Advanced Placement - Cornell University (2024)

  • Sources of Advanced Placement Credit
  • CEEB’s AP Exams
  • International Credentials
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher-Level Examinations
  • French Baccalauréat
  • General Certificate of Education Advanced (“A”) Level Examination
  • Supplementary Information

Advanced placement credit is college credit that students earn before they matriculate as freshmen and that may count toward the degree and/or degree requirements as specified by the individual college at Cornell. Its primary purpose is to exempt students from introductory courses and to place them in advanced courses. Its value is that it allows students to include more advanced courses in their course of study.

Sources of Advanced Placement Credit

Advanced placement credit may be earned from the following:

  1. The requisite score from the Advanced Placement Examinations (AP exams) from the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) in Princeton, N.J. The requisite scores, which vary by subject, are determined by the relevant departments at Cornell and are listed below.

  2. Acceptable performance on a Cornell department exam (offered only in some subjects, usually during orientation).

  3. A regular course taught at an accredited college to college students and approved by the relevant department at Cornell. Some departments accept credit from virtually all accredited colleges; some do not.

  4. General Certificate of Education Advanced Level and International Baccalaureate Examinations are listed below.

Note: Cornell University does not accept credit for courses sponsored by colleges but taught in high schools to high school students, even if the college provides a transcript of such work. Students who have taken such courses may, however, earn credit by taking an appropriate examination as described in paragraph 1 or 2 above.

The appropriate department of instruction within the university sets the standards of achievement that must be met for advanced placement in its subject, recommends Advanced Placement credit for those who meet the standards, and determines whether students place out of certain Cornell courses. The final decision for awarding advanced placement credit at Cornell and applying it to degree requirements rests with each individual college (consult the relevant college sections of Courses of Study). Students need not accept advanced placement, although forfeiting the advantage of moving quickly into advanced courses affects one’s overall education. If they take the Cornell course they have placed out of, they relinquish the advanced placement credit.

Advanced placement examinations. Entering first-year students should request that all their scores from CEEB Advanced Placement Examinations received in high school, be sent from the College Board electronically (Cornell’s CEEBcode is 2098).

Departmental advanced standing examinations. In certain subjects, students may also qualify for advanced placement or credit, or both on the basis of departmental examinations given on campus during Orientation Week. A schedule of these examinations appears in the orientation booklet mailed in late summer to entering students. The departments that award advanced placement and credit on the basis of departmental examinations are shown below. Students need to register for those examinations in the relevant department.

Transfer of credit. Entering first-year students who have completed college courses for which they want to receive credit toward their Cornell degree should contact the college for necessary paperwork and send transcripts and course syllabi to their college or school office (addresses below).

Written inquiries. Students can address questions to departments, schools, or college offices by adding Ithaca, NY 14853 to the addresses given in the following sections.

CEEB’s AP Exams

SubjectScoreAdvanced Placement (AP) CreditPlacement
ArabicDepartment of Near Eastern Studies determines credit and placement based on departmental examination.
Biology for credit and placement information.
Chemistry 54 creditsPlacement out of CHEM 2070or CHEM 2090.
A student takingCHEM 1560, CHEM 2070, or 2090will forfeit AP credit. Students taking CHEM 2150will retain APcredit. A student may also receive credit for CHEM 2070or CHEM 2090by passing an exam given during Fall orientation. A distinct exam is given before the start of the Spring semester that, if passed, will allow a student to receive credit for CHEM 2080. See for further information.
Chineseno credit
Computer science A54 creditsPlacement out of CS 1110. Department also offers placement exam during fall orientation.
Computer Science Principlesno credit
Economics, micro4,53 creditsPlacement out of ECON 1110and HADM 1410.
Economics, macro4,53 creditsPlacement out of ECON 1120.
English literature and composition varies by college.
English language and compositionvaries by college.
Environmental scienceno credit
French language43 creditsPlaces into FREN 2090or equivalent.
53 creditsDepartment of Romance Studies determines placement. Students should take the CASE† to obtain appropriate placement.
French literature4,53 creditsDepartment of Romance Studies determines placement. Students should take the CASE† to obtain appropriate placement.
German4,5Department of German Studies determines credit and/or placement. Students should take the CASE† to obtain appropriate placement. AP credit (max 3) based on placement result.
Government and politics, credit
Government and politics, comparativeno credit
GreekDepartment of Classics determines credit and placement based on departmental examination.
HebrewDepartment of Near Eastern Studies determines credit and placement based on departmental examination.
History, Americanno credit
History, Europeanno credit
History, Worldno credit
Human geographyno credit
Italian language4,53 creditsDepartment of Romance Studies determines placement. Students should take the CASE† to obtain appropriate placement.
Italian literature4,53 creditsDepartment of Romance Studies determines placement. Students should take the CASE† to obtain appropriate placement.
Japaneseno credit
LatinDepartment of Classics determines credit and placement based on departmental examination.
Mathematics BC4,58 creditsPlacement out of Calculus I (MATH 1106or MATH 1110) and Calculus II (MATH 1120, MATH 1220, or MATH 1910).
Mathematics AB or AB subscore of BC exam4,54 creditsPlacement out of Calculus I (MATH 1106or MATH 1110).
Musicno credit
PersianDepartment of Near Eastern Studies determines credit and placement based on departmental examination.
Physics I54 creditsPlacement out of PHYS 1101.

With a score of 5 on Mathematics BC, placement out of PHYS 2207.

0 credits

Forfeit credit and take PHYS 1116.

Physics II54 creditsPlacement out of PHYS 1102.

With a score of 5 on Mathematics BC, placement out of PHYS 2208.

0 credits

Forfeit credit and take PHYS 1116.

Physics C–Mechanics54 creditsPlacement out of PHYS 1112or PHYS 2207.

0 credits

Students intending to major in physics are recommended to forfeit all credit and take PHYS 1116.

Physics C–Electricity/Magnetism54 creditsPlacement out of PHYS 2213.

0 credits

Students intending to major in physics are recommended to forfeit all credit anad take PHYS 1116.

Psychology4,53 creditsPlacement out of PSYCH 1101.
Spanish language4, 53 creditsStudents should take the LPS†† and afterwards the CASE† to obtain appropriate placement.
Spanish literature4,53 creditsDepartment of Romance Studies determines placement. Students should take the LPS†† and afterwards the CASE† to obtain appropriate placement.
Statistics (excluding engineering students) 4,54 creditsPlacement out of AEM 2100,BTRY 3010,BTRY 6010, ILRST 2100, ILRST 6100, MATH 1710, PAM 2100,PAM 2101, PSYCH 3500, SOC 3010,STSCI 2100, STSCI 2150,STSCI 2200. Students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences will find credit and placement information at Students in Hotel Administration will find credit and placement information in the SHA Student Handbook.
Studio artno credit
TurkishDepartment of Near Eastern Studies determines credit and placement based on departmental examination.
†Cornell Advanced Standing Examination. Contact Callean Hile, K165 Klarman Hall, for French, Italian, and Spanish. Contact Miriam Zubal, 183 Goldwin Smith Hall, for German.
††Language Placement Spanish Test. Contact Callean Hile, K165 Klarman Hall.

International Credentials

The policies currently in effect for General Certificate of Education “A” Level Examinations and International Baccalaureate Higher Level Examinations are summarized in the table below. Students may submit results of the French Baccalauréat or German Abitur for possible credit depending on the stream or specialization followed. Accepted students holding any other secondary school credentials are urged to sit for the Advanced Placement Examinations of the College Entrance Examination Board or for the departmental examinations offered during Orientation Week.

The table lists subjects and the marks for which credit will be awarded.

International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher-Level Examinations are awarded advanced standing and credit on receipt of the examination results from the I.B. Office.
Anthropologysubject to departmental review.
Chemical and Physical Systems6 or 78 credits (PHYS 1101and PHYS 1102)
Chemistry6 or 74 credits (CHEM 2070or CHEM 2090)
Computer Science6 or 74 credits (CS 1110)
Economics6 or 76 credits (ECON 1110and ECON 1120)
3 credits (HADM 1410) and 3 free electives.
English Literaturevaries by college.
Historyno credit
Mathematics6 or 74 credits and placement out of Calculus I (MATH 1106or MATH 1110). More credit may be obtained by passing a placement exam during Orientation.
Musicno credit
Philosophyno credit
Physical Science6 or 78 credits (4 credits, CHEM 2070; 4 credits, PHYS 1101)
Physics6 or 74 credits (PHYS 1101, PHYS 1112, or PHYS 2207).

French Baccalauréat

French Baccalauréat Examination grades of 14/20 or higher are awarded advanced standing and/or credit according to the following chart. Students must present the original or a certified copy of their examination certificate to receive credit.

Francais écrit
(Séries ES, L, S)
14/20 or higher4 credits (FREN 2210)
16/20 or higher4 credits (FREN 2210) + 3 credits for CASE
Histoire et Géographie (Séries)no credit
Philosophie14/20 or higher(Séries ES and L) 3 credits (PHIL 1100)

Mathématiques, Sciences Physiques,
Biologie, Sciences Economiques

no credit
General Certificate of Education Advanced (“A”) Level Examination are awarded advanced standing and credit. Students must present the original or a certified copy of their examination certificate to receive credit.
ChemistryA8 credits (CHEM 2070or CHEM 2090and CHEM 2080)
B4 credits (CHEM 2070or CHEM 2090)
EconomicsA6 credits (ECON 1110and ECON 1120)
3 credits (HADM 1410) and 3 free electives
English LiteratureA or Bvaries by college.
Further Mathematicscredit and placement determined by taking the MATH 1120placement exam during orientation.
MathematicsA, B, or C4 credits and placement out of Calculus I (MATH 1106or MATH 1110). Students who take the A level exam in Singapore will receive an additional 4 credits and placement out of Calculus II (MATH 1120, MATH 1220, or MATH 1910). More credit may be obtained by passing a placement exam during Orientation. Engineering students only receive 4 credits and placement out of Math 1910.
Musicno credit
PhilosophyA or Bsubject to department review.
PhysicsA or B4 credits for PHYS 1101, PHYS 1112, or PHYS 2207

4 additional credits for PHYS 2208are granted for a combination of grades of A or B and a minimum of 8 advanced placement or advanced standing credits in mathematics.

Students planning to major in physics are recommended to forfeit all credit and enroll in PHYS 1116.

Students in the College of Engineering should refer to the engineering registrar for credit and placement information.

Supplementary Information

Chemistry and Chemical Biology

The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology offers two tracks in introductory chemistry that satisfy prerequisites for further work in the department: CHEM 2070CHEM 2080(CHEM 2090CHEM 2080for engineering students) and CHEM 2150. CHEM 2150is an accelerated single-semester general chemistry course intended for students with a score of 5 on the APChemistry exam, or comparable preparation. Students completing CHEM 2150may beginCHEM 3590 - Honors Organic Chemistry Iin their second semester.

Freshmen may qualify for advanced placement and advanced standing credits in chemistry by satisfactory performance on the CEEB Advanced Placement Examination or an international examination, or by passing an advanced standing examination offered by the department. A score of 5 on the CEEB examination entitles a student to 4 credits. A student may earn 4 or 8 credits by suitable performance on the departmental examinations. See for further information.

Computer Science

Students who receive a score of 5 on the A version exam of the CEEB Advanced Placement Examination in computer science, or a score of 6 or 7 on the IB exam will receive 4 advanced placement credits and may take CS 2110. These credits may be used to satisfy the requirement in computer programming for students in the College of Engineering.

Freshmen may also earn 4 credits by suitable performance on a departmental examination, given during fall Orientation Week. To take the departmental examination, students need only show up at the time and location indicated on the Orientation Week Schedule; advanced sign-up is not necessary.

Mathematics (Calculus)

The Mathematics Department offers a variety of courses suitable for students with advanced placement credit. For guidance in selecting an appropriate course, including how to factor advanced placement or transfer credit into that decision, please consult First Steps in Math. New students will also have an opportunity to speak with a math advisor one-on-one at the Arts & Sciences Open House during fall orientation.

The calculus courses MATH 1110, MATH 1120, and MATH 1910cover substantially the same topics as calculus courses given in many high schools, and it is best to avoid repeating material that has already been covered at an appropriate level. Secondary-school students who have had the equivalent of at least one semester of calculus should, if possible, take a placement test during their senior year.

The Department of Mathematics offers an optional placement examination during orientation week that covers the material of the AP Calculus program. (No advance registration necessary.) The department exam should be taken by (1.) students who have had at least a semester of calculus but did not take a CEEB, GCE, or IB Exam; (2.) students who believe that their placement is incorrect; (3.) students who feel that their grasp of the material is uncertain.

Students who have 4 AP credits for calculus will forfeit those credits if they take MATH 1106or MATH 1110. Students who have 8 AP credits for calculus will forfeit 4 credits if they take MATH 1120, MATH 1220, or MATH 1910and all 8 credits if they take MATH 1106or MATH 1110.

Engineering students will take the engineering calculus sequence, which assumes one semester of calculus experience before entering Cornell. Engineering students receive no AP credit for Calculus I and may receive 4 AP credits for Calculus II, which they will forfeit if they take MATH 1910, the first course in the engineering calculus sequence. A placement exam specifically for engineering students will be announced during the academic briefings.

Modern Foreign Languages

Students who have studied a language for two or more years and want to continue study in that language at Cornell must present the results of a placement test. See “Placement Tests and Advanced Placement Credit” under “Foreign Language Requirements” in the College of Arts and Sciences section of this catalog. Students whose SAT II or AP scores are two years old or more, or who have had a year of formal study or substantial informal study since they last took a placement test should take the Cornell placement test again during orientation week if they plan to continue course work.

Advanced standing credit may be earned as follows:

  1. Students with a score of 4 or 5 on the language Advanced Placement Examination of the CEEB earn 3 credits and are eligible to take the Cornell Advanced Standing Examination (CASE).

  2. Students who achieve a minimum score of 65 on the Cornell language placement test given during orientation week are eligible to take the CASE. Outstanding performance on this examination can result in a maximum of 3 credits.

  3. For formal language work done after high school at an accredited college, credit is considered by the relevant department on submission of a syllabus and transcript. Note that credit transfer and placement are the result of different processes. Students wishing to enroll in a language course at Cornell are required to take the placement test.

  4. Native speakers of languages other than English may, if an examination by the appropriate department is available, be granted a maximum of 3 credits in a foreign language.

Information about times and places of placement tests is available in the orientation booklet. For more information, see “Foreign Language Requirement” on the Graduation Requirements page in the College of Arts and Sciences, or contact Callean Hile, K165 Klarman Hall, for French, Italian, and Spanish (placement tests in French, Italian, and Spanish are available at; Cierra Cain, 183 Goldwin Smith Hall, for German; Sue Besemer, 240 Goldwin Smith Hall, for Russian; Erin Kotmel, 350 Rockefeller Hall, for Asian languages (placement tests in Japanese and Korean are available at; Nava Scharf, 409 White Hall, for Hebrew; or Munther Younes, 409 White Hall, for Arabic; Iago Gocheleishvili, 409 White Hall for Persian; or Chris Capalongo, 409 White Hall for Turkish.


Advanced placement and credit are awarded on the basis of the CEEB Advanced Placement Examination in physics (Physics I, Physics II or Physics C), certain international examinations, or the departmental examination (offered during orientation week; appointment required). For information about the departmental examination, see

Students in the College of Engineering should refer to

Physics I—Students earning a score of 5 may receive 4 credits for PHYS 1101. Those earning in addition a score of 5 in Calculus BC may choose to take 4 credits for PHYS 2207.

Physics II—Students earning a score of 5 may receive 4 credits for PHYS 1102. Those earning in addition a score of 5 in Calculus BC may choose to take 4 credits for PHYS 2208.

Physics C—Mechanics: Students earning a score of 5 may receive 4 credits for PHYS 1112or PHYS 2207.

Physics C—Electricity and Magnetism: Students earning a score of 5 may receive 4 credits for PHYS 2213.

Students will not receive credit for an advanced placement course if they receive credit for a Cornell course with similar content. Students may receive credit for only one of the courses in each group:

PHYS 1101, PHYS 1112, PHYS 1116, PHYS 2207

PHYS 1102, PHYS 2208, PHYS 2213, PHYS 2217

Students planning to major in physics or applied and engineering physics are strongly recommended to forfeit all AP credit and take PHYS 1116. Students should not take PHYS 2217without first taking PHYS 1116.

Advanced placement into a next-in-sequence course depends on the completion of the appropriate mathematics prerequisites before enrolling. To qualify for advanced placement credit, it is not necessary to continue the study of physics.

General information and advice may be obtained from the director of undergraduate studies, 115 Clark Hall, or from the Department of Physics, 109 Clark Hall.


Students who have been awarded advanced placement credit for statistics may not also receive academic credit for similar courses taken at Cornell. In particular, they will forfeit those credits if they take AEM 2100,ENGRD 2700, HADM 2010, ILRST 2100/STSCI 2100, MATH 1710, PAM 2100,PAM 2101, PSYCH 3500, SOC 3010, STSCI 2150.

Students in the School of Hotel Administration should refer to the SHA Student Handbook for credit and placement information.

Students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences should refer to the CALS website for credit and placement information.

Advanced Placement - Cornell University (2024)


How does AP credit work at Cornell? ›

Advanced Placement (AP) credit is college credit that students earn before they matriculate as first-year Cornellians. Students may use credit they receive from Advanced Placement examinations to satisfy degree requirements only as specified by the individual college or school at Cornell to which they are applying.

Are Advanced Placement classes really worth it? ›

Students looking to earn admission to highly selective colleges should take multiple AP classes to bolster their applications and demonstrate they can handle challenging coursework. Some college admissions experts recommend taking as many as 7-12 AP courses before applying to the most elite universities.

Which college is the hardest to get into at Cornell University? ›

The most selective schools at Cornell for admissions are:

College of Arts & Sciences. College of Engineering.

What is the GPA scale for Advanced Placement? ›

Many schools treat AP classes differently when calculating a student's grade point average (GPA). Rather than the traditional 4.0 scale, AP classes are weighted on a 5.0 scale — in an AP class, an A is equivalent to 5.0 instead of 4.0, and a B is equal to 4.0 instead of 3.0.

Do any Ivy Leagues accept AP credit? ›

Ivy League schools tend to have varying policies regarding AP credits. Generally speaking, most Ivies do accept AP scores for credit, but the scores required and the type of credit granted can differ significantly from one institution to another.

How many AP classes should I take to get into Cornell? ›

Most applicants to Ivies tend to have 8-12 AP classes, so you should aim to reach that number as well to be considered competitive. Additionally, 83% of admitted students at Cornell are ranked in the top 10% of their graduating classes. You'll want to aim for the highest GPA you can achieve in your classes.

Is Advanced Placement harder than honors? ›

AP classes also tend to be more challenging than honors classes. For AP classes, you should have the ability to manage difficult coursework while preparing for AP exams.

What are the negatives of AP classes? ›

One drawback of taking AP classes is that to take the exam and potentially earn college credit, students have to pay $98 per exam. Some people don't even pass the exam. These classes are also much harder than regular classes, as they are college level courses.

What is the least snobby ivy? ›

What is the least 'snobby' Ivy League? - Quora. A2A. The correct answer is almost certainly Cornell.

Is Dartmouth or Cornell harder to get into? ›

Ivy League Class of 2027 Acceptance Rates
IviesAcceptance Rate
4 more rows
Apr 20, 2023

Is Advanced Placement hard? ›

AP courses are more difficult than the usual high school class and also require passing an AP exam at the end of the year to gain the college credit.

Does Advanced Placement give college credit? ›

Taking Advanced Placement® exams can be your ticket to earning college credit even before you step foot on campus. Many schools will give you college credit for a 3 or higher on a AP exam, but policies may differ. Here's how to find out if your scores will earn AP credit.

How rare is a 4.0 GPA in college? ›

Maintaining a 4.0 GPA throughout college is relatively rare, but definitely achievable. The prevalence of students with a 4.0 GPA depends on the institution and the program you're studying. In more rigorous or competitive programs, it may be less common, while in less demanding programs, it might be more attainable.

How many hours is one credit Cornell? ›

Frequently Asked Questions
One Credit750 (50 mins/week x 15 week semester)1500
Two Credits1500 (100 mins/week x 15 week semester)3000
Three Credits2250 (150 mins/week x 15 week semester)4500
Four Credits3000 (200 mins/week x 15 week semester)6000
Five Credits3750 (250 mins/week x 15 week semester)7500

How does an AP credit work? ›

Many colleges offer credit for AP scores. Suppose you earn a 4 on your AP Biology Exam, and your college grants you 8 credits for that score. That means you walk into your college with 8 credits under your belt—before you even take your first class there.

Do credits transfer to Cornell? ›

Along with the classes you take at Cornell, you can transfer acceptable credits from studies at another university or count some AP and IB tests toward Cornell's requirements.

Does Cornell accept self reported AP scores? ›

If you plan to apply to one of our test-recommended colleges/schools, you are welcome to submit unofficial test scores to Cornell University. Should you be admitted to and enrolled at Cornell, we will require official test scores sent from the testing agency at that time.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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