Add to Apple Wallet Guidelines - Wallet - Apple Developer (2024)

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The Add to AppleWallet badge give people a visual cue to add passes, tickets, coupons, and more to the Wallet app on their Apple device. Follow these guidelines when using the badge on your web pages, email, and printed materials.

Add to Apple Wallet Guidelines - Wallet - Apple Developer (1)

Using the badge

The Add to AppleWallet badge is designed to be used on web pages and emails, or printed materials accompanied by a QR code that lets people add a pass to AppleWallet. The badge should appear only in association with your Wallet‑compatible pass.

For apps, use the PKAddPassButton class to create an AddtoAppleWallet button. You can choose the button’s style, and the system provides a control with the correct appearance and language. It’s available as a one-line button or two-line button.

Download badge files


The Add to Apple Wallet badge is available in 45 locales in SVG and EPS file formats.

  • Be sure to use the badges provided by Apple. Do not create your own versions.
  • Use the SVG artwork provided by Apple for badges on your web pages and email.
  • Use the EPS artwork for badges on printed materials accompanied by a QR code.

Background color

Use this badge on white or light-colored backgrounds that provide sufficient contrast. With very dark backgrounds, use the outline option shown.

Clear space

For onscreen layouts, the minimum clear space for the badge is .1X where X is the height of the badge. For print, see Printing the badge with a code.


Place the badge near the pass that can be stored in Wallet. Users can add their pass to Wallet directly from email opened on their iPhone, iPodtouch, or Mac. Because users might open the email on another device, include instructions for opening the email on iPhone, iPodtouch, orMac.

Web pages

Place the badge near the pass that can be stored in Wallet. Users can add their pass to Wallet directly from a web page opened on iPhone, iPodtouch, or Mac. Because users might open the web page on another device, include instructions for opening the page on their iPhone, iPodtouch, orMac.

Using the badge on printedmaterials

In printed materials, the AddtoAppleWallet badge should appear only in association with a Wallet-compatible pass and must be accompanied by a QRcode or bar code. Customers can use the Camera app to scan the code on point-of-sale signage, coupons, posters, or other printed material. Scanning the code adds the pass to Wallet.

Point-of-sale sign

Place the AddtoAppleWallet badge and suggested messaging near the code. Place the badge on the layout so that it is clearly visible yet in a subordinate position following the main graphics and messages.


On large printed materials, the AddtoAppleWallet badge cannot be larger than the maximum height requirement of 25mm.

Printing the badge withacode

Clear space and sizerequirements

Minimum clear space is one-quarter the height of the badge. On printed materials, the minimum size for the AddtoAppleWallet badge is 10 mm in height and the maximum size is 25 mm in height. Do not reduce or enlarge the badge beyond these sizes.

QR codes and bar codes

A recommended minimum code size for optimum scanning to Wallet is 40 mm wide. At this size QR codes of version 10 or lower, PDF 417 bar codes with five or fewer data columns, and Aztec codes of six or fewer data layers are recommended.

Badge and code alignment

It is recommended that the code and AddtoAppleWallet badge be aligned to equal width. It is also acceptable to have the codes left or center aligned.

White space

Allow minimum clear space around the AddtoAppleWallet badge. Make sure you also comply with the requirements for a surrounding “quiet zone” for the type of code you are using. Codes must be printed on a white or light background. If your layout includes a dark background, do not extend the code’s required surrounding white space to include the AddtoAppleWallet badge. The white space should surround only the code. On dark backgrounds, the AddtoAppleWallet badge should not touch the code’s required surrounding white space.

Editorial guidelines

Messaging that describes Wallet can be used in communications promoting Wallet-compatible passes. Messaging can be placed near the AddtoAppleWallet badge that accompanies your pass, or it can be used in general product communications to describe compatibility with Wallet.

Suggested messaging

You can use the suggested messaging below to describe and promote Wallet, or you can develop your own copy. Always follow the guidelines for using the name Wallet described below.

  • Wallet description—long version:

    “The Wallet app on Apple Watch, iPhone, and iPod touch is where you store and access all your boarding passes, movie tickets, coupons, rewards cards, and more.”

  • Wallet description—short version:

    “Wallet is where you store and access all your boarding passes, movie tickets, retail coupons, rewards cards, and more.”

  • Instructions for adding a pass to Wallet if opened on a device other than iPhone or iPodtouch:

    “To add this [pass/ticket/coupon/card] to Wallet, open this [email, web page] on your iPhone or iPodtouch.”

  • Instructions for scanning a code—for use on printed materials:

    “Wallet on AppleWatch, iPhone, and iPodtouch is where you store and access all your boarding passes, movie tickets, retail coupons, rewards cards, and more. You can scan this code to have a [insert brand/type of pass here] appear right in Wallet. To scan, just open the Camera app on your iPhone and point it at the code.”

Using the name Wallet or AppleWallet

When using the app name Wallet or AppleWallet in headlines or copy, always typeset Wallet with an uppercase W followed by lowercase letters. Typeset Apple with an uppercase A followed by lowercase letters. AppleWallet is set as two words.

If a headline is typeset all uppercase, the words AppleWallet within the headline can also be uppercase.

You can refer to the Wallet app from Apple or AppleWallet on the first mention of the app. In subsequent references, just Wallet can be used.

In U.S. communications, use the registered trademark symbol (®) the first time Apple appears in body copy.

Avoid mistakes

Only the Apple-provided badges shown in these guidelines are approved by Apple.

  • Do not let the AddtoAppleWallet badge dominate your layout as the primary message or main graphic. It must be secondary to your main message and product or company identity.
  • Do not create your own version of the Add to AppleWallet badge.
  • Do not obstruct the badge with text, graphics, images, or other elements.
  • Do not display a dimmed version of the badge to indicate that it has not been selected.
  • Do not use the Wallet icon alone.
  • Do not flip, rotate, or animate the artwork.
  • Do not add visual effects such as shadows, glows, or reflections to the mark.
  • Do not use graphics or images from Apple’s website.
  • Do not imitate Apple communications.

Legal requirements

The AddtoAppleWallet badge and Wallet messaging cannot be used in any manner that falsely suggests an association with Apple or is likely to reduce, diminish, or damage the goodwill, value, or reputation associated with any Apple product or Apple itself.

Trademark symbols and credit lines

For communications distributed only in the United States, the appropriate symbol (™, ℠, or ®) must follow each Apple trademark the first time it is mentioned in body copy—for example:

Apple Watch®
iPod touch®

Refer to the Apple Trademark List for the correct trademark symbol. Do not add a trademark symbol to the AddtoAppleWallet badge artwork provided by Apple.

In all regions, include the following credit line wherever legal information is provided on the communication:

Apple, Apple Watch, iPhone, and iPodtouch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

List only the trademarks actually used in your communication.

For more information about using Apple trademarks, see Guidelines for Using Apple Trademarks and Copyrights.

With Apple’s approval, a translation of the legal notice and credit lines (but not the trademarks) can be used in materials distributed outside the UnitedStates.



Apple Wallet Marketing Artwork License Agreement

Whereas, Apple Inc. ("Apple") and You (collectively, the "Parties") have entered into the AppleDeveloper Program License Agreement (as amended from time to time, "Program Agreement"); and

Whereas, You desire to use certain artwork in connection with marketing Your passes pursuant to the Program Agreement, the Parties agree to enter into this Wallet Marketing Agreement effective as of the date clicked through by You. Except as expressed in writing herein, nothing in this document shall be construed to modify the Program Agreement in any way.

1. Subject to the terms of this Wallet Marketing Agreement, Apple grants You a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use the "Add to Apple Wallet" badge and product images provided to You by Apple under this Wallet Marketing Agreement for Apple-branded products (collectively, the "Artwork") only in connection with Your passes developed pursuant to the Program Agreement ("Passes") and only while You are a member of the AppleDeveloperProgram.

2. You agree that Your use of the Artwork will be in strict compliance with the Add to AppleWallet Guidelines available at:, which may be amended from time to time and also with Apple’s Guidelines for Using Apple Trademarks and Copyrights, found at, which may be amended from time to time.

3. Apple may use Your name, address, the name of each of Your Passes, and other relevant Pass information in any index of products or developers that work with Apple-branded products running iOS and/or Wallet.

4. Apple has no obligation to provide any type of support for the Passes.

5. Upon Apple’s request, You shall supply Apple, at no cost and with no obligation to return, suitable specimens of Your use of the Artwork to verify Your compliance with this Wallet Marketing Agreement.

6. Apple shall remain the exclusive owner of all rights in the Artwork. Your use of the Artwork shall exclusively inure to the benefit of Apple. You will not do anything to compromise Apple’s rights in and to the Artwork, such as filing any identical or confusingly similar trademark applications anywhere in the world.


8. To the extent permitted by applicable law, You agree to indemnify and hold harmless, and upon Apple’s request, defend, Apple, its directors, officers, employees, independent contractors and agents (each an "Apple Indemnified Party") from any and all claims, losses, liabilities, damages, taxes, expenses and costs, including without limitation, attorneys’ fees and court costs, incurred by an Apple Indemnified Party and arising from or related to Your use of the Artwork in any manner except as expressly permitted by this Wallet Marketing Agreement, or for any personal injury, product liability or other claim arising from the production, promotion, distribution, use, sale and/or offer for sale, and/or the performance of the Passes.

9. This Wallet Marketing Agreement is valid and coterminous with the Program Agreement, unless otherwise terminated per the provisions below.

10. This Wallet Marketing Agreement shall terminate automatically upon Your breach of any of the terms of this Wallet Marketing Agreement or any other marketing agreement You have entered into with Apple. Apple may terminate this Wallet Marketing Agreement at will upon 10 days’ written notice. If Apple terminates this Wallet Marketing Agreement, You may, except in the event that the Artwork is subject of a claim of infringement, deplete existing inventory for a period of 30 days following the notice of termination, provided such inventory is in compliance with the terms of this Wallet Marketing Agreement.

11. Any litigation or other dispute resolution between You and Apple arising out of or relating to this Wallet Marketing Agreement will take place in the Northern District of California, and You and Apple hereby consent to the personal jurisdiction of and exclusive venue in the state and federal courts within that District with respect any such litigation or dispute resolution. This Wallet Marketing Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States and the State of California, except that body of California law concerning conflicts of law.

(a) Notwithstanding the foregoing, if You are an agency, instrumentality or department of the federal government of the United States, then this Wallet Marketing Agreement shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the United States of America, and in the absence of applicable federal law, the laws of the State of California will apply. Further, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Wallet Marketing Agreement (including but not limited to Section 8), all claims, demands, complaints and disputes will be subject to the Contract Disputes Act (41 U.S.C. §§601-613), the Tucker Act (28 U.S.C. § 1346(a) and § 1491), or the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. §§ 1346(b), 2401-2402, 2671-2672, 2674-2680), as applicable, or other applicable governing authority.

(b) If You (as an entity entering into this Wallet Marketing Agreement) are a U.S. public and accredited educational institution, then (a) this Wallet Marketing Agreement will be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the state (within the U.S.) in which Your educational institution is domiciled, except that body of state law concerning conflicts of law; and (b) any litigation or other dispute resolution between You and Apple arising out of or relating to this Wallet Marketing Agreement will take place in federal court within the Northern District of California, and You and Apple hereby consent to the personal jurisdiction of and exclusive venue of such District unless such consent is expressly prohibited by the laws of the state in which Your educational institution is domiciled; and

(c) If You are an international, intergovernmental organization that has been conferred immunity from the jurisdiction of national courts through Your intergovernmental charter or agreement, then any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Wallet Marketing Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be determined by arbitration administered by the International Centre for Dispute Resolution in accordance with its International Arbitration Rules. The place of arbitration shall be London, England; the language shall be English; and the number of arbitrators shall be three. Upon Apple’s request, You agree to provide evidence of Your status as an intergovernmental organization with such privileges and immunities.

12. You shall promptly notify Apple in writing of any change in Your physical or electronic address via the AppStoreConnect tool and/or your account on the developer website.

13. The terms of this Wallet Marketing Agreement are the entire and final understanding between You and Apple concerning the Artwork.



Add to Apple Wallet Guidelines - Wallet - Apple Developer (2024)


Why doesn't my add to Apple Wallet work? ›

Update to the latest version of iOS, watchOS, macOS, or visionOS. Confirm that you have Face ID, Touch ID, Optic ID, or a passcode set on your device. Make sure that you are in a supported country or region. Check that your device is compatible with Apple Pay.

How do I complete Apple Wallet verification? ›

How to verify your identity for Apple Cash
  1. Go to your card info: iPhone: Open the Wallet app, tap your Apple Cash card, tap the More button. , then tap Card Details. . ...
  2. Tap Verify Identity.
  3. Follow the onscreen steps. When capturing your driver license or state ID card, use these tips: Place your card on a dark background.
May 20, 2024

Why can't I add my Ticketmaster tickets to my Apple Wallet? ›

Ensure you've upgraded your phone to the latest iOS, you're using the latest version of our app and that any ticket within the Ticketmaster account hasn't been downloaded to another fan's Apple Wallet. Once you're on the latest version of each, press the add-to-wallet button.

How do I add Apple Pay to Apple developer? ›

To set up your Apple developer account and Xcode to implement Apple Pay in your apps, you complete three steps:
  1. Create a merchant identifier.
  2. Create a Payment Processing certificate.
  3. Enable Apple Pay in Xcode.

Why can't I add my ID to Apple Wallet? ›

If your driver's license can't be added, contact your state issuing authority. If your driver's license can't be added because it's already associated with a different Apple ID or added on another iPhone, you need to remove your license or ID from the other Apple ID or iPhone.

How do I add items to my Apple Wallet? ›

How to add a boarding pass, ticket, or other pass to Apple Wallet on your iPhone
  1. Open the app, email, notification, or other communication that contains your boarding pass, ticket, or other pass.
  2. Tap Add to Apple Wallet.
  3. Follow the instructions on the screen.
  4. If necessary, tap Add in the upper right corner.
Apr 24, 2024

How do I turn on two factor authentication for Apple Wallet? ›

On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: Go to Settings > your name > Sign-In & Security. Tap Turn On Two-Factor Authentication. Then tap Continue and follow the onscreen instructions.

How do I verify my Apple verification? ›

Sign in with your Apple ID and password on a new device or browser. Tap Allow to receive your verification code. Enter the verification code on your other device to complete sign in.

Where is the verification code for Apple Wallet? ›

Here's how you can obtain it:
  1. Go to your Wallet app and attempt to add your card.
  2. As part of the process, you'll be asked to verify your card. ...
  3. Choose the method that works best for you.
  4. You will receive a verification code through the method you selected.
Jun 1, 2023

Why can't I add my e ticket to my wallet? ›

If you can't see an option to add your boarding pass, ticket or other pass to the Wallet app, contact the merchant or company that issued it to make sure they support passes in the Wallet app.

How do I upload tickets to Apple Wallet? ›

Open the app, email, notification or other communication containing your boarding pass, ticket or other pass. Tap Add to Apple Wallet. Follow the onscreen instructions.

How do I add tickets to my wallet? ›

Add a boarding pass with a screenshot
  1. Open the email, app, or website that has your boarding pass.
  2. Find your boarding pass. ...
  3. For a few seconds, press and hold the Power and Volume down buttons at the same time. ...
  4. On the “Screenshot saved” notification, tap Add to Google Wallet. ...
  5. Tap Save.

Do you need Apple developer account for Apple Pay? ›

Create Your Apple Pay Merchant ID

To apply to use the Apple Pay Web Merchant Registration API, you'll need an Apple Pay merchant ID. This unique ID identifies you to Apple Pay as an entity that's able to accept payments. Create your merchant ID and register it with Apple in your developer account.

Is Apple Pay the same as Apple Wallet? ›

What is the difference between Apple Pay and Apple Wallet? Apple Pay is the safe way to pay and make secure purchases in stores, in apps, and on the web. Apple Wallet is the place where you store your credit or debit cards so you can use them with Apple Pay.

How do I get to developer options on Apple? ›

On an iOS or visionOS device, open Settings > Privacy & Security, scroll down to the Developer Mode list item and navigate into it. On a watchOS device that you use for development, go to Settings > Privacy > Developer Mode. To toggle Developer mode, use the Developer Mode switch.

Why does my Wallet on my iPhone not work? ›

Sign out of Apple ID, force restart, sign back in. Force restart app. Remove cards and re add (now cannot re add cards, but can open app) Reselect region in settings.

Why won't my rewards card add to Apple Wallet? ›

Note: If you don't see Add to Apple Wallet, contact the merchant or company that issued it to make sure they support passes in the Wallet app. 3. Follow the onscreen instructions or tap Add in the upper-right corner.

How do I get my Apple Wallet to work? ›

How to add a debit or credit card on your iPhone
  1. In the Wallet app, tap the Add button . ...
  2. Tap Continue.
  3. Follow the steps on the screen to add a new card.
  4. Verify your information with your bank or card issuer. ...
  5. If you have a paired Apple Watch, you have the option to also add the card to your watch.
Feb 2, 2024

Why won't Apple let me add a payment method? ›

If you can't add a payment method

If you're using an accepted payment method but your Apple ID is set to a different country or region, change your country or region. If the Add button is grayed out, you might be in a Family Sharing group and you use purchase sharing.

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.