Attract Endless Leads Method (2024)

Attract Endless Leads Method (1)
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  • by Ferny Ceballos


Attract Endless Leads Method (3)

Have you ever seen, at some point in your network marketing career, a well-respected, already-popular, and successful person join your network marketing company and almost overnight get dozens—if not hundreds—of people to join their organization?

These people seem to create “instant” success, right?

All they seem to do is make a few phone calls, send a text or two, and a bunch of people join their team—just like that!

Boring Disclosure: I use this site to teach you how to become more productive. That comes with expenses & my family likes frozen yogurt, so occasionally I use affiliate links to recommend products I love and I know will help you. Click here if you want to read the full disclaimer (or take a good nap).

This is a phenomenon in network marketing I call the “unfair advantage”

Today I’ve got a real special treat for you. Ferny Ceballos (Co-Founder and CMO of<– grab his free attraction marketing formula boot camp) is going to share with us all about how to even the playing field and start attracting new prospects on autopilot & he even has a special gift for you. If you’ve ever wondered what is attraction marketing or how to do attraction marketing for mlm, you’re in the right place.

What Is Attraction Marketing? Full Definition & Guide

Aug 20, 2020 Attraction marketing can be defined as a marketing strategy that helps you gain customers and clients, or ‘attract’ them, who already want…

Take it away, Ferny!

These “overnight success” stories might even be brand new to the network marketing industry, but I can promise you this…

These people were already successful or popular in their day-to-day life.

Attract Endless Leads Method (4)

Perhaps they were a successful professional or upstanding citizen in their community with a positive reputation. These people already had a following and were highly regarded by their peers. People already knew, liked, and trusted them. And here’s why this is so important…

People follow WINNERS!

And that, believe it or not, is the basis of branding. A brand is a multiple of your following and your reputation. Now, depending on your background, you might not have had that kind of reputation or a huge network of connections when you started. In fact, MOST of us don’t start out with an unfair advantage. But imagine being able to create your own unfair advantage — even if you’re at ZERO right now! It’s entirely possible and you likely already see it at work all around you in terms of the HUGE followings it’s produced for some of the profession’s biggest names, yet remains a closely guarded secret utilized by them, but rarely taught. This “unfair advantage” for the average networker, first came on the scene in 2005, when a concept called “Magnetic Sponsoring” was first written about by a – then – unknown network marketer by the name, Mike Dillard, who had written about it as a training manual for his downline organization to grow his specific opportunity. Copies of this manual soon started to spread and Mike eventually published a generic version of the manual. This manual took a branding concept, which back then, was only utilized by the world’s most successful networkers and turned it on its head, by showing how even the newest network marketers could use it to build teams fast, with no prior success in the profession or in business and without cold prospecting a single person ever again. This concept, started a revolution and led to today’s most successful online network marketers and the massive network marketing training brands you see today. Chances are, if you are a network marketer on Facebook, you’ve seen what I’m talking about. Yet, all these years later, these same leaders who have utilized the ‘Magnetic Sponsoring’ strategies to grow their network marketing businesses and training brands, also still suppress this knowledge and don’t share it with anyone outside of their inner circle, under the guise that “it isn’t duplicatable”. Well their organizations and training brands have certainly DUPLICATED millions of dollars for their businesses, so I say why not let Joe and Jane Networker decide for themselves what is and isn’t duplicatable for them, right? The irony is that,originally, ‘Magnetic Sponsoring’ and the Attraction Marketing Systemwhich came with it, was specifically designed to be a strategy to help the average network marketer — regardless of their background or current reputation — create that unfair advantage for themselves. And we got proof that it can work for anyone…

Brandy started using Magnetic Sponsoring exactly 3 years ago…

But because she lived in a small town, her team dwindled. She ran out of prospects and ended up having to drive quite a few miles to prospect, recruit, and train her team. She was ready to quit. Then she found us and pretty much started from zero. With hardly any computer skills, Brandy now has…

  • 73,000+ leads on her e-mail list
  • 23,000+ followers on social media
  • Produced over 2987 customers passively (paid for her upfront biz expenses)
  • She’s personally enrolled hundreds of people into her organization
  • Sponsored 9 top earners into her organization – 6 of them six-figure leaders, and 2 seven-figure leaders, one of whom came out of retirement excited to build online for the first time..
  • She also now has multiple streams of income

Brandy is attracting the “whales” in the industry, and every single one of those whales reached out to her, looking for a home for one reason or another. She never poached or prospected them. They joined her because they saw the value in her Magnetic Sponsoring skillset and system. Brandy also had a couple friends who lived in the same small town whom she also shared Magnetic Sponsoring ideas with…

Husband and wife, Whit and Cari were not in a great place when they started Magnetic Sponsoring

…to put it mildly!

Attract Endless Leads Method (6)

Living in Whit’s mom’s basem*nt, they couldn’t afford to buy groceries and had 2 babies to care for.

After three years of working with us, Whit and Cari now have:

  • 80,000 total leads on their email list
  • 24,000+ Social media followers
  • Generated 2747+ customers
  • Personally enrolled hundreds into their network marketing business
  • Sponsored 5 six-figure leaders into their organization

Not bad, right?

Here’s one more…

Bec Sadek was actually someone who was Already successful in network marketing before she found Magnetic Sponsoring…

Attract Endless Leads Method (7)

Bec was at the cusp of going 6-figures in her network marketing business, doing it old school with home parties, was burned out doing it that way and no longer wanted to be with her company, but felt stuck.

When she discovered the ideas inMagnetic Sponsoring, she had found hope of a) building in a much better more efficient way and b) mustered up the courage to leave her company and start over with a company which aligned with her values.

After 1 1/2 years ofworking with us

  • She had her first 5-figure month within 9 months of joining her new company
  • She hit the top rank of her company within 18 months
  • 12,000 Social Media Followers
  • Generated 987+ customers
  • Personally enrolled hundreds into her network marketing business

And she’s done it all, without actively prospecting a single person!

In a nutshell, Magnetic Sponsoring skills first come from investing in yourself in a very specific way so that you can continue growing your value.

Demonstrating your value will attract followers i.e. your “network”.

You then build the value of your network by investing in your followers and helping them grow, which causes exponential growth for you.

Attract Endless Leads Method (8)

This is the secret to Magnetic Sponsoring:

The more you invest in yourself, the more you attract a larger following, and the more you invest in your team members, the more skills they’ll have to create their own following/network.

I know that sounds really high level right now, so allow me to walk you through the three phases which Brandy, Whit & Cari went through to create their own unfair advantage, using theMagnetic Sponsoring system.

Phase 1: “Training Wheels”

First, I must admit, there are some old school network marketing skills which are timeless, evergreen and will ultimately be essential for you to learn. (Don’t worry, I’m not talking about stalking strangers at malls or sending copy/paste messages to strangers! lol)

However, knowing how to train new people, build community, and develop leaders are network marketing skills which are essential to your ultimate success.

At the heart of it, Magnetic Sponsoring is exactly that, but also involves automating what can be automated and what can’t be automated, at least make those activities much efficient, faster, and more leveraged.

The blending of these two worlds is what makes Magnetic Sponsoring so amazing.

That being said, you are not expected to build all the automation right away, ’cause I got you covered.

Remember, what I said aboutMagnetic Sponsoringbeing a ‘training manual’? Well it was a training manual for the Attraction marketing System, which Whit, Cari and Brandy first used (but more on this later).

So now that you know you can leverage what we’ve already created, you need to…

Focus on one thing – attraction

Attracting your ideal prospects can be achieved by learning what is in my opinion, the number one skill in modern network marketing…

  • Sponsored Social Media Posts

Using sponsored social media posts (primarily on Facebook & Instagram) you will learn how to attract a never-ending supply of prospects, drawn from audiences of people whom we know are already open and positive about what we have to offer.

And once those prospects engage with your sponsored social posts, you’ll use your Attraction Marketing system to invite them to be a part of your following/network – meaning they will have submitted their contact information, so you can follow-up.

You can reach out to them, you can e-mail them, and you can private message them on Facebook.

They gave youpermissionto discuss solutions related to building a network marketing business, so talk to them!

That puts you leaps and bounds ahead of most traditional network marketers.

Starting with this one critical skill, with Sponsored Posts you start the process of rapidly building your following, faster than you could ever do with a personal profile, adding strangers as friends.

But in the beginning, this following won’t know you very well yet, so don’t expect people to be throwing themselves at you. (That comes later. Hahaha… no joke.)

Fortunately, theAttraction Marketing Systemwill be giving them tons of value to keep them engaged and we’ll show you a few things you can do every day to engage with them as well.

This helps build the rapport with them that you’ll need and we’ll even show you how you can earn income from the people who aren’t interested or ready to join you, so you can pay for all your business expenses. (More on this later)

Next, it’s time to move into Phase 2.

Phase 2: Brand Building

In Phase 1, you’ve started to build a following.

You now have some prospects in your network, and maybe you’ve converted a few folks into your business, but it’s ok if you haven’t yet.

Regardless of how many leads or new team members or sales you’ve made, the big win was this:

You’ve attracted people to converse and interact with you.

You can honestly tell people…

“Yes, I'm attracting prospects to me every single day.”

This marks the beginning of building your brand, cause you’re getting results and naturally, your prospects – who probably don’t want to do old school network marketing either – will want to know how you are growing your following/network. That positions you as an attractive leader whom they want to follow.

During this new phase, you start switch all communication from the ‘Attraction Marketing System’ to come exclusively from YOU. That’s what we call…

Taking Over Your Network (or Following)

Now the messages & value being delivered to your prospects start coming from YOU, not us.

You start to provide your own value to others, cause you’ve started to figure out this Magnetic Sponsoring stuff, and you’ll know how to help others do what you did.

You send them emails, videos, FB lives and links to your own blog posts. You’ll also share whatever other useful information you create.

That helps you build relationships with people – en masse, instead of prospecting 1-on-1 all day, everyday.

They get to know you. You develop a reputation for being a leader.

This is called investing in your network/following, so the value of that network grows.

Now, you’ll start following the 80/20 rule.

  • You’ll spend 80% – 90% of your time and energy delivering value
  • And you’ll spend 10% – 20% of your time promoting your business & enrolling people

Perhaps once or twice a month, you’ll hold an online presentation and invite people to check out how they might be able to work with you as part of your team.

At the end of the presentation, invite them to apply to work with you.

Then you’ll interview and select the people that you want to work with and join your team.

That’s right: no more convincing! You are now interviewing and selecting the people you work with!

In the beginning, it might be everyone, but I guarantee you will get picky as time goes on. 🙂

As your following grows, the number and quality of people coming through that application process increases.

Now you’re 3 – 6 months into this process and you’re in the “unfair advantage” territory.

Now you’re only talking to the serious prospects – the ones who WANT to work with you

That is totally freaking awesome because in the process, guess what?

Your self-branded Attraction Marketing System (with our support) is a) training them on how to develop the skills for building online and b) is covering the costs of running your business – including autoship, tools, books, events and advertising – by monetizing the people who don’t ever join you.

Speaking of which, as a little time passes…

The number of people coming into your network marketing business will grow steadily.

But most importantly, you’re creating an asset, consisting of…

  • Your network/following
  • Your own e-mail & phone list
  • Your own social media following

As your brand grows, you enter the final phase of Magnetic Sponsoring transcendence…

Phase 3: Landing “Whales”

You’ll know when you transition into this phase, when you get your first email or message from a 6 or 7 figure earner who wants to talk to you about joining your team.

At this point, you’re probably saying “Wait. What? They just message you? How is that even possible?”

I’m not kidding. It will happen when you discover your skills, your brand, and your results are growing so much that you start attracting influencers – the “whales.”

Industry leaders or professionals in other professions start seeing your content, and they start following you.

Ultimately, they will see the value of working with you and will reach out to connect, if something isn’t going right where they are at or company is getting shut down. (This happens way more than you think!)


Network marketing is a business built on timing.

If you’re attracting leaders, and something is “off” about their current source of income – guess who they’ll join?

And because you’vedeveloped your own Magnetic Sponsoring skillset, and have demonstrated results, value, and integrity, leaders will want to join you when it’s time for a change.

Now, you heard earlier about Brandy and Whit & Cari’s Magnetic Sponsoring story…

Here’s my Magnetic Sponsoring story…

I first found Mike Dillard’s book, after 9 months of building old school, getting myself deep into debt, having a little success, but hating every minute of it. I was an introverted Aerospace Engineer, doing things that were completely out of place for my personality and talking to people about my business – friends, family & strangers – who wanted nothing to do with what I was sharing.

I spent my first year withMagnetic Sponsoringin the training wheels phase and made about $10K first year in my business. (Not a fortune, but not bad for being a slow learner.)

I was learning the system, and getting familiar with the skillset (Phase 1).

The next year I got serious about building my brand and by the end of that year was able to quit my day job. (Phase 2).

A year after that is when I started landing the whales (Phase 3).

Those three years led to a six-figure business in network marketing, and ultimately my first 7-figure year by 2012.

Today my home businesses have collectively grossed tens of millions in revenue.

But these results – mine, Brandy, Cari, & Whit – also reflect a level of skill that needed to be acquired through hard work, study, implementation, and determination.

It’s not gonna happen overnight and only you can determine whether it can happen at all.

If you want to take on things sooner and faster, that’s okay.

Others, like me, might spend an entire year in the training wheels phase. (I was overly analytical, lol)

There’s nothing wrong with that.

With Magnetic Sponsoring and the Attraction Marketing System, you can learn and grow at your own pace

It is not a race.

It is however the best way to build a network marketing business, by far, in my humble but accurate opinion. 😉

So now you might be asking, “What’s next? How do I get started? And what’s the cost?”

Well, you can start in the same way I started and that’s bygetting yourself a copy of Mike Dillard’s Magnetic Sponsoring book!

Investing in yourself will be part of the journey, but we want to make getting started and getting educated first, as easy as possible for every network marketer who truly is looking for a BETTER WAY. You can also grab my free attraction marketing bootcamphere and I’ll send you a few daily emails to get you started on the strategies.

This is, by far, the most efficient (and fun!) way to build your business today.

These methods continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible in network marketing.

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click here to grab your copy of Magnetic Sponsoring, for the exact training manual, which changed my life and career.

You’ll be glad you did.

Ferny Ceballos
Co-Founder and CMO of

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Attract Endless Leads Method (10)


Attract Endless Leads Method (11) Ferny Ceballos is a graduate from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the University of Southern California, in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, respectively. After working for 5 years as an aerospace engineer, his entrepreneurial aspirations motivated him to turn to the network marketing and internet marketing industry to escape the rat race. Since leaving Aerospace in 2008, he has personally been responsible for over 11 million dollars in sales online over 10 years in his personal business, and helped countless clients produce six-figure and seven-figure incomes promoting their businesses using the internet.
© 2018- | Dorman Creations, LLC. | All Rights Reserved |

Attract Endless Leads Method (12)

Discover the core values and habits needed for home biz success, what everyday habits to avoid like a plague, and how a simple change in your plans can maximize your productivity.

Attract Endless Leads Method (2024)


What is the best way to attract leads? ›

How to generate more sales leads
  1. Ask current customers for referrals. ...
  2. Work with your network to identify sales leads. ...
  3. Engage with sales leads at networking events. ...
  4. Revisit closed and lost opportunities. ...
  5. Find sales leads on relevant social media networks. ...
  6. Optimize your social media profiles to attract ideal sales leads.

How do you generate leads consistently? ›

11 Ways to Get More Leads for Your Business
  1. Optimize Your Landing Page. ...
  2. Target Your Ads Carefully. ...
  3. Leverage Personalization. ...
  4. A/B Test Your CTAs. ...
  5. Incorporate User-Generated Content. ...
  6. Host a Training Webinar. ...
  7. Use Multi-Platform Campaigns. ...
  8. Offer a Free Trial or Download.

How to self-generate leads? ›

Strategies for how to generate sales leads include asking for referrals, conducting customer care calls, and nurturing leads. Being a trusted source of information on the internet and social media, as well as through online networking, are also lead generation strategies. In-person networking works, too.

How to generate leads organically? ›

Organic Lead Generation Strategies
  1. Identify your target audience.
  2. Build an email list.
  3. Invest in search engine optimization.
  4. Create high-quality content.
  5. Leverage social media.
  6. Host webinars and online events.
  7. Use video.

How to get high value leads? ›

High-Value Leads: The Bottom Line
  1. Know your target audience and meet them where they are.
  2. Automate lead qualification using your CRM and other tools.
  3. Create high value content for each of your audiences.
  4. Run targeted campaigns to align buyers with the right solutions.
  5. Use intent data to target your highest-potential leads.

How to generate high-quality leads? ›

How to Improve Lead Quality
  1. Define your audience.
  2. Choose your keywords.
  3. Create targeted content.
  4. Develop detailed forms.
  5. Identify decision-makers.
  6. Automate where possible.
  7. Align sales and marketing.
  8. Ask for referrals.
Sep 29, 2022

How to become a lead generator? ›

Independent lead generation professionals are connected to the top clients by an intuitive platform that considers their skills and expertise.
  1. Get a degree. ...
  2. Develop your soft skills. ...
  3. Learn about sales and CRM software. ...
  4. Learn how to analyze lead gen data. ...
  5. Apply for the position.

How do beginners make leads? ›

How to Generate Leads
  • Create Compelling Content. Creating high-quality, relevant content is crucial for attracting leads. ...
  • Send Regular Emails. ...
  • Use Social Media. ...
  • Write Informative Blog Posts. ...
  • Offer Product Trials. ...
  • Ask for Referrals. ...
  • Organize Industry Events. ...
  • Collaborate with Other Businesses and Creators.
Sep 4, 2024

Why am I not generating leads? ›

Wrong Target Profiles

One of the major reasons why even the most carefully thought-out lead generation fails is because of the wrong audience. Wrong target customer profiles — or worse, the wrong understanding of the preferences of your customers — can render your campaigns ineffective.

How do I generate leads automatically? ›

How do you automate lead generation?
  1. Identifying your target audience and customer persona.
  2. Creating compelling content to attract users to your website or landing pages.
  3. Using lead generation forms for capturing contact details of your visitors.
  4. Scoring and prioritizing leads based on their behavior and demographics.
Aug 30, 2024

How do you get leads to come to you? ›

Here are five steps to set your lead generation up for success.
  1. Get your go-to-market strategy ready. ...
  2. Research. ...
  3. Use a prospecting tool. ...
  4. Start outreach and qualify leads. ...
  5. Get started with inbound marketing. ...
  6. Implement a referral program.

What is the best way to capture leads? ›

Build an irresistible offer to capture leads

Discounts are the most surefire way to generate more conversions and leads. Visitors will be happy to give you their contact info in exchange for a great deal like 15% or 20% off their first purchase.

What is the best source for leads? ›

9 Best Lead Generation Sources For Maximum Impact
  1. Organic Search Traffic. Organic search or SEO involves attracting website visitors through search engine results. ...
  2. Email Marketing. In email marketing, you build an email list of potential customers. ...
  3. Social. ...
  4. Referrals. ...
  5. Events and Webinars. ...
  6. Podcasts. ...
  7. Gated Content. ...
  8. Paid Ads.

How do I get more leads for my job? ›

Consider all of the different routes you can take to find job leads.
  1. Conferences, Job Fairs, and Workshops. Your next job lead could be waiting for you at a conference or job fair. ...
  2. Hidden Job Market. ...
  3. Job Search Sites. ...
  4. Networking. ...
  5. Professional Organizations and Associations. ...
  6. Social Media.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.