this increased economic activity is growing credit card balances. As of the third quarter (Q3) of 2023, consumers collectively owed more than $1 trillion on their credit cards. Although incomes are up, and jobs have been generally plentiful for more than two years, the 10% increase in average credit card balances, to $6,501, reflects changing consumer habits as well as elevated interest rates and inflation that's still affecting pocketbooks.

As part of Experian's look at consumer credit and debt trends in 2023, we examined what's driving the increases in credit card balances.

Overall Credit Card Debt Increases to Nearly $1.07 Trillion in 2023

Total credit card balances grew by $157 billion to end Q3 2023 at nearly $1.07 trillion. The 17% increase from Q3 2022 was spread over a larger credit card account base, which grew more than 8% over the same period.

Overall Credit Card Debt in the U.S.
2021 2022 2023 2022-2023 Change
$784.5B $909.9B $1.067T +$157B (+17.3%)

Source: Experian data from Q3 of each year

That debt was spread over a much larger account base than in 2022. There are close to 569 million credit card accounts as of the third quarter of 2023, 62 million more than the prior year.

Number of Credit Card Accounts in the U.S.
2021 2022 2023 2022-2023 Change
494.5M 526.2M 568.6M +62.4M (+8.1%)

Source: Experian data from Q3 of each year

Average Credit Card Balance up 10%

The average credit card balance among consumers was $6,501 as of Q3 2023, exactly 10% more than in Q3 2022.

Snapshot: Consumer Credit Card Balances
2022 2023 2022-2023 Change
Average credit card balance $5,910 $6,501 +$591 (+10%)

Source: Experian data from Q3 of each year

Average Credit Card Balances by State Increase From 7% to 13%

With the national average credit card balance up exactly 10% over the past year, it's easy to find those states with faster-growing debt in the map below. States where consumers are amassing credit card debt faster than the national average have double-digit percentage growth rates of average balances, while those with more measured credit usage overall saw less than the 10% average annual increases. Even in these states, however, the increases in average balances were often 8% or 9% higher.

As with other types of consumer debt, including mortgages and auto loans, average credit card balances increased more rapidly in the Western U.S., with every state west of the Rockies (save sparsely populated Alaska and Wyoming) swelling average balances by at least 11% in 2023.

Average Credit Card Balances by State
2022 2023 Change
Alabama $5,364 $5,878 +9.6%
Alaska $7,338 $7,863 +7.2%
Arizona $5,755 $6,497 +12.9%
Arkansas $5,183 $5,667 +9.3%
California $6,030 $6,736 +11.7%
Colorado $6,274 $6,996 +11.5%
Connecticut $6,825 $7,381 +8.2%
Delaware $6,015 $6,622 +10.1%
District of Columbia $6,904 $7,548 +9.3%
Florida $6,408 $7,112 +11%
Georgia $6,265 $6,955 +11%
Hawaii $6,343 $7,107 +12.1%
Idaho $5,181 $5,876 +13.4%
Illinois $6,011 $6,553 +9%
Indiana $5,017 $5,502 +9.7%
Iowa $4,811 $5,227 +8.6%
Kansas $5,532 $5,939 +7.4%
Kentucky $4,894 $5,304 +8.4%
Louisiana $5,577 $6,141 +10.1%
Maine $5,078 $5,614 +10.6%
Maryland $6,668 $7,282 +9.2%
Massachusetts $6,046 $6,603 +9.2%
Michigan $5,265 $5,787 +9.9%
Minnesota $5,425 $5,906 +8.9%
Mississippi $4,912 $5,415 +10.2%
Missouri $5,417 $5,902 +8.9%
Montana $5,385 $5,877 +9.2%
Nebraska $5,312 $5,811 +9.4%
Nevada $6,176 $6,987 +13.1%
New Hampshire $5,944 $6,497 +9.3%
New Jersey $6,819 $7,401 +8.5%
New Mexico $5,350 $5,833 +9%
New York $6,269 $6,809 +8.6%
North Carolina $5,658 $6,205 +9.7%
North Dakota $5,408 $5,895 +9%
Ohio $5,320 $5,759 +8.2%
Oklahoma $5,654 $6,145 +8.7%
Oregon $5,316 $5,986 +12.6%
Pennsylvania $5,640 $6,111 +8.4%
Rhode Island $5,867 $6,419 +9.4%
South Carolina $5,714 $6,239 +9.2%
South Dakota $5,071 $5,524 +8.9%
Tennessee $5,432 $5,993 +10.3%
Texas $6,542 $7,211 +10.2%
Utah $5,535 $6,271 +13.3%
Vermont $5,159 $5,638 +9.3%
Virginia $6,477 $7,002 +8.1%
Washington $6,043 $6,723 +11.2%
West Virginia $5,005 $5,348 +6.9%
Wisconsin $4,808 $5,242 +9%
Wyoming $5,745 $6,227 +8.4%

Source: Experian data from Q3 of each year

Other warm spots include some Southern U.S. states like Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and Texas, all of which increased average balances more than 10% in 2023. The rest of the U.S., while not adding quite as much to their average balances, increased credit card balances by 7% to 9% in 2023.

Average Credit Utilization Inches Up

The average credit utilization ratio among consumers climbed to 29% in 2023, a result of average balances growing faster than average credit limits.

Average Credit Utilization in the U.S.
2022 2023 Change
Utilization ratio 28% 29% +1 percentage point

Source: Experian data from Q3 of each year

Utilization is a significant factor in credit score calculations. Lower is always better when it comes to a good credit utilization ratio, as the table below illustrates. If you keep your utilization below 30%, carrying a balance shouldn't be too detrimental to your FICO® Score .

Still, utilization is only one of several factors influencing an individual's credit score. Length of credit history, the types of credit used and new credit all influence FICO® Score calculations as well (though not as much as utilization or payment history).

Average Credit Utilization by Credit Range
FICO® Score Credit Range Average Credit Utilization Ratio
300-579 (Poor) 69.8%
580-669 (Fair) 57.0%
670-739 (Good) 37.9%
740-799 (Very good) 16.7%
800-850 (Exceptional) 7.1%

Source: Experian data from Q3 2023

Millennials Have Fastest-Growing Average Credit Card Balances; Gen X the Highest Average Balances

In 2023, the average credit card balances of millennials increased by 15.4%, the most of any generation. Their average balance of $6,521 is now virtually the same as the average balance of all U.S. consumers.

However, Generation X has more credit card debt than other generations, and by a large margin. The average Gen X credit card balance of $9,123 exceeds the nationwide average of $6,501 by more than 40%.

Change in Average Credit Card Balances by Generation
2021 2022 2023 Change
Generation Z (18-26) $2,282 $2,854 $3,262 +14.3%
Millennials (27-42) $4,576 $5,649 $6,521 +15.4%
Generation X (43-58) $7,070 $8,134 $9,123 +12.2%
Baby boomers (59-77) $5,804 $6,245 $6,642 +6.4%
Silent Generation (78+) $3,177 $3,316 $3,412 +2.9%

Source: Experian data from Q3 of each year; ages as of 2023

Overall credit limits—the total amount of credit extended across an individual's revolving credit lines—increased among all generations, indicating that lenders, for now, are still willing to extend credit to many consumers. Even if the extra credit isn't needed, an increase in available credit still can help to lower one's credit utilization, which in turn could improve credit scores.

Change in Average Credit Card Limits by Generation
2022 2023 Change
Generation Z $11,290 $12,899 +14.3%
Millennials $24,668 $27,533 +11.6%
Generation X $35,994 $38,665 +7.4%
Baby boomers $40,318 $41,906 +3.9%
Silent Generation $32,379 $32,812 +1.3%
All Generations $27,955 $29,855 +6.8%

Source: Experian data from Q3 of each year

Nonetheless, this still presents a challenge for consumers in 2023 and beyond. When average balances increase by more than average credit limits, we can conclude average credit utilization has also increased for each generation in 2023. Potentially, it could result in downward pressure on FICO® Scores. Although there are many factors at play when calculating a credit score, a higher credit utilization level can generally result in a lower FICO® Score, which could influence availability of future credit to individuals.

Higher Monthly Bills May Be Impacting Credit Card Balances

To learn more about the factors affecting credit card usage, Experian surveyed 1,237 credit card users in early March about their credit card spending and balances. Most survey respondents (58%) indicated that their monthly bills have recently increased significantly. Among them, 75% said new or increased bills have impacted their ability to pay down their credit card balances.

The most common culprits were insurance premiums (both homeowners and auto insurance) and utilities (both electric and heating).

Question: Which bills are new, or have newly increased by $100 or more in the past six months?

This, combined with higher interest rates for existing credit card balances, appears to be squeezing many consumers, resulting in less cash to pay down their current credit card balances. Nearly half of consumers (44%) say they've noticed larger credit card balances, with just 16% saying their balances are lower than they were six months ago.

Credit Card Trends to Look Out For in 2024

Consumers may be more likely to use credit cards to pay monthly bills. Speculation is that new and larger monthly bills are forcing some consumers to rely on credit cards to make up for a shortfall of income month over month. In no particular order, consumers have plenty of costs to manage: higher home and auto insurance premiums, new student loan monthly repayments, as well as higher interest rates on auto loans and credit cards. So it's hardly a surprise when more consumers begin to use credit cards to bridge any monthly shortfall between monthly income and an increased cost of living.

Fed survey suggests that credit for credit cards is still flowing, but slowing. The most recent temperature take of financial loan officers suggests that banks are being pickier, but will still lend. Banks reported offering lower credit limits, requiring higher minimum credit scores and demanding a higher annual percentage rate (APR) in exchange for offering unsecured credit to consumers.

Climbing APRs and balances only makes refinancing even more compelling. With average credit card APRs already topping 20%, according to Federal Reserve data, those able to refinance existing revolving debt may feel the urgency to do so this year. Balance transfer cards allow borrowers to pay down existing balances at an introductory 0% or reduced APR for a number of months—often 12 months or longer. Consider the average balance of $6,501 above: A consumer making a minimum payment of around $118 on a card with a 20% APR would be charged over $1,000 in interest over the course of 12 months, while barely making a dent in the balance. Debt consolidation loans are another option.

Average Credit Card Debt Increases 10% to $6,501 in 2023 - Experian (2024)


What is the average credit card debt in 2023? ›

Overall, the national average card debt among cardholders with unpaid balances in the fourth quarter of 2023 was $6,864, down from $6,993 in the third quarter. That includes debt from bank cards and retail credit cards.

How much debt is the average American in 2023? ›

According to Experian, average total consumer household debt in 2023 is $104,215. That's up 11% from 2020, when average total consumer debt was $92,727.

What is the average credit card debt held by Gen Z? ›

It's the youngest generation that's of legal age to have their own credit cards, so they haven't had access to the convenience of this form of payment as long as other generations. Even so, the average credit card debt for Gen Zers was $2,854 in the third quarter of 2022, according to Experian.

What is the average US credit card debt? ›

How much credit card debt the average American has (and how to pay it off) The average American household now owes $7,951 in credit card debt, according to the most recent data available from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the U.S. Census Bureau. But that's just the average.

What is the average American credit score? ›

What is the average credit score? The average FICO credit score in the US is 717, according to the latest FICO data. The average VantageScore is 701 as of January 2024. Credit scores, which are like a grade for your borrowing history, fall in the range of 300 to 850.

How much credit card debt does the average 50 year old have? ›

Average Credit Card Debt by Age
Age GroupMedian Credit Card DebtPercentage Who Carry Debt
2 more rows

What percent of Americans are debt free? ›

Around 23% of Americans are debt free, according to the most recent data available from the Federal Reserve. That figure factors in every type of debt, from credit card balances and student loans to mortgages, car loans and more.

How much debt do most 40 year olds have? ›

Average total debt by age and generation
GenerationAgesCredit Karma members' average total debt
Millennial (born 1981–1996)27–42$48,611
Gen X (born 1965–1980)43–58$61,036
Baby boomer (born 1946–1964)59–77$52,401
Silent (born 1928–1945)78–95$41,077
1 more row
Apr 29, 2024

How much credit card debt is too much? ›

The general rule of thumb is that you shouldn't spend more than 10 percent of your take-home income on credit card debt.

What amount is considered bad credit card debt? ›

Once this number gets above about 30%, it's bad for your credit. So, if you have $5,000 in credit card debt and $10,000 in credit limits, that 50% utilization would hurt your credit. Late payments: If your credit card payment is late by 30 days or more, the card issuer can report it to the credit bureaus.

How much credit card debt does the average 32 year old have? ›

Credit Card Debt Ages 30 to 39

Some of these changes will impact your overall debt by age, but consider just your debt related to using your plastic. Your evolving lifestyle can cost you. The average credit card debt for those in their 30s is $4,110, significantly more than the $1,462 owed by people ages 18 to 29.

What age group has the lowest average credit card debt? ›

Compared to the other generations, Gen Z has the lowest average credit card debt load and is second only to the Silent Generation (age 78+) for average non-mortgage debt overall.

Is $5000 in credit card debt a lot? ›

$5,000 in credit card debt can be quite costly in the long run. That's especially the case if you only make minimum payments each month. However, you don't have to accept decades of credit card debt.

What is acceptable credit card debt? ›

It's your credit card debt ratio. In general, you never want your minimum credit card payments to exceed 10 percent of your net income. Net income is the amount of income you take home after taxes and other deductions.

How much debt is normal? ›

The average personal debt per individual grew from $21,800 in 2023 to $22,713 in 2024, excluding mortgages, according to recent research from financial services company Northwestern Mutual. If you owe over $15,000 in debt, a Debt Relief Program may be able to help get you back on your feet more quickly.

What is the average credit card rate in 2023? ›

Over the last 10 years, average APR on credit cards assessed interest have almost doubled from 12.9 percent in late 2013 to 22.8 percent in 2023 — the highest level recorded since the Federal Reserve began collecting this data in 1994.

Is $15000 in credit card debt a lot? ›

$15,000 can be an intimidating total when you see it on credit card statements, but you don't have to be in debt forever. If you're struggling to make your minimum payments every month and you don't see light at the end of the tunnel, sign up for a debt management program to get out of debt fast.

What is the average credit card debt of a 35 year old? ›

Average credit card debt by age group
GenerationAverage credit card debt
Baby boomers (58–76)$6,245
Generation X (42–57)$8,134
Millennials (26–41)$5,649
Generation Z (19–25)$2,854
2 more rows
Feb 14, 2024

How much debt is normal at 23? ›

Here's the average debt balances by age group: Gen Z (ages 18 to 23): $9,593. Millennials (ages 24 to 39): $78,396. Gen X (ages 40 to 55): $135,841.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.