Are VPNs Legal or Illegal in 2024? (2024)

Are VPNs Legal?

Last Updated: April 4th, 2023

Are you wondering “Are VPNs legal in my country?” Read on to findout!

Virtual private networks, more commonly known as VPNs, are greatfor maintaining privacy and evading location-restrictions on the Internet.These powerful tools not only hide your IP address but also encrypt all yourtraffic to make your online activities anonymous.Though VPNsprovide a plethora of benefits and are generally legal, a number of countriesdo forbid them from being used. So if you’re looking for information about VPNlegality in your country, you’ve come to the right place.

Countries Where VPNs Are Illegal

Are VPNs Legal or Illegal in 2024? (1)

However, before we discuss where exactly the use of a VPN is permitted or forbidden, let’s first answer what’s probably the most asked question on the Internet, given the sharp rise in surveillance and censorship efforts…

Are VPNs Legal?

Yes! VPNs are legal in the vast majority of countries around the world, but using it for any kind of illegal activity isn’t allowed. It goes without saying that if you’re up to no good over a VPN, you can and will be prosecuted by law.

So, while a VPN can help protect your online identity and personal data from prying eyes, engaging in illegal activities like selling drugs, spreading malicious software, or engaging in unethical activities like stalking, bullying, hacking or theft of data most probably will get you in serious legal trouble.

Sadly, there are some countries where the use of a VPN is illegal, but that has more to do with them wanting to keep a close eye on the online activities of their citizens and controlling what information they’ve access to.

Which VPNs are Legal to Use?

The legality of VPNs has little to do with the tools themselves but rather how they’re used and from where. These technologies enable you to route your traffic through an intermediary, which isn’t illegal in any way.

If something is illegal without a VPN (like downloading copyrighted content), chances are it will be illegal with it as well. On the other hand, VPNs are banned or restricted in some countries, including Iran, Russia, Turkey, Belarus, and China.

What Can Happen If You Use a VPN Illegally?

Though copyright infringement is illegal in most countries around the world, many people engage in it regardless. They believe they’re unlikely to face legal repercussions for their victimless crime, but that isn’t always the case. There have been instances where people were fined thousands of dollars for copyright violations, whereas some have also been given a prison sentence.

Some countries enforce restrictions on the use of VPN services, but the severity of violations varies from place to place. You could be jailed for using a VPN, or there might be no punishment whatsoever. However, that doesn’t mean one should break the law, as unethical as it may seem.

Other countries block VPN websites and apps, which means they have the technological capabilities to enforce this ban. Using a VPN in countries like these could be risky, so you must exercise caution.

Can you get caught using a VPN?

It’s highly unlikely. A VPN stands for ‘Virtual Private Network’. It’s a technology that allows you to connect to a private network over the public internet.The point is that your ISP will only see a connection to the VPN and not the website that you are visiting, thus it’s not in a position to monitor what you are doing on the internet.If you are worried about anonymity, then you can use browser extensions to block the tracking cookies.

Legitimate Uses of VPN

One common misconception when it comes to VPNs is that they’re only needed by nerds or individuals hiding in their basem*nts and indulging in some sort of unlawful activity. However, nothing could be further from the truth. As with any invention or creation, nothing is inherently bad. It’s just about how people use it.

Here Are Some Popular Uses of a VPN

Secure P2P File Sharing

Protect your original identity from snoopers and stay anonymous while receiving or sharing P2P files on the internet.

Evade Internet Censorship

Get around government censorship of the internet and gain access to blocked services and websites within seconds.

Protection on Public Wi-Fi

Safely use unsecured public Wi-Fi hotspots in restaurants, parks, and cafes on your device via bank-grade encryption.

Better Gaming

Access different servers to play in, buy games before they reach your country, and stop annoying lag and ping issues.

Stream More Content

Access unavailable streaming services like Prime Video, Netflix, Foxtel, and Hulu anywhere by switching your virtual location.

Travel for Less & Securely

Book hotels, flight tickets, and car rentals at the best prices and encrypt your internet connection while traveling overseas.

Bypass Bandwidth Throttling

Hide your online activities from ISPs and enjoy throttle-free gaming, streaming, browsing, and downloading.

Prevent DDoS Attacks

Stop DDoSers from targeting you with powerful DDoS attacks and ultimately making you a part of their botnet.

Unrestricted Crypto Trading

Unlock inaccessible crypto exchanges from anywhere by getting an IP address from a country where they’re available.

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Countries Where VPNs Are Illegal

The following countries frown upon the use of VPNs and haveinstituted either a partial or complete ban on them:

NORTH KOREAIs VPN Legal in North Korea? No

North Korea has its own intranet for citizens, while trueInternet access is only reserved for high-levelofficials. So VPNs are banned in the country, though foreigners may bepermitted to use these tools.

IRAQIs VPN Legal in Iraq? No

For Iraqi citizens, Internet censorship is an inevitable partof their lives. In a bid tostop the extremist militant group ISISand monitor every Internet user, the government has bannedVPNs outright.

BELARUSIs VPN Legal in Belarus? No

Following the footsteps of China and Russia, Belarus has alsobanned VPNs and Tor as part of their efforts toprevent citizens from using anonymizing toolsto access blacklisted websites.

OMANIs VPN Legal in Oman? No

Thegovernment of Oman actively censors the Internet, and while VPNs aren’t exactly illegal for public andprivate institutions, the use of these services is prohibitedfor individuals.

CHINAIs VPN Legal in China? No

Toprevent citizens from circumventing the Great Firewall, all unauthorized VPNs have been banned in China. In fact,VPN providers have to be officially licensed by the governmentin order to operate in the country.

TURKMENISTANIs VPN Legal in Turkmenistan? No

Turkmenistan has only one government-controlled ISP whichmakes surveillance and blocking an easier exercise.Attempts to use VPNs and proxies to get around Internetcensorship in the country are blockedand can lead to serious consequences.

RUSSIAIs VPN Legal in Russia? No

Russia’s new regulations require VPN providers to registerwith the authoritiesand block access to blacklisted websites. Moreover, users haveto pay hefty fines if they’re caught using non-governmentsanctioned VPNs.


One of the few countries with laws related to VPN usage,the UAE passed a new law that states VPN users could bejailed and fined up to $500,000if they’re found committing a crime. Institutions, banks, andcompanies, however, can use VPNs freely.

IRANIs VPN Legal in Iran? No

Iran has enacted a strict law regarding VPN use whichforbids citizens from using VPNsthat aren’t government sanctioned. Failure to comply with thislaw can result in a prison sentence of 91 days or up to oneyear. Iranian government officials, though, don’t have muchregard for their own censorship laws and continue to use thesetools.

TURKEYIs VPN Legal in Turkey? No

Since theInternet is heavily censored in Turkey, the use of VPNs to access social media networks likeTwitter, WhatsApp, and Facebook is popular amongst citizens.However, Tor along with certain VPN providers are blocked inthe country in order to prevent circumvention of governmentcensorship.

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Restricted Countries

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Countries Where VPNs Are Legal

The following countries have no laws that prohibit the use of VPNsand their citizens can use them without having to worry about anylegal repercussions:

AFGHANISTANIs VPN Legal in Afghanistan? Yes

While the Afghani government is strict when it comes towebsites like those related to p*rnography, alcohol, gamblingand others in that scope. The use of VPNs is still legal inthe country.

ALBANIAIs VPN Legal in Albania? Yes

The constitution of Albania protects its citizens’ right tofreedom of speech and press. Not only is the Internet freefrom government censorship, but VPNs are completely legal.

ALGERIAIs VPN Legal in Algeria? Yes

In Algeria, ISPs are required to regulate and monitor onlinecontent, and though there have been some incidents of thegovernment blocking certain sites, there are currently no banson VPNs.

ANDORRAIs VPN Legal in Andorra? Yes

Andorra, one of the world’s most Internet penetratedcountries, has no Internet censorship or governmentsurveillance. Also, VPNs are legal to use.

ANGOLAIs VPN Legal in Angola? Yes

Although VPNs are legal in Angola, the country has madeheadlines for trying to threaten freedom of speech and accessto information.

ANTIGUA AND BARBUDAIs VPN Legal in Antigua and Barbuda? Yes

Citizens are able to enjoy unobstructed Internet access inAntigua and Barbuda. Moreover, VPN usage isn’t illegal.

ARGENTINAIs VPN Legal in Argentina? Yes

There are no bans on the use of VPNs in Argentina, but lawshave been proposed that could make online censorship areality.

ARMENIAIs VPN Legal in Armenia? Yes

There’s documented evidence of Internet filtering in Armenia,and social media has also been blocked in the past. Using aVPN is legal, though.

ARUBAIs VPN Legal in Aruba? Yes

Citizens can access the Internet with complete freedom inAruba. Plus, the use of VPNs is also permitted.

AUSTRALIAIs VPN Legal in Australia? Yes

Even though website-blocking is being used in Australia, andtelcos are required to store customer metadata for at leasttwo years, VPNs are still legal and continue to be used bymany citizens.

Austria Is VPN Legal in Austria? Yes

Using a VPN in Austria is completely legal and the country’sconstitution protects its citizens’ right to free speech andpress.

Azerbaijan Is VPN Legal in Azerbaijan? Yes

Azerbaijan heavily censors the Internet, including oppositionnews outlets and social media sites. The government also locksup online activists, but thankfully VPNs are yet to be madeillegal.

Bahrain Is VPN Legal in Bahrain? Yes

There are no laws barring the use of VPNs in Bahrain eventhough the government actively censors the press and theInternet.

Bangladesh Is VPN Legal in Bangladesh? Yes

The Bangladeshi government has been known to block socialmedia including WhatsApp and Facebook in the past. In fact,they once even mistakenly cut off Internet access completely!The use of VPNs is legal in Bangladesh, though.

Barbados Is VPN Legal in Barbados? Yes

Citizens of Barbados can access the Internet without anyrestrictions. VPN usage is perfectly legal as well.

Belgium Is VPN Legal in Belgium? Yes

Although there have been reports of Internet censorship inBelgium, using VPNs won’t land you in any legal trouble.

Belize Is VPN Legal in Belize? Yes

Despite the government placing a few restrictions on Internetaccess and blocking VoIP services, the use of VPNs is legal inBelize.

Benin Is VPN Legal in Benin? Yes

There’s no evidence of the government trying to censor theInternet, and VPNs are currently legal to use in Benin.

Bhutan Is VPN Legal in Bhutan? Yes

Though VPN usage is legal in Bhutan, the governmentoccasionally blocks content that it deems offensive to thestate.

Bolivia Is VPN Legal in Bolivia? Yes

While the Bolivian government does censor journalists and iseven pushing for social media monitoring, the use of VPNs isstill legal.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Is VPN Legal in Bosnia and Herzegovina? Yes

Even though the government of Bosnia and Herzegovina haspassed legislation that criminalizes social media content,there have been no reports of Internet censorship. Also, usingVPNs is legal.

BotswanaIs VPN Legal in Botswana? Yes

Currently, there’s no government-mandated Internet censorshipin Botswana and the use of VPNs is legal as well.

Brazil Is VPN Legal in Brazil? Yes

The Brazilian government has tried to introduce legislationthat would give it the power to control and censor theInternet. They also banned WhatsApp multiple times in 2016.Nonetheless, there’s no law that prohibits citizens from usingVPNs.

Brunei Is VPN Legal in Brunei? Yes

While the government actively monitors the Internet usage ofits citizens, VPNs are still legal to use in Brunei.

Bulgaria Is VPN Legal in Bulgaria? Yes

The Bulgarian government closely monitors the online activityof its citizens and asks ISPs to provide access to allInternet traffic in real-time. Using VPNs is currently legal,though.

Burkina Faso Is VPN Legal in Burkina Faso? Yes

In Burkina Faso, Internet penetration is very low with only11.2% of the population using the Internet as of 2017.Moreover, VPN usage is perfectly legal in the country.

Burundi Is VPN Legal in Burundi? Yes

Only a small percentage of the population use the Internet inBurundi, but they do experience censorship. In 2015, thegovernment blocked access to WhatsApp and Viber. Using VPNs,however, is legal.

Cambodia Is VPN Legal in Cambodia? Yes

The government of Cambodia monitors and controls onlineactivity. In fact, there have been many instances ofopposition members getting arrested for their Facebook posts.However, the use of VPNs is legal in the country.

Cameroon Is VPN Legal in Cameroon? Yes

The Cameroonian government has blocked Internet accessmultiple times in Anglophone regions of the country, affectingaround 20% of the country’s population. VPNs can be usedlegally, though.

Canada Is VPN Legal in Canada? Yes

While the Canadian government has been called on to ban theuse of VPNs, no such initiatives have begun. At the time ofthis writing, using VPNs is legal in Canada.

Cape Verde Is VPN Legal in Cape Verde? Yes

There are no reports of the government forcing censorship onInternet users in Cape Verde. The use of VPNs is legal aswell.

Central African Republic Is VPN Legal in Central African Republic? Yes

The citizens of the Central African Republic can use VPNslegally, though the government has tried to censor itscitizens in the past, mostly through the banning of textmessages.

Chad Is VPN Legal in Chad? Yes

While using a VPN is legal in Chad, the government activelycensors the Internet access of its citizens, especially duringprotests or elections. Recently, they banned social messagingapps and BBC throughout the country.

Chile Is VPN Legal in Chile? Yes

VPN usage is legal in Chile, though the government has monitored social media use of itscitizens in the past.

Colombia Is VPN Legal in Colombia? Yes

Colombians are able to access the Internet freely without anyintervention or limitations by the government. The use of VPNsis also legal.

Commonwealth of The Bahamas Is VPN Legal in Commonwealth of The Bahamas? Yes

While the government has attempted to impose Internetcensorship in the past, VPNs are legal to use in The Bahamas.

Comoros Is VPN Legal in Comoros? Yes

The citizens of Comoros enjoy uncensored access to theInternet and no move has yet been made by the government toillegalize VPNs.

Democratic Republic of the CongoIs VPN Legal in Democratic Republic of the Congo? Yes

Even though Internet shutdowns and social media blocks are acommon occurrence in the Democratic Republic of Congo, VPNsare still legal to use in the country.

Republic of the CongoIs VPN Legal in Republic of the Congo? Yes

The Republic of Congo’s government actively censors theInternet and has often resorted to shutting it downcompletely, especially in response to widespread protests.However, VPN usage continues to be legal in the country.

Costa Rica Is VPN Legal in Costa Rica? Yes

The use of VPNS is legal in Costa Rica, though the governmenthas received criticism for its cybercrime law which threatenscitizens’ right to Internet freedom.

Côte d’Ivoire Is VPN Legal in Côte d’Ivoire? Yes

There are no documented reports of Internet censorship in Côted’Ivoire and citizens can use VPNs legally.

Croatia Is VPN Legal in Croatia? Yes

VPNs are legal to use in Croatia and citizens are able toaccess the Internet free from government interference orcensorship.

Cuba Is VPN Legal in Cuba? Yes

While the government of Cuba is known for heavily censoringthe Internet, the use of VPNs is still allowed in the country.

Curacao Is VPN Legal in Curacao? Yes

The situation of freedom of press in Curacao is alarming withjournalists being threatened to stop reporting about certainactivities. Fortunately, VPNs are yet to be made illegal.

Cyprus Is VPN Legal in Cyprus? Yes

The Internet in Cyprus isn’t subject to any governmentrestrictions and VPNs are completely legal to use as well.

Czech Republic Is VPN Legal in Czech Republic? Yes

The Czech Republic has one of the lowest rates of Internetcensorship, but the online freedom of its citizens came underthreat when the government attempted to introduce a systemthat would make identification on the Internet mandatory forevery user. Using VPNs is legal in the country, though.

Denmark Is VPN Legal in Denmark? Yes

For years, the government of Denmark has been activelyblocking websites. They even recently passed a new law thatcould lead to substantial censorship on the Internet. VPNusage, however, is still legal in the country.

Djibouti Is VPN Legal in Djibouti? Yes

Since the citizens of Djibouti are served by a singlegovernment-owned ISP, they don’t get to enjoy unrestrictedInternet access and are forced to pay high prices. Using VPNsis perfectly legal, though.

Dominica Is VPN Legal in Dominica? Yes

Citizens are able to access the Internet with complete freedomin Dominica. The use of VPNs is also legal.

Dominican Republic Is VPN Legal in Dominican Republic? Yes

The citizens of Dominican Republic aren’t subject to Internetcensorship of any kind and can use VPNs legally.

Ecuador Is VPN Legal in Ecuador? Yes

In 2016, a leaked document revealed that the Association ofInternet Providers of Ecuador (AEPROVI) cooperated with thegovernment of Ecuador to block certain websites at theirrequest. Nonetheless, the use of VPNs is legal in the country.

Egypt Is VPN Legal in Egypt? Yes

Even though Egypt has a well-documented history of violatingits citizens’ right of press, VPN usage is yet to be madeillegal. When it comes to Internet censorship, the governmentof Egypt blocked voice calls made over Skype, FacebookMessenger, FaceTime, Viber, and WhatsApp last year.

El Salvador Is VPN Legal in El Salvador? Yes

While El Salvador has been in the news for issues related tofreedom of information in the country, using VPNs iscompletely legal.

Equatorial Guinea Is VPN Legal in Equatorial Guinea? Yes

It’s perfectly legal to use VPNs in Equatorial Guinea, thoughthe government does have a reputation for restricting itscitizens’ freedom of speech and press.

Eritrea Is VPN Legal in Eritrea? Yes

Despite the fact that only 1% of citizens have Internet accessin Eritrea, it’s recognized as the most censored country inthe world by the Committee to Protect Journalists. At the timeof this writing, the use of VPNs is legal.

Estonia Is VPN Legal in Estonia? Yes

Estonia is one the freest countries in the world when it comesto Internet access and usage. In fact, it was ranked firstalong with Iceland on the Freedom on the Net 2017 Index. Asyou’d expect, citizens can use VPNs legally.

Ethiopia Is VPN Legal in Ethiopia? Yes

The use of VPNs is currently permitted in Ethiopia. However,how long it’ll stay that way is uncertain considering how thegovernment not only banned third-party VoIP services likeSkype, but also criminalized their use!

Fiji Is VPN Legal in Fiji? Yes

There are no credible reports of government-imposed Internetcensorship in Fiji and VPN usage is legal as well.

Finland Is VPN Legal in Finland? Yes

While it’s legal to use VPNs, there have been some reportedcases of Internet censorship by the government. For instance,Finland’s child p*rn filter sparked controversy as people feltmany websites were wrongly censored.

France Is VPN Legal in France? Yes

The French government recently approved and adopted ananti-terrorism bill to expand police surveillance powers, andblocked over 2,700 websites in 2016. However, use of VPNs isstill legal in the country.

Gabon Is VPN Legal in Gabon? Yes

Gabon has made news for imposing a 12-hour Internet curfew andpermanently blocking social media sites like Facebook. UsingVPNs is legal.

Gambia Is VPN Legal in Gambia? Yes

Gambia has shutdown Internet and phone access in the past,especially during elections. VPN usage is still legal in thecountry, though.

Georgia Is VPN Legal in Georgia? Yes

Although the government has seesawed back-and-forth in termsof Internet censorship and surveillance, using VPNs is legalin Georgia.

Germany Is VPN Legal in Germany? Yes

While Germany has implemented a new law that allows thegovernment to censor social media, the use ofVPNs isn’t illegal in the country.

Ghana Is VPN Legal in Ghana? Yes

Ghana is widely acknowledged as one of the most progressiveAfrican countries when it comes to democracy and freedom, soVPN usage is completely legal. However, many were surprisedwith the government’s intent to shut down social media duringelections.

Greece Is VPN Legal in Greece? Yes

There’s evidence to suggest that the government of Greece istrying to censor the Internet through large-scale contentblocking. Using VPNs, however, is still legal in the country.

Grenada Is VPN Legal in Grenada? Yes

Though the government of Grenada has passed a law to punishpeople with lengthy jail terms or hefty fines for offensiveonline content, the use of VPNs is still legal.

Guatemala Is VPN Legal in Guatemala? Yes

Guatemala is known for routinely infringing freedom of speechand individual privacy of its citizens. VPN usage, however, isperfectly legal.

Guinea Is VPN Legal in Guinea? Yes

The citizens of Guinea get unrestricted access to the Internetand can use VPNs legally inside the country.

Guinea-Bissau Is VPN Legal in Guinea-Bissau? Yes

The use of VPNs is legal in Guinea-Bissau and there are noreports of government interference with the Internet.

Guyana Is VPN Legal in Guyana? Yes

The government of Guyana neither restricts nor censors theInternet. Moreover, using VPNs is currently legal.

Haiti Is VPN Legal in Haiti? Yes

Using VPNs is perfectly legal in Haiti and there are noreports of the government trying to restrict Internet usage.

Honduras Is VPN Legal in Honduras? Yes

The Honduras Congress is currently debating a bill that wouldinfringe on its citizens’ freedom of expression. However, VPNusage is legal as of now.

Hungary Is VPN Legal in Hungary? Yes

Even though the government recently passed new surveillanceand encryption rules, VPNs are still legal in Hungary.

Iceland Is VPN Legal in Iceland? Yes

Iceland is one of the freest countries in the world when itcomes to Internet access and usage. So it doesn’t come as asurprise that using VPNs is legal in the country.

India Is VPN Legal in India? Yes

Although usingVPNs is legal in India, censorship on the Internet is selectively practiced by thegovernment.

Indonesia Is VPN Legal in Indonesia? Yes

The citizens of Indonesia also face Internet censorship, withwebsites like Netflix, Vimeo, and YouTube blocked by thegovernment. However, these can be accessed with VPNs as theiruse is yet to be made illegal.

Ireland Is VPN Legal in Ireland? Yes

While there’s some Internet censorship in Ireland, VPNs arecompletely legal and can be used by citizens.

Israel Is VPN Legal in Israel? Yes

While Israel recently approved web censorship laws to tackleonline crime, using VPNs is still legal in the country.

Italy Is VPN Legal in Italy? Yes

The use of VPNs is legal in Italy and there haven’t been anyreports of the government interfering with the Internet.

JamaicaIs VPN Legal in Jamaica? Yes

There are no reports of Internet censorship in Jamaica by thegovernment. The use of VPNs is legal as well.

Japan Is VPN Legal in Japan? Yes

The Internet in Japan is generally free fromgovernment-censorship and the use of VPNs in the country islegal as well.

Jordan Is VPN Legal in Jordan? Yes

The government of Jordan does impose some censorship on theInternet, especially when it comes to political issues.However, VPN usage is still legal.

Kazakhstan Is VPN Legal in Kazakhstan? Yes

While VPN usage is legal in Kazakhstan, the government doesactively censor the Internet. Take, for instance, the recentsocial media crackdown which targeted human rights activists,which does show that the government does engage in censorship.

Kenya Is VPN Legal in Kenya? Yes

A recent study by OONI showed “almost no signs of Internetcensorship” in Kenya. As expected, the use of VPNs is legal inthe country.

Kiribati Is VPN Legal in Kiribati? Yes

There are no reports of Internet censorship in Kiribati by thegovernment. Also, the citizens of Kiribati are allowed to useVPNs.

Kosovo Is VPN Legal in Kosovo? Yes

Kosovo’s telecommunication interception law gives authoritiesaccess to all communications data, raising privacy concernsfor its citizens. However despite this, using VPNs is stilllegal.

Kuwait Is VPN Legal in Kuwait? Yes

The Kuwaiti government actively censors the Internet, with itsnew cybercrime law restricting free speech and targetingonline activists. Luckily, VPN usage is still legal in thecountry.

Kyrgyzstan Is VPN Legal in Kyrgyzstan? Yes

The government of Kyrgyzstan does engage in Internetcensorship and this is particularly true when it comes tojournalism. However, there’s no law barring the use of VPNs.

Laos Is VPN Legal in Laos? Yes

The government of Laos heavily censors its citizens and theiruse of the Internet. Fortunately, using VPNs is still legal.

Latvia Is VPN Legal in Latvia? Yes

There are no reports of censorship or government interferencewith the Internet in Latvia. Using VPNs is also legal.

Lebanon Is VPN Legal in Lebanon? Yes

Lebanon is known for its censorship and the government haseven once attempted to make VoIP usage illegal. Nonetheless,the use of VPNs is permitted in the country.

Lesotho Is VPN Legal in Lesotho? Yes

The citizens of Lesotho are able to use the Internet withoutgovernment-censorship. Moreover, using VPNs is perfectlylegal.

Liberia Is VPN Legal in Liberia? Yes

While the citizens of Liberia do experience surveillance andcensorship on the Internet at the hands of the government,using VPNs is still legal. The government has also been knownto censor the press.

Libya Is VPN Legal in Libya? Yes

The Internet in Libya isn’t free from governmentalinterference and restrictions. Thankfully, VPNs are stilllegal in the country.

Liechtenstein Is VPN Legal in Liechtenstein? Yes

Liechtenstein is known for its stance on freedom of the pressand lack of government censorship on the Internet. Using VPNsis also legal.

Lithuania Is VPN Legal in Lithuania? Yes

The citizens of Lithuania generally enjoy unrestricted accessto the Internet and can use VPNs legally as well.

Luxembourg Is VPN Legal in Luxembourg? Yes

There are no credible reports of the government of Luxembourgcensoring the Internet. Using VPNs is also legal.

Macedonia Is VPN Legal in Macedonia? Yes

The citizens of Macedonia are able to use the Internet withoutgovernment censorship. Additionally, the use of VPNs ispermitted in the country.

MadagascarIs VPN Legal in Madagascar? Yes

Though media censorship is prevalent in Madagascar, thegovernment is yet to place any restrictions on Internet usage.Using VPNs is perfectly legal.

MALAWIIs VPN Legal in Malawi? Yes

There are no reports of the government interfering withcitizens’ Internet access or imposing Internet censorship. VPNusage is also legal in Malawi.

MALAYSIAIs VPN Legal in Malaysia? Yes

Malaysia has had issues with Internet censorship in the pastand its recent anti-fake news law raises concerns around mediacensorship. Using VPNs is still legal, nonetheless.

MALDIVESIs VPN Legal in Maldives? Yes

The government of Maldives often blocks websites deemedp*rnographic or anti-Islamic, but the use of VPNs is yet to bemade illegal.

MALIIs VPN Legal in Mali? Yes

There are no reports of the government interfering with itscitizens’ Internet access, and using VPNs is also legal inMali.

MALTAIs VPN Legal in Malta? Yes

While the citizens of Malta can legally use VPNs, there aresome concerns relating to Internet censorship. Many claim thatnew media laws pose a serious threat to Internet freedoms,whereas the Maltese government denies this by saying they’renot interested in censoring the Internet.

MARSHALL ISLANDSIs VPN Legal in Marshall Islands? Yes

There are no reports of the government trying to restrict itscitizens’ Internet access, and the use of VPNs is also legalin Marshall Islands.

MAURITANIAIs VPN Legal in Mauritania? Yes

Though the use of VPNs is legally permitted, Mauritania doeshave a past associated with Internet censorship. There havebeen reports of the government violating digital rights andthe press self-censors its coverage of issues due to fear ofthe country’s new cybercrime laws.

MAURITIUSIs VPN Legal in Mauritius? Yes

Mauritius occasionally imposes Internet restrictions,including filtering content. However, there aren’t any reportsof the government actively censoring the Internet, and VPNusage is legal in the country as well.

MEXICOIs VPN Legal in Mexico? Yes

The citizens of Mexico, generally, get unrestricted access tothe Internet and can use VPNs legally as well. However, thesituation could change as reports of the government usingsurveillance software to spy on prominent activists andjournalists have recently surfaced.

MICRONESIAIs VPN Legal in Micronesia? Yes

There are no documented reports of the government attemptingto interfere with the Internet usage of its citizens, andusing VPNs is legal as well.

MOLDOVAIs VPN Legal in Moldova? Yes

In 2016, a law passed by the government received criticismfrom several media outlets and organizations who claimed itwill lead to violation of privacy and heavy censorship. Theuse of VPNs is still legal in Moldova, nonetheless.

MONACOIs VPN Legal in Monaco? Yes

There are no credible reports of the Monaco governmentcensoring its citizens’ use of the Internet. Also, VPNs arecompletely legal.

MONGOLIAIs VPN Legal in Mongolia? Yes

The government of Mongolia actively censors its citizensInternet usage and has even banned a list of 774 words andphrases on the Internet. Regardless, the use of VPNs is stilllegal in Mongolia.

MONTENEGROIs VPN Legal in Montenegro? Yes

There have been reports of Internet restrictions being imposedon Montenegro citizens. Recently, the government blockedmessaging apps like WhatsApp and Viber on Election Day. Evenso, VPNs are legal to use in the country.

MOROCCOIs VPN Legal in Morocco? Yes

While VPNs are legal in Morocco, the country has been in thenews for banning Skype, Viber, and similar VoIP communicationapps. Furthermore, journalists self-censor their reporting onsensitive issues as the state punishes whistle-blowing andinvestigative reporting.

MOZAMBIQUEIs VPN Legal in Mozambique? Yes

With the Mozambique government spying on its citizens’Internet activities, using VPNs is the only solution, andluckily, they’re yet to be made illegal in the country.

MYANMARIs VPN Legal in Myanmar? Yes

Myanmar has a history when it comes to Internet censorship,though the government is becoming less restrictive when itcomes to the rights of its citizens. Using VPNs is also legal.

NAMIBIAIs VPN Legal in Namibia? Yes

The citizens of Namibia are allowed to use VPNs and enjoyInternet access without any restrictions put in place by thegovernment.

NAURUIs VPN Legal in Nauru? Yes

Nauru has imposed Internet restrictions in the past, includingthe banning of social media sites like Facebook. The use ofVPNs, though, is still legal in the country.

NEPALIs VPN Legal in Nepal? Yes

While Nepal doesn’t actively monitor Internet activity, thegovernment has made its intention of censoring its citizens’Internet activities clear. Fortunately, using VPNs is legal.

NETHERLANDSIs VPN Legal in Netherlands? Yes

There are no credible reports of the Netherlands governmenttrying to impose restrictions on the Internet. Moreover, usingVPNs is legal here.

NEW ZEALANDIs VPN Legal in New Zealand? Yes

While the government of New Zealand is known to monitor itscitizens’ Internet activities, there’s no credible evidence ofInternet censorship. VPN usage is also legal in the country.

NICARAGUAIs VPN Legal in Nicaragua? Yes

The government of Nicaragua doesn’t restrict or monitor theInternet activities of its citizens and allows the use ofVPNs.

NIGERIs VPN Legal in Niger? Yes

Did you know that only 2% of the total population uses theInternet in Niger? And luckily, they’re able to do so withoutany restrictions and censorship. Using VPNs is also legalhere.

NIGERIAIs VPN Legal in Nigeria? Yes

While the government of Nigeria has a controversial stance onfreedom of expression, especially when it comes to socialmedia, the use of VPNs is still legal in the country.

NORWAYIs VPN Legal in Norway? Yes

Norway, with one of the world’s highest Internet penetrationrates, gives its citizens the freedom to access the Internetwithout any restrictions and censorship. Using VPNs is alsolegal.

PAKISTANIs VPN Legal in Pakistan? Yes

The government of Pakistan has blocked a number of top sitessuch as YouTube, Twitter and Facebook in the past. They alsouse Internet filtering in order to block users from accessingcertain sites and content. The use of VPNs is yet to beoutlawed, though.

PALAUIs VPN Legal in Palau? Yes

There are no credible reports of the Palau governmentcensoring the Internet and citizens are legally permitted touse VPNs as well.

PALESTINEIs VPN Legal in the State of Palestine? Yes

The government of Palestine actively censors the Internet andmedia. Many websites have also been shut down due to politicalreasons. However, the use of VPNs is still legal here.

PANAMAIs VPN Legal in Panama? Yes

The government of Panama doesn’t censor its citizens Internetaccess and also allows them to use VPNs legally.

PAPUA NEW GUINEAIs VPN Legal in Papua New Guinea? Yes

There are no reports to suggest that Papua New Guinearestricts its citizens’ access to the Internet, though thecountry’s new cybercrime law has raised concerns aboutincreased censorship. Regardless, using VPNs is still legal.

PARAGUAYIs VPN Legal in Paraguay? Yes

The citizens of Paraguay are able to enjoy uncensored Internetaccess. Using VPNs is also perfectly legal here.

PERUIs VPN Legal in Peru? Yes

There are no documented reports of the Peru government tryingto restrict its citizens’ Internet activities, and the use ofVPNs is legal as well.

PHILIPPINESIs VPN Legal in the Philippines? Yes

In recent times, Internet freedom has improved in thePhilippines as no efforts have been made by the government torestrict its citizens’ access to the Internet. VPNs are alsolegal to use in the country.

POLANDIs VPN Legal in Poland? Yes

While the government of Poland recently passed a new law toincrease government surveillance in spite of privacy concerns,VPNs are still legal in the country.

PORTUGALIs VPN Legal in Portugal? Yes

There are no reports of the Portugal government activelycensoring the Internet and using VPNs is also legal here.

QATARIs VPN Legal in Qatar? Yes

While VPNs are legal to use in Qatar, citizens have to facecensorship. The government instructs ISPs to block certainwebsites with content deemed p*rnographic or anti-Islamic,though harmless websites have also been targeted without anyexplanation.

ROMANIAIs VPN Legal in Romania? Yes

The Romanian government put into effect its new gamblinglegislation in 2015, which has since then intensified concernsaround censorship. However, the use of VPNs is yet to bebanned in the country.

RWANDAIs VPN Legal in Rwanda? Ye

There’s evidence to suggest that the Rwandan governmentactively spies on its citizens’ and blocks news websites. VPNusage is legal here as well.

SAINT KITTS AND NEVISIs VPN Legal in Saint Kitts and Nevis? Yes

The citizens of Saint Kitts and Nevis enjoy unrestrictedInternet access and are legally allowed to use VPNs.

SAINT LUCIAIs VPN Legal in Saint Lucia? Yes

There are no reports of the Saint Lucia government imposingrestrictions on its citizens’ access to the Internet. UsingVPNs is also legal here.

SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINESIs VPN Legal in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines? Yes

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines recently passed a cybercrimebill that allows jail sentences of up to two years for onlinedefamation, posing a serious threat to public debate and freeflow of information and news. Using VPNs is still legal,nonetheless

SAMOAIs VPN Legal in Samoa? Yes

There are no documented reports of the Samoan governmentimposing restrictions on its citizens’ Internet usage. Also,the use of VPNs in the country is completely legal.

SAN MARINOIs VPN Legal in San Marino? Yes

The citizens of San Marino are able to access the Internetwithout being subject to government-imposed censorship. VPNusage is also legal here.

SAO TOME AND PRINCIPEIs VPN Legal in Sao Tome and Principe? Yes

The government of Sao Tome and Principe doesn’t interfere withthe Internet in the country and allows the use of VPNs.

SAUDI ARABIAIs VPN Legal in Saudi Arabia? Yes

Known for censoring the Internet activities of its citizens,Saudi Arabia has blocked over 5.5 million websites andinternal links since the start of 2008. Surprisingly, VPNusage is yet to be made illegal in the country.

SENEGALIs VPN Legal in Senegal? Yes

Not only is freedom of press routinely violated in Senegal,but also the laws allow the government to increase censorshipshould they want to.

SERBIAIs VPN Legal in Serbia? Yes

Even though using VPNs is legal in Serbia, the governmentroutinely infringes on its citizens’ freedom of speech online.

SEYCHELLESIs VPN Legal in Seychelles? Yes

The government of Seychelles actively tries to restrict itscitizens’ Internet access, especially when it comes tosilencing opposition activists. The usage of VPNs is stilllegal here, nonetheless.

SIERRA LEONEIs VPN Legal in Sierra Leone? Yes

The citizens of Sierra Leone can use the Internet without anyrestrictions or censorship. VPN usage is also legal in thecountry.

SINGAPOREIs VPN Legal in Singapore? Yes

The government of Singapore is known for actively censoringits citizens’ use of the Internet. Not only do they targetgovernment activists, but also shut down political websites.Regardless, using VPNs is still legal.

SINT MAARTENIs VPN Legal in Sint Maarten? Yes

The citizens of Sint Maarten enjoy unrestricted access to theInternet and are legally allowed to use VPNs.

SLOVAKIAIs VPN Legal in Slovakia? Yes

The citizens of Slovakia don’t have to worry about governmentcensorship and restrictions. Moreover, the use of VPNs islegal in the country.

SLOVENIAIs VPN Legal in Slovenia? Yes

VPNs are completely legal in Slovenia and the governmentdoesn’t censor its citizens’ Internet usage.

SOLOMON ISLANDSIs VPN Legal in Solomon Islands? Yes

There have been no credible reports of the government imposingrestrictions on its citizens’ use of the Internet. VPN usageis also legal in Solomon Islands.

SOMALIAIs VPN Legal in Somalia? Yes

Somalia is renowned for actively censoring the Internet, withthe government blocking access to news sites. The use of VPNs,though, is still legal in the country.

SOUTH AFRICAIs VPN Legal in South Africa? Yes

While the government of South Africa doesn’t have as manyInternet restrictions as some other countries on this list,its “Internet Censorship Bill” has been widely criticized. Theuse of VPNs is also legal in the country.

SOUTH KOREAIs VPN Legal in South Korea? Yes

Even though South Korea is known for censoring and monitoringthe Internet, its citizens are legally allowed to use VPNs.

SOUTH SUDANIs VPN Legal in South Sudan? Yes

The citizens of South Sudan do experience Internet censorship,with the government blocking several news websites.Nonetheless, using VPNs is completely legal here.

SPAINIs VPN Legal in Spain? Yes

The Internet in Spain is generally free from any kind ofrestrictions, though the country made news for blockingCatalan independence websites. Also, using VPNs is legal inthe country.

SRI LANKAIs VPN Legal in Sri Lanka? Yes

The Sri Lankan government has censored its citizens’ use ofthe Internet in the past. In fact, they’ve even blocked accessto certain websites. However, the use of VPNs is still legal.

SUDANIs VPN Legal in Sudan? Yes

While the citizens of Sudan are subject to various kinds ofInternet censorship, VPN usage is still legal in the country.

SURINAMEIs VPN Legal in Suriname? Yes

The government of Suriname doesn’t censor its citizens’ use ofthe Internet. Moreover, the use of VPNs is legal here.

SWAZILANDIs VPN Legal in Swaziland? Yes

VPN usage is perfectly legal in Swaziland and its citizens areable to use the Internet without any censorship.

SWEDENIs VPN Legal in Sweden? Yes

The citizens of Sweden get unrestricted access to the Internetand can legally use VPNs in the country.

SWITZERLANDIs VPN Legal in Switzerland? Yes

In recent years, the Internet in Switzerland has becomeincreasingly restrictive. Just recently, a bill proposingInternet censorship to protect domestic gambling was passed inthe parliament. VPNs are still legal here, though.

SYRIAIs VPN Legal in Syria? Yes

The citizens of Syria do experience censorship and monitoringon the Internet. Incidents of human rights violations havealso been on the rise. However, VPNs are still legal in thecountry.

TAIWANIs VPN Legal in Taiwan? Yes

Though Taiwan doesn’t restricts its citizens’ Internet usage,it has attempted to do so in the past by proposing an InternetBlacklist Law which met strong resistance. The use of VPNs isstill legal, nonetheless.

TAJIKISTANIs VPN Legal in Tajikistan? Yes

Tajikistan is known for its Internet censorship and legallyallows its citizens to use VPNs. However, the idea of creatinga government-controlled data gateway has raised concernssurrounding freedom of speech and privacy in the country.

TANZANIAIs VPN Legal in Tanzania? Yes

Tanzania actively censors the Internet and the situation onlyseems to be getting worse with time. VPNs are legal to usehere.

THAILANDIs VPN Legal in Thailand? Yes

There have been reports of blogger arrests and ISPs blockingwebsites in Thailand. However, using VPNs is legal in thecountry.

TIMOR-LESTEIs VPN Legal in Timor-Leste? Yes

The citizens of Timor-Leste enjoy uncensored access to theInternet and are legally allowed to use VPNs.

TOGOIs VPN Legal in Togo? Yes

The government of Togo doesn’t impose censorship on itscitizens’ use of the Internet. Moreover, VPNs are completelylegal in the country.

TONGOIs VPN Legal in Tonga? Yes

Even though the government of Tonga passed laws in 2015 thatallowed it control Internet access in the country, VPNs arestill legal to use here.

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGOIs VPN Legal in Trinidad and Tobago? Yes

The citizens of Trinidad and Tobago get unrestricted access tothe Internet and are legally allowed to use VPNs in thecountry.

TUNISIAIs VPN Legal in Tunisia? Yes

While Tunisia has taken drastic steps to reverse onlinecensorship and promote Internet access, the legal framework ofthe country poses a significant threat to Internet freedom.Nonetheless, using VPNs is legal here.

TUVALUIs VPN Legal in Tuvalu? Yes

The citizens of Tuvalu get unrestricted access to the Internetand are legally allowed to use VPNs in the country.

UGANDAIs VPN Legal in Uganda? Yes

The government of Uganda actively censors its citizens’ use ofthe Internet and even blocks social media sites duringelections. However, the use of VPNs is legal here.

UKRAINEIs VPN Legal in Ukraine? Yes

While Ukraine has made news for blocking popular RussianInternet websites, the use of VPNs is yet to be made illegal.

UNITED KINGDOMIs VPN Legal in the United Kingdom?

With the Investigatory Powers Act put into force, the Internetactivities of UK citizens can be monitored by the government.The UK also made news in the past when mobile carriers blockedsome VPNs. Using VPNs, however, remains legal in the country.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICAIs VPN Legal in the United States of America? Yes

Though the government doesn’t actively censors its citizens’Internet activities, the recent repeal of the broadbandprivacy rules means that ISPs are allowed to monitor itsusers. Fortunately, there’s no law barring the use of VPNs.

URUGUAYIs VPN Legal in Uruguay? Yes

There are no reports of the Uruguay government imposingcensorship on the Internet. Moreover, VPNs are perfectly legalin the country.

UZBEKISTANIs VPN Legal in Uzbekistan? Yes

The government of Uzbekistan routinely censors its citizens’Internet activity and has blocked Skype, WhatsApp, and newswebsites in the past. Using VPNs, though, is still legal inthe country.

VANUATUIs VPN Legal in Vanuatu? Yes

The citizens of Vanuatu are able to enjoy unrestricted accessto the Internet and are legally allowed to use VPNs in thecountry.

VATICAN CITYIs VPN Legal in Vatican City? Yes

There are no reports of the Vatican City imposing Internetcensorship. Additionally, using VPNs is legal here.

VENEZUELAIs VPN Legal in Venezuela? Yes

Venezuela is known for routinely blocking social media siteslike WhatsApp and Facebook. The government legally allows itcitizens to use VPNs as well.

VIETNAMIs VPN Legal in Vietnam? Yes

The citizens of Vietnam do experience Internet censorship,with the passing of the controversial Internet Decree barringsocial media sites and blogs from discussing current affairs.Still, using VPNs remains legal in the country.

YEMENIs VPN Legal in Yemen? Yes

There have been attempts by the Houthi Militia to enforce acomplete ban on Internet usage, though the use of the VPNs isyet to be made illegal.

ZAMBIAIs VPN Legal in Zambia? Yes

Internet censorship has always been an issue in Zambia, withthe government banning websites due to political reasons.Using VPNs, though, is completely legal here.

ZIMBABWEIs VPN Legal in Zimbabwe? Yes

Zimbabwe is known for actively censoring its citizens’ use ofthe Internet, and has even banned social apps like WhatsApp,especially during protests. However, the use of VPNs remainslegal in the country.

Country Not Found!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it Illegal to Use a VPN for Streaming?

Nope. One of the main benefits of a VPN is accessing geo-restricted content from other countries. This enables you to watch Netflix’s US library or stream BBC iPlayer from anywhere in the world. While using a VPN for such purposes is generally legal, it may violate the terms of use of the streaming service, which can result in your account getting closed or restricted.

What Happens if You Use a VPN Illegally?

The use of VPNs is banned in a handful of countries across the world, such as Russia and China. If you connect to a VPN in these places, you could face jail time or hefty fines. Therefore, it’s best to avoid using VPNs in such countries as the risk of legal repercussions is high.

Is Using a VPN Necessary?

It depends on what your needs are. If you’re concerned about your privacy on the internet, then using a VPN can help. Similarly, if you’re looking to bypass geo-restrictions on streaming services or access censored apps and services, a VPN proves quite useful.

Is it Legal to Access Blocked Content with a VPN?

It depends on your jurisdiction. If you’re accessing blocked content on your school or work network, you probably won’t face any legal troubles. In most countries, blocked content can generally be divided into two categories, namely geo-blocked content, and government-blocked illegal content.

It’s typically permissible to access content that falls in the first category, but you may still have to face repercussions like canceled streaming service subscriptions. On the other hand, accessing illegal content blocked by your government is, of course, illegal.

Can the Police Track a VPN?

Absolutely not. Nobody can track live, encrypted VPN traffic, including the police. However, they can go to your ISP and request usage or connection logs with a court order. Given that your ISP knows when you’re using a VPN, they can direct the authorities to them.

What is a VPN Warrant Canary?

A warrant canary is basically a statement by VPN providers that they’ve not received any letter, warrant, or subpoena for disclosing private user data. If and when they do, the VPN service has to remove the warrant canary from its site.

Are VPNs Legal or Illegal in 2024? (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.