Are Shiba Inus Affectionate? - My First Shiba Inu (2024)

Shiba Inu.



So cute!!

How about affectionate??

Well, if you're wondering how affectionate Shiba Inus are. It's likely that you've never had one before and are possibly considering one in the future right?

Aaaand because you're wondering if Shibas are big on affection, you're likely a typical dog lover (or fan) that appreciates an affectionate and loving dog.

While Shiba Inus are loyal, family-oriented dog - they often fall short in the affection category.

Are Shiba Inus Affectionate? - My First Shiba Inu (1)

Shiba Inu Loyalty

One of the first words that come to mind when describing anydog is loyalty.

Dogs are loyal to their owners to a fault.

Once they have become attached to a particular human, they will do anything to please that human.

All dogs are loyal, but some are more loyal than others.

Shiba Inus are an especially loyal breed.

They give their whole heart to their owner and family and want to spend time with them.

However, with that said, they are also quite independent and are perfectly happy to go off and do their own thing when their person or people are busy.

All of the above factors play a big part in Shiba Inu's popularity.

They mesh well with a number of different human personality types, and it's no surprise that they are the number one companion animalin their home country of Japan.

Are Shiba Inus Affectionate? - My First Shiba Inu (2)

However, keep in mind that loyalty and affection are two different things.

Some dog breeds are very loyal, but that doesn't always mean that they are also affectionate.

A dog may love his or her owner and family very much, but that doesn't always mean that the dog will be all that excited about cuddling on the couch or about sleeping in his or her owner's bed.

Some dog breeds are known for being affectionate and love to snuggle.

Breeds that are well-known for affectionate qualities include Labrador Retrievers, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Golden Retrievers, Greyhounds, Collies, Great Danes, Alaskan Klee Kais and Pomeranians to name a few.

So if you're looking for a dog that loves receiving and giving affection all of the time - consider the dogs mentioned above instead of a Shiba Inu

Are Shiba Inus Affectionate? - My First Shiba Inu (3)

Just How Affectionate Are Shiba Inus?

Shiba Inus have many wonderful qualities, but they are not known to be especially affectionate.

There may be outliers for sure.

But for the most part, the majority of purebred (quality bred) Shiba Inus run more on the aloof, independent side vs. affectionate and "spoony".

But Shiba Inus really do love their owners and will remain devoted to them for a lifetime.

Both Shiba Inus and Shiba Inu owners are well tuned to each other's mood. And most owners know when they can receive affection and when they should leave their Shibas be.

Shiba Inus may come off as stand-offish but they simply like to give and receive love and attention on their own terms.

The independence of Shiba Inus may not be right for every dog owner. However, for people who prefer "less needy breeds", this breed can be an excellent choice.

If you love having a dog around, but don't want to be overwhelmed with attention all the time, a Shiba Inu may be right for you.

Are Shiba Inus Affectionate? - My First Shiba Inu (4)

Does This Mean Shiba Inus Are Mean Dogs?

No not at all.

Shiba Inus are not - or at least should not be mean dogs.

Properly bred and reared Shiba Inus should be calm and dignified dogs as mature adults.

Some Shibas may exhibit same-sex aggression, though this usually resolves with proper socialization, obedience training, and de-sexing.

Sure, a Shiba Inu's aloof and uppity personality can sometimes make them appear a bit 'mean' to certain people.

So instead of "mean", maybe "stuck-up" would be closer on the mark in terms of personality description.

Are Shiba Inus Affectionate? - My First Shiba Inu (5)

Are Shiba Inus Difficult Dogs?

For a novice dog owner, Shiba Inus can be described as being a difficult dog breed.

Due to their 'primitive' / basal dog breed nature, Shiba Inus still contain "wilder" traits than their more domesticated counterparts such as Labs and Retrievers.

This means that proper socialization and obedience training at a very young age is paramount in raising a well-adjusted and obedient Shiba Inu.

Without proper socialization, Shiba Inus can be exceptionally stubborn and difficult to train.

Some may develop anxiety and or aggression issues as well.

What makes this even worse is bad breeding.

Due to the rising popularity of Shiba Inus, many puppy mills and backyard breeders have increased their breeding of inferior Shiba Inu puppies.

These poor puppies along with their parents often live in inhumane conditions.

The resulting Shiba Inu puppies are often sickly dogs that don't conform to proper Shiba Inu standards - both physically and temperamentally.

Please do your research before considering bringing a Shiba Inu puppy home. Quality Shiba Inu puppies are not easy to come by.

Reputable breeders usually have long waiting lists. You'll never, ever, ever find a quality Shiba Inu puppy on Craigslist or online websites.

Are Shiba Inus Affectionate? - My First Shiba Inu (6)

Wonderful Shiba Inu Qualities That Don't Require Affection

There are so manygreat things to know about Shiba Inus.

Hopefully, their inclination toward independence won't cause you to discount this incredible breed.

If a Shiba Inu is properly trained and socialized, they make great family dogs.

They are also happy with a single owner - and make great apartment dogs.

Due to their independence and stubbornness, they can be challenging to train. However, if you start training at a young age, Shiba Inus enjoy learning and can soon follow instructions and commands.

Like any dog, they love rewards and for Shibas, this usually involves food.

Shiba Inus are moderately active dogs. Although they don't mind spending time alone, they also require enough physical and mental exercise to keep them in tip-top shape.

They have a strong prey drive so you'll need to walk yours on a leash and if you have a fenced-in yard, you'll need to reinforce it.

Shiba Inus can be "judgey dogs" and always keep an eye on their owners to see "what's up". Sometimes, we feel that we're the ones who constantly have to "please" our Shibas.

Finally, Shiba Inus are simply one of the most beautiful dog breeds in the world.

Owning a Shiba Inu is akin to being in the presence of a celebrity.

Admirers can't get over the cuteness and "kawaii" factor of Shiba Inus.

With full mochi cheeks, pointy, curious ears, and exotic almond eyes - the sheer beauty of Shiba Inus more than make up for their subpar cuddliness ratings.

Are Shiba Inus Affectionate? - My First Shiba Inu (7)

In Closing

Hopefully you've learned that while Shiba Inus are not the most affectionate dogs on the planet - they still are loyal, loving, and absolutely devoted to their master.

It's important to understand that affection and love are distinct from each other and one doesn't require the other to be meaningful.

Some affectionate dogs are simply that - affectionate. They may or may not love you. (Some dogs are just wired to be affectionate due to the evolutional advantage).

While some not-so affectionate dogs are also simply that - not affectionate.

However a Shiba's love is like an invisible supernova that can only be felt by someone who ever had the honor of receiving love from a Shiba.

Are Shiba Inus Affectionate? - My First Shiba Inu (8)

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Are Shiba Inus Affectionate? - My First Shiba Inu (2024)


Are Shiba Inus good first dogs? ›

They're also known for a high-pitched scream they can often make when they become excited. Although they're not the best choice for first-time owners or families with young children who might test their impatient side, Shibas are a great choice for the more experienced dog owner looking for a loyal companion.

Do Shiba Inus get attached to one person? ›

Shiba inus do tend to bond closely to one person, yes. But that doesn't mean they don't care about anyone else in the family.

Can you train a Shiba to be cuddly? ›

As cute as they may be, Shiba Inus might not be the poster pups for cuddling. But if you're patient, gentle, and understanding, you can nurture a beautiful bond that even involves a few cherished cuddles. Remember, every Shiba is unique, and so is their relationship with cuddling.

Are Shiba Inus affectionate dogs? ›

Shiba Inu's have the potential to be great family pets, so long as they are properly trained and socialised. Despite not being the most affectionate breed, they still create strong bonds with their family and can be very loyal and protective.

Do Shiba Inus need another dog? ›

Shibas don't necessarily get along with other dogs.

Socializing your Shiba with other dogs (not just the other dogs in your home) from a very young age is critical to having a “dog friendly” dog. But even a well socialized Shiba is not necessarily going to get along with every dog they meet.

Are Shiba Inus difficult dogs? ›

Shiba Inu Training: They are notoriously difficult dogs to train. The Shiba is a stubborn dog. Even veteran trainers have trouble handling them. But if you get to know them well enough, and if you invest a little time and effort, they can quickly learn to follow you (for his own good, of course).

Do Shibas like to be picked up? ›

If you're looking for an affectionate dog that loves to cuddle and craves attention, shibas are not it. Hoju pretty much follows us around everywhere, but he'd much rather be a few feet away than in our laps. He only likes being pet on his terms. Shibas are loyal and territorial.

Do Shiba Inus pick a favorite person? ›

Breeds that tend to bond strongly to one person include: Basenji. Greyhound. Shiba Inu.

Why do Shibas stare at you? ›

Just as humans stare into the eyes of someone they adore, dogs will stare at their owners to express affection. In fact, mutual staring between humans and dogs releases oxytocin, known as the love hormone. This chemical plays an important role in bonding and boosts feelings of love and trust.

Do Shibas like being carried? ›

Shiba Inus like to approach people on their own terms. They don't like to be grabbed at, or held tightly, so I don't recommend them around young children.

Why is my Shiba so clingy? ›

Dogs who have anxiety issues often develop clingy dog behaviors. Interestingly, dogs can also become clingy if they sense our stress or anxiety. Dogs can also become clingy if you change their daily routine or make changes in the home or household that cause them stress.

How do you know if your Shiba loves you? ›

If your Shiba Inu often initiates playtime, brings you toys, or enjoys a good game of fetch with you, it's a sign of their affection. They're saying, “I trust you and enjoy having fun with you!”

Do Shiba Inus like to be held? ›

Shiba Inu aren't fond of handling, especially by strangers.

Are Shiba Inus possessive? ›

The Shiba Inu has a fiery, spirited personality, marked by possessive tendencies, whether it is guarding food, toys or other possessions. The breed is nimble, quick, alert and intelligent.

Are Shiba Inus protective of their owners? ›

Although Shibas may not be overly affectionate with their owners, they can be territorial over them. They're a protective breed and are naturally possessive over their food, toys, territory, and caretakers. In this way, they take a large range of their traits from wild dogs.

Are Shiba Inus okay to be left alone? ›

While Shiba Inu are independent dogs who don't require constant attention, they need plenty of exercise if they will be left alone during the day. Shiba Inu may be left home alone for eight hours at a time. Crate training may be necessary for the dog's safety as bored Shiba Inu may chew dangerous items.

Are Shiba Inus good with newborns? ›

Shibas are not the ideal child's pet. They are not a toy and will not tolerate being treated that way. Shibas do not, as a rule, attack and kill toddlers on sight. They will, however, resent fingers pushed into their eyes, tail-pulling or any other abuses that small children tend to inflict on animals.

Do Shiba Inu bark a lot? ›

Shibas are relatively quiet dogs and only tend to bark when it's necessary or when they're in a happy, playful mood.

Are Shiba Inus anxious dogs? ›

Shiba Inu are alert, active, and sometimes anxious dogs. Adequate exercise and mental stimulation can help manage their anxiety. The use of food puzzles or toys stuffed with food can provide good mental stimulation for Shiba Inu dogs.

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.