All the Ways to Answer the "Why Google?" Interview Question - Exponent (2024)

Do you know why you want to work at Google? During your Google interviews, you'll likely be asked "Why Google?" as part of your behavioral rounds.

Below, we'll delve into the world of Google by explaining its history and products, what benefits employees can expect while working at the company, and give you some tips on how to answer a the common interview question, "Why Google?"

Interview Guides

  • Google Product Manager Interview Guide
  • Google Software Engineer Interview Guide
  • Google Engineering Manager Interview Guide

Table of Contents

  • How to Answer "Why Google?"
  • Top Reasons to Work at Google
  • A Brief History of Google

How to Answer "Why Google?" Interview Question

All the Ways to Answer the "Why Google?" Interview Question - Exponent (1)

There's no 'best answer' to any interview question - the value of your response will ultimately come down to your individual circ*mstances, qualifications and of course the role you're applying for. Your hiring manager is looking for you to give a unique, personalized answer to this question.

This is especially the case when it comes to Google behavioral interview questions, where uniqueness and originality are both celebrated and encouraged. Google's hiring process is notoriously tough, so here are some tips to answering questions about why you want to work there.

Avoid giving generic or canned responses to your hiring managers. Google values originality and creativity, so don't be afraid to let your personality shine through in the interview process.

  • Take the time to think about why you're interested in working for Google and what makes the company unique to you. The reasons to work at Google that we outlined above can be a great reference for this.
  • Be honest and authentic in your response. Google is a company that values transparency, so try to be as open and honest as possible in your answer.
  • Align your answer with the company's values. Google has a set of core values that guide everything they do, so try to integrate these into your response.
  • If you were referred by another Google employee, mention it in your answer to show that you have existing employees vouching for you.

Example Responses to "Why Do You Want to Work at Google?"

Need some inspiration for the "why Google?" question? We've composed some sample responses here to help give you some ideas of what your answer might look like. Most Google behavioral interview questions require you to inject personality and creativity into your response to show Google why you're a good fit.

"Why Google?" - Sample Answer 1

"The thing that stands out to me most about Google is the company's focus on innovation and creativity. I'm passionate about technology and launched my own web application to collect donations for a natural disaster after watching a Google lecture. I believe that Google is a company that can make a difference in the world and the opportunity to work with some of the brightest minds in the industry excites me.

"Why Google?" - Sample Answer 2

"I've always been impressed by Google's commitment to its employees and the unique perks that they offer. I'm looking for a company that cares about its people and I believe that Google is that kind of place. I spend lots of time tinkering and learning about new frameworks and languages and am excited by the chance to work with like-minded teammates who can accelerate my thirst for knowledge. The chance to work with such a diverse group of people from all over the world is really appealing to me."

"Why Google?" - Sample Answer 3

"What really attracts me to Google is the company's focus on making a positive impact in the world. I worked with two former Googlers, James Webb and Brendan Moore, at a crypto non profit before my current role. Both of them love working with Google's philanthropic arms and encouraged me to apply. I want to work for a company that is doing meaningful work and I believe that Google is doing that. In addition, I'm excited about the opportunity to work with some of the most talented people in the tech industry."

Top Reasons to Work at Google

All the Ways to Answer the "Why Google?" Interview Question - Exponent (2)

Google has had a profound impact on both the Internet and society as a whole. It has changed the way we access information and has made the world more connected than ever before. It is also one of the most important companies in the tech industry, currently employing over 100,000 people.

Google is one of the tech industry's largest employers and has certainly made a name for itself when it comes to workplace culture. Here are some of the top reasons to work at Google, according to current and former employees:


Jobs at Google tend to pay quite well. In fact, the median salary for a Google employee is close to $130,000 per year. This is well above the median salary for workers in the United States, which is just over $50,000.

That's not to say everyone at Google is paid the same, however.


Google's compensation model follows a pay-for-performance philosophy, meaning that it's largely based on paying employees for their results. This philosophy extends to all aspects of an employee's job, from individual tasks to team-based projects. At Google, you'll need to reach beyond your job description to get projects across the finish line sometimes.

Pay-for-performance is administered through benchmarks, where once an employee hits a certain goal they are recognized with an increase in compensation. Of course these goals will vary based on the specific role at hand, but they typically emphasize quality and quantity of work.

PFP is seen as a favorable compensation model by many because it offers employees the opportunity to receive high rewards for their contributions. This can be a great motivator to work hard and produce quality results. It also opens the door to better earning potential, as employees can receive raises more often and at a higher rate than under other models.

Other Factors Salary Is Based On

In addition to an employee's individual results, Google also takes into account other factors when determining salary. This includes:

  • team performance,
  • company performance,
  • and cost of living in the area where the employee is located.

For example, if a team hits its quarterly targets, each member of that team may receive a bonus. Similarly, if the company as a whole meets its financial goals, everyone may receive a raise or bonus.

Regional costs of living and labor are also both important considerations for many companies, including Google. In order to attract and retain top talent, they need to be sure they are offering salaries that are competitive with other companies in the same area.

This means that, even though two employees may be doing the same job, they may still be paid different salaries based on location and other factors

Work-Life Balance

Google has made it clear that its approach to work-life balance is different from most other companies. Because Google pushes employees to go beyond their job description, having time to unwind and do deep thinking is important.

Flexible Hours

While the majority of Google's staff follow the timing of a conventional work day, there is quite a bit of room for flexibility in terms of what exact schedule you have. Google seems to be pretty relaxed in terms of when employees start and end their days, as long as they are putting in the required number of hours, which is usually 40.

This can be a great perk for employees who have families or other responsibilities outside of work, as it allows them to better manage their time.


In addition to having flexible hours, Google also offers its employees the chance to work from anywhere in the world for up to four weeks per year.

This perk is known as a "work-from-anywhere week" and allows employees to take their work with them wherever they go. It was first introduced in 2021, and was instituted to give staff more flexibility around their work and personal lives. Work-from-anywhere weeks can be a great way to reduce stress and burnout, as they give employees a chance to take a break from the office and work from a more relaxed environment.

PTO And Vacation

Paid time off and vacation days are a universally-attractive workplace perk. At Google, they're allotted in typical ranges of 20-30 days per year for full-time employees.

In addition to the standard vacation days, Google also offers a "sabbatical" program, which allows employees to take extended leave for up to six months. This benefit is intended for employees who want to pursue personal projects or take a break from work altogether.

Networking At Google

Being one of the world's largest tech companies, Google is no stranger to top talent. It employs and works with some of the industry's most prominent and well-connected professionals, and is therefore a great place to work when it comes to networking opportunities.

You can earn bonus points during your Google interviews if you ask your hiring manager what their favorite networking opportunities are at the company.


Google hosts a multitude of professional events year-round, each one providing an opportunity to mix and mingle with fellow employees, as well as other industry professionals. These events can be a great way to learn about new technologies, advances in your field, or simply to make new friends.

Employee Resource Groups

Google is home to over 16 Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) for staff to take advantage of. These are groups that are formed by employees who have shared interests or backgrounds, and provide a support network for members.

Some of the most popular ERGs at Google include:

  • The Black Googler Network (BGN): The BGN is an employee resource group targeted to Google's African American Staff. It was created with the goal of connecting Black employees at the company and cultivating opportunities for their professional growth.
  • Asian Google Network (AGN): The Asian Google Network is an ERG designed to support Google's AAPI staff. It does this through a number of programs and initiatives that focus on everything from culture, product inclusion and racial awareness to career development, health and wellness.
  • Gayglers: Founded in 2003, Gayglers was Google's first-ever Employee Resource Group. It was established by a team of LGBTQ+ staff members who wanted to form a community in which gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender employees of Google could connect and support each other.
  • Women@Google: Women@Google is an ERG that focuses on the advancement of women within the company. It does this through a variety of initiatives, including professional development workshops, company-wide events and mentorship programs.

Chances To Learn

Google is a company that is constantly innovating and expanding, which means there are always new opportunities for employees to learn and grow. Gooogle d=employees are afforded a number of programs and resources to enable their professional and personal development, such as the following:

Training And Development

Similarly to other jobs, Google offers its staff a number of opportunities for training and development. One of the most notable is their g2g (“Googlers-to-Googlers”) program, an internal network of over 6,000 Google staff who volunteer to teach and mentor their colleagues.

G2G covers everything from technical skills training to personal development workshops, and is a great way for employees to learn new things and grow.

Talks At Google

Employees of Google aren't short of professional insight and advice. That's thanks, in part, to the company's "Talks At Google" program, which invites business leaders and other professionals to give speeches and lead discussions at the company's main office, the Googleplex.

These talks cover a wide range of topics, from the importance of failure to how to be a successful entrepreneur. Attendees can expect to gain valuable insights and knowledge that they can apply to their own careers.

Tuition Support

In addition to directly enabling the continuous learning of their staff, Google also offers tuition support to employees looking to further their education outside of the workplace. The company extends up to $12,000 in tuition support per year, per employee, for job-related courses.

Strength Of Google Brand

Google's sheer market dominance is another boon of being employed with the company. As the world's largest search engine, the company has a massively influential brand that is known and respected around the globe.

Being able to say "I work for Google" is a major selling point in itself, and can open doors both professionally and personally.

It's also worth noting that, because of Google's massive size and reach, employees often have the opportunity to work on interesting and innovative projects that can make a real difference in the world. For example, Google's self-driving car project is just one of many that has the potential to change the world as we know it.

Your Team

Another great thing about working at Google is the team you get to work with. After you make it through the interview, you'll be paired with teammates who'll push you and help you grow.

Google is renowned for its hiring practices, which are designed to ensure that only the best and brightest are brought on board. Everything from Google interview questions to pre-screen calls are designed to find the best talent to work at Google.

This means that, as an employee, you can expect to be surrounded by some of the most intelligent and talented people in your field.

In addition, because of the company's massive size, you'll also have the opportunity to work with people from all over the world, which can be a great way to learn about new cultures and gain new perspectives.

The Perks

Last but not least, the perks. Google is well-known for its amazing employee benefits, which include everything from free food and transportation to on-site child care and health care. The perks at Google are often mentioned in the same breadth as its winding and lengthy interview process.

In addition, the company offers a number of unique perks that are designed to make employees' lives easier and more enjoyable, such as free lunch or snacks, employee discounts, pet friendly workspaces, gym memberships, legal assistance, and extensive insurance benefits to staff and their families.

All of these perks add up to make working at Google a truly unique and enjoyable experience.

A Brief History of Google

All the Ways to Answer the "Why Google?" Interview Question - Exponent (3)

Google was first conceptualized all the way back in 1995 after two computer science students at Stanford University first began their work in developing search engines.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin had created a search program called BackRub, which leveraged backlink analysis to record and track data on the internet. One of BackRub's best assets was a data collection system the two had designed known as PageRank, that analyzed and measured the importance of individual web pages. This was rather novel at the time, as other search engines simply evaluated a web page's popularity based on how many times it was linked to.

After perfecting BackRub and PageRank, Page and Brin decided to create their own company - which would eventually become Google.

Interestingly, the name “Google” was actually a mistake. The original founders were looking for a name that would be easy to remember and that would reflect the vast amount of information that the search engine could provide. They originally wanted to name the company “Googol,” which is the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeroes. However, they misspelled it as “Google” and the name stuck.

Google started off as a self-funded operation, using discounted computer parts and working out of their Stanford dormitories until eventually receiving the support of several investors. Among the first was co-founder of Sun Microsystems Andy Bechtolsheim, who wrote them a $100,000 check to get "Google Inc." up and running. That's exactly what the two did; by 1998, Google was formally incorporated as a company and its search engine released to the world only a year later.

It wasn't long after this that even more funding flowed in, and that Google began to make its mark in the landscape of internet search engines. Page and Bryn had opened up the first Google offices in Menlo Park, CA by the end of 1999, and in the following year, they released several new features and tools.

Google Today

Today, Google is one of the most important companies in the world. Not only is it the largest search engine - handling over 3.5 billion searches per day - but it also owns several other popular platforms and services.

These include YouTube (the largest video sharing site), Gmail (one of the most popular email providers), Google Maps (a leading mapping and navigation service), and the Google Chrome web browser.

In addition, the company has developed several hardware products, such as the Pixel line of smartphones and the Google Home smart speaker.

With such a far reach, it's no surprise that Google is one of the most valuable companies in the world, with a market cap of over $1 trillion as of 2020. And although it faces stiff competition from the likes of Amazon and Microsoft, Google continues to dominate the search engine market with a 92.47% share. Google services clearly eclipse any competitors' in popularity.

Google's success is largely due to the fact that it was one of the first search engines to use page ranking algorithms to measure the importance of individual web pages. Even today, search is the most prominent Google product.

This allowed for a much more accurate assessment of a page's popularity, and positioned Google to become the go-to search engine for many internet users over the years. In addition, the company has made a number of smart acquisitions, such as YouTube and Android, that have helped it to expand its reach and cement its position as a tech juggernaut.

In the end, there is no 'right' answer to the question "Why Google?" What matters most is that your response is genuine, authentic and aligned with the company's values. So take the time to think about what makes Google unique to you and let your personality shine through. Good luck!

All the Ways to Answer the "Why Google?" Interview Question - Exponent (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.