Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (2024)

RC4 is a popular encryption algorithm. The way it works is that a “Key Scheduling Algorithm” (KSA) takes your key and generates a 256-byte array, and then a “Pseudo-Random Generation Algorithm” (PRGA) uses that byte array to output an endless stream of bytes (the “key stream”), which look like random noise unless you know what the original byte array was. To encrypt a text, this key stream is XORed with a plaintext, and decryption is done by XORing the ciphertext with the key stream again.

RC4 is broken in a variety of situations. If you just naively use it twice on two different plaintexts then that is it,it’s broken. If you try to route around this by prepending a public random value to the key with each encryption,it’s still broken. Extracting a key given its KSA-generated state should be difficult, butBiham and Carmelishowed how to do this to a 5-byte key with an 86% success rate;Akgun, Kavak and Demirciimproved this success rate to 99%, and showed how to get a 3% success rate for a 16-byte key; Basu, Maitra, Paul & Talukdar used intensive, high-time-complexity algorithms to improve the rate for a 16-byte key to 14% or so.

Before Reviewer 2 pre-empts the next paragraph by noting that actually we have failed to cite the latest research that has the figure up to 23 bytes and 35%, we will pre-empt the pre-emption by insisting that this isn’t the point. The point is that if we pick a novel and encrypt it with a random 12-byte RC4 key, then ask you to recover the novel title, you’re not going to have an easy time of it. You might object that this isn’t fair, and you’re right, it isn’t. Even the stupendously brokenHill Cipher, invented in 1929, is considered stupendously broken because you can break it given a known pair of plaintext and ciphertext — but as to breaking just a ciphertext alone, people were still cracking their heads over itas late as 2009and2015. What we are trying to say is that cryptography has an amazing capacity to inflict trauma on people who go around looking for problems, even near “solved” terrain, and that there’s plenty we don’t understand even about RC4 and how to break it. For the more pragmatically-minded among you, what we are also trying to say is that if someone wanted to create some perfectly serviceable ransomware based entirely on RC4 encryption, there’d be nothing stopping them.

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (1)

We have a love-hate relationship with the part of cryptanalysis that pummels the problem to submission using statistics andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (3)plaintext-ciphertext pairs. By all objective measures,we’rethe problem: out of the best attacks known on RC4 (cited above), exactly all of them apply probability theory to exploit statistical biases, and exactly 0 proceed with “The proof is trivial!Just biject the ciphertext to a non-degenerate residue class whose elements are clopen metric spaces”. All we can do is childishly shout “well whatabout23-byte keys, when is that 35% success rate coming, huh”, and then when it inevitably does, lean against our paperback copy ofComputational Complexity: A Modern Approachand weep.

One thing we’ll say for the above-mentioned known plaintext attack on the Hill Cipher is that it is beautiful. It engages with the cipher on its own linear-algebraic terms, then uses that understanding to tease out the key in one elegant motion, like untying a knot. The attack can only exist because linear algebra is as “solved” and well-understood as it is. RC4 is not built on linear algebra — it is built on transpositions and permutations. Can we somehow better understand the little mathematical corner of transposition-and-permutation-land that RC4 lives in? If that’s what we want to do, we are motivated to completely ignore the best and most well-understood attacks that use statistics to deliver thecoup de grace, and instead look for much weaker attacks or even almost-attacks that explore that mathematical corner and maybe shed some light on it.

Unfortunately we are emphatically not equipped to engage with RC4 proper on that level; by the time you are done reading, you will understand why. It’s been said that mathematical reasoning can be like navigating a series of dark rooms, where you fumble around for the light switch until you finally find it, turn on the light and can proceed to the next room. In terms of this analogy, the rooms we can even enter are very far removed from anything resembling the grand prize. This doesn’t mean we should just give up. As Pólya said, “If you can’t solve a problem, then there is an easier problem you can solve: find it.” That is, enter the first dark room with a sigh, and work from there.

What this means in practice, and what we do below, is that first, instead of trying to launch fancy “exploratory” attacks on the full RC4, we focus on the simpler task of retrieving the key from the KSA-generated state; and second, we turn our attention to toy versions of the cipher, where a statistical attack is trivial to launch and if you only cared about “a break no matter how” there would simply be no challenge. These toy versions are the simplest versions of RC4 that we could find where the relationship between the generated KSA state and the original key is not degenerate and doesn’t have an immediate closed-form solution — so that we actually have to do some thinking, which is the point of the exercise. Below we tackle two toy RC4 variants, which according to our internal scheme we have designated “RC-2zz” and “RC-2pz” (see addendum if you really care where we got these names).

The mathematical claims below are preliminary and subject to possible modifications as errata is discovered. This is a diplomatic way of saying that we have programmatically verified that these results are not a hallucination and the described attacks do in fact apply to several test cases, but if you find out that actually in claim 7.5.1 we’ve neglected to mention that the functionAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (4)is not well-defined unlessAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (5)is even or some such, please let us know.

This is one of the simplest RC-like KSAs that do not allow a completely trivial recovery of the key from the generated state:

for i in range(256):

S[i] = i


for ctr in range(256):

j = k[ctr%len(k)]

S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i]

The initial state is obtained by swapping 0 with the key’s 0th byte, then 0 again with the 1st byte, then 0 again with the 2nd byte, and so on, where upon running out of key bytes we loop back again to the 0th byte. Now, a good, old-fashioned attack that doesn’t care about pretty mathematics, and simply goes for the jugular, would make short work of this KSA. To see why, consider the simple, mediocre key,key. The algorithm proceeds by swapping 0 and 107 (k), then 0 and 101 (e), then 0 and 121 (y), then 0 and 107 again, and so forth and so on until 256 swaps are performed. When the initial state is fully generated, all elements that aren’t 0, 107, 101 or 121 have not been swapped away — we will have for exampleAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (6)andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (7). A simple scan of the final permutation will typically make it obvious which bytes other than 0 were a part of the key, and which were not. From there, we can start a brute-force search for keys composed of these three bytes and optionally 0, with possible repetition. There are infinitely many such keys, but onlyAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (8)possible permutations, so it won’t be long until we hit a valid key (that is, one that generates the desired permutation) by pure chance. What all this means is that using brute force and statistics, there is barely anything to discuss here.

Now, let us deliberately complicate our own lives, and engage with the KSA in terms of its mathematical structure. To do that, we must first learn the mathematical language used to describe and manipulate the basic building blocks that the KSA uses — swaps and permutations. Permutations are usually studied in Group Theory 101; Group Theory studies invertible operations, and it turns out that A. swapping stuff around is an invertible operation, and B. whenever you perform an invertible operation, you are, actually, swapping stuff around (this latter fact is called “Cayley’s Theorem“). In this context, you might see a permutationAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (9)described like so:

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (10)

This is called putting the permutation in “cyclic form”; the example above specifiesAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (11),Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (12),Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (13),Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (14)andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (15)(andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (16)for all otherAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (17). Take a minute to convince yourself that any permutation on a finite amount of elements can be put in cyclic form (simply writeAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (18)until you are back toAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (19)again, then start with the smallest element that hasn’t yet appeared (let’s say it’s 7) and write again:Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (20); keep adding these cycles until you are out of elements).

A simple swap of two elementsAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (21)andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (22)(a “transposition”) is also a permutation, and its cyclic form isAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (23). It’s handy to define “multiplication” for permutations, such that we can writeAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (24)and mean “executeAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (25)and thenAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (26)” (if this seems backwards to you, just recall that in algebraAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (27)also means “applyAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (28)first andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (29)second”; the definition here works the exact same way, and for the same reason. If this still seems backwards to you, we apologize). Armed with this notation, we can now explicitly write the permutation state generated by the KSA above:

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (30)

Where, again, the transpositions are applied from right to left, andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (31)is actually shorthand for “Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (32)at the indexAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (33)“. This is abuse of notation, but writing out the modulo operation every time is clunky, and in this case there is little danger of confusion (if the key is shorter than 256 bytes, it’s not clear what other definition the subscript operatorAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (34)could even have).

Using the above KSA, the keysoloinggenerates a permutation with one cycle of length 4, and another of length 2, where the element 0 appears in neither. We will write this out in more concise notation:<1||{4: 1, 2: 1}>, meaning: the element 0 appears in a cycle of length1; of cycles of length4, there are1; of cycles of length2, there are1; all other cycles are of size 1. Cycles of size 1 are just elements that the permutation “doesn’t touch” — you could say that they stay put, or that they are fixed points of the permutation, or that they satisfyAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (35), whichever is your favorite way to see it.

For this KSA, it is particularly useful to look not at the generated permutation itself, but instead at its “general shape” — the number of cycles of each length involved, and the position ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (36)within them (we will call this sum of information the permutation’s “signature”). We can obtain a variety of different permutation signatures from different keys. The keyrarergives a permutation with<2||{2:2}>;abacusgives<1||{4:1,2:1}>; andcalmlygives<3||{3:2}>. Actually,boldlyalso gives<3||{3:2}>, as doesalibisandcanine. If you squint at this “coincidence” hard enough, a general intuitive suspicion might start to form in your mind, which can be expressed either formally or clearly. Let us first express it formally:

💡DEFINITION 1.1Two keysAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (37),Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (38)are said to be2zz-conjugateif there exists some permutationAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (39)such thatAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (40)andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (41). Permutations are applied to keys in the obvious way, e.g. applyingAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (42)tokeyyieldsrny.

💡DEFINITION 1.2Two permutationsAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (43)are said to be2zz-conjugateif there exists some permutationAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (44)such thatAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (45)andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (46).

This isn’t something wecompletelymade up: the concept of “conjugate permutations” exists in the wide and beautiful mathematical world outside of this article, somewhere in chapter 3 or so of the aforementioned Group Theory 101 course. But that other definition is slightly different from the one we have above:Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (47)is not required there. This is basically because the 2zz-KSA in some important sense “cares” more than your usual permutation whether a number is 0 or not, seeing as the number 0 is hardcoded into the 2zz-KSA, so if we try to prove anything interesting about the 2zz-KSA using plain vanilla conjugacy, we will probably fail. To wit,Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (48)andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (49)are perfectly conjugate by the normal, vanilla definition for conjugacy, but the RC-2zz keys required to generate them will have a completely different underlying structure. You might want to stop and convince yourself that if two permutations are 2zz-conjugate, then they are also plain vanilla conjugate per the definition from group theory 101 (in mathematical terms this makes 2zz-conjugacy what’s called a “refinement” of vanilla conjugacy). With our concept of 2zz-conjugacy we are able to make the following claim:

💡CLAIM 1.1LetAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (50)be a key that generates a permutationAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (51). Then there exist a keyAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (52), a permutationAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (53)and a permutationAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (54)with the following properties:

  1. Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (55),Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (56)are conjugates;Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (57),Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (58)are also conjugates; and further, they are conjugates via the sameAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (59)
  2. Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (60)is lexicographically minimal (i.e. would come first in a dictionary) among all conjugates ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (61)

What this means, in plain English, is that we can look at a key such assheepand immediately disregard the specific letterss,h,e, andpbeing used. The 2zz-KSA will proceed in exactly the same way if the key were, let’s say,pgjjqinstead, because there existsAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (62)withAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (63)— the two keys are 2zz-conjugate. We take all keys conjugate tosheepand put them in a giant pile, which we’ll nameabccdafter the pile member that’s first alphabetically. Then it’s enough that we computeAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (64)once; For every keyAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (65)in that same conjugate pile, we can take a shortcut and instead of computingAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (66), compute the correctAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (67)withAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (68)then immediately obtainAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (69). This is not a whitepaper and so we won’t include a proof here, but you might become convinced of this if you follow the two permutation constructions for the two keysabccdandsheepstep-by-step, and verify for yourself that at the cyclical structure level, they proceed the same way. At a very hand-wavey level, we might say that permutation-signature-wise, the 2zz-KSA doesn’t “care” about the actual value of each byte, only whether two bytes are identical and whether any of them areAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (70).

If that still doesn’t sound perfectly clear, we are happy to announce that in fact you can forget all about it and instead stare at the below pretty picture, which illustrates what happens after 4 steps of 2zz-KSA on a 4-byte key:

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (71)(⚪🔵⚪🔴)Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (72)(0🔴)(0⚪)(0🔵)(0⚪)Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (73)(0🔴)(⚪🔵)
Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (74)(🔵🔴🔵⚪)Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (75)(0⚪)(0🔵)(0🔴)(0🔵)Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (76)(0⚪)(🔵🔴)
Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (77)(🔴⚪🔴🔵)Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (78)(0🔵)(0🔴)(0⚪)(0🔴)Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (79)(0🔵)(🔴⚪)

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (80)

Assuming all colorful circles are nonzero and different from each other (and remember, transpositions are applied from right to left). That last row has the lexicographically minimal representative. Once you realize what is going on here and extend the result in your mind’s eye to the entire 256 iterations, you have understood everything so far, and should also not have trouble with the following convenient result:

💡CLAIM 1.2LetAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (81)be a key that 2zz-generates a permutationAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (82), which is conjugate toAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (83)viaAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (84). ThenAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (85)generatesAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (86).

What this means is that when looking for a keyAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (87)that generatesAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (88), it is enough to find a key that generates a permutation conjugate toAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (89). Again, a proof will not be included here, but the principle behind it is very similar to the one behind claim 1.1.

While constructing a feasible practical attack isn’t our main goal here, it’d do us well to consider it anyway so as to ground the discussion. So how can we use all the above philosophizing to our advantage when attempting to extract a key from an initial permutation state? We can construct a precomputed table that, for each permutation signature, records the shortest key that generates that permutation signature and is lexicographically minimal among its conjugates. This is best done by iterating over every possible lexicographically minimal representative key, running the KSA, noting the result and updating the value for the resulting signature, if none exists. So, for instance, we might run the KSA with the keyabcdce, obtain the result<3||{3:2}>(see above withcalmly,boldly,alibis) and update the table —<3||{3:2}> : abcdce, if we haven’t yet found a shorter key that generates a permutation with that signature.

Alas, we have to contend with the question of how large this table is, and how long it will take us to compute. We might try to bound the table size from above using the number of different permutation signatures — but the number of conjugacy classes of a permutation group with 256 elementsis a 48-bit number. That means a database weighing Petabytes (Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (90)bytes), more on the “extremely determined nation state” side than the “bored student” side. Thankfully, we can do a lot without scratching this bound: after all, one brute-force of allAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (91)-bit minimal keys generates a database that can then extractallsuch keys from the initial permutation. So, we can limit ourselves to 128-bit (16-byte) minimal keys, and maybe get a better bound.

How much better? Given some natural numberAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (92), how many keys are there of lengthAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (93)that are lexicographically minimal among their conjugates? To tackle this question we steeled our hearts, recalled all the wonderful tools of combinatorics at our disposal, and then promptly dismissed them and instead wrote a script to manually count the possibilities forAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (94)which we then cross-referenced with theonline encyclopedia of integer sequences. This search producedOEIS A024716, “Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (95)whereAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (96)are Stirling numbers of the second kind”. The 16th entry in the sequence, corresponding to 16-byte (128-bit) keys, is a 33-bit number. That’s very feasible.

So that’s a theoretically possible attack withsomeforced mathematics, but thereallyinteresting thing would be to go all the way, and find an algorithm that retrieves a short minimal key from the function signature, instead of relying on a precomputed table. But it’s not immediately clear how to go about that. In fact, we can posit a generalized “RC-2zz problem”: Given a conjugacy classAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (97)of a permutation group onAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (98)elements (possiblyAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (99)here) and an integerAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (100), does there exist a keyAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (101)with size shorter thanAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (102)that generates a permutation inAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (103)via a generalized RC-2zz KSA that runs forAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (104)iterations instead of a fixedAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (105)? If handed the correct key, it is straightforward to verify that a permutation is generated as desired, but how well can we mortals produce such a key from scratch? Is there a polynomial-time algorithm to do this, or maybe it is provably difficult?

As a point of interest, the insights above carry over even if we generalize the cipher a little to something like this:

for i in range(256):

S[i] = i


for ctr in range(256):

j = p2 + k[ctr%len(k)]

Withp1,p2public parameters. Instead of transpositions ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (106)we now deal with transpositions ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (107). The above analysis remains applicable except that the “special element” being transposed with is nowAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (108)instead ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (109), and all key bytes are shifted by the constantAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (110).

Now that we’re comfortable with permutations, cyclic forms and conjugacy, we can carefully move an inch up the ladder of complexity and address a slightly more challenging KSA. We call this variant RC-2pz, and the initialization goes as follows:

for i in range(256):

S[i] = i


for ctr in range(256):

j += k[ctr%len(k)] (mod 256)

S[i], S[j] = S[j], S[i]

The sharp-eyed among you will notice that this isalmostRC-2zz. The one difference is that the assignment (=) in line 5 is now an addition assignment (+=). You might rightfully wonder how much this could complicate the analysis, but the answer is, unfortunately, “very”. For one thing, with this one innocent-seeming tweak all the convenient properties due to 2zz-conjugacy up and disappear. For example, the two keysk1 = [1, 14]andk2 = [1, 255]are 2zz-conjugate, but try to put both through the KSA and their behavior diverges very quickly — by the 2nd iterationk1performs an actual swapAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (111)whilek1performs the “swap”Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (112), a non-opeartion. Let’s do what comes naturally and define a new and more suitable notion of 2pz-conjugacy:

💡DEFINITION 2.2Two keysAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (113)are said to be2pz-conjugateif:

  1. For allAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (114),Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (115)if and only ifAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (116)
  2. For allAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (117),Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (118)if and only ifAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (119)

(1) means, plainly, that if the running sum ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (120)is equal at indicesAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (121)andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (122), then the same is true forAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (123), and vice-versa (all sums are modulo 256 — this is the last time we’re going to explicitly write this down). A reader with an eye for analogies might suggest we could drop condition (2) for a more “vanilla flavor” 2pz-conjugacy. The result isn’t something you find in any mathematical textbook we’re aware of, but indeed it is closer to something youmightfind in one, hypothetically, and the further analysis below will mainly deal with this “weak” 2pz-conjugacy for the sake of simplicity. Still, if we try to extrapolate this definition to a full attack similar to the one launched on 2zz, we run into a wall quickly. First, the naive approach to check if two keys are conjugate was straightforward for 2zz, and here it has shot up in complexity (one might toy in analyzing exactly how intractable it is, but soon we will propose a less naive approach, anyway). Second, and more importantly, the number of conjugacy classes veritably explodes. Consider that[1],[2],[3], all the way to[255]are all 2zz-conjugate keys. In contrast,[1],[2]and[4]are each in a distinct 2pz-conjugacy class already!

All we did to move from 2zz to here is a tiny gradation up the ladder of complexity, replacing one=with a+=. We didn’t even introduce any feedback that makes the swaps themselves dependent on the current state (such asj += S[i]). And yet our entire approach from before is basically useless now. All we have is maybe some better intuition about how to approach the problem. Imagine attacking the actual real-life RC4 KSA, which sits at the top of a long tower of such complexity gradations and hasj = j + S[i] + k[i%len(k)], with an auto-increment ofi.

Now, and this is the real beauty of the thing, if we stop forcing mathematics into it and allow an attacker to “eye it” and use statistical reasoning, RC-2pz is laughably easy to break. This is because one property of swaps and permutations when put in cyclical form is that ifAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (124)are all different then

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (125)

This implies that if we look at the cycles of the final generated permutation, usually a lot of them are going to contain sequences of the formAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (126), and thus if we take the sequence ofdifferencesfrom one term in the cycle to the next we will run into a lot of pretty key bytes sitting in a row waiting to be harvested. Allowing for a bit of trial and error, it’s not very complicated to proceed from there. Alas, we’re not here to shout “boom, broken”, we are here to handicap ourselves, disallow such vulgar methods, and hopefully enhance our mathematical understanding.

So what can we do? We’ve convinced ourselves that enumerating all valuesAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (127)where the running key sum will repeat (Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (128)isn’t a good enough approach. Perhaps we can make progress by having a better understanding of how these “repeats” behave. We can start by convincing ourselves of the following claim:

💡CLAIM 2.1letAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (129)be an RC-2pz key and denoteAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (130). Note that this implies the first swap will beAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (131), the secondAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (132), and so on. Then there exists a functionAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (133)such that for allAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (134), we haveAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (135), and furtherAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (136)is minimal with this property. The caseAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (137)should be understood to mean thatAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (138)for allAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (139). For convenience let us generally define a functionAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (140)withAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (141).

This is less complicated than it sounds. All it is saying is that after theAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (142)th iteration of the KSA, it is enough to consider the value ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (143)to understand how many iterations the KSA will go through until the running sum will reach the same value again (it might help to note thatAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (144)is the variablejin the initial code listing in this section). Again, we won’t do any proofs here, but as far as proofs go, this one is not so complicated. The value ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (145)will repeat once the sum of key bytes from that point on is exactlyAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (146), and if you sum bytes starting from a given position in the key (and looping around once you run out of key), this determines the exact sequence of bytes participating in the sum, which in turn determines how many of them must be collected until the sum hits 0.

In fact,Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (147)is not an arbitrary number. We now take a deep breath and state

💡CLAIM 2.2LetAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (148)an RC-2pz key. Fix someAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (149), and writeAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (150)withAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (151)odd. Then there exists someAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (152)such thatAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (153)dividesAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (154), andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (155), with the division performed modulo 256 taking the smallest nonzero possible quotient (so for exampleAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (156), even though we haveAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (157)not just forAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (158)but also forAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (159)). Conversely,anyvalue ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (160)withAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (161)divisible byAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (162), when evaluated in the formula above, will result in someAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (163)withAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (164), though it is not guaranteed to be minimal.

The above merry jumble of symbols probably requires another illustration involving colorful circles, which we provide below. Suppose for example that for the keyAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (165)🔵🔴⚪Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (166)we haveAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (167)withAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (168). This implies that if we sum the first 19 key elements, the result is 0:

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (169)(🔴⚪🔵🔴⚪🔵🔴⚪🔵🔴⚪🔵🔴⚪🔵🔴⚪🔵🔴)Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (170)

By simple addition to both the right-hand side and the left-hand side, this implies:

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (171)(🔴⚪🔵🔴⚪🔵🔴⚪🔵🔴⚪🔵🔴⚪🔵🔴⚪🔵🔴⚪🔵)Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (172)(⚪🔵)

Now the left-hand side is just a multiple of the sum of all key bytes:

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (173)(🔴⚪🔵)Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (174)(⚪🔵)

And more generally, by the same logic, every instance ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (175)corresponds to some equationAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (176)(🔴⚪🔵)Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (177)(Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (178)(🔴⚪🔵)) with an actual solutionAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (179)(and by reasoning backwards, it is not too difficult to see that every such equation with an actual solutionAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (180)produces an instance ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (181)). Subsequences are allowed to loop around the end of the key and back to the beginning; actually that funnyAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (182)term that appears to come out of nowhere is just some machinery to express that.

All that’s left is to apply a basic fact of number theory, which is that the equationAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (183)has solutions moduloAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (184)if and only ifAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (185)dividesAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (186). Claim 2.2 then immediately results, including a guarantee that the modulo-256 division has a valid result. That entire unwieldy-looking formula forAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (187)is just bean counting to figure out the exact number of pretty circles implied by the relationship above, and the decomposition of the key bytes sum intoAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (188)withAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (189)odd is just an artifact of computing itsAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (190)with 256.

If you don’t find this proof by hand-waving convincing enough, we offer some additional hand-waving in the form of an honest-to-god example of Claim 2.2 at work. This is an RC-2pz key:

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (191)

TheAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (192)values for this key areAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (193)(we have verified this manually). HereAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (194), which decomposes toAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (195)withAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (196)andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (197). ForAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (198), it so happens the correct value ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (199)isAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (200). This results inAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (201), which is divisible byAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (202). So, plugging it into the formula in claim 2.2 should produce someAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (203)withAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (204). Doing so is pretty straightforward, except for the tricky termAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (205); while in usual number-land this is simplyAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (206), the division moduloAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (207)(taking the smallest nonzero solution) gives the resultAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (208). We multiply that result by the key length (Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (209)), then subtract the termAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (210)which in this case isAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (211), since we pickedAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (212).Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (213), the correct value forAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (214).

Similarly forAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (215), the solution is obtained by choosingAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (216). The resulting value forAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (217)isAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (218). By our definitionAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (219). WithAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (220)andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (221), using the formula above we obtain the correct valueAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (222)(that is, we haveAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (223), and 154 is minimal with this property).

We can now proceed to

💡CLAIM 2.3Two keys are weakly 2pz-conjugate if and only if the infinite extensions of theirAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (224)values are equal, where the infinite extension ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (225)is defined to beAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (226).

This is, again, not so complicated. The only reason we had to introduce this whole “infinite extension” business is that someone could have said “ah-ha! I have a counter-example:Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (227)andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (228)are 2pz-conjugate, but one of them has aAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (229)-value sequence of length two, and the other of length four!”. So if you are upset about claim 2.3 not just ending with the word “equal”, blame that person.

At this point we are juggling 3 different sets of properties that can encode some information about a key. At the top is the key itself which, obviously, encodes the entire information about the key. Farther down – the key’sAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (230)-values. Even farther down from that — the structure of the resulting permutation after being put through the RC-2pz KSA. In this list of points A, B and C, we’ve just seen how to move from A to B, and it should be straightforward to move from A to C efficiently by simply running the RC-2pz KSA on the key. But what about moving from B to C, or backwards, from C to B or from B to A? If we could do all of these, it would constitute a full attack on RC-2pz: look at a generated permutation, fish out a sequence ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (231)-values that generates it, then investigate that sequence to recover the key.

Happily, the climb from B to A is possible (which immediately hands us B to C as well). Given that seeing is believing, recall the list ofAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (232)-values we just usedAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (233)that correspond to the keyAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (234)and observe the following sleight of hand:

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (235)

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (236)

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (237)

Or, for the linear-algebraically minded among you:

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (238)

The reason for this is straightforward enough that we don’t need to reach for the colorful circles. The 1stAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (239)-value of the key being 154 means, by definition, thatAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (240). That’sAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (241)timesAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (242),Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (243)timesAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (244)andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (245)timesAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (246), which gives us the first equation. Similarly for the two other ones. So, given theAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (247)values, the problem of recovering possible original keys is reduced to the known-to-be-manageable problem of solving the above system of equations (equivalently, computing the kernel of the matrix in the giant parentheses on the left-hand side, which equalsAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (248)).

What about moving from C to B — that is, given a permutation signature, recovering a possibleAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (249)-value sequence? It’s not difficult to work out some really simple cases by hand; for example, for a 1-byte key, the signature of the 2pz-KSA generated state can be determined directly from the GCD of the byte with 256:

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (250)signature of2pz-KSA([i])
1<256||{256: 1}>
2<64||{64: 2}>
4<16||{16: 4}>
8<4||{4: 8}>
Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (251)16<1||{}>

But as the key size grows this relationship gets very complicated, very quickly. Here are some choice values for 3 bytes of key:

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (252)signature of2pz-KSA(k)
Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (253)<9||{9: 1, 23: 1, 48: 1, 24: 2}>
Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (254)<59||{59: 1, 37: 1}>
Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (255)<23||{23: 1, 83: 1, 54: 1, 53: 1}>
Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (256)<8||{8: 1, 64: 1, 39: 1, 26: 2}>

As with the analogous problem for RC-2zz, this is probably the toughest nut to emerge out of the entire approach, which we do not have a closed-form solution for and can only route around with precomputed tables and other such dishonorable kludges. Still, we were pleasantly surprised to learn that theAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (257)values that determine the proper concept of 2pz-conjugacy are so well-behaved with respect to the key, and we’re more excited than frustrated to have stumbled upon this interesting problem.

Given that the angle of making an attack work with some probability on the full RC4 using whatever method is relatively well-covered by prior work, we are naturally drawn to instead linger on the combinatorial questions left to us even by the above analysis of very weak RC4 variants. “Given a permutation signature, recover a valid conjugacy class representative (for RC-2zz) /Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (258)-value sequence (for RC-2pz) that will generate it via the corresponding KSA” — is this problem tractable, and by what means? Is there an even more closed form for deriving RC-2pzAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (259)-values from the key, instead of trying allAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (260)possible values of two indices and seeing which one produce the smallest solutions? We hope that we have managed to show some of the magic of permutation groups, and stimulate some curiosity about very weak RC4 variants. Now, excuse us, we’re off to cleanse our palate with some CTF exercises where no one cares how “properly motivated” your solution is, and getting the flag is the only thing that matters.

Addendum: Naming Scheme of RC-Variants

This is a short, informal explanation for readers who are comfortable with linear algebra and are really curious where we got “RC-2pz” from. The “2” is the easiest to explain: in RC4 itself and in all variants explored above, all manipulations on the permutation state are performed using 2 variables,iandj, but in principle one could use 3 or more; this notation is there to allow for that.pandzstand for matrix types out of the following table:

LetterMatrix type
pAt most one nonzero element, equal to 1
qAt most one nonzero element
bAll nonzero elements equal to 1

Denote the current permutation stateAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (261)and the current state vectorAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (262). Each iteration of the KSA, a new state vector is computed as a sum of affine transforms – one onAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (263), one onAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (264)(applying entry-wise), one onAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (265), et cetera, though in the text above we only get far as an affine transform onAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (266)itself. This transform requires a matrix and a vector to express. For instance, in RC-2pz, if the previous state vector isAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (267), the next state vector isAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (268)whereAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (269)are known public cipher parameters —Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (270)has at most nonzero element, which equals 1, andAttacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (271)is the zero vector. This defines a family of ciphers that includes RC-2pz as exposited in the main text above, as well as some more trivial variants that we didn’t want to mention in the main text to avoid needless complication.

Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way - Check Point Research (2024)


What is the weakness of RC4 cipher? ›

Security assessment: Weak cipher usage

RC4 is especially vulnerable when the beginning of the output key stream isn't discarded, or when non-random or related keys are used.

Why is RC4 bad? ›

Because RC4 is a stream cipher, it is more malleable than common block ciphers. If not used together with a strong message authentication code (MAC), then encryption is vulnerable to a bit-flipping attack. The cipher is also vulnerable to a stream cipher attack if not implemented correctly.

What is RC4 attack? ›

The attack

RC4 encrypts one byte at a time with a keystream output from prga(); RC4 uses the key to initialize a state machine via ksa(), and then continuously modifies the state and generates a new byte of the keystream from the new state.

Has RC4 been broken? ›

To encrypt a text, this key stream is XORed with a plaintext, and decryption is done by XORing the ciphertext with the key stream again. RC4 is broken in a variety of situations. If you just naively use it twice on two different plaintexts then that is it, it's broken.

What are the risks of using weak ciphers? ›

Risks Associated with Weak Cipher Suites

Weak cipher suites are a breeding ground for various cyber attacks. Hackers can exploit vulnerabilities in outdated encryption algorithms or key exchange methods to eavesdrop on confidential communications, intercept sensitive data, or even launch man-in-the-middle attacks.

What happens if we disable RC4? ›

In this manner any server or client that is talking to a client or server that must use RC4, can prevent a connection from happening. Clients that deploy this setting will not be able to connect to sites that require RC4 while servers that deploy this setting will not be able to service clients that must use RC4.

How to remove RC4 cipher? ›

Deactivating RC4 on IIS
  1. Open registry editor: ...
  2. Navigate to: ...
  3. Right-click on Ciphers >> New >> Key. ...
  4. Right-click on RC4 40/128 >> New >> DWORD (32-bit) Value. ...
  5. Double-click the created Enabled value and make sure that there is zero (0) in Value Data: field >> click OK.

Is RC4 still used today? ›

RC4, also known as Rivest Cipher 4, is a symmetric key stream cipher designed by Ron Rivest in 1987. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has discouraged the use of RC4 in favor of more secure cryptographic algorithms.

Why is RC4 no longer recommended for use? ›

Not only is RC4 increasingly irrelevant as a BEAST workaround, there has also been mounting evidence that the RC4 cipher is weaker than previously thought. In 2013, biases in RC4 were used to find the first practical attacks on this cipher in the context of TLS.

What cipher is RC4? ›

RC4 (also known as Rivest Cipher 4) is a form of stream cipher. It encrypts messages one byte at a time via an algorithm. Plenty of stream ciphers exist, but RC4 is among the most popular. It's simple to apply, and it works quickly, even on very large pieces of data.

Can you brute force RC4? ›

No, to the best of our knowledge, it is not possible, apart from a brute force search over all possible keys. RC4 has known cryptographical weaknesses; however, none of them are of much help in recovering the key, given a plaintext/ciphertext pair.

Is RC4 vulnerable? ›

Vulnerabilities in SSL RC4 Cipher Suites is a Medium risk vulnerability that is one of the most frequently found on networks around the world. This issue has been around since at least 1990 but has proven either difficult to detect, difficult to resolve or prone to being overlooked entirely.

What replaced RC4? ›

RC4 is also known to have several significant flaws in the way it constructs and uses keys. Therefore, most security professionals recommend using alternative symmetric algorithms. Two of the most commonly used ones are the Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES) and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

How do I disable RC4 for users? ›

Disable RC4 in Operations Manager

On the Management Server, go to Local Group Policy Editor > Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options > Network security: Configure encryption types allowed for Kerberos > Disable RC4.

Why do modern security systems avoid using RC4? ›

It is susceptible to significant vulnerabilities, making it unsuitable for ensuring data confidentiality. Several attacks, such as the Fluhrer-Mantin-Shamir attack and biases in the keystream, have been discovered over the years. Due to these vulnerabilities, the RC4 algorithm is no longer considered secure.

What are the pros and cons of RC4? ›

Advantages and Disadvantages
Simple to use, leading to easy implementation.Weaknesses include biases in the initial output bytes, key-dependent vulnerabilities, and the ability to recover the key from enough keystream bytes.
2 more rows

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.