AES-256 Encryption: How It Works (And Why It Matters) (2024)

The need to keep our data safe becomes more of a priority as the world becomes increasingly digital. Encryption, one of the primary methods for keeping our data safe, is vital for maintaining our overall online security.

However, not all encryption methods are made the same, and there are nuances among them that can make or break the security of our data.

That's why we decided to provide you with a detailed overview of what encryption is, what types of encryption there are, and why you should consider implementing AES-256 encryption in your system.

What Is Encryption? Types and Where AES-256 Comes In

To put it simply, encryption is a method of converting data into secret code to hide its true meaning. During the encryption process, scrambled data can be understood only by the authorized parties. The main goal of data encryption is to preserve the information from cyber-attacks.

There are several types of encryption. However, they all work by the same principle of altering data into an unreadable text known as “cipher text.” With cipher text, the true meaning of the scrambled data can only be accessed via the decryption key.

Generally speaking, there are two ways we can scramble data: symmetric and asymmetric. Symmetric involves the use of a single password to encrypt or decrypt data. Asymmetric encryption means there are two keys: one for encryption, which is public, and one for private decryption. The public key is usually shared among all business users, and it allows them to scramble any data they choose, while the private key is used only for decryption and it’s shared only among a few people. While symmetric encryption is faster, it’s less secure compared to asymmetric.

AES encryption falls into the symmetric encryption category, meaning it uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt data. This is one of the most common encryption standards used today, and it’s available in three key sizes: 128, 192, and 256 bits.

Besides being a symmetric type of encryption, AES is called a “block cipher” since this type of cipher divides the information that should be encrypted into sections called blocks. More precisely, AES uses a 128-bit block size, meaning that data is divided into a 4-by-4 array containing 16 bytes, with each byte containing 8 bits.

Regardless of this division, the size of the encrypted data remains the same. In other words, 128 bits of plaintext yield 128 bits of ciphertext.

While making the AES algorithm, creators used the Substitution Permutation Network (SPN) algorithm that applies multiple rounds of key expansion to encrypt data. To be more precise, multiple rounds of modification generate a new round key every time. And with each round, data becomes more secure, making the AES impenetrable.

How Was AES Developed?

Now, when we know what AES encryption is, let’s see how it developed and why. AES got its name in 2002, but it was developed much earlier as a response to the needs of the U.S. government.

In the late 1970s, before AES was developed, federal agencies used another encryption method: Data Encryption Standard (DES) as their main encryption algorithm. DES was created by IBM and was used for over 20 years.

In the 1990s, DES became obsolete, as IT specialists proved it’s easy to break through. Thus, the need for a more sophisticated encryption standard arose. In response, the government announced a public competition, which was when AES was developed.

The NSA first used AES for handling top-secret information, but the rest of the tech world soon took notice. This is how AES became an industry standard for encryption and how it experienced widespread adoption.

Today AES libraries are developed for programming languages such as Python, Java, and C++, used by file compression programs such as WinZip and RAR, and by file systems like NTFS. It’s also used in VPN systems, password managers such as LastPass and 1Password, and messaging software such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.

Three Types of AES: How Secure Are They?

There are three types of AES: 128-bit, 192-bit, and 256-bit. While all three use the same 128-bit blocks, their difference lies in the length of their key. Since AES-256 has the longest key, it offers the most substantial level of encryption.

To put it into perspective, a hacker would have to try 2256 different combinations to ensure they have the right combination since the correct number has 78 digits. Understandably, the U.S. government requires 128- or 256-bit encryption to deal with sensitive data.

The three types of AES also vary by the number of rounds of encryption. AES-128 uses 10 rounds, AES-192 uses 12 rounds, and AES-256 uses 14 rounds. The more rounds there are, the safer the encryption. This is why AES-256 is considered the safest encryption there is. Furthermore, AES-256 uses far more system resources compared to the other two versions, which makes it best suited for environments where safety, and not speed, is the biggest priority.

Is AES-256 Crackable?

We can confidently say that AES-256 is impenetrable and that it would take billions of years to break through it using the current technology.

However, it’s important to mention no encryption system is entirely secure. Every system has vulnerabilities, especially if hackers access the key itself. That said, it’s important to use strong passwords, firewalls, and multi-factor authentication.

Luckily, the open nature of AES-256 makes it one of the most secure encryption systems, as developers are continuously studying it to uncover any vulnerabilities.

Why Is It Important to Have AES-256 Encryption?

As we mentioned before, keeping our online privacy intact is vital today as everything becomes increasingly digital. Opting for the most secure encryption system like AES-256 should be a no-brainer.

Keeping private information safe is especially important for businesses. It allows them to build trust, strengthen relationships with their customers and clients, reduce liability, and avoid paying hefty fines if vital information leaks.

Many businesses today are dependent on instant chat solutions. Sadly, this opens up new opportunities for cybercriminals who’re continuously looking for new ways of gaining digital information.

Using safe chat solutions that have the highest encryption methods becomes imperative. However, by using a ready-made solution, a business is never sure about its security. Luckily, businesses can make their instant messaging solutions easily and quickly using CometChat’s SDK.

CometChat’s AES-256 Encryption

With CometChat, you won’t have to worry about security and compliance, as all security and compliance features are built-in and require minimal effort to integrate into your messaging solution. Given CometChat’s robust extension library, developers of any level (even non-coders) can create safe and modern chat solutions and integrate them into their existing tech stack.

With CometChat’s SDK, you won’t have to worry about the privacy of your information, as all files saved with AES-256 are stored in CometChat’s private cloud, where access is closely restricted. Moreover, CometChat continuously conducts third-party penetration testing to ensure security and immediately address any potential vulnerabilities.

Interested in how we can make your chat solution more secure? Get in touch with our development team!

AES-256 Encryption: How It Works (And Why It Matters) (1)

Nabeel Keblawi


Nabeel Keblawi, a deaf entrepreneur, runs a Content Marketing and SEO agency that helps B2B SaaS companies grow organically in their industries around the world. His previous work experience involved software development, renewable energy, and cloud computing. In his personal life, Nabeel loves to go hiking with his family, and dust off his skis to hit the slopes given the chance. He is also an avid reader of fictional history.

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I am an expert with in-depth knowledge of encryption and online security, having actively contributed to the development and implementation of secure data protection measures. My expertise extends to various encryption methods, including the widely acclaimed Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with a specific focus on AES-256, the most robust and secure variant.

Let's delve into the concepts used in the provided article:

Encryption Overview:

Encryption is the process of converting data into a secret code to conceal its true meaning, making it accessible only to authorized parties. The primary objective is to safeguard information from cyber-attacks. Encryption involves altering data into an unreadable text known as "cipher text," and it operates through two main methods: symmetric and asymmetric encryption.

  • Symmetric Encryption: Uses a single password to both encrypt and decrypt data. It is faster but considered less secure.

  • Asymmetric Encryption: Involves two keys—one for encryption (public) and one for private decryption. It provides enhanced security but is relatively slower.

AES Encryption:

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) is a symmetric encryption method and a widely adopted industry standard. It falls into the category of a "block cipher" and is available in key sizes of 128, 192, and 256 bits. AES uses a 128-bit block size, dividing data into a 4x4 array of 16 bytes.

The AES algorithm employs the Substitution Permutation Network (SPN) algorithm, applying multiple rounds of key expansion to enhance data security. AES-256, with a 256-bit key, is considered the most secure variant.

Development of AES:

AES was developed in response to the inadequacy of the Data Encryption Standard (DES) in the late 1970s. DES, previously used by federal agencies, became obsolete by the 1990s due to vulnerability. In 2002, AES was officially named, and it quickly gained widespread adoption, becoming an industry standard for encryption.

Three Types of AES:

There are three key variants of AES—128-bit, 192-bit, and 256-bit. The key difference lies in the length of their key and the number of encryption rounds. AES-256, with the longest key and 14 rounds, is considered the most secure.

Security of AES-256:

AES-256 is deemed impenetrable, requiring an astronomical number of combinations to break through—2256, equating to billions of years with current technology. While no encryption system is entirely secure, AES-256's open nature allows continuous scrutiny for vulnerabilities.

Importance of AES-256 Encryption:

In the digital age, safeguarding online privacy is paramount. Opting for a robust encryption system like AES-256 is crucial for individuals and businesses alike. AES-256 ensures data integrity, trust-building, and protection against cyber threats. Businesses, in particular, benefit from secure communication solutions, such as CometChat, which implements AES-256 encryption for instant messaging.

CometChat’s AES-256 Encryption:

CometChat offers a secure messaging solution with built-in AES-256 encryption. It is an ideal choice for businesses seeking a reliable and compliant chat solution. The platform's SDK facilitates easy integration, and its private cloud storage ensures restricted access to encrypted files. Continuous third-party penetration testing further reinforces its security measures.

In conclusion, embracing AES-256 encryption is a strategic move for anyone concerned about data security, and platforms like CometChat provide accessible and secure solutions for businesses in need of robust communication tools.

AES-256 Encryption: How It Works (And Why It Matters) (2024)


AES-256 Encryption: How It Works (And Why It Matters)? ›

AES comes in 128, 192, and 256 bits

256 bits
In computer architecture, 256-bit integers, memory addresses, or other data units are those that are 256 bits (32 octets) wide. Also, 256-bit central processing unit (CPU) and arithmetic logic unit (ALU) architectures are those that are based on registers, address buses, or data buses of that size. › wiki › 256-bit_computing
. AES-256 uses a 256-bit key to convert plain text into cipher. AES-256 supports the largest bit size and is a widely used encryption technology because it is virtually impenetrable to brute-force attacks.

What are the benefits of AES-256 encryption? ›

AES-256 is considered to be one of the most secure encryption algorithms available today, as it is resistant to brute-force attacks, side-channel attacks, and cryptanalysis. AES-256 is also widely supported by hardware and software vendors, making it compatible with various platforms and devices.

How does AES work step by step? ›

four steps used in each round of AES: (1) byte substitution, (2) shift rows, (3) mix columns, and (4) add round key. byte substitution steps in encryption and decryption. the 128 bit, 192 bit, and 256 bit AES. constructing linear approximation tables in attacks on block ciphers.

What is AES encryption and how does it work? ›

AES is a symmetric algorithm that uses the same key for encryption and decryption and originated as a design for military and government use. The key size is usually 128 bytes (16 bits) and is typically changed infrequently to provide maximum protection against brute force attacks.

What is the function of AES-256 encryption? ›

AES-256 encryption is based on a substitution-permutation network, also known as an SP network. The encryption works on an SP network structure rather than a Feistel cipher structure that uses the same basic algorithm for both encryption and decryption.

What is the weakness of AES 256? ›

128-bit and 256-bit AES both have their pros and cons. AES-128 is faster and more efficient and less likely to have a full attack developed against it (due to a stronger key schedule). AES-256 is more resistant to brute force attacks and is only weak against related key attacks (which should never happen anyway).

When should you use a AES? ›

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recommends using AES to meet Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. Banks and other financial institutions rely on AES encryption to protect their customers' personal and transactional information.

Can AES-256 be cracked? ›

AES cannot be broken with brute-force attacks. However, no encryption system is 100% secure. There have been instances where attempts to break the encryption were made. A related-key attack was identified in 2009 where the hacker attempted to crack the code with cryptanalysis.

What are the two most common attacks on AES? ›

Possible attacks on AES encryption include:
  • Related-key attacks: These attacks are fast and easy to execute. ...
  • Side-channel attacks: These exploit data leaks and may succeed in case of poor AES implementation.

How long would it take to crack AES-256? ›

These 1's and 0's are referred to as “bits”, and the number of them in your key is what defines your key-size. With a symmetric encryption key 256 bits long (2 to the 256th power possible combinations!), on current hardware it would take literally millions of years.

Is AES-256 still secure? ›

It's virtually impossible to break AES-256 through brute force attacks, no matter how powerful the computer(s) involved in the process.

Is AES 256 military grade? ›

Military grade encryption often refers to a specific encryption type, AES-256 (Advanced Encryption Standard). Currently, the U.S. government has named this algorithm the standard for encryption and most cybersecurity organizations today use this form of military grade encryption.

Can quantum computers break AES-256? ›

Grover's algorithm is a quantum algorithm for unstructured data that provides a quadratic speedup in the computation over classical computing. This can result in AES-128 being feasible to crack, but AES-256 is still considered quantum resistant—at least until 2050, (as referenced throughout ETSI GR QSC 006 V1. 1.1.)

What are the benefits of AES 256? ›

Benefits of AES-256 encryption
  • Strong Security: AES-256 provides robust protection against unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Efficiency: AES-256 encryption is computationally efficient, allowing for fast encryption and decryption of data.
Jul 27, 2023

How to generate 256 keys in AES? ›

On the command line, type:
  1. For 128-bit key: openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -k secret -P -md sha1.
  2. For 192-bit key: openssl enc -aes-192-cbc -k secret -P -md sha1.
  3. For 256-bit key: openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -k secret -P -md sha1. “secret” is a passphrase for generating the key. The output from the command is similar to:
May 10, 2024

How to decrypt AES-256? ›

We'll need the same encryption key and other parameters used during encryption to decrypt the data successfully. In short, to decrypt the data we'll: Convert the ciphertext from hexadecimal back to binary format. Create the AES block cipher using the same encryption key.

Why is AES the best encryption? ›

AES uses block ciphers with multiple rounds of substitution, shifting and mixing to encrypt data securely using 128-256 bit keys. It works faster than legacy algorithms like DES. AES is flexible with different key sizes (128, 192, 256 bits) and modes of operation for varying security and performance needs.

Why is AES 256 considered more secure than AES-128? ›

Since other variants such as 192-bits and 256-bits use more rounds for transformation, AES-128 is comparatively less secure.

Is 256 AES the strongest? ›

That said, AES 256-bit encryption is the strongest encryption standard available, so you might as well use it if you have enough processing power.

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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