Automatic 12 month PIP extensions begin (2024)

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  • Automatic 12 month PIP extensions begin

The DWP is to increase the length of automatic extensions of PIP awards awaiting a review from their current three months to ‘up to twelve months’ from 6 September, the Rightsnet website has revealed. Statements will also be sent out confirming the award to make it easier for claimants to get blue badges.

Although there has yet to be an official announcement, Rightsnet – a highly trusted website for welfare rights workers – is reporting that organisations belonging to a DWP stakeholder group were informed of the change by email on 1 September.

At the moment, many thousands of PIP claimants are awaiting a decision on a planned review of their PIP award. The backlog appears to have been largely caused by an increase in the number of fresh PIP claims and a shortage of assessors.

Where a PIP award is about to run out before a review has happened the DWP has been granting a series of rolling three month extensions of awards, often without even telling the claimant they have done so.

As we revealed back in May, the uncertainty about what is happening with their award has caused enormous distress to many PIP claimants. It has also resulted in problems with issues like getting a blue badge, getting a bus or freedom pass or leasing a Motabilty vehicle. In addition, other benefits have been affected for some claimants, including carer’s allowance, pension credit, council tax and housing benefit.

However, the DWP now say that from 6 September:

'... we will automatically be extending existing claims awaiting review by up to 12 months and will do this 35 days before their end date. The longer extension provides greater certainty for claimants and in particular helps with continuing to access other support for example a blue badge.'

The DWP also plan to issue a letter confirming the length of the continuing award to help with difficulties with blue badges and other services.

Letters will be sent out automatically to claimants from 31 October. However, the DWP also say that:

‘Anyone needing a statement before 31 October can contact the helpline 0800 1214433 and we will issue a statement. Otherwise, claimants do not need to contact us unless their circ*mstances change.'

If awards have still not been reviewed by the new end date they will be extended again.

This sounds like an improvement for PIP claimants awaiting a review.

But the reality is that many of these are claimants who will be moved to much longer term awards once their review is carried out. Until that happens, however, they are faced with potentially years of uncertainty about what the outcome of their review will be.

The situation also further underlines how broken the whole PIP assessment system is and the need to change to a much more paper-based method of deciding eligibility which puts claimants own evidence and the evidence of their health professionals at the heart of the system.

The fact that companies which can’t carry out PIP assessments on time will soon be doing both PIP assessments and work capability assessments in the same geographical area makes the whole situation even more worrying.


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    A Turlac · 2 months ago

    my Pip was extended until December 2024 as they had not reviewed my claim, i have just had a assessment date through for 2 weeks time, can they end my claim after the review if i fail the assessment or is it guaranteed until December??

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    Sue · 5 months ago

    Hi, my review form went in March 2023 as it runs out in January 2024, I haven’t received a decision as of yet, my condition has got worse and I’m having difficulty getting my Blue Badge without a decision from them I’ve had 3 messages telling me my review is being processed I only have 35 days left until both my P.I.P and blue badge runs out can anyone advise what I should do please!

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    Sienna · 9 months ago

    Hi everyone. Just to update - i had a paper based assessment and have just received my decision letter today. I have been awarded enhanced care and my mobility remains the same (standard). They have backdated my new award from 19/9/22 which resulted in them oweing me £1534.91 which is money they owed me from 24/8/22 to 22/8/23. Yet the weekly rates quoted on page 1 of my decision letter are technically incorrect as they are still showing as the pre 1st April 2023 uplift amounts. Is this right? If they backdate someones award do they always calculate it using the "2022/23 rates"?

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    Donna Dee · 10 months ago

    Hi all . My award runs til 1/04/2024 I received my renewal paperwork in may 2023 , have to say it took almost 3 weeks to get to me so I was left with a week to fill it in and submit paperwork medical evidence etc .

    I posted back via Recorded/ signed for Royal Mail and for a text on 24 may saying the had got it .

    Been 12 weeks this week so hubby has tried to ring today for an update , it’s totally stressing me out - we all hate this feeling I’m sure ,

    First time got off second time was on hold for 40 mins then the line again got cut off .

    How are you meant to speak to these people ? Are they still working from home ?

    How long is everyone else having to wait to hear please .

    I’m not sleeping it’s totally stressing me out , BP is through the roof, feel like nothing else can go wrong right now , this process never gets easier



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      Pam · 7 months ago

      @Donna Dee Donna,is this your first application fo PIP, or is it a review?

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      Suse · 8 months ago

      @Donna Dee I also got a review letter end of may got a text to say they had recieved it in June and yesterday septmber got a text to say it was still ongoing and no need for contact unless cic*mstances had changed and l would continue to get payment .

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      Tony B · 10 months ago

      @Donna Dee I know they were bad before, but I’ve found if you call at outside the times they say they are busy, it takes a while and you will get through.

      If you need an extension, just explain and ask as they are likely to agree. We need to understand why they don’t seem to know that the forms are taking 3 weeks to reach people. I think it’s a printing delay and the people/systems sending reminders are in the dark.

      I’ve asked for an extension as my AR2 review form arrived 2 weeks and only had 2 weeks to complete and get medical evidence. As it arrived the same day I started Covid meds, they gave me an extra 4 weeks, then an extra 2 weeks as I was still unwell, now another 2 weeks as I said it’s only a week since I’m recovered and even though I’ve got a lot done, I can’t post it.

      I’d recommend you always phone and if possible put it in writing when you send something near deadline. As it takes at least a week for the incoming forms to be uploaded, their systems don’t take account always unless you’ve called them and it’s updated.

      Unfortunately, under the Govt and previous ones, the whole process is flawed and you have to phone or go to a job centre plus and get them to send a message.

      They still don’t have forms in an accessible format, so had to detach them, scan the pages and use a pdf editor to overlay text into the boxes.

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    Sienna · 11 months ago

    Has anyone actually received one of these extension letters 35 days before their current award is due to expire that are waiting to be reviewed?

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      Pam · 7 months ago

      @SiennaYes, I received an extension as mine was due to run out, so have another 12 months on mine, as my last one was for 3years.

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      Marianne · 9 months ago

      @SiennaI had a letter today 15August, dated 9August extending my award to 11 September 2024. Guess not 35days notice but at least I've got a letter. By the way, I put my renewal form in 20November 2022. Seems unclear when any decision will be made. Suspect forms are just left there untouched &review not even started tho letter says "your review is not yet complete".

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      Anne · 10 months ago

      @SiennaNo I haven’t my review was back in February 2023, so I rang pip on Friday in July, and they have told me I have been issued extra 12 months and still in awaiting review which could b anytime within 12months, they are sending me a letter to confirm this so I can claim my bus pass back. I suggest you do the same

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    Sandra · 1 years ago

    My pip award was given two years ago it was untill october 2023 have received yesterday 14 assessment saying my money will stop next monday 20can they do this not even a week to filk form in not been sleeping wortied have flabamyalga heart problrm thyroid galstones copd and asma dont now what to dp

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      Tony B · 10 months ago

      @SandraYou’re missing some information, as a PIP award can’t stop before the end date without an assessment. It sounds like they might have sent you an AR2 form which are being sent out 6+ months before the end and you must return or ask for an extension usually 30 days after they send the form (they still don’t take into account it can take 2/3 weeks for the form to arrive).

      It’s 21st century and can’t figure why we can’t have the option to get these by email, as it will speed up. Medical records are now usually sent out by pdf electronic secure mail.

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    Carly · 1 years ago

    Can I ask if a review was put in over 15 months ago, and the actual interview is in the next 2 weeks with a change in circ*mstances. If allowed and there is a change in needs does it get backdated to the actual date the review was received or the decision made date?

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    John · 1 years ago

    I had my review on the 23rd of December 2023 but my entitlement don’t run out till 2024 , woke up this morning 13 January not even 3 and half weeks from my review assessment woke up to no money , it’s a joke I have serious mental health issues personality dissorders 3 different ones , 3 slipped discs in my spine , ptsd , anxiety , depression and they have cut me off !

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      Glen · 1 years ago

      @John The year u say is a year in front of what u state

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      Me · 1 years ago

      @John Are you from the future?

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    Jude · 1 years ago

    My PIP review form was sent back on 4 June 2021. Since my previous award I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis in all my joints and carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists. I currently receive enhanced care but no mobility. With all my new diagnosis’s my mobility is very limited and I need a lot of support. How much longer do I have to wait. I’m still being told due to all the changes it needs to go to an assessment but they can’t tell me when that will happen. Help I can’t even apply for a blue badge which I desperately need as I struggle to walk.

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    Tory · 1 years ago

    My forms were sent back over a year ago. Was originally due for a review September 2020 they automatically extended it to September 2022 but I had to have my paperwork sent in by October 2021. I'm still waiting for assessment and haven't even got a date through yet. The extra stress and constant uncertainty has seriously affected my mental health. The government need to step up and do more to sort this issue out ASAP.

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    Darren · 1 years ago

    Anybody help me in my situation currently with my pip? My pip standard allowance is due to end May 23rd 2023 but I received my pip review forms yesterday and saying need to be returned by October 26th!!!??? Confused dot com ! This is 7 months before pip due to end,why I'm getting my review forms so so early??? Any suggestions guys please? Especially as I keep hearing and reading about this 12 month extension to claims awaiting review?? Really confused and stressed t.b.h - yours thankfully Darren

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    Diane · 1 years ago

    Hi...I am new to this. I have read a lot of the posts thast are here. My pip ends in October 22. I received the pip review form in June this year (2022). My Occupational healh nurse helped me with filling it in.. I sent it back by special post. I received a text that they had received it.

    I had to fight like crazy to get PIP and ESA...went through a very long tribunal.

    The whole process made me extremely ill. Now that I am awaiting a decision on a PIP plays on my mind a lot .

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    jayden · 1 years ago

    i received a letter about my renewal and it needs to be sent back by october the 9th… im confused as i haven’t received a text or letter regarding the 12 month extension

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      Laura Goldie · 1 years ago

      @jaydenJoy den. sadly, and thankfully to say as well it all claimants will receive extensions.

      You’ve filled your review so think positive about the out come and good luck joyfen

      Guide UK

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    Alex · 1 years ago

    My claim was surposed to end October 22, I was given an extention during Covid to July 23. I received my review form 12th Sept 22 saying my claim ends Oct 22 and form had to be back by 30th Sept 22. The extension seems to have disappeared and they gave me two weeks to complete my form and get it back to them. Unable to renew my blue badge and car lease ends soon too. Its just confusing and stressful not knowing what is going on and not being able to plan ahead.

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    Tracy Cook · 1 years ago

    I was asked to return my PIP review paperwork by August of 2021 which I did, and although my payments have continued I was unable to claim half price road tax as I didn't have a current statement. Although this was only about £80, it was a lot to me just before Christmas last year. I really feel for those having bigger difficulties with Motability vehicles and Blue Badge... What a nightmare the system is...I shall be calling the helpline provided to try and ensure I get a statement to provide a discount this year 🤞 I appreciate your emails as they make me feel less alone with these problems... Thank you B&W ❤️

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      Tracey · 1 years ago

      @Tracy CookYou won’t lose last year’s discount, as long as PIP show it as a continuous award

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    Chris · 1 years ago

    My pip ran out in July 2022 but is continuing to be paid. I completed all of my forms by September 2021 which were received by registered post by DWP. I was wondering if I will receive a 12 month extension as I will need to order a new car around June 2023. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you

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      Laura Goldie · 1 years ago

      @Chris hope you receive your review decision before June 2023

      An DWP source has said reviews are usually done quickly now within a 3-5 month timescale.

      Good luck Chris fingers crossed everything crossed


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      Laura Goldie · 1 years ago

      @Chris Chris, best advice is try not to worry about it too much.. you may or may not get 12 month extension. Which is goodness as well for you don’t hand to worry for another 12 month in advance about receiving it again and can fill your review now better than the wording of later…

      I hope this help Chris


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      Alex · 1 years ago

      @Chris I'm in the same car situation as you, lease expires June 23, even if they grant the oct 12 month extension there will only be 3 months award left by the time the car goes back so will still be unable to take out a new lease.

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    Pete · 1 years ago

    I had a review letter in December 21. I promptly returned same. I heard nothing till June when I received a Text that my review is still in process and my payments we will paid until this is completed. In Aug22 same text. My benefit is due to end 5 Oct. Have had no letter or text this will happen or any invite to renew. Will I continue to receive payments as indicated in the text or will it stop or will it be extended. Total mess and confusing for vulnerable people. I am 66 and now receiving state pension.

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    Justin · 1 years ago

    My review began in June 2020 and I haven't had an award letter since, although I am still getting my PIP it has meant I've been unable to obtain a blue badge renewal. I also had to get a 12 month one between 2020 and 2021bas they extended my award during COVID. Luckily my partner has a blue badge and we've been using that of we have travelled together, but it has meant I've been unable to do a lot of things if faces with longer walks.

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    Michael Reid · 1 years ago

    I'm actually in fear of contacting DWP about the date my PIPawrd ends,I have complex ptsd and frontal lobe syndrome

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      Lynda Kirk · 1 years ago

      @Laura GoldieI agree Laura…it’s a bit of a hassle holding on for so long but when you DO eventually get through the advisors are always very nice and very helpful…so try not to worry if you don’t have anyone to call on your behalf Michael…it’ll be absolutely fine Mate!

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      Laura Goldie · 1 years ago

      @Michael Reid Give them a. Call Michael the DWP advisors are actually very compassionate and helpful via telephone communications.

      Good luck micheal and call them as k questions there’s nothing to fear…

      Guide UK

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      Sha · 1 years ago

      @Michael Reid The award start and end date should have been on the award letter you were sent. They should send you a review form a couple of months before your award ends. Maybe contact citizens advice bureau and ask for someone to help you or speak on your behalf to them they can also help fill your form in for you. It’s very difficult I know I hope you are ok

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    JABP · 1 years ago

    In January 2021 I received an extension due to Covid till November 2022 but at the end of December I received review forms with deadline for completion by 17/1 not even a month to put this form and evidence together let alone a meeting with my cancer CAB representative to assist in completion of the review forms. My completed review and supporting evidence were posted by the end of February but not without waiting on the free phone line for over 45 minutes stating there is no point posting out reviews over the Christmas holiday period with extra bank holidays meaning delay in it coming through my door and I said I had a Covid extension till November but the call handler said extensions no longer relevant as Covid status has been updated but irrelevant to the extremely vulnerable with multiple illnesses and disabilities let alone being on waiting list many years for major life threatening bladder and bowel surgery which is imminent now. My blue badge review email came the other week but with no new award notice or written extension could again lose this vital lifeline and extra space needed when alighting from my vehicle which I am hoping on renewal will give me the opportunity to find a motability vehicle suitable to my powerchair and shopping trolley space I don’t have in my present vehicle of a ex motability private purchase but with limited features now being essential. I received a text on 11 August basically saying we still have your PIP firm and will be progressing your review as soon as we can. You may still need an assessment with a health professional. Your PIP will continue to be paid until we review your claim. You only need to contact us if your circ*mstances change. Total nonsense.

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      S · 1 years ago

      @JackieSnap there communication is crap my anxiety through roof

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      Jackie · 1 years ago

      @JABP The same as myself. I submitted the forms February and received the text. My badge is about to expire on the 19th of this month. We are in limbo.

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Automatic 12 month PIP extensions begin (2024)


How to answer PIP telephone assessment? ›

Don't let the assessor rush you and try not to just answer 'yes' or 'no' to their questions. Always try to explain how doing something would make you feel afterwards and the impact it can have on you if you had to do it repeatedly in a short period of time.

How to answer PIP review form? ›

You'll have to describe how you're now finding each task or activity. Think about if anything has changed since your last assessment and if it's harder or easier. What you say on the form will help the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) understand how things have changed since your last assessment.

What illness automatically qualifies for PIP? ›

There's actually no specific PIP list of medical conditions in the UK. You can get PIP with any disability or condition, as long as you struggle with either daily living or mobility for three months.

What is the 50 rule for PIP? ›

Always bear in mind the 50% rule. The PIP process needs to know if you have difficulty with, or can't do, daily tasks 50% of the time or more. So that's at least half of the time. If you are affected half the time or more, you have to let the assessor and DWP decision maker know very clearly.

How do you know if your PIP telephone assessment went well? ›

You can request the PIP assessment report (PA4) forty eight hours after your assessment has taken place. Just ring and ask for a copy. If someone says no - just ring off and ring again. Unlike ESA/UC you can have a copy of the assessment report before the decision comes out.

What is the success rate of PIP telephone assessment? ›

PIP telephone assessments

At the time of extracting the survey sample, just over half (51 per cent) had been awarded PIP , 34 per cent had been disallowed and a further 16 per cent had no outcome to date, although some of this latter group may have been informed of a decision by the time of their survey interview.

Why is PIP so hard to get? ›

To qualify for PIP, you have to score enough points on the PIP test for daily living or mobility (or both). If you score between eight and 11 points for the daily living activities, you get the standard rate of the daily living component. If you score 12 or more points, or you are terminally ill.

What conditions are most likely to be awarded PIP? ›

With 37% of people receiving PIP having a psychiatric disorder, it is the most common condition people receiving PIP claim for. Psychiatric disorders are mental health conditions that can affect how a person thinks and feels about themselves and/or the world around them.

What is a good PIP score? ›

If you score between eight and 11 points for your daily living needs in the PIP test, you get the standard rate of the daily living component. You get the enhanced rate of daily living component if you score 12 points or more.

How best to answer PIP questions? ›

These general PIP assessment tips will also help you: Don't let the assessor rush you. Try not to just answer 'yes' or 'no' to the questions. Always explain how doing something would make you feel afterwards and the impact it can have on you if you had to do it repeatedly in a short period.

Can I type my PIP answers? ›

You can write them on separate sheets. Or you can type your answers and print them off.

Is PIP based on your worst days? ›

For PIP you should be assessed on how you are for the "Majority" of days, not just your "Good" days nor your "Bad" days. This is why it helps to keep a diary when you suffer fluctuating limitations.

How do you answer the question "eating and drinking" in PIP? ›

What to write in the box. It's important you tell the DWP more by explaining your situation in the box. Explain what problems you have eating and drinking, for example: if someone needs to remind or prompt you to eat or drink.

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.