America's wealthiest are saving big on taxes before Trump-era cuts expire. Here are 10 tactics they're using, from putting mansions in trusts to stashing fortunes for a 1,000 years. (2024)

Thanks to tax cuts made during the Trump administration, Americans can give or hand down about $13 million in assets without paying federal estate tax. Only 0.2% of taxpayers have to worry about this tax, and they hire top-notch accountants and lawyers to pay as little as possible.

"This is a wealthy person's playground problem," Robert Strauss, partner at the law firm Weinstock Manion, told Insider.

Some of these tax avoidance techniques might be eyebrow-raising, yet they are perfectly legal. For instance, taxpayers can put homes and country homes in trusts that last decades, and any appreciation in the property's value doesn't count toward their taxable estate. Life insurance, probably the least sexy area of financial planning, can be used to save tens of millions of dollars in taxes if bought from issuers in the Cayman Islands and Bermuda.

In the next two years, estate planning will rev up into high gear as the end of the Trump tax cuts approaches. Currently, individuals and married couples can gift or bequeath $13.61 million and $27.22 million, respectively, before a 40% federal estate tax kicks in. But that exemption, barring further legislation, will be cut in half at the end of 2025.

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Here are eight little-known techniques that the richest taxpayers use to pay less to Uncle Sam:

Using trusts to give away homes and country houses

Qualified personal residence trusts, better known as "QPRTs," effectively freeze the value of a real estate property for tax purposes. The homeowner puts the primary residence or vacation home in the trust and retains ownership for however many years they choose. When the trust ends, the property is transferred out of the taxable estate. The estate only has to pay gift tax on the value of the property when the trust was formed even if the home has appreciated by millions in value.

QPRTs have become more popular in the past year as interest rate hikes confer another tax benefit. It seems too good to be true, but there are a few strings attached.

Passing wealth to future generations with trusts that last up to 1,000 years

From the Wrigley family behind the titular chewing gum brand to Jeff Bezos' mother, an Amazon investor, some of America's wealthiest use generation-skipping trusts to avoid paying wealth transfer taxes and provide for future heirs.


These so-called dynasty trusts allow taxpayers to pass along wealth to generations that haven't even been born yet and only be subject to the 40% generation-skipping tax once. Many states have eased trust limits to get the business of the wealthy, with Florida and Wyoming allowing dynasty trusts to last as long as 1,000 years, which spans about 40 generations.

The heirs don't own the trust assets but rather have lifetime rights to the trust's income and real estate. These trusts even protect assets from future creditors and shield them in the event of a divorce.

Here is how these centuries-long trusts work, and why even long-time lawyers have a hard time wrapping their heads around them.

Giving to charity via trusts that also yield income

Charitable remainder trusts (CRTs) allow moneyed Americans to have their cake and eat it too.


Plenty of affluent taxpayers deduct charitable donations from their taxable income, but the ultra-rich can parlay their philanthropy into guaranteed income for life.

Taxpayers put assets in the trust, collect annual payments for as long as they live, and get a partial tax break. Only 10% of what remains in the CRT has to go to a designated charity to pass muster with the IRS.

These trusts can be funded with a wide range of assets, from yachts to closely held businesses, making them particularly useful for entrepreneurs looking to cash out and do good.

Using charitable trusts that give the remainder to heirs

Also known as the Jackie O trust since it was used by the late First Lady, a charitable lead trust or CLT makes annual payments to a charity or multiple. Whatever is left when the trust expires goes to a remainder beneficiary picked by teh grantor, typically their children.


If the assets within the trusts appreciate faster than an interest rate set by the IRS at the time of funding, the beneficiary can even end up with a bigger inheritance. CLTs can also be used to discreetly transfer wealth while being publicly philanthropic.

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"I've seen lawyers use these to plan for mistresses, to plan for children that perhaps the spouse doesn't know about," lawyer Edward Renn told Business Insider.

Taking loans to pay estate taxes

Unlike QPRTs and CRTs, this technique is highly scrutinized by the IRS and comes with a lot of hoops to jump through.

Families that are asset-rich but cash-poor and facing an estate tax bill can either rush to sell those assets to make the nine-month deadline or take a loan.


The estate can make an upfront deduction on the interest of these Graegin loans, named after a 1988 Tax Court case. Further, if illiquid assets make up at least 35% of the estate's value, families can defer estate tax for as long as 14 years, paying in installments with interest, and effectively taking a loan from the government.

Graegin loans are prime targets for auditors and have led to years-long legal battles, but the savings can be worth it for rich families.

Buying offshore life insurance policies

Private-placement life insurance, or PPLI, can be used to pass on assets from stocks to yachts to heirs without incurring any estate tax.

In short, an attorney sets up a trust for a wealthy client. The trust owns the life-insurance policy that's created offshore. The assets in the trust are treated as premiums, and if structured correctly, the benefit and assets in the policy are bequeathed free of estate tax.


It's only relevant to the ultra-wealthy, often requiring $5 million in upfront premiums as well as a small army of professionals to set up and administer, including trust and estate attorneys, asset managers, custodians, and tax advisors.

Rich Americans have managed to dodge nearly every tax reform proposed during the Biden presidency, but Senator Ron Wyden said he is investigating PPLI and the industry's leaders, including Blackstone-owned wealth manager Lombard International.

Transferring depressed assets during a market slump

The down market has one silver lining for high-net-worth individuals. It is an optimal time to create new trusts as people can transfer depressed assets, whether they are stocks or bitcoin, at a lower tax basis.

The long-favored grantor-retained annuity trusts (GRATs) can confer big tax savings during recessions. These trusts pay a fixed annuity during the trust term, which is usually two years, and any appreciation of the assets' value is not subject to estate tax.


GRATs have picked up in popularity in the past year as the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates, which eat into the returns on these trusts.

Stashing assets in trusts for a spouse

The wealthy can save on taxes by putting their riches in trusts before the Trump tax cuts expire, but some don't feel ready to give their fortunes to their kids yet.

Luckily, there is a compromise. Using a spousal lifetime-access trust, also known as a "SLAT," married taxpayers can stash their fortunes in trusts that pay distributions to their spouses rather than giving assets to their kids. The beneficiary spouse can use this cash flow to fund the couple's lifestyle. After this spouse dies, the trust passes to new beneficiaries, typically the couple's children.

Buyer beware: divorce can mean losing those dollars forever. But millions in potential tax savings can be worth the gamble.


Using trusts that pay cash to spouses but keep the assets for the kids

When the wealthy remarry, they often have to balance the needs of their new spouse and their kids from a prior marriage. Trusts can be used to take care of the spouses, but the adult kids want their piece of the pie.

There is a way to make everyone happy. With a qualified terminable interest property trust, also known as a "QTIP," married taxpayers can put their fortunes in trusts that pay distributions such as stock dividends to their spouses. The income-producing assets, however, are untouched, and when the beneficiary spouse dies, everything in the trust is transferred to new beneficiaries, who are typically the adult children of the spouse who funds the trust.

The main benefit of QTIPs is peace of mind. If the beneficiary spouse remarries, they still get the cash, but they can't gift the assets to their new partner.

Transferring business assets to family-limited partnerships at big discounts

Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart, used a family limited partnership or "FLP" to save his kids and wife from paying any estate taxes on multibillion family fortune.


With an FLP, an individual — often a parent or two parents — pools their business assets, commonly real estate or stocks. As a general partner, the original individual can name their children as limited partners and give them interest in the partnership. The kids get cash distributions from revenue generated by the trust but do not have control over the actual assets. This control is appealing to parents who want to hold the purse strings.

Another sweetener: You can claim a discount on the assets transferred to the FLP and use even less of your estate-tax exemption. Though the IRS scrutinizes these discounts, but they can be worth the gamble. The right lawyer can justify a discount of 45% or higher for less liquid assets, such as privately held businesses.

America's wealthiest are saving big on taxes before Trump-era cuts expire. Here are 10 tactics they're using, from putting mansions in trusts to stashing fortunes for a 1,000 years. (2024)


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Stashing assets in trusts for a spouse

Using a spousal lifetime-access trust, also known as a "SLAT," married taxpayers can stash their fortunes in trusts that pay distributions to their spouses rather than giving assets to their kids. The beneficiary spouse can use this cash flow to fund the couple's lifestyle.

How rich families use trusts that last as long as 1000 years to save on taxes and benefit future heirs? ›

They are usually drawn to dynasty trusts to keep businesses within their families and protect assets from creditors. Thanks to an 1875 Supreme Court case, life estates are protected from creditors if the trust has a spendthrift provision. Dynasty trust assets are also shielded in the event of a divorce.

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Crummey trusts can be valuable to those with larger estates from a tax perspective. That's because they can be used to make assets in the trust eligible for the annual gift tax exclusion. Ordinarily, gifts made to someone else through a trust convey a future interest in those assets.

How do wealthy families avoid inheritance tax? ›

By shifting any future appreciation out of their estate, the wealthy can avoid or reduce estate taxes at death. The investment growth becomes a tax-free gift to heirs. Absent growth, the asset simply passes back to the owner without a transfer of wealth.

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Once you put something in an irrevocable trust it legally belongs to the trust, not to you. Assets in an irrevocable trust do not contribute to the overall value of your estate which, for a particularly large estate, can shield those assets from potential estate taxes.

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A measure of protection. Trusts can help ensure that your children, grandchildren, cherished friends or other loved ones receive their inheritance if you divorce or remarry. They also can help shield assets if you or your heirs are in professions that come with a high risk of litigation.

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Another kind of magic trick is to place high-tax income into lower-tax or no-tax wrappers, which can include things like tax-advantaged retirement accounts. One example is what's called the private placement life insurance policy, a niche product that only the very wealthiest of the wealthy use.

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How The Wealthy Save On Estate Taxes. If you are worth hundreds of millions or billions, your estate will far surpass the estate tax exemption amount. As a result, you need to set up a GRAT. You, the grantor, transfer assets to a trust (GRAT) and retain the right to receive an annuity payment for a term of years.

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Currently, wealthy households can finance extravagant levels of consumption without even paying capital gains taxes on the accruing wealth by following a “buy, borrow, die” strategy, in which they finance current spending with loans and use their wealth as collateral.

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Others will object to taxing the wealthy unless they actually use their gains, but many of the wealthiest actually do use their gains through the borrowing loophole: They get rich, borrow against those gains, consume the borrowing, and do not pay any tax.

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A gift tax is a government tax imposed on those who give money or property to others in exchange for nothing (or less than total value). There is typically a tax-free gift limit to family members until a donation exceeds $15,000 (jumping up to $16,000 in 2022). In these instances, the IRS is usually uninvolved.

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Bottom Line. The exclusions to the federal gift tax mean you can probably give $50,000 to each of your children without owing any tax. Since a gift of that size is more than the current annual exclusion of $18,000, you would have to file Form 709 to report the gift to the IRS.

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Wealth Transfer with a Life Estate

A life estate is one tool that homeowners often use as part of wealth transfer planning. A life estate results in joint ownership of the property by the parent and child. The parent retains the right to stay in the home until their death.

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Of the 137 people in the global study who achieved billionaire status in the 12-month study period, 53 of them inherited $150.8 billion collectively, more than the $140.7 billion that was earned by the 84 new self-made billionaires in the same time period, the UBS study says.

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In 2024, the first $13,610,000 of an estate is exempt from taxes, up from $12,920,000 in 2023. Estate taxes are based on the size of the estate. It's a progressive tax, just like our federal income tax. That means that the larger the estate, the higher the tax rate it is subject to.

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The wealthy often use trusts to safeguard their money and minimize their tax burden. While trusts can be created by anyone, many people in the middle class are unaware of the advantages they offer. As a result, they miss out on financial benefits and asset protection.

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The trust fund loophole refers to the “stepped-up basis rule” in U.S. tax law. The rule is a tax exemption that lets you use a trust to transfer appreciated assets to the trust's beneficiaries without paying the capital gains tax. Your “basis” in an asset is the price you paid for the asset.

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Billionaires (usually) don't sell valuable stock. So how do they afford the daily expenses of life, whether it's a new pleasure boat or a social media company? They borrow against their stock. This revolving door of credit allows them to buy what they want without incurring a capital gains tax.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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