A Ridiculously Simple Way to Build Wealth (2024)

By Todd Tresidder

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Everything You Need to Know About Building Wealth in Just Two Sentences

Key Ideas

  1. The “secret” to successful wealth building revealed.
  2. The proven formula complete with clear action steps so you can start today.
  3. The key hurdle that destroys most wealth plans so you know what to avoid.

Building wealth is simple.

It doesn’t require luck, genius, or special connections.

You don’t have to attend overpriced weekend financial seminars or learn the latest tricks and gimmicks sold by slick marketers.

As John Bogle wisely stated, “The secret is there are no secrets.”

The truth behind how to build wealth is public domain knowledge, simple to understand, and nobody is going to get rich selling it to you.

In fact, it's so simple it can be explained in just two sentences:

  1. Make more than you spend and invest the difference wisely.
  2. Develop simple daily habits that result in wealth accumulation.

I know… you’re probably a little disappointed.

You wanted something new, different, and clever – the missing ingredient that has held you back and will produce breakthrough results. The fabled “secret” every marketer tries to sell.

Instead, I give you something dangerously close to what Grandma would have said.

But listen to the voice of experience. I’ve coached hundreds of people from debtors to the wealthy, and the pattern is unmistakable.

Related: Why you need a wealth plan, not a financial plan.

And it’s not just me singing this song. These same truths were taught by Benjamin Franklin hundreds of years earlier and reiterated by numerous authorities ever since, including J. Paul Getty.

It's timeless wisdom that has been proven over the centuries, and will also probably work for you (if you just put it into practice).

In short, if you want wealth in this lifetime with the highest probability of success, then these two sentences contain the essential wisdom you need to know.

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Wealth Building Step 1: Spend Less Than You Make & Invest the Difference

The first sentence summarizes how to manage your personal finances so that you grow assets.

It explains the importance of creating positive cash flow that you invest to produce additional positive cash flow.

Notice how it's composed of three separate yet connected ideas to form a single concept:

  1. Spend less
  2. Earn more
  3. Invest wisely

There are endless variations on how to achieve this objective, but they all follow two simple themes:

  • You can reduce spending immediately through various forms of frugality.
  • You can increase your income through various strategies including changing jobs, getting a raise, or starting a business.

In short, you must create a gap between how much you earn and how much you spend that results in savings to invest for growth and additional income.

The twin themes of spending less and making more are not mutually exclusive, but they do require very different mindsets.

Frugality is about living on less and requires self-discipline. For most people, there is a feeling of sacrifice when following this path, thus making it difficult to succeed.

If that's you, then frugality is a slow and difficult path to wealth because you will be in constant battle between lifestyle desires and financial freedom goals.

For others, frugality is a pleasurable journey in simplification where fulfillment results from redirecting earned income toward financial freedom goals rather than squandering it on spending.

It's not uncommon for extreme frugalists to save 70% of income and achieve financial independence in less than 10 years, but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

Another alternative is to raise the income side of the equation. The advantage to this approach is there is no theoretical limitation to how fast your wealth can grow because your earning capacity is unlimited.

Many wealth gurus teach the income side of the equation as the “fast path” to wealth; however, if you don’t master the spending side of the equation, you still run a high risk of failure due to the all-too-common mistake of allowing spending to rise as fast as income.

The greatest wealth builders focus on both sides of the equation together. They maximize savings by controlling spending while growing income at the same time.

Related: How to be a pro at growing your wealth

It's the quickest, most certain path to increased savings for investment.

The third component to the equation – invest wisely – is also simple because everything you need to learn is available for free in the public domain.

You don’t have to take investment seminars or build extraordinary expertise. There are two well proven paths:

  1. Paper Assets: Conventional buy and hold using low cost index funds and proven asset allocation models. Vanguard Funds offers you everything you need.
  2. Real Estate: Direct ownership of positive cash flow real estate in your local area.

In summary, achieving financial freedom is really quite simple.

  1. Spend less than you make and invest the difference wisely.
  2. Rinse and repeat until the income from your investments exceeds your expenses. At that point you’re infinitely wealthy and financially independent.

With that said, the sad truth is few will achieve financial freedom despite the desirability of the goal and the simple path you must follow to achieve it.

The reason is explained in the second sentence.

Wealth Building Step 2: Wealth is Determined by Your Habits

The reason so few people build wealth is because they don’t adopt habits that lead to wealth.

As you already know, the formula for how to build wealth is simple and fully proven. The only thing remaining is to take action with enough consistency to achieve the goal… and that's where the problems occur.

Here's the formula for how this works:

[(Small, Smart Choices) * (Consistency) * (Time)] = Wealth

Procrastination is the single biggest wealth killer. You plan on getting around to it someday. You know what you should do but there is always some other priority. The kids need braces, the car needs repair, the kitchen needs remodeling.

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Action is where the rubber meets the road. It's one thing to know what to do, and it's something else entirely to get it done. That's why habits are so critical.

Habits are the reason postal workers become millionaires while lottery winners go broke.

It doesn’t matter if you look at the writings of Benjamin Franklin from 250 years ago or Stanley and Danko’s bestseller The Millionaire Next DoorA Ridiculously Simple Way to Build Wealth (7).

They all say essentially the same thing – the distinguishing characteristic of people who achieve wealth is they manage their money well. They have good money habits.

They don’t earn the most. They aren’t the smartest. They don’t have any special training. They just have good money habits – brain dead simple.

The reason good money habits are essential is actually scientific and results from the mathematics behind how money compounds to grow into wealth.

Small changes done over long periods of time can create massive results. It's an easy path to financial independence, and it's the not-so-secret “secret” to how to build wealth.

That’s why daily habits are so important.

  • A daily habit of frugality saves small amounts every day that compound and grow over long periods of time to become substantial wealth. Try this Latte Factor calculator to prove it to yourself.
  • A daily habit of increasing your earning capacity through training and education will add small amounts every day to your income potential.

Small changes done over long periods of time can create massive wealth.

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Both of these daily habits will create an increasing spread between what you spend and what you earn, which will increase your wealth at an accelerating rate.

This isn't rocket science. It's just daily habits dedicated toward a specific goal – building wealth.

The habit causes the action which produces the result. It's simple cause and effect.

Habits are the easiest and simplest way for you to cross the bridge between how to build wealth using the simple formula above, and actually doing what it takes to achieve the goal.

You don’t have to intellectualize the process or overcome massive obstacles. You don’t have to get ready to get ready.

Related: Here’s a scientific system to build your wealth now

Instead, you just start today by adopting one habit that serves your wealth goals. Here are some potential starting points:

  1. Sign up for an automatic savings program.
  2. Opt-in to your company 401(k) (if they offer it).
  3. Prepay a small amount on your mortgage.
  4. Find an unnecessary expense and eliminate it.
  5. Clean up clutter by selling unused assets (RV, boat, jewelry, etc.).
  6. Repair something instead of replacing it.
  7. Develop a niche expertise in your profession that commands a higher wage.
  8. Start learning about asset allocation or investment real estate.

Just pick one habit and start today. Practice the habit until it becomes permanent, then pick another habit and do it again. Then another and another until you can see your wealth grow.

The greatest obstacle to building wealth is procrastination. Habits are the simplest way to overcome procrastination and get into immediate action.

Habits reduce the entire wealth building process into bite-sized pieces that are easy for anyone to digest. The compounded effect of all these tiny actions over a lifetime becomes wealth.

Summary of How to Build Wealth

The formula for how to build wealth is simple: spend less than you make and invest the difference wisely.

The mechanism to take action on the formula and produce results is equally simple: adopt wealth building habits.

Here's how it looks in a different format: [(Small, Smart Choices) * (Consistency) * (Time)] = Wealth

The only question remaining is whether or not you will do what it takes.

Will you follow these proven, simple formulas to achieve amazing financial results? Or will you return to your same old patterns that produce the same old results?

The only thing standing between you and wealth is the willingness to act on this timeless wisdom.

Are you ready to jump in and design your life so your daily actions create your financial independence? This course will help you form an exact step-by-step plan to become financially free.

Please share your thoughts in the comments below. How have these principles worked for or against you in life? What takeaways did you get from this article?

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A Ridiculously Simple Way to Build Wealth (2024)


A Ridiculously Simple Way to Build Wealth? ›

The formula for how to build wealth is simple: spend less than you make and invest the difference wisely. The mechanism to take action on the formula and produce results is equally simple: adopt wealth building habits. The only question remaining is whether or not you will do what it takes.

How can I get rich realistically quick? ›

How to Get Rich: 7 realistic steps to build your wealth today
  1. Create a Personalized Financial Plan. ...
  2. Start Saving Immediately. ...
  3. Prioritize Debt Management. ...
  4. Increase Your Income. ...
  5. Build an Investment Strategy. ...
  6. Plan for Emergencies. ...
  7. Get Financial Advice.
Jun 11, 2024

What is the quickest way to accumulate wealth? ›

3 Practical Ways to Accumulate Wealth Fast
  • Save More by Spending Less. If you intend to accumulate wealth fast, it is essential to create a positive cash flow. ...
  • Use the Right Tools. The right saving, investing, and budgeting tools make wealth creation blissful. ...
  • Manage Money More Responsibly.

What is the simple secret to building wealth? ›

While get-rich-quick schemes sometimes may be enticing, the tried-and-true way to build wealth is through regular saving and investing—and patiently allowing that money to grow over time. It's fine to start small. The important thing is to start and to start early. Earn money and then save and invest it smartly.

What is the 1 thing it takes to create wealth? ›

As the chart shows, if you want to build wealth, there are really only two things to get right: Increase the difference between your income and expenses. Save that difference and grow it exponentially over time.

How can I make $10000 fast? ›

Here are ten ways to make $10k quickly:
  1. Become A Freelancer. Freelancing is one of the most popular ways to make money quickly. ...
  2. Invest In Cryptocurrency. ...
  3. Participate In Online Surveys. ...
  4. Become A Virtual Assistant. ...
  5. Do Odd Jobs. ...
  6. Create An Online Course. ...
  7. Become An Affiliate Marketer. ...
  8. Sell Your Stuff.

How to be a millionaire ASAP? ›

8 Tips to Becoming a Millionaire
  1. Stay away from debt.
  2. Invest early and consistently.
  3. Make savings a priority.
  4. Increase your income to reach your goal faster.
  5. Cut unnecessary expenses.
  6. Keep your millionaire goal front and center.
  7. Work with an investing professional.
  8. Put your plan on repeat.
Jun 11, 2024

How to go from broke to rich? ›

In this article
  1. Change Your Mentality.
  2. Invest in Yourself.
  3. Automate Your Money.
  4. Take Calculated Risks.
  5. Build Multiple Income Streams.
  6. Invest Your Way to Wealth.
  7. Build an Emergency Fund.
  8. Set a Plan of Action.

How can I double my wealth in one year? ›

The classic approach of doubling your money involves investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks and bonds and is probably the one that applies to most investors. Investing to double your money can be done safely over several years but there's more of a risk of losing most or all of your money if you're impatient.

What is the number 1 key to building wealth? ›

More than anything else, invest for the long run. Make a plan, steadily save and invest according to that plan, then leave your money alone to grow. Slow and steady, as they say, wins the race.

What is the secret to wealth is simple? ›

“The secret to wealth is simple: Find a way to do more for others than anyone else does. Become more valuable. Do more. Give more.

How to build wealth for dummies? ›

A Beginner's Guide to Building Wealth
  1. Set yourself up to earn more.
  2. Avoid credit card debt at all costs.
  3. Identify your financial goals.
  4. Pay your future self.
  5. Start investing early and often.
  6. Think long-term.
  7. Diversify.
  8. Revisit your goals.

What builds wealth the fastest? ›

Relying on multiple sources of income can significantly accelerate wealth accumulation. Pursuing side businesses, freelance work, or passive income streams such as rental properties and dividend-paying stocks can supplement primary income.

What is the first ingredient to building wealth? ›

The first step to building wealth is to make more than you spend. In other words, your income needs to exceed your expenses. Forty-nine percent of credit card holders carry debt from month to month, which means they spend more money than they can afford.

What is the #1 way to accumulate wealth? ›

Sensible investing over time is one of the easiest ways to grow wealth.

How can I get rich as soon as possible? ›

How to Get Rich
  1. Start saving early.
  2. Avoid unnecessary spending and debt.
  3. Save 15% or more of every paycheck.
  4. Increase the money that you earn.
  5. Resist the desire to spend more as you make more money.
  6. Work with a financial professional with the expertise and experience to keep you on track.

What is the fastest job to get rich? ›

10 high-paying jobs
  1. Pilot. ...
  2. Actuary. ...
  3. Computer network architect. ...
  4. Air traffic controller. ...
  5. Petroleum engineer. ...
  6. Lawyer. ...
  7. Physicist. ...
  8. Computer and information systems manager.
Apr 18, 2024

Is there any shortcut to become rich? ›

While there are no guaranteed shortcuts to instant wealth, these proven tips offer a solid foundation for building financial success over time. By focusing on financial education, seizing opportunities for personal growth, and consistently saving and investing, anyone can pave the way toward a more prosperous future.

How to make a million dollars fast? ›

One of the fastest ways to make a million dollars is by investing in high-risk, high-reward ventures such as stocks or cryptocurrencies. You can also start a business and scale it up quickly by leveraging technology and creating an online presence.

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.