Account Management Webinar Notes (2024)

Table of Contents
Logging In Failed Login Attempts Home Page Navigation Menus Menus and Submenus Continue and Back Buttons Getting Help Contextual Help Account Management Users' Guide Printing and Logging Out Printing Logging Out Automatic Logoff Customer Service Tools Message Center Corporate Actions Live Chat Tools Short Stock Availability Tool Protecting Your Account Secure Login System If You Choose Not to Participate in the Secure Login System Secure Login Device Sharing Creating Additional Linked Accounts Adding Users and Assigning Access Rights Other Account Administration Functions Fund Transfers Cash Balances Deposits Bank Instructions Withdrawals Recurring Transactions Bank Instructions Internal Funds Transfers Position Transfers View Transaction History Stop Payment Requesting a Stop Payment Settlement Instructions Activity Statements Viewing Activity Statements How Long Can You Access Activity Statements in Account Management? Customized Templates Settings for Delivered Statement Templates Selecting Profit and Loss Activity Downloads Margin Reports Trade Confirmations Flex Queries Creating a Flex Query Selecting Fields Position Transfer Basis PortfolioAnalyst Other Report Management Reports and Functions Trading Configuration Selecting Institutional Services Changing Your Account Type Setting Trading Permissions Market Data Subscriptions Notes About Fees Searching for Market Data Subscriptions Paper Trading Account Management for Paper Trading Accounts Other Trading Access Functions Change User Information Other User Management Functions

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Account Management Webinar Notes (1)

Account Management Webinar Notes

Quick Links

  • Overview
  • Getting Around
  • Security
  • Account Administration
  • Funds Management
  • Report Management
  • Trading Access
  • User Management
  • More Information

IB's Account Management system lets you configure and manage your IB account from a single window and gives you convenient access to these account functions:

  • Customer Service - Lets you submit questions and track responses directly with IB Customer Service, or chat live with a Customer Service representative.
  • Account Administration - Lets you configure your financial and regulatory information, IP restrictions, pricing structures, base currency; user access rights; and change personal account information such as account title, name or address.
  • Funds Management - Lets you check the status of your deposits, transfers and withdrawals; initiate position transfers; view transaction history; and create settlement instructions.
  • Report Management - Lets you generate reports such as activity statements, margin reports, trade confirmations, and tax forms.
  • Trading Access - Lets you request additional products or countries to trade; upgrade to a margin account; add market data subscriptions and change your market data subscription status; and create a paper trading account.
  • User Management - Lets you change your account password or email address; change personal account information such as name or address; apply for a security device to protect your account; share your authentication information with another user; and subscribe to IB Voting (sign up to use the voting forums on our web site).

Logging In

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  • From the Login menu on IB’s web site.

  • When you access Account Management from the View menu in Trader Workstation, you do not have to enter your username and password.

Failed Login Attempts

After ten failed login attempts within 24 hours, your Account Management login will be disabled. If this happens, contact Customer Service.

Home Page

When you log into Account Management, the Account Management Home page appears. The Account Management menu appears in the left pane and the various pages appear in the larger right pane.

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You access all the pages and functions of the Account Management system from the menu in the left pane. Each main menu item contains a submenu with several links that give you access to all the features of the Account Management system, depending on the type of account you have. Simply click a menu item to open that page in the right pane.

Menus and Submenus

Click a main menu item to expand its submenu, and click the menu item again to collapse its submenu. Main menu items have a plus or minus sign next to them. For example, if you click Account Administration, all of the submenu items in that category become visible and you can click any one to access that page. If you click Account Administration again, the submenu is hidden.

Continue and Back Buttons

Many Account Management functions contain several pages, which are connected by Continue and Back buttons.

  • The Continue button indicates that there is another page that you must view and/or perform some action on to continue or complete the current task.
  • The Back button indicates that you can go back one page. Typically you would use this button to go back and correct an entry on the previous page.

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The following image shows how the Continue button lets you navigate through the User Access Rights pages.

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Important:When navigating through the different pages in Account Management, do NOT use your browser’s Back button. If you do, you may be logged out of the system. Instead, use the Back button provided on the Account Management page

Getting Help

Contextual Help

Get contextual help for the Account Management menu and submenu items. Turn off contextual help by clicking the link at the bottom of the menu.

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Account Management Users' Guide

The Account Management Users Guide contains detailed instructions on how to use the different functions in Account Management. Access this Users Guide from one of the two locations in Account Management:

  • Access a printable PDF from the link in the upper right corner of the screen (next to the Print and Logout links).
  • Access context-sensitive online help by clicking the small green help icon or the Help link in the upper right corner of a page.

Many pages in Account Management contain additional brief information in the form of Explain links. Click an Explain link to display a popup window with additional information about a specific item on a page. For example, the following figure shows an Explain link on the Trade Confirmations page in the Report Management menu.

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Printing and Logging Out

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You can print any page by clicking the Print link in the upper right corner.

Logging Out

Log out of Account Management by clicking the Logout link in the upper right corner.

Automatic Logoff

If you are logged into Account Management but the system detects no activity for 30 minutes, your Account Management session will automatically expire and you will have to log back in. This is true even if you access Account Management from within TWS.

A message will appear warning you that you will automatically be logged out without further activity.

Once your session expires, another message appears informing you that your session has expired and you have been logged out. You must log in again to start a new Account Management session.

Customer Service Tools

Account Management gives you access to several Customer Service Tools at the top of the left pane, including corporate action updates:

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Message Center

Click the Message Center icon in the left pane to access to our Client Inquiry Management System (CIMS), which lets you submit questions directly to IB Customer Service and track the status of your Customer Service inquiries.

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To find out what the various symbols and icons in the Message Center mean, click Legend.

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Corporate Actions

In the Message center, click the Corp Actions tab to view Corporate Actions messages. Corporate actions include notifications of dividends, stock splits and corporate reorganizations. For voluntary

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Live Chat

Customer Service Live Chat lets you communicate directly with an IB Customer Service representative in real time. To access Customer Service Live Chat, click the Chat button in the Customer Service Tools Menu at the top of the Account Management left pane.

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To begin a Live Chat:

  1. In the Customer Service Live Chat window, select a category from the Category list. For example, you can select Account Security & Protection or Account Services as the Category, or one of the other categories in the list.
  2. Select a sub-category from the Sub-Category list.
  3. Select your language from the Language list, and then click Submit.


Click the Tools icon at the top of the Account Management left pane to access the Customer Service Tools page. This page provides a list of useful links, including contact instructions, tips for getting the best service, and more.

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The last three tools listed are ONLY available from this page in Account Management:

  • Trade Cancellation Request – Use this tool to bust a trade. You should use this tool, THEN contact IB by telephone.
  • Tax Form Correction – Use this form to request changes to or report problems with tax statements.
  • Short Stock Availability tool – Use this tool to check on real-time availability of stocks and current borrow rates from IB’s SLB desk for borrowing stock for short sales.

Short Stock Availability Tool

This tool shows the number of shares available to borrow of a stock for shorting and the current indicative borrow rate.

You can:

  • Search for any stock by symbol and exchange, ISIN or CUSIP number.
  • View availability, the number of lenders, and current indicative borrow rate.
  • View historical indicative borrow rates and download these rates in a comma-separated values (.csv) file, which you can open in Microsoft Excel.

Protecting Your Account

  • Authentication: Each account is associated with a unique UserName and password combination that you must enter when you access Account Management. Passwords must be a minimum character length and must contain both alphabetic and numeric characters. For added security, IB supports two-factor authentication through our Secure Transaction Program.
  • Communicating via the Internet: We use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology with 128-bit encryption to encrypt data to prevent eavesdropping or tampering of information relating to your trades, banking instructions, statements or communications.
  • IP Restrictions: You can restrict user access to Trader Workstation from a list of specific IP addresses. Where multiple traders have been designated for an account, the restrictions can be set at an individual trader level. You set these restrictions on the IP Restrictions page in Account Management by clicking IP Restrictions in the Account Administration menu.
  • Failed Login Attempts: To protect your account from unauthorized individuals, IB restricts account access following ten failed login attempts within a 24-hour period.
  • Automatic Logoff: To limit access to your account, Account Management automatically logs you off after 30 minutes of inactivity.
  • Statements: All statements are available from within Account Management. While we offer email statements as a convenience, we do not encourage this alternative because we cannot guarantee the security of commercial email systems.
  • Monitoring: We use state-of-the-art transaction monitoring systems and maintain a dedicated Security Team responsible for detecting suspicious activity. If you notice any unusual or suspicious activity in your account, contact Customer Service immediately. If an unusual or suspicious transaction is noted by our Security Team, a member of this team will contact you to confirm the validity of the transaction. If contacted, you will never be asked to provide your password and we encourage that you call back and request to speak to the Security Team employee in order to confirm their identity.

Note:For more information regarding account security, see our Security web pages or our Strength and Security page.

Secure Login System

IB provides additional protection to your account against fraudulent transactions via our Secure Login System. As soon as your account is funded, the Secure Login System sends you an IB security device free of charge, which is a passcode card the size of a small credit card with a list of random codes to be used in conjunction with your username and password to access secure areas. If you are an existing customer and are not enrolled in the Secure Login System, or have opted out of the program in the past and now want to enroll, you can use the Secure Login System page to apply for an IB security device.

Use the Secure Login System page in Account Management as follows:

  • New customers can activate their security device the first time they log into Account Management by going to User Management/Activate IB Security Device. After 14 days, the device is automatically activated.
  • Existing customers who have never had the opportunity to participate or opt out of the Secure Login System can request an IB Security Device.
  • Existing customers who have opted out of the program but who now want to participate can request an IB Security Device.

Once your device has been activated, each login attempt to either Account Management or TWS will require the two authentication factors - your user name and password combination and the security code generated by your device.

If You Choose Not to Participate in the Secure Login System

If you choose not to get participate in the Secure Login System, be aware of the following:

  • Interactive Brokers will not compensate you or credit your account in the event it is compromised by hackers or identity thieves.
  • You can only withdraw a maximum of 50,000 USD in any one day.
  • You must wait 10 days to wire funds from your account after any change to the banking instructions for your account and you must wait 10 days to withdraw funds by check after any change to your address information.
  • Under the IB Customer Agreement, customers are responsible for all transactions initiated using their user name and password.
  • You must execute a Notice and Acknowledgement agreement confirming your understanding and agreement with these terms.

Secure Login Device Sharing

The security device obtained through our Secure Login System can be used to access multiple accounts as long as the user identification of the accounts is identical. You request this feature on the Secure Login Device Sharing page in the User Management menu.

Note: For more information on the Secure Login System, see our Secure Transaction Program web page.

Account Administration lets you configure your IB account, including configuring financial and regulatory information, IP restrictions, pricing structures, base currency; set up user access rights; and change personal account information such as name or address.

Creating Additional Linked Accounts

You can create new accounts that are linked to your account from the Create Additional Account page. Once you create linked accounts, you can access all of them in Account Management using a single user name. You can create any number of new linked accounts. Once you create a linked account and log into Account Management, you can perform any action, such as modify trading permissions or transfer funds, for a specific linked account. Linked accounts must be separately funded. You can also access linked accounts using a single user name in Trader Workstation, WebTrader, MobileTrader and iTWS.

At the present time, only Individual Users and Individual IRA Users can create and link new Individual and Individual IRA accounts.

If You Do Not Finish the Account Application in One Session

If for any reason you must log out of the new account application, you can finish it later and complete the linking process. To complete an unfinished account application for a new linked account, first log into Account Management then go to the Create Additional Account page. Click Finish Application to complete the in-progress Account Application for the new account.

When the new account is activated and open, it will be linked to your original account.

Account Management for Linked Accounts

After you have created a linked account, you can perform any action in Account Management for that account as long as that account has a status of Open, such as modify trading permissions or transfer funds, by first selecting the linked account. Once an account has been created and linked, it will appear in a drop-down list in the menu above “Home” the next time you log into Account Management. Simply select a linked account from the drop-down before you do anything else in Account Management.

Adding Users and Assigning Access Rights

The User Access Rights page displays information about all users registered with your account.

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On this page, you can:

  • Add users to an account: You can add up to 15 users to your individual account and grant them access to a subset of Account Management functions (you cannot grant access to the Account Administration and Funds Management functions to a new user). For example, you might want to add users with power of attorney.

    To add a new user, click the Add User button; enter all required information on the Add New User and Access Rights page, including the assignment of Account Management functions to the user by clicking the appropriate check boxes in the Functions section. If a function is not checked, the user will not be able to access that function in Account Management.

    Click Continue when you have filled in the page, then verify that all the information is correct and click Continue again. You will receive a confirmation number via email (this usually takes about 30 seconds or so to receive); enter the number on the next page in Account Management, then read and sign the Trader Authorization form and the Limited Power of Attorney form.

    Once you complete this process, the new user must log into Account Management with his or her credentials and enter personal information. Only after all this is completed will the new user able to use Account Management.

  • Modify Account Management access rights for existing users: Click the Modify link for the user whose access rights you want to modify. For example, if you have added a user to your account, you may want to modify that user’s access rights at a later date.
  • Add up to two usernames for a user: Account Management lets you assign up to two usernames for each individual user. Click the 2nd User link for the user for whom you want to add a second username, then enter the information as required. For example, you might want to add a second user name if you need to log in on two different machines for testing purposes.
  • Delete users from an account: Click the Delete link for the user you want to delete. Account Management access for that user will be disabled instantly and Trading Access is disabled by the next calendar day.

Note:For more information on User Access Rights in Account Management, see our Users and Access Rights web pages.

Other Account Administration Functions

There are a number of other things you can do in Account Administration.

  • Link Existing Account: Lets and Individual or Individual IRA user consolidate multiple IB accounts under a single username and password. Once these accounts are consolidated, you will be able to access Trader Workstation, WebTrader, MobileTrader, iTWS and Account Management for any of the consolidated accounts using a single username and password.
  • IP Restrictions: Lets you restrict user access to Trader Workstation from a list of specific IP addresses.
  • Update W-9: Lets an account holder fill out or update an IRS Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification.
  • Financial Information: Lets you change the following financial information for an individual client account, a combined joint account or a trust: investment objectives, investment experience and net worth/annual income
  • Regulatory Information: Lets you update the regulatory information for your account.
  • Account Information: Lets you modify information for individuals or entities associated with your account, including name and address, personal information such as birthday and marital status, legal identification and employment information.
  • Link Account to Advisor/Broker: Lets Individual users who are not advisor or broker clients (and Proprietary Trading Group master users) link their full account, including all cash and positions, to an IB Advisor- or Broker- managed account.
  • Pricing Structure: Lets you modify your pricing structure for U.S. and Canadian stocks and ETFs. IB offers two pricing structures for U.S. and Canadian stocks (ETFs) and futures: bundled and unbundled.
  • Transfer on Death: Lets Individual Non-IRA users register an individual or entity as a beneficiary to whom you want to pass your IB assets upon your death without having to go through probate.
  • Print Account Details: displays a printable summary of information about your account, including:
    • Account configuration
    • Financial information
    • Investment experience
    • Trading permissions
    • Market data
    • Account holder details
    • Accredited investor qualifications
    • Regulatory information
  • Account Alias: Lets you define an alias for your account that is easier to remember than your account ID.
  • Close an Account: Lets you submit a request to close an account.
  • Base Currency: Lets you modify the base currency for your account. Your base currency determines the currency of translation for your statements, the currency used for determination of margin requirements, and for a Cash Account, the currency of products that you are allowed to trade.

Lets you set up fund deposits and withdrawals, initiate position transfers, view your transaction history for the last 45 days, and create settlement instructions.

Fund Transfers

The Fund Transfers page lets you set up fund deposits to and withdrawals from your IB account, as well as internal fund transfers between IB accounts. You can also view cash balances in your account on this page.

Cash Balances

You can view the following cash balances on the Fund Transfers page:

  • Cash available for withdrawal.
  • Withdrawable cash subject to origination restriction.
  • Deposits not yet posted.


IB supports the following types of fund deposits:

  • Wire
  • Check (all checks, including retirement checks)
    Note: Third-party checks are NOT accepted.
  • Online bill payment check
  • Automated Clearing House (ACH) transfer initiated by IB
  • ACH transfer initiated by your bank
  • Canadian Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) initiated by IB (Canada only)
  • Direct Rollover (IRA)

To use this page to set up a deposit of funds, first select Deposit Cash from the Transaction list, then select the type of deposit you want from the Method list. Fill in the fields on the screen then click Confirm. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete your deposit request.

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Bank Instructions

For ACH Initiated At IB and Canadian EFT Initiated At IB deposits, you must also select a Bank Instruction from the Source list. If you don’t have any bank instructions yet, select Add New Instruction from the Source dropdown to create one.

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Follow the instructions on the screen to fill in the fields for your new bank instruction, then click Continue. Once you create this instruction, you can re-use it for future ACH and Canadian EFT deposits.


The Fund Transfers page lets you notify IB of a withdrawal or outbound transfer of funds from your IB account. IB supports the following withdrawal and outbound transfer types:

  • Wire.
  • US Automated Clearing House (ACH) Transfer.
  • Canadian Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT).
  • Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA).
  • Check.

To use this page to set up a withdrawal of funds, first select Withdraw Cash from the Transaction list, then select the type of withdrawal you want from the Method list. Fill in the fields on the screen then click Confirm. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete your withdrawal request.

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Recurring Transactions

When you set up deposit or withdrawal transactions, you can schedule the transaction to recur at monthly, quarterly or yearly intervals. Each recurring transaction requires that you first create a bank instruction, which can then be used for both recurring and non-recurring transactions. You can also view a list of all existing recurring transactions.

You can set up all deposit and withdrawal transaction types to be recurring transactions EXCEPT Direct Rollovers and Trustee-to-Trustee deposits, which are only available for IRA accounts.

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When you select Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly as the Frequency, you also specify:

  • A start date, in the format mm/dd/yyyy. This indicates the first date that the recurring
  • transaction should be processed. This field is required.
  • An end date, in the format mm/dd/yyyy. This indicates the last date that the recurring
    transaction should be processed. If you do not specify an end date, the recurring transaction will not expire until you
    delete it.
  • If you have an IRA account, you must also specify:
    For deposits, tax year (current only) and deposit type (Contribution only).
    For withdrawals, the percentage of tax to be withheld the distribution type.

    You can also specify that a recurring transaction has no end date and therefore, will not expire until you delete it, by selecting the None check box.

Viewing Existing Recurring Transactions

All bank instructions for recurring transactions are displayed in the Recurring Transaction section of the Fund Transfers page. To view a list of existing recurring transactions, on the Fund Transfers page, click Recurring Transactions. The section expands to display all saved bank instructions for recurring transactions.

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Cancelling a Recurring Transaction

To cancel a recurring transaction, click the corresponding red X in the list of recurring transactions on the Fund Transfers page. Clicking the X removes this recurring transaction instruction from the system and cancels all future recurring transactions that use the instruction. If the recurring transaction you cancel is already in process, it will not be cancelled when you click the X on this page. You must also cancel the transaction in process on the View Transaction History page.

Bank Instructions

For ACH Initiated At IB, Wire and SEPA withdrawals, you must also select a Bank Instruction from the Instruction list. If you don’t have any bank instructions yet, select Add New Instruction from the Instruction list to create one. For a Wire Bank Instruction, you must also select either Bank Wire Transfer or Broker Wire Transfer.

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Internal Funds Transfers

The Fund Transfers page lets you transfer funds internally from your IB account or an internal fund transfer to another IB account. IB supports the following kinds of internal fund transfers:

  • Internal fund transfer to another IB account (all account structures).
  • Internal fund transfer between a master and sub account (Proprietary Trading Groups - Separate Trading Limit accounts and Non-disclosed Brokers only; Separate Trading Limit accounts can transfer funds between two sub accounts).
  • Internal fund transfer to a client or sub account (Advisor, Fund Advisors and Fully Disclosed Brokers only).

To use this page to set up an internal transfer of funds, first select Internal Funds Transfer from the Transaction list, then select the type of internal funds transfer from the Method list. Fill in the fields on the screen, then click Confirm. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete your withdrawal request.

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Position Transfers

The Position Transfers page lets you transfer positions to and from your IB account. IB supports the following types of position stransfers in Account Management:

  • Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS)
  • Free of Payment (FOP) for US stocks
  • US futures
  • Account Transfer on Notification (ATON) for Canadian securities
  • European position transfers
  • Asian position transfers
  • Direct Rollover (IRA accounts only)
  • Position Transfer Between Master and Sub

To use this page to set up a transfer of positions, first select your desired transaction type from the Method list, then make additional selections based on the type of transfer:

  • For ACATS and ATONS transfers, select either Full or Partial from the Type list. Full transfers ALL positions while Partial lets you select which positions to transfer. Then from the Source list, select the broker from which the positions will be transferred. In the fields on the screen then click Confirm. Then you follow the instructions on the screen to enter the account number of the delivering firm, select which type of positions you wish to transfer, then enter information about the specific positions you want to transfer.
  • For FOP transfers, select either Withdraw or Deposit. Select Withdraw to move positions from your IB account to a third-party broker. Select Deposit to move positions from a third-party broker to your IB account. Then from the Source list, select the broker. Then you follow the instructions on the screen to specify the positions you want to transfer.
  • For US futures, European and Asian position transfers, you will need to fill out a form and fax it to IB.
  • For transfers between a Master and a Sub account, you select the source and destination accounts.

The following screens show how to add positions to a partial ACATS transfer.

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View Transaction History

The Transaction History page lets you view cash transactions, position transfers and bank instructions made within the last 45 days for your account or for a client or sub account that you manage.

You can view the following information on the Transaction History page:

  • Total amount of funds available for withdrawal/transfer.
  • Deposits, withdrawals, position transfers in and out, and bank instructions.
  • For each transaction, the page displays:
    • the Timestamp of the transaction
    • the transaction ID
    • the details of the transaction (amount of funds deposited, transferred or withdrawn, the institution involved in the transaction, etc.)
    • the username of the person who initiated the transaction
    • the status of the transaction
    • a link to Cancel pending transactions.

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To view your transactions, select View Transaction History in the Funds Management menu, then click on the appropriate tab. If you move your mouse over the status of each transaction, a little popup window displays a description of that status. Cancel pending transactions by clicking the X icon in the Action column.

Stop Payment

You can submit a request to stop payment of a check withdrawal on the Transaction History page. Stop payment requests are subject to the following rules:

  • Stop payments can only be requested for check withdrawals.
  • You can request a stop payment for check withdrawals from the last 90 days only. On the Transaction History page, all check withdrawals from the last 90 days are displayed.
  • You cannot request more than one stop payment for a single check withdrawal.
  • The option to stop payment only appears when a check withdrawal transaction’s status is Processing.

Requesting a Stop Payment

To request a stop payment of a check withdrawal:

  • Click Funds Management in the left pane, then click View Transaction History.
    Transactions that are eligible for a stop payment appear on the Cash Withdrawals tab.
  • Click Stop Payment.
  • A confirmation message appears. Click OK to continue with your stop payment request.
  • Select a reason for the stop payment, then click Continue. Available reasons include:
    • Non-receipt
    • Incorrect address
    • Lost/stolen/damage
    • I did not request
  • Read the Stop Payment Affidavit, then type your name in the field provided and click Continue. This indicates that you are signing the affidavit.
    An email containing a confirmation number is sent to you.
  • Enter the confirmation number from the email, then click Continue to complete the stop payment request process and return to the Funds Status page.

Settlement Instructions

For recurring transfers of funds or securities, you can create settlement instructions in Account Management that can be used each time a transfer request is made. The Settlement Instructions page lets you add, view, and delete settlement instructions that can be used when you want to transfer US stock or options positions between IB and another broker.

Note: This page is not available for IRA accounts.

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This page displays information for stocks, options, futures and futures options settlement instructions. You can:

  • Add a new settlement instruction by clicking the Add button.
  • Change the name of an existing settlement instruction by clicking the name.
  • Delete an existing settlement instruction by clicking the Delete link for the instruction. You cannot directly modify an existing settlement instruction. You must first delete the instruction, then create a new one.

Lets you customize and generate reports such as activity statements, margin reports, trade confirmations, and tax forms.

Activity Statements

Activity Statements include information about your account activity and you can generate daily, monthly or annual statements for all of your accounts. Information included in an Activity Statement is presented in expandable/collapsible sections with click-down detail, and you can create customized statement templates to include or exclude individual sections. You can also choose to include closed accounts. You are notified via email when there is account activity.

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Viewing Activity Statements

To view activity statements, click Report Management in the left pane, then click Activity Statements. Select a template, dates, account and format (HTML/Web to view in your browser, or PDF).

You can select Full Default, Simple Default or one of your own customized templates as the template for your statement. Select the Full Default template to include ALL sections of an activity statement. (Note: this is the only template that supports the Annual period.) Select Simple Default to specify fields to use and exclude some sections that you do not want to use.

Make a note of the following guidelines when viewing activity statements:

  • Monthly statements are generally available five business days after the month end.
  • Annual statements are generally available by January 31 of the following year.

You can expand and collapse each section individually. Click the slate blue section heading bar to expand a section, and click it again to collapse it. Here is an example of an Activity Statement, shown with sections collapsed and expanded.

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You can expand all sections or contract all sections in an HTML activity statement by using the links in the upper right corner of the report.

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You can also print an HTML activity statement by clicking the Print link in the upper right corner.

For a complete list and description of all sections in an Activity Statement, see the Activity Statements tab on our Statements and Reports web page.

How Long Can You Access Activity Statements in Account Management?

Activity statements can be downloaded and stored locally. IB provides Web access to activity statements in Account Management for a limited time; after that, there is a fee for each request:

  • Daily account statements are available for the current calendar year and the entire previous calendar year. That means that if it is December 31st, you can view daily activity statements for the entire current year AND for the entire previous calendar year, giving you up to two years of data.
  • Monthly account statements are available for current year and the two prior years.
  • Annual account statements are available for the three prior years.

You can obtain older account statements for a processing fee of $100 for the first statement requested, plus $25 for each additional statement requested at the same time.

Customized Templates

You can create and save customized statement templates that let you exclude information you do not need in an activity statement. When you create a customized template, you select only those sections that you want to include in your activity statement.

You can do the following with Activity Statement customized templates:

  • Create a new template: Select Create New from the Template Name list, then enter the name of the new template and click the check box for each section you want to include in the statement. Click Save to save the template; it will appear in the Template Name list.
  • Edit an existing template: Select the template from the Template Name list, then change the sections to include in the statement and click Save.
  • Delete an existing template: Select the template from the Template Name list, then click Delete.

Settings for Delivered Statement Templates

You can specify additional information for customized activity statement templates that you want to be sent via email at the bottom of the Activity Statements page. Enter Account, Activity Period and Format information for customized templates that will be delivered via email.

Selecting Profit and Loss

Profit and loss across all transactions, positions and asset types is calculated under First In, First Out (FIFO) and Mark-to-Market (MTM) methodologies.

With the FIFO method, a closing transaction is matched with the cost basis of the earliest transaction in the position to determine realized profit or loss (the difference between your entry execution cost and exit execution cost).

MTM shows how much profit or loss was made in current trading. The MTM calculations assume all open positions and transactions are settled at the end of the day and new positions are opened the next day. When you set up your customized activity statements, you can select FIFO, MTM, FIFO and MTM, or None.

Account Management Webinar Notes (33)

Activity Downloads

The Activity Downloads page lets you download daily and monthly activity statements into any one of the following software:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Money
  • Quicken
  • Captools
  • Tradelog
  • GainsKeeper

Account Management Webinar Notes (34)

To download activity statements, click Report Management in the left pane, then click Activity Downloads. Select an account, date and format for Daily Activity or Monthly Activity reports, then click Download. Open the downloaded report in the desired application (for example, open a downloaded statement formatted for MS WORD in Microsoft Word.) You can also include closed accounts in the reports.

Note:For complete instructions on activity downloads, see our Statements and Reports web page. Click the Downloads link on the Activity Statements tab to view the download instructions for each format.

Margin Reports

You can see real-time margin summary amounts displayed in the Account window in Trader Workstation. For per position margin requirements, you can view margin reports in Account Management. At 4:15 ET each day, IB records your margin and equity information for positions across all asset classes and exchanges for the margin report.

Margin Reports show the margin requirements for all open single and combination positions. The report displays Available Funds (to determine if you can place a new trade) and Excess Liquidity (when excess is depleted, you risk liquidation).

Margin reports in Account Management are the only place where you can view the margin requirements for combination/spread positions. Margin reports are available for the previous 90 days.

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To view a margin report, click Report Management in the left pane, then click Margin Reports. Select a Report Date (the format is automatically set to HTML/Web to view the report in your browser), then click View.

You can expand and collapse each section of the report individually. Click the slate blue section heading bar to expand a section, and click it again to collapse it. Here is an example of a Margin Report, shown with sections collapsed and expanded.

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Here’s the Margin Detail section of a typical Margin Report expanded.

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You can expand all sections or contract all sections in an HTML activity statement by using the links in the upper right corner of the report. You can also print an HTML activity statement by clicking the Print link in the upper right corner.

For a complete list and descriptions of all sections in Margin Report, see the Margin Reports tab on our Statements and Reports web page.

Trade Confirmations

Real-time trade confirmations are generated for all executions. On the report, trade confirmations are listed separately by asset class.

Trade confirmations are available for the entire previous calendar year and from the start of the current calendar year.

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To generate the trade confirmations report, click Report Management in the left pane, then click Trade Confirmations. Select the account ID, date and format (HTML/Web to view the report in your browser), then click View Trade Confirmations.

Flex Queries

Flex queries are highly customized report templates for Activity Statements and Trade Confirmations. Flex queries let you specify exactly which fields you want to view in your Activity Statement or Trade Confirmation report, the time period you want the report to cover, the order in which you want the fields to display, and the display format, TEXT or XML, in which you want to view your report.

You can create multiple templates with different fields for each statement. All of your templates are stored in Account Management, and can be easily run from the Activity Flex Queries page.

You can also add default Activity Flex queries for Trades and Positions, and a default Trade Confirms Flex query, then use those queries as the starting point for your own by editing them.

An Activity Flex Query is different from an Activity Statement customized template in that you can customize a flex query at the field level, allowing you to include and exclude detailed field information. Activity Statement customized templates only let you include and exclude sections.

Account Management Webinar Notes (39)

To run an existing Activity Flex Query, click the Run icon on the Activity Flex Queries page.

Creating a Flex Query

Note: This applies to both Activity Statement and Trade Confirmation Flex Queries, although Activity Statements have more sections and fields to select.

To create a flex query, click Report Management in the left pane, then click either Activity Flex or Trade Confirms Flex. The Flex Queries page opens and displays any existing Flex queries you have already created. You can run, edit or delete those existing Flex queries from this page.

Click Create a New Query to create a new Flex query, then enter all information required, and select the fields you want to include in each section of the report.

First enter the name of the flex query (this is the name that appears on the main Activity Flex Queries page after you save the query), the output format, the account, and the dates you want the query to cover. For output format, select XML to import the data into an XML reader or a customized programming application (i.e., a program that can import and read an XML file). Select Text to import the data into a text-friendly application such as Excel or Word. When you select Text, you are also prompted to select a text separator (Pipe, Comma or Tab), and select whether or not to include header and trailer records and section code and line descriptors.

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Selecting Fields

Use the right and left green arrow buttons to move fields between the Fields Available list and Fields Included lists. Use the up and down green arrow buttons to change the order of fields in the Fields Included list.

The following screen shows a section from the Activity Flex Query page.

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Note: For more information on creating and using Flex Queries, see the FlexTool tab on our Statements and Reports web page.

Position Transfer Basis

The Position Transfer Basis page lets you specify the cost basis for positions transferred into your IB account (ACATS/ATONS).

You can run this report only if you have eligible ACATS or ATON transactions. If you do not have any such transactions, a message to that effect appears on this page.


PortfolioAnalyst allows you to evaluate the performance of your IB portfolio by creating and saving reports based on a set of measurement criteria and optionally comparing their data to selected industry benchmarks. You can create Detailed PDF reports, which let you select any combination of report sections for a variety of performance analyses, or Snapshot PDF reports, which are one-page summaries of an account's return, NAV, asset allocation and distribution of returns. Once you create and save reports, you can run, edit or delete them.

Detailed PDF Reports

Your Detailed PDF report output can contain the following information:

  • Account Overview- Displays general settings, including account name and number, account alias, base currency and the specified time period. It also displays the performance of your portfolio for the specified time period, including beginning and ending Net Asset Value (NAV) and return percentage based on your selected performance measurement (TWR or IRR). A color-coded bar chart plots NAV over time, and a color-coded line chart shows the return percentage (TWR or IRR) over the same time scale. Additional performance statistics are also included in the Overview section.

  • Open Position Summary- Shows all current open positions in the selected account(s). The report output shows two pie charts: the five positions that have the highest market value, and the five positions with the highest unrealized P/L. The output also displays a table of all open positions sorted by product, then currency, then symbol. The table includes the quantity, closing price, current market value, unrealized P/L, the percent of your total Net Asset Value for that position and the current value and unrealized P/L in your account’s base currency.

  • Allocation by Asset Class- Displays a color-coded bar chart and table that illustrates the NAV of all assets in your portfolio for each day, month or quarter in the specified time period.

  • Time Period Benchmark Comparison- Select up to three global industry benchmarks against which you want to compare your performance results over a specified time period. The report output displays a color-coded line chart comparing the return percentage (TWR or IRR) of your portfolio over time with that of the selected benchmarks. The line chart plots the return percentage for each day, month or quarter over the specified time period, and also displays the average return percentage for the entire time period.

    Select benchmarks from the list of Available benchmarks then click the right arrow button to move them into the Selected list. Select one or more benchmarks using the Ctrl+click keyboard combination. Move benchmarks out of the Selected list by selecting them then clicking the left arrow button.

  • Cumulative Benchmark Comparison- Select up to three global industry benchmarks against which you want to compare cumulative performance results over a specified time period. The report output displays a color-coded line chart comparing the cumulative return percentage (TWR or IRR) of your portfolio over time with that of the selected benchmarks. The line chart plots the cumulative return percentage over the specified time period, aggregating the return percentage for each successive day, month or quarter in the time period.

    Select benchmarks from the list of Available benchmarks then click the right arrow button to move them into the Selected list. Select one or more benchmarks using the Ctrl+click keyboard combination. Move benchmarks out of the Selected list by selecting them then clicking the left arrow button.

Snapshot PDF Reports

The Comprehensive Snapshot includes the following sections:

  • Account Information: Displays your account name and number, account alias if you have one, your base currency, account type and the specified time period.
  • Return Over Time: Displays a line chart showing the account's return percentage over the specified time period.
  • Net Asset Value: Displays a bar chart showing the account's Net Asset Value over the specified time period.
  • Distribution of Returns: Displays a bar chart showing the range of return percentage for each day, month or quarter in the specified time period and the number of times the return performance fell within that range for the entire period.
  • Key Statistics: Displays several statistics for the specified time period, including beginning and ending NAV, one- and three-month return percentages, the best return and the worst return.
  • Asset Allocation: Displays two pie charts, one representing the account's asset allocation at the beginning of the specified time period and one representing the account's asset allocation at the end of the specified time period.

Other Report Management Reports and Functions

  • Delivery Settings: The page gives lets you activate our Flex Webservice, which lets you access your pre-configured Flex queries using the HTTPS protocol without logging into Account Management. This feature lets you to write automated client software in your own preferred language, and request previously defined Flex Statement queries in real-time.
  • Tax Forms: This page lets you view and print annual tax forms. Individuals, joint account holders and trusts in the United States will have access to 1099 forms, a Gain Loss Report and a Dividend Report. Canadian individuals, primary joint account holders and trusts will have access to Forms T3, T5, and T5008 as well as a Dividend Report. Quebec residents will also receive a Form RL-3. Non-US and non-Canadian individuals, primary joint account holders and trusts will receive Forms 1042S as well as a Dividend Report. For information about when these tax forms are available, see the Reporting Dates tab on our Tax Information and Reporting page.
  • Value at Risk: This report computes your Value at Risk (VAR) at a 99% confidence level using Principle Component Analysis. Because of the complexity of the calculations required, this report is completed overnight and is only available once a day. If you need real-time VAR, use the IB Risk NavigatorSM in Trader Workstation, which uses a simpler computation methodology.
  • Stress Test Summary: This report calculates margin requirements for a 30% up and down movement in the underlying.
  • Tax Basis Declaration: This page lets you change your tax basis from the default FIFO method to LIFO or Maximize Losses. Your selection here is what it used in the Realized & Unrealized Profit and Loss setting in the customized Activity Statement templates.

Lets you add market data subscriptions, enable or disable client trading, request additional products or countries to trade, and create a paper trading account.

Trading Configuration

Trading permissions specify which products you can trade and in which locations. You use the Trading Configuration page to view or modify existing trade permissions, subscribe to new products or exchanges, or upgrade your account to a margin account. When specifying permissions, you will be asked to sign any risk disclosures required by local regulatory authority.

Account Management Webinar Notes (42)

Selecting Institutional Services

The first thing you can do on this page is select one of IB’s institutional services, including IBPrime and IBExecution.

  • IBPrime – Lets you execute trades away from IB and transfer these trades to IB for clearing and custody.
  • IBExecution – Lets you execute trades with IB and transfer these trades to another broker for clearing and custody. When you select IBExecution, you also select whether to use cash collateral or a credit line during the settlement period.

Changing Your Account Type

In the Account Type section of the page, you can upgrade your Account Type from a Cash account to a Margin account, or upgrade a Reg T Margin account to a Portfolio Margin account.

Account Management Webinar Notes (43)

Setting Trading Permissions

The Trading Permissions section of the page lists all of the IB products you can trade and the countries in which you can trade them. Currently approved products are shown in green and products with pending approval are shown in pink.

To modify your trading permissions, click the checkbox for the product you wish to trade in the country or countries in which you wish to trade them, then click Continue.

For example, to trade corporate bonds/treasuries, select Fixed Income.

Account Management Webinar Notes (44)

You will then be prompted to update your financial information. This is the same page that appears when you select Financial Info in the Account Administration menu.

Market Data Subscriptions

IB provides real-time streaming market data at the price we are charged by the exchange. The Market Data Subscription page lets you add and delete market data subscriptions such as NASDAQ TotalView and NYSE Open Book, and news and information services such as Reuters Worldwide Fundamentals.

Account Management Webinar Notes (45)

This page lists all of our available market data and news and information subscriptions, along with the monthly fee we are charged by an exchange.

Market data subscriptions are listed by region: Global, North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. You can expand and contract each of these sections individually by clicking the plus or minus sign in each section heading.

Account Management Webinar Notes (46)

Notes About Fees

Here are a few important things to remember about market data subscription fees:

  • Market data fees for each month are charged to your account during the first week of the subsequent month.
  • For some market data subscriptions, the fee is waived if you generate more than $30 in monthly commissions.
  • Customers without enough cash to pay market data fees will have positions liquidated to cover the fees. Customers without enough equity to pay market data fees will have their remaining equity applied to the market data fees, and then the account will be closed.
  • Partial month subscriptions are charged at the full month's rate. This means that if you sign up for market data subscriptions, you will be charged for full month, regardless of when in the month you signed up for the subscription. If you want to cancel a market data subscription, do it by the end of the month.
  • Trading accounts with less than 2000 US dollar (or USD equivalent) in equity will have their market data turned off.

Note:For more information about market data subscription fees, see our Market Data, Fundamental Analysis and News Subscriptions web page.

Searching for Market Data Subscriptions

You can also search for any market data subscription using the Market Data Assistant, which is accessible from the Market Data Subscription page and from the Customer Service Tools page..

Account Management Webinar Notes (47)

To search for a market data subscription using the Market Data Assistant, click Market Data Assistantin the upper right corner of the Market Data Subscription page, then enter a desired stock symbol and exchange (or use an ISIN or CUSIP) and click Search.

The search results will show which IB market data subscription(s) provide the real-time market data for all combinations of professional/non-professional, top-of-book, and deep-book data.

Account Management Webinar Notes (48)

Paper Trading

Once your account has been approved and funded, you can open a Paper Trading Account, which lets you use the full range of IB trading facilities in a simulated environment with real market conditions to learn Trader Workstation features such as order types without risk, learn market dynamics in new exchanges and products, and simulate and test trading strategies. Submit your request for a paper trading account by 4:00 PM Eastern Time, and it will generally be created within 24 hours. You will be notified by email when the account is ready for paper trading.

Sign up for a paper trading account on the Paper Trading Account Activation page (click Trading Access, then click Paper Trading).

Account Management Webinar Notes (49)

Click Continue. On the next page, enter the first five characters of the username that you plan to use to access the new paper trading account, and the password. The system will generate a full username for you when you click Continue.

Account Management Webinar Notes (50)

A confirmation screen will appear along with a reminder to write down your username and password. Be sure to write down your username and password; your password will not be shown on the screen again.

Account Management for Paper Trading Accounts

With a paper trading account, you are limited to the following Account Management menus and functions:

  • Paper Trading Account Reset - All paper trading accounts start with 1,000,000 USD of paper trading equity. This page lets you reset the cash equity of your paper trading account. Note that if you want to flatten the account positions, you must trade out of them before requesting a paper trading account reset.
  • Statements - Lets you view and print daily statements for your paper trading account, and download trade information to Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Daily statements cover the last 45 days.
  • Password - Lets you change your paper trading account password.

Account Management Webinar Notes (51)

Other Trading Access Functions

  • Professional Status: Many exchanges classify customers as non-professional or professional. Exchange rules require that trusts and organizations must be classified as professional. NYSE, Amex, and TSE Professional Market Data require prior approval from the exchange. Your market data subscriber status is displayed on the Market Data Subscriptions page. Also note that fees for some market data and news subscriptions and fundamental analysis are higher for professionals.
  • Arbitration Agreement: The Arbitration Agreement page lets you sign and submit Interactive Brokers Arbitration Agreement. You do not have to sign this agreement to maintain an account with IB. However, declining this agreement may result in reduced trading limits.
  • Alert Notification: The Alert Notification page lets you select your default method of receiving email alerts. You can select your default email address, or set an SMS (Short Message Service) address to receive SMS text message alerts on your mobile telephone device.

Lets you change your account password or email; change personal account information such as name or address; apply for a security device to protect your account; share your authentication information with another user; and sign up to use the Features Poll on our website.

Change User Information

The Information Change pages let you change your name, address and other personal information.

Account Management Webinar Notes (52)

There are two Information Change pages:

  • The first page lets you change your name, address and telephone number. Modify any information on this page, then click Continue.
  • The second page lets you change your personal information, legal identification and employment information. Modify any information on this page, then click Continue.

A verification page appears. Make sure all the information is correct, then click Continue. A confirmation number is sent to your email address; enter the number on the next page that appears, then click Continue. If you don’t receive a confirmation number, you can request that one be emailed to you by clicking the Request Confirm # button.

Other User Management Functions

  • Change Password: Lets you change your account password at any time. When you change your password, you must request that a confirmation number be emailed to you, then enter the number on the Password Change page. The password change is effective immediately.
  • Change Email Address: Lets you change the email address associated with your account. Remember, this is the email address where you receive activity notification, confirmations and alerts from IB, so be careful changing this information. When you change your email address, you must request that a confirmation number be emailed to you, then enter the number when you enter your new email address.
  • Voting Subscription: IB provides several online forums where you can express your opinion and vote for your favorite commercial tools, freelance tools, programming consultants, third-party tutors and new features. You must subscribe to IB Voting on the Voting Subscription page before you are allowed to vote in these forums.
  • Secure Transaction Program: Lets you apply for an IB security device, which you use in conjunction with your username and password to access your account and account management pages. If you have more than 100,000 USD or USD equivalent in equity and have not already received an invitation to participate in the program, use the Secure Transaction Program page in Account Management to apply for an IB security device.
  • Token Sharing: Lets you request the use of your IB security device across multiple accounts that have identical user identification.

For more information on Account Management, see the following:

  • Account Management Users Guide: Available from the Accounts > Account Management menu item on our website or from within Account Management.
  •, Accounts menu

Account Management Webinar Notes (53)

From the Accounts menu, you can access important information including company policies about our accounts, including funds and banking, account configuration, trading configuration, users and access rights, statements and reports.

Any symbols displayed are for illustrative purposes only and do not portray a recommendation.

Interactive Brokers LLC is a member of NYSE, FINRA, SIPC

Account Management Webinar Notes (2024)
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