Anti-money laundering cryptocurrency: how to prevent each step in a 3-step process. - PSP Lab (2024)

Before I explain in detail how the anti-money laundering cryptocurrency programme works, I want to elaborate more on why you should care about money laundering through crypto and read this article. When I speak with compliance “experts” in the crypto anti-money laundering industry, they are quick to point out that I am wasting time right now advocating for strong anti-money laundering cryptocurrency programmes. I was surprised that even high-level employees from well-known big firms claim that crypto money laundering is not an issue since, by current estimates, the use of cryptocurrencies for money laundering accounted for just 0.05% of all cryptocurrency transactions volume in 2021, and it is only falling on a year-to-year basis!

Unfortunately, many “professionals” are prone to statistical bias that can be formulated as “there are lies, big lies, and statistics.” When I spoke with people from the industry, not a single person could concisely describe the math behind the numbers apart from “identified problematic wallet addresses”. Let me explain the numbers and why you should not rely on statistics. The numbers directly relate to cybercrimes, so nobody can precisely calculate how much is being laundered. To illustrate this point, here is a graph from the report of Chainanalysis:

Anti-money laundering cryptocurrency: how to prevent each step in a 3-step process. - PSP Lab (1)

The above “value received” concerns simply transactions for the sake of transactions that are often conducted without any underlying exchange. In the cryptocurrency sphere, there are quite many transfers that do not have any economic rationale (e.g., moving value between different own wallets) and are not linked to any business or individual’s relationships – this leads to the estimation of 0.05% being pure speculation by crypto evangelists.

Let’s look at another graph from a newer report on the same topic by Chainanalysis:

Anti-money laundering cryptocurrency: how to prevent each step in a 3-step process. - PSP Lab (2)

You can probably see the similarities between the two graphs in all years apart from 2020, which is fluctuating a bit (FYI, it’s because of the delay with the identification of wallets as being “problematic”). Basically, these two graphs provide the same information but under a different umbrella- one states that funds relate to the value received by some illicit actors, another that the value refers to the funds that are instantly laundered. Moreover, knowing that most of the current intelligence sources are collating this information based on the automatically provided data and there are quite many exchanges with lax anti-money laundering cryptocurrency programs (NB: according to CipherTrace study, 56% of 800 market maker exchanges have very minimal to no KYC at all) this is not very reassuring.

Also, whilst speaking about crypto money laundering, Chainanalysis accounts only for those transfers that relate from initially identified problematic addresses, which had some crypto linked to cybercrime or alike. Now you think, if I’m so sceptical about this report so why do I refer to these statistics? Because they are still the best collated on this topic. Even those provided by Elliptic would not differentiate much and would still be subject to the same criticism. Their overview tries to track the main typologies in cybercrime directly related to cryptocurrency rather than accounting for crypto money laundering itself, and that is another issue with such reports.

Regardless of my thoughts on this matter, I believe there is a problem that needs solving – for all those who will start comparing cash or traditional financial system and money laundering/illicit activity in that sector- we’re trying to solve problems here and not point fingers at each other, so please, sit down, relax, and bear with me for a bit longer- next, we have solutions and not the kind of rainbows and unicorns where we all hold our hands and look confidently into tomorrow knowing that our children will have the possibility to live in a world free of crimes, famine, wars, plagues, etc.

P.S. On another note, for those who are interested in understanding the real level of crypto money laundering compared with fiat currency, I would advise you to read the following article. As well an interesting source is Europol’s paper which also has a link to a report which estimated that about one-quarter of the total dollar value of transactions in Bitcoin is associated with illegal transactions.

Measures for a successful anti-money laundering cryptocurrency (crypto AML) programme

Now I am sure that next time somebody starts telling you fairy tales about 0.05%, you know what to say, but let’s get back to the main topic.

Following up on the discussion of different steps of money laundering in our previous article (if you missed it, I would advise you to read it here: Cryptocurrency money laundering risk: the best explanation of a 3-step process), it is apparent that there may not be a single solution on how to prevent crypto money laundering. It is important to note that because of the different steps in money laundering itself, there are different measures to spot one or the other activity allowing to take corresponding actions. So whilst designing a crypto anti-money laundering programme if we speak about identification and initial KYC (that somehow quite many believe to be the one and only measure that virtually axes all money laundering risks related to cryptos), it will mostly counter the first step i.e. placing. There are other solutions too, such as on-chain monitoring solutions which are aimed to counter the second step i.e. layering. Lastly, limits for payouts and identification of all previous activity prior to the exchange of the crypto to fiat are primarily aimed at preventing the third step, i.e. integration. Now I will dive into a bit more detail on how one or the other step should be approached and what could be done to prevent crypto money laundering.

Step 1 of crypto anti-money laundering – Customer due diligence/Know-your-customer

Customer due diligence (or “CDD” for short) is recognised as one of the main measures in crypto anti-money laundering, and rightly so! Without initial identification, you cannot ascertain that your prospective client will not engage in a dubious activity. During the customer due diligence process, the firm must perform two things:

  1. identify the entity posing as a prospective client (i.e. obtain information on the identity and supporting documentation), and
  2. verify the information provided by the prospective client during the identification.

These two steps broadly help to ascertain whether the prospective client will be likely to engage in money laundering or not.

The information collected will depend on the type of the client, but for private individuals it will most commonly involve ID and proof of address. The documents containing these data will need to be verified for authenticity. Since we’re speaking about cryptos, it will most probably be carried out via the help of a document and biometric verification provider. In this regard, such firms as SumSub, Ondato, or APLYiD will work their magic and conduct the check of the person against the photo on the ID whilst he/she is filming a short video.

Moreover, they will have the possibility to collect the proof of address and validate the authenticity of that document by looking for signs of tampering. As a follow-up step, they will perform a screening of the person against sanctions/PEPs/adverse media to ensure that the person in question does not pose any unexpected risk. Following these checks, depending on the workflow, either the person will be approved for the account opening automatically, or it will go for further review by the AML department, which will check occupation/business activity and purpose of account opening. Incidentally, it is always advisable to have a human involved as it will ensure higher accuracy and ease of mind for the MLRO (who, knowing the burden of compliance, probably has problems sleeping).

Above, I’ve described a usual set of steps that are undertaken to verify the person. Nevertheless, it may be more complex in cases where the private individual poses more risk, or relates to a corporate entity. In such instances, additional documents will be requested to ascertain other aspects, such as the source of funds and wealth, financial reports, business plan, good standing, etc. Notably, with private individuals, this part is quite often left out because of the “friction” that reduces client conversion and quite many providers perform only the steps described in the above paragraph (if they perform them at all in the crypto sphere). With corporate entities, there is always a more complex process where identification and verification concern other authorised representatives/UBOs and the entity’s standing.

Now, after you broadly know this process, have in mind that quite often, you can see the classification of the exchanges by crypto intelligence providers according to their initial CDD practices. When the anti-money laundering cryptocurrency programme of an exchange is considered to be with good standards, it will have such initial steps.

Already it should be apparent that I’ve been speaking about custodial wallets and not private unhosted wallets. This is because of the breadth of the issue- at present, there is no solution to ensure that each person will be verifying his/her wallets (subject to the global oversight and imposition of requirements to have your ID placed on a separate blockchain which will link with the private wallet address…). Whilst transacting with such entities exchanges are taking specific actions to try to identify the owner of the wallet by requesting screenshots, making penny transfers from them, etc., not really the best solutions- but what can you do about it? That’s why apart from initial CDD, there are other solutions that can be utilised to minimise the risks- for instance, some prominent exchanges have prohibited withdrawals to unverified private wallets. The latter approach is understandably taken to lower the compliance costs that are elevated due to countries around the globe implementing additional crypto anti-money laundering requirements for P2P transfers as a consequence of FATF guidance on dealing with unhosted wallets.

Step 2- Monitoring of activity or how to spy on your clients

Now let’s look at how custodial wallet providers can act as gatekeepers for crypto anti-money laundering purposes. Firstly, it is important to emphasise that in a robust anti-money laundering cryptocurrency programme customer due diligence is an ongoing obligation rather than a one-off exercise performed at the initiation of the relationship. The ongoing CDD revolves around identifying whether the information that was initially collected corresponds to the truth and whether there isn’t any trigger event prompting to conclude the opposite. This is carried out by verifying the information on an ongoing basis and reviewing the clients’ activity.

When we are speaking about crypto anti-money laundering and robust anti-money laundering cryptocurrency programmes, the main point would be monitoring wallet addresses with whom the transfers of crypto are undertaken by a particular client. To do so, the exchanges are employing what is known as on-chain monitoring solutions such as those provided by Crystal, Elliptic, or Chainanalysis. Each such provider gathers the information and allows tracking of the transfers on the blockchain and evaluating where “value” went from one person to another. Of course, not all cryptocurrencies can be tracked, and each solution will have one or the other strong sides. For instance, Crystal will provide you with a perfect evaluation and visual representation of one particular wallet and will stand above Elliptic in terms of the visualisation of a breakdown, whilst Elliptic can be better in terms of tracking a singular transfer of value (NB: here I’m speaking about my personal preferences and in no way I’m saying that one or the other would be better).

Apart from the on-chain monitoring itself, with the Travel Rule becoming mandatory around the globe, such solutions as Notabene’s TR Now can help facilitate sharing information regarding the originator/beneficiary between the exchanges. The latter point will add at least some confidence that the VASP sending/receiving cryptos knows with whom their client is dealing. Nevertheless, in most instances, only the names of the parties to the transaction will be known and no underlying rationale. Hence, if we would look at it from a conventional compliance perspective, establishing the purpose of the transfers is impossible. This leads to the issue that all transactions carried out with cryptos will remain under a veil of mystery…

Following up on the above and moving a bit further from the concentration on the clients themselves, the exchange in question can employ such providers as VASPnet that is collating information regarding the regulated status of other exchanges. Doing so will ensure that there is no overwhelming activity related to unregulated exchanges that can be problematic. From a regulatory and compliance perspective, this is crucial for a successful crypto anti-money laundering programme.

There are certain solutions to how crypto transactions can be monitored. Nevertheless, as briefly noted whilst discussing layering, the criminals are aware of the monitoring capabilities and henceforth rely on mixers and privacy wallets. Unfortunately, no concrete solutions would allow monitoring transactions in all instances. Because of the problems, the exchanges themselves are prohibiting part of the activities/transactions- e.g. those with decentralised exchanges, mixers, private wallets, etc. basically everything seen as high risk by centralised exchanges. Moreover, if official investigations are undertaken- such parties as operators of high-risk services will be compelled by the authorities to disclose the information in their possession and a more robust investigation with the help of on-chain monitoring solutions will be undertaken.

Step 3- Checks on the final steps

For a successful crypto anti-money laundering programme, providers need to counter the last step, i.e. integration. Here it is important to note that the solutions discussed as related to step 2 will facilitate this to a certain extent. Nevertheless, VASPs, specifically those that interact with fiat currencies (since it would complete the cycle and it is much easier to spend fiat currency than cryptos), should have additional measures to prevent criminals from having a possibility of utilising their proceeds of crime. To do this, the limits could be imposed – meaning that whenever the person wishes to convert their cryptocurrencies to fiat or to spend above a certain threshold, he/she is precluded from doing so without triggering the alert.

The alert itself would notify the compliance personnel working at an exchange and prompt them to review the activity of such a client. This would lead to further questioning and investigation of all activity and possibly termination of the relationship/freezing of assets and possibly report to the national financial intelligence unit. Moreover, apart from the thresholds, the VASPs compliance department should perform a review of the activities of the clients on an ongoing basis (this will be handy for step 2 as well). Such steps would hamper the enjoyment of the proceeds of crime and potentially lead to an investigation that would ultimately prevent further crimes from materialising and prove that anti-money laundering cryptocurrency programme of an exchange is adequate .

The above concerns the steps that could be undertaken on the side of the VASPs themselves, and it should be noted that the list of measures is far from being exhausted- they are simply some examples of how practically it could be structured. You should note that each anti-money laundering cryptocurrencyprogramme must have appropriate software and well-trained personnel to succeed.

How can PSP Lab help with crypto anti-money laundering?

If you are unsure how to structure your crypto anti-money laundering programme or whether that which you have adheres to the regulatory requirements and provides sufficient safeguards, feel free to contact us. We know the practicalities of crypto anti-money laundering, can build a robust cryptocurrency anti-money laundering programme and can enhance your compliance with additional training and streamlining of the implementation of different solutions. Moreover, we also provide AML Audit Services.

I am an expert in the field of anti-money laundering (AML) and cryptocurrency compliance, possessing a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in combating financial crimes within the crypto industry. My expertise extends to the analysis of statistical data, industry reports, and the practical implementation of AML programs.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the provided article on the anti-money laundering cryptocurrency program:

  1. Money Laundering through Cryptocurrencies:

    • The article emphasizes the importance of addressing money laundering concerns within the cryptocurrency space despite claims that it constitutes a minimal percentage of transactions.
    • Challenges in quantifying crypto money laundering due to the nature of cybercrimes and the speculative nature of certain transactions.
  2. Graphs from Chainanalysis Reports:

    • Two graphs from Chainanalysis reports illustrate the "value received" and the fluctuation in 2020, attributed to delays in identifying problematic wallets.
    • The graphs attempt to show funds related to illicit actors and instantly laundered value, highlighting the difficulty in precisely tracking and quantifying these activities.
  3. Exchanges and Anti-Money Laundering Programs:

    • Mention of lax anti-money laundering cryptocurrency programs in exchanges, with a statistic from CipherTrace indicating that 56% of market maker exchanges have minimal to no Know Your Customer (KYC) procedures.
    • Chainanalysis focusing on transfers from initially identified problematic addresses linked to cybercrime.
  4. Comparison with Fiat Currency:

    • Reference to a report estimating that about one-quarter of the total dollar value of Bitcoin transactions is associated with illegal activities.
    • Acknowledgment that existing reports have limitations in differentiating between crypto-related cybercrimes and actual money laundering.
  5. Measures for a Successful Anti-Money Laundering Cryptocurrency Program:

    • Introduction of three steps in the money laundering process: placing, layering, and integration.
    • Identification and initial KYC measures to counter the first step.
    • On-chain monitoring solutions to counter the second step.
    • Limits for payouts and identification of previous activity to prevent the third step.
  6. Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and KYC:

    • Customer due diligence (CDD) is highlighted as a crucial step in crypto AML programs.
    • Two main tasks during CDD: identifying the entity and verifying the provided information.
    • Use of third-party firms (e.g., SumSub, Ondato, APLYiD) for document and biometric verification.
  7. Monitoring of Activity:

    • Ongoing CDD as a critical aspect of AML programs.
    • Monitoring wallet addresses through on-chain monitoring solutions like Crystal, Elliptic, and Chainanalysis.
    • Challenges posed by mixers and privacy wallets in evading monitoring.
  8. Checks on the Final Steps (Integration):

    • Imposing limits on transactions and conducting ongoing reviews to prevent integration.
    • Alerts triggered for exceeding thresholds, leading to further investigation and possible reporting to financial intelligence units.
    • Emphasis on the need for well-trained personnel and appropriate software in AML programs.
  9. Role of PSP Lab:

    • Offer of assistance to organizations unsure about structuring their crypto AML programs.
    • Expertise in building robust AML programs, ensuring regulatory compliance, and providing training and implementation support.

This comprehensive overview provides insights into the challenges, measures, and considerations involved in implementing an effective anti-money laundering cryptocurrency program.

Anti-money laundering cryptocurrency: how to prevent each step in a 3-step process. - PSP Lab (2024)


Anti-money laundering cryptocurrency: how to prevent each step in a 3-step process. - PSP Lab? ›

Know Your Customer (KYC) and AML in Cryptocurrency

Know your customer (KYC) is an initialism often paired with AML. They complement each other to detect and prevent money laundering activities. KYC is the process of collecting customer information to identify outliers.

How to prevent cryptocurrency money laundering? ›

Know Your Customer (KYC) and AML in Cryptocurrency

Know your customer (KYC) is an initialism often paired with AML. They complement each other to detect and prevent money laundering activities. KYC is the process of collecting customer information to identify outliers.

What are the stages of money laundering in crypto? ›

The stages of cryptocurrency laundering are placement, layering, and integration. Criminals use different methods at each stage to conceal the origin of the funds and make it difficult for law enforcement to track and trace their activities.

What are the three 3 methods commonly used by the criminals in money laundering processes to hide their illegal proceeds? ›

The traditional forms of laundering money are smurfing, using mules, and opening shell corporations. Other methods include buying and selling commodities, investing in various assets like real estate, gambling, and counterfeiting. The rise of digital technology also makes it easier to launder money electronically.

What are AML controls for cryptocurrency? ›

The following AML checklist provides actionable steps crypto firms can take to reduce risk and comply with regulatory requirements.
  • FinCEN Registration.
  • AML Identity Verification and Crypto KYC.
  • Crypto Customer Risk Assessments.
  • Report Suspicious Activity.
  • Transaction Monitoring.
  • AML Compliance Training.
Aug 15, 2023

How is money laundering done with cryptocurrency? ›

The goal of money laundering is to obscure the criminal origins of funds so that they can be accessed and spent. In the context of cryptocurrency-based crime, that generally means moving funds to services where they can be converted into cash, while often taking extra steps to conceal where the funds came from.

What is the AML rule for crypto? ›

Anti-money laundering (AML) for cryptocurrencies refers to the laws, regulations, and policies to deter criminals from converting illegally obtained cryptocurrency to cash. Why is crypto AML important? The inherent anonymity of cryptocurrency transactions enables cybercriminals to send nefarious transactions.

What are the three stages model of money laundering? ›

It involves three distinct stages: placement, layering, and integration. Common techniques include cash smuggling, shell companies, and real estate investments. Anti Money Laundering (AML) regulations are essential for effective prevention with Know Your Customer checks being critical to comply with these rules.

What are the red flags of crypto money laundering? ›

Unusual transaction patterns

Customers making several high-value transfers within a short amount of time, such as a 24-hr period. Structuring transaction amounts to fall below reporting thresholds. Depositing funds into accounts with previously identified stolen currency.

What are the 3 areas of money laundering? ›

The 3 Stages of Money Laundering: Placement, Layering, & Integration.

How to stop money laundering? ›

Proper identification of all persons conducting financial transactions with the financial institution. High ethical standards in financial transactions and compliance with laws and regulations governing financial transactions. Cooperation with law enforcement.

What is the anti-money laundering process? ›

AML regulations specify the criteria for identifying suspicious transactions and the procedures for reporting them to authorities. AML regulations mandate financial institutions to file Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) with the appropriate regulatory authorities upon detecting suspicious transactions.

What are the 3 roles in preventing money laundering? ›

Four pillars of an AML/Counter-Terrorist Financing (“CFT”) program include a system of internal policies, procedures and controls (the first line of defense), a designated compliance function with a compliance officer (the second line of defense), an independent audit function to test the overall effectiveness of the ...

What are the three basics of money laundering? ›

Placement: Injects the “dirty money” into the legitimate financial system. Layering: Conceals the source of the money through a series of transactions and bookkeeping tricks. Integration: Laundered money is disbursed from the legitimate account.

What are the three steps for the laundering process to be a success? ›

Although money laundering is a diverse and often complex process, it generally involves three stages: placement, layering, and/or integration. Money laundering is defined as the criminal practice of making funds from illegal activity appear legitimate.

How can money laundering be prevented? ›

Top tips to protect your firm from money laundering
  1. Make sure your AML programme reflects your business. ...
  2. Ensure the AML programme flow makes sense. ...
  3. Have a clear technology plan. ...
  4. Understand your tools. ...
  5. Be sure to conduct risk-based due diligence. ...
  6. Make sure your AML training is focused. ...
  7. Conduct regular reviews.
Jun 3, 2024

What is the safest way to keep cryptocurrency? ›

The safest place to store crypto is in a hardware wallet, which is a physical device that stores your private keys offline and keeps them solely under your control. A cold wallet is the most secure for long-term crypto storage. It protects against online attacks and unauthorized access.

How can cryptocurrency theft be prevented? ›

Cold wallets are the best way to secure your bitcoins because they cannot be accessed. Once you transfer your keys to cold storage, only transfer what you need to your hot wallet. Also, avoid custodial storage arrangements unless you need to use it for trading purposes or want limited insurance coverage.

How do you prevent market manipulation in crypto? ›

What Tactics Are Manipulators Using?
  1. Pump and Dump. ...
  2. Spoofing. ...
  3. Wash Trading. ...
  4. Comprehensive Data Access for Enhanced Security. ...
  5. Real-Time and Historical Data for Swift Action and Long-Term Strategy. ...
  6. Standardized and Reliable Data for Easy Integration. ...
  7. Smart Contract Data for Targeted Analysis.

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