Airbnb Etiquette 101: Helpful Hints from Superhosts | iGMS (2024)

Showing Airbnb etiquette is a common courtesy that ensures everyone who uses the Airbnb app and platform has a positive experience. Good etiquette can also create a smoother booking process. It can also help to improve your rating on the platform and build a good reputation as an Airbnb host.

Read on to discover what makes good Airbnb etiquette and how you can use it to your own and others’ benefit.

Airbnb Etiquette 101: Helpful Hints from Superhosts | iGMS (1)

What is Airbnb Etiquette?

Etiquette is a set of rules and habits commonly accepted within a group, culture, or society. Airbnb etiquette is the set of common trends and practices that most users on the platform abide by. These etiquette trends help to reduce problems and frustrations.

For example, an Airbnb host might expect guests not to leave towels on the bathroom floor, or guests might expect hosts to always reply to the messages they send on the Airbnb app. Many Airbnb hosts have opinions on what makes a good guest, but

How does Airbnb Etiquette Improve the Experience for both the Host and the Airbnb Guests?

Airbnb etiquette improves users’ experience on the platform and can limit problems. This happens because all users follow the same protocol and standards. For example, if a guest wants to bring a pet to a non-pet-friendly vacation rental, they should ask the host first. That way, the host will be able to say yes or no, which can prevent any arguments from happening later.

Airbnb Etiquette Tips for Hosts [Tips Shared by Superhosts]

Here at iGMS, we help thousands of hosts manage their listings, and we stay in close communication with our customers. We asked our Superhost customers to share their tips and tricks for perfect Airbnb etiquette to ensure a successful vacation rental business:

1. Be clear about your rules and requests

The best step to take in encouraging good etiquette is to be clear and upfront about your rules. You should include a copy of your house rules in your Airbnb listing and Airbnb welcome book or welcome letter. You should send any special requests to your guest in an Airbnb message. Check to confirm that your guests did read them too. Be sure to also include clear instructions for how to use any appliances on your property.

If you make your rules clear, then misunderstandings will be less likely to happen.

2. Stay in contact with your guests

Staying in contact with your guests is an essential part of good Airbnb etiquette. This means staying in contact with them through the booking process until they check out. By showing that you’re available to answer questions, guests will be able to enjoy their stay more. Just make sure you don’t end up pestering them with too many messages.

A good messaging strategy is to contact your guests after they have checked in to ensure it was an easy process. Then let them know you can respond any time to their messages. From there, only make contact in response to their messages until checkout day. On checkout day, you can send a friendly reminder of check-out times. Staying in contact with your guests will encourage them to leave a positive review.

Airbnb Etiquette 101: Helpful Hints from Superhosts | iGMS (2)

3. Be accommodating of guest requests where possible

Although it’s good to have rules for your vacation rental, you should also try to accommodate guests if they have a special request. Going that extra mile for a guest, when possible, can make their stay memorable. You will need to weigh up each request before accepting, though. In some cases, a guest request might not be practical or even possible. Be willing to help guests when you can, but also don’t hesitate to decline a request that could be troublesome.

4. Have your Airbnb clean and ready before guests arrive

Having a clean vacation rental for your guests is non-negotiable Airbnb etiquette. It’s simply unacceptable for guests to arrive at a messy rental and is a fast way to earn bad Airbnb reviews. Your rental must be spotless, and all rooms should be tidy and ready for use. You can either oversee your own cleaning or you can hire an Airbnb cleaning service.

Either way, remember that first impressions count. How your guests see your rental when they arrive will stay in their memory when they write their reviews. It could also affect whether they recommend your property to other guests. What’s more, cleaning your rental before guests arrive demonstrates that you care about their health.

Airbnb Etiquette 101: Helpful Hints from Superhosts | iGMS (3)

5. Don’t disturb your guests during their stay

Remember that your guests are on holiday. Unless they have booked a shared accommodation, they are paying for privacy and will expect it. It’s not a good practice to show up at the property unannounced for any reason. This may bother your guests, and they will not appreciate it. As a rule, you should try to avoid coming to the property unless you have to.

If you do need to come to the property for any reason, first call your guests and ask what time would suit them. Confirm a time and be sure not to show up early or late, as this could further inconvenience your guests’ plans. If your guests contact you and ask you to come to the property to help or for another reason, then it’s acceptable to go. Again, try to stick to a time that works for them.

Airbnb Guest Etiquette

As a guest, it’s also a good idea to be courteous when interacting with your host. It helps to make their job easier and can improve your guest experience. By employing a few simple etiquette hacks, you can be a perfect guest and improve your guest rating:

1. Communicate with your host

Your host should ideally remain in contact with you from booking to checkout to ensure that you have everything you need. Good communication is a two-way street, and you should also stay in contact with your host. Respond to the messages they send, and message or call them if you have any questions.

If your plans change, try to let your host know as soon as possible. If you let them know sooner than later, they can do their best to accommodate any new requests you might have. If you are running late or can’t make the scheduled check-in day, let your host know.

Airbnb Etiquette 101: Helpful Hints from Superhosts | iGMS (4)

2. Be honest and upfront

You can show good manners to your host by always being honest with them. Don’t try to slip things past your host hoping they won’t notice. For example, if you have extra guests beyond the rental’s guest limit, ask your host if they could be included. The same goes for if you’d like to host friends at the rental.

If you’re unhappy with something, don’t be afraid to let your host know! They aim to provide a perfect vacation for you. If something is less than perfect, they would rather be able to correct it. Remember, honesty is always the best policy!

3. Try to be punctual

Your host might have made special arrangements for your check-in procedure, so try to be punctual as a courtesy to them. If you’re delayed or can’t check in on the scheduled day, let your host know as soon as possible, so they can make alternate arrangements. If you don’t do this, you might end up in a situation where you’re unable to access the property, frantically trying to call your host.

4. Treat their house as if it were your own home

This should be a given, but remember to treat your host’s home as if it were your own. Mistreating household amenities or appliances goes against Airbnb etiquette. If you’re unsure how something works, check the vacation rental welcome book or welcome letter that your host has shared with you. There should be instructions inside. If in doubt, don’t hesitate to call or message your host.

Generally speaking, a cleaning team will come in after you have checked out to clean the property, but you should try to clean up where you can. Don’t leave used wrappers or papers lying all over the floor, and wash any dirty dishes before you leave. Doing this will show your host that you respect their property, and can also improve your guest rating.

5. Follow their house rules and any special requests

Always follow the house rules set out by your host, and be mindful of any special requests that they make for the duration of your stay. Remember that their rules are in place for a reason (keeping the property clean and safe, minimizing noise, etc.).

If there is a rule you would like to query, always message your host and ask before finalizing your booking. Your host might be willing to make an exception for you, but rather check this before booking. They’ll be less likely to do this after you’ve already accepted their terms.

Airbnb Etiquette 101: Helpful Hints from Superhosts | iGMS (5)

6. Check out at the specified time

As a guest, you book your hosts’ rental from the check-in time on your first day to the checkout time on your last day. Anytime you spend further in the rental is not part of your Airbnb booking and can cut into your hosts’ time and cleaning plans. It’s principled Airbnb etiquette to check out at the specified time set by your hosts. Doing this will allow your host to do cleaning and maintenance work so that the rental is ready for the next round of guests.

If, for any reason, you’re running late or cannot check out at the specified time, try to let your host know as soon as possible and explain the circ*mstances.

7. Leave a review for your host

Good reviews are essential for any Airbnb business to succeed. If you enjoyed your stay, don’t forget to leave one for your host! Leaving a review for your host can also encourage them to leave a guest review back for you.

If you didn’t enjoy your stay or found that something was wrong, you are entitled to leave a negative review. But, try to leave constructive criticism in your feedback to help the host improve their service to future guests. Using your reviews to just complain can potentially make you look like a “fussy” or “difficult” guest. Hosts who see this might feel uncertain about accepting any bookings you make.

Airbnb Etiquette FAQ

Who handles the property cleaning?

A general rule of Airbnb etiquette is that hosts clean their properties after guests check out. To cover the costs of cleaning, hosts generally charge an Airbnb cleaning fee to guests as part of their booking fee. This pays for the time and equipment needed for cleaning, or to hire an external cleaning company.

Not all hosts outsource cleaning, though. In some instances, hosts may ask guests to clean the rental before they check out. This is less common, but it can happen with smaller properties, such as rooms or bachelor apartments. Hosts will not charge guests a cleaning fee, but guests may be expected to wash any dishes, sweep the floors and put all trash in the trash can. In some instances, they may be asked to place used towels in the washing machine. Hosts will usually make their cleaning preferences known in their Airbnb listing or house rules.

Airbnb Etiquette 101: Helpful Hints from Superhosts | iGMS (6)

Who is meant to supply linen and towels?

Hosts usually supply linen, towels, and toilet paper to the guests who book their property. Guests are not generally expected to bring their own bedding and towels unless requested to do so by their host. Again, these are often exceptions in the cases of budget or smaller Airbnb accommodations. If a host would like their Airbnb guest to bring their own supplies, they should clearly state it either in the listing or in a direct message to the guest.

Are hosts and guests meant to hang out?

Depending on the size and style of the rental property, hosts and guests may end up sharing living spaces. The shared spaces could be a kitchen, bathroom, living room, or outside area. There could be some confusion surrounding the social aspect of Airbnb etiquette if this situation arises. Are hosts and guests supposed to hang out if they share a living space?

The short answer is no, there’s no obligation to do this. If the host provides an Airbnb Experience or is a registered tour guide, then it’s considered acceptable to do so. Hosts and guests otherwise usually don’t spend time together unless both parties decide to.

Are guests meant to tip their hosts?

Tipping your Airbnb host is not common practice for guests. Hosts provide a service and are free to calculate their pricing to cover their business costs and turn a profit. Tipping is thus unnecessary and is usually considered a “no-no” in guest do’s and don’ts. Tipping could create a negative effect if some guests tip and others don’t because they can’t afford to. Rather show your appreciation by writing a thank you note or leaving a small gift for your host.

What happens in the event of a cancellation?

Booking cancellations can sometimes be made by both the host and the guest. No matter who cancels, Airbnb etiquette dictates that they should let the other party know as soon as possible. This minimizes any inconvenience and reduces the chance of them receiving a bad review. Depending on the cancellation policy, guests may still have to pay part of the booking cost if they cancel after check-in.


Perfecting your etiquette with guests can prove tricky without automation processes. Vacation rental software can automate and streamline the activities essential for good Airbnb etiquette. Vacation rental software, such as iGMS, can help you perfect your etiquette by:

  • Managing multiple accounts and listings on the top OTAs from a single interface
  • Synchronizing reservations across multiple platforms to eliminate the risk of double bookings
  • Organizing messages into a single feed with a unified inbox
  • Improving communication with automated templates and triggered messaging
  • Creating and coordinating cleaning tasks with live tracking to completion
  • Creating your own direct booking website
  • Managing direct bookings using a direct booking management toolkit
  • Processing payments securely via integration with Stripe.

Start Your Free 14-day Trial

About the Author

Phoebe Gunning is a content writer in the Marketing Department at iGMS. She is passionate about the vacation rental industry, notably helping hosts make the most out of their vacation rental businesses. Some of her hobbies include reading, traveling and drinking a good cup of coffee.

Airbnb Etiquette 101: Helpful Hints from Superhosts | iGMS (2024)


What is proper Airbnb etiquette? ›

Honor your commitments—including arrival time—and house rules. Be polite. Enjoy the place as if you were staying with friends, and be respectful of the neighbors. Live local. Explore the neighborhood and support local businesses—ask your Host about their favorite spots.

How much to tip an Airbnb host? ›

Airbnb hosts are service providers. They set their own rates and they can build in or add any extra charges they need covered, so tipping is unnecessary. If you want to show your gratitude for an exceptional stay, write a note or consider giving a small gift.

What rules should I have for my Airbnb? ›

To ensure a fantastic stay for you and future guests, here are some guidelines:
  • Check-In/Out Times: Check-in is at [Time] and check-out is at [Time]. ...
  • Parking: ...
  • Respect the Peace—No Parties: ...
  • Smoke-Free Stay: ...
  • No Extra Guests: ...
  • Pet Policy: ...
  • Pool Safety: ...
  • Trash and Recycling:
Jan 3, 2024

How do I deal with annoying guests on Airbnb? ›

Some strategies to deal with difficult Airbnb guests
  1. Conduct thorough Guest Screening. They say “an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”. ...
  2. Clearly Outline House Rules: ...
  3. Communicate Clearly: ...
  4. Document everything: ...
  5. Set boundaries: ...
  6. Escalate to Airbnb: ...
  7. Collect a damage deposit: ...
  8. Leave a review:

What not to do in Airbnb? ›

Follow the Host's standard house rules

Disruptive gatherings are always prohibited. Learn more in our Community Disturbance Policy. Check-in time: Guests should respect their Host's check-in window and should not check in before or after the designated window without prior approval from the Host.

What should I be careful of with Airbnb? ›

Always communicate and pay on Airbnb

Keep yourself, your payment, and your personal information safe by staying on our secure platform throughout the entire process—from communication to booking and payment. You should never be asked to wire money, provide credit card information, or otherwise pay a Host directly.

Do you have to wash sheets at Airbnb? ›

For extended stays at Airbnb's, the host will likely provide you with a spare set of sheets and arrange for regular delivery and collection of sheets. If there is a washing machine, you may be required to look after your own laundry, so how often you wash your sheets is entirely up to you!

Should you tip housekeeping at an Airbnb? ›

We appreciate tips but wholeheartedly understand that they're an optional gesture. A general rule of thumb is to tip between $10 to $20 per day, depending on the size of the space and the extent of service provided.

Do you have to clean Airbnb before you leave? ›

In conclusion, whether or not you should clean your vacation rental before leaving ultimately depends on your host's expectations and your personal preferences. However, adopting a considerate approach to cleaning can help ensure a positive experience for both you and future guests.

What are Airbnb hosts not allowed to do? ›

Physical intrusions: Hosts and guests must not access or attempt to access private spaces unless they have permission or there is an emergency. In entire-home stays, this applies to the listing itself and its property.

What does "quiet time" mean on Airbnb? ›

“There are quiet hours from 10:00 pm to 8:00 am. We ask that guests keep their noise levels down during these hours.”

How do I tell Airbnb guests to be quiet? ›

Communication with guests

Setting the expectation of quiet hours is important before your Airbnb guests even step through the door. This should be clearly outlined in your listing page, reiterated in the house rules, and communicated prior to their arrival in your automated messages.

How to avoid a bad guest on Airbnb? ›

How to avoid hosting difficult guests
  1. Check profiles and guest reviews. You can gain greater control over who visits your property by screening prospective guest profiles. ...
  2. Use automated screening. ...
  3. Turn off instant bookings. ...
  4. Keep your listings up to date.
  5. Address your property's flaws.

How do I shut down Airbnb next door? ›

How Do I Stop Neighbors From Using Their House as an Airbnb or Other Type of Vacation Rental?
  1. Step One: Try Addressing the Vacation Rental Issue Informally With Your Neighbor.
  2. Step Two: Check the Local Law or Community Rules on Short-Term Rentals.
  3. Step Three: Alert the Zoning Department to Your Neighbor's Violations.

Should a tip be left at an Airbnb? ›

Acknowledgment for a job well done is always appreciated, whether it's a good review or a tip. Guests often choose experiences because of in-depth reviews, so you would help the entire Airbnb community if you share your thoughts. Cultural preferences around tipping differ, so research before you travel.

Should I greet my Airbnb guests? ›

No matter what kind of day you're having, always greet your guests with a smile when you welcome them to your Airbnb. Often they will have travelled far and be weary, so they'll appreciate a friendly face at the end of their journey. Consider offering them a cup of tea or cool drink.

What should Airbnb hosts provide? ›

We strongly encourage Hosts to provide these essential amenities in all their listings:
  • Toilet paper.
  • Soap (for hands and body)
  • One towel per guest.
  • One pillow per guest.
  • Linens for each guest bed.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.