Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (2024)

Table of Contents
15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer to Blog Legally 1. Post a Privacy Policy on Your Blog to Comply with Privacy Laws Important Things Your Blog Privacy Policy Needs to Include: Related Blog Posts on Privacy Policy for Bloggers 2. Post a Disclaimer on Your Blog to Limit Your Legal Liability Important Things Your Blog Disclaimer Needs to Include: Related Blog Posts on Disclaimers for Bloggers 3. Post an Affiliate Disclosure on Your Blog to Comply with FTC Blog Affiliate Disclosure Example 4. Post Terms and Conditions to Outline Your Blog Rules and Protect Content Important Things Your Terms and Conditions Needs to Include: 5. Post Terms and Conditions in Your Online Courses Related Blog Posts on Terms and Conditions for Bloggers 6. Add Copyright Notice and Disclaimer in Your Digital Products 7. Use an Affiliate Agreement for Your Program Important Things Your Affiliate Terms and Conditions Needs to Include: 8. Always Get People’s Permission Before Using Their Content Related Agreement: License Agreement Template 9. Use Copyright Free Images to Blog Legally 10. Make Your Blog and Website Accessible (Compliant with the ADA) 11. Don’t Accept Guest Posts on Your Blog Without an Agreement 12. Use Business Contracts While Working with Others 4 Most Important Contracts Bloggers Use 13. Protect Your Blog with an LLC 14. Make Sure Your Blog Giveaways are Legal 15. Protect Your Blog Name with a Trademark FAQ on Blogging Legally Can I get sued for a blog? Do you need an LLC to run a blog? Do bloggers pay taxes? What legal documents do I need for a blog? Final Thoughts on Blogging Legally RELATED BLOG POSTS ON BLOGGING LEGALLY MORE TOOLS TO GROW YOUR BLOGGING BUSINESS FAQs

Are you blogging legally? If you have a new blog, there are certainblogging rulesand legal requirements you need to know.

As a business lawyer and blogger myself, I have seen many bloggers and entrepreneurs making expensivelegal mistakes in their online businesses.

And trust me, you don’t want to be one of them! It’s so important to make sure your blog is legal.

So to help you avoid legal issues with your blog, I have put together these15 best legal tipsto legally protect you and your blog.

You can also grab this ebook, which includes 23 legal mistakes to avoid as a blogger!

Table of Contents

15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer to Blog Legally

Think of these essential legal tips as a helpful comprehensive legal guide that you can refer back to from time to time.

We will cover all kinds of legal tips for bloggers including but not limited to legal documents, privacy policies, blog disclaimers, business contracts, website ADA compliance, affiliate links, and more.

These will help you feel more confident about the legal side of your blogging business!

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (1)

1. Post a Privacy Policy on Your Blog to Comply with Privacy Laws

As a blogger, you are collectingpersonal datafrom your readers and website visitors, and you need to be transparent about it.

A privacy policy allows you to inform readers what kind of data you’re collecting and how it will be used – all while staying within the legal bounds set byGDPRand otherprivacy laws.

You are legally required to post a privacy policy on your blog (even if you arenotblogging for business).

There are all kinds of personal information and user data your blog is collecting (some from Google Analytics) such as someone’s:

  • name
  • email address for your email list or sale of products
  • physical address
  • credit card information
  • cookies
  • IP address
  • and more!

So that’s why it’s essential to post aproper privacy policythat complies with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) and many other privacy laws.

Therefore, youshould not grab any free legal templatefrom online thinking it will be enough to protect your blog because there are many loopholes andlegal issues with free legal templates.

Important Things Your Blog Privacy Policy Needs to Include:

There are many essential legal clauses that your privacy policy needs to include such as:

  • Your cookie policy
  • GDPR compliance legal clauses
  • CCPA and other privacy laws legal clauses
  • Compliance with the CAN SPAM Act
  • Children’s privacy
  • Third party links disclosure
  • YourEmail Marketingpolicy

and more!

Because it’s not easy to write a proper privacy policy on your own that complies with all these legal requirements, I have put together thisprivacy policy templatethat you can instantly download to begin using it in thenext 15 minutes to make your blog legal.

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (2)

You can grabthis template individuallyfrom mystorebutmy legal bundles hereare discounted,so you save more money and time with them.

Check out100’s of testimonialsfrom bloggers like you who love and trust my legal templates.

Related Blog Posts on Privacy Policy for Bloggers

Check out these helpful blog posts to learn more about blogging legally:

  • 3 Must-Have Legal Pages for Bloggersand Entrepreneurs
  • GDPR Complianceto Avoid Scary Issues with Your Blog
  • CCPA Compliance for Bloggers
  • 11 Essential Website Legal Pages

2. Post a Disclaimer on Your Blog to Limit Your Legal Liability

A disclaimer is alegal statementthat you post on your blog to protect yourself from any legal issues that may arise out of the content you post.

Disclaimers can vary depending on your specific needs and should be tailored to fit the needs of your blog.

The whole point of posting a disclaimer on your blog is to limit your legal liability and prevent lawsuits.

For example,let’s say you blog about health and fitness related topics and you publish a piece of content that contains inaccurate advice.

If someone were to follow that advice and suffer an injury, they could sue you for damages.

By posting a disclaimer on your blog, you specify that the “use of this information” posted on your website is for informational purposes only and it should not be considered as medical information or health advice.

Another example is my legal disclaimer where I make it clear that the information on my website is for educational purposes and does not constitute legal advice.

Additionally, you need to include a clause stating that you takeno responsibility for any injuries or lossesthat may result from following the information posted on your blog about third parties.

You can grab myDisclaimer template here,which already includes the legal language you need to limit your legal liability, and it also includes theessential affiliate disclosuresyou’ll need to post on your blog.

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (3)

Important Things Your Blog Disclaimer Needs to Include:

There are many essential legal clauses that your blog disclaimer needs to include such as:

  • Limitation of legal liability language
  • Indemnification clause
  • No warranties section
  • Sponsored posts disclaimer if you publishsponsored blog posts
  • Affiliate links disclaimerand disclosure to comply with FTC rules
  • Earnings and testimonial disclaimer
  • and more!

Related Blog Posts on Disclaimers for Bloggers

Check out these blog posts below to learn more about blog disclaimers and disclosures to blog legally.

  • Blog Disclaimers and Disclosures(with Examples and Template)
  • Protect your ebook and digital productswith Copyright Notice and Disclaimer template

3. Post an Affiliate Disclosure on Your Blog to Comply with FTC

Under the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rules, you are legally required to post an affiliate disclosure on your blog if you are going to share affiliate links on your website.

For example,if youmonetize your blog with affiliate links, you need to have a disclaimer that states that you may receive commissions from the sales of products and services advertised on your blog.

Blog Affiliate Disclosure Example

Here’s an example of a blog affiliate disclosure that you would give if you are sharing affiliate links on your blog:

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (4)

You also need to limit your legal liability for the affiliate links that you share on your blog, so other people don’t hold you legally responsible.

After all, they are not your products. So you’d need to include that limitation of legal liability language in your Disclaimer page.

If you grab myDisclaimer template here, you also get the affiliate disclosures you need for your blog.

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (5)

4. Post Terms and Conditions to Outline Your Blog Rules and Protect Content

Another important aspect of blogging legally has to do with the Terms and Conditions you post on your blog, which are considered your website rules.

They form a legally binding agreement between you and your blog readers.

It’s important to outline the terms of use for your blog so that you can protect yourself from liability in the event of a dispute or legal claim.

Your Terms and Conditions should inform readers about how they can use the content on your blog, including details like whether they can copy or modify content without your permission.

Use myTerms and Conditions template here which already includes all the legal language you’ll need to protect your blog as well as any free or paid products you sell from your blog.

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (6)

Important Things Your Terms and Conditions Needs to Include:

There are many important legal things that your blog Terms and Conditions needs to include such as:

  • Protecting your intellectual property
  • Governing law provision
  • Mediation or arbitration clauses
  • Lawful use of your blog content
  • Limitation of legal liability clauses
  • Refund or exchange policy for products/services
  • and more!

By postingTerms and Conditions,you can ensure that your blog follows the legal rules governing websites and protect the content you create for it.

In doing so, you’ll also be taking a proactive step in avoiding any potential disputes or legal claims.

Doing this will help make sure that your blog is following the law and that your readers understand the rules.

5. Post Terms and Conditions in Your Online Courses

As part of blogging legally, you also need to make sure your digital products includingonline coursesare protected.

Many bloggers create online courses for their readers, and if you do, you need to have your ownTerms and Conditions that your students agree to before enrolling in the course.

These Terms and Conditions are important for protecting both the rights of the student as well as those of the online course creator.

Anyone creating an online course must include terms and conditions in order to reduce their liability and protect their course content legally.

This is theterms and conditions templatethat you’d need if you have an online course or are thinking of creating one.It’s a small investment and the best way to protect your online course.

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (7)

Related Blog Posts on Terms and Conditions for Bloggers

Check out these blog posts below to learn more about terms and conditions that bloggers need:

  • How to Write Terms and Conditions for Your Blog, Website and Digital Products
  • Online Course Agreementtemplate
  • Membership Agreement template(for free or paid subscriptions)

Sign up for my free video training on how to protect your digital products legally:

6. Add Copyright Notice and Disclaimer in Your Digital Products

Talking about blogging legally, when you createdigital productssuch as ebooks, printables, guides, and so forth, make sure to include aCopyright Notice and Disclaimer pagein there to prevent theft and limit your legal liability for the content you share in that product.

Just like protecting your blog legally, you also need to protect your digital products.

A Copyright Notice is a statement that informs people about the copyright protection in your product and restricts them from using it for their own gain.

A disclaimer as explained above is needed to prevent lawsuits, so other people don’t rely on the information shared in your product and come after you for legal damages.

This is theCopyright Notice and Disclaimer templateyou’d include in your digital products (ebooks, printables, guides, courses, and others) to protect them. It’s the easiest way to protect your intellectual property rights and prevent theft.

See what my customer Pea has to say about my legal templates including this one!

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (8)

7. Use an Affiliate Agreement for Your Program

Talking about blogging legally and protecting your digital products, bloggers often end up having an affiliate program for their products (just like I dohere).

While it’s a great idea to have an affiliate program for your products or services,it’s also important to have anaffiliate agreementin place.

This agreement will help protect the rights of both parties involved and ensure that all expectations are set from the start.

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (9)

Important Things Your Affiliate Terms and Conditions Needs to Include:

If you are thinking about having an affiliate promote your products in exchange for a commission, you need to protect yourself as the creator and include essential terms like:

  • The affiliate commission you’ll pay and when it will be due
  • No spamming or false advertising (after all, you need to protect your business reputation)
  • What’s the cookie period for your affiliate links
  • How affiliates can promote your products
  • Legal rights to use your images or not as part of their promotions
  • Termination of the affiliate relationship
  • Compliance with the FTC affiliate disclosure requirements
  • Limitation of legal liability
  • and more!

As you can see, there are a lot of important legal things you need to include in your affiliate program, which is why I put together thiseasy-to-use legal templatethat you can plug and play.

This templatehelps protect you and your affiliates by making sure that all legal terms are in place and that both you and your affiliates are on the same page!

It helps to make things easier for anyone who has an interest in getting into the world of blogging legally.

You can grab it as part of myVIP legal bundle here(which gives you the 16 essential legal templates and 16 incredible bonuses not found anywhere else!)

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (10)

8. Always Get People’s Permission Before Using Their Content

Under copyright law, you need to get permission from the owner of the original content BEFORE you can use it minus some fair use exceptions.

This applies toall types of content,including images, text, and audio or video recordings. You must obtain explicit permission from the creators or copyright holders of this content before using it on your blog or in your project to avoid copyright issues.

Failure to do so could result in legal action being taken against you includingbeing sued for copyright infringement.

Here’s an example of a blogger who barely made $6 from his blog but was sued for $150,000 for a copyright violation.

Additionally, copyright law also prevents others from using your original content without permission. Therefore, it’s important to protect your work and make sure it isn’t used without your authorization.

When seeking permission to use someone else’s content or creative work, it is important to be respectful and considerate.

Always respect the wishes of the copyright holder and do not use copyrighted material without their permission.

Additionally, make sure that you have all necessary documentation andthis release formin place before using any content in your project.

This will help protect both yourself and the copyright holder in the event of any potential legal issues.

Learn more about aMedia Release forminthis blog post, and you can get thistemplate individually frommy store or save money and get it as part of my popular VIP legal bundle here.

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (11)

Related Agreement: License Agreement Template

There may be times when you’ll need alicense agreementto be able to usecopyrighted works like software, books, music and so forth.

A license agreement is a legally binding contract between the licensor, who owns the certain intellectual property (IP), and the licensee who is using that IP.

The agreement outlines all of the terms and conditions under which the licensee can use the IP, including how much it must pay for different levels of use.

It also outlines any restrictions on use, as well as any other liabilities or obligations the licensee is responsible for.

By signing a license agreement, both parties agree to all of the terms and conditions outlined in the contract, ensuring that each party’s IP is protected and respected.

If you need that legal template, you can grab it here from mylegal store.

9. Use Copyright Free Images to Blog Legally

When it comes to blogging legally, I see many new bloggers make the mistake of using any image from Google and posting it on their website thinking realizing that’s copyright infringement.

I have seen many bloggers get into costly legal trouble for doing that.

I know a blogger who recently ended up paying$8,000 in legal damagesfor simply grabbing an image from Google and posting it on her blog.

So you always want to make sure that you are usingcopyright free imageswhen you blog.

Thankfully, there are plenty of sites out there where you can find copyright free images and use them legally in your blog.

Some of the most popular ones include Pixabay, Unsplash, and Pexels.

They all offer thousands of royalty-free photos that you can use on your blog and when in doubt, always read their terms and conditions to make sure you can use those images freely.

Also, you should credit the creator of the image and include a link to their website whenever possible. This is not only best practice, but also a great way to show appreciation for them and build relationships with content creators in the long run.

By using copyright free images legally, you can avoid any costly legal troubles and help make your blog look great at the same time.

Watch this videoto learn more tips onhow to blog legally(and please subscribe to myYouTube channelfor more legal and blogging tips)

10. Make Your Blog and Website Accessible (Compliant with the ADA)

Another important part of blogging legally is making sure yourblog and website are compliant with the accessibility laws.

This includes the Americans with Disabilities Act (aka ADA). In the last couple of years, we have seen ahuge increase of lawsuitsbeing brought against bloggers and website owners for not having their website compliant with the ADA.

That’s why I put together thisADA website legal bundleto help you take the steps needed to ensure compliance.

It gives you the:

  • ADA Guideexplaining what the law is and how it applies to your website, why you need to comply, recent lawsuits, and website accessibility guidelines you need to follow.$50 VALUE
  • ADA and WCAG Checklistthat shows the16 stepsyou can take to improve website accessibility and ensure compliance.$100 VALUE
  • BONUS:Website Accessibility Statement Templatethat you must post on your website to demonstrate compliance (available for a limited time only!This template alone is worth the price of the bundle).$100 VALUE
  • BONUS: Two Recommendations for Accessibility Pluginsyou can use on your website to improve accessibility, make your website design accessible to all users regardless of their impairment and ensure compliance. You only have to use one plugin.$50 VALUE

If you’re still procrastinating on making your website accessible, then that’s ahuge legal risk you are taking!

Complying with theADAis a hot legal issue these days. The number of lawsuits keep increasing year after year.

So, if you have not made your website legally compliant yet, then it’s time to grabthis legalbundlethat I put together to save you stress, headaches, and costly legal issues. This is an invaluable resource for small business owners.

Also, start usingthis toolto add subtitles to your videos.

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (12)

11. Don’t Accept Guest Posts on Your Blog Without an Agreement

When it comes to blogging legally, it’s important to make sure that you have an agreement in place with anyguest bloggerswho are providing content for your blog.

Just because you receive the guest post from another blogger does not make you the copyright owner of that content.

Therefore, it’s essential to make sure you have a proper guest blogger agreement in place that clearly outlines your website rules and obtains the legal rights for you to be able to make edits and publish the guest post as you wish.

After all, you don’t want to find yourself in a sticky situation later on!

Learn more inthis blog post, and this is theGuest Blogger Agreement templateyou’d use.

Since I acceptguest postson my website, thiscontract templatealso includes theguest post guidelinesyou would list on your website for your guest bloggers to use and comply with.

You can also get this template at a discount when you purchase my Premium orVIP legal bundle here.

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (13)

12. Use Business Contracts While Working with Others

Contracts are the bread and butter of blogging legally.

They lay out the terms and conditions agreed upon between you and anyone working on your blog, includingfreelancers,sponsors,advertisers andbusiness partners.

Avoid any potential legal trouble down the line by setting up acontract right awayto clearly outline expectations, deadlines and payment details.

It also makes sure everyone is on the same page from the beginning, so you can worry less about potential legal issues and focus more on blogging.

After all, that’s why you signed up for this whole blogging gig in the first place!

4 Most Important Contracts Bloggers Use

If contracts make your head spin or you don’t know where to start, let me tell you about the4 most important legal contractsyou’ll need for different reasons, and you can easily grab my legal templates for these in myVIP legal bundle.

1. Sponsorship agreement

Whenever you are going to work with brands tocreate sponsored contentfor them (think getting paid to write blog posts, post on social media, create a video, etc), you always want to protect yourself and make sure to use aSponsorship agreement.

This will ensure you get paid on time for your hard work and clearly define the scope of work for the brand.

I have seen many bloggers doing the hard work upfront for a brand collaboration and then waiting forever to get paid and some of them didn’t even get paid for there work.

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (14)

2. Freelance contract

A freelance contract is one legal contract that I use all the time! And you will too once you start outsourcing such ashiring avirtual assistant, graphic designer, blog post writer, SEO editor, and any other freelancer.

This is why I put together thisFreelance agreement(also known as the Independent contractor agreement) that both freelancers and clients can use to work together safely.

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (15)

3. Partnership agreement

Many bloggers decide to go into the business of blogging with another partner, whether it’s a friend or someone else.

Just make sure to have apartnership agreementin place thatoutlines each partners roles and responsibilities, as well as how profits will be divided. This will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and can avoid legal disputes down the road.

4. Coaching Agreement

As a blogger and online business owner, you may decide to offercoaching serviceswhether 1:1 or group coaching.

As a coach, you need to protect yourself from legal liability andalso make sure that you get paid for your work.

That’s why it’s a good idea to have acoaching agreementin place when blogging legally.

A coaching agreement sets expectations, grants rights and responsibilities, and outlines the scope of services being provided by the coach.

It serves as protection for both parties in case something goes wrong or a misunderstanding arises.

It also helps to establish asense of trustbetween the two parties and provides structure for the coaching relationship.

So, make sure you’re blogging legally by getting yourself acoaching agreement!

13. Protect Your Blog with an LLC

As part of legally protecting your blog, you should consider forming an LLC to to help shield yourself from personal liability and protect your personal assets.

Forming an LLCfor blogging is an easy and cost-effective way to ensure your blogging business is properly managed, as well as secure from any potential legal issues.

Plus, it will give you a sense of legitimacy that lets your readers know that you take blogging seriously.

Here’s a helpful blog post onwhen you should form an LLC,and if you need help, sign up for my1-hour Done-with-you LLC service.

See what my customer, another blogger, had to say about this service and my VIP legal bundle templates:

14. Make Sure Your Blog Giveaways are Legal

When it come to running giveaways on your blogs, you need to make sure that your approach is completely legal.

That means being aware of thelaws surrounding giveaways, and making sure that all the requirements for a legally binding contest are met.

So it’s important that you know whatlegal steps you must take before hosting a giveaway!

I explain more inthis blog post, and this is thelegal templateyou’d use to outline your giveaway terms and conditions.

Also, you should avoid the 3 most costly legal mistakes with your blog, which I share in my FREE legal guide below so make sure to grab it to learn more!

15. Protect Your Blog Name with a Trademark

You can use atrademarkto protect your blog name, tagline, or logo from being used by someone else without your permission.

A trademark is a word, phrase, or logo that identifies the source of a product or service.

Here’s acomplete guide on trademark lawso you can learn more!

And if you have any questions about the intellectual property law and how it applies to your business, schedule aconsult with me.

Also, here are 15+ legal questions to ask a lawyer before starting a new business.

FAQ on Blogging Legally

Below are the answers to themost common questionsI get as a business lawyer and if you need personalized help, you can book anonline consult with me hereto learn the key ways to protect your blog or online shop and to make sure that you are blogging legally.

You also have an option of booking myblog legal auditwhere I review your entire blog to make sure you are blogging legally.

See how my customer Kamal protected his business and website with this service:

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (18)

Can I get sued for a blog?

Yes, you can definitely get sued for a blog and run into all kinds of legal issues such as:

  • copyright infringement,
  • trademark infringement,
  • breach of contract lawsuits,
  • customers suing you over products and services (prevent those issues with properterms and conditionsin place)
  • and more!

Do you need an LLC to run a blog?

You are not legally required to form an LLC to run your blog but it’s generally recommended to limit your legal liability and to protect your personal assets such as home, car, personal checking accounts, and more!

By forming anLLC for your blog, you avoidpersonal liability for any actions taken on behalf of the company.

For example,if someone were to sue your blog forcopyright infringementor defamation, you would not be held personally liable as long as all business was conducted under the LLC.

Additionally, forming an LLC can providetax advantagesand help protect your personal assets from creditors should something go wrong with the blog.

Finally, forming an LLC can give your blog more legitimacy and clout with companies when dealing with businesspartnershipsandsponsorships.

Companies are more likely to take you seriously if you have an official business entity such as an LLC.

So while it is not legally required, forming an LLC for your blog is a smart idea!

And if you need help forming an LLC, you can book my1-hour “Done with you” service here.

Do bloggers pay taxes?

Yes, you are legally required to pay taxes on the income your blog generates.

The type of taxes you need to pay and the amount will depend on where you reside, but typically bloggers must pay income tax and self-employment tax on their earnings.

You may also be subject to other taxes such as sales tax or property tax.

It is important to keep track of your blog’s income and expenses for accurate reporting when filing taxes.

Make sure you know the rules and regulations for tax filing in your area and consult with a financial advisor or accountant if needed.

Talk to a lawyerif you are unsure how to structure your blog business.

It is also important to remember that as a blogger, you may be eligible forcertain deductionssuch as office supplies, travel expenses, and other costs associated with running the business.

Keeping accurate and organized records of your blog income and expenses will help you save money on taxes in the long run.

Finally, make sure to file your taxes on time to avoid penalties or interest. If you are unsure about filing taxes for your blog income, consult a qualified tax professional for advice.

Here are somehelpful time saving tax formsfrom a CPA that you can use; and here’s ahelpful tax handbookfor bloggers as well.

If you want to learn more, then grabthis tax coursefrom the CPA. It’s a really affordable CPA solution!

What legal documents do I need for a blog?

We discussed the3 important legal documentsyou must have for your blog, and these are the essential legal pages you will need.

Here are16 more legal documents with tons of important legal provisions for bloggers and online entrepreneurs to protect themselves.

Watch the video below to learn more (andplease subscribeto myYouTube channel here for latest legal news).

Final Thoughts on Blogging Legally

So there you have it – blogging legally doesn’t have to be a pain in the neck. I know the legal stuff can be complicated, confusing and even intimidating.

Follow these legal tips and best practices outlined above to ensure you have the proper legal policies posted on your blog along with the essential legal contracts to protect your blogging business.

Trust me, having a strong legal foundation for your own blog from the very beginning will take away the anxiety and give you great peace of mind as shown by my customers here.

In my years of blogging and legal career as an international lawyer, I have had the honor of helping over 50,000 entrepreneurs (not just bloggers) protect themselves and their businesses with my legal templates and services.

And grabbing myVIP legal bundlewill give you the ultimate peace of mind and ensure that your blogging is compliant with the laws.


In addition to protecting your blog legally, you should check out the following helpful blog posts and tools for your business:

  1. 18 Best Books on Taxes for Business owners (#7 is a must read)
  2. 11 Best books for female entrepreneurs to succeed
  3. Best blogging books to make six-figures in a year (#5 is the best!)
  4. How to Write Your Own Book in 30 days (21 Expert Tips!)
  5. What’s a Boss Babe?
  6. How to Make Money from Robocalls?

Visit this freebies page to get 5 awesome free business, blogging and legal tips!

Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (20)

Below are some more helpful blog posts, legal tips, tools and resources that you should check out next:

  1. Outrank your competition and enhance your content creation
  2. 16 Best Niches for Online Courses (#7 and 10 are most profitable)
  3. 13 Worst Website Mistakes to Avoid
  4. 15 ExpensiveLegal Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make (and How to Avoid them)
  5. What’s an LLC and when to form one?
  6. How to Legally Protect Your Book (with Proper Copyright Notice and Disclaimer Examples)
  7. Tax Saving Forms
  8. CPA Solution Membership to get all your tax and accounting questions answered!
  9. Get The Simple SORT Handbook: The New Entrepreneur’s Roadmap to Setup, Operate, Record and Tax Slay a Successful Business
  10. AI writing tool to write blog posts 10x faster, create social media content, videos, and any kind of content to save time in business
  11. This SEO tool to make sure your blog posts rank on the first page of Google


  1. Free SEO Masterclass to learn how to optimize your blog posts for SEO to rank on Google. You can also buy this awesome bundle of ebooks instead if you prefer ebooks over video training.
  2. Best accounting software to manage profit and loss and more!
  3. Best payroll service (super affordable too)
  4. A great all-in-one business platform for hosting your course, email communications, sales pages, and more!
  5. This Paraphrasing tool to create original work for the client
  6. 18 Serious Blogging Mistakes to Avoid at all Times
  7. The Best Freelance Writing Contract Template (for writers and clients)
  8. Guest Blogger Agreement to publish guest posts on your website legally and avoid any copyright infringement, Media release agreement to be able to use other people’s photos, videos, audio, and any other content legally, Privacy policy on your website to ensure your blog’s legal compliance, Disclaimer to limit your legal liability, Terms and Conditions to set your blog rules and regulations! Get all of these templates at a discounted rate in one of my best-selling VIP legal bundle here.


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Are You Blogging Legally? 15 Best Legal Tips from a Lawyer (2024)


Can lawyers have blogs? ›

Of course! In fact, scores of lawyers are blogging to reach new clients, grow their firm, enhance their brand, and much more. According to the 2022 ABA Legal Technology Survey Report, 37% of law firms report having a blog.

What legal pages are needed for a blog? ›

The privacy page and disclosure elements are both legal requirements. You should also include a disclaimer section or page to absolve you from responsibility for any adverse effects suffered as a result of taking advice on your blog.

How to legally protect your blog? ›

Affiliate links are marked with an asterisk (*).
  1. Don't use copyrighted images. ...
  2. Don't violate someone's trademark. ...
  3. Have legal policies on your website. ...
  4. Comply with privacy and data laws. ...
  5. Add your address to marketing emails. ...
  6. Properly disclose affiliate relationships. ...
  7. Report all blog income to the IRS.
Mar 16, 2024

Do blogs need copyright? ›

The posts you spend hours crafting are marketing tools for your creative business as well as creative works in their own right. Copyright protection for blogs is especially critical if you are using your posts to debut your creative work—whether you are a writer, an artist, a photographer, or an entrepreneur.

Can bloggers get sued? ›

Yes. While the Constitution and federal laws, such as copyright law or Section 230, apply nationwide, many laws that affect bloggers vary from state to state. For example, defamation, reporter shield laws, and privacy laws are defined by each state (within constitutional boundaries).

What are legal blogs called? ›

Often referred to as "blawgs," legal blogs come in many formats and may contain explanations of the law, news stories that pertain to the practice of law or law schools, or humorous stories regarding attorneys' experiences while practicing law.

Does my blog need an LLC? ›

Starting a blog doesn't require forming an LLC unless you want legal protection for your personal assets or plan to run it as a business with significant income or potential liability.

Are there rules to blogging? ›

Make sure you have the rights to any photos, videos, or other content you post on your blog. You also need permission to use other people's photos, images, or videos on your blog unless they are in the public domain.

How many posts should you have before publishing a blog? ›

You should have somewhere between 10 to 15 posts ready before launching your blog in order to bring in meaningful traffic. Of course, that's just to start your blog. To build a decent following and sustain good traffic, you need to keep adding new blog content regularly.

What not to do when writing a blog? ›

The Don'ts of Blogging
  1. Don't: Ramble with run-on sentences that just keep on dragging or lengthy texts.
  2. Don't: Try to cover too many topics at once. ...
  3. Don't: Use profanity or unprofessional language.
  4. Don't: Use other people's stuff without permission and credit.

What are the legal risks of blogging? ›

International laws related to blogging can include a range of issues, such as copyright and trademark laws, data privacy laws, and laws related to online content, such as defamation and libel.

What is the biggest ethical rule to obey when blogging? ›

Short Version
  • It is your right to voice your opinion. ...
  • Be critical of everything, even your self. ...
  • Use your power to protect. ...
  • Tell the truth at all times. ...
  • Present your opinion as your opinion. ...
  • State your allegiances to stay independent. ...
  • Reveal your sources unless doing so can harm your sources.

Can lawyers have personal social media? ›

When posting on personal accounts, lawyers still need to act professionally. If lawyers are using social media to conduct business or provide public commentary on a legal issue, they must maintain client confidentiality and avoid creating unintentional attorney-client relationships, amongst other things.

Are lawyers allowed to have Instagram? ›

Lawyers, just like any other professionals, are allowed and often encouraged to use Instagram and other social media channels. These platforms offer a unique opportunity to showcase their expertise, connect with potential clients, and build a professional brand.

How often should a law firm blog? ›

It is generally safe to say that any firm, with the right amount of discipline and effort, can produce one quality blog per week. The best way is to be disciplined and write for one hour per day. This discipline of writing every day for an hour makes you a better writer and makes writing a habit.

Can a lawyer have a TikTok? ›

If you don't use TikTok regularly, you might wonder whether this platform would get traction for lawyers. The answer is yes, but only when a TikTok lawyer understands the kinds of content that create interest there.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.