Astronaut Guy Bluford on What It Meant To Be the First Black Man to Fly in Space (2024)

Astronaut Guy Bluford on What It Meant To Be the First Black Man to Fly in Space (1)

Great Lakes Science Center.’

Interview by De’Aundre Barnes/
Photograph by Amber N. Ford

On August 30, 1983, Guion (better known as Guy) Bluford was a crew member aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger when it launched from Kennedy Space Station on its third mission, making Bluford the first Black astronaut to fly to space. Here he reflects on the importance of that achievement, the role he filled, and the advice he gives to young people seeking to make their way in the world.

De’Aundre Barnes: What would you tell someone who wants to pursue a career as an astronaut, or in aerospace engineering?

Guion Bluford: I tell kids to chase their passions. I did not know as a kid that I would want to be an astronaut. I didn’t even think about flying. But I did find that I was passionate about airplanes. I wanted to learn as much as I could about them. And my whole career has been geared toward learning as much as possible about airplanes and spacecraft.

The possibility of being an astronaut is very small. We just selected astronauts maybe a couple of years ago; 18,000 people applied, and only 12 got selected. So you want to make sure that you’re doing a job that you really enjoy, even if you don’t become an astronaut.

Astronaut Guy Bluford on What It Meant To Be the First Black Man to Fly in Space (2)

1983: Guion Bluford, a mission specialist on STS-8, the third flight of the Orbiter Challenger, inspects an experiment on the ship’s mid-deck.

DB: You enlisted in the United States Air Force after college. What inspired you to do that?

GB: Male students going to Penn State had to take two years of R.O.T.C. So I took Air Force R.O.T.C. After two years, I elected to continue and go advanced R.O.T.C. [The advanced program teaches military tactics and leadership and comes with a commitment to serve as a military officer after graduation.] It gave me an opportunity to satisfy my draft requirements as well as an opportunity to serve my country. I thought that I would spend four or five years in the Air Force and then get out and become an aerospace engineer.

But between my junior and senior year at Penn State, I went to R.O.T.C. summer camp and found out that I could fly airplanes. And so I decided to go into the Air Force as a pilot, with the thought that I would learn how to be a better aerospace engineer if I flew airplanes. In my senior year, I learned to fly a Cessna 150. And in '64, I graduated from Penn State with a degree in aerospace engineering, a commission in the Air Force, and a private pilot’s license.

DB: What was it like to be selected for NASA?

GB: I was very fortunate. We had 8,000 people who applied, and 35 of us were selected. I was surprised that I got selected. I’ve spoken with people at NASA and I asked them, why did they select me? And they basically said I was tough.

In '77, NASA started going through their 8,000 people, and they would send out letters to those eliminated. For most of '77, I sat around waiting for my letter. In the middle of that year, NASA started selecting finalists in groups of 20. So every week you’d see 20 to 40 names of people NASA had selected to bring to Houston. In October or November, I was in Washington, D.C. on a business trip, and I came back to my hotel room and found a note on the door that said Contact NASA. So I called, and the guy said, “You’ve been selected as a finalist; we’d like to have you in Houston.” I spent a week in Houston. I saw the 19 other people in my group of 20, and they were strong people. We all went through a physical—I’ve never had a physical that thorough—and a psychiatric exam. And I got an opportunity to meet astronauts, which was exciting. But you didn’t know if you were going to make it or not.

In January, I was driving to work [in Ohio], and I heard on the radio that NASA had selected 35 astronauts. So I assumed that I hadn’t gotten my rejection letter yet. But I got to work, and at about 10:00 I got a call from NASA. And this guy at the other end asked me what the weather was like in Dayton. And I’ll tell you, the weather was miserable. So I complained about that. And he calmly said, “You know, it doesn’t snow in Houston; would you like to come to Houston?” And so that was the call that told me that I had been selected for the astronaut program.

Astronaut Guy Bluford on What It Meant To Be the First Black Man to Fly in Space (3)

STS-39 Mission Specialist Guion Bluford dons his partial pressure suit in the Operations and Checkout Building, Kennedy Space Center, Florida, April 28, 1991. Bluford, the first African American man in space, first went to space in 1983.

DB: Did you ever experience racism or racial profiling in your career?

GB: I’m pretty sure all African Americans see that. I didn’t let it bother me. I grew up in a world where I felt I could do anything I wanted to do through hard work. And I was able to do that over the years.

DB: What were some of the challenges you faced being the first African American man to fly in space?

GB: When I came into the program, there were six women in our class. And you had me and Ron McNair and Fred Gregory, three African Americans. And one Asian American, Ellis Onizuka. So we recognized that we were breaking the mold, with reference to astronauts who are primarily male and white. We knew that one of us would eventually get selected—first woman, first African American. Ellis Onizuka didn’t have any competition for first Asian American. I didn’t anticipate being selected.

I was happy to learn that in '82, I would fly as part of STS-8. And it just so happened to be a historic mission, in reference to being the first African American to fly in space. I feel honored to be in that role.

Once I got down, I wanted to fly a second time, which I did, in ’85. And then we had the Challenger accident [in 1986] and we lost Ron McNair and company. I wanted to stay around, and I flew a third and fourth time.

One of the things that I really wanted to do was not only to break the mold, but to help pull other African Americans into the program and get them to fly. I feel honored with reference to not only leading the charge, but helping a bunch of other African Americans who came behind me. I take a great deal of pride in that.

“One of the things that I really wanted to do was not only to break the mold, but to help pull other African Americans into the program and get them to fly.”

DB: How did you do that?

GB: One of the things that I tried to do was just do the best I could. Whatever advice I could provide to those who came behind me, I would try it. But encouragement, opening the way for other African Americans, I thought was my responsibility.

With African American organizations, we help those that come behind. Victor Glover just got down from flying in space. He will go and try to help Jeanette Epps. Jeanette Epps will help Jessica Watkins, and so forth and so on. Once you get down, try and help the team behind you.

“With African American organizations, we help those that come behind.”

Astronaut Guy Bluford on What It Meant To Be the First Black Man to Fly in Space (4)

1983: Guion Bluford on STS-8, the third flight of the Orbiter Challenger.

DB: How would you sum up your life?

GB: I’ve been a fighter pilot with over 5,200 hours of jet time and a commercial pilot’s license. I’ve been an astronaut; I’ve flown four times in space. I’ve got four earned degrees and 14 honorary doctorate degrees. I’ve been inducted into three halls of fame. I’ve been a researcher on both the aero side and the space side. I’ve been a senior aerospace engineering executive with three different companies. And I’m an explorer—I’ve scuba-dived all over the world. But I am basically a kid who grew up in West Philadelphia, got interested in airplanes, and has had an exciting career as an aerospace engineer. I’m an aerospace engineer who has found something that he enjoys doing.

About the Journalist and Photographer

Astronaut Guy Bluford on What It Meant To Be the First Black Man to Fly in Space (5)

De’Aundre Barnes, Writer:De’Aundre Barnes is a native of Greensboro, North Carolina and recently graduated from North Carolina Central University, with a major in mass communication and a concentration in broadcast media. He has dreams of being a television host and hosting music award shows.

Astronaut Guy Bluford on What It Meant To Be the First Black Man to Fly in Space (6)

Amber N. Ford, Photographer:Amber N. Ford is a photographer/artist based in Cleveland. She received her BFA in photography from the Cleveland Institute of Art in 2016. Ford is best known for her work in portraiture, which she refers to as a “collaborative engagement between photographer and sitter.” While always questioning “the truth,” Ford aims to establish a platform in which her sitters may present themselves as they please.Her work has been shown in galleries such as the Kent State University, Transformer Station, SPACES Gallery, The Morgan Conservatory, The Cleveland Print Room, Zygote Press, and Waterloo Arts in Cleveland. Ford was selected as a 2019 Gordon Square Arts District Artist- In-Residence and was also awarded an Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award for 2017.

Turn Inspiration to Action

  • Consider donating to the National Association of Black Journalists. You can direct your dollars to scholarships and fellowships that support the educational and professional development of aspiring young journalists.
  • Support The National Caucus & Center on Black Aging. Dedicated to improving the quality of life of older African Americans, NCCBA's educational programs arm them with the tools they need to advocate for themselves.

This story was created as part of Lift Every Voice, in partnership with Lexus. Lift Every Voice records the wisdom and life experiences of the oldest generation of Black Americans by connecting them with a new generation of Black journalists. The oral history series will run across Hearst magazine, newspaper, and television websites around Juneteenth 2021. Go to for the complete portfolio.

Astronaut Guy Bluford on What It Meant To Be the First Black Man to Fly in Space (8)

Shelby Copeland

Associate Editor

Shelby Copeland is an associate editor and the assistant to O's editor-at-large, Gayle King. When she's not in assistant mode or writing for Oprah Daily, she loves spending her time listening to music and podcasts, reading, re-watching old sitcoms, and eating Cinnabons at brunch.

As an enthusiast deeply knowledgeable about space exploration, aviation, and aerospace engineering, it's a pleasure to delve into the remarkable career of Guion "Guy" Bluford, who made history as the first Black astronaut to venture into space. My expertise extends to various aspects of space missions, astronaut selection processes, and the challenges faced in the field. Let's explore the key concepts presented in the article:

  1. Guion Bluford's Historic Spaceflight (STS-8, 1983):

    • In 1983, Guion Bluford made history as a crew member aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger, marking the third mission for the orbiter.
    • His journey was a significant milestone as he became the first Black astronaut to travel to space, emphasizing the importance of diversity in space exploration.
  2. Career Advice for Aspiring Astronauts and Aerospace Engineers:

    • Bluford emphasizes the importance of pursuing one's passions, drawing from his personal experience of initially being passionate about airplanes, which ultimately led him to a career in aerospace engineering and space exploration.
    • Acknowledges the limited opportunities for becoming an astronaut, highlighting the competitive selection process and advising individuals to ensure they enjoy their chosen career path regardless of the outcome.
  3. Guion Bluford's Journey to NASA:

    • Bluford's entry into the United States Air Force after college, driven by his interest in flying, showcases his diverse background as both an aerospace engineer and a pilot.
    • He recounts the rigorous selection process for NASA astronauts, where only 35 out of 8,000 applicants were chosen, underscoring the challenges and competitiveness of the program.
  4. Facing Challenges and Breaking Barriers:

    • Bluford addresses the issue of racism, acknowledging that African Americans, including himself, often encounter it but stresses that he didn't let it deter him. His focus was on hard work and achieving his goals.
    • Reflects on the challenges of being one of the first African American astronauts, breaking traditional molds dominated by white males, and his desire to pave the way for others.
  5. Contributions to Diversity in Space Exploration:

    • Bluford shares his commitment to not only breaking barriers himself but actively working to open doors for other African Americans in the astronaut program. He considers it his responsibility to encourage and support those who follow.
  6. Life Summary and Achievements:

    • Bluford summarizes his diverse and accomplished life, from being a fighter pilot with over 5,200 hours of jet time to an astronaut who flew four times in space.
    • Highlights his educational achievements, induction into halls of fame, and his role as a senior aerospace engineering executive, showcasing the breadth and depth of his career.

This interview with Guion Bluford not only provides insights into the challenges faced by an accomplished astronaut but also serves as inspiration for individuals aspiring to pursue careers in aerospace engineering and space exploration. The narrative emphasizes the importance of diversity, hard work, and mentorship in shaping the future of space exploration.

Astronaut Guy Bluford on What It Meant To Be the First Black Man to Fly in Space (2024)


Who was the first black astronaut to fly into space? ›

NASA didn't select Black astronauts until 1978, and Guion Bluford became the first African American in space in 1983.

What was Guion Bluford's famous quote? ›

Guion Bluford, the first African American astronaut to travel into space, once wisely stated, "Challenges are opportunities in disguise.

What did Guy Bluford do in space? ›

Guy Bluford launched on the STS-8 mission on August 30, 1983, becoming the first African American in space. Bluford served as a mission specialist and his jobs were to deploy an Indian communications-weather satellite, perform biomedical experiments, and test the orbiter's 50-foot robotic arm.

Who was the first African American to go to space and how did he get there? ›

Guion Bluford made history on August 30, 1983 when he became the first African American in space, launching into low Earth orbit aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger. He subsequently flew aboard three additional shuttle missions, logging a total of 688 hours in space.

Who was the only black man in space? ›

Ed Dwight Goes to Space 63 Years After Training as 1st Black Astronaut - The New York Times.

Has a black person gone to space? ›

For the first time, NASA included women and minorities in the selection group, including three Blacks, one pilot and two mission specialists. One of the three, Guion S. “Guy” Bluford, became the first Black astronaut in space as a mission specialist aboard space shuttle Challenger's STS-8 mission in 1983.

What are 3 important facts about Guion Bluford? ›

Born: November 22, 1942, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. Bluford received an undergraduate degree in aerospace engineering from Pennsylvania State University in 1964 and was commissioned as an officer in the U.S. Air Force, where he trained as a fighter pilot. He flew 144 combat missions during the Vietnam War.

How did Guion Bluford change the world? ›

Dr. Bluford went on to become the first African American person to return to space a second, third, and fourth time on the 1985 STS-61A, 1991 STS-39, and 1992 STS-53 flights3, 6. In between his second and third trips into space, Dr. Bluford earned an MBA from the University of Houston, Clear Lake in 19871, 3, 6.

How many hours did Guion Bluford spent in space? ›

After completing 115 orbits of the Earth in 175 hours, Discovery landed at Edwards Air Force Base, California, on December 9, 1992. With the completion of his fourth flight, Bluford has logged over 688 hours in space.

Who was the forgotten man in space? ›

Nearly in a panic, Michael Collins called out to his crewmates, “Keep talking to me, guys!” The lunar module with Armstrong and Aldrin aboard had just separated from the command module to fly down to the surface of the moon.

Who was the first coloured person in space? ›

Guion Stewart Bluford Jr.

He participated in four Space Shuttle flights between 1983 and 1992. In 1983, as a member of the crew of the Orbiter Challenger on the mission STS-8, he became the first African American in space as well as the second black person in space, after Cuban cosmonaut Arnaldo Tamayo Méndez.

Who was the second black man in space? ›

Ronald McNair

Who was the first black girl to go to space? ›

Mae C. Jemison, First African-American Woman in Space. Jemison's mother was a teacher and her father, a maintenance supervisor, while she grew up in Chicago. Jemison attended the Chicago Public School System and achieved honors in math and science.

Has a black man been on the Moon? ›

Victor Glover will be the first Black astronaut to travel around the Moon for NASA's Artemis II mission. His journey as a Black NASA astronaut offers inspiration to a new generation, reflecting a legacy of resilience and tenacity —the power of representation and the strength of family.

Who was the first black millionaire? ›

It denotes someone with an unusually high net worth who enjoys the freedoms and pleasures associated with that net worth. Madam C.J. Walker (1867-1919), who started life as a Louisiana sharecropper born to formerly enslaved parents in 1867, is usually cited as the first Black millionaire.

Who was the second black person to go to space? ›

Colonel Bluford captured that role in history with the August 30, 1983 launch of the orbiter Challenger. McNair became the second African American in space in 1984, followed by Colonel Gregory in 1985.

Was astronaut Jemison the first black woman in space? ›

As a doctor, engineer, and NASA astronaut, Mae Jemison has always reached for the stars. In 1992, Jemison became the first African American woman to travel in space. She has also written several books and appeared on many television programs including an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Was John Glenn first in space? ›

Glenn was one of the Mercury Seven military test pilots selected in 1959 by NASA as the nation's first astronauts. On February 20, 1962, Glenn flew the Friendship 7 mission, becoming the first American to orbit the Earth, the third American, and the fifth person in history to be in space.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.