Apple advances user security with powerful new data protections (2024)

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UPDATE December 7, 2022

iMessage Contact Key Verification, Security Keys for Apple ID, and Advanced Data Protection for iCloud provide users with important new tools to protect their most sensitive data and communications

Apple today introduced three advanced security features focused on protecting against threats to user data in the cloud, representing the next step in its ongoing effort to provide users with even stronger ways to protect their data. With iMessage Contact Key Verification, users can verify they are communicating only with whom they intend. With Security Keys for Apple ID, users have the choice to require a physical security key to sign in to their Apple ID account. And with Advanced Data Protection for iCloud, which uses end-to-end encryption to provide Apple’s highest level of cloud data security, users have the choice to further protect important iCloud data, including iCloud Backup, Photos, Notes, and more.

As threats to user data become increasingly sophisticated and complex, these new features join a suite of other protections that make Apple products the most secure on the market: from the security built directly into our custom chips with best-in-class device encryption and data protections, to features like Lockdown Mode, which offers an extreme, optional level of security for users such as journalists, human rights activists, and diplomats. Apple is committed to strengthening both device and cloud security, and to adding new protections over time.

“At Apple, we are unwavering in our commitment to provide our users with the best data security in the world. We constantly identify and mitigate emerging threats to their personal data on device and in the cloud,” said Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering. “Our security teams work tirelessly to keep users’ data safe, and with iMessage Contact Key Verification, Security Keys, and Advanced Data Protection for iCloud, users will have three powerful new tools to further protect their most sensitive data and communications.”

iMessage Contact Key Verification

Apple pioneered the use of end-to-end encryption in consumer communication services with the launch of iMessage, so that messages could only be read by the sender and recipients. FaceTime has also used encryption since launch to keep conversations private and secure. Now with iMessage Contact Key Verification, users who face extraordinary digital threats— such as journalists, human rights activists, and members of government — can choose to further verify that they are messaging only with the people they intend. The vast majority of users will never be targeted by highly sophisticated cyberattacks, but the feature provides an important additional layer of security for those who might be. Conversations between users who have enabled iMessage Contact Key Verification receive automatic alerts if an exceptionally advanced adversary, such as a state-sponsored attacker, were ever to succeed breaching cloud servers and inserting their own device to eavesdrop on these encrypted communications. And for even higher security, iMessage Contact Key Verification users can compare a Contact Verification Code in person, on FaceTime, or through another secure call.

iMessage Contact Key Verification lets users verify they are communicating only with whom they intend.

Security Keys

Apple introduced two-factor authentication for Apple ID in 2015. Today, with more than 95 percent of active iCloud accounts using this protection, it is the most widely used two-factor account security system in the world that we’re aware of. Now with Security Keys, users will have the choice to make use of third-party hardware security keys to enhance this protection. This feature is designed for users who, often due to their public profile, face concerted threats to their online accounts, such as celebrities, journalists, and members of government. For users who opt in, Security Keys strengthens Apple’s two-factor authentication by requiring a hardware security key as one of the two factors. This takes our two-factor authentication even further, preventing even an advanced attacker from obtaining a user’s second factor in a phishing scam.

Security Keys for Apple ID provides users the choice to require a physical security key to sign in to their Apple ID account.

Advanced Data Protection for iCloud

For years, Apple has offered industry-leading data security on its devices with Data Protection, the sophisticated file encryption system built into iPhone, iPad, and Mac. “Apple makes the most secure mobile devices on the market. And now, we are building on that powerful foundation,” said Ivan Krstić, Apple’s head of Security Engineering and Architecture. “Advanced Data Protection is Apple’s highest level of cloud data security, giving users the choice to protect the vast majority of their most sensitive iCloud data with end-to-end encryption so that it can only be decrypted on their trusted devices.” For users who opt in, Advanced Data Protection keeps most iCloud data protected even in the case of a data breach in the cloud.

iCloud already protects 14 sensitive data categories using end-to-end encryption by default, including passwords in iCloud Keychain and Health data. For users who enable Advanced Data Protection, the total number of data categories protected using end-to-end encryption rises to 23, including iCloud Backup, Notes, and Photos. The only major iCloud data categories that are not covered are iCloud Mail, Contacts, and Calendar because of the need to interoperate with the global email, contacts, and calendar systems.

Enhanced security for users’ data in the cloud is more urgently needed than ever before, as demonstrated in a new summary of data breach research, “The Rising Threat to Consumer Data in the Cloud,” published today. Experts say the total number of data breaches more than tripled between 2013 and 2021, exposing 1.1 billion personal records across the globe in 2021 alone. Increasingly, companies across the technology industry are addressing this growing threat by implementing end-to-end encryption in their offerings.

Advanced Data Protection for iCloud uses end-to-end encryption to provide Apple’s highest level of cloud data security.


  • iMessage Contact Key Verification will be available globally in 2023.
  • Security Keys for Apple ID will be available globally in early 2023.
  • Advanced Data Protection for iCloud is available in the US today for members of the Apple Beta Software Program, and will be available to US users by the end of the year. The feature will start rolling out to the rest of the world in early 2023.
  • A complete technical overview of the optional security enhancements offered by Advanced Data Protection can be found in our Platform Security Guide, along with the data breach research “The Rising Threat to Consumer Data in the Cloud” by Dr. Stuart Madnick, professor emeritus at MIT Sloan School of Management.
  • Text of this article

    December 7, 2022


    Apple advances user security with powerful new data protections

    iMessage Contact Key Verification, Security Keys for Apple ID, and Advanced Data Protection for iCloud provide users with important new tools to protect their most sensitive data and communications

    Apple today introduced three advanced security features focused on protecting against threats to user data in the cloud, representing the next step in its ongoing effort to provide users with even stronger ways to protect their data. With iMessage Contact Key Verification, users can verify they are communicating only with whom they intend. With Security Keys for Apple ID, users have the choice to require a physical security key to sign in to their Apple ID account. And with Advanced Data Protection for iCloud, which uses end-to-end encryption to provide Apple’s highest level of cloud data security, users have the choice to further protect important iCloud data, including iCloud Backup, Photos, Notes, and more.

    As threats to user data become increasingly sophisticated and complex, these new features join a suite of other protections that make Apple products the most secure on the market: from the security built directly into our custom chips with best-in-class device encryption and data protections, to features like Lockdown Mode, which offers an extreme, optional level of security for users such as journalists, human rights activists, and diplomats. Apple is committed to strengthening both device and cloud security, and to adding new protections over time.

    “At Apple, we are unwavering in our commitment to provide our users with the best data security in the world. We constantly identify and mitigate emerging threats to their personal data on device and in the cloud,” said Craig Federighi, Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering. “Our security teams work tirelessly to keep users’ data safe, and with iMessage Contact Key Verification, Security Keys, and Advanced Data Protection for iCloud, users will have three powerful new tools to further protect their most sensitive data and communications.”

    iMessage Contact Key Verification

    Apple pioneered the use of end-to-end encryption in consumer communication services with the launch of iMessage, so that messages could only be read by the sender and recipients. FaceTime has also used encryption since launch to keep conversations private and secure. Now with iMessage Contact Key Verification, users who face extraordinary digital threats— such as journalists, human rights activists, and members of government — can choose to further verify that they are messaging only with the people they intend. The vast majority of users will never be targeted by highly sophisticated cyberattacks, but the feature provides an important additional layer of security for those who might be. Conversations between users who have enabled iMessage Contact Key Verification receive automatic alerts if an exceptionally advanced adversary, such as a state-sponsored attacker, were ever to succeed breaching cloud servers and inserting their own device to eavesdrop on these encrypted communications. And for even higher security, iMessage Contact Key Verification users can compare a Contact Verification Code in person, on FaceTime, or through another secure call.

    Security Keys

    Apple introduced two-factor authentication for Apple ID in 2015. Today, with more than 95 percent of active iCloud accounts using this protection, it is the most widely used two-factor account security system in the world that we’re aware of. Now with Security Keys, users will have the choice to make use of third-party hardware security keys to enhance this protection. This feature is designed for users who, often due to their public profile, face concerted threats to their online accounts, such as celebrities, journalists, and members of government. For users who opt in, Security Keys strengthens Apple’s two-factor authentication by requiring a hardware security key as one of the two factors. This takes our two-factor authentication even further, preventing even an advanced attacker from obtaining a user’s second factor in a phishing scam.

    Advanced Data Protection for iCloud

    For years, Apple has offered industry-leading data security on its devices with Data Protection, the sophisticated file encryption system built into iPhone, iPad, and Mac. “Apple makes the most secure mobile devices on the market. And now, we are building on that powerful foundation,” said Ivan Krstić, Apple’s head of Security Engineering and Architecture. “Advanced Data Protection is Apple’s highest level of cloud data security, giving users the choice to protect the vast majority of their most sensitive iCloud data with end-to-end encryption so that it can only be decrypted on their trusted devices.” For users who opt in, Advanced Data Protection keeps most iCloud data protected even in the case of a data breach in the cloud.

    iCloud already protects 14 sensitive data categories using end-to-end encryption by default, including passwords in iCloud Keychain and Health data. For users who enable Advanced Data Protection, the total number of data categories protected using end-to-end encryption rises to 23, including iCloud Backup, Notes, and Photos. The only major iCloud data categories that are not covered are iCloud Mail, Contacts, and Calendar because of the need to interoperate with the global email, contacts, and calendar systems.

    Enhanced security for users’ data in the cloud is more urgently needed than ever before, as demonstrated in a new summary of data breach research, “The Rising Threat to Consumer Data in the Cloud,” published today. Experts say the total number of data breaches more than tripled between 2013 and 2021, exposing 1.1 billion personal records across the globe in 2021 alone. Increasingly, companies across the technology industry are addressing this growing threat by implementing end-to-end encryption in their offerings.


    • iMessage Contact Key Verification will be available globally in 2023.
    • Security Keys for Apple ID will be available globally in early 2023.
    • Advanced Data Protection for iCloud is available in the US today for members of the Apple Beta Software Program, and will be available to US users by the end of the year. The feature will start rolling out to the rest of the world in early 2023.
    • A complete technical overview of the optional security enhancements offered by Advanced Data Protection can be found in our Platform Security Guide, along with the data breach research “The Rising Threat to Consumer Data in the Cloud” by Dr. Stuart Madnick, professor emeritus at MIT Sloan School of Management.

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As a seasoned expert in the field of cybersecurity and data protection, I can provide a comprehensive understanding of the advanced security features recently introduced by Apple on December 7, 2022. My expertise stems from years of immersion in the intricacies of data security, encryption technologies, and the evolving landscape of cyber threats. Now, let's delve into a breakdown of the concepts highlighted in the provided article:

  1. iMessage Contact Key Verification:

    • Expertise: I have a deep understanding of end-to-end encryption, having followed its development in consumer communication services, particularly iMessage.
    • Article Context: iMessage Contact Key Verification is a new feature allowing users, especially those facing digital threats like journalists and government officials, to verify their communication partners. This includes automatic alerts for potential breaches and the ability to compare Contact Verification Codes for added security.
  2. Security Keys for Apple ID:

    • Expertise: I am well-versed in two-factor authentication (2FA) and the ongoing efforts to enhance account security.
    • Article Context: Apple has introduced Security Keys, offering users the option to use third-party hardware security keys to bolster 2FA. This is particularly beneficial for high-profile individuals, such as celebrities and journalists, who may be targeted for concerted online threats.
  3. Advanced Data Protection for iCloud:

    • Expertise: My knowledge extends to file encryption systems and data protection mechanisms, especially those employed by Apple on its devices.
    • Article Context: Advanced Data Protection is highlighted as Apple's highest level of cloud data security, utilizing end-to-end encryption. It covers a wide range of sensitive iCloud data categories, including iCloud Backup, Notes, and Photos. This feature is designed to keep data protected even in the event of a cloud data breach.
  4. Apple's Ongoing Security Measures:

    • Expertise: I am familiar with Apple's commitment to providing robust security features, including device encryption, data protections, and features like Lockdown Mode.
    • Article Context: The article emphasizes Apple's continuous efforts to strengthen both device and cloud security, showcasing a suite of protections integrated into their products. Lockdown Mode is highlighted as an extreme security option for specific user groups.
  5. Global Availability and Timeline:

    • Expertise: I am knowledgeable about the phased rollout of security features and the importance of user awareness.
    • Article Context: The availability timeline for these security features is outlined, including iMessage Contact Key Verification in 2023, Security Keys for Apple ID in early 2023, and the phased rollout of Advanced Data Protection for iCloud. The global expansion of these features is highlighted.
  6. Data Breach Landscape:

    • Expertise: I am informed about the rising threats of data breaches and the industry's response, particularly the adoption of end-to-end encryption.
    • Article Context: The article refers to a summary of data breach research, "The Rising Threat to Consumer Data in the Cloud," pointing out the urgency of enhanced security measures. It notes the tripling of data breaches between 2013 and 2021, underlining the need for robust security solutions.

In conclusion, my expertise in cybersecurity enables me to provide a detailed analysis of the security concepts presented in the article, offering a valuable perspective on Apple's efforts to enhance user data protection in the evolving digital landscape.

Apple advances user security with powerful new data protections (2024)


Apple advances user security with powerful new data protections? ›

“Advanced Data Protection is Apple's highest level of cloud data security, giving users the choice to protect the vast majority of their most sensitive iCloud data with end-to-end encryption so that it can only be decrypted on their trusted devices.” For users who opt in, Advanced Data Protection keeps most iCloud data ...

Should I turn on Apple's Advanced Data Protection? ›

So, do you need ADP? If you want the most complete level of security and privacy possible, then yes. Just make sure you have backup methods for recovering your account (more on this in a moment), as Apple won't be able to help you unlock your encrypted files if your account becomes inaccessible.

What is Apple's advanced Data Protection? ›

Advanced Data Protection for iCloud is an optional setting that offers Apple's highest level of cloud data security. If you choose to enable Advanced Data Protection, the majority of your iCloud data — including iCloud Backup, Photos, Notes, and more — is protected using end-to-end encryption.

What are the downsides Apple Advanced Data Protection? ›

What are the downsides? You are responsible for the key used to encrypt your iCloud data. If you lose this key, recovering your iCloud data will be impossible.

Does Apple have strong security? ›

Apple's iOS is known for its tight security since Apple doesn't share its source code with developers or allow users to easily modify their device code. That can make it more difficult for hackers to find vulnerabilities in iOS devices.

Should I turn on advanced protection? ›

Who should enroll in the Advanced Protection Program? People whose accounts contain particularly valuable files or sensitive information should consider Advanced Protection.

Should I have protection on my iPhone? ›

Apple's operating system (iOS) provides iPhones and other Apple devices with security features that make it extremely difficult for malware to infiltrate. However, if the phone has been tampered with, it may be worth taking additional security measures to protect your devices, such as installing antivirus software.

Does Apple really protect your data? ›

iPhone is designed to protect your data and your privacy. Built-in privacy features minimize how much of your information is available to anyone but you, and you can adjust what information is shared and where you share it.

Should I turn off access to iCloud data on the web? ›

For additional security and to give you more control over your personal data, you can choose to turn off web access to your iCloud data so that your data is available only on your trusted devices.

How do I stop Apple from using my data? ›

Go to Settings > Cellular, then turn Cellular Data on or off for any app (such as Maps) or service (such as Wi-Fi Assist) that can use cellular data. If a setting is off, iPhone uses only Wi-Fi for that service. Note: Wi-Fi Assist is on by default.

Is Apple Secure enough? ›

OS Security

Apple is known for having one of the most secure operating systems. Unlike Android, Apple's source code is closed, which means it's not available for anyone to look at or change, including hackers. We're not saying it's perfect, but exploits are much less frequent and tougher for hackers to find.

Can police access iCloud photos? ›

iCloud content, as it exists in the customer's account, may be provided in response to a search warrant issued upon a showing of probable cause, or customer consent.

What is the latest Apple security flaw? ›

The three bugs include CVE-2024-23222, a remote code execution bug in the WebKit browser engine for Safari, and CVE-2024-23225 and CVE-2024-23296, two kernel vulnerabilities in iOS that attackers were actively exploiting in attacks against iPhone users before Apple had a fix for it.

Should I turn on advanced Data Protection? ›

Turning on Advanced Data Protection or using a security key are great options you should consider based on your level of risk. However, there are some more important security steps everyone should take. Update your software: Unknown software vulnerabilities can be exploited by criminals.

What is Apple Advanced Data Protection? ›

For the highest level of cloud data security, you can turn on Advanced Data Protection (iOS 16.2 or later required). It uses end-to-end encryption on more data categories such as the following: Device backup. Messages backup. iCloud Drive.

How to tell if someone is accessing your iPhone remotely? ›

How can you check for unknown devices or accounts?
  1. Check the iCloud account for unrecognized devices as well as Passwords & Accounts for any unrecognized emails.
  2. Review Apple ID devices. ...
  3. Use Apple's Find My app to see a list of devices associated with the ID. ...
  4. Check the Apple ID account for unfamiliar phone numbers.
Jan 8, 2024

Why you should enable Apple's new security feature? ›

According to Apple, Stolen Device Protection can help protect your accounts and personal information in case your iPhone is pilfered. This is an optional feature, but Apple recommends everyone turn it on. Here's how to enable Stolen Device Protection and what to know about the new security feature.

What does Data Protection is enabled mean on iPhone? ›

Apple uses a technology called Data Protection to protect data stored in flash storage on the devices that feature an Apple SoC—such as iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV, and a Mac with Apple silicon.

Is my data safe with Apple service? ›

No one else can access your end-to-end encrypted data – not even Apple – and this data remains secure even in the case of a data breach in the cloud. If you lose access to your account, only you can recover this data using your device passcode or password, recovery contact or recovery key.

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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