Accredited Investor vs Qualified Purchaser: Definition & Differences | Moonfare (2024)

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Discover the disparities between accredited investors and qualified purchasers. How their qualifications impact investment opportunities?

Accredited Investor vs Qualified Purchaser: Definition & Differences | Moonfare (1)

Accredited Investor vs Qualified Purchaser: Definition & Differences | Moonfare (2)

Accredited Investor vs Qualified Purchaser: Definition & Differences | Moonfare (3)Accredited Investor vs Qualified Purchaser: Definition & Differences | Moonfare (4)

Written by

Blazej Kupec

June 7, 2023


5 mis


Key takeaways

  • Securities laws in the US allow certain investment issuers to be exempt from public securities registrations if they limit their investments to either accredited investors or qualified purchasers and restrict the total number of investors as well.
  • Accredited investors and qualified purchasers are defined by the Securities Acts of 1933 and 1940 respectively.
  • Accredited investor qualifications include income, net worth and securities licensing, while qualified purchasers are only qualified by the size of their assets, which must be greater than $5 million.
  • Investment issuers are responsible for determining whether potential investors are accredited or qualified purchasers.

Securities laws in the US define “accredited investors” or “qualified purchasers” as investors who can be expected to have the knowledge and means to handle the additional risks and higher capital requirements. Both are designations of investors that are permitted to invest in non-public investments.

The difference between the two is that accredited investors must meet certain income, net worth or securities licensing criteria, while a qualified purchaser must simply have more than $5 million to make a large investment.

Because the minimums for qualified purchasers are larger than the net worth qualifications for accredited investors, set at $1 million, all qualified purchasers essentially meet the requirements for accredited investors as well.

Both are designations of investors that are permitted to invest in non-public investments. Accredited investors are described in Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933, and qualified purchasers are described in the Securities Act of 1940.

Reg D is a safe harbour provision of the ’33 Act that allows an investment fund to be exempt from the registration and disclosure requirements imposed upon issuers of public securities under certain conditions.

Two types of exemptions are available. A section 3(c)(1) exemption is for investments that are offered only to accredited investors and restricts the number of participants to 100 or 250 if the fund size is less than $10 million. A section 3(c)(7) exemption is for investments that accept only qualified purchasers and restrict the number to 2,000. Most private equity investments are issued as 3(c)(1) funds, which have fewer regulations than 3(c)(7) funds.

What is an accredited investor?

Let’s first look more in detail at what requirements define an accredited investor.

Entities such as registered brokers, dealers, advisors, insurance or investment companies are all considered accredited investors, as are banks, savings & loans, and family offices. Retirement plans or trusts with at least $5 million in assets are also considered to be accredited, as long as they were not initiated solely for the purpose of investing in a specific investment and they are directed by a “sophisticated person” — one who has knowledge and experience necessary to evaluate the merits and risks of the investment in question.

Directors, executive officers or general partners of the issuer of the securities being offered also qualify as being accredited.

Individual investors can also qualify as accredited but they have to meet one of the following criteria:

  • A net worth in excess of $1 million which doesn’t include the value of a primary residence
  • An annual income in excess of $200,000 or joint income in excess of $300,000 if married and filing jointly for the two most recent years, with a reasonable expectation of reaching this level in the current year
  • A current Series 7, 62, or 65 licence — these are the most common US financial securities licences, issued and managed by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). You can find more details about the specific licence here.

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Accredited Investor vs Qualified Purchaser: Definition & Differences | Moonfare (5)


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Accredited Investor vs Qualified Purchaser: Definition & Differences | Moonfare (6)

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How to become an accredited investor?

There is no formal application to become an accredited investor, nor is there a government certification to that effect. The law essentially makes it the responsibility of the investment issuer to determine that its investors meet such criteria before allowing them to participate in one of their offerings.

Issuers, therefore, will ask investors to certify that they are accredited prior to investing, and in most cases prior to even receiving the investment offering documents. An issuer may require supporting documentation from the investor, such as tax returns, bank statements, brokerage statements or securities licence verification.

Do retirement accounts (IRA) count for accredited investors?

An IRA is legally a trust and is not a natural person, which means that the individual IRA owner’s financial status is used to determine if the IRA satisfies the accredited investor rules. IRA can therefore receive accredited investor status if all owners of the account meet the criteria. This is important because many self-directed IRAs invest in private equity or private placements that are only available to accredited investors.

Investment opportunities for accredited investors

Securities offered under Rule 506 of Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933 are exempt from the regulations imposed by the Act as long as they are sold entirely to accredited investors (and, under certain circ*mstances, up to 35 “sophisticated investors”). Accredited investors can invest in buyout, growth and venture capital portfolio funds offered by Moonfare.

What is a qualified purchaser?

A qualified purchaser is defined as an investor who owns at least $5 million of investments or who invests an aggregate of at least $25 million on a discretionary basis for other qualified purchasers.

A trust with at least $5 million in assets can be considered a qualified investor if two or more close family members like spouses and siblings own the trust or if it was not formed for the specific purpose of investing in a particular fund and its trustees are qualified purchasers.

How to become a qualified purchaser?

As with accredited investor status, there is no formal application to become an accredited investor, nor is there a government certification for it. It is the responsibility of the investment issuer to comply with the law by having investors certify to them that they are qualified purchasers.

Investment opportunities for qualified purchasers

Qualified purchasers are the highest level of investors defined by law. As such, they can participate in any type of investment available to them. Since qualified purchasers are also accredited, they can participate in any investment restricted to accredited investors only. In addition to the portfolio funds listed above, qualified purchasers can also invest in direct funds offered by Moonfare.

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Accredited Investor vs Qualified Purchaser: Definition & Differences | Moonfare (7)


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Accredited Investor vs Qualified Purchaser: Definition & Differences | Moonfare (10)

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Important notice: This content is for informational purposes only. Moonfare does not provide investment advice. You should not construe any information or other material provided as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. If you are unsure about anything, you should seek financial advice from an authorised advisor. Past performance is not a reliable guide to future returns. Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. Private equity is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Subject to eligibility. Please see


Accredited Investor vs Qualified Purchaser: Definition & Differences | Moonfare (11)

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Accredited Investor vs Qualified Purchaser: Definition & Differences | Moonfare (2024)


Accredited Investor vs Qualified Purchaser: Definition & Differences | Moonfare? ›

Accredited investors and qualified purchasers are defined by the Securities Acts of 1933 and 1940 respectively. Accredited investor qualifications include income, net worth and securities licensing, while qualified purchasers are only qualified by the size of their assets, which must be greater than $5 million.

What is the difference between qualified purchasers and accredited investors? ›

Accredited investors are individuals or entities who are qualified by the SEC to invest in unregulated or sophisticated securities, while a qualified purchaser is an individual or entity with an investment portfolio worth over $5 million.

What is the difference between a QIB and an accredited investor? ›

Qualified Investor vs Accredited Investor

Generally speaking, a QIB will always meet the criteria to be classified as an accredited investor, but the reverse is not always true. QIBs are typically large financial institutions while accredited investors can be both individuals and companies.

How does the SEC define an accredited investor? ›

Who Qualifies to Be an Accredited Investor? An individual with gross income exceeding $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint income with a spouse or partner exceeding $300,000 for those years and a reasonable expectation of the same income level in the current year.

What are the 3 criteria that must be meet to be an accredited investor? ›

Individuals who want to become accredited investors must fall into one of three categories: have a net worth exceeding $1 million on your own or with a spouse or its equivalent; have earned an income surpassing $200,000 ($300,000 if combined with a spouse or its equivalent) during the last two years and prove an ...

How do you know if someone is an accredited investor? ›

  1. To qualify as an accredited investor, you must have over $1 million in net worth, or more than $200,000 in earned income in the past two calendar years, with the expectation of the same earnings.
  2. Financial professionals with Series 7, 65 or 82 licenses also qualify.
Jun 6, 2023

What is considered a qualified purchase? ›

What is a qualified purchaser? A qualified purchaser is an individual or entity that can invest in securities or investment products, like venture capital funds or private funds, because they meet specific sophistication thresholds set by the Investment Company Act of 1940.

Can I invest without being an accredited investor? ›

Non-accredited investors are limited by the SEC from some investment opportunities for their own financial safety. The SEC also set regulations on the disclosure and documentation of the investments available to the investors. For example, non-accredited investors are eligible to invest in mutual funds.

What is an example of a QIB? ›

Qualified institutional buyers or QIBs are investors, who have the expertise to assess and invest in financial markets. They typically have a huge corpus of funds and knowledge to make investments. Some of their examples include mutual funds, alternative investment funds, venture capital funds, etc.

Can an individual become a QIB? ›

To qualify as a Qualified Institutional Buyer (QIB) in India, an entity must fall under specific categories as defined by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). These categories include a variety of financial institutions with significant assets under management and expertise in the capital markets.

Which of the following is not an accredited investor? ›

If your individual income was below $200,000 (or $300,000 with a spouse), you are a non-accredited investor. Net Worth: Calculate your total assets (excluding your primary residence) and subtract your total liabilities. If the result is less than $1 million, you fall into the non-accredited category.

Does a CPA make you an accredited investor? ›

Key Takeaways

There are multiple ways you can try to verify and prove that you're an accredited investor. One of the easiest ways is by using a third-party verification website. A letter from your CPA are enough to prove your accreditation for most private real estate syndications and funds.

What is higher than an accredited investor? ›

While the investment requirements for qualified purchasers are higher than those for accredited investors or qualified clients, that also means that qualified purchasers often have access to investment opportunities unavailable to the other investor categories.

What is the difference between a qualified person and an accredited investor? ›

Accredited investors and qualified purchasers are defined by the Securities Acts of 1933 and 1940 respectively. Accredited investor qualifications include income, net worth and securities licensing, while qualified purchasers are only qualified by the size of their assets, which must be greater than $5 million.

What are the new rules for accredited investors? ›

To ensure that these entities are covered by the definition, the amendments state that a family office will now qualify as an accredited investor when it (i) manages at least $5,000,000 in assets, (ii) has not been formed specifically for the purpose of acquiring the offered securities, and (iii) is directed by a ...

What are qualified purchasers? ›

For individuals seeking to invest through a trust, the trust can qualify as a qualified purchaser in two scenarios: It has at least $5M in investments, and two or more close family members (spouses, siblings, descendants, and/or their respective spouses) own the trust.

Is a qualified client an accredited investor? ›

While often confused, Qualified Client and Accredited Investor are distinct designations with different implications: Financial Thresholds: Qualified Clients have higher net worth/income requirements. Performance Fees: Only Qualified Clients can be charged performance-based fees.

What is the difference between accredited and eligible investors? ›

Being eligible means you can invest a certain amount in the Exempt Market. To be considered an “accredited” investor, you still have to meet one or more similar types of requirements as above, but they are considerably higher.

Can a CPA issue a accredited investor letter? ›

In lieu of providing income or net assets information, you may provide a professional letter from a CPA, attorney, investment advisor or registered broker-dealer. The letter should state that the professional service provider has a reasonable belief that you are an Accredited Investor.

What is a QP investor? ›

A Qualified Purchaser (QP) is: An individual or family business that owns $5M USD or more in investments; A trust sponsored and managed by other qualified purchasers; An individual or entity that invests at least $25M USD, either for their own accounts or on others' behalf; or.

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