Advanced credit controller and debt collection specialist (2024)

Reference Number: ST0175

Details of standard

Role, occupation:

Advanced credit controller and Debt collection specialist

Occupational profile:

Credit management and debt collection is a dynamic function found across all sectors of UK and international commerce. Given the importance of credit management and debt collection, roles are central to many operations, typically setting policies, facilitating sales, managing financial risk and customer relationships. Credit management typically manages and protects cash flow, while debt collection focuses on overdue, late or unpaid money owed to the organisation. Roles are generally fast-paced and target driven, requiring detailed knowledge of law, regulations and the business environment, and skilled practitioners possess excellent technical and interpersonal skills. They are rewarding career choices for self-motivated and enthusiastic individuals who would enjoy a varied role working at the centre of operations.

Role Profile

Within this, the focus of the Advanced Credit Controller and Debt Collection Specialist role is typically to work with internal and external customers, both commercial and/or consumer, to ensure that the cash flow of their organisation is maximised while achieving fair customer outcomes. This requires proactive complex interaction with customers who are high risk due, to e.g. having multiple debts, consistently reaching credit limits or breaching credit agreements, missing repayments to minimise and/or recover bad debts while retaining positive sustained relationships. The range of activities is outlined in the examples contained in the Standard below. In addition to the core requirements of the apprenticeship, one of three specialist options must be completed. These are:

  • Credit risk – advising on credit policy and making decisions on credit limits and in some cases complex and non-routine credit arrangements.
  • Advanced Collections – managing complex customer relations to resolve payment issues or identify potential customer vulnerability through the use of recognised relevant assessment frameworks (e.g. TEXAS Model, Common Financial Statement, understanding of insolvency legislation). Examples might include significant corporate business or customers in complex financial difficulties or vulnerable circ*mstances.
  • Enforcement and recovery – applying in-depth understanding of statutory and/or non-statutory enforcement solutions in the recovery of debt


Requirements – Core knowledge, skills and behaviours for an advanced credit controller and debt collection specialist:



What is required

Credit Manag’t and debt collection

Good understanding of the principles of credit management and debt collection together with a sound understanding of organisational policies and techniques used in their role.

Legal, regulatory and compliance

Good understanding of the legal, regulatory, risk and compliance framework within which they operate, with a sound understanding of relevant legal, risk and compliance requirements for their role, e.g. relevant commercial or consumer credit law, credit management policies, data protection, treating customers fairly, complaints handling, potentially fraudulent transactions, including anti-money laundering arrangements and relevant financial and/or sector regulatory requirements depending on the focus of their role.

Industry and organisation understanding

Understands professional standards; the commercial context, nature and priorities of the organisation they work in; the end to end customer journey; how customers manage their money, e.g. as individuals or businesses; organisational ‘values’; and where their role fits in the organisation. Understands the different areas of the organisation that they need to work with to deliver the best solution for the customer and business, and the nature of interactions with them, e.g. with Sales, Customer Services, Underwriting.

Products and services

Broad understanding of the products and services offered to customers by their organisation, together with sound knowledge of the products and services that they support, including their features and benefits, together with how their role supports the delivery of these products and services.

Systems and processes

In-depth understanding of the systems, tools and processes used in the role (see examples in the Standard), together with the standards to be met, including IT tools..


What is required

Managing relationships with customers

Delivers excellent service, identifying and meeting customer needs. Develops strong, positive and sustained relationships with customers, recognising the business context of their relationship and their importance to the organisation while dealing with a difficult topic. Uses questioning effectively to fully understand the customer’s financial situation or specialist needs and requirements(as identified through triggers or other recognised frameworks) and develop acceptable solutions. Able to identify, defuse, resolve difficult and sensitive and/or vulnerable situations professionally when they occur, e.g. relationship breakdowns, fraud, disputes, mental health problems, insolvencies, working to sustain a positive relationship with the customer.


Actively listens to understand the customer’s circ*mstances. Communicates effectively with customers and colleagues at all levels, building rapport and defusing emotive situations. Uses sound interpersonal skills, a range of media, e.g. phone, email, SMS, letter and face-to-face and appropriate language, e.g. avoiding jargon.

Negotiation and decision making

Uses a range of negotiating skills to work with customers to identify mutually acceptable solutions and outcomes to credit and debt issues, within organisational and compliance guidelines, e.g. negotiating sustainable repayment plans. Follows through and re-negotiates sensitively in difficult situations, e.g. defaults. Takes ownership through to resolution, escalating where necessary.

Delivering results

Uses a wide range of systems and processes to deliver services to customers. Takes the initiative to meet challenging individual and team performance measures in line with organisation policy, values, standards and legal and/or regulatory requirements. Carries out a range of tasks which may include proactive contact with customers to collect outstanding balances and/or debt; cash allocation, journals and reconciliations; managing ledgers; producing required reports; maintaining accurate records of communications and actions; dispute resolution; actioning and/or recommending write offs. Plans and organises work to meet their commitments and/or KPIs. Takes ownership through to completion, escalating when outside the boundaries of their role, e.g. potential legal issues, customers in vulnerable situations.


Consistently supports colleagues and collaborates to achieve results. Builds and maintains good working relationships within teams and with other business areas, e.g. Sales, Compliance and Quality team. Aware of own role in the team and the impact on others.

Continuous improvement

Identifies opportunities to improve work practices. Takes ownership of specific changes through to implementation where appropriate

Personal development

Seeks feedback and acts on it to improve their performance. Builds their own capability through ownership of their own development, in consultation with their manager. Keeps up to date with relevant changes. Supports others in their development through mentoring and coaching where appropriate.


What is required


Truthful, sincere and trustworthy in their actions. Shows integrity by doing the right thing. Maintains appropriate confidentiality at all times.


Adapts positively to changing work priorities and procedures when new tasks need to be done or business requirements change.


Displays energy and enthusiasm in the way they go about their role, dealing positively with setbacks when they occur. Stays positive under pressure.

Specialist options

the apprentice will complete one of the following options (depending on their specific role):

Credit risk


What is required

Regulatory and organisation requirements

Understands the business environment, regulatory requirements and organisational policies and/or procedures that provide the framework for assessing credit risk. Understands and know how to use relevant information and specialist tools.


What is required

Analysis and decision making

Able to review and analyse customer applications, seek additional information where necessary and make decisions on credit limits in line with regulatory and organisational requirements, referring upwards where necessary.

Advance collections


What is required

Technical requirements

Understands the detailed technical requirements and organisational policies and/or procedures that apply to their role. (For a Commercial role this may include understanding and interpreting contractual and company information, including accounts; dealing with multi-site organisations. For a Consumer role this may include understanding income and/or expenditure information; multiple debt situations; how to identify and handle vulnerable customers).


What is required

Managing complex relationships

Able to deal with relatively complex customer relationships, resolving issues (including complaints) and making recommendations outside standard processes where the customer’s situation requires this. (For a Commercial role this may include dealing with significant corporate or other third party relationships. For Consumer roles this may include dealing with customers in vulnerable circ*mstances identifying their ‘state of mind’ and developing appropriate solutions with them.)

Enforcement and recovery


What is required

Regulatory and organisation requirements

Understand the legal and/or regulatory requirements and organisational policies and/or procedures that provide the framework and trigger points for enforcement and/or recovery action. Know the range of options, both internal and external, that are available.


What is required

Analysis and decision making

Able to review and analyse the customer’s situation and make decisions on appropriate enforcement and/or recovery action in line with regulatory and organisational requirements. Takes decisions that maximise the outcome for the organisation and are appropriate given the customer’s engagement.

Job titles

Typical job titles: Finance controller, Credit and collection representative, Collections agent and Collections adviser

Entry requirements

Individual employers will set the selection criteria for their apprenticeships. It is recommended that employers may want most candidates to have Level 2 maths and english. Other relevant or prior experience may also be considered as an alternative.


The length of this apprenticeship is expected to be typically 18-24 months.


  • London institute of banking and finance: The LIBF Certificate in consumer debt collection is being withdrawn. Any apprentice currently on programme and undertaking this qualification will be required to sit the exam on or before 8 October 2021.
  • Chartered Institute of Credit Management:
    All new apprentices:
    • CICM Level 3 Diploma in Credit and Collections


      • CICM Level 3 Diploma in Credit Management (final certification is 30th September 2023. Apprentices must pass the qualification by this date)


      • Diploma for the Debt Collection Industry (final registration up to 31st December 2022)

      Existing apprentices, who are part way through CICM studies, can either continue on their qualification listed below:

      • Diploma in Credit Management


      • Diploma in Debt Collection


      • Diploma for the Debt Collection Industry

      or switch to the new CICM Diploma in Credit and Collections above if their choice of units allows. All apprentices who continue on the CICM Diploma in Debt Collection must pass this by 31 December 2022, after which point the qualification is to be withdrawn by CICM.

Professional recognition and progression

This standard allows the apprentice to apply for professional membership of the Chartered Institute of Credit Management or the London Institute of Banking & Finance, depending on which qualification is taken.

On completion the apprentice will be fully competent in the role and can continue to develop their career within the organisation through a range of possible pathways. This could include team leader, credit and collection manager or a more specialist role such as dealing with sensitive cases and senior credit risk analysts. Following the withdrawal of the LIBF Certificate in consumer debt collection it will no longer be possible to apply for professional recognition with LIBF via this apprenticeship. For those already working towards LIBF certificate, professional recognition should still be available as an option upon successful completion of this apprenticeship if the exam is sat on or before 8 October 2021.


This is a Level 3 apprenticeship.

Review date

After 3 years or when significant change is required.


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Advanced credit controller and debt collection specialist (2024)


Is debt collections hard? ›

Debt collection and receivables management is one of the hardest jobs, but also one of the most rewarding.

What is the difference between a credit controller and a debt collector? ›

In short, credit management can be seen as the 'proactive' side of the receivables process, which focuses on preventing bad debts, minimising late payments, and reducing credit risk. In contrast, debt collection involves pursuing payment of debts that are past due.

What is the voicemail script for debt collectors? ›

Script 6 – When the call goes to the customer voicemail

You: Good Afternoon. My name is John, and I am a debt collector with XYZ Company. Your bill payment is past the due date. Based on our records, the total outstanding balance of $10,000 is overdue.

Should I respond to a debt collection agency? ›

Make sure you respond in writing to dispute the debt. If you don't, the debt collector may keep trying to collect the debt from you and may even end up suing you for payment.

Is debt collector a good career? ›

Building a career in debt collections can be financially rewarding. Many employment opportunities and positions within the industry offer not only competitive pay but a chance to earn commissions and bonuses based on performance. And it's not just those in the debt collection department.

Is credit control a stressful job? ›

Stressful situations: Dealing with overdue accounts can be stressful, especially when faced with difficult or uncooperative customers. It requires resilience and the ability to remain calm and professional in challenging situations.

Is it stressful to be a debt collector? ›

In certain professions, like debt collection, negative emotions can run rampant. No one likes to get a call from a debt collector. Stress, frustration and certainly financial problems can add up to an unpleasant conversation. Dealing with negativity means trying to find support and balance whenever possible.

What is a weakness as a debt collector? ›

Lack of current information on debtors. Difficulty identifying and contacting debtors. Difficulty in accessing the most valuable information. Takes too long to locate debtors when sorting through all the data.

What level is a credit controller? ›

Monitor and manage customer accounts, follow financial policies to collect money owed to organisations.

What not to say when a debt collector calls? ›

Don't give a collector any personal financial information. Don't make a "good faith" payment, promise to pay, or admit the debt is valid. You don't want to make it easier for the collector to get access to your money, or do anything that might revive the statute of limitations.

Do real debt collectors leave voicemails? ›

The federal Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) places limitations on how and when a debt collector can contact you, and what it says when it does. That includes leaving voicemails. Also, threatening language is illegal under the FDCPA.

What 4 things to ask for when a debt collector calls? ›

  • Who you're talking to (get the person's name)
  • The name of the debt collection company they work for.
  • The company's address and phone number.
  • The name of the original creditor.
  • The amount owed.
  • How you can dispute the debt or ensure that the debt is yours.
Jul 20, 2017

What is the 11 word phrase to stop debt collectors? ›

If you are struggling with debt and debt collectors, Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC can help. As soon as you use the 11-word phrase “please cease and desist all calls and contact with me immediately” to stop the harassment, call us for a free consultation about what you can do to resolve your debt problems for good.

What if a debt collector calls before 8am? ›

A debt collector can't call you at an unusual or inconvenient time. If a debt collector calls you before 8 a.m. in the morning or after 9 p.m. at night, it's presumed to be inconvenient.

Is it true you don't have to pay a collection agency? ›

Do You Have to Pay Debt Collectors? Yes, if a debt collector has contacted you about a legitimate debt, you are legally obligated to pay it. However, it's essential first to verify that the debt is yours and the amount is correct.

How bad is it to have debt in collections? ›

If your debt is sent to collections, the legal and financial consequences can be significant. If you don't pay what you owe, you risk damage to both your credit scores and your credit reports for up to seven years. If you're contacted by a debt collector, first confirm that you do in fact owe the debt.

What's the worst a debt collector can do? ›

Debt collectors are limited on when they can call you — typically, between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m. They are not allowed to call you at work. They can't lie or harass you. Debt collectors can't make you pay more than you owe or threaten you with arrest, jail time, property liens or wage garnishment if you don't pay.

How hard does collections hit your credit? ›

In many cases, it doesn't even matter how much it is if it's over $100. Whether you owe $500 or $150,000, you may see a credit score drop of 100 points or more, depending on where you started. To make matters worse, a paid collection on your credit report is just as bad as an unpaid collection.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.