At What Age Does Car Insurance Start to Go Down? (2024)

The cost of car insurance decreases each year for drivers between 16 and 24. If you’re wondering if car insurance rates go down when you reach 25, MoneyGeek’s data shows otherwise. Based on our information, your premiums decrease the most on your 19th and 21st birthdays.

Regarding the cost of car insurance premiums, several factors affect it besides age. Gender may cause rates to vary — quotes for younger male drivers tend to be higher than for females. If you’re concerned about cost, there are also many ways to find more affordable car insurance rates.

Table of Contents
  • Does Car Insurance Go Down at Age 25?
  • Other Factors that Make Your Car Insurance Premiums Go Down
  • How Drivers Under 25 Can Pay Less for Car Insurance
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Key Takeaways

Our data shows car insurance premiums decrease the most at ages 19 and 21. It contradicts the common belief that rates drop once you turn 25.

Your car insurance premium is less likely to be affected by age when you reach 25, which is why rates stabilize at this point.

There are several factors besides age affecting the cost of car insurance. Your driving experience, coverage lapses and driving history affect premiums more significantly than your 25th birthday.

Why Trust MoneyGeek? MoneyGeek developed an internal study and collected data from various insurance providers for different driver profiles in order to demonstrate the fluctuation in car insurance premium rates by age. Additionally, we determine the specific ages at which policy prices decrease the most, as well as what other factors affect the decline in cost over time.

22,848Quotes Analyzed

6Companies Compared

100Zip Codes

Does Car Insurance Go Down at Age 25?

Contrary to popular belief, the average annual cost of car insurance does not begin to go down at age 25.

It isn’t surprising, though, that most people think 25 is when insurance rates go down. A 2018 survey by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that at least 60% of American drivers get their license before age 18, which means they would have several years of driving experience by the time they turn 25. Car insurance companies also view drivers between 16 and 24 to be riskier to insure. When you turn 25, you’re officially past that high-risk group and get to enjoy more affordable rates.

Our graph indicates that typical auto insurance premiums decrease significantly even before your 25th birthday. Once you hit that age, you’ll notice annual premium prices hardly vary until you’re in your 50s.

You can also see that car insurance rates are more expensive for drivers with less experience. Although most people believe that 25 is the age when car insurance rates go down, the most significant decreases occur when drivers turn 19 and 21. Rates continue to lower until you turn 30. After that, they tend to remain roughly the same. The only time premiums begin to increase again will be when you become a senior driver.

Price Reductions at Different Companies for Turning 25


Percent Decrease





State Farm






Car insurance rates are typically higher for young drivers, so it pays to shop around to find the cheapest car insurance companies.

Do Male or Female Premiums Go Down Differently by Age?

The decrease in rates for car insurance between males and females are different because of factors like the likelihood to cause accidents, chances of having DUIs and even taste in vehicles.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, male drivers are more likely to be involved in fatal accidents due to speeding and drive cars that cost more to insure. An FBI report also found male drivers are twice as likely to be arrested for severe driving violations like DUIs.

The difference in car insurance rates between men and women is more pronounced before 25. For instance, MoneyGeek found that 16-year-old male drivers pay $422 more than females on average.

Comparison Table of Male & Female Premiums at Younger Ages




Extra Amount Paid by Males









































The table above shows the premiums for men and women getting closer as they age. It continues until 25 when they pay roughly the same rate for coverage. After 30, female drivers pay slightly more for car insurance. Based on MoneyGeek’s analysis, no data indicate a confirmed risk factor in older women drivers.

Comparison Table of Male & Female Premiums at Older Ages




Extra Amount Paid by Males









At What Age Does Car Insurance Start to Go Down? (1)


Some states, including California, Hawaii, and Massachusetts, have already begun equalizing car insurance rates by prohibiting gender from being used as a car insurance rate factor.

Why Car Insurance Drops So Much for Drivers Under 25

Sixteen-year-old drivers pay around $4,000 more for car insurance than 25-year-olds. The significant gap is primarily due to a younger driver’s lack of experience behind the wheel. The years leading to your 25th birthday are when you mature and develop the most as a driver. It eventually leads to the point when insurance rates go down.

It isn’t a young driver’s actual age that makes him riskier on the road. It’s the behaviors typically connected with this particular age group. For instance, 40% of accidents involving this age group occur during Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights when teens are likely to have social plans. They are also less likely to use seatbelts, which is unfortunate because they are more likely to miss road hazards while driving. These are behaviors you typically outgrow as you gain more experience behind the wheel.

In addition to age, other factors significantly contribute to the cost of car insurance for young drivers.

At What Age Does Car Insurance Start to Go Down? (2)


Age 25 is generally the age that car insurance rates decrease for most people — but it’s no magic number. Other factors can play a much bigger role in determining the cost of your premium.

Other Factors that Make Your Car Insurance Premiums Go Down

If you're wondering when car insurance rates go down, you need to understand that age isn’t the only contributing factor. Other aspects are just as vital, if not more so, to providers.

A prime example is driving experience. If two 26-year-old drivers purchase car insurance, with one only having started driving a month ago while the other has been behind the wheel since they were 16, you’ll see a significant difference in their premiums. The former is less experienced, and carriers will consider them riskier to insure, resulting in higher car insurance rates.


Why It Matters

Driving Record

Having violations on your record — whether a ticket or a DUI — makes you a high-risk driver and leads to more expensive annual car insurance premiums.

Marital Status

Insurance providers see married drivers as more financially stable and more likely to drive safely than those who are not, regardless of whether they are single or widowed. Married people are also more likely to put both their cars under a single policy, making them eligible for multi-car discounts.

Education Level

Having a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree or a Ph.D. results in lower car insurance rates. Studies have shown that drivers with higher educational attainment are less likely to file claims than those without advanced degrees.


Car insurance providers often consider your chosen career when setting premiums but may use different logic when calculating rates. If you are an executive, one carrier might charge a higher rate since you spend more time on the road, increasing the chances of an accident. Others may offer a lower premium since they view you as more responsible and financially stable.

Credit History

Studies have shown that drivers with poor credit are more likely to file claims, leading to more expensive car insurance rates.


Where you live contributes to the cost of your premium. Drivers from more populated areas with higher crime rates tend to spend more on car insurance.

There are several factors aside from age contributing to the cost of car insurance. Because providers consider so many variables, it’s always best to compare rates from multiple carriers.

How Drivers Under 25 Can Pay Less for Car Insurance

Car insurance for a 25-year-old can be expensive. But taking proactive steps, like taking a defensive driving course and working on your credit score, can help drivers lower their insurance costs and receive more affordable premiums.


Improve your driving record.

Safe drivers pay significantly lower premiums than those with violations. If you currently have a clean record, keep it that way because it will benefit you tremendously in the long term.


Take a defensive driving course.

You can often get a discount if you complete a defensive driving course. However, not all carriers offer this, so inquire about it with your provider beforehand.


Seek out all available discounts.

Different insurance providers offer varying discounts, so it’s best to check what options you have available. Pay particular attention to discounts that fit your situation, such as new car discounts or those for good students.


Boost your credit score.

Car insurance providers offer lower rates to drivers with good credit because it reflects how well you manage your finances. Improving your credit may take time, but it also comes with long-term advantages.


Shop around for quotes.

Rates don’t just vary between areas or driver profiles — they also differ between providers. Although you can get a loyalty discount for staying with the same company each year, taking the time to compare car insurance quotes may help you find lower rates. It’s particularly beneficial when you’re young, and policies are typically more expensive.

At What Age Does Car Insurance Start to Go Down? (3)


Although car insurance rates are higher when you’re younger, there are practical ways to lower them. These five tips are the most common approaches, but you can get more information from MoneyGeek’s article on reducing car insurance costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

There can be confusion about when car insurance costs typically decrease. Unless you study the data, you might also think that car insurance rates go down when you’re 25. Learning the answers to some common questions can clear up any remaining confusion.

By how much does car insurance go down each year?

The average cost of car insurance decreases by 13% each year for drivers between 16 and 25.

When does car insurance go down for teenagers?

Car insurance rates are affected by age. These go down each year, but premium prices dip most significantly at ages 19 and 21.

Is it true that when you turn 25, your insurance goes down?

Yes, car insurance is more affordable for 25-year-old drivers. However, the most significant dips in annual car insurance rates occur before you turn 25.

How much do car insurance premiums decrease on average once you turn 25?

On average, car insurance rates decrease by 9% when you hit 25.

How can I lower my insurance rates?

Improving your credit score, being mindful of your driving record and completing a defensive driving course can help lower your insurance costs. When applying for auto insurance for the first time, pool a list of car insurance companies available in your area, collect multiple quotes and choose the best possible offer.

What’s the average cost of car insurance for a 25-year-old driver?

The average cost of car insurance for a 25-year-old driver is $1,402 for a full coverage policy.

About Mark Fitzpatrick

At What Age Does Car Insurance Start to Go Down? (4)

Mark Fitzpatrick is a Licensed Property and Casualty Insurance Producer and MoneyGeek's Head of Insurance. He has analyzed the insurance market for over five years, conducting original research and creating personalized content for every kind of buyer. He has been quoted in several insurance-related publications, including CNBC, NBC News and Mashable.

Fitzpatrick earned a master’s degree in economics and international relations from Johns Hopkins University and a bachelor’s degree from Boston College. He is passionate about using his knowledge of economics and insurance to bring transparency around financial topics and help others feel confident in their money moves.

At What Age Does Car Insurance Start to Go Down? (2024)


At What Age Does Car Insurance Start to Go Down? ›

The most substantial reductions in auto insurance rates typically come as teen drivers get older, usually when they hit 18 or 19 years old. Rates continue to decline as you age, particularly once drivers pass the age of 25.

At what age do auto insurance premiums tend to drop? ›

Generally speaking, younger drivers should see a gradual decrease in their car insurance rates as they get older, until their 70s. Additionally, many insurance companies will view you as a youthful driver until you reach the age of 25. At this time, many are likely to see a drop in their premiums.

At what age is car insurance the cheapest? ›

Experienced drivers are less likely to have accident claims, which means they cost less to insure. At Progressive, the average premium per driver tends to decrease significantly from 19-34 and then stabilize or decrease slightly from 34-75. At age 75, the average premium begins trending upward.

At what age is car insurance most expensive? ›

Young drivers ages 16 to 24 tend to have the most expensive car insurance. Drivers in this age group are often inexperienced and are more likely to get into car accidents and file insurance claims. As a result, car insurance companies often charge higher premiums to young drivers.

Does car insurance go down after 50? ›

Car insurance can be more expensive for older individuals — even those with a stellar driving record — for several reasons. Insurance companies usually offer lower rates for drivers between 45 to 55 years old, but once a driver turns 75, they should expect to pay more, according to Progressive.

Will my insurance go down when I turn 25? ›

The good news is, yes, you can save money on your insurance when you turn 25, as insurance companies consider you a safer driver with your added experience. However, you'll typically want to compare quotes around this time to find the best rates.

Why is my car insurance so high at 21? ›

If you are 21 years old, you have less driving experience than an older, more experienced driver. To compensate for the increased risk of causing an accident, car insurance companies typically charge a higher rate if you are recently licensed.

What age group has the cheapest car insurance? ›

Car insurance is usually most expensive for younger drivers aged 17-24. However, when you reach 25, you may have a bit more experience behind the wheel. So, you can reasonably start to expect your premiums to get cheaper.

What age range pays most for car insurance? ›

Teenagers. Teenagers tend to pay far more for auto insurance than any other age group, according to The Zebra's State of Insurance 2021 report (which informs all the price ranges in this article). New drivers are simply less skilled and more likely to engage in risky driving behaviors.

Which gender pays more for car insurance? ›

Why do men pay more for auto insurance? Men pay more for auto insurance on average because they're statistically more likely to get into accidents and to have major injuries. However, male drivers only pay about $51 more per year than their female counterparts on average.

Why is Progressive so expensive? ›

If you buy directly from a Progressive company, your car insurance price reflects the cost of staffing and maintaining the sales centers, and a larger portion of our marketing costs.

Does Progressive go up after 6 months? ›

Your Progressive rates may increase after six months depending on a number of factors. Like other car insurance providers, Progressive will typically raise your rates if you receive a speeding ticket or moving violation, cause an accident or make comprehensive insurance claims.

What is the best car insurance for people over 65? ›

Commissions do not affect our editors' opinions or evaluations. Nationwide is the best car insurance company for seniors overall, with USAA, Travelers and Erie also excelling, according to our analysis. We evaluated collision claims processes, complaints, costs for drivers age 65 and older and coverage options.

What type of vehicle is usually the cheapest to insure? ›

Vehicle Factors That Affect Car Insurance Rates

Some new cars receive lower premiums due to added safety features, though this is often balanced out by higher repair costs. Type of vehicle: Small SUVs and minivans generally receive lower auto insurance rates, while sedans and large SUVs cost more to insure.

At what age does car insurance start going down for males? ›

The most substantial reductions in auto insurance rates typically come as teen drivers get older, usually when they hit 18 or 19 years old. Rates continue to decline as you age, particularly once drivers pass the age of 25.

What is the cheapest car insurance for people over 50? ›

Best Auto Insurance for Seniors
  • Esurance - $681 per year.
  • AAA - $579 per year.
  • State Farm - $559 per year.
  • The Hartford - $687 per year.
  • Travelers - $644 per year.
  • Progressive - $588 per year.
  • Mercury - $620 per year.
  • Allstate - $801 per year.

At what age does a female's insurance go down? ›

The average female driver typically has a noticeably lower car insurance premium compared to male drivers between the ages of 16 and 25. Like male drivers, female drivers have to pay more for insurance when they are younger. By the time they are in their mid-twenties, their insurance rates will start going down.

Does insurance go down when you turn 25 allstate? ›

Does car insurance go down at 25? Insurers typically charge higher premiums for drivers younger than 25, according to the Insurance Information Institute (III).

How much does car insurance go down after 1 year no claims? ›

If your policy has a no-claims discount, how much car insurance goes down after one year of no claims is usually between 10% and 15%.

Does car insurance automatically go down at $25 USAA? ›

However, if you have a policy with USAA or Geico, your car insurance will decrease only slightly when you turn 25. There is only a 4% decrease in USAA's average annual rate for 25-year-olds versus 24-year-olds and only a 7% decrease in Geico's average annual rates for the same ages.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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