Auth0: Key Features, Technical Overview, and Alternatives (2024)

Mar 09, 2023 | 10 min read |




If you are in the user management space, chances are you have worked with or considered doing so with Auth0. What is it all about? This guide will help you learn about the ins and outs of this platform and decide if it’s the right option for your requirements.

What Is Auth0?

Auth0 is an authentication and authorization platform. It provides a set of tools and services that enables developers to easily add authentication and authorization flows to their applications. This includes features such as single sign-on (SSO), user management features, and API security. Auth0 supports a wide range of technologies and platforms, and can be used to secure both web and mobile applications.

This is part of an extensive series of guides about Access Management

In this article:

5 Auth0 Features

Auth0 provides flexible identity management and authentication options for various use cases. It integrates with third-party apps like DropBox, Zoom, Salesforce, and more. Developers can embed universal login flows or create custom logins to authenticate users through a central domain. The Auth0 dashboard lets administrators easily add and delete users, manage passwords, and provision or deprovision user accounts.

1. Universal Login

The universal login feature allows developers to set up a centralized login page for all of their applications, instead of having to create separate login pages for each application. This feature makes it easier for users to access all of their applications and for developers to manage user authentication.

2. SSO

Auth0 Single sign-on (SSO) is a feature that allows users to sign into multiple applications with a single set of credentials. This means that once a user has authenticated with one application, they’ll be automatically signed in to any other applications that they have access to, without entering their credentials again. Auth0 SSO can be set up with protocols like OpenID Connect, OAuth, and SAML.

Related: Read Our Auth0 SSO Guide


Auth0 SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is a standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between an identity provider (IdP) and a service provider (SP). Auth0 supports SAML so that users can authenticate to Auth0-protected apps using an existing identity provider, such as Active Directory or a different SSO provider. This allows for seamless integration with existing identity infrastructure and reduces the need for users to remember multiple sets of credentials.

Related: Read Our Auth0 SAML Guide

4. MFA

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) requires users to provide more than one form of identification when logging in. This can include something the user knows (e.g. a password), something the user has (e.g., a security token or a mobile device), or something the user is (e.g., a fingerprint or facial recognition). MFA is used to provide an additional layer of security, making it more difficult for hackers to gain unauthorized access to accounts.

5. Passwordless

Passwordless is a feature that allows users to authenticate without using a password. Instead, users can use methods such as biometrics, SMS, and email. This allows users to authenticate using methods that are more convenient and secure than traditional passwords. For example, users can authenticate using their fingerprint or face on a mobile device, or by receiving a one-time code via SMS or email. This eliminates the need to remember and manage multiple passwords, while reducing the risk of password-related security breaches.

Auth0 vs. OAuth: What Is the Difference?

Auth0 and OAuth (Open Authorization) are both authentication and authorization systems that are used to secure web and mobile applications. However, there are some key differences:

Auth0 is a cloud-based platform that provides a wide range of authentication and authorization services, such as social login, single sign-on, and multi-factor authentication.OAuth is a protocol that defines a set of rules for securely granting access to resources.
Auth0 provides an API, libraries, and SDKs that can be used to integrate authentication and authorization functionality into your applications.OAuth is a protocol that is implemented by applications and services, rather than being provided as a standalone service.
Auth0 supports a wide range of authentication and authorization protocols, including OAuth, SAML, and JWT.OAuth is primarily focused on enabling authorization for APIs.

Auth0 and OAuth can be used together to build secure and scalable authentication and authorization solutions. OAuth can be used to grant access to APIs, while Auth0 can be used to manage the authentication and authorization process for your applications.

Related Content: Read Our Auth0 React Guide

Auth0 Authentication and Authorization Flows

Auth0 uses OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect to authenticate and authorize users. It supports several flows in APIs and applications without requiring the user to consider the OIDC or OAuth 2.0 specifications and other technical details.

Here are five of the most important Auth0-supported flows:

  1. Authorization code flow: The authorization code flow is an OAuth 2.0 flow that enables a client to request access to a user’s resources on a resource server (such as an API), with the user’s consent. The Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) flow is an extension of the OAuth 2.0 authorization code flow that provides additional security when authenticating users on a mobile device or a web application. It uses a “code verifier” and a “code challenge” to ensure that the authorization code can only be exchanged for a token by the same application that requested it, and not by a malicious third-party.
  2. Implicit flow (with form post): An authentication flow that is designed for use with web-based clients, such as Single-Page Applications (SPAs) and browser-based apps. This flow returns the token directly to the client, rather than redirecting to a callback URL, which makes it useful for client-side apps that can’t securely store client secrets. It can speed up the authentication process.
  3. Hybrid flow: A combination of the implicit flow and the authorization code flow, it allows the client to receive both an ID token and an access token at the same time. This flow is useful for client-side apps that need to access both the user’s identity and a protected resource.
  4. Device authorization flow: Enables users to authorize a device to access a protected resource, without requiring the user to interact with a web browser. This flow is designed for use with devices that have a limited input capability, such as smart TVs, gaming consoles, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
  5. Client credentials flow: Enables clients to request an access token directly, without involving users. This flow is typically used by server-to-server applications, such as a back-end service that needs to access a protected resource on behalf of users.

Auth0 APIs

Auth0 provides two main APIs: the Authentication API and the Management API. Both APIs are secured with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and can be accessed by using an access token. The access token can be obtained via the Authentication API using the client credentials flow; this token can then be used to access the Management API.

Authentication API

The Authentication API allows developers to authenticate users and manage user’s sessions, it can be used to authenticate users via various identity providers such as email, Google, and Facebook, it also allows developers to authenticate users via username and password and authenticate users via social connections, it also enables developers to manage user sessions, such as logging in and logging out.

Management API

The Management API allows developers to manage Auth0 resources, such as users, clients, and rules. It can be used to create, read, update, and delete Auth0 resources, and also to retrieve information about the current user. It also allows them to manage account-level resources, such as tenants, connections, and email templates. Additionally, the Management API can be used to create and manage custom database connections, and also to manage email templates and connections.

Related Content: Read Our Auth0 vs Keycloak Guide

4 Auth0 Alternatives You Should Know About


Auth0: Key Features, Technical Overview, and Alternatives (1)

Frontegg is a cloud-based platform that provides an end-to-end user management solution for building and operating web and mobile applications. It aims to simplify the process of building and scaling SaaS applications by providing a set of pre-built and customizable building blocks that can be easily integrated in a self-served and user-friendly manner.

Frontegg provides the following features:

  • Authentication and authorization: Frontegg allows developers to authenticate and authorize users for their applications using various identity providers, such as email, Google, and Facebook.
  • Self-served SSO: Once you integrate Frontegg’s SSO solution, your customers can configure their SSO completely on their own.
  • MFA and passwordless: Frontegg provides the most advanced multi-factor authentication (MFA) and passwordless authentication with advanced security measures.
  • Role and permission management: Allows developers to create, read, update, and delete users, as well as retrieve information about the specific users.
  • Auditing and monitoring: Allows developers to track and log user activity and system events in their applications.
  • Data storage: Allows developers to easily store and retrieve data in their applications, including support for various data types, such as text, numbers, and files.
  • Notifications: Allows developers to send push notifications and email notifications to users in their applications.

Amazon Cognito

Auth0: Key Features, Technical Overview, and Alternatives (2)

Amazon Cognito is a user authentication and identity management service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows developers to add user authentication and authorization to their web and mobile applications, and to secure their APIs.

Cognito provides a number of features, including:

  • User pools: Store and manage user information, such as user profiles and credentials. Developers can use user pools to authenticate users via email or phone number, or by using social identity providers such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon.
  • Identity pools: Grant access to AWS services to authenticated users. By using an identity pool, developers can obtain temporary AWS credentials for their users, which can be used to access other AWS services such as S3, DynamoDB, and Lambda.
  • Federated identities: Allow developers to authenticate users via an external identity provider such as Login with Amazon, Facebook, or Google, and then use the identity information to authenticate the user with Cognito User Pools or to obtain temporary AWS credentials.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Developers can use Amazon Cognito to enable SSO for their apps and enable their users to sign in to multiple apps using a single set of credentials.


Auth0: Key Features, Technical Overview, and Alternatives (3)

Firebase is a mobile and web application development platform developed by Google. It provides a toolset that provides analytics, authentication, database management, file storage, push messaging, and other infrastructure for application developers.

Firebase provides the following services for building and managing apps:

  • Authentication: A service that allows developers to authenticate users using email and password, phone numbers, or popular identity providers such as Google, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Realtime database: A cloud-hosted NoSQL database that allows developers to store and sync data between users in real-time.
  • Cloud Firestore: A flexible, scalable NoSQL cloud database that stores and syncs data for client- and server-side development.
  • Cloud storage: A service that allows developers to store and retrieve files, such as images and videos.
  • Cloud functions: A service that allows developers to run back-end code in response to events triggered by Firebase features and HTTPS requests.
  • Hosting: A service that allows developers to host web content and serve it over a global content delivery network (CDN).


Auth0: Key Features, Technical Overview, and Alternatives (4)

FusionAuth is a customer identity and access management (CIAM) platform that helps businesses with user registration, login, SSO, MFA and other user management functionality. It provides a wide range of features for authenticating, authorizing, and managing users in web, mobile, and legacy applications.

FusionAuth is designed to be easy to use and integrates with a variety of programming languages and frameworks. It also offers a flexible architecture that allows it to be deployed on-premises, in a private cloud, or in a public cloud.

FusionAuth provides features such as:

  • User registration and login
  • Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • User management and data governance
  • Email and SMS verification
  • Role-based access control (RBAC)
  • OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect
  • Built-in reporting and analytics

Related Content: Read Our Auth0 vs Cognito Guide

The Future of User Management is Self Served

User management is a big part of any SaaS application today.

Unfortunately, more and more companies (of all sizes) are realizing that developing authentication and authorization flows is extremely time consuming and even frustrating for developers. Alignment and collaboration issues escalate as the business starts scaling up fast. This is why you need a self-served user management platform that eliminates most of these problems.

While all user management platforms and solutions mentioned in this guide have hundreds of customers and thousands of users, only a plug-and-play solution can really help you focus on what matters most – core tech development and growth.

See Additional Guides on Key Access Management Topics

Together with our content partners, we have authored in-depth guides on several other topics that can also be useful as you explore the world of access management.

Attribute Based Access Control

Authored by Frontegg

  • What Is Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC)?
  • What is Role-Based Access Control: RBAC vs ABAC
  • ABAC Security: Pros/Cons and ABAC Implementation Steps | Frontegg


Authored by Frontegg

  • Authentication: Methods, Protocols, and Strategies
  • Authentication Apps: How They Work and 5 Apps to Know About
  • What is Two Factor Authentication (2FA)?


Authored by Frontegg

  • OIDC vs OAuth2: Key Differences
  • How OpenID Connect (OIDC) Works
  • What is OpenID vs SAML? The Differences

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Auth0: Key Features, Technical Overview, and Alternatives (2024)


What problem does Auth0 solve? ›

To web users, Auth0 presents as a standard login box, prompting them to enter their login credentials and/or verify their identity through multiple factors. For companies and developers, Auth0 is a user authentication platform that they can customise for optimal security and user experience.

Is Auth0 expensive on reddit? ›

I was looking at Auth0 pricing, and it's expensive. The cost starts to increase if you get more than 7,500 MAUs (monthly active users). If you have more than 200,000 MAUs, then we have no idea the final cost. AWS Cognito has a transparent price, and it is clear how much you would pay for 200,000 MAUs.

Does Auth0 use OAuth or SAML? ›

Auth0 supports the SAML protocol and can serve as the IdP, the SP, or both including: SAML2 web applications.

What is the difference between Auth0 and OAuth? ›

OAuth is primarily focused on enabling authorization for APIs. Auth0 and OAuth can be used together to build secure and scalable authentication and authorization solutions. OAuth can be used to grant access to APIs, while Auth0 can be used to manage the authentication and authorization process for your applications.

What are the benefits of using Auth0? ›

One of the benefits of Auth0 is that you can either build or custom any UI. While developing an application you can decide between native or browser-based login flows. Browser-based UI redirects the user to the login page of Auth0. While in native UI the user can perform the authentication in the application itself.

What's the difference between Auth0 and okta? ›

Okta connects you to everything you need whether you're at your desk or on the move. While Auth0 is a leading identity management platform designed for application builders and teams.

Can keycloak replace Auth0? ›

While Auth0 is a popular choice for many developers due to its comprehensive, cloud-based platform, Keycloak presents a compelling alternative, especially in terms of cost and flexibility.

What is the difference between Auth0 and JWT? ›

Auth0 also provides tools and APIs for implementing access control in web applications and APIs. Use JWT when you need to create and manage tokens manually. JWT gives you full control over the contents of the token, including the signing algorithm, token expiration, and custom claims.

What is the Auth0 1000 limit? ›

Limitation. Auth0 limits the total number of users you can retrieve to 1000 (for example, 100 users per page for 10 pages). When the page parameter is not set, we return a maximum of 50 records, regardless of how many records exist.

What algorithm does Auth0 use? ›

When you select our recommended signing algorithm (RS256), Auth0 uses public-key cryptography to establish trust with your applications. In more general terms, we use a signing key that consists of a public and private key pair.

Does Microsoft use Auth0? ›

The Auth0 Microsoft 365 Single Sign-on (SSO) Integration lets you create a client application that uses Auth0 for authentication and provides SSO capabilities.

What protocol does Auth0 use? ›

Auth0 uses the OpenID Connect (OIDC) Protocol and OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework to authenticate users and get their authorization to access protected resources.

Why is a bad idea to use OAuth 2.0 for authentication? ›

The purpose of OAuth2 Tokens is to authorize requests at a first-party server (or API). If the third party uses the OAuth2 Access Token as proof of authentication, an attacker could easily impersonate a legitimate user.

What is the best auth for API? ›

Token-based authentication, on the other hand, especially JSON Web Tokens (JWT), has become the gold standard in API authentication. JWTs encapsulate user identity and claims in a compact, self-contained format, making them ideal for stateless RESTful environments.

What type of authentication does Auth0 use? ›

Auth0 simplifies the use of open industry standards like OAuth 2.0, OIDC, and SAML to authenticate.

What services does Auth0 provide? ›

Aside from supporting secure protocols, the Auth0 identity platform allows you to customize login services to fit your business, your technology, and your customer base. Using the Auth0 Dashboard and Management API , you can create your own Auth0 instance to authenticate and authorize your customers.

Is it worth using Auth0? ›

Auth0 provides the most extensive functionality to ensure the user authentication and authorization, with detailed analytics, a variety of available providers, and a diverse set of user-friendly tools the developer will really like. Passport, Keycloak, Okta, and Centrify significantly lose in comparison.

What problem does JWT solve? ›

The problem JWT aims to solve

The server authenticates the user, often by checking the entered credentials against a database. Upon successful authentication, a unique session identifier is generated and sent back to the client. This session ID is then stored on the user's device.

What problem does API solve? ›

APIs exist to solve a fundamental problem: how can a group of people use stuff written by a different group of people, who may have had different ideas and expectations? With a clearly defined API, you can establish a set of rules that outsiders need to follow if they wish to use your code.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.